My go to are Timezero Pro for the boat (lap top based) and for the dinghy I have Polaris on my phone for that. And while my boat has AIS I also have Marine traffic, because not everyone has AIS but the big limit with Marine Traffic on a phone vs AIS on the boat is the APP needs cell service to function, the VHF flavor AIS doesn't care about cell towers.
Totally with you on that. Marine traffic is great when you have coverage. Also for looking ahead, longer range. I will check out Timezero Pro I do not know that one. Though just checking it its only on windows! Im all mac lol.
Have you tried garmin auto route ? If not try it, forget navionics... garmin is a one time fee ... and it does your navigation correct ... as a captain you off cause, check auto guidance, but if it’s set up right, it does it better than you ;-) PLEASE TRY IT
My go to are Timezero Pro for the boat (lap top based) and for the dinghy I have Polaris on my phone for that. And while my boat has AIS I also have Marine traffic, because not everyone has AIS but the big limit with Marine Traffic on a phone vs AIS on the boat is the APP needs cell service to function, the VHF flavor AIS doesn't care about cell towers.
Totally with you on that. Marine traffic is great when you have coverage. Also for looking ahead, longer range. I will check out Timezero Pro I do not know that one. Though just checking it its only on windows! Im all mac lol.
You don’t mention DHMZ, the Croatian Meteorological service band yet you sail in Croatia…
@@MichelRogge I wasn’t aware that DHMZ have an app?
We use them all the time. Web based reports and VHF coverage.
Have you tried C-MAP?
years ago I used it in the Caribbean with a tracking system. Remember it working but being a bit clunky. How is it now?
Have you tried garmin auto route ? If not try it, forget navionics... garmin is a one time fee ... and it does your navigation correct ... as a captain you off cause, check auto guidance, but if it’s set up right, it does it better than you ;-) PLEASE TRY IT
Thanks for the tip, I have not tried it. I will check it out