Today is Thursday Sept. 23. 2021. We are here at the site of the Eloise Psychiatric Hospital in Westland MI, watching the band "The Nightmare" perform before the ribbon cutting ceremony by the real Alice Cooper, honoring Alice with a street named after him. Alice Cooper Court, will be located inside the grounds of the Eloise Asylum facility. (How appropriate) Thanks to Detroit local Rock & Roll radio station WCSX, and the many fans who voted to give Alice Cooper his own designated street named after him. Now the Detroit Metro area has 3 rock star streets. Bob Seeger Blvd. in Allen Park, Glen Fry St. In Ferndale, and now Alice Cooper Court in Westland. Cleveland's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame only has copies of these street signs, but we Dee-troit Rock & Rollers have the original ones mounted on the actual streets. As Bob Seeger so eloquently sang: Rock and Roll never forgets.
Today is Thursday Sept. 23. 2021. We are here at the site of the Eloise Psychiatric Hospital in Westland MI, watching the band "The Nightmare" perform before the ribbon cutting ceremony by the real Alice Cooper, honoring Alice with a street named after him. Alice Cooper Court, will be located inside the grounds of the Eloise Asylum facility. (How appropriate) Thanks to Detroit local Rock & Roll radio station WCSX, and the many fans who voted to give Alice Cooper his own designated street named after him. Now the Detroit Metro area has 3 rock star streets. Bob Seeger Blvd. in Allen Park, Glen Fry St. In Ferndale, and now Alice Cooper Court in Westland. Cleveland's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame only has copies of these street signs, but we Dee-troit Rock & Rollers have the original ones mounted on the actual streets. As Bob Seeger so eloquently sang: Rock and Roll never forgets.