In post-story mode, go to the museum. In one of the hallways, you will find a trio of guards, one armed. They are talking about what will happen next. One of them remarks, "What could happen next? Arkham Land? Arkham Country? Big-ass Arkham World?". Good job, Yahtzee. Good job.
There's actually a dialogue between some of Penguin's men in the Museum who suggests the idea of potential sequels such as "Arkham Planet" etc :P As if Rocksteady actually are fully aware of this themselves and merely being ironic about it
I will say that I thought the fact the each villain owned a different part of the city and it bleeds into the atmosphere, as in Two-Faces area being centered around the court and the Jokers industrial play land, was pretty interesting. It made the map more fun to navigate and it was interesting to see the rivalries and alliances of each villain.
Protocol 10 there is bring in the Joker Star and blow up the planet. And batman has to fly the batwing and fire the bat torpedoes into the Joker thermal exhaust port with the force, I mean money.
mysterymastermind175 There are so many needless quotes and review scores on the box for the Game of the Year edition that they didn't even have any room to put the title on the box in a noticeable location. Seriously, see for yourself. It's a wonder that every reviewer that ever lived wasn't quoted.
jd johnson I don't know what you're talking about. SPOILERS (though the game is 4 years old by now) The Joker DOES die and it turns down for the second half of the game, it was actually Clayface pretending to be him.
I think City was better than Asylum. They improved the combat, there was more enemy variety in both combat and stealth sections, the story was MUCH better, the boss fights were better (especially Mr Freeze, damn that fight is fun), and it was nice to have some extra playable characters.
I would say City is better than Asylum in most ways (notably the boss fights and the gadget puzzles, and City is a really good example of a good sandbox game) but it's a little weaker in the story, gadgets felt less useful in combat, and the vast openness of the map makes Riddler puzzles far easier to just see where they are on the map instead of the player working the riddles out. They are both really good games and it's more subjective to whether which one thinks is better than the other. It's a bit like asking someone whether they liked Portal or Portal 2 better.
@@jcohasset23 Asylum had no story whatsoever. It was just Joker has a plan and you have to figure out what it is. Here they do that in Arkham City with you having to figure out the big bad guys plan but it's on a larger scale and there is also a central theme of Batman's relationship with the Joker that pays off in the end. There's nothing subjective saying that the story was more compelling and had more character Focus in Arkham City
@J Cohasset Your statement about gadgets is objectively wrong. How on Earth were gadgets more useful in combat in Asylum? You literally had a batarang and batclaw? In City, you have batclaw, ice grenades, batarangs, electric shot and explosive gel. All these serve a purpose in combat. Ice grenade freezes an enemy in place for about 20 seconds. Electric charge with send armored thugs flying, explosive gel and knock down multiple enemies and so can batarangs. Batclaw can send you flying across the room to knock a single target but gain positioning. This combined with Free-flow focus to make them more powerful makes the gadgets objectively more useful and serve a much greater purpose in City. Every aspect of Asylum's combat and stealth was improved in City. Whitelight has a video that goes through all of this in detail and makes it very obvious how City improved basically everything.
i personally loved the game, i feel like the developers really put their hearts into developing the characters in this series and you get this sense of what goes on inside all the bad guys heads.
The justification for Strange being able to swing his arkam city thing can be explained partly with hidden secrets in the previous game- the "spirit of arkam" messages you find can be discovered to be made by the Warden himself, and if you break down a wall in his office you can find a secret room with his plans for the city, and his plans to become mayor, which he does between games (somehow) but Warden Sharpe is basically a puppet for strange. There is more to it but that can be found in some of the labyrinthian plot details of arkham city which I am not going to wade through
This is one of Yahtzee's better episodes of Zero Punctuation. I haven't gotten around to playing my copy much, I'm determined to play through on the hardest difficulty first.
"When you go straight sandbox you lose control of a certain amount of structure" Why did Rocksteady not listen to Yahtzee? Arkham Knight could have actually been good. They did exactly what he said would happen and wrote themselves into a corner and then had to justify the huge city in Knight by forcing you into those ridiculous batmobile sections.
I agree when Yahtzee says that you should completely the storyline partly, up to a certain point. I remember when doing sidequests I had only one Titan container left in A Fragile Alliance. It was in the Iceberg Lounge but unfortunately I had already completed the story mission there. So the Iceberg Lounge, save for the lobby, was closed off for good.
The Hush Side quest, you actually have to do that during the story to finish it ( it progresses after certain points in the game) the other ones (Bane, Mr. Freeze etc.) Don't
Neroamee AlucardX no it isnt being locked. when I played the game the first time I actually have not met Azrael and i did not find the Hush mission. after I finished the game I walktrought-ed where I am supposed to go and found both (ok for Azrael it was a bitch because I had to enter and exit a few million times to get him to appear)
I personally thought they fixed detective mode. By taking away navigation markers and making things more blurry with distance I found myself using it only 10-20% of the time as opposed to the 70-80% I spent on Asylum.
what do you want as a youtube partner you dont deside which adds you allow them to show to your audience they pick which suites the vieuwer best or what makes him most likely to purchase. besides the people at the escapist deside it they cant give 2 shits about what one of their workers/writers think
***** No, I'm pretty sure he does hate it. Nowhere near the hate he feels for Thief 4 though but he still probably hates it for what it's doing to the industry.
Who knew the easter egg that the last scene of the game *SPOILER ALERT* where Batman carries Joker in his arms is the same as the opening scene of the game where the camera is looking at a painting of Cain carrying a dead Abel in his arms. Fuckin RAD.
If anyone out there has somehow not played this amazing game yet, the Wii U version comes with all the DLC and is even made slightly better by an always active map. One of the few times a game has been helped by a re-rerelease just a short year after the rerelease.
I genuinely don't understand how anyone thinks that Arkham Asylum is better. AA is pretty linear and the story that you're stapled to isn't really that good as far as Batman stories go. Arkham City was a huge upgrade. More creative boss fights, more gadgets to play around with, and more side missions. I agree that bigger isn't always better, but this is the exception to that idea.
i just unsubscribed. this guy was funny. i have luvd his sarcasm. but now he's a 'bitch' and you know what? HE FUCKING WELL KNOWS IT. i luv sarcasm but i despise contrived bulldung. i actually luv all the oldie games he likes. system shock and deus ex, thief, etc etc. but now that brown streak of diarhetic shite sliding down the bridge of his nose is just a bit much to handle. [M16s; claymores; big bombs: BIG BOOBS: al qaeda... i'm bored now]
Not really because the open world in City is just there and you just run/glide from one area to the next not really paying attention the empty lifeless city, and Asylums was more focused on dark, wherefore City tried too many villains, as well as the gadgets were fine but the game was like "Throw this here!" but yes the boss fights and side missions were improved but Asylum is still the better game.
elliot wakeman There didn't seem to be THAT much dead space in the open world. The random gangs scattered throughout the open world made things more interesting, and having to interrogate thugs who were in cahoots with The Riddler in order to find out where certain trophies were was a genius way to get you involved in these random gang fights. Plus there was never a point where I was zipping through the air, using that grappling hook accelerator, and dive bombing on random groups of thugs where I thought "Meh, this is a little boring..."
Troy Wullbrandt But overtime it does, I mean I've played it once and I can't play it over again because of the big open city and also the punches and kicking sounds were dumbed down a bit and the random gang fights don't really have anything to them. Also Arkham Asylum had a more original batman story than City.
i felt the same way, but i did find a certain amusement about hunting them. They're quite easy too, considering interrogating riddler thugs shows you EVERYTHING. i'm currently at 95% in the game, and have a couple challenge maps to do, which gives a sense of accomplishment when you get a high score. I'm not saying everyone will enjoy this, but a lot will.
One thing in this Yahtzee review worth mentioning is how he said buying games new is good to the developers... I would've expected Yahtzee of all people to realize that cutting content in the effort to try and resell it later is the work of shitsucking, greedy-as-a-motherfucker publishers and really has no effect on developers at all. Sorry, surely I'm not the only one who found that annoying.
yeh. i thought he was fucking joking. i mean, whether i buy used or new i still have to hand out cash for fkn add ons/ DLCs and a shitload of other crap that i often am not interest3ed in anyway but sometimes i have to know what resul;ts from such and such a DLC sooooo I'M FUCKING FORCED TO BUY THE WANKING FUCKING THING TO LINE THE POCKETS OF THESE GREEDY BASTARDS WHO- AWWWWWWWWWWW, WORKED EVER SO HARD ON A KNOCKED UP BETA VERSION OF A GAME AND THEN DROP DLCS ON US OR FUCKIN TWATTING BASTARDING SEASON PASSES AFTER WE HAVE ALREADY SPENT £60 ON A FKN GAME . yahtzee? i got no respect for you now. what difference does it make if a game is no longer played? should it be forced to remain on the owner's shelf gathering dust for all time JUST SO THE DEVS CAN WHINGE ABOUT HOW HARD LIFE IS & PEOPLE WITH NOT ENOUGH CASH TO BUY NEW SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY GAMES AT ALL BECAUSE THEY ARE SOMEHOW UNDESERVING OF THE ELITE HIGHER WAGE EARNING CLASSES?? IS HE A THATCHERITE NOW? yahtzee is a royal twat. know why? cos up to 3 yrs ago i had money and a cracking PC but then i lose work and there is no way i can afford to upgrade my PC so i buy a fucking console AND THERE IS NO WAY IN HEAVEN OR HELL OR WHEREVER i am buying NEW BETA games for the present price. not happening. hey yachtshe? [ yes, i said yachtshe cos he's a girl and sniffs men's jockstraps in his spare time like the corrupt british game reviewers - believe me, i dont think there is a nation like britain that is so corrupt when the reviwers take a huge wad of cash to give shit games 99%, etc knowing full well the game is shit], who's arsecrack have you collected the shitstains from recently? come on... you can own up. your book was shite and bleh so you're sucking cock like the rest of the brit 'professional' reviewers now? i will ALWAYS BUY used and if they somehow stop us from doing that? i will get it illegally. i refuse to back down on this. yahtzeee? subscription removed. fuck you, you middle class wanker.
"I would've expected Yahtzee of all people to realize that cutting content in the effort to try and resell it later is the work of shitsucking, greedy-as-a-motherfucker publishers" He's said exactly that before in other reviews. And that comment in this video is blatantly, extremely-obviously sarcastic. "It's possible they're saving that for DLC, but anyone who pulls that shit deserves to have their hands cut off and sold back to them for 1200 Microsoft Points." -Deux Ex: HR review
No, spunkgargleweewee isn't just a term for something he doesn't like, he gave it an official definition and everything. "Spunkgargleweewee" is when a game is aggressively linear and railroading, your contribution to the plot is negligible, and it tends to be about a massively powerful army being "threatened" by an inferior foe with vastly overstated resources. He doesn't like things like Borderlands and Halo, but he even says outright that you can't accuse them of being spunkgargleweewee because they're organic and the plot is driven by their actions. Also, go to the escapist website, he got brutal on Sacred 3.
We need some punctuation mark to designate sarcasm. Apologies. You've doubtless seen comments on this site that might explain my taking your comment seriously.
Eh? What is wrong with buying pre-owned games? That seems to me less wasteful than buying new copies, and it also helps to establish a healthy after-market for games, which helps encourage buyers of new games, since they know that there will be folks willing to buy them when the new-buyers are done with the games.
agiar2000 new games copies get sold, developers get a hefty cut of the profits ie. more money to make more games, pre owned copies sold, store owner takes ALL the profit and the developer gets nothing. Developers don't make money off pre owned sales and when they don't make money they make games.
An attitude I could have agreed with about the time City came out but given the massive quantities of piss the games publishers have taken with monetisation while pleading poverty, you’ll forgive me if I don’t exactly care if the AAA games industry doesn’t see anywhere near as much of my cash anymore.
Because he knows that Bruce is Batman and that Batman has proven himself to strong willed for the Hatter's mind control to fully work. One of the side missions revolves around getting drugged by the Hatter, having the Hatter's strongest mind control hat yet placed on Batman's head, and then proceeding to kick the crap out of the Hatter and his goons. It could work if done over the course of months or years, but Hugo didn't have that sort of access to Bruce (the way he did with the politicians).
Which side missions get locked after the story ends? On my second play through I'm pretty sure I did ALL the side missions after the main story and had no problem.
Sorry…but lies…lies I tell ye…the game shits on arkham asylum…The scarecrow levels were matched by those spacey flight-levels from that dude who trains batman in the recent trilogy…and remember the croc level in the sewer from Asylum? No? Well it was shit…Arkham city was awesome…Arkham asylum is it's Danny Devito Twin (with all the same genes, I'll grant you…just expressed in a sparse, inspired A for effort kind of way…but still achieving a C- in the exam)...and all the baddies (once the game was completed) ended up in piss-poor groups of three who got their asses kicked like a white-boy in the ghetto asking dealers for pseudo-ephedrine…so, in short, to even imply that Asylum was somehow better, is as intellectually dishonest as a creationist holding up a banana, talking about it's design and concluding 'thus god'.
Мусе Тарекегн "AA was more coherent while Arkham city just splurges all over the place…here's no room for anything as wonderfully indulgent as the scarecrow bits from last time" - edited because I was unnecessarily harsh at the end.
I do agree with Yahtzee when he says there's so many villains. Arkham Asylum was quite safe with about 5 villains in an 8-hour story. Arkham City really pushes it with 15 villains in a 12-hour story. The other thing is that I find Arkham Asylum a bit more adventurous. There's a sense of mystery to the asylum, there's a fair amount of areas that require clever item usage, and then there's areas that require stealth and/or raw force. Arkham City uses more of the latter, and I so prefer Asylum.
I don't mind the idea of bonuses for buying new, though I can understand being wary of developers cutting important content to sell later post-development.
agree. I'll add in that it made me feel out of place because I didn't know who some of the villains were, and it didn't make me want to know or read the batman comics to learn either.
There is actually a small joke in tArkham just growing. If you go into the museum after the credits roll as catwoman in the room with all the water go to the left and you can hear some of the goons talking about what they are gonna do next saying, "What's gonna be next? Arkham County? Arkham Country? Arkham Big Ass World?"
I don't know if Yahtzee specifically avoided it here to not spoil anything, but its questioned in game many times how Hugo Strange was able to pull it off and its pretty majorly revealed that it's cause of Ra's Al Ghul helping him who pretty much is the (secret) emperor of the human race.
You could go on the escapist and watch his videos on his section. He did have his own channel, then he got hired by the escapist. It'd be a kind of a step back.
Which side quests get locked out if you don't finish them before the end of the story? I left most of them until after the story and I didn't have a problem. I can't think of one I finished before the end of the story.
Yahtzee has a contract with the Escapist Magazine. He is payed to make videos for them, and as such, they can release Yahtzee's shows along with all the other people contracted with Escapist. View the videos on their website. You see them months in advance.
I've been looking at their uploading patterns. If I'm correct, there will be a Zero Punctuation update on TH-cam every Wednesday, but it won't be the newest one. See what they did there? Clever people. xD
I personally think Asylum and City were almost their own completely different games. It's hard to explain, but I loved them both equally. Two of the best games I've ever played. They're fun, enjoyable, and that's why I chose them. The small things don't bother me (Except for the auto run. I've found myself going "GOTTAGETAWAY" and walking away like a pompous....Batman.)
And that´s a really smart move, cause when everyone of the locations get used we can finally see Batman Gotham fucking Block, or neighborhood and go on a on and on...
In post-story mode, go to the museum. In one of the hallways, you will find a trio of guards, one armed. They are talking about what will happen next. One of them remarks, "What could happen next? Arkham Land? Arkham Country? Big-ass Arkham World?". Good job, Yahtzee. Good job.
There's actually a dialogue between some of Penguin's men in the Museum who suggests the idea of potential sequels such as "Arkham Planet" etc :P As if Rocksteady actually are fully aware of this themselves and merely being ironic about it
I will say that I thought the fact the each villain owned a different part of the city and it bleeds into the atmosphere, as in Two-Faces area being centered around the court and the Jokers industrial play land, was pretty interesting. It made the map more fun to navigate and it was interesting to see the rivalries and alliances of each villain.
Also the territory fight of two-face, penguin and joker
"Batman and the argonauts" was the funniest thing I've heard today
@Watermelon Meme Here If you look up Jason and the Argonauts you'll probably understand
@@PhyreI3ird no I got the reference. It was just funny
"If you're like me: Handsome, talented and secretly longing for death..."
Best line I've heard all year.
To be fair, Arkham Planet sounds fucking amazing.
They'd probably have to start adding JLU members to villains just to keep it's still sounding amazing.
Arkham Virgo Supercluster would take you a while to complete I would bet.
Protocol 10 there is bring in the Joker Star and blow up the planet. And batman has to fly the batwing and fire the bat torpedoes into the Joker thermal exhaust port with the force, I mean money.
The scary thing is that comic books tend to end up with several alternate universes...meaning it really DOESN'T have to stop at Arkham Universe.
It would have the not just batman but the justice league
“Boss fights not quite as crap now.”
"I don't expect that line to be pinned on the Special Edition"
Oh, if only Yahtzee knew.
what do you mean?
mysterymastermind175 There are so many needless quotes and review scores on the box for the Game of the Year edition that they didn't even have any room to put the title on the box in a noticeable location. Seriously, see for yourself.
It's a wonder that every reviewer that ever lived wasn't quoted.
I counted 4 quotes...
Only four? The formatting and emphasis made it look like so much more, then. XD
rmccaw7 4 quotes is still a lot, considering you can't even fit the title of your game in a noticeable location!
Nintendo has written themselves into a corner. That's funny. As if Nintendo gives a shit about the writing in Mario games.
ryallenquake Heh, that's funny and very true
To be fair to them though, neither does the rest of the planet
Krebons1200 Right, it's not bad on Nintendo, it's that no shits are given is what's funny
And now we have Mario Odyssey. Watch, the next Mario will be Epic Mario :P
1:13 But at the end of the game, Jok--- *Gets gunned down by spoiler police* is Clayface. Fuck me right? :)
A. Schutte nope...he's dead at the end
Alexander Hamilton **Spoiler Police bust through the door**
Doctorwhofan451 Um...that's not the ending I remember.Or are you giving people a false ending so that you don't spoil the real ending?
jd johnson I don't know what you're talking about. SPOILERS (though the game is 4 years old by now)
The Joker DOES die and it turns down for the second half of the game, it was actually Clayface pretending to be him.
Arkham universe sounds like a grittier version of that Lego Batman game that had a bunch of Superman and Green Lantern villains in it.
+l0stndamned Why is it called Arkham Universe? I thought the city was called Gotham...
Fernando Langalú The franchise is the Arkham 'verse.
+Fernando Langalú Because the games aren't cannon so they're the Arkham verse
How can joker pay for a space program? It's simple. he gets Lex Luthor or Ra'a Al Ghul to do it.
Bit late in the day to say this but the obvious way is "He steals it"
Ra'a al ghul died in the season of infamy dlc for arkham knight
I think City was better than Asylum. They improved the combat, there was more enemy variety in both combat and stealth sections, the story was MUCH better, the boss fights were better (especially Mr Freeze, damn that fight is fun), and it was nice to have some extra playable characters.
I would say City is better than Asylum in most ways (notably the boss fights and the gadget puzzles, and City is a really good example of a good sandbox game) but it's a little weaker in the story, gadgets felt less useful in combat, and the vast openness of the map makes Riddler puzzles far easier to just see where they are on the map instead of the player working the riddles out. They are both really good games and it's more subjective to whether which one thinks is better than the other. It's a bit like asking someone whether they liked Portal or Portal 2 better.
@@jcohasset23 Asylum had no story whatsoever. It was just Joker has a plan and you have to figure out what it is. Here they do that in Arkham City with you having to figure out the big bad guys plan but it's on a larger scale and there is also a central theme of Batman's relationship with the Joker that pays off in the end.
There's nothing subjective saying that the story was more compelling and had more character Focus in Arkham City
@J Cohasset Your statement about gadgets is objectively wrong. How on Earth were gadgets more useful in combat in Asylum? You literally had a batarang and batclaw? In City, you have batclaw, ice grenades, batarangs, electric shot and explosive gel. All these serve a purpose in combat. Ice grenade freezes an enemy in place for about 20 seconds. Electric charge with send armored thugs flying, explosive gel and knock down multiple enemies and so can batarangs. Batclaw can send you flying across the room to knock a single target but gain positioning. This combined with Free-flow focus to make them more powerful makes the gadgets objectively more useful and serve a much greater purpose in City. Every aspect of Asylum's combat and stealth was improved in City. Whitelight has a video that goes through all of this in detail and makes it very obvious how City improved basically everything.
31 times completed, I never get tired of it!!
i personally loved the game, i feel like the developers really put their hearts into developing the characters in this series and you get this sense of what goes on inside all the bad guys heads.
My favorite Arkham game ever, with Asylum close behind and Knight a distant third.
The justification for Strange being able to swing his arkam city thing can be explained partly with hidden secrets in the previous game- the "spirit of arkam" messages you find can be discovered to be made by the Warden himself, and if you break down a wall in his office you can find a secret room with his plans for the city, and his plans to become mayor, which he does between games (somehow) but Warden Sharpe is basically a puppet for strange. There is more to it but that can be found in some of the labyrinthian plot details of arkham city which I am not going to wade through
The boss fightes may have been decent in arkham city, but the battle with Mr.Freeze was just epic
Well, I am handsome, talented, and secretly longing for death, so I guess Yahtzee and I aren't so different after all...
This is one of Yahtzee's better episodes of Zero Punctuation. I haven't gotten around to playing my copy much, I'm determined to play through on the hardest difficulty first.
"When you go straight sandbox you lose control of a certain amount of structure" Why did Rocksteady not listen to Yahtzee? Arkham Knight could have actually been good. They did exactly what he said would happen and wrote themselves into a corner and then had to justify the huge city in Knight by forcing you into those ridiculous batmobile sections.
BJMcB92 I wonder how much of his review will be about the low quality of the PC version...
9 years later, the gliding of knight is the best in the quadrology but the batmobile shit is *so* poor for a Batman game
2:54 - love the reference, used to watch jason and the argonauts when I was a kid
Hey mr jag!
Well the detective vision problem was fixed with the jammer sin several parts.
And it also reduces your vision while it's active.
At 3:53, the "No, really, I meant to do that," that is very cat-like. When cat's do stupid stuff, they just walk away like they meant to do it.
I agree when Yahtzee says that you should completely the storyline partly, up to a certain point. I remember when doing sidequests I had only one Titan container left in A Fragile Alliance. It was in the Iceberg Lounge but unfortunately I had already completed the story mission there. So the Iceberg Lounge, save for the lobby, was closed off for good.
My favorite Yahtzee joke about Catwoman smacking her face into the buildings. My favorite video.
Well thank you!
I try... :)
I've never really noticed the animations in the credits before, now i have to watch every single yahtzee video ever, again...
4:45 - which missions get locked off?
The Hush Side quest, you actually have to do that during the story to finish it ( it progresses after certain points in the game) the other ones (Bane, Mr. Freeze etc.) Don't
i have never had that, i have done the hush missions after the story before
It's happened to me, other than that the others you can do at anytime
fair enough, just never had it happen to me, but owell
Neroamee AlucardX no it isnt being locked. when I played the game the first time I actually have not met Azrael and i did not find the Hush mission. after I finished the game I walktrought-ed where I am supposed to go and found both (ok for Azrael it was a bitch because I had to enter and exit a few million times to get him to appear)
The mister freeze was one of the best aspects of this and made you use different takedowns to defeat him since he stops you repeating the same one
This game and skyrim got my game of the year awards for 2011.
No Deus Ex Human Revolution? : (
Justin Stone there were a lot of good games out that year, for me personally my favorite was arkham city
Justin Stone didn't play it.
Justin Stone haven't played it
I lost it at the catwoman part of how she gets around, hahaha awesome!
That wall will have a lot of controversy in 4 years.
I personally thought they fixed detective mode. By taking away navigation markers and making things more blurry with distance I found myself using it only 10-20% of the time as opposed to the 70-80% I spent on Asylum.
Yahtzee is, of course, right in many of the aspects he's ejecting, but you CAN play sidemissions after the main story.
Man, I miss 2012
Given your hatred for the series I find it ironic that a COD game was advertised for a reduced rice before this video.
what do you want as a youtube partner you dont deside which adds you allow them to show to your audience they pick which suites the vieuwer best or what makes him most likely to purchase. besides the people at the escapist deside it they cant give 2 shits about what one of their workers/writers think
niels718 I am fully aware of this. I was just saying that it was ironic.
He doesn't hate it. He is known for always giving the bad side of games.
***** No, I'm pretty sure he does hate it. Nowhere near the hate he feels for Thief 4 though but he still probably hates it for what it's doing to the industry.
>a reduced rice
Was it brown rice? I heard that rice is very healthy.
the easy solution the escalation problem is semi-disconnected parts exploring different times, places, and people in the originals universe
Good game. Good ending.
you can get locked out of the mysterious watcher quest if you skip one part and hit the trigger for the second section before you do the first part
Right, so what I got from this was this games still good, more boobs and do the side missions before the main ones. Cheers! ^^
Lol at the end credits sequence. Also, presumably someone somewhere already pointed out that Strange had (Mayor) Sharp build AC, lol
Who knew the easter egg that the last scene of the game *SPOILER ALERT* where Batman carries Joker in his arms is the same as the opening scene of the game where the camera is looking at a painting of Cain carrying a dead Abel in his arms.
Fuckin RAD.
I did because some video spoiled it for me (not this one).
Adam Bomeisl And I did cuz I accidentally restarted the game after finishing it and was totally blown away. O_o
You mean the painting that we stared at for like... half a minute before getting to play? Yeah. I noticed that immediately.
***** omg i played the game for 2 years now and just now thought of that!
Saint Of AwesomeMess It is also very similar to page in death of the family comic, where Batman carrys Jason Todd's body out of the broken building.
If anyone out there has somehow not played this amazing game yet, the Wii U version comes with all the DLC and is even made slightly better by an always active map. One of the few times a game has been helped by a re-rerelease just a short year after the rerelease.
Sim City, Sim Earth, Sim Ant?
Hello there from the future, Yahtzee just retroactively named Arkham City his 5th best game of 2011
Funny he doesn't mention the main story quality like he did with Arkham Asylum. Because AC was better and the statuesque was/has changed... forever.
He did mention it! And said it was more cohereint(sorry if I butchered that word)
According to Yahtzee, if he doesn’t mention it in the review, that means it’s good.
Well, it says in the story that Strange had leverage over the mayor and had been allowed to use the tiger guards to arrest people.
I genuinely don't understand how anyone thinks that Arkham Asylum is better. AA is pretty linear and the story that you're stapled to isn't really that good as far as Batman stories go. Arkham City was a huge upgrade. More creative boss fights, more gadgets to play around with, and more side missions. I agree that bigger isn't always better, but this is the exception to that idea.
i just unsubscribed. this guy was funny. i have luvd his sarcasm.
but now he's a 'bitch' and you know what?
i luv sarcasm but i despise contrived bulldung. i actually luv all the oldie games he likes. system shock and deus ex, thief, etc etc.
but now that brown streak of diarhetic shite sliding down the bridge of his nose is just a bit much to handle.
[M16s; claymores; big bombs: BIG BOOBS: al qaeda... i'm bored now]
Not really because the open world in City is just there and you just run/glide from one area to the next not really paying attention the empty lifeless city, and Asylums was more focused on dark, wherefore City tried too many villains, as well as the gadgets were fine but the game was like "Throw this here!" but yes the boss fights and side missions were improved but Asylum is still the better game.
elliot wakeman There didn't seem to be THAT much dead space in the open world. The random gangs scattered throughout the open world made things more interesting, and having to interrogate thugs who were in cahoots with The Riddler in order to find out where certain trophies were was a genius way to get you involved in these random gang fights. Plus there was never a point where I was zipping through the air, using that grappling hook accelerator, and dive bombing on random groups of thugs where I thought "Meh, this is a little boring..."
Narred Darr I didn't think it was physically possible to type something that sounded THAT British/Cockney.
You go bro.
Troy Wullbrandt But overtime it does, I mean I've played it once and I can't play it over again because of the big open city and also the punches and kicking sounds were dumbed down a bit and the random gang fights don't really have anything to them. Also Arkham Asylum had a more original batman story than City.
It should be mentioned that in reality all of the sidequests remain available after the main story so I'm not sure what Yahtzee did wrong.
Just like a real cat! :D
Is the cake at 2:17 a black forest cherry torte?
I bought pre owned woot!
i felt the same way, but i did find a certain amusement about hunting them. They're quite easy too, considering interrogating riddler thugs shows you EVERYTHING. i'm currently at 95% in the game, and have a couple challenge maps to do, which gives a sense of accomplishment when you get a high score. I'm not saying everyone will enjoy this, but a lot will.
0:29 you mean like the female characters in this very game?
The "like me" part of this video was exactly right. Cheers to you, Yahtzee.
One thing in this Yahtzee review worth mentioning is how he said buying games new is good to the developers...
I would've expected Yahtzee of all people to realize that cutting content in the effort to try and resell it later is the work of shitsucking, greedy-as-a-motherfucker publishers and really has no effect on developers at all.
Sorry, surely I'm not the only one who found that annoying.
yeh. i thought he was fucking joking. i mean, whether i buy used or new i still have to hand out cash for fkn add ons/ DLCs and a shitload of other crap that i often am not interest3ed in anyway but sometimes i have to know what resul;ts from such and such a DLC sooooo
yahtzee? i got no respect for you now. what difference does it make if a game is no longer played? should it be forced to remain on the owner's shelf gathering dust for all time JUST SO THE DEVS CAN WHINGE ABOUT HOW HARD LIFE IS & PEOPLE WITH NOT ENOUGH CASH TO BUY NEW SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY GAMES AT ALL BECAUSE THEY ARE SOMEHOW UNDESERVING OF THE ELITE HIGHER WAGE EARNING CLASSES?? IS HE A THATCHERITE NOW?
yahtzee is a royal twat.
know why?
cos up to 3 yrs ago i had money and a cracking PC but then i lose work and there is no way i can afford to upgrade my PC so i buy a fucking console AND THERE IS NO WAY IN HEAVEN OR HELL OR WHEREVER i am buying NEW BETA games for the present price. not happening.
hey yachtshe? [ yes, i said yachtshe cos he's a girl and sniffs men's jockstraps in his spare time like the corrupt british game reviewers - believe me, i dont think there is a nation like britain that is so corrupt when the reviwers take a huge wad of cash to give shit games 99%, etc knowing full well the game is shit], who's arsecrack have you collected the shitstains from recently? come on... you can own up. your book was shite and bleh so you're sucking cock like the rest of the brit 'professional' reviewers now?
i will ALWAYS BUY used and if they somehow stop us from doing that? i will get it illegally. i refuse to back down on this.
yahtzeee? subscription removed. fuck you, you middle class wanker.
"I would've expected Yahtzee of all people to realize that cutting content in the effort to try and resell it later is the work of shitsucking, greedy-as-a-motherfucker publishers"
He's said exactly that before in other reviews. And that comment in this video is blatantly, extremely-obviously sarcastic.
"It's possible they're saving that for DLC, but anyone who pulls that shit deserves to have their hands cut off and sold back to them for 1200 Microsoft Points." -Deux Ex: HR review
Jake Dubusker He does seem to have mellowed a bit i cant remember the last time he said the game is spunk garble wee wee or something as bad as that
No, spunkgargleweewee isn't just a term for something he doesn't like, he gave it an official definition and everything. "Spunkgargleweewee" is when a game is aggressively linear and railroading, your contribution to the plot is negligible, and it tends to be about a massively powerful army being "threatened" by an inferior foe with vastly overstated resources.
He doesn't like things like Borderlands and Halo, but he even says outright that you can't accuse them of being spunkgargleweewee because they're organic and the plot is driven by their actions.
Also, go to the escapist website, he got brutal on Sacred 3.
This is the only thing stopping me from studying for my exams. Worth it
... In his pants? Who doesn't wear pants in public?
"Pants" to British people is underpants to everyone else.
NinjaGidget What.
... Well, either way, who doesn't wear underpants in public?
The joke is that Batman looks like he's wearing black briefs over his grey tights.
NinjaGidget I knew that before I first commented, dear. I was trolling.
We need some punctuation mark to designate sarcasm. Apologies. You've doubtless seen comments on this site that might explain my taking your comment seriously.
to be fair, Ra's Al Ghul gave Strange all the resources he needed to pull it all off
Eh? What is wrong with buying pre-owned games? That seems to me less wasteful than buying new copies, and it also helps to establish a healthy after-market for games, which helps encourage buyers of new games, since they know that there will be folks willing to buy them when the new-buyers are done with the games.
agiar2000 new games copies get sold, developers get a hefty cut of the profits ie. more money to make more games, pre owned copies sold, store owner takes ALL the profit and the developer gets nothing. Developers don't make money off pre owned sales and when they don't make money they make games.
An attitude I could have agreed with about the time City came out but given the massive quantities of piss the games publishers have taken with monetisation while pleading poverty, you’ll forgive me if I don’t exactly care if the AAA games industry doesn’t see anywhere near as much of my cash anymore.
Because he knows that Bruce is Batman and that Batman has proven himself to strong willed for the Hatter's mind control to fully work. One of the side missions revolves around getting drugged by the Hatter, having the Hatter's strongest mind control hat yet placed on Batman's head, and then proceeding to kick the crap out of the Hatter and his goons.
It could work if done over the course of months or years, but Hugo didn't have that sort of access to Bruce (the way he did with the politicians).
Muted Redead
Which side missions get locked after the story ends? On my second play through I'm pretty sure I did ALL the side missions after the main story and had no problem.
I would like to know too.
Sorry…but lies…lies I tell ye…the game shits on arkham asylum…The scarecrow levels were matched by those spacey flight-levels from that dude who trains batman in the recent trilogy…and remember the croc level in the sewer from Asylum? No? Well it was shit…Arkham city was awesome…Arkham asylum is it's Danny Devito Twin (with all the same genes, I'll grant you…just expressed in a sparse, inspired A for effort kind of way…but still achieving a C- in the exam)...and all the baddies (once the game was completed) ended up in piss-poor groups of three who got their asses kicked like a white-boy in the ghetto asking dealers for pseudo-ephedrine…so, in short, to even imply that Asylum was somehow better, is as intellectually dishonest as a creationist holding up a banana, talking about it's design and concluding 'thus god'.
do you not realize that he jokes? all his reviews are just 5 minutes loaded with humour.even ''good'' ones
Yeah, my response was also in the theme of Yahtzee...
smeechdog Nope, he didn't use punctuation.
Never once in the video does he imply that AA is better.
Мусе Тарекегн "AA was more coherent while Arkham city just splurges all over the place…here's no room for anything as wonderfully indulgent as the scarecrow bits from last time" - edited because I was unnecessarily harsh at the end.
How times have changed
0:45 - 0:53 Best summary of batman ever.
I do agree with Yahtzee when he says there's so many villains. Arkham Asylum was quite safe with about 5 villains in an 8-hour story. Arkham City really pushes it with 15 villains in a 12-hour story. The other thing is that I find Arkham Asylum a bit more adventurous. There's a sense of mystery to the asylum, there's a fair amount of areas that require clever item usage, and then there's areas that require stealth and/or raw force. Arkham City uses more of the latter, and I so prefer Asylum.
Either that or a "Maddox approves" sticker. Hell I'd be content with either one. At least you know it would be good.
i wish he would write the script in the description so i can just copy and past quotes to use on instant messageing
I think the developers ARE the actual hardworking people. I believe you're talking about publishers as the guys at the top.
I don't mind the idea of bonuses for buying new, though I can understand being wary of developers cutting important content to sell later post-development.
agree. I'll add in that it made me feel out of place because I didn't know who some of the villains were, and it didn't make me want to know or read the batman comics to learn either.
If you go to the escapist yahtzee uploads new episodes every wednesday. Only some episodes are uploaded here on TH-cam.
Well, I guess this is where it comes down to opinion, as I thoroughly enjoyed all of these elements and thought they were done to near perfection.
While you guys were misspelling in the comments section, I decided to watch the video. Very funny actually!
There is actually a small joke in tArkham just growing. If you go into the museum after the credits roll as catwoman in the room with all the water go to the left and you can hear some of the goons talking about what they are gonna do next saying, "What's gonna be next? Arkham County? Arkham Country? Arkham Big Ass World?"
XD I lost my shit at the point where he described how catwoman gets around. I was tearing up
Would 100% love to see a confused magpie at a competition
I don't know if Yahtzee specifically avoided it here to not spoil anything, but its questioned in game many times how Hugo Strange was able to pull it off and its pretty majorly revealed that it's cause of Ra's Al Ghul helping him who pretty much is the (secret) emperor of the human race.
I wonder if Batman as a secret room in his batcave just FILLED with these Riddler Trophies
The riddler and his team of contractors was TOO funny and true...
Batman: Noah's Arkham Sandwich
Or the little twinkle in The Joker's eye while he's having the last laugh in every single, particle reality/location of this infinite Arkham crisis.
This is the most accurate review I've ever seen.
You could go on the escapist and watch his videos on his section.
He did have his own channel, then he got hired by the escapist.
It'd be a kind of a step back.
Which side quests get locked out if you don't finish them before the end of the story?
I left most of them until after the story and I didn't have a problem. I can't think of one I finished before the end of the story.
Yahtzee has a contract with the Escapist Magazine. He is payed to make videos for them, and as such, they can release Yahtzee's shows along with all the other people contracted with Escapist. View the videos on their website. You see them months in advance.
I'm pretty sure that nothing gets locked off once the story is finished. Every side mission and collectible is available for the entire game.
I've been looking at their uploading patterns.
If I'm correct, there will be a Zero Punctuation update on TH-cam every Wednesday, but it won't be the newest one.
See what they did there? Clever people. xD
Here is a + about DRM. If you buy a Pirated Copy Of Batman: Arkham Asylum your BatDrunk when flying! Its like its full of bullets!
love your reviews lol
Which side quest is he talking about in the end?
I personally think Asylum and City were almost their own completely different games. It's hard to explain, but I loved them both equally. Two of the best games I've ever played. They're fun, enjoyable, and that's why I chose them. The small things don't bother me (Except for the auto run. I've found myself going "GOTTAGETAWAY" and walking away like a pompous....Batman.)
And that´s a really smart move, cause when everyone of the locations get used we can finally see Batman Gotham fucking Block, or neighborhood and go on a on and on...
she can cling to the ceiling, LIKE A REAL CAT
Just wondering, are some of the sidequests locked if you complete the main story?
2:55 "You are a good person"
I honestly Got confused when i heard him pronounce 'Aluminium' correctly, Thank you Yahtzee!