Perfect! I just spent quite a while trying to figure out approximating in the approximation, which didn't make any sense to me. I was taking the abs(f-double-prime) and using that max for my K. Which is correct, or more correct rather. The homework did not call out "not taking the max of the second derivative via calculator or graphing". Even a guess on a graph is more accurate than K=6! So my answers were to accurate for the homework, that doesn't happen all the time!
Thank you so much. You made it so much easier for me to understand.
You’re welcome. Glad it helped.
Perfect! I just spent quite a while trying to figure out approximating in the approximation, which didn't make any sense to me. I was taking the abs(f-double-prime) and using that max for my K. Which is correct, or more correct rather. The homework did not call out "not taking the max of the second derivative via calculator or graphing". Even a guess on a graph is more accurate than K=6! So my answers were to accurate for the homework, that doesn't happen all the time!
Thank you sir, a very good explanation!
Thank you. Glad it helped.
Thank you so much for this. It helped me out very much!
You’re welcome. Glad it helped.
I'd you a video on tangent or related rates share link please
If you did I mean send a link cause you super good
I do. If you search my channel for related rates you will find a bunch of videos.
@crowsmathclass great