@@берланьсюрес The slavs, turks and Uric people are related to each other Like the jews, Arabs and aramaic people of the middle east. more of less the same.
According to genetic researches (SNP) Hungarians are genetically related to their neighbour slavs and germans (austrians in their case). Their genetic make up is nothing like that of other Uralic peoples with 0% east asian DNA. Which makes me wonder how they ended speaking a Uralic language. 99% of their ancestors seem to have shifted to Hungarian from local languages at some point in history, and barely anyone is a descendant of original Magyars from the Urals. They're 100% European just like their neighbours and that Turanism stuff popular along Hungarian nationalists Looks especially funny knowing that. The same goes for Turks who are largely a turkified amalgamation of autochtone Anatolian peoples (Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, Slavs, Albanians, paleo-anatolians, paleo-caucasians etc) and have very little actual relation to ancient Turks who were pure mongoloid.
I know exactly how she feels when it comes to returning to the small rural communities of the culture that you are born into...it was the same for me...everything is so strangely familiar and unlike modern society, but yet it is comforting and very special...a feeling comes over you like "I am home"...the home of your cultural roots become your special place, your secret that you carry with you even when you return to modern society...and your heart yearns to return to that special place...once again...always
Всем привет. Я удмурт. И у меня никаких сомнений не было во внешности девушки относительно ее национальной принадлежности - она очень симпатичная и красивая удмуртка. Очень много моих знакомых похожи на неё. Но все люди разные - удмурты так же отличаются по цвету глаз, волос (далеко не все с рыжим цветом - в моей семье вообще их нет), кто то смуглый, как и я, а у кого то кожа светлая. Данная девушка очень сильно похожа на мою девушку, она тоже удмуртка. В общем, итог - на видео девушка, отлично характеризующая внешность удмурток. Прекрасно подобрана👍
Удмурты-Потомки Гунно-Булгарских Племенных Союзов завоевавших Евразийские Равнины или Все-таки Это Финно-Угорский Этнос.Если смотреть на Гаплогруппу R1b-То Это больше САКСКОМУ-Сарматская Гаплогруппа Степных Арийских Кочевников или Гунно-Булгарских Племенных Союзов образовавших на Этих Равнинах Свои Каганаты и Державы.
Теперь вряд ли вы сможете определить лингвогруппу языка удмуртов. Я вам подскажу, что настоящий древний язык их отдельный, теперь уже не имеющий значения язык следов контактов с соседями в очень древние времена, ибо те соседи, как носители своего языка, уже давно исчезли. Нынешние удмурты во внешнем облике мало похожи на предков, ибо среди них очень много ассимилировавшихся угрофиннов и монголов, не считая множества других. Так получилось. По сути, лингва была одна, но с возникновением однажды связей с людьми другой расы и браков между ними, как бы присоединился немножко изменённый диалект их. Но это не монголоиды, а совершенно другая раса.@@saqaors4445
I was born and always live in Turkey. I've got experienced DNA test in 2014. The result shows my origin is Udmurt. In addition I had have a cousin live in Bashkortostan. Udmurts live in Russia, South Europe (their cousins). Hello to all cousins that live in Udmurtia and all Worldwide 🖐️🖐️🇹🇷
Can't say for the beauty beyond what I know of the regions and its cultural traditions. The land is a precious gem only polished by its native beliefs, that gleam from a fire long kindled in folk legends of the earliest times. I have only seen the briefest of glimpses, but hope to know much more of its precious traditions. Thanks for telling your story of immersion in something deeper and richer than any might ever guess.
Eurasians have the most beautiful culture, Slavic or Ugric, big or small, don't matter, it's pure beauty... and must be preserved at all costs from West to East and from North to South.
It's wonderful to see the beauty of Udmurt people and traditions. Your high cheekbones are so typical in beautiful Hungarian women as well. Greetings to you from your Hungarian relatives.
@@nordland2235 I do not know about red hair among udmurts Tatars and Ashkenazim but you may have a point about Norse people For example while it is popular to point out that Iceland is 50percent Norse and Irish because it is popularly recounted.that Norwegian Vikings picked up females and supplies in Ireland and the land of an Irish tribe the Scoti eventually renamed as Scotland instead of Caledonia ( although ot has always been known in Scots and Irish Gaelic as Alba) this ratio is not completely accurate. Iceland does have a lot of naturally red haired women. It appears that in addition to Irish women the Vikings did bring some women with them from home and also bought some Irish male slaves. As a result excluding recent immigrants the Icelandic DNA is roughly 35 percent Irish and the remained being Norse largely Norwegian definitely some Danish and possibly some Swedish. The ancient Celts were recorded as being blonde by Roman writers and their still exist some natural blondes (my maternal grand father was blonde and tall even though there was not much Scandinavian ancestors in recent centuries) and many redheads today have a shade of blonde and many Irish children are blonde before changing in their teens towards a red or brown colour, or indeed raining blond or dark blond. Those adults who remain blond tend to go (naturally) grey earlier In some cases I have met female relatives many years since childhood and teens who were blond and "are still blond' as well of course red haired relatives including females who appear to be still blond. I also have female relatives who from early adulthood were dark blond or fair and decided to dye their hair sheer black and even others who have dyed their hair from light brown to red. Despite this variety Irish and Scottish have a reputatation for being red haired and Scandinavians have a reputatation for being blonde. In the Nordic countries countries it seems that natural blonde is more frequent in Finland and Estonia which among ethnic Finn's and Estonians there is substantial amount of trace Swedish DNA.
You may be a citizen of the Russian Federation, but you are a part of the udmurt nation. Always stay true to your finnic origin. Greetings from a karelian descendant living in Denmark...
My MtDNA is T1a1 with Udmurtia being the largest population. My maternal line all have light eyes and sandy or light brown hair. That's not unusual in England, but I do find it interesting and watching this video I can see elements in her features that remind me of my mother's side. She is exceptionally beautiful though, so there could be an element of wishful thinking!
Just this morning (16 Dec 2021) I watched an Italian speaking Russian on a vlog visit to the Udmurt region of Russia. He was searching for red-haired people that are allegedly found in the homeland of the Udmurts. He did not find for what he was seeking. You are not redhaired. Is there anything to the "myth" that the Udmurt people quite often have red hair?
To be honest there is not that much red-haired people in Udmurtia. I always lived in the south of it (next to Tatarstan) so maybe thats why. Only one person in my Udmurt family has red hair, all the rest black.
@@myosotis1306 south, near Sarapul - histircally has the smallest udmurt population. But even if you go to any Izhevsk university - you can see redheads every minute :)
@@jitsuwa6718 Yes I've heard people say that it's mostly in the capital city that there's red haired people. To be honest, because of that information I've started to believe that I am not Udmurt 😅 thought my whole family is
Очень красивая. У меня самого по линии отца в основном эрзя, но там нет таких красивых девушек. А вот по линии матери, подозреваю, что прабабушка была либо удмурткой, либо чувашкой. Моя сестра по этой линии, моя тётя, очень похожи на вас и по моему мнению- самые красивые женщины, которых я знаю)
@@СергейВершинин-н6у чувак, ты далее нижних пазялов, видать, не был нигде. Есть гораздо более жопные места - Псков, Тверь, Иркутск, Омск, Улан-Удэ и т.д.
Почему великая национальность?удмурты ничего такого великого не делали,жили так же как все народы России разделяли горести и победы которое касалось всех народов России (и войны, революции и победы и достижения)
@@ОлегИгнатьев-с4ч Да нормальная мы национальность. Вместе мы великая страна. А для такого малого народа достойных деяний достаточно, за своих предков не стыдно, им нечего стыдиться (один прапрадед чего стоит, который участвовал в трех войнах). Не люблю ни великоросов, ни великоудмуртов. Мирно живем вместе и слава богу
Just trust me bro,my parents said that's my ethnic group... even DNA tests aren't that accurate,all they show is in what region same people like you live,not that you are that ethnicity. For example at least 60% of Russians(all ethnic Russians) share same DNA as Latvians,doesn't mean that they are Latvian and that Latvians with 1 million population populated all Russia,it just shows how many ethnic Russians live in Latvia,around 80%.All DNA tests I've seen of ppl all the way from Siberia to Russia,all of them had Baltics as regions where same ppl like them live. That's because all it does is compare all who did the same test. People don't count in migration,they just asume they are certain nationality because a DNA test shows majority of these people living there,for example biggest Armenian diaspora live in Russia,but clearly they are from Armenian region,even though there are more Armenians in Russia than Armenia,a DNA tests would shot only Russia as an origin,same shit with Latvia,Ukraine,Belarus,even Estonia and Lithuania,it's either Russians or Poles or Fins as ethnicity but they forgot their culture and assimilated in bolshevik created countries and assumed minority identities while at the same time destroying those native tribes like Lithuanians did to Samogitians-true Lithuanians ethnically speaking,same way Germans became Africaans.
Afrikaans are technically Dutch and not Germans, but the Netherlands and Germany were the same country a few hundred years ago and if you go back in time both the Germans and the Dutch spoke an ancient language that was called "ancient Frankish" and they also spoke the Saxon language or the Swabian language, and many of the modern day East Germans are genetic descendants of Slavic tribes similar to Sorbs and Kashubs or Kashubians
this comment is a clusterfuck of BS....wtf are you talking about? a dna test would not show russia as the genetic point of origin for an armenian just because most of the armenian diaspora lives there. if an armenian does a DNA test, it would show west asian/caucasus, period. search it yourself. do euro-americans get 100% native american because they live in america? no, they get the results of whatever population their ancestors came from. lmao you must be r*tarded to not understand this and if ethnic russians show an affinity to latvians genetically, its simply because there actually is common ancestry down the line. its not because of the minority living in latvia now, it's more ancient than that. i also don't see how is it surprising to you that many ethnic russians also have baltic DNA. from what i have read, and someone can feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, even though i am pretty sure i am not, most ethnic russians are a mix of slav+baltic+finno-ugric, in that order, the latter two getting stronger the more northwest you go...which makes complete sense if you ever looked at a map in your life
What's funny with Udmurts is that they're closer genetically to Southern Central Asian Turkic people (Turkmens, Uzbeks) or Iranic people (Tajik, Pamiris) than to most ethnic Russians.
@@oskarihastbacka6593 No need of sources it's all over the internet, there's many Udmurt samples that were calculated. You can check many G25/Vahaduo results, you can check Eurogenes blog also.
@@LetMeGetAUhhh bazı insanlar için turan sadece türk dillerini değil, ural, japon, kore, moğol ve tunguz dillerini konuşan insanların olduğu yerleri de kapsar. kendisi ondan böyle bir yorum yapmış olabilir. tabi bu saydığım 6 dil ailesinin birbiriyle akrabalık ilişkisi var mı net değil. bu belirsiz durum altında bu şekilde turancılık pek doğru değil gibi. bu dil ailelerinin yoğun olduğu yerlerde de azınlık olsa da nüfusun dikkate değer bir bölümü turancı yine de.
Здорово. У девушки несомненно доминируют европеоидные черты лица, тогда как у чистых удмуртов доминируют азиатские, но всё же что-то есть, да. Привет из Ижевска
No, we don't. We are mostly brown haired, some have black, some have blond, red hair is more common than among other peoples of the planet but it is still rare.
@@yulia_coriolan Hello. I am from KYRGYZSTAN I don't know much about your ethnicity but I'm kinda interested because you're from Russia Do you look Asian mostly?
they're not asian they are white too. the appearance depends on the place of birth in udmurtia, the people of it's south are likely to have asian or turk traits on their faces. i basically live in udmurtia so i know that exactly
Во первых по лицу видно, что она больше татарка, во вторых фамилия татарская. Вообщем да, у меня бомбануло не по детски из-за того что нам пытаются выдать татарку за удмуртку.
Если у тебя кругозор как у зубочистки и мыслишь каким-то вычитанным стереотипом, то не пиши ахинею иначе такие же бестолковые как ты начнут ставить дизлайки и тем самым каналу понижать траст фактор, а человек старается и делает красивый и познавательный контент
Прикинь у меня фамилия русская , но по национальности я удмурт родители удмурты и деды тоже удмурты. Так же в Удмуртии много людей с татарской фамилией которые даже татарского не знают , но свободно говорят на удмуртском. Чистых удмуртов уже давно нет.
The Uralic peoples have wonderful cultures
Long live brothers and sisters love from Hungary
usually Hungarians like to refer to themselves as a Turk rather than Finno Ugric
@@берланьсюрес The slavs, turks and Uric people are related to each other Like the jews, Arabs and aramaic people of the middle east. more of less the same.
According to genetic researches (SNP) Hungarians are genetically related to their neighbour slavs and germans (austrians in their case). Their genetic make up is nothing like that of other Uralic peoples with 0% east asian DNA. Which makes me wonder how they ended speaking a Uralic language. 99% of their ancestors seem to have shifted to Hungarian from local languages at some point in history, and barely anyone is a descendant of original Magyars from the Urals. They're 100% European just like their neighbours and that Turanism stuff popular along Hungarian nationalists Looks especially funny knowing that. The same goes for Turks who are largely a turkified amalgamation of autochtone Anatolian peoples (Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, Slavs, Albanians, paleo-anatolians, paleo-caucasians etc) and have very little actual relation to ancient Turks who were pure mongoloid.
@@mihanich Maybe we need to rethink what DNA the original speakers had
@@берланьсюрес I don't
She is so beautiful😮 in a classic way....like an actress from Golden Age Hollywood.
I know exactly how she feels when it comes to returning to the small rural communities of the culture that you are born into...it was the same for me...everything is so strangely familiar and unlike modern society, but yet it is comforting and very special...a feeling comes over you like "I am home"...the home of your cultural roots become your special place, your secret that you carry with you even when you return to modern society...and your heart yearns to return to that special place...once again...always
What a pretty culture!!
Thank you
I love her cheekbones!
Всем привет. Я удмурт. И у меня никаких сомнений не было во внешности девушки относительно ее национальной принадлежности - она очень симпатичная и красивая удмуртка. Очень много моих знакомых похожи на неё. Но
все люди разные - удмурты так же отличаются по цвету глаз, волос (далеко не все с рыжим цветом - в моей семье вообще их нет), кто то смуглый, как и я, а у кого то кожа светлая. Данная девушка очень сильно похожа на мою девушку, она тоже удмуртка. В общем, итог - на видео девушка, отлично характеризующая внешность удмурток. Прекрасно подобрана👍
Рыжие удмурты от гаплогруппы r1b, у удмуртов около 38% .
Удмурты-Потомки Гунно-Булгарских Племенных Союзов завоевавших Евразийские Равнины или Все-таки Это Финно-Угорский Этнос.Если смотреть на Гаплогруппу R1b-То Это больше САКСКОМУ-Сарматская Гаплогруппа Степных Арийских Кочевников или Гунно-Булгарских Племенных Союзов образовавших на Этих Равнинах Свои Каганаты и Державы.
@@BAsgart Какой Лингвогруппе относится Их Диалект-Наречие?!!Гаплогруппа у Них Больше Степных Кочевых Сакских и Булгарских Племенных Союзов Евразий.
Теперь вряд ли вы сможете определить лингвогруппу языка удмуртов. Я вам подскажу, что настоящий древний язык их отдельный, теперь уже не имеющий значения язык следов контактов с соседями в очень древние времена, ибо те соседи, как носители своего языка, уже давно исчезли. Нынешние удмурты во внешнем облике мало похожи на предков, ибо среди них очень много ассимилировавшихся угрофиннов и монголов, не считая множества других. Так получилось. По сути, лингва была одна, но с возникновением однажды связей с людьми другой расы и браков между ними, как бы присоединился немножко изменённый диалект их. Но это не монголоиды, а совершенно другая раса.@@saqaors4445
Следы языка степняков, саков, булгар, руссов и прочих имеют место только в поздних недавних наслоениях.@@saqaors4445
I was born and always live in Turkey. I've got experienced DNA test in 2014. The result shows my origin is Udmurt. In addition I had have a cousin live in Bashkortostan. Udmurts live in Russia, South Europe (their cousins). Hello to all cousins that live in Udmurtia and all Worldwide 🖐️🖐️🇹🇷
my homeland is Udmurtia, I was born in Izhkar(Izhevsk), its capital, but now, living and studying in Moscow, I miss Udmurtia. hey-hey 👋🏻
Udmurts have light eyes, Turkish rarely
Can't say for the beauty beyond what I know of the regions and its cultural traditions. The land is a precious gem only polished by its native beliefs, that gleam from a fire long kindled in folk legends of the earliest times. I have only seen the briefest of glimpses, but hope to know much more of its precious traditions. Thanks for telling your story of immersion in something deeper and richer than any might ever guess.
Eurasians have the most beautiful culture, Slavic or Ugric, big or small, don't matter, it's pure beauty... and must be preserved at all costs from West to East and from North to South.
Or Turkic...
Udmurts are Finno-Ugrians like most of minorities in Russian. Not of Slavic origin.
Sounds like some ethno-fascist bullshit to me. What are you gonna do? Make race-mixing illegal?
Udmurts are Europeans. Slavs as well.
She looks European/White to me. She is very beautiful.
It's wonderful to see the beauty of Udmurt people and traditions. Your high cheekbones are so typical in beautiful Hungarian women as well. Greetings to you from your Hungarian relatives.
Udmurts and Gaelic peoples are the two main contenders for the Ginger Capital of the World title
The Danes/Nordik people are where red haired people come from.....they invaded Ireland and left behind their genes....same with Russia.
I do not know about red hair among udmurts Tatars and Ashkenazim but you may have a point about Norse people
For example while it is popular to point out that Iceland is 50percent Norse and Irish because it is popularly recounted.that Norwegian Vikings picked up females and supplies in Ireland and the land of an Irish tribe the Scoti eventually renamed as Scotland instead of Caledonia ( although ot has always been known in Scots and Irish Gaelic as Alba) this ratio is not completely accurate.
Iceland does have a lot of naturally red haired women. It appears that in addition to Irish women the Vikings did bring some women with them from home and also bought some Irish male slaves.
As a result excluding recent immigrants the Icelandic DNA is roughly 35 percent Irish and the remained being Norse largely Norwegian definitely some Danish and possibly some Swedish.
The ancient Celts were recorded as being blonde by Roman writers and their still exist some natural blondes (my maternal grand father was blonde and tall even though there was not much Scandinavian ancestors in recent centuries) and many redheads today have a shade of blonde and many Irish children are blonde before changing in their teens towards a red or brown colour, or indeed raining blond or dark blond. Those adults who remain blond tend to go (naturally) grey earlier
In some cases I have met female relatives many years since childhood and teens who were blond and "are still blond' as well of course red haired relatives including females who appear to be still blond. I also have female relatives who from early adulthood were dark blond or fair and decided to dye their hair sheer black and even others who have dyed their hair from light brown to red.
Despite this variety Irish and Scottish have a reputatation for being red haired and Scandinavians have a reputatation for being blonde. In the Nordic countries countries it seems that natural blonde is more frequent in Finland and Estonia which among ethnic Finn's and Estonians there is substantial amount of trace Swedish DNA.
@@you-know-who9023 Celts were recorded as having red hair, not blonde hair.
@@nordland2235 Red hair came from the Middle-East, to the British Isles, to Scandinavia. The vikings were mostly brown-haired.
@@eho6380 pha ha ha.. red hired exclusive indo-european genes.
Шумбрат братья удмурты❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Умой 🤗
The facial features are like the Finnish people as both peoples are uralic in origin.
You may be a citizen of the Russian Federation, but you are a part of the udmurt nation. Always stay true to your finnic origin. Greetings from a karelian descendant living in Denmark...
I'm ethnic Udmurt and I don't consider myself as a part of any other nation but Russian
@@ЯнаЦист-б5мyes, outsiders from russia seem to live in a completly different world
You maybe Russian but Finno-Ugric . Sounds contradictory because you either Russian ( supposed to be Slavic) or Finno-Ughric
Ай, молодца! Но, ещё очень важно знать свой язык. Народ считается существующим, пока есть, хоть один человек, разговаривающий на языке этого народа.
My MtDNA is T1a1 with Udmurtia being the largest population. My maternal line all have light eyes and sandy or light brown hair. That's not unusual in England, but I do find it interesting and watching this video I can see elements in her features that remind me of my mother's side. She is exceptionally beautiful though, so there could be an element of wishful thinking!
музыка прекрасна!!
Oh what a beautiful woman!
las mujeres más bellas de Europa viven en esa parte del mundo
she is wonderful ... love from morocco
Beautiful girl!
Just this morning (16 Dec 2021) I watched an Italian speaking Russian on a vlog visit to the Udmurt region of Russia. He was searching for red-haired people that are allegedly found in the homeland of the Udmurts. He did not find for what he was seeking. You are not redhaired. Is there anything to the "myth" that the Udmurt people quite often have red hair?
Well he did only meet 1 udmurt person and the rest live in villages so its not a myth.
To be honest there is not that much red-haired people in Udmurtia. I always lived in the south of it (next to Tatarstan) so maybe thats why. Only one person in my Udmurt family has red hair, all the rest black.
@@myosotis1306 south, near Sarapul - histircally has the smallest udmurt population. But even if you go to any Izhevsk university - you can see redheads every minute :)
@@jitsuwa6718 Yes I've heard people say that it's mostly in the capital city that there's red haired people. To be honest, because of that information I've started to believe that I am not Udmurt 😅 thought my whole family is
Probably not much but there are some udmurt that have ginger hair colour, see the udmurt festival th-cam.com/video/hh2c1Z5QxAc/w-d-xo.html
Buautifulllllllllll lady❤❤❤
Excellent body formation . Beautiful eyes . Nice complexion . Lovely smile . Look like a fairy . God bless you dear .
Such a beautiful
Beautiful 😻
Вы прекрасны чебер удмурт ныл
So beautiful 🙏
красивая женщина))
whats the background music?
Нас много
She looks like Sanna Marin 🇫🇮
Очень красивая.
У меня самого по линии отца в основном эрзя, но там нет таких красивых девушек.
А вот по линии матери, подозреваю, что прабабушка была либо удмурткой, либо чувашкой. Моя сестра по этой линии, моя тётя, очень похожи на вас и по моему мнению- самые красивые женщины, которых я знаю)
Mulher não entendi nada do que vc disse porém vi que a sua beleza é rara !
So, where in Russia is Udmurt?
Sity Izhevsk
Ass of World
Izhevsk udmurt republic
@@СергейВершинин-н6у чувак, ты далее нижних пазялов, видать, не был нигде. Есть гораздо более жопные места - Псков, Тверь, Иркутск, Омск, Улан-Удэ и т.д.
Eu vou aprender vossa língua :D
Beautiful lady, the music is fantastically haunting. Anybody knows the title?
beautiful people
I have read that Udmort tribe members are the closest to proto Indo Europeans
Истинные представители этой, на мой взгляд, великой национальности, живут в Удмуртии
Почему великая национальность?удмурты ничего такого великого не делали,жили так же как все народы России разделяли горести и победы которое касалось всех народов России (и войны, революции и победы и достижения)
@@ОлегИгнатьев-с4ч Да нормальная мы национальность. Вместе мы великая страна. А для такого малого народа достойных деяний достаточно, за своих предков не стыдно, им нечего стыдиться (один прапрадед чего стоит, который участвовал в трех войнах). Не люблю ни великоросов, ни великоудмуртов. Мирно живем вместе и слава богу
@@alexanderb8248 💙
how can I merry a udmurt woman? they are beautiful
She is the most European looking Udmurt Ive ever seen.
On avg. they are 30% east eurasian
So what's your point?
actually she has a pretty typical look for a finnouric person, except for her beauty
Udmurts have the highest incidence of red hair in the world.
Udmurts aren't Asian looking, and they are not Asians
Yes, what I saw from videos, they usually look more asian
Russians are Beautiful.
Прекрсная девушка
looks 100% European
Please make Tatars!
Oh shit even ethnic beauty has it's origin
Beautiful woman:-)
Just trust me bro,my parents said that's my ethnic group...
even DNA tests aren't that accurate,all they show is in what region same people like you live,not that you are that ethnicity. For example at least 60% of Russians(all ethnic Russians) share same DNA as Latvians,doesn't mean that they are Latvian and that Latvians with 1 million population populated all Russia,it just shows how many ethnic Russians live in Latvia,around 80%.All DNA tests I've seen of ppl all the way from Siberia to Russia,all of them had Baltics as regions where same ppl like them live. That's because all it does is compare all who did the same test. People don't count in migration,they just asume they are certain nationality because a DNA test shows majority of these people living there,for example biggest Armenian diaspora live in Russia,but clearly they are from Armenian region,even though there are more Armenians in Russia than Armenia,a DNA tests would shot only Russia as an origin,same shit with Latvia,Ukraine,Belarus,even Estonia and Lithuania,it's either Russians or Poles or Fins as ethnicity but they forgot their culture and assimilated in bolshevik created countries and assumed minority identities while at the same time destroying those native tribes like Lithuanians did to Samogitians-true Lithuanians ethnically speaking,same way Germans became Africaans.
Latvians are Russians
Afrikaans are technically Dutch and not Germans, but the Netherlands and Germany were the same country a few hundred years ago and if you go back in time both the Germans and the Dutch spoke an ancient language that was called "ancient Frankish" and they also spoke the Saxon language or the Swabian language, and many of the modern day East Germans are genetic descendants of Slavic tribes similar to Sorbs and Kashubs or Kashubians
this comment is a clusterfuck of BS....wtf are you talking about? a dna test would not show russia as the genetic point of origin for an armenian just because most of the armenian diaspora lives there. if an armenian does a DNA test, it would show west asian/caucasus, period. search it yourself. do euro-americans get 100% native american because they live in america? no, they get the results of whatever population their ancestors came from. lmao you must be r*tarded to not understand this
and if ethnic russians show an affinity to latvians genetically, its simply because there actually is common ancestry down the line. its not because of the minority living in latvia now, it's more ancient than that. i also don't see how is it surprising to you that many ethnic russians also have baltic DNA. from what i have read, and someone can feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, even though i am pretty sure i am not, most ethnic russians are a mix of slav+baltic+finno-ugric, in that order, the latter two getting stronger the more northwest you go...which makes complete sense if you ever looked at a map in your life
@@224dot0dot0dot10Est germans have low Dna in common with sorbs and kashubians
Good God bless you Lady ok
Russia 🇷🇺
What's funny with Udmurts is that they're closer genetically to Southern Central Asian Turkic people (Turkmens, Uzbeks) or Iranic people (Tajik, Pamiris) than to most ethnic Russians.
Is there a source?
@@oskarihastbacka6593 No need of sources it's all over the internet, there's many Udmurt samples that were calculated. You can check many G25/Vahaduo results, you can check Eurogenes blog also.
@@dota2videoclips754 no it is true
Total bullshit, we are 65-70% north European and 25-30% Siberian, we don't have much central Asian admixture, let alone Iranian.
Теперь моя землячка
Но живу в Москве. Этим всё сказано.
Что сказано? Москва сейчас это метрополия Евразии , бульон национальностей
Москва как Нью-Йорк в нем проживают народы со всей земли
И что теперь? Что дальше? Медаль вам дать или орден? Почему не в Удмуртии?
I love you
Туж чебер тон ,дядидэ тодисько
what race got the most white toned skin?
Russia if speaking on numbers
Can you people stop oogling her! She's my wife...
Turan!! Gretings from Turkey.😉
@Mutong Tang 😆China
Mutong Tang
You make the same comment on all Turkish videos.
you're pathetic 😂
Only in your dreams.
BTW, Constantinople and Anatolia belong to Greece.
@@LetMeGetAUhhh bazı insanlar için turan sadece türk dillerini değil, ural, japon, kore, moğol ve tunguz dillerini konuşan insanların olduğu yerleri de kapsar. kendisi ondan böyle bir yorum yapmış olabilir. tabi bu saydığım 6 dil ailesinin birbiriyle akrabalık ilişkisi var mı net değil. bu belirsiz durum altında bu şekilde turancılık pek doğru değil gibi. bu dil ailelerinin yoğun olduğu yerlerde de azınlık olsa da nüfusun dikkate değer bir bölümü turancı yine de.
Здорово. У девушки несомненно доминируют европеоидные черты лица, тогда как у чистых удмуртов доминируют азиатские, но всё же что-то есть, да. Привет из Ижевска
И это плохо, европейцы то пришли из Азии.
I would say that russians look more asian than udmurts
Мы азиаты на 30% генетически, так что азиатские черты точно не доминируют. Но да, я намного более по-азиатски выгляжу, чем она, удмурты разные бывают.
this last looks like pagan
Ну вы русские даете))
Caucasoid and Blonde looking dont equal aryan.
White not mean aryan and i don t know why nazi peoples want be aryans , aryans were not important in that history and have nothing special
Неправда я живу в Удмуртии , и из всех моих друзей только 2 рыжие
Рыжих среди удмуртов 1%
No, we don't. We are mostly brown haired, some have black, some have blond, red hair is more common than among other peoples of the planet but it is still rare.
Udmurt women are breathtaking. Free Idel-Ural!
Мы и так свободны, очнитесь!
Honestly, she doesn't look like Udmurt at all.
@Finnic Patriot, fugric maybe, not Udmurt. I'm Udmurt and more than half of the population of Udmurtia have the same shape of the face as I have.
@@yulia_coriolan Hello. I am from KYRGYZSTAN I don't know much about your ethnicity but I'm kinda interested because you're from Russia
Do you look Asian mostly?
@@hellopeople1409 no, I don't look like an Asian.
@@yulia_coriolan what face shape do you have then, if you don’t mind saying?
@@yulia_coriolan ...So, are you saying Udmurts are dolichocephalic?
Udmurts are known as ginger Asians and they chose some white woman?
they're not asian they are white too. the appearance depends on the place of birth in udmurtia, the people of it's south are likely to have asian or turk traits on their faces. i basically live in udmurtia so i know that exactly
Я чистокровный удмурт , и я черный ) С зелёными глазами
В смысле чёрный?
@@alexdeadykhin5203 ктож тебя почернел
Во первых по лицу видно, что она больше татарка, во вторых фамилия татарская. Вообщем да, у меня бомбануло не по детски из-за того что нам пытаются выдать татарку за удмуртку.
Мар ти валаськоды адямиос укморт калык щарысь ? Мон ачим укморт калыкыщ потэм адями .
Она не татарка. Многие удмурты взяли татарские фамилии когда бежали от насильной христианизации
Ахахахахахахахахах, диванный этнолог обьявился.
Если у тебя кругозор как у зубочистки и мыслишь каким-то вычитанным стереотипом, то не пиши ахинею иначе такие же бестолковые как ты начнут ставить дизлайки и тем самым каналу понижать траст фактор, а человек старается и делает красивый и познавательный контент
Прикинь у меня фамилия русская , но по национальности я удмурт родители удмурты и деды тоже удмурты. Так же в Удмуртии много людей с татарской фамилией которые даже татарского не знают , но свободно говорят на удмуртском. Чистых удмуртов уже давно нет.
не похожа на удмуртку...