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Father, please pray for us converts that we may come to the full faith and forego the things you have mentioned. Your words pierce deeply and truthfully❤
I pray for converts with all my heart, my dear one. You are the ultimate desire of our hearts, our work and our monastic life: that you should taste of Christ's Love and that we should all be saved as One Being. Please remember us in your prayers too.
thank you Father. i fear, as a young western convert, that a lot of my Orthodox friends and the inquirers i meet are seeking a culture-conserving religion and not Christ. i fear i myself have a streak of that very same kind in my own heart.
This is what I was trying to say, dear one. You have expressed it clearer and in a much more concise way than myself: if the attraction is a culture-conserving religion, then the Christ they find is the Christ they build themselves, not the Christ of the Gospels.
@@mullmonastery ‘a Christ they build themselves’. Very perfectly put. That was the start of the schism into Protestantism in the first place. Now the same sentiment searches for a new place to root itself, unfortunately diving into Orthodoxy.
@@mullmonastery I’m definitely guilty of this to a degree, although I know the correct attitude is seeking a deepening relationship with Christ above all. I believe this is a season in my life and Christ is transforming me to move away from a nationalist mindset. I myself have no power over the moral decay in my society, the cultural replacement, what political figures, etc. I do however have control over my closeness to God. Cutting out media consumption is a good start. I grew up Protestant baptist, still attend church there but have felt dissatisfied with my growth in this church. I’ve been looking up lots of info on orthodoxy. I like the fact that closeness with Christ is a central focal point. In Protestantism it seems like they focus more on trying to make you feel bad with a sermon, are very legalistic on non biblical matters, and are very focused on other Christian secs and where they error. While there’s some validity to these things, the primary focus should be seeking closeness to God and his presence, which I don’t think is a priority.
Fr. Seraphim, thank you so much for this video. It is so necessary. When I became Orthodox, I was unable to give up my political past, and I thought that Orthodoxy was more "open" to accepting the movements I belonged to. In truth, those movements prevented me from giving myself wholly to Christ and His Church. I am truly embarrassed by the many years I spent upset with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who "disagreed with me." And I can attest to the fact that I started to attend church less and less over time. I believe now that political ferver may have consumed me were it not for 2020 and Covid. Something about that year opened my eyes to the madness of which I remained a part and enabled me to return to Christ and His Church, to utterly abandon the madness of politics. I see that I never "arrived" in Orthodoxy, still have not "arrived" - there is only repentance until my last breath. Lord, have mercy. Thank you, Father. Glory to God!
May God bless every pore of your being, my dear one. This is where I am also - we are slowly 'arriving' together. But - at least - Christ has shown you the way forward and you are now out of a horrid temptation. Move forward with faith and courage: if He has grabbed you by your hand and He has started leading you, He will never let go of you. Make sure you also never let go of Him, no matter what the spirits around you will tell you.
This is hard to grasp sometimes, as I’m still an inquirer leaving my non-denominational church. A lot of the traditional practices and beliefs of Orthodoxy were appealing when I first started out, but the more I speak with my local priests and go to classes, the more I realize this is such a major change from protestantism that requires a total realignment of my heart and mind. Thank you for these reminders, and thank you for the mercy that you and the priests at my local parishes have for newer converts like me. You are such a blessing!
I am a convert from protestantism. I think when converts say they feel they can rest in Orthodoxy, they dont mean rest on their laurels. Personally, when I say I can rest in Orthodoxy, what I mean is that I can fully trust the church and fully submit to her. And genuine submission to the church is a foreign concept to most protestants. I think that submission, for many of us, is very liberating and feels like a great weight has been lifted. I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone. I think it's something that may be difficult to explain to the cradle orthodox.
As an former muslim and a believer of Jesus Christ here in Iraq... I truly understand you father ... I feel the light of Lord Jesus Christ in me when i listening to you every time .. may the light of Christ dwells in all of us forever. God bless you father
This path is more narrow than we can comprehend and we have a traffic jam of people trying to force their way through a needles eye. I’m guilty myself. But I never saw the Church as a ‘powerful Church’ because it is Christ. And Christ NEVER exercised His Power in a domineering manner on this world. I see it as the only Hospital that can heal me of my own violence through Her temperance and weakness Thank you and God bless you, father ☦️❤️
Christ is the Bridegroom and His church is the Bride. That is how it was described to me. Repentance and self-sacrifice are the virtues of a wedding couple.
If only we could all see this the way the Apostles and the Fathers did. If only we could taste the strength of defeating the violence of the world by opposing it with the meekness and humility of Christ. Instead, we respond with our own violence and we do not realise that - in doing so - we have already fallen and we have already become nothing but the very world we are called to overcome.
i wandered into an orthodox church that was filled with ideas like these where politics held so much power. after two years when i realized what it was, it discouraged me so much and caused so much pain seeing the lack of love and patience for people. i've struggled for years with trying to heal myself and my faith from the damage it all did, hearing you say this felt like i could finally breathe. it's such a powerful medicine to me
"Death to the world" is not meant as a sentence of death to the world, it is the death of the self to the vanity of created things. It is a renunciation of of Satan. EDIT: as not "die world die!" but "I die to the world for the sake of my soul and the souls of others". I completely understand what you are saying though. I go to a Serbian parish in the US. We have MANY new people coming in. Especially young men. The first order of business is to begin deprogramming them from all of the things you are talking about. It has, out of necessity, become a strong focus of the catechumen classes. Some people remain catechumens for years. Some people cannot handle it at all. Unfortunately the catechesis of many parishes is the US is all around insufficient and people are being received into the church far, far too quickly and as sheep are not being fed. Nothing could be more foreign to the American mind than Orthodoxy. Many problems. I could carry on... Please pray for the United States and Orthodoxy in the United States! It needs help!
I have just joined an Orthodox parish. I love Christ BECAUSE he is gentle and loving. The Father is good and there are many different nations there. Father says 16 different nations including Russians, Ukranians and Americans. I am studying The Long Catechism by St. Philoret and I am so joyful to find such clear explanations of The Creed, Faith, Hope and Love. I am disturbed by the creeping politics of money snd greed coming into UK but I trust and have faith that Christ has the power, to Him is the glory, not politicians or racists. They may triumph "apparently" as worldly power seemed to win when it crucified Christ but it didn't win. Inside the action of violence is written its failure. For does it say, "He wjo lives by the sword [or gun], will die by the sword [or gun]".
One of the first things my Priest explained to me in Church was that society and politics is “out there” as in not in the Church. It is a powerful statement.
Thank you Father for shining some light on this elephant in the room. We all need to pray, with a contrite and humbled heart, for the renewal of our minds, by Christ daily; so that our Lord will rescue our minds from conforming to the corrupted mindset of this world and to enable us to truly start living for Him. ❤🙏
This is absolutely right, my dear one. I have not dwelt on it because I have said this countless times before, but any failures of our brothers and sisters are the result of our own failures, and we need to repent and fight in prayer on their behalf. Meekness and humility are the way forward, as Christ teaches us.
Thank you, Father. I know this was a tough one for you to record. I converted over 30 years ago and what I see online chills my blood. So much has changed. And not for the better. Lord, have mercy. Most Holy Theotokos, save us. ❤️☦️
Thank you. This is a real problem. The first time I saw the term “Death to the World” was when I converted to Orthodoxy in the 90’s and it was the name of the zine aimed at the youth in California. I always took it to mean OUR death to the world, not wishing death upon the world. However, it is entirely possible that has been twisted to mean something else entirely these days. As for Christian nationalism, I agree it is a very terrible heresy and a big problem here in the US. However, many people look to the Patriarch of Moscow’s blessing of the war in Ukraine as an example to be emulated. That has exacerbated the problem a great deal.
There is nothing "protestant" about Chrisitan nationalism. Mainstream protestant pastors rally against it. By contrast, even senior figures in Orthodoxy are often sympathetic to it- just look at patriarch kiril in Russia and all of his statements, including those trying to bring some theological basis to his russian nationalism and state apologism.
Great video father, this is such an easy trap to fall into for many of us Americans coming into Orthodoxy. As my priest said to us for catechism “If you are coming here because Orthodox aligns all your view with all these social and political issues: You. Will. NOT. Last.” Orthodoxy is for unity with Christ, our God first and foremost and the one reason you should be joining.
That is so beautifully said, my dear one. Glory be to God that you have had the wisdom of your priest to guide you. Remember in your prayers those who lack such wisdom or, even worse, who reject it because it does not fit with their cultural / social / political views.
Christian Nationalism is why I left the Protestant faith. I was called to be separate from the world, not part of it. Btw, I spent 21 years in the Army as well. I was going for 30 if possible, but got tired of seeing all the bureaucracy of it. I just want to do my best to live for Christ.
@@arnoldvezbon6131 Whereby we see that the Wisdom of God is foolishness to the world, and the wisdom of the world is known as truly foolish. It's not nonsense. It is simply refutation and rejection of the idea that we are called to be joined to the world. "Come out from among them" is a call to faith.
Father, as a young man who was made a catechumen this year, this video touched me deeply. The more I learn about The Truth, of The Church, the more I see a real distinction between the legitimate Truth of Christ and his Church, and the false Idolization of twisted teachings or impious deception. This video helped see a deeper hypocrisy within myself, cultivated through perhaps my own pride and misunderstanding or the deceit from the impious. Please father, make more videos relating to this so that it may help us discern the truth of Christ from false realities. Again thank you so much, please pray for the converts of Orthodoxy in the name of our loving God.
I admire your honesty and courage to say things that are not pleasant. On the other hand, I'm not as exclusive as you are in terms of speaking of Orthodoxy as the only true Church. At least not in a way you present it. But that's a different story. Indeed, within the Orth. Church there is lot of nationalism and confusion. I'm not sure whether it should be called Protestantism, for we see it all over the place, and especially in so called Orthodox lands, such as Serbia, Russia etc. This kind of problem can be traced even long before the Reformation even occured. But essentially speaking, your motivation and your point is true. We should focus on Christ and his Gospel, which has nothing to do with the kind of Orthodoxy represented in the phenomena you described. Thank you for your words!
You are perfectly right, my dear one. There is nationalism in Orthodox countries and the horrid example of the war in Ukraine shows us precisely where nationalism leads. I am also aware that there is racism in Orthodox countries (especially against the gypsy population), deep misogyny (I have confessed ladies who were beaten and abused by their husbands), xenophobia etc. But I am not addressing these things because this is not the calling I have (Christ has given me a heart and a purpose here, in the West) and because I fail to see how their failures (in the East) justify or make any less serious our own failures. The way forward (spiritually) is always to focus on oneself and one's sins, so we may repent of them - it does not make me any better that my neighbour is just as bad as I am. Please remember me in your prayers.
I am trying to understand what you are saying. Are you saying we should not defend our self or our parish? I live in a country where more than a few churches have been shot up in only the past year.
I am one of these people. I'm not a misogynist or a violent person but I came to the church not out of a love for Christ but from a hatred of the world. What do I do?
My dear one, you are not one of these people, because you see your wound and you acknowledge your sin. This is a amazing step forward, for which I am very grateful to Christ. Seek love, ask for the intercession of Saints of Love, like St Silouan and St Sophrony, for example. Read many times the writings of St Silouan, read his prayers, ask him to teach your heart how to love. I promise you in their behalf that your heart will be changed and that you will taste Christ's Love in ways that you have not even dared to hope.
@@mullmonasteryI am just experiencing the same wound .My heart is not really able to love. What book from St Silouan would you recommend? I am from Germany. But can read English. Thank you for that video and all the other videos. Praise Jesus Christ.
I, too, felt myself hating the world recently. I felt anger and hatred for all the terrible ways society had orchestrated suffering and isolation into our lives. I hated all the wickedness and evil in the world. I hated all the pointless political squabbling that always seems to result in the worst ideas from all politicians ultimately being implemented my blood was boiling, and I stewed there wishing for war to come and destroy all the stupid people with their stupid petty squabbles because I hoped they would finally learn their lesson and then I thought to who was causing all this damage to the world and in an instant I had the realization that everything I hated was the work of satan slipping lies and deceit into the minds of mankind and just as quickly as I realized that he has the true and righteous target of my bloodlust it all vanished. The hatred I felt was coming from Satan, and the instant I knew that I should turn the raging inferno of wrath brewing in my soul against him in righteous fury, it disappeared. He didn't want that anger turned against him. He wanted us to hate each other. What I'm saying is that you don't hate the world. You hate the deplorable and insidious manifestations of Satan's corrupting influence on the world. Every day, Satan slips subtle lies into our hearts, and he's hoping we won't catch on.
We have around 30 to 40 in church on Sunday and around 1k on Easter and Christmas Protentism taught me to put up with abuse, to love, killed my value and life. I have gone back to Orthodoxy after covid and my parents death, it was the only place I could find peace. Living in abuse I just got preached at, the Bible is in me I am a cradle Orthodox, for many years I could not find a holy Priest.😢 please pray for me, to provide for myself and heal from lies and abuse it got in my soul
May God bless and nurture you, and open up your eyes to see the image of God in the people He will send to you. May the Holy Virgin and Mother of God bless you and heal your wounds with her powerful prayers ! Pray to her, and she will pray to our Lord Jesus Christ as she did at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. And you saw there the power of her prayer.
Thank you father. This has been on my heart and it has really pained me to see the ethos of Protestantism take seed in Orthodox parishes. We converts desperately need to see the faithfulness of the cradle Orthodox and to know the richness, the simplicity, and the sincerity that is there. This mindset which is so prone to continual skepticism, argumentation, imaginary hypotheticals, abstractions and unnecessary distinctions hurts the pure, embodied faith of the saints and makes us so prone to be the slave of our passions. I see this in myself. Thank you for your prayers.
This is so perfectly expressed, my dear one, and I give thanks to God that you can see this in yourself, because darkness is always defeated when exposed to the Light. Focus on your repentance and your path to Christ, my dear one - judge no one else and learn the hard way of the Cross. And keep us all in your prayers.
Thank you for the video Father. Slowly converting to Orthodoxy from R Catholicism has been humbling, but having videos like these from you and other channels has been so very valuable, thank you.
This problem you rightly hold up to the light is not just a convert problem. It is within the Church because the air we all breathe, including Cradle Orthodox, is rife with the pride that propels it. Thank you for holding up a mirror and helping us all see it clearly. I belong to a parish with some who seek repentance and put their faith in Christ, some who condemn the spirit of the age and put their faith in themselves, and some who do both. May the Theotokos protect us. Glory be to God.
Thank you for this word Father - so timely. I have always liked this quote by Fr Lev Gillet. I pray for you and ask your prayers! Fr Mark. 'O strange Orthodox Church, so poor and weak, with neither the organisation nor the culture of the West, staying afloat as if by a miracle in the face of so many trials, tribulations and struggles; a Church of contrasts, both so traditional and so free, so archaic and so alive, so ritualist and so personally involved, a Church where the priceless pearl of the Gospel is assiduously preserved, sometimes under a layer of dust; a Church which in shadows and silence maintains above all the eternal values of purity, poverty, asceticism, humility and forgiveness; a Church which has often not known how to act, but which can sing of the joy of Pascha like no other.' Fr Lev Gillet
I love you so much in Christ, dear Father Seraphim. This is the single most important post recently shared on social media. I am a Catholic from Slovenia, but that doesn’t matter; in Christ, we are all one. We Catholics also face similar challenges to those you mention. Here, too, there are far too many Christians who are Christian only for cultural, social, or political reasons. For such purposes, they condemn every conciliatory thought of holy Pope Francis, mention the President of the USA or Russia alongside Jesus Christ in the same breath, call for bearing arms, glorify ‘manliness,’ and readily judge anyone who disagrees with them. The biggest problem is that this attitude is not rooted in Jesus Christ, not born out of love for others, but from arrogance and pride, from a political ideology. How little this has to do with Christ. It is painful to witness, especially after the pandemic when this trend has grown stronger. Many turn to Christianity as a way to oppose the prevailing global narrative, feeling as though they are not ‘sheep,’ but instead coming from a place filled with conspiracy theories. This is not true Christianity. True Christianity is allowing yourself to be crucified by your opponents and turning the other cheek. True Christianity is recognizing your own sinfulness and feeling no need to condemn others, no matter how sinful they may be; you see the issue within yourself. Your own sin is, to you, the sole source of evil and conflict in the world. This kind of thinking immerses you so deeply in humility that, in the people around you, you see only the image of God, not dust-sin is merely dust. Let us pray, dear Seraphim, that we come to understand what true love through Jesus Christ is. It does not matter in the slightest whether we are Orthodox or Catholic; through love, may our hearts recognize the will of Jesus Christ. Let us judge no one, so that we ourselves will not be judged. I wish peace and goodwill to all the people of this world.
Thank you!!! Radical "Internet Orthodoxy" stuff was an alarming obstacle when I first began investigating Orthodoxy, but thanks to messages like this that set the record straight and rebuke the nonsense I was able to get past that and discover the beauty and profundity of the ancient faith. I appreciate your clarity.
That was a major stumbling block for me when I first started looking into Orthodoxy. I would see people online talking about Orthodoxy in an ideological way that was devoid of Christ’s love, and it pushed me away. However, at the beginning of this year I started reading about some of Orthodoxy’s saints - St Paisios, St Silouan, Elder Thaddeus, and others - and I encountered the love of Christ in their writings and lives. I’m still in a process of seeking - I’ve been attending Divine Liturgy since June - but I feel much more confident now that true Orthodoxy is about Christ and anything not about Him is a cheap knockoff.
The "Internet Orthodoxy" phenomenon is very real. I'm Catholic, but I've met more than a few people who were zealous Orthodox apologists and students of Orthodox theology. They were all young men in their early to mid 20s, and not one of them had attended Divine Liturgy once. This completely baffled me, and it makes great sense when viewed through the lense of "Protestant Orthodoxy" and online polemics. Thank you for your perspective, Father. We Catholics are experiencing a similar phenomenon wherein converts are drawn to Catholicism not because of any inner conversion to Christ, but because they were drawn to the Church's rituals, aesthetics, and social doctrines. They enjoy the waters of the river without a thought in the world as to where the water comes from or why it might be important to know where the river's source is. Most of these inquirers and converts are drawn to the Traditional Latin Mass, but I fear that hysterical headlines, social media, and political soapboxing have turned the Traditional Latin Mass into the Trendy Latin Mass. These converts sprout and grow quickly, but they are withered and gone after a season or two passes by, not unlike the seeds sown on rocky ground in the Parable of the Sower. Sadly, many Priests and Bishops have ignored this problem since the influx of converts means more tithes for financially struggling parishes and more donations to dioceses teetering on bankruptcy.
By the grace of God, I have peace, my dear one. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I am trying to learn from Christ and to give witness to what He teaches. What the world does with this witness is no longer up to me, so whether people reject everything or embrace everything, that is between them and Christ. My 'job' is to just give witness.
I'm a Roman Catholic and I've been listening to you for a while, Fr. Seraphim Aldea; and father, what a relief it is to hear this from you. On this side of our Church we have been under these vicious attacks from the so-called "traditionalists", who are anything but. They don't want to live a life of love, gentleness, submission, repentance and grace, as our LORD teaches us; they want what they think is "true" Roman Catholicism, the aesthetics, the Tridentine Mass, the inquisition, the crusades, they want to accuse and incite, rejecting the authority of the anointed ones. They are exactly what you said, and it doesn't surprise me at all that the Orthodox side of our Church is going through the same problem, because these protestants are starting to realize our beloved Pope Francis isn't the murderous tyrant they thought he is, and now, many of these protestants are migrating from Roman Catholicism to Orthodoxy because they think Orthodoxy is where they'll get what they want. They want the Church to submit to them, not the other way around. Thank you so much for this message, Fr. Seraphim Aldea. We need more anointed ones like you to speak out against this dangerous heresy. That's not who we are. It was never about ideology, politics, or ethnicity, it's about repentance and unwavering love, it always was, and always will be. I pray they will come to contrition and accept their heart of flesh, the new life that is given to them by the Holy Spirit. Bless your soul, Fr. Seraphim Aldea. May your faith, humbleness, and gentleness continue to serve as inspiration to us all. LORD Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners. Amém.
Dear brother, I wanted to write the same thing myself. We are experiencing something similar here as well, where many "militant Catholics" are turning to traditionalism, which merely serves as a disguise for political and cultural battles, self-glorification, and judging others. Naturally, they target Pope Francis the most. It is painful for me to watch. There is no love or humility in this; it’s purely about political posturing. Christ wants us all to be one, so it doesn’t matter to me what we call ourselves-what matters is that we carry the true love of Jesus Christ in our hearts. And we can only have this if we recognize our own sinfulness and, in the light of this awareness, listen to the voice of Christ within us, in the Holy Word, and in the lives of the saints. All the best to you, dear brother.
I moved parishes recently from one novus ordo RC parish to another and there was a marked difference in the atmosphere of the liturgy the new parish I found very uncomfortable and irreverent it has 2 huge TV screens above the altar with kareoke style graphics and sing along text and very happy - clappy cheesy atmosphere. There are a lot of former protestant pentecostals here and I think it is reflected in this way. Personally I would prefer TLM or Byzantine rite then what I encountered here at least i would be able to concentrate on Mass and not giant TV screens with 1990s animations hanging above the altar.
I don't think there's anything wrong with willing to preserve the original Catholic tradition of the Tridentine Mass instead of whatever Novus Ordo is...
You can't separate tradition from the Church. Had the orthodox patriarchs dared change the liturgy like our "bishops" did in Vatican 2, changes done at the behest of the american empire. i can guarantee you that you would count Father Seraphim among the same "trad catholics" you look down, because the Father here would have the sense to reject change to thr Orthodoxy. The problem isn't tradition. The problem is the injection of politics into the Tradition, which is our inheritence from the Apostles and Christ. What he is fighting against is the same worldy infection that has infected the heirarchy of the Catholic Church. Which changes the faith, not the faith changing the culture. That's what he is talking about.
This isn't on topic, Fr. Seraphim, forgive me, an American convert woman. I just made my first pilgrimage to a woman's monastery. I'm still trying to process everything, it was the best thing that's ever happened to me but the spiritual warfare there was not something I was prepared for, it's something I guess you anticipate but don't understand until you experience it. Now that I've experienced it...I still don't understand, I know how much of a babe in the faith I still am. I'm still in tumult but it feels like something my soul needed. I loved every minute of being there and never wanted it to end...while also hating every minute of it and wanting to call an Uber and leave immediately. Please pray for this converts soul (Charissa) thank you Father for your patience ❤🙏☦️
In my experience, when God reveals how my heart is at war with itself, it leaves me also full of joy and full of tears. For it reveals both where I should go, and where I should leave off. It can be wrenching at first, but oh so freeing thenceforth.
Dear Fr.,I M listening to You,and I m listening to You!This is impressive!I know it comes from within an inmost place of Love,deep down into Your heart.Truly,may we All be One in Christ,and one s life should really be a dedication,a cross,an incessant Prayer for the life of the whole world!Thank You,Fr.,so,so much,and,also,for the blessings!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🥹
Keep fighting the good fight, Father Seraphim. Indeed, it takes strength and courage to repent, to stop looking at "others" and at "the World", but focus on the filth inside myself. It's so hard, so so so hard to pray, to repent, to kill the feeling of pride and rebellion inside oneself. It's so hard. Let us pray one for another. We are weak. God bless!
Your blessing Father Pleae don't ever stop telling us the hard things that we so need to ear as we travel this road towards true repentance . ❤ Ever grateful to you for having the courage to say the things that need to be said and to God for granting you those blessed words!
Please remember us in your prayers, dear one. I so wish I could only talk to you about prayer, vigil, fasting, ways to move forward in our spiritual life etc - but there are moments when to ignore what happens around oneself feels very much like those people playing music while the Titanic was sinking. By the grace of God, is we all try our humble best, perhaps we can all learn from each other and move forward together.
I pray for every convert that has to filter through our cultural influences and personal misunderstandings to find the core of orthodoxy . We don’t know the treasure we have and end up giving them something cheaper. May God enlighten us all . Thank God who works in the heart of every seeker and believer and covers our iniquities🙏✝️✝️
This was a particularly relevant and brave talk, Father. Thank you! I am a Catholic but a regular follower of your videos. We have a similar problem in the Catholic Church. Le us continue praying for each other and for the One True Church of Christ!
I'm genuinely curious on your thoughts Father on the Patriarch of Moscows avid support of Putin, when Putin seems to me rather obviously leading a war of violence.
@@rebekahshantz569 I tend to think no one is *obliged* to be a martyr. Rather, some few are *called* to be martyrs. As for survival, our lives are in God's hands, regardless of what we believe. The main question is, will our lives end when we die on earth, or will they continue with God when we leave earth? There are saints whose own martyrdom consisted of encouraging their loved ones to endure the tortures of their own martyrdom. Much depends on what you consider "survival" to mean.
Thank you, brother, for so strongly putting forth the word of Christ. We just need to return to the sermon on the mount. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. I'm praying for your work.
Bless you Father. I am a protestant convert and needed to hear your words this morning. They come as treasures. May God bless you and all of us to live His truth in love and peace with our brothers and sisters. Please pray for me to be in the world but not of the world. Glory to God.
With due respect father, these issues you refer to are really a lot more complex, and while I could readily agree the times we live in are a product of unrectified mistakes from the past, the truth is it's very difficult to escape nuance. But just because people from outside of the Church have mistaken views about Orthodoxy, does not mean they should automatically be rebuked. But I also doubt there are really that many ignoramuses who think they can find in Orthodoxy that which they cannot find within their own heterodox heritages. In fact, from what I have seen, most inquirers in later years are either Protestants or Roman Catholics who are genuinely lost within their own confessions, although they are yearning for answers. Spiritual answers. And yet, heterodox Christianity is still dominant in terms of numbers, the exact issue which you're highlighting. And the reason why the numbers are still so high, is because they don't find Orthodoxy appealing. Doesn't that of itself already validate your own argument, about quality over quantity?
Thank you father for this very meaningful lesson. I could use more humility. Father Spyridon in Wales spoke 4 days ago about the danger of being mislead by our feelings, and now you have expanded on some of these particulars. Thank you, you are always in my prayers. Michael, PA, USA. ❤
Thank you for saying out loud what I have been thinking for the past 20 years. I have frequently described this as “dragging their Protestant culture baggage” into Orthodoxy. Priests and layperson who are leading catchechism might consider adding a component to catechism that goes into developing a component that focuses on how to develop an Orthodox mindset and look at social issues with an Orthodox lens rather than simply adopting what is labeled as “conservative” (or liberal for that matter)
Amen amen amen! Death to my sins wants temptations! May our living and loving God be with you all. Thank you Father for speaking true words which are a bitter bite to some…but the true words of Christ usually are..bitter now sweet later…and as we die to ourselves then it actually can be a sweet bite in a grace filled moment. Thank you for this reminder and gift!
thank you for this video fr - if it is ever in your will or that is what God shows you, (im unsure how to write this - but i'd like to learn more about the truth of the Orthodox church). im the worst for changing orthodoxy for myself. im not baptised but i fear that my sinful life will continue as it is even maybe worse once i may be baptised. thank you for this message and i kindly ask, please pray for me, a sinner.
May God bless you, dear one, and may He give you the strength to move forward free of sin. Should you ever fall again, just hold on to Christ with all your might! Do not let go fo Him no matter what happens: even when everything in you (and everyone around you) tells you that all is lost, do not believe those voices, because they are not Christ's. Just get yourself up and start again, until your end will find you either fallen (may that not be) or standing up in fight.
I am aware that very little is changed when we speak, dear one. I think of our work as a work of witnessing, giving witness to Christ's teachings as they are held by His Church. I do not focus on how people may react, because that no longer belongs to me. What belongs to me is to stay faithful to the Truth and to give witness to the Truth in the world. Please keep us in your prayers.
Father, how do we approach the "protestant Orthodox" that you describe in our parishes? Is there a need to talk to them about this or should we just pray for them? Is there anything else except prayer that we can, or should, do?
Pray your heart out and do talk to them IF (and only if) you feel love and compassion towards them. If you feel frustration or anger yourself, remain silent and just pray, my dear one.
The priest is often in a very difficult position, dear one, especially if the entire parish remains silent and does not support him. very frequently, he will be split between the need to preserve the purity of the Orthodox teaching and the fear of losing a soul who is not yet ready to receive it, so he may delay the hard conversations.
I heard a Roman priest say, "Convert because you want to be Catholic, not because you're angry with the church you're leaving." I think Fr. Seraphim is saying a similar message.
I agree. People should not bring their gun into church. I own a gun, but don't bring mine into liturgy. I recently converted and still learning how to prey with the saints interceding for us. In my mind, I have a habit of preying to God directly, but now Im asking for the intercession of Mary and my Patron Saint.
I have guns too and I can’t bring myself to have them in the Lord’s temple. I’ve done it a few times but it just felt wrong. I do carry knives, since I am also a martial artist, but those can serve multiple purposes outside of just killing. I’m trying to downgrade my arsenal right now to basic essentials.
There is an Orthodox prayer book called "Mother of The Light" that you should check out. EDIT: Patron Saint? You have been received into the church? These issues were not resolved as a catechumen?
I am a convert so maybe I don't know what im talking about but when it comes to fsmily life I think the church (Orthodox Church) does say the man is the head of the household. And many of these things sound like they are issues that spiritual fathers should be addressing.
Thank you Father for addressing this. It is disheartening to watch it happen. To have it come after those of us who disagree with this misguided idealism, legalism and nationalism. Thankfully there is no "ism" in Orthodoxy. Only truth and love ❤ Lord have mercy on us all❤
Thank you for this video, Fr. I would like to ask if you could pry for me a sinner. I feel lost and confused, I don't know where the truth is. I visited an Orthodox Church near me, but the whole service was in Russian, which I don't speak, and I still don't have any answers. I was reading my bilbe and came across a quote from Isaiah that reminds me of the current generation "You will be hearing but never understanding; you will be seeing but never perceiving; For this people's heart has become calloused;". I just feel hopeless and frustrated, but I'm sorry for this random bable. Thank you for reading. May Christ have mercy upon us all.
Thank you, Father, for teaching that hits the point again. I have a couple of thoughts and questions. When I sought Christ aged 21 I had never heard of Orthodoxy and later I joined a Protestant congregation where hostility towards non-Protestant churches was normalised. And then I met an icon restorer who opened my eyes. Some of us will have “journeys” because of circumstance. But those journeys cease when we find Orthodoxy. Another thought, which might be something you said (please forgive me if it isn’t): Orthodoxy is a pre-modern expression of Christianity because the Orthodox nations generally have experienced neither the Reformation nor the so-called Enlightenment. This is a blessing. (It’s especially evident at the Coptic monastery a few miles from my home, incidentally.) May I ask a question too, please? I think that I understand what “there is no Greek or Jew” means, but what about “neither male nor female”? I’m interested in your thoughts on the psychological view about the male psyche embodying an inner female element (the anima) and the converse (animus). Being made in God’s image how should a man regard an inner feminine wonder of thought?
Your direct words will not be popular, but they are true. It feels like some seek orthodoxy wanting a Christian version of islam. They are too tied to the world (and it's politics). Do they not realize death is closer to them than their skin?
Thank you for this video. I am curious about orthodoxy and have seen the sorts of attitudes you speak of. It is encouraging to hear your words. I seek Christ and only Christ.
This is exactly true, we are very few genuine empathetic loving compassionate souls🙏🙏🙏🥰I almost died putting myself on the cross. I am trying really hard growing
I am so grateful for this talk. I have had my fill of the condemning so called Christian. I am studying to be an Orthodox Christian to draw closer to God, that’s it.
Fr. Seraphim - there's much that's good in your words, but I specifically want to address your comments about "Death to the World" - the project out of St. Herman's monastery in California. "Death to the World" doesn't mean 'kill the world'. As I understand it, it means "the Christian is called to die a death to the world". That said, there are some troubling examples of exactly the kind of thing you're talking about within the DTTW crowd, so maybe it's a distinction without a difference, or perhaps I'm being naive.
I agree wholeheartedly Father, I’m glad and relieved that I’m not the only one who sees this and why I’m apprehensive of it If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years of life is that INTENSITY beats volume every day of the week, no matter what the arena I hope and pray you are all well at the monastery Father Blessings 🌴🌴🌴
Father Seraphim: I love your discussions, and I listen with careful attention. I rarely comment on your videos, but this topic really cut to my core, and I hope I did not misunderstand your message. One aspect of today's talk seems to be or is anti self-defense. You mention parishioners bringing guns into churches and this notion of taking a life to preserve your own. You say this is not scriptural and of the devil, paraphrasing you. We see the news of evil people coming into churches of any denomination and using a weapon (gun or knife) to murder innocent church attendees and clergy. Do we not have a basic human right to defend ourselves? I know Jesus did not fight his Roman captors nor speak up during his trial in his own defense. He could have called on Legions of Angels to save him, but he did not do so. It seems that the message is that if we trust God, then we do need to defend ourselves physically or verbally. This still confuses me.
The greatest saints underwent torture and death for Christ without lifting a finger. It's a difficult message, but it is their humility, forgiveness and martyrdom which inspires like nothing other, other than Christ himself. It is exactly how Christ lived. See the example of St Ignatius.
It's not "Orthodox" to be a warrior. What is Orthodox is to try to heal one's soul through repentance, from what one has to do to survive in this world. I always carry at Church. The centurion was blessed by Christ, yet remained a soldier. The point is that the evil of warfare is never blessed, there is no holy way to kill the enemy. Don't self-justify your violent passions with Pharisaism.
Keep us in your prayers, dear one. I am telling you that absolutely, without a shadow of doubt, Christ would not kill another human being for any reason - not in self-defence, not in order to save others, not to protect a nation or a culture etc. look at Him rejecting St Peter' help in the Garden. Look at Him allowing all of His Apostles (except for St John the Evangelist) to be martyred. Look at the tens of of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of martyred children, women, men, young and old, rich and poor, all butchered for His name and for their faith in Him. Look at the collapse and destruction of both Rome and Constantinople (the 'Holy Cities'), look at the Roman Empire collapsing, the Byzantine Empire collapsing etc etc. This is the Law of Love and He has shown how that Law is to be applied in His own Life: on the Cross, being killed by the very people for whom He choses to die, so He may save them. This is the PURE Law of Love - how we can apply it... each of us has our own measure and we each compromise and dilute the purity of Christ's Love according to our own fallen selves. This does not mean we are lost. It simply means that we reply entirely on His forgiveness, as ones who have failed ti hold on to His Love. BUT: the fact that we all fall and 'negotiate' the Law should never lead to us forgetting the Pure Law or re-defining it so it makes us feel good about ourselves. That would be utter spiritual self-destruction.
Father, I live in Turkey, and here the Orthodox churches are either named Greek or Armenian churches. This halts me from entering them and stating that I want to be an Orthodox (I was an atheist since my childhood) because I'm afraid I won't be wanted there or I will scare them off. And since this is Turkey, these churches usually lay low, so it is hard to reach anyone from the clergy. Is there any way you can guide me?
I understand that reluctance, because I share it. At the same time, given where you live, I would absolutely let go of this and focus on just being in Church, so I may commune with the Sacraments and grow closer (inwardly) with Christ. We are all failing in our own ways, dear one. At times, we need to just allow the failures of others and not let them separate them from Christ.
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May God bless us all!
I think what father Seraphim is addressing is what in America are called “ Ortho Bros “.
Father, please pray for us converts that we may come to the full faith and forego the things you have mentioned. Your words pierce deeply and truthfully❤
I pray for converts with all my heart, my dear one. You are the ultimate desire of our hearts, our work and our monastic life: that you should taste of Christ's Love and that we should all be saved as One Being. Please remember us in your prayers too.
thank you Father. i fear, as a young western convert, that a lot of my Orthodox friends and the inquirers i meet are seeking a culture-conserving religion and not Christ. i fear i myself have a streak of that very same kind in my own heart.
This is what I was trying to say, dear one. You have expressed it clearer and in a much more concise way than myself: if the attraction is a culture-conserving religion, then the Christ they find is the Christ they build themselves, not the Christ of the Gospels.
@@mullmonastery ‘a Christ they build themselves’. Very perfectly put. That was the start of the schism into Protestantism in the first place. Now the same sentiment searches for a new place to root itself, unfortunately diving into Orthodoxy.
I came for the truth
@@mullmonastery”then the Christ they find is the Christ they build themselves.” Amen.
@@mullmonastery I’m definitely guilty of this to a degree, although I know the correct attitude is seeking a deepening relationship with Christ above all. I believe this is a season in my life and Christ is transforming me to move away from a nationalist mindset. I myself have no power over the moral decay in my society, the cultural replacement, what political figures, etc. I do however have control over my closeness to God. Cutting out media consumption is a good start. I grew up Protestant baptist, still attend church there but have felt dissatisfied with my growth in this church. I’ve been looking up lots of info on orthodoxy. I like the fact that closeness with Christ is a central focal point. In Protestantism it seems like they focus more on trying to make you feel bad with a sermon, are very legalistic on non biblical matters, and are very focused on other Christian secs and where they error. While there’s some validity to these things, the primary focus should be seeking closeness to God and his presence, which I don’t think is a priority.
Fr. Seraphim, thank you so much for this video. It is so necessary. When I became Orthodox, I was unable to give up my political past, and I thought that Orthodoxy was more "open" to accepting the movements I belonged to. In truth, those movements prevented me from giving myself wholly to Christ and His Church. I am truly embarrassed by the many years I spent upset with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who "disagreed with me." And I can attest to the fact that I started to attend church less and less over time. I believe now that political ferver may have consumed me were it not for 2020 and Covid. Something about that year opened my eyes to the madness of which I remained a part and enabled me to return to Christ and His Church, to utterly abandon the madness of politics. I see that I never "arrived" in Orthodoxy, still have not "arrived" - there is only repentance until my last breath. Lord, have mercy. Thank you, Father. Glory to God!
May God bless every pore of your being, my dear one. This is where I am also - we are slowly 'arriving' together. But - at least - Christ has shown you the way forward and you are now out of a horrid temptation. Move forward with faith and courage: if He has grabbed you by your hand and He has started leading you, He will never let go of you. Make sure you also never let go of Him, no matter what the spirits around you will tell you.
This is hard to grasp sometimes, as I’m still an inquirer leaving my non-denominational church. A lot of the traditional practices and beliefs of Orthodoxy were appealing when I first started out, but the more I speak with my local priests and go to classes, the more I realize this is such a major change from protestantism that requires a total realignment of my heart and mind. Thank you for these reminders, and thank you for the mercy that you and the priests at my local parishes have for newer converts like me. You are such a blessing!
I am a convert from protestantism. I think when converts say they feel they can rest in Orthodoxy, they dont mean rest on their laurels. Personally, when I say I can rest in Orthodoxy, what I mean is that I can fully trust the church and fully submit to her. And genuine submission to the church is a foreign concept to most protestants. I think that submission, for many of us, is very liberating and feels like a great weight has been lifted. I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone. I think it's something that may be difficult to explain to the cradle orthodox.
As an former muslim and a believer of Jesus Christ here in Iraq... I truly understand you father ... I feel the light of Lord Jesus Christ in me when i listening to you every time .. may the light of Christ dwells in all of us forever.
God bless you father
This path is more narrow than we can comprehend and we have a traffic jam of people trying to force their way through a needles eye. I’m guilty myself.
But I never saw the Church as a ‘powerful Church’ because it is Christ. And Christ NEVER exercised His Power in a domineering manner on this world. I see it as the only Hospital that can heal me of my own violence through Her temperance and weakness
Thank you and God bless you, father ☦️❤️
Christ is the Bridegroom and His church is the Bride. That is how it was described to me. Repentance and self-sacrifice are the virtues of a wedding couple.
If only we could all see this the way the Apostles and the Fathers did. If only we could taste the strength of defeating the violence of the world by opposing it with the meekness and humility of Christ. Instead, we respond with our own violence and we do not realise that - in doing so - we have already fallen and we have already become nothing but the very world we are called to overcome.
@ ❤️ yes. Yes absolutely. And I absolutely struggle with this.
i wandered into an orthodox church that was filled with ideas like these where politics held so much power. after two years when i realized what it was, it discouraged me so much and caused so much pain seeing the lack of love and patience for people. i've struggled for years with trying to heal myself and my faith from the damage it all did, hearing you say this felt like i could finally breathe. it's such a powerful medicine to me
"Death to the world" is not meant as a sentence of death to the world, it is the death of the self to the vanity of created things. It is a renunciation of of Satan. EDIT: as not "die world die!" but "I die to the world for the sake of my soul and the souls of others". I completely understand what you are saying though. I go to a Serbian parish in the US. We have MANY new people coming in. Especially young men. The first order of business is to begin deprogramming them from all of the things you are talking about. It has, out of necessity, become a strong focus of the catechumen classes. Some people remain catechumens for years. Some people cannot handle it at all.
Unfortunately the catechesis of many parishes is the US is all around insufficient and people are being received into the church far, far too quickly and as sheep are not being fed. Nothing could be more foreign to the American mind than Orthodoxy. Many problems. I could carry on... Please pray for the United States and Orthodoxy in the United States! It needs help!
Fr’s anguish about our lack of repentance is heartbreaking. May God help me to actually convert to Christ!
I have just joined an Orthodox parish. I love Christ BECAUSE he is gentle and loving. The Father is good and there are many different nations there. Father says 16 different nations including Russians, Ukranians and Americans. I am studying The Long Catechism by St. Philoret and I am so joyful to find such clear explanations of The Creed, Faith, Hope and Love.
I am disturbed by the creeping politics of money snd greed coming into UK but I trust and have faith that Christ has the power, to Him is the glory, not politicians or racists. They may triumph "apparently" as worldly power seemed to win when it crucified Christ but it didn't win. Inside the action of violence is written its failure. For does it say, "He wjo lives by the sword [or gun], will die by the sword [or gun]".
One of the first things my Priest explained to me in Church was that society and politics is “out there” as in not in the Church. It is a powerful statement.
Thank you Father for shining some light on this elephant in the room. We all need to pray, with a contrite and humbled heart, for the renewal of our minds, by Christ daily; so that our Lord will rescue our minds from conforming to the corrupted mindset of this world and to enable us to truly start living for Him. ❤🙏
This is absolutely right, my dear one. I have not dwelt on it because I have said this countless times before, but any failures of our brothers and sisters are the result of our own failures, and we need to repent and fight in prayer on their behalf. Meekness and humility are the way forward, as Christ teaches us.
Thank you, Father. I know this was a tough one for you to record. I converted over 30 years ago and what I see online chills my blood. So much has changed. And not for the better. Lord, have mercy. Most Holy Theotokos, save us. ❤️☦️
I hear the concern and pain in your voice in speaking on this issue. Thank you for doing so.
Thank you. This is a real problem. The first time I saw the term “Death to the World” was when I converted to Orthodoxy in the 90’s and it was the name of the zine aimed at the youth in California. I always took it to mean OUR death to the world, not wishing death upon the world. However, it is entirely possible that has been twisted to mean something else entirely these days. As for Christian nationalism, I agree it is a very terrible heresy and a big problem here in the US. However, many people look to the Patriarch of Moscow’s blessing of the war in Ukraine as an example to be emulated. That has exacerbated the problem a great deal.
There is nothing "protestant" about Chrisitan nationalism. Mainstream protestant pastors rally against it. By contrast, even senior figures in Orthodoxy are often sympathetic to it- just look at patriarch kiril in Russia and all of his statements, including those trying to bring some theological basis to his russian nationalism and state apologism.
Great video father, this is such an easy trap to fall into for many of us Americans coming into Orthodoxy. As my priest said to us for catechism “If you are coming here because Orthodox aligns all your view with all these social and political issues: You. Will. NOT. Last.” Orthodoxy is for unity with Christ, our God first and foremost and the one reason you should be joining.
That is so beautifully said, my dear one. Glory be to God that you have had the wisdom of your priest to guide you. Remember in your prayers those who lack such wisdom or, even worse, who reject it because it does not fit with their cultural / social / political views.
Such important and comforting words. May the true path of Christ always shine bright. Thank you.
What you are bringing up, Father, is very important.
Thank you,Father, for your honesty. God bless you.
Please keep us in your prayers, dear one. We all need each other's support before the Lord
Christian Nationalism is why I left the Protestant faith. I was called to be separate from the world, not part of it. Btw, I spent 21 years in the Army as well. I was going for 30 if possible, but got tired of seeing all the bureaucracy of it. I just want to do my best to live for Christ.
Whe are not called to be separate from the world that's nonsense.
@@arnoldvezbon6131 Whereby we see that the Wisdom of God is foolishness to the world, and the wisdom of the world is known as truly foolish. It's not nonsense. It is simply refutation and rejection of the idea that we are called to be joined to the world. "Come out from among them" is a call to faith.
@@arnoldvezbon6131 I think he means what is said, being of the world is enmity with God.
As a protestant, you are 100% correct. Much love for Orthodoxy.
Extraordinarily powerful and important message
Father, as a young man who was made a catechumen this year, this video touched me deeply. The more I learn about The Truth, of The Church, the more I see a real distinction between the legitimate Truth of Christ and his Church, and the false Idolization of twisted teachings or impious deception. This video helped see a deeper hypocrisy within myself, cultivated through perhaps my own pride and misunderstanding or the deceit from the impious. Please father, make more videos relating to this so that it may help us discern the truth of Christ from false realities. Again thank you so much, please pray for the converts of Orthodoxy in the name of our loving God.
I admire your honesty and courage to say things that are not pleasant. On the other hand, I'm not as exclusive as you are in terms of speaking of Orthodoxy as the only true Church. At least not in a way you present it. But that's a different story. Indeed, within the Orth. Church there is lot of nationalism and confusion. I'm not sure whether it should be called Protestantism, for we see it all over the place, and especially in so called Orthodox lands, such as Serbia, Russia etc. This kind of problem can be traced even long before the Reformation even occured. But essentially speaking, your motivation and your point is true. We should focus on Christ and his Gospel, which has nothing to do with the kind of Orthodoxy represented in the phenomena you described. Thank you for your words!
You are perfectly right, my dear one. There is nationalism in Orthodox countries and the horrid example of the war in Ukraine shows us precisely where nationalism leads. I am also aware that there is racism in Orthodox countries (especially against the gypsy population), deep misogyny (I have confessed ladies who were beaten and abused by their husbands), xenophobia etc. But I am not addressing these things because this is not the calling I have (Christ has given me a heart and a purpose here, in the West) and because I fail to see how their failures (in the East) justify or make any less serious our own failures. The way forward (spiritually) is always to focus on oneself and one's sins, so we may repent of them - it does not make me any better that my neighbour is just as bad as I am. Please remember me in your prayers.
I am trying to understand what you are saying. Are you saying we should not defend our self or our parish? I live in a country where more than a few churches have been shot up in only the past year.
I am one of these people. I'm not a misogynist or a violent person but I came to the church not out of a love for Christ but from a hatred of the world. What do I do?
My dear one, you are not one of these people, because you see your wound and you acknowledge your sin. This is a amazing step forward, for which I am very grateful to Christ. Seek love, ask for the intercession of Saints of Love, like St Silouan and St Sophrony, for example. Read many times the writings of St Silouan, read his prayers, ask him to teach your heart how to love. I promise you in their behalf that your heart will be changed and that you will taste Christ's Love in ways that you have not even dared to hope.
@@mullmonasteryI am just experiencing the same wound .My heart is not really able to love. What book from St Silouan would you recommend? I am from Germany. But can read English. Thank you for that video and all the other videos. Praise Jesus Christ.
I, too, felt myself hating the world recently. I felt anger and hatred for all the terrible ways society had orchestrated suffering and isolation into our lives. I hated all the wickedness and evil in the world. I hated all the pointless political squabbling that always seems to result in the worst ideas from all politicians ultimately being implemented my blood was boiling, and I stewed there wishing for war to come and destroy all the stupid people with their stupid petty squabbles because I hoped they would finally learn their lesson and then I thought to who was causing all this damage to the world and in an instant I had the realization that everything I hated was the work of satan slipping lies and deceit into the minds of mankind and just as quickly as I realized that he has the true and righteous target of my bloodlust it all vanished. The hatred I felt was coming from Satan, and the instant I knew that I should turn the raging inferno of wrath brewing in my soul against him in righteous fury, it disappeared. He didn't want that anger turned against him. He wanted us to hate each other. What I'm saying is that you don't hate the world. You hate the deplorable and insidious manifestations of Satan's corrupting influence on the world. Every day, Satan slips subtle lies into our hearts, and he's hoping we won't catch on.
We have around 30 to 40 in church on Sunday and around 1k on Easter and Christmas
Protentism taught me to put up with abuse, to love, killed my value and life.
I have gone back to Orthodoxy after covid and my parents death, it was the only place I could find peace. Living in abuse I just got preached at, the Bible is in me
I am a cradle Orthodox, for many years I could not find a holy Priest.😢 please pray for me, to provide for myself and heal from lies and abuse it got in my soul
May God bless and nurture you, and open up your eyes to see the image of God in the people He will send to you.
May the Holy Virgin and Mother of God bless you and heal your wounds with her powerful prayers ! Pray to her, and she will pray to our Lord Jesus Christ as she did at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. And you saw there the power of her prayer.
Thank you father. This has been on my heart and it has really pained me to see the ethos of Protestantism take seed in Orthodox parishes. We converts desperately need to see the faithfulness of the cradle Orthodox and to know the richness, the simplicity, and the sincerity that is there. This mindset which is so prone to continual skepticism, argumentation, imaginary hypotheticals, abstractions and unnecessary distinctions hurts the pure, embodied faith of the saints and makes us so prone to be the slave of our passions. I see this in myself. Thank you for your prayers.
This is so perfectly expressed, my dear one, and I give thanks to God that you can see this in yourself, because darkness is always defeated when exposed to the Light. Focus on your repentance and your path to Christ, my dear one - judge no one else and learn the hard way of the Cross. And keep us all in your prayers.
Thank you for the video Father. Slowly converting to Orthodoxy from R Catholicism has been humbling, but having videos like these from you and other channels has been so very valuable, thank you.
Glory be to God, my dear one. Please remember us in your prayers.
This problem you rightly hold up to the light is not just a convert problem. It is within the Church because the air we all breathe, including Cradle Orthodox, is rife with the pride that propels it. Thank you for holding up a mirror and helping us all see it clearly. I belong to a parish with some who seek repentance and put their faith in Christ, some who condemn the spirit of the age and put their faith in themselves, and some who do both. May the Theotokos protect us. Glory be to God.
Thank you for this word Father - so timely. I have always liked this quote by Fr Lev Gillet. I pray for you and ask your prayers! Fr Mark.
'O strange Orthodox Church, so poor and weak, with neither the organisation nor the culture of the West, staying afloat as if by a miracle in the face of so many trials, tribulations and struggles; a Church of contrasts, both so traditional and so free, so archaic and so alive, so ritualist and so personally involved, a Church where the priceless pearl of the Gospel is assiduously preserved, sometimes under a layer of dust; a Church which in shadows and silence maintains above all the eternal values of purity, poverty, asceticism, humility and forgiveness; a Church which has often not known how to act, but which can sing of the joy of Pascha like no other.' Fr Lev Gillet
That is very beautiful, dear fr Mark, thank you for sharing this prayer. Please keep us in your prayers.
I love you so much in Christ, dear Father Seraphim. This is the single most important post recently shared on social media. I am a Catholic from Slovenia, but that doesn’t matter; in Christ, we are all one. We Catholics also face similar challenges to those you mention. Here, too, there are far too many Christians who are Christian only for cultural, social, or political reasons. For such purposes, they condemn every conciliatory thought of holy Pope Francis, mention the President of the USA or Russia alongside Jesus Christ in the same breath, call for bearing arms, glorify ‘manliness,’ and readily judge anyone who disagrees with them. The biggest problem is that this attitude is not rooted in Jesus Christ, not born out of love for others, but from arrogance and pride, from a political ideology. How little this has to do with Christ.
It is painful to witness, especially after the pandemic when this trend has grown stronger. Many turn to Christianity as a way to oppose the prevailing global narrative, feeling as though they are not ‘sheep,’ but instead coming from a place filled with conspiracy theories. This is not true Christianity. True Christianity is allowing yourself to be crucified by your opponents and turning the other cheek. True Christianity is recognizing your own sinfulness and feeling no need to condemn others, no matter how sinful they may be; you see the issue within yourself. Your own sin is, to you, the sole source of evil and conflict in the world. This kind of thinking immerses you so deeply in humility that, in the people around you, you see only the image of God, not dust-sin is merely dust.
Let us pray, dear Seraphim, that we come to understand what true love through Jesus Christ is. It does not matter in the slightest whether we are Orthodox or Catholic; through love, may our hearts recognize the will of Jesus Christ. Let us judge no one, so that we ourselves will not be judged. I wish peace and goodwill to all the people of this world.
Father, thank you for this message. It is proving to be a blessing to me this morning.
Thank you!!! Radical "Internet Orthodoxy" stuff was an alarming obstacle when I first began investigating Orthodoxy, but thanks to messages like this that set the record straight and rebuke the nonsense I was able to get past that and discover the beauty and profundity of the ancient faith. I appreciate your clarity.
That was a major stumbling block for me when I first started looking into Orthodoxy. I would see people online talking about Orthodoxy in an ideological way that was devoid of Christ’s love, and it pushed me away. However, at the beginning of this year I started reading about some of Orthodoxy’s saints - St Paisios, St Silouan, Elder Thaddeus, and others - and I encountered the love of Christ in their writings and lives. I’m still in a process of seeking - I’ve been attending Divine Liturgy since June - but I feel much more confident now that true Orthodoxy is about Christ and anything not about Him is a cheap knockoff.
I'm so glad that a woman from my church warned me about online Orthodoxy.
The "Internet Orthodoxy" phenomenon is very real. I'm Catholic, but I've met more than a few people who were zealous Orthodox apologists and students of Orthodox theology. They were all young men in their early to mid 20s, and not one of them had attended Divine Liturgy once. This completely baffled me, and it makes great sense when viewed through the lense of "Protestant Orthodoxy" and online polemics. Thank you for your perspective, Father.
We Catholics are experiencing a similar phenomenon wherein converts are drawn to Catholicism not because of any inner conversion to Christ, but because they were drawn to the Church's rituals, aesthetics, and social doctrines. They enjoy the waters of the river without a thought in the world as to where the water comes from or why it might be important to know where the river's source is. Most of these inquirers and converts are drawn to the Traditional Latin Mass, but I fear that hysterical headlines, social media, and political soapboxing have turned the Traditional Latin Mass into the Trendy Latin Mass. These converts sprout and grow quickly, but they are withered and gone after a season or two passes by, not unlike the seeds sown on rocky ground in the Parable of the Sower. Sadly, many Priests and Bishops have ignored this problem since the influx of converts means more tithes for financially struggling parishes and more donations to dioceses teetering on bankruptcy.
Thank you for your messages Father. I pray that you may preserve your own peace and salvation in spite of your online ministry.
By the grace of God, I have peace, my dear one. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I am trying to learn from Christ and to give witness to what He teaches. What the world does with this witness is no longer up to me, so whether people reject everything or embrace everything, that is between them and Christ. My 'job' is to just give witness.
@ Absolutely! I just know that being online is a special kind of struggle/danger and am thankful for you engaging with that to help bring us truth.
I'm a Roman Catholic and I've been listening to you for a while, Fr. Seraphim Aldea; and father, what a relief it is to hear this from you. On this side of our Church we have been under these vicious attacks from the so-called "traditionalists", who are anything but. They don't want to live a life of love, gentleness, submission, repentance and grace, as our LORD teaches us; they want what they think is "true" Roman Catholicism, the aesthetics, the Tridentine Mass, the inquisition, the crusades, they want to accuse and incite, rejecting the authority of the anointed ones. They are exactly what you said, and it doesn't surprise me at all that the Orthodox side of our Church is going through the same problem, because these protestants are starting to realize our beloved Pope Francis isn't the murderous tyrant they thought he is, and now, many of these protestants are migrating from Roman Catholicism to Orthodoxy because they think Orthodoxy is where they'll get what they want. They want the Church to submit to them, not the other way around.
Thank you so much for this message, Fr. Seraphim Aldea. We need more anointed ones like you to speak out against this dangerous heresy. That's not who we are. It was never about ideology, politics, or ethnicity, it's about repentance and unwavering love, it always was, and always will be. I pray they will come to contrition and accept their heart of flesh, the new life that is given to them by the Holy Spirit. Bless your soul, Fr. Seraphim Aldea. May your faith, humbleness, and gentleness continue to serve as inspiration to us all. LORD Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners. Amém.
Dear brother, I wanted to write the same thing myself. We are experiencing something similar here as well, where many "militant Catholics" are turning to traditionalism, which merely serves as a disguise for political and cultural battles, self-glorification, and judging others. Naturally, they target Pope Francis the most. It is painful for me to watch. There is no love or humility in this; it’s purely about political posturing. Christ wants us all to be one, so it doesn’t matter to me what we call ourselves-what matters is that we carry the true love of Jesus Christ in our hearts. And we can only have this if we recognize our own sinfulness and, in the light of this awareness, listen to the voice of Christ within us, in the Holy Word, and in the lives of the saints. All the best to you, dear brother.
I moved parishes recently from one novus ordo RC parish to another and there was a marked difference in the atmosphere of the liturgy the new parish I found very uncomfortable and irreverent it has 2 huge TV screens above the altar with kareoke style graphics and sing along text and very happy - clappy cheesy atmosphere.
There are a lot of former protestant pentecostals here and I think it is reflected in this way. Personally I would prefer TLM or Byzantine rite then what I encountered here at least i would be able to concentrate on Mass and not giant TV screens with 1990s animations hanging above the altar.
I don't think there's anything wrong with willing to preserve the original Catholic tradition of the Tridentine Mass instead of whatever Novus Ordo is...
You can't separate tradition from the Church.
Had the orthodox patriarchs dared change the liturgy like our "bishops" did in Vatican 2, changes done at the behest of the american empire. i can guarantee you that you would count Father Seraphim among the same "trad catholics" you look down, because the Father here would have the sense to reject change to thr Orthodoxy.
The problem isn't tradition. The problem is the injection of politics into the Tradition, which is our inheritence from the Apostles and Christ. What he is fighting against is the same worldy infection that has infected the heirarchy of the Catholic Church. Which changes the faith, not the faith changing the culture.
That's what he is talking about.
This isn't on topic, Fr. Seraphim, forgive me, an American convert woman. I just made my first pilgrimage to a woman's monastery. I'm still trying to process everything, it was the best thing that's ever happened to me but the spiritual warfare there was not something I was prepared for, it's something I guess you anticipate but don't understand until you experience it. Now that I've experienced it...I still don't understand, I know how much of a babe in the faith I still am. I'm still in tumult but it feels like something my soul needed. I loved every minute of being there and never wanted it to end...while also hating every minute of it and wanting to call an Uber and leave immediately. Please pray for this converts soul (Charissa) thank you Father for your patience ❤🙏☦️
In my experience, when God reveals how my heart is at war with itself, it leaves me also full of joy and full of tears. For it reveals both where I should go, and where I should leave off. It can be wrenching at first, but oh so freeing thenceforth.
Dear Fr.,I M listening to You,and I m listening to You!This is impressive!I know it comes from within an inmost place of Love,deep down into Your heart.Truly,may we All be One in Christ,and one s life should really be a dedication,a cross,an incessant Prayer for the life of the whole world!Thank You,Fr.,so,so much,and,also,for the blessings!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🥹
I agree with you Father, 1000%!!✝️🔥✝️🔥✝️
These people have twisted the Gospel into something unholy.
I pray for this world.
Keep fighting the good fight, Father Seraphim.
Indeed, it takes strength and courage to repent, to stop looking at "others" and at "the World", but focus on the filth inside myself.
It's so hard, so so so hard to pray, to repent, to kill the feeling of pride and rebellion inside oneself. It's so hard.
Let us pray one for another. We are weak.
God bless!
Thank you. I’ve been concerned with this issue for a very long time. Well said, Father.
Glory be to God, my dear one. Please remember us in your prayers.
Your blessing Father
Pleae don't ever stop telling us the hard things that we so need to ear as we travel this road towards true repentance . ❤ Ever grateful to you for having the courage to say the things that need to be said and to God for granting you those blessed words!
Please remember us in your prayers, dear one. I so wish I could only talk to you about prayer, vigil, fasting, ways to move forward in our spiritual life etc - but there are moments when to ignore what happens around oneself feels very much like those people playing music while the Titanic was sinking. By the grace of God, is we all try our humble best, perhaps we can all learn from each other and move forward together.
This word came at the exact right time for me, Fr. As always. Thank you. Robert (Moses).
Glory be to God, my dear Moses. Please keep us in your prayers and give my love in Christ to everyone around you.
Lord have mercy. How imperfect and unworthy I am
I pray for every convert that has to filter through our cultural influences and personal misunderstandings to find the core of orthodoxy . We don’t know the treasure we have and end up giving them something cheaper. May God enlighten us all .
Thank God who works in the heart of every seeker and believer and covers our iniquities🙏✝️✝️
This was a particularly relevant and brave talk, Father. Thank you! I am a Catholic but a regular follower of your videos. We have a similar problem in the Catholic Church. Le us continue praying for each other and for the One True Church of Christ!
Thank you and God bless you father. I needed this guidance. 🙏🙏🙏
I'm genuinely curious on your thoughts Father on the Patriarch of Moscows avid support of Putin, when Putin seems to me rather obviously leading a war of violence.
Is there an obligation to be a martyr in this day and age? Someone has to be a survivor to support the people still there.
@@rebekahshantz569 I tend to think no one is *obliged* to be a martyr. Rather, some few are *called* to be martyrs. As for survival, our lives are in God's hands, regardless of what we believe. The main question is, will our lives end when we die on earth, or will they continue with God when we leave earth? There are saints whose own martyrdom consisted of encouraging their loved ones to endure the tortures of their own martyrdom. Much depends on what you consider "survival" to mean.
Thank you, brother, for so strongly putting forth the word of Christ. We just need to return to the sermon on the mount. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. I'm praying for your work.
Thank you Father, Kyrie Elision, Lord Have Mercy on us all!
Bless you Father. I am a protestant convert and needed to hear your words this morning. They come as treasures. May God bless you and all of us to live His truth in love and peace with our brothers and sisters. Please pray for me to be in the world but not of the world. Glory to God.
May we all learn to love each other in Christ. Please remember us in your prayers too.
With due respect father, these issues you refer to are really a lot more complex, and while I could readily agree the times we live in are a product of unrectified mistakes from the past, the truth is it's very difficult to escape nuance. But just because people from outside of the Church have mistaken views about Orthodoxy, does not mean they should automatically be rebuked. But I also doubt there are really that many ignoramuses who think they can find in Orthodoxy that which they cannot find within their own heterodox heritages. In fact, from what I have seen, most inquirers in later years are either Protestants or Roman Catholics who are genuinely lost within their own confessions, although they are yearning for answers. Spiritual answers. And yet, heterodox Christianity is still dominant in terms of numbers, the exact issue which you're highlighting. And the reason why the numbers are still so high, is because they don't find Orthodoxy appealing. Doesn't that of itself already validate your own argument, about quality over quantity?
many Blessings and love to you to you Fr Seraphim. Thankyou for being candid.🍂♥♥♥
Glory be to God, my dear one. Please remember us in your prayers.
Excellent chat and information. ty so much ♥️
Glory be to God. Please keep us in your prayers, dear one.
Thank you Father. May God bless you.
May we all be blessed, my dear one. Please keep us in your prayers.
Thank you father. I’ve been thinking about this. Thank you for making this video.
I have been thinking and praying about this since the summer, my dear one, when many of our pilgrims asked for prayer and advice regarding this.
You are so right, Father! Thank you for voicing it up, very well explained and precise to the point!
Please remember us in your prayers, dear one.
Thank you father for this very meaningful lesson. I could use more humility. Father Spyridon in Wales spoke 4 days ago about the danger of being mislead by our feelings, and now you have expanded on some of these particulars. Thank you, you are always in my prayers. Michael, PA, USA. ❤
Thank you for saying out loud what I have been thinking for the past 20 years.
I have frequently described this as “dragging their Protestant culture baggage” into Orthodoxy. Priests and layperson who are leading catchechism might consider adding a component to catechism that goes into developing a component that focuses on how to develop an Orthodox mindset and look at social issues with an Orthodox lens rather than simply adopting what is labeled as “conservative” (or liberal for that matter)
Amen amen amen! Death to my sins wants temptations! May our living and loving God be with you all. Thank you Father for speaking true words which are a bitter bite to some…but the true words of Christ usually are..bitter now sweet later…and as we die to ourselves then it actually can be a sweet bite in a grace filled moment. Thank you for this reminder and gift!
thank you for this video fr - if it is ever in your will or that is what God shows you, (im unsure how to write this - but i'd like to learn more about the truth of the Orthodox church). im the worst for changing orthodoxy for myself. im not baptised but i fear that my sinful life will continue as it is even maybe worse once i may be baptised. thank you for this message and i kindly ask, please pray for me, a sinner.
May God bless you, dear one, and may He give you the strength to move forward free of sin. Should you ever fall again, just hold on to Christ with all your might! Do not let go fo Him no matter what happens: even when everything in you (and everyone around you) tells you that all is lost, do not believe those voices, because they are not Christ's. Just get yourself up and start again, until your end will find you either fallen (may that not be) or standing up in fight.
Lord Jesus Christ. Save us lowly sinners.
Thank you Father!
Thank you father, important message! you might have to address this topic again in the months and years to come.
God bless you.
I am aware that very little is changed when we speak, dear one. I think of our work as a work of witnessing, giving witness to Christ's teachings as they are held by His Church. I do not focus on how people may react, because that no longer belongs to me. What belongs to me is to stay faithful to the Truth and to give witness to the Truth in the world. Please keep us in your prayers.
@@mullmonastery Glory to God! Thank you so very much for your obedience and courage and prayers Father. I pray daily for you and the monasteries.
Father, how do we approach the "protestant Orthodox" that you describe in our parishes? Is there a need to talk to them about this or should we just pray for them? Is there anything else except prayer that we can, or should, do?
Seems like one has to start with the priests?
Pray your heart out and do talk to them IF (and only if) you feel love and compassion towards them. If you feel frustration or anger yourself, remain silent and just pray, my dear one.
The priest is often in a very difficult position, dear one, especially if the entire parish remains silent and does not support him. very frequently, he will be split between the need to preserve the purity of the Orthodox teaching and the fear of losing a soul who is not yet ready to receive it, so he may delay the hard conversations.
How do I know if I'm ready to receive the truth, how can I fully receive the truth?
@@mullmonastery Thank you father! This is exactly what I needed to hear.
I heard a Roman priest say, "Convert because you want to be Catholic, not because you're angry with the church you're leaving." I think Fr. Seraphim is saying a similar message.
I agree. People should not bring their gun into church. I own a gun, but don't bring mine into liturgy. I recently converted and still learning how to prey with the saints interceding for us. In my mind, I have a habit of preying to God directly, but now Im asking for the intercession of Mary and my Patron Saint.
I have guns too and I can’t bring myself to have them in the Lord’s temple. I’ve done it a few times but it just felt wrong. I do carry knives, since I am also a martial artist, but those can serve multiple purposes outside of just killing. I’m trying to downgrade my arsenal right now to basic essentials.
There is an Orthodox prayer book called "Mother of The Light" that you should check out. EDIT: Patron Saint? You have been received into the church? These issues were not resolved as a catechumen?
My priest has told me and others than we can conceal carry in our church as long as our aim is good 🤷♂
@@govols1995Well don’t. The priest shouldn’t like it and you bring nothing but more trouble and i don’t mean worldly but spiritually
I am a convert so maybe I don't know what im talking about but when it comes to fsmily life I think the church (Orthodox Church) does say the man is the head of the household. And many of these things sound like they are issues that spiritual fathers should be addressing.
Thank you Father for addressing this. It is disheartening to watch it happen. To have it come after those of us who disagree with this misguided idealism, legalism and nationalism. Thankfully there is no "ism" in Orthodoxy. Only truth and love ❤ Lord have mercy on us all❤
Excellent message, father.
Thank you for this video, Fr. I would like to ask if you could pry for me a sinner. I feel lost and confused, I don't know where the truth is. I visited an Orthodox Church near me, but the whole service was in Russian, which I don't speak, and I still don't have any answers. I was reading my bilbe and came across a quote from Isaiah that reminds me of the current generation
"You will be hearing but never understanding; you will be seeing but never perceiving; For this people's heart has become calloused;". I just feel hopeless and frustrated, but I'm sorry for this random bable. Thank you for reading. May Christ have mercy upon us all.
Exactly. Thank you.
Thank you, Father, for teaching that hits the point again. I have a couple of thoughts and questions. When I sought Christ aged 21 I had never heard of Orthodoxy and later I joined a Protestant congregation where hostility towards non-Protestant churches was normalised. And then I met an icon restorer who opened my eyes. Some of us will have “journeys” because of circumstance. But those journeys cease when we find Orthodoxy.
Another thought, which might be something you said (please forgive me if it isn’t): Orthodoxy is a pre-modern expression of Christianity because the Orthodox nations generally have experienced neither the Reformation nor the so-called Enlightenment. This is a blessing. (It’s especially evident at the Coptic monastery a few miles from my home, incidentally.)
May I ask a question too, please? I think that I understand what “there is no Greek or Jew” means, but what about “neither male nor female”? I’m interested in your thoughts on the psychological view about the male psyche embodying an inner female element (the anima) and the converse (animus). Being made in God’s image how should a man regard an inner feminine wonder of thought?
Your direct words will not be popular, but they are true. It feels like some seek orthodoxy wanting a Christian version of islam. They are too tied to the world (and it's politics). Do they not realize death is closer to them than their skin?
Very true observations. Thank you. Praise Yeshua.
Glory be to God, my dear one. Please remember us in your prayers.
Thank you I needed to hear this
Amen. Καλή μετάνοια...
First! Thank you for the video Father
Glory be to God for all good things, dear one.
thank you for this video
Very powerful message. Thank you Father.
Lord have mercy on me 🙏 pray for me to grow in my love for Christ, Father. I do not follow Him closely enough.
Glory to God for path of repentance ❤
And may we all find that path and strive our best to walk on it, dear one.
Harsh indeed...but necessary. Thank you, Father, and God help us stay on the right pass!❤
Please remember us in your prayers, dear one. It is difficult for all of us.
Thank you for this video. I am curious about orthodoxy and have seen the sorts of attitudes you speak of. It is encouraging to hear your words. I seek Christ and only Christ.
I truly agree with you, Father!
Pray for us, dear one. May we all be saved.
This is exactly true, we are very few genuine empathetic loving compassionate souls🙏🙏🙏🥰I almost died putting myself on the cross. I am trying really hard growing
Thank you for this passionate Christ filled video. God bless you dear Father. 🙏
Great video father well said
I am so grateful for this talk. I have had my fill of the condemning so called Christian. I am studying to be an Orthodox Christian to draw closer to God, that’s it.
Fr. Seraphim - there's much that's good in your words, but I specifically want to address your comments about "Death to the World" - the project out of St. Herman's monastery in California. "Death to the World" doesn't mean 'kill the world'. As I understand it, it means "the Christian is called to die a death to the world".
That said, there are some troubling examples of exactly the kind of thing you're talking about within the DTTW crowd, so maybe it's a distinction without a difference, or perhaps I'm being naive.
I agree wholeheartedly Father, I’m glad and relieved that I’m not the only one who sees this and why I’m apprehensive of it
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years of life is that INTENSITY beats volume every day of the week, no matter what the arena
I hope and pray you are all well at the monastery Father
Father Seraphim: I love your discussions, and I listen with careful attention. I rarely comment on your videos, but this topic really cut to my core, and I hope I did not misunderstand your message. One aspect of today's talk seems to be or is anti self-defense. You mention parishioners bringing guns into churches and this notion of taking a life to preserve your own. You say this is not scriptural and of the devil, paraphrasing you. We see the news of evil people coming into churches of any denomination and using a weapon (gun or knife) to murder innocent church attendees and clergy. Do we not have a basic human right to defend ourselves? I know Jesus did not fight his Roman captors nor speak up during his trial in his own defense. He could have called on Legions of Angels to save him, but he did not do so. It seems that the message is that if we trust God, then we do need to defend ourselves physically or verbally. This still confuses me.
The greatest saints underwent torture and death for Christ without lifting a finger. It's a difficult message, but it is their humility, forgiveness and martyrdom which inspires like nothing other, other than Christ himself. It is exactly how Christ lived.
See the example of St Ignatius.
We need to do JUST AS CHRIST DID. Put down your weapon.
It's not "Orthodox" to be a warrior. What is Orthodox is to try to heal one's soul through repentance, from what one has to do to survive in this world. I always carry at Church. The centurion was blessed by Christ, yet remained a soldier. The point is that the evil of warfare is never blessed, there is no holy way to kill the enemy. Don't self-justify your violent passions with Pharisaism.
Keep us in your prayers, dear one. I am telling you that absolutely, without a shadow of doubt, Christ would not kill another human being for any reason - not in self-defence, not in order to save others, not to protect a nation or a culture etc. look at Him rejecting St Peter' help in the Garden. Look at Him allowing all of His Apostles (except for St John the Evangelist) to be martyred. Look at the tens of of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of martyred children, women, men, young and old, rich and poor, all butchered for His name and for their faith in Him. Look at the collapse and destruction of both Rome and Constantinople (the 'Holy Cities'), look at the Roman Empire collapsing, the Byzantine Empire collapsing etc etc. This is the Law of Love and He has shown how that Law is to be applied in His own Life: on the Cross, being killed by the very people for whom He choses to die, so He may save them. This is the PURE Law of Love - how we can apply it... each of us has our own measure and we each compromise and dilute the purity of Christ's Love according to our own fallen selves. This does not mean we are lost. It simply means that we reply entirely on His forgiveness, as ones who have failed ti hold on to His Love. BUT: the fact that we all fall and 'negotiate' the Law should never lead to us forgetting the Pure Law or re-defining it so it makes us feel good about ourselves. That would be utter spiritual self-destruction.
Thank you Lord Jesus 🙏
Thank you 🙏. This needed to be said.
Father, I live in Turkey, and here the Orthodox churches are either named Greek or Armenian churches. This halts me from entering them and stating that I want to be an Orthodox (I was an atheist since my childhood) because I'm afraid I won't be wanted there or I will scare them off. And since this is Turkey, these churches usually lay low, so it is hard to reach anyone from the clergy. Is there any way you can guide me?
I understand that reluctance, because I share it. At the same time, given where you live, I would absolutely let go of this and focus on just being in Church, so I may commune with the Sacraments and grow closer (inwardly) with Christ. We are all failing in our own ways, dear one. At times, we need to just allow the failures of others and not let them separate them from Christ.
@@mullmonasteryThank you, Father.