If you have air suspension inactive on this comes on after reconnecting battery, you only need to turn the steering wheel lock to lock and will return to normal, that is my recent experience with the L322.
It's coming soon but please be aware, you're watching me figure this out in real time. If you're working on a car now, just know that if you wind the handbrake e.g. upward on one side, it's the opposite direction on the other side i.e. you wind the cog downwards. It's the same mechanism, but reversed. I think I refer to this later on, but just in case.
It's been a year later and I'm still driving it (and loving it AND it's been pretty damn reliable) so I'm in no rush to move it on at the moment. The whole family loves it!
If you have air suspension inactive on this comes on after reconnecting battery, you only need to turn the steering wheel lock to lock and will return to normal, that is my recent experience with the L322.
Interesting. I assumed it was an ESP thing. Thanks.
How to tight up the handbrake correctly? Please can you show in the next video?
It's coming soon but please be aware, you're watching me figure this out in real time. If you're working on a car now, just know that if you wind the handbrake e.g. upward on one side, it's the opposite direction on the other side i.e. you wind the cog downwards. It's the same mechanism, but reversed. I think I refer to this later on, but just in case.
£850!!! That’s a lot of car for that money. Nice series Connor. Are you keeping this or selling it on after?
It's been a year later and I'm still driving it (and loving it AND it's been pretty damn reliable) so I'm in no rush to move it on at the moment. The whole family loves it!