Nekroz ft. Egg2.0 - Sept 2022 (Competitive deck profile + Combo) ~ now with 100% more Diviner!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ส.ค. 2022
  • list still wip, will test more and update if I find significant improvements
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 25

  • @vicsooth5338
    @vicsooth5338 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Really like your videos, Ive been playing a nekroz drytron deck lately, but it barely feels like nekroz, so I really like this list

    • @manh-haimuller6027
      @manh-haimuller6027 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Drytron Nekroz is Trash 😂 better just play the usual Drytron variant than Drytron Nekroz 🤣

  • @cameraman1234567890
    @cameraman1234567890 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hope to see an updated list with the new banlist!

  • @cantor3202
    @cantor3202 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    will there be an update on this list anytime soon now that Halq is gone?

    • @rebirthofshien364
      @rebirthofshien364  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      this list does not work with halq. I would work on dogma nekroz now, but I enjoy tearlament alot right now as a deck (and that deck should in theory absolutely destroy nekroz if it goes second vs you)

  • @cameraman1234567890
    @cameraman1234567890 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    After the banlist, do you think white knight is worth playing?

  • @heraldhermes4127
    @heraldhermes4127 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Love to see your still uploading nekroz content. This one feels pretty solid! I feel like there’s so untapped potential with libromancers

    • @rebirthofshien364
      @rebirthofshien364  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I am not sure if Libro is worth it with this. PUNK is 100% worth, I uploaded a concept video on it. There may be applications to play tear, but I would need to investigate that

  • @itzjordan3317
    @itzjordan3317 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can we get some test hands please?

  • @cameraman1234567890
    @cameraman1234567890 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Nonetheless, dogmatika nekroz are still pretty good. Fun as a decent rogue contender. First btw.

  • @kasianfranmitja5298
    @kasianfranmitja5298 ปีที่แล้ว

    What about libromancers?

  • @eduardopaulsanchezrosello111
    @eduardopaulsanchezrosello111 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi can u do it without halq ??

  • @pappinator97
    @pappinator97 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @chqnks1297
    @chqnks1297 ปีที่แล้ว

    I Like Nekroz More with Zaborg

    • @cameraman1234567890
      @cameraman1234567890 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah that card is a bomb. Bricks though and is unsearchable

    • @chqnks1297
      @chqnks1297 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cameraman1234567890 to be honest i also Play it without zaborg because we Play for fun with Friends and zaborg kills the entire extra deck from my friend its so Boring

    • @manh-haimuller6027
      @manh-haimuller6027 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cameraman1234567890 finally!!!

    • @cameraman1234567890
      @cameraman1234567890 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@manh-haimuller6027 finally what?

    • @manh-haimuller6027
      @manh-haimuller6027 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cameraman1234567890 everybody thinks Zaborg is crazy when in reality it’s just a brick!
      Getting it online is crazy of course but too many downsides!!! Not worth! Especially not worth it when losing the die role 😅! It’s just a bricky card that does of course get u the win immediately if pulled off but there is a reason why people aren’t doing well with Nekroz! Shitty build with a very monotone win con! Too predictable too easy to counter! There are better options. Much better

  • @manh-haimuller6027
    @manh-haimuller6027 ปีที่แล้ว

    First of all your opinion to MM is just downright wrong!
    The format is nowhere near Firewall FTK/Gumblar, Rhongo, VFD BS or DL Link put thousand negates on board!
    That is the damn reason why MM is even viable!
    MM wouldn’t do anything on multiple Omni-negates or Gumblar!
    There are dozen of cards that are also amazing going second! MM is just BS and toxic because it can outright win you the game!
    By simply putting 3 MM in ur Deck you get the chance to win 33% more because of the degeneracy that card provides!
    You are against the MM hit which is stupid!
    A tournament is meant for people to COMPETE with each other! Tournaments are meant to be made for competition between players/interaction is a necessity!
    How the fuck is it a competition when 1 card alone can just outright win you the Game? How is that on quote „rectified“?
    Konami has proven that they are able to make a very healthy and competitive environment and fun to compete in the past several years.
    There are dozens of decks which you can choose and play with! The only thing that MM does is that it destroys Deck variety! Especially Rogue Decks!!! Example: Heros, Nekroz, Junk Synchron, Fish… etc.
    How the hell is that competitive when hundreds of Decks which can compete against the Meta just get shafted by MM????!! How is that FINE?
    You are just wrong and not analyzing enough interactions!
    To prove my point if you are still for MM!
    Imagine in Chess the player who is ahead suddenly gets a Handicap where he out of nowhere has a chance of 33% of just straight up losing the game! Just imagine that in a competitive environment!
    Tennis, imagine the player who wins the first Set suddenly gets the handicap of 33% Chance to switch his racket with a baseball bat. Just out of nowhere there could be a punishment that he has to use a baseball bat now! 😑
    PS: it’s good that you mention at the start of the Deck Profile that the list might not be up to date. That is very good so that competitive Yugioh players don’t waste their time watching the Deck Profile!
    I don’t like the Diviners or that you are playing Prosperity at three.
    Diviners burn your arcs too fast making it that much harder to make a Comeback with Unicore! You sacrifice Mid/late game so you have better consistency going first! It’s unnecessary! There are better options that don’t burn ur entire resources!
    Nekroz wants to dwindle down the recourses of the opponent while being ahead in card advantage! Three diviners don’t do that very well!
    Second you are playing too many NS!!!
    Too many bricks.
    Slayer might be nice but Nekroz is not a good strategy going Second. It can be good no doubt but you make your Deck dependent on having the slayer going Second. Going first Slayer just becomes a complete brick!
    Huge conflict unless you are only planning to go second!
    Deck Build isn’t very consistent! Prosperity might be good but you are again burning all options in the ED!
    The only thing that actually makes sense is the MM in ur build😂 which is not wise since MM will be on the BL sooner or later😅
    BTW your build loses to MM too! Pretty hard! 🤣 That is also why I don’t understand your MM mindset 🤨
    PS: your build is the most glass cannon variant I’ve ever seen! It can go completely nuts uninterrupted but you can also brick because you run so many bricks and NS.
    Plus you don’t have a consistent follow up play! You are dependent on what you draw as follow up. Not that competitive but it’s fine since you mentioned that at the be beginning
    The only Engine I agree with is Nadir Maximus engine! So good

    • @rebirthofshien364
      @rebirthofshien364  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The deck does not directly lose to mine (deckout) as it has a near infinite ressource loop involving Ritual sanctuary, Maximus and nadir servant (increases your effective deck size to about 66-80). Also it is pretty solid into mine (stall until board is breakable) due to you having your own floodgates, which makes the game extremely hard for spright if they dont play runik (deck was made pre that release).
      The deck does not infinitely grind as hard as dogma nekroz cause it powers thru all arclights. This is an issue, but the tradeoff is that your board is stupidly hard to break for spright (arclight + elf pop1 + 2300 unicore + valk), and you have a massive crack-back that results most likely in lethal (ritsanc reborn arclight, summon valk by tributing brio + diviner revived by elf on opp turn, then trib arclight search brio draw 1, discard spell off sanc add mirror, brio trish play, revive arclight off sanct, swing game for 2300 + 2700 + 2900 + 1400 + 600)
      Lastly dogmatika variants are HORRIBLE this format due to the sheer power of spright/tear. Your only option is winda, which is countered by mained boardbreakers and crow. The wincon of white knight doesnt exist cause sending kitkallos is assisted suicide and spright plays many multiples of elf and gigantic, rendering it ineffective.
      I dont need to argue about mystic mine here and I think it specifically checks degenerate decks like drytron, punk goodstuff, tear danger and rouge combo piles, while not affecting spright or more midrange decks that dont braindead spam 18 handtraps and disregard other flex picks, which is good for the game. Also it is currently phasing out of popularity cause people finally respect it. I enjoy the format cause I gotta respect it. I have no excuse for not playing answers to it.
      If you are losing to mine, more often than not you can blame your shit deckbuilding. It can happen that you lose to mine cause something stops you from outing it (lets say a well timed lancea on my cosmic, or beatcop protection vs galaxy cyclone), but that can apply to literally anything in the game.
      Also for mine losing to gumblar just states power to gumblar. And for mine vs many omninegates - Darkruler + mystic mine are mained together for a reason.

    • @manh-haimuller6027
      @manh-haimuller6027 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rebirthofshien364 I understand ur point against MM but you will get mined until the opponent ha assembled an OTK then you lose!
      I also said that I agree with ur Dogmatika Engine!!! Why are you arguing about something where there is no issue!
      I already said that ur going first board is hard to crack but you can’t recover from DRNM! That’s a crucial issue!
      Your deck profile isn’t doing well at all when the grind is basically non-existent!
      I play Nekroz myself and I don’t lose to MM to be honest! But you defending a toxic shit card that stops everybody from enjoying a healthy interaction is dumb!
      With the boards you are facing! Yeah right … there is barely any board that produces 3-4 Omni-Negates!!!
      Fucking MM burn won because MM is so toxic! you don’t defend that shit when high tier players lose to MM with their T1 Decks!
      PS: If you are saying that ur build is good then how are you doing at your locals?
      I barely see a way for you to win going Second except by having MM!
      Especially with so many NS! The Deck has huge issues and the biggest is also that you lose to trap/control Decks! You can’t deny that! BTW by running so many NSs you barely draw many extenders! Meaning that 1 HT is likely to stop your plays! That’s horrible