Do You Have A Mouse Problem? I invented The World's Greatest Mouse Trap - The Dizzy Dunker Purchase on Amazon: Purchase Directly from the Rinne Website: (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.) FTC Affiliate Disclaimer - I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For A List Of My Top Mouse Traps Recommendations Check Out My Online Affiliate Store: (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.).
Wow! I didn't know you watched my videos. I have been a subscriber to your channel for years. You have one of the best channels on youtube. I suspect you have to deal with the same crazy treatment from youtube that I have to put up with even though we are controlling invasive pests.
I wish you could trap the house sparrows and send them "back" to Europe, here in the Netherlands they are natives and they are quickly disappearing. They are a beloved species of bird here!
I wish we could too. I wonder if there could be a program... I love house sparrows, even though they're invasive. I like their personalities. But yeah, they are pretty bad here, but I'd love for them to flourish where they are supposed to.
That is absolutely fascinating. Here in the US these birds are pests and there are WAY too many. We definitely have to come up with a way to ship em back to Europe!
I feel bad that the bird had to be dispatched, but they really are invasive, super aggressive little things. It wasn't until I started bird watching that I realized what bullies they are.
I have two bird houses and the same male sparrow has claimed both, just to be greedy. I have not seen him or his mate in a couple weeks. Yesterday I finally saw a wren trying to clean out one of "his" houses and looking to take up residency.
They're huge bullies. I replied to another comment about how I've rescued two baby mourning doves in the past year because these little assholes kicked them out of the nest boxes they were in and took them over.
Definitely made for just a few sparrows in a building. It's made of Styrofoam so I would imagine they are super cheap. Could just put out more than one
You have situation where you are catching 20+ sparrows in a day? Why am I picturing y'all across the pond are living in 'The Birds' by Alfred Hitchcock?
I really dislike these sparrows, here in South Africa is the Cape Sparrow. My cousin and me once saw a house sparrow fighting with a cape sparrow female in the cape's nest. Eventually the fighting stopped and we just saw the cape sparrow drop to the ground dead and later the house sparrow threw out her eggs, it a horrible bird.
Id gratefully take your Sparrows, here theyre endangered :( Eagles, Parrots and Hawks kicked their asses and now they are constantly fighting against pigeons
They are a nuisance. They've built nests in my chimney. I'm afraid of heights, so I had to have my brother come over to clear out my chimney before firing up my furnace every year. Had my brother not stumbled across the nest one day while caulking around the chimney , I couldve died from carbon monoxide poisoning from the blockage. Ive also found sparrow nests between the AC and my house many times.
@@TheOneAboveAll They've been known to build nests in dryer vents also, and people have died in house fires because of it. I can't stand these nasty, invasive birds!
These little guys were on the list of endangered species in my country. I wish we could just trade them against your native squirrels. But really cool to know a way how to catch birds.
Wow, that sparrow call is the best part of it! We lost Bluebird fledglings and Tree Swallows to House Sparrow attacks this year, it was the worst. Whenever someone askes me about trapping, I send them to Shawn Woods, the true TRAP-MASTER! Thank you as always!
@@Mintstar_Oceanpop Those hornets, and other wasps came to 1:1 sugar syrup with Spirulina at 1 tablespoon (dry powdered spirulina) to one gallon of syrup. Thanks for watching!
Crazy to think these House Sparrows (fun fact: they’re not actually sparrows, they’re a type of finch) are seriously threatened in the UK while being so prolific and damaging here in the US.
Is there no way to mass relocate them from a continent to the other? Feels like that'd be the best option if it weren't costly, difficult or ethically questionable.
@Robert Stallard yeah we are losing native red squirrels to invasive gray squirrels in the UK which is a shame I've only seen 3 red squirrels in my lifetime and I'm almost 23, but I always see gray squirrels around.
In the terrestrial ecology courses I have taken for my Environmental Science degree, we have identified house sparrows to be extremely damaging to local species. Their beaks are tough so they usually win fights with other local species, often killing the parents and taking the nest site. I wish more people would take action to remove house sparrows as their prevalence is entirely anthropomorphic in cause. I would love to see more traps for sparrows, keep up the good work Shawn!!
What’s interesting is that in my country,house sparrows are actually the vulnerable species and needs to be protected from invaded species like Crested myna. Crazy how the tables have turned.
I mean, they aren’t invasive everywhere. That’s like saying it’s interesting that you’re welcome to enter your house uninvited but is shooed off when trying to enter your neighbor’s house without permission.
Same here! {UK} Invasive species are Indian Ring necked Parakeet. As a kid, Sparrows were everywhere. They are suffering a serious decline in some parts of Europe and India.
@@shonnyNOR My cat is the twin of Gray's cat. My ex wanted to make a gear shift knob out of his head. Claimed to be allergic to cats, but would play so rough that he always made the cat spray him like a skunk does when it's afraid. I had a vet appt one day after he sprayed the now ex. ANd asked the vet to empty the scent glands. They took my cat to another room, returned and said the scent glands were already empty. Bwahhahaha hubby got the double barrel full dose!!
Ironically being native to southern Asia and Europe , population of house sparrows are near threatened in urban areas of India , Bangladesh Nepal and neighbouring countries.
@@eternalspring1034 No its not because we eat them - its just due to urbanization where Sparrows have lost a lot of their natural feeding ground and nests. Tbh I've never found a native sparrow to be comfortable around humans - they always stay away. Maybe the ones in America that Shawn has are a bit different?
Thanks Shawn, I really need this. I battle these birds every year. They make nests right above pedestrian doors at my house and constantly drop poop. One bird alone has had three consecutive nests with about 5 chicks per next. It was trying to build a 4th. Finally I went to battle with it, every time it put up some material, I took it down. This went on all day long every 15 minutes. But by the next day it gave up and moved over to my shed. At least it was not in my face constantly. This has been an annual ritual. No more.
I find this video disgusting.. I live in the States and I have found in recent years these little guys are disappearing. I am a fan of sparrows, and I better not find out someone is killing them in my neighborhood.
Where did you get the electronic sparrow call? Our native blue birds are gone now because of them and now they’re ravaging the Purple Martins. It’s horrible.
Look up the Van Eck sparrow trap. It uses an already existing bird house, and booby traps it. Bird goes in, and door closes behind it. You use the bag as you did, and if it's friendly, turn it loose. If not, lights out. Probably cheaper, and definitely less cumbersome.
theyre most likely are invasive b/c they came from a different place they arent native too and tend to threaten native species and compete for resources
In my neighborhood, they don't live very long we got tons of ally cats which feast on these guys day and night... I feel kinda bad for them even though they aren't native. I raised one before when I was a kid, a male. They have tons of personality, even when I released him outside(wild) he'd comeback every night and sleep in the patio. He didn't really associate with the other sparrows instead he hung out with my parakeets and learned to speak parakeet.
What's the easiest way to dispatch the sparrows? They're invasive up here in Canada too, and they would make great bait to get carnivores on my trail camera.
OMGosh, Shawn, this video is perfect timing for me. I have the "Invasion of the Nesting House Sparrow" on my porch....which now needs to be cleaned everyday, AND, the noise these little birds make is extremely ANNOYING. I just ordered the Sparrow Trap Door, and it will be arriving next Friday. I ordered one with the audio module, as well. Can't wait to be free of these pesky critters. THANK YOU for posting this very helpful video. 👍👊😍❤️️
I'm glad that you don't limit your trapping to just rodents. So interesting! Funny side note, I was watching this video on my back porch and as soon as the bird call started I started hearing sparrows around my house. Lol. Thanks again!
this is a weird situation for me. Offcourse I understand that in your country the sparrow is an invasive species, but to me this video is a bit disturbing. I'm from Europe, the Netherlands to be exact, and the sparrow is a native species here. And it's not doing great here. there are less and less of them. if only we could take them of your hands in some way. I miss the sparrow here. the make soothing sounds and are cute and inquisitive. I love them! again: If only there was a way to ship them or something...
House Sparrows and Starry Stonewort are two invasive species that do poor or average in their native range but go absolutely crazy when they made it to North America. Starry is even endangered in its home range. It’s crazy to think about the fact that we ship the “seeds” of Starry Stonewort back to its home range because we have way too much of it here where it isn’t supposed to be.
Here in Nijmegen the sparrow population tends to swell to large numbers once every few years, and then dwindle to the point of being nearly extinct again. This year their population is numerous to the point that they've driven off every other local bird, including "big" birds like magpies, crows and pidgeons, within the last month and a half. They're cute little things to watch but everything on my balcony is now covered in a thick crust of sparrow poop, so I am kind of rooting for the magpies to get their act together and drive the little buggers off again.
House sparrows aren't that bad, you only find them near people. You'll never see them out in the country or forests, but they will forcefully evict other native birds from their cavity nests. I do a lot of bird surveys for work.
Great video, good way to catch the sparrows. We have a major problem with those buggers where I live. Our neighbour has bird feeders all over his property and feeds them throughout the year. After like 1-2 years these pests have risen to a population of about well over 200 birds. Since they get their food effortless and all the time, they stay between like 3-4 houses and sit on the trees around it. Everything is getting popped on. We hardly see any other birds around. Years back, we had many different types of birds. I would like to catch them but the laws here in Switzerland forbid to do that. This is an example of very false love for nature and animals. The neighbour might have good intentions, but he only creates a bigger problem and helps to get other bird species to go extinct.
That sounds like hell on earth to me... ugh, I feel bad for you. I assume they are invasive where you live? If so, I can't believe they won't make a law making it ok to kill them, especially what they are doing to your local bird population. I can't stand their incessant chirping! Maybe you should bring your lawmakers to your house!
Asian here! Fun fact! Those little guys are pretty much edible. Back in high school, my friends and I would spend many a summer evening climbing up the trees around the rice paddies (we live in a barrio with surrounded by farmland) with flashlights so we could stun them with the bright light and catch them for pulutan to go with our inuman 😁 Bonus if we get some fruits while we're at it too! 😂
Due to changes in the environment (rural - urban) this common sparrow became so rare in parts of the UK, Germany etc. that they count as an endangered species
!! Love this! I shoot these pests off my bird feeder and anytime I see then around my yard! We have a line of nest boxes lining our lawn and in one season I had these dirty little birds take four tree swallow nests and a bluebird! This year they've taken a bluebird nest as well as a house wren! I've killed dozens upon dozens even removing chicks and adults from the nest boxes and still they are so common! I've also killed those pesky starlings! I posted a couple house sparrow hunting videos and hope to do more in the future. Keep up the great work Shawn! Love it!
We used to keep birds as pets when we were kids, we had a variety o them. The sparrow was like the rat bird, no one ever wanted to keep these, and they wouldn't live much if kept captive. They are everywhere in South America, at least in Argentina, in much higher numbers than other birds. They use to make nests below houses roofs so they are quite invasive and destructive. It's true that they are less scared of humans than other birds. Glad you dispatched one! The only other ubiquitous and aggressive bird I know of is the vanellus chilensis (tero), those guys are meaner.
When my dad was a kid in the 1920's (!) in Michigan, they used to get two cents a head for house sparrows from some level of government, though I'm not sure which one. And I do mean just the head. They called them "spatzies," which I see with a little googling is a more widespread term than I thought (from the German for sparrow).
Awesome video as usual. I'll add that people need to learn the key identification features of house sparrows before trapping and especially before dispatching to ensure they do not harm a native species.
Hey there, I'm from southern Brasil, born and raised in a small city and 80% of the birds here are pigeons and house sparrows, nice information! Love the videos.
Can't believe you done that sparrows are getting quite rare over here in the UK from where they originated from just think they flew all that way. How amazing is that.
They may looks cute, but I’ve seen what they do to baby bluebirds (don’t look it up, it’s sickening). Trust me, these things are spawned from Satan himself.
I really didn't know that House sparrows were invasive and destructive. There has been a huge decline of their numbers in India, which had Indian environmentalists worried.
Shawn great video. I get calls for bird removal from supermarkets and big box stores all the time and usually tell them I don't have a treatment for catching birds. Now I have a solution. Thanks!
Hey Shawn I was just thinking about bird traps or deterent, pigeons are a big problem nesting up on the roof and under solar panels. It would be cool if you could do a video for that in the future! Thanks for the videos!
In China their was a really strong attempt to exterminate all sparrows. But then insect pests took over and done much more damage than sparrow did. Dozens of millions died due to famine after that and China had to import sparrows from USSR.
@9600GTMAN Yes! Where I live, the deer will come into the yards and eat the newly planted flowers and vegetables if they are not protected by a deer fence or covering. And this is in an urban area of 170,000 people!
@9600GTMAN I live in Hungary and I haven't heard about that. Like, seriously, nothing at all. I only know about overgrowing mouflons populations in some National Parks or the wild boars that are roaming around human settlements. Which is of course, not surprising
Thanks for the bird trapping video Shawn! In Australia we have house sparrows and Myna's both are terrible for our natives. Bird trapping vids are great inspiration.👍
Where? I'm in Sydney, in the 80's and 90's I used to see them everywhere as a kid. I don't think I've seen one in 15 years if not longer. Myna's I still see everywhere though. I like these little guys and they're endangered in Europe.
How do you dispatch them, Shawn? We have an invasive species in Australia called Indian Mynars and I've been thinking about getting a trap for them, but never really knew what to do with them once I caught one.
Shawn, please consider doing another video on a repeating house sparrow trap. The havahart company used to make an elevator style trap who's design is still copied today. I would be interested in knowing more about the history of this particular trap and how effective it is. Is it still available? Thanks for posting interesting and informative content!
Maybe I missed it, but how does he "humanely" kill them before leaving out for raccoons and such? We lost bluebirds to these pests and they are trying to take a wren's nest. We don't want the house sparrows so we took the nestboxes down which is upsetting. I'm interested in what's shown here in his video!
Fun fact about starlings, since they were mentioned in the video. Someone introduced them to Central Park in New York in the 1880s because they had some crazy plan to introduce every bird mentioned by Shakespeare to the US. Now we literally have like a hundred million of them.
Do You Have A Mouse Problem? I invented The World's Greatest Mouse Trap - The Dizzy Dunker
Purchase on Amazon:
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(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
FTC Affiliate Disclaimer - I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
For A List Of My Top Mouse Traps Recommendations Check Out My Online Affiliate Store: (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.).
Bird: *is not native*
Shawn Woods: "your free trial of life has ended".
That bird is an illegal immigrant 😂
Bruce Fernandes oof
*"Purchase the full trial of 'LIVING' to 'LIVE'"*
Stay in your lane, Shawn. The birds are mine!!! 😁
Wow! I didn't know you watched my videos. I have been a subscriber to your channel for years. You have one of the best channels on youtube. I suspect you have to deal with the same crazy treatment from youtube that I have to put up with even though we are controlling invasive pests.
Oh damn this is a better crossover than avengers. Love you both.
Noel López indeed
this gave me a good laugh, thanks for that.
The both of you have educated me on these, thank you both Ted and Shawn!
I wish you could trap the house sparrows and send them "back" to Europe, here in the Netherlands they are natives and they are quickly disappearing. They are a beloved species of bird here!
Time to mass deport these birds
Yes, send them back to Europe. They are getting less and less here and we miss them.
Yes we love them
I wish we could too. I wonder if there could be a program... I love house sparrows, even though they're invasive. I like their personalities. But yeah, they are pretty bad here, but I'd love for them to flourish where they are supposed to.
That is absolutely fascinating. Here in the US these birds are pests and there are WAY too many. We definitely have to come up with a way to ship em back to Europe!
Him: Humanely dispatch
Bird: 👀
We just want to be your friends :(
I think they're actually endangered here in Britain, I'll take yer sparrows if you want.
Same here in Germany. But we now have raccoons as a non-native invasive species to compensate for. So it's a lose-lose situation.
Too Late
Same in Poland
Meanwhile in the Philippines they are too many and they nesting coconut tree and some sparrow bird has eaten by cat.
@@bananajoe3669 Where I live (near Leipzig) there´s tons of them. It looks nowhere near extinction. They feel more like a pest
I feel bad that the bird had to be dispatched, but they really are invasive, super aggressive little things. It wasn't until I started bird watching that I realized what bullies they are.
Here they attack native species and take their territory
@@gustavoguti27 yeah they invade birds nesting and kill the birds by using their strong beaks to crush their heads.
I have two bird houses and the same male sparrow has claimed both, just to be greedy. I have not seen him or his mate in a couple weeks. Yesterday I finally saw a wren trying to clean out one of "his" houses and looking to take up residency.
They're huge bullies. I replied to another comment about how I've rescued two baby mourning doves in the past year because these little assholes kicked them out of the nest boxes they were in and took them over.
Starlings are monsters... seen them rip baby blue jay chicks to shreds.
In 1958, Mao Zedong declared war on the sparrows. He thought they were eating the crops. Turns out they were eating lots of insects. It backfired.
By eliminating sparrows, he eliminated the predators of crop-eating insects which was one of the causes of the Great Chinese Famine.
Just declare war on the insects next.
@@jean-michelnadeau2833 Well, Mousie Tongue has been dead for quite some time.
@LagiNaLangAko23 The population was less than half what it is now.
These birds are invasive, they kill birds that eat more insects, since sparrows eat mostly seeds but do eat insects
Should I start removing the house sparrows in my back yard? They fight off the dark-eyed juncos that try visiting. I want native species back.
Yes, if you want natives around.
I bet native Americans also feels the same.
Racoon: This taste freshly humanely dispatched!!
That's OK but 1 sparrow at a time? The "funnel" type cage traps we could once buy in England could catch 20+ sparrows in a day, often a lot more.
This is just one trap. Chances are that he will make a video on that other one at some point in time.
Definitely made for just a few sparrows in a building. It's made of Styrofoam so I would imagine they are super cheap. Could just put out more than one
I would like to see this trap in a future video
Agree. Like a giant minnow trap.
You have situation where you are catching 20+ sparrows in a day? Why am I picturing y'all across the pond are living in 'The Birds' by Alfred Hitchcock?
Trapping birds? A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
This comment is underrated
@@tactical_snails2198 IT'S A TRAP
Tis a rat with wings
Birbs aren't real
I really dislike these sparrows, here in South Africa is the Cape Sparrow. My cousin and me once saw a house sparrow fighting with a cape sparrow female in the cape's nest. Eventually the fighting stopped and we just saw the cape sparrow drop to the ground dead and later the house sparrow threw out her eggs, it a horrible bird.
Flying piranha.
Like the other bird that trow the egg out the nest and put is to be raise by other.
@@dannygarden464 the cuckoo?
@@1TheVelociraptor Yes, lol, had to go translate didn't know in English, interesting little bird.
Id gratefully take your Sparrows, here theyre endangered :(
Eagles, Parrots and Hawks kicked their asses and now they are constantly fighting against pigeons
Also in China they're endangered because mao had a gamer moment
They are a nuisance. They've built nests in my chimney. I'm afraid of heights, so I had to have my brother come over to clear out my chimney before firing up my furnace every year. Had my brother not stumbled across the nest one day while caulking around the chimney , I couldve died from carbon monoxide poisoning from the blockage. Ive also found sparrow nests between the AC and my house many times.
@@CantoniaCustoms Mao Zedong got uno reversed quickly
@@Brightsonp yeah China had to import sparrows after they realized they permanently screwed over their ecosystem.
@@TheOneAboveAll They've been known to build nests in dryer vents also, and people have died in house fires because of it. I can't stand these nasty, invasive birds!
as a european i find it funny. you want to get rid of the sparrows and we want to get rid of the racoons. man we will fail both. cheers mate
These little guys were on the list of endangered species in my country. I wish we could just trade them against your native squirrels. But really cool to know a way how to catch birds.
Ironically that's cause of the presence of too many "unnatural" houses, so they can't build nests on the steep facade.
Exactly take the bloody grey squirrels back!
Man, I'd SUPER trade you for these and the starlings!
Me too buddy, but it’s never that simple
sparrow? endangered? my country? you mean my planet?
Wow, that sparrow call is the best part of it! We lost Bluebird fledglings and Tree Swallows to House Sparrow attacks this year, it was the worst. Whenever someone askes me about trapping, I send them to Shawn Woods, the true TRAP-MASTER! Thank you as always!
I just saw your European Giant Hornet video, (the one where you pick one up). What do you use as feed for them?
@@Mintstar_Oceanpop Those hornets, and other wasps came to 1:1 sugar syrup with Spirulina at 1 tablespoon (dry powdered spirulina) to one gallon of syrup. Thanks for watching!
Sparrows used to be the most common bird in the UK.. They are now on the endangered list!
Kinda weird.
Lived in London, I haven't seen 1 lol, Pigeons however ....
Usually people will relocate them, but I won’t do that
Bird: *nani?!*
Crazy to think these House Sparrows (fun fact: they’re not actually sparrows, they’re a type of finch) are seriously threatened in the UK while being so prolific and damaging here in the US.
Is there no way to mass relocate them from a continent to the other? Feels like that'd be the best option if it weren't costly, difficult or ethically questionable.
In the UK, the House Sparrow is now a "red list" species ... it's getting increasingly rare.
@Robert Stallard yeah we are losing native red squirrels to invasive gray squirrels in the UK which is a shame I've only seen 3 red squirrels in my lifetime and I'm almost 23, but I always see gray squirrels around.
Yes this was a bit different, as I feed these a love to see them in the garden, UK
same as the natives
Unknown Girl well, we definitely have enough gray squirrels over here in the states so just shoot em or trap em
@@rockerneck yeah because it's so easy to shoot them in the UK 😂 if I could I would.
In the terrestrial ecology courses I have taken for my Environmental Science degree, we have identified house sparrows to be extremely damaging to local species.
Their beaks are tough so they usually win fights with other local species, often killing the parents and taking the nest site.
I wish more people would take action to remove house sparrows as their prevalence is entirely anthropomorphic in cause.
I would love to see more traps for sparrows, keep up the good work Shawn!!
So this birdie is bad guy? We humans must help? Okay got it 🤓
Cornpie 9 I agree, I wish there were more options to get rid of these awful birds!
*Yay my favourite time of the week, Shawns videos :)* .....
Thanks Shawn. This was a really big help. Just ordered one to help out my bluebirds. I despise those sparrows.
So do we! They've bullied away the bluebirds from the houses we made just for them and barn swallows. They are also noisy
What’s interesting is that in my country,house sparrows are actually the vulnerable species and needs to be protected from invaded species like Crested myna. Crazy how the tables have turned.
How the turn tables have turned
I mean, they aren’t invasive everywhere. That’s like saying it’s interesting that you’re welcome to enter your house uninvited but is shooed off when trying to enter your neighbor’s house without permission.
Same here! {UK} Invasive species are Indian Ring necked Parakeet. As a kid, Sparrows were everywhere. They are suffering a serious decline in some parts of Europe and India.
Nothing better not come in my house. The cat's already swatting at it on the TV.
put the bird in a small room with your cat. Humanely dispatch it
Cat skins makes a good back warmer for winter time. Otherwise, the only good cats are flat cats!
@@shonnyNOR My cat is the twin of Gray's cat. My ex wanted to make a gear shift knob out of his head. Claimed to be allergic to cats, but would play so rough that he always made the cat spray him like a skunk does when it's afraid. I had a vet appt one day after he sprayed the now ex. ANd asked the vet to empty the scent glands. They took my cat to another room, returned and said the scent glands were already empty.
Bwahhahaha hubby got the double barrel full dose!!
Cats are disgusting
Double negative.
Ironically being native to southern Asia and Europe , population of house sparrows are near threatened in urban areas of India , Bangladesh Nepal and neighbouring countries.
@@eternalspring1034 No its not because we eat them - its just due to urbanization where Sparrows have lost a lot of their natural feeding ground and nests. Tbh I've never found a native sparrow to be comfortable around humans - they always stay away. Maybe the ones in America that Shawn has are a bit different?
@@ArbitraryMind They are a lot different here, not just a bit different. They are everywhere.
@President Funny Valentine D4C Haha funny, making racist jokes and then proceed to say you're not, right?
@LagiNaLangAko23 That's because many other birds don't do that well in the urban area.
_How to live trap Karens next?_
_Bob McCoy
Get a job in retail, and some friends with cameras. Dont worry, theyll come :D
Pitfall trap behind a door labeled: Manager
its called a security camera
I am up to about 150 of them using a similar method. Much less frequent now. They are good fox snacks.
Don't kill them, send them to Vancouver, British Columbia. We love them and we have two 18 foot tall sparrow sculptures in the Olympic Village.
Thanks Shawn, I really need this. I battle these birds every year. They make nests right above pedestrian doors at my house and constantly drop poop. One bird alone has had three consecutive nests with about 5 chicks per next. It was trying to build a 4th. Finally I went to battle with it, every time it put up some material, I took it down. This went on all day long every 15 minutes. But by the next day it gave up and moved over to my shed. At least it was not in my face constantly. This has been an annual ritual. No more.
Seems like wildlife management should catch the sparrows in the US and send them back to Europe since they are endangered there.
Best answer
Never feel bad about dispatching these little guys. If the sizes were reversed, they wouldn't give a second thought to eating you alive.
What’s sad is that they’re declining on their native range
I find this video disgusting.. I live in the States and I have found in recent years these little guys are disappearing. I am a fan of sparrows, and I better not find out someone is killing them in my neighborhood.
There's 1 billion of the little shits and they kill native birds so i wont feel anything killing one@@janc8199
Where did you get the electronic sparrow call? Our native blue birds are gone now because of them and now they’re ravaging the Purple Martins. It’s horrible.
Look up the Van Eck sparrow trap. It uses an already existing bird house, and booby traps it. Bird goes in, and door closes behind it. You use the bag as you did, and if it's friendly, turn it loose. If not, lights out. Probably cheaper, and definitely less cumbersome.
I live in Asia. Here we have three types of sparrows. They are very cute IMO. Really have no idea they are invasive in America.
theyre most likely are invasive b/c they came from a different place they arent native too and tend to threaten native species and compete for resources
@@pebblesandlightbulbs1748 they eat pest like catterpillar, if anything the native bird must be really bad at dealing with insects.
What kind of sparrows? I love Java sparrows (finch) and wish we could have them here
It's like he didnt explained it in the video.... oh wait he did explain
this video was hard for me. I really like birds but i know why he had to do what he did
In my neighborhood, they don't live very long we got tons of ally cats which feast on these guys day and night... I feel kinda bad for them even though they aren't native.
I raised one before when I was a kid, a male. They have tons of personality, even when I released him outside(wild) he'd comeback every night and sleep in the patio. He didn't really associate with the other sparrows instead he hung out with my parakeets and learned to speak parakeet.
Man, that’s a weird looking mouse, must be a rat.....
What do you mean? It's clearly a squirrel
@@archaea0810 No, ITS CLEARY A DOG IDIOT
You've clearly never heard of the feather-furred Eurasian flap-flap mouse.
It’s clearly a snake
@@zhongliangcai602 Oh shi, there's one in my yard now, 😂
Wow, I didn't even realize they were a problem. Great video as always Shawn.
Man. House sparrows are in such a bad spot.
Endangered in their original hometown.
Yet invasive in alien territories.
What's the easiest way to dispatch the sparrows? They're invasive up here in Canada too, and they would make great bait to get carnivores on my trail camera.
Even though it's a evasive and destructive it's still cute.
OMGosh, Shawn, this video is perfect timing for me. I have the "Invasion of the Nesting House Sparrow" on my porch....which now needs to be cleaned everyday, AND, the noise these little birds make is extremely ANNOYING. I just ordered the Sparrow Trap Door, and it will be arriving next Friday. I ordered one with the audio module, as well. Can't wait to be free of these pesky critters. THANK YOU for posting this very helpful video. 👍👊😍❤️️
I'm glad that you don't limit your trapping to just rodents. So interesting! Funny side note, I was watching this video on my back porch and as soon as the bird call started I started hearing sparrows around my house. Lol. Thanks again!
Sad thing is. They don't know their destructive. Their just trying to live their cute little lives. I don't blame the bird.❤
That's how I feel about mice too it sucks
Yeah. They're red list endangered here in the UK
Their cute little lives end with the bird barrier sparrow trap door
Yeah... Blame the jerks that brought them here, so it would feel more like back home in Europe.
Sounds like a great way to get an endless supply of free birds. (Monitarily speaking)
this is a weird situation for me. Offcourse I understand that in your country the sparrow is an invasive species, but to me this video is a bit disturbing. I'm from Europe, the Netherlands to be exact, and the sparrow is a native species here. And it's not doing great here. there are less and less of them. if only we could take them of your hands in some way. I miss the sparrow here. the make soothing sounds and are cute and inquisitive. I love them! again: If only there was a way to ship them or something...
House Sparrows and Starry Stonewort are two invasive species that do poor or average in their native range but go absolutely crazy when they made it to North America. Starry is even endangered in its home range. It’s crazy to think about the fact that we ship the “seeds” of Starry Stonewort back to its home range because we have way too much of it here where it isn’t supposed to be.
I would love to send you all of mine
Here in Nijmegen the sparrow population tends to swell to large numbers once every few years, and then dwindle to the point of being nearly extinct again. This year their population is numerous to the point that they've driven off every other local bird, including "big" birds like magpies, crows and pidgeons, within the last month and a half. They're cute little things to watch but everything on my balcony is now covered in a thick crust of sparrow poop, so I am kind of rooting for the magpies to get their act together and drive the little buggers off again.
i've been decapitating sparrows with ordinary snap traps, made by myself, the body just stays in place while the head flies 2 meters :D
That's sounds brutal... awesome.
Even after death flight is still possible
that is... too brutal... nothing personal but, its not his fault to be there...
House sparrows aren't that bad, you only find them near people. You'll never see them out in the country or forests, but they will forcefully evict other native birds from their cavity nests.
I do a lot of bird surveys for work.
In iraqi>>Kurdistan>>erbil we have sparrow and doves living in our city it have been like this as much as i remember.
2:59 I just imagined that bird just flat out shitting itself. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Great video, good way to catch the sparrows. We have a major problem with those buggers where I live. Our neighbour has bird feeders all over his property and feeds them throughout the year. After like 1-2 years these pests have risen to a population of about well over 200 birds. Since they get their food effortless and all the time, they stay between like 3-4 houses and sit on the trees around it. Everything is getting popped on. We hardly see any other birds around. Years back, we had many different types of birds. I would like to catch them but the laws here in Switzerland forbid to do that. This is an example of very false love for nature and animals.
The neighbour might have good intentions, but he only creates a bigger problem and helps to get other bird species to go extinct.
That sounds like hell on earth to me... ugh, I feel bad for you. I assume they are invasive where you live? If so, I can't believe they won't make a law making it ok to kill them, especially what they are doing to your local bird population. I can't stand their incessant chirping! Maybe you should bring your lawmakers to your house!
Asian here! Fun fact! Those little guys are pretty much edible. Back in high school, my friends and I would spend many a summer evening climbing up the trees around the rice paddies (we live in a barrio with surrounded by farmland) with flashlights so we could stun them with the bright light and catch them for pulutan to go with our inuman 😁
Bonus if we get some fruits while we're at it too! 😂
Ah yes Filipino gang. Greetings from Cebu.
My cat enjoyed watching this video
Due to changes in the environment (rural - urban) this common sparrow became so rare in parts of the UK, Germany etc. that they count as an endangered species
Destructive bird
Me: oh this is gonna look ugly
The bird:
!! Love this! I shoot these pests off my bird feeder and anytime I see then around my yard! We have a line of nest boxes lining our lawn and in one season I had these dirty little birds take four tree swallow nests and a bluebird! This year they've taken a bluebird nest as well as a house wren! I've killed dozens upon dozens even removing chicks and adults from the nest boxes and still they are so common! I've also killed those pesky starlings! I posted a couple house sparrow hunting videos and hope to do more in the future. Keep up the great work Shawn! Love it!
Yes I’m sure your trophy room is very impressive where do you keep the duckling display is it next to the kittens
@@Mark-xl8gg actually it's ducklings, puppies, than the kittens,
the real pests are humans tho :/
We used to keep birds as pets when we were kids, we had a variety o them. The sparrow was like the rat bird, no one ever wanted to keep these, and they wouldn't live much if kept captive. They are everywhere in South America, at least in Argentina, in much higher numbers than other birds. They use to make nests below houses roofs so they are quite invasive and destructive. It's true that they are less scared of humans than other birds. Glad you dispatched one! The only other ubiquitous and aggressive bird I know of is the vanellus chilensis (tero), those guys are meaner.
Don’t worry guys, no birds were actually harmed in the making of this video. Just a flying mouse. This is a mouse trap channel after all
When my dad was a kid in the 1920's (!) in Michigan, they used to get two cents a head for house sparrows from some level of government, though I'm not sure which one. And I do mean just the head. They called them "spatzies," which I see with a little googling is a more widespread term than I thought (from the German for sparrow).
I was thinking about giving the neighbor kid $5.00 a head because I hate these birds so much... how times have changed!
In Singapore they have to deal with the Mynah, Pigeon, and Crow mafias, so sparrows aren't nearly as prolific here.
Yes ikr maybe coz too damn hot
@TacticalMoonstone They definitely are more vicious than compies, and yes I mean the dinosaurs.
Everyone: Wow thats cool
Awesome video as usual. I'll add that people need to learn the key identification features of house sparrows before trapping and especially before dispatching to ensure they do not harm a native species.
when dinosaurs become invasive
Hey there, I'm from southern Brasil, born and raised in a small city and 80% of the birds here are pigeons and house sparrows, nice information! Love the videos.
One time I watched a house sparrow attack a small American coot brave little birds
0:37 Anyone notice that the bird was flipping the bird?
I appreciate that you care about the environment and try your best to protect it :)
There are millions of them, the neighbour's cat is more effective than this thing.
Can't believe you done that sparrows are getting quite rare over here in the UK from where they originated from just think they flew all that way. How amazing is that.
They didn' fly to the US, they were brought here and introduced to try and combat linden moths in 1852.
@4:35 mark
Masked Bandit looks at camera...
'Hey Shawn this isn't the takeout menu that I ordered, but what the hey, it's a free meal'
They look cute
Also when he set of the trap is scared me🤣
They may looks cute, but I’ve seen what they do to baby bluebirds (don’t look it up, it’s sickening). Trust me, these things are spawned from Satan himself.
@@ARandomCogboi That's a weird excuse to kill them. Have you seen what we do with animals?
@@JohnCena8351 invasive species need to be killed, to protect the endangered native species.
That bird was on trial. Got sentenced to death by the judge, jury, and executioner man.
You deserve +100000000 social credit for this
Shawn woods needs to be verified Now best youtuber ever!
I really didn't know that House sparrows were invasive and destructive. There has been a huge decline of their numbers in India, which had Indian environmentalists worried.
Maybe we should catch them all and send them there 😂
In America they're an invasive species
Don't believe what dumb Trump voters say! In the whole world these people are invasive and destructive and nobody likes them!
Shawn great video. I get calls for bird removal from supermarkets and big box stores all the time and usually tell them I don't have a treatment for catching birds. Now I have a solution. Thanks!
Are you able to keep these as pets?
They always come to my house because I leave seeds out for the birds in my backyard
I see no reason why you couldn't.
If I found a genie lamp and I had 3 wishes I would wish for all the invasive species in the world were back in their natural habitat.
Same! No more sparrows, foxes, deer, boar, goats, rats, mice, starlings ...
Today I learned sparrows are an invasive species in the US Ty Shawn
We have many in Egypt actually these are the standard sparrows here
Never knew invasive mice have wings! Chines really know how to create things no one ever seen!
Hey Shawn I was just thinking about bird traps or deterent, pigeons are a big problem nesting up on the roof and under solar panels. It would be cool if you could do a video for that in the future! Thanks for the videos!
In China their was a really strong attempt to exterminate all sparrows. But then insect pests took over and done much more damage than sparrow did. Dozens of millions died due to famine after that and China had to import sparrows from USSR.
Trap: exists
The bird seeing the bate: 👁👄👁
Wow i never knew these were pests.. i have a bird bath for the ones around my home.. t
Okay lel
@9600GTMAN Yes! Where I live, the deer will come into the yards and eat the newly planted flowers and vegetables if they are not protected by a deer fence or covering. And this is in an urban area of 170,000 people!
@@LiLi-or2gm Try planting some Lavender in with the flowers. Deer hate lavender for some reason.
time to shoot em
@9600GTMAN I live in Hungary and I haven't heard about that. Like, seriously, nothing at all. I only know about overgrowing mouflons populations in some National Parks or the wild boars that are roaming around human settlements. Which is of course, not surprising
Plot twist: the recorded sparrow was saying "get the hell outta here"
Instead, we're gonna humanely dispatch it, and feed it to wild animals!
We contained the scp
@@thisisemmalyshandle now we kill it
That is what made me dislike this video
I mean sure the trap works, but is there a better system for catching large amounts of sparrows?
Where is the electronic house sparrow caller sold at?
Nobody tell Mao zedong about this video. He has a bizarre hatred with Sparrows.
And humans. Or any counterrevolutionary for that matter, regardless of species.
“Bird trap Tuesday”
The LEGO guy Monday *
Thanks for the bird trapping video Shawn! In Australia we have house sparrows and Myna's both are terrible for our natives. Bird trapping vids are great inspiration.👍
Where? I'm in Sydney, in the 80's and 90's I used to see them everywhere as a kid. I don't think I've seen one in 15 years if not longer. Myna's I still see everywhere though. I like these little guys and they're endangered in Europe.
Imagen if mouses had wings. Oh wait.
@ Lmao-
How do you dispatch them, Shawn? We have an invasive species in Australia called Indian Mynars and I've been thinking about getting a trap for them, but never really knew what to do with them once I caught one.
Shawn, please consider doing another video on a repeating house sparrow trap. The havahart company used to make an elevator style trap who's design is still copied today. I would be interested in knowing more about the history of this particular trap and how effective it is. Is it still available? Thanks for posting interesting and informative content!
Maybe I missed it, but how does he "humanely" kill them before leaving out for raccoons and such? We lost bluebirds to these pests and they are trying to take a wren's nest. We don't want the house sparrows so we took the nestboxes down which is upsetting. I'm interested in what's shown here in his video!
Maybe pump gas into the bag?
I would love to see more sparrow traps. Perhaps next time you could do a funnel trap like Mackeson3 suggested.
I have trapped sparrows and starlings for years now and the native birds are back to my farm.
You should review the tomahawk starling trap
Fun fact about starlings, since they were mentioned in the video. Someone introduced them to Central Park in New York in the 1880s because they had some crazy plan to introduce every bird mentioned by Shakespeare to the US. Now we literally have like a hundred million of them.