Plot: Many, many years ago, a ninja named Kagetora devoted his life to protecting Princess Beni (”Beni-Hime”). Unfortunately, they were attacked and Kagetora was flung into a lake, and sank to the bottom… And is somehow warped to the future where he sees the princess Beni being kidnapped. Little does Kagetora know that Beni is not the real princess, but rather her descendant. Beni, on the other hand, thought that Kagetora was just a cosplayer. Beni, the daughter of a rich man has already been kidnapped a hundred times already... But fear not because Kagetora is here. Will Kagetora be able to go back to the past, or will he remain by Beni’s side forever?
I read silent kiss just now and I don‘t like it. The ml doesn‘t deserve her, cuz she done so many things for him and she helped him a lot. But he‘s always running to the other girl. The other girl is toxic asf
You choose a song in this video that is hard to resist!!! >.
High school debut: Watched it. Was really good although I wished we could get more chapters of their life at the end of the story. Recommend it 👌🏻
song used in this video is : jikan yo tomare (from anime itazura na kiss ending song)
unfortunately had to take it down due to copyrights.
The title of this song is Loving You by Heine Kopperud
what they are talking about in the comments is the song used before this one,, sadly i had to change it , but i like this one too :D
Oh I see. Yeah, Jikan yo tomare is a nice song but this one is good too. :)
may I know what is the title of this song??
Thanks for this video!!! And can you tell me what is the background song?
jikan yo tomare (from anime itazura na kiss ending song) (^.^)
Nesrina Alison Thank you ^_^
about the manga I can't see clear😭😭😭😭😭💔
What song is this
Can someone tell me what ‘Shenobi life’ is about?
Plot: Many, many years ago, a ninja named Kagetora devoted his life to protecting Princess Beni (”Beni-Hime”). Unfortunately, they were attacked and Kagetora was flung into a lake, and sank to the bottom… And is somehow warped to the future where he sees the princess Beni being kidnapped. Little does Kagetora know that Beni is not the real princess, but rather her descendant. Beni, on the other hand, thought that Kagetora was just a cosplayer. Beni, the daughter of a rich man has already been kidnapped a hundred times already... But fear not because Kagetora is here. Will Kagetora be able to go back to the past, or will he remain by Beni’s side forever?
@@nesrin6165 thank you so much♥♥
I read silent kiss just now and I don‘t like it. The ml doesn‘t deserve her, cuz she done so many things for him and she helped him a lot. But he‘s always running to the other girl. The other girl is toxic asf