When you said something about balancing, it is better to compare udyr to other junglers than broken ADCs. Why does Briar get to one shot someone, have more healing, have percentage damage reduction, get move speed, as, and tiamat from one ability, and get tank stats from ult on top of the uber w stats? Just nuts that champs can do what udyr does, but better with only using half of their kit.
That's why I always ban her. Ps. by losing against an udyr, I found my favourite build, it's electrocute with sorcery, stride, Triforce, if fed, I go eclipse, if not fed, I go sterakks, then I finish with sunderer sky/shojin (the other udyr used a way tankier build, so i adapted it). Man I have been trying all of your builds, but this one suits my playstyle better
you didn't get "CDR BOOTS FIRST BACK". what kind of bullshit click bait is this!
When you said something about balancing, it is better to compare udyr to other junglers than broken ADCs. Why does Briar get to one shot someone, have more healing, have percentage damage reduction, get move speed, as, and tiamat from one ability, and get tank stats from ult on top of the uber w stats? Just nuts that champs can do what udyr does, but better with only using half of their kit.
That's why I always ban her.
Ps. by losing against an udyr, I found my favourite build, it's electrocute with sorcery, stride, Triforce, if fed, I go eclipse, if not fed, I go sterakks, then I finish with sunderer sky/shojin (the other udyr used a way tankier build, so i adapted it). Man I have been trying all of your builds, but this one suits my playstyle better
What are your macros/mechanics for instantly panning camera to a teammate and how do you differentiate without manually clicking on the map?
F1-F4 just bind them Top, Mid, ADC, Supp. Should be in the cam settings ingame. default is F1 your pov