Okay this was such a fun and chaotic YIAY, the dogs hacking and coughing, Jack going on a phone rant, and the fact that he never got over the first submission. I was smiling and laughing from beginning to end, thanks jack.
It breaks your expectations once you notice it's a YIAY, than once you read the first answer, so you have the entire video to cool down from that, which makes it a lot more "casual" than an usual YIAY.
The editing KILLED ME this episode man. The hellish Sundae pic, the skip ad clicking, the NCT reference. My compliments to the chef, 10/10 chaos level. Was laughing the whole time
This was the perfect pace for a YIAY. Witty, sarcastic, not blazing through comments. Well edited but also just oozing personality. Highest quality YIAY to date.
Or... fullscreen? Mobile, TV, and desktop/web... the only place it doesn't appear below is on TV, where it's only up, so there ya go, point up for cross-platform viewing experience
"Oh, shit, I just made you click. With a vague ass title and a thumbnail trick. OOO!" Lyrics from "There's something I need to tell you." Yeah, I'm too used to Jack's "Serious" titles to actually take them seriously.
When I realized it was a YIAY, I knew I fucked up by clicking on it, but the dogs actually made me giggle. I wish Jack would stop with the YIAY's, I just wanna see sketches and shit. You know, the good stuff.
@@shoshimonster5451 Honestly for me, I just learned from the subdivisions (in 2018), and after that just had to memorize the new guys. It's kinda incredible how much memory you actually have when you're a fan hahaha
Cool so so far Jack has made us come up with: •The YIAY answers •The YIAY questions •The editing •the intros •the outros •The thumbnails •and now, the titles.
The thing is, I know jack wouldn't actually make a video like this, so I knew right away it wasn't real. And yet, knowing that there's an alternate reason as to why it's titled this, I still had to find out and clicked it anyways. It works even if you already know it's clickbait. Perfect
The mods could’ve chosen a bunch of horrible ones and one good one, forcing Jack to choose the best. The mods would have manipulated reality to their benefit
Unless he grovels on the floor and apologies to me, random internet TH-cam viewer personally, while donating his second kids entire college fund to [INSERT CHARITY] I WILL NOT accept his utter joke of an apology😤😤
Jack your channels have been a reliable entertainment source for eternity, I first discovered your channel around 2014 and then stopped after 2015, then around 2018 to 19, I watched it religiously, now I am back to your channel again after years of disconnection. But you are still as entertaining, witty and adorable as I can remember from the beginning. Keep doing a good job as you are now as you always have been.
honestly yea. i started watching his vids in 2018, then stopped, came back in 2019, stopped, came back in 2020, stopped came back in 2021 and so on and so forth
ive been having a Really hard time lately, like the full anxiety workaround. you going on ANOTHER rant about your folding phone, atleast the third rant ive heard across jackasks and streams, brought a real genuine laugh outta me. idk if ur gonna read this, but thank you jack film
"If I'm a YIAY watcher and I see this, I'm not clicking." Weaklings. Cowards. I watch YIAY religiously knowing damn well I ain't gon' get an answer in.
your title made me click immediately as i laughed, and hearing you talk about a title before the yiay made me think you titled a video something and got called out. until i saw the tickets in the front of the desc. taking accountability title is so great
that title actually worked. i haven't watched him for so long but when i scrolled down my subscription list and saw the vid, i stopped watching the previous vid for this.
I was about to go to sleep, until I saw this vid in my notifications and went STRAIGHT into this video, afraid it will be deleted in an hour or something. Well done Jack, well done.
The one giveaway to the credibility of "taking accountability" was just all the YIAY game stuff in the back. Without that you could have really sold it Mr. Films.
This is where i peak in life
I guess you’re taking accountability for the title
Please take accountability for the title.
Congratulation on being the favorite child
I laughed out loud when the very first comment was the title😂
That title absolutely got me. I was hoping that you were apologizing for kissing your Dad on the lips or some shit smh.
Jack will never apologize for loving his
@@ryuhitsuya21 He might not but I want you to for saying it like that
@@Flop_Studios not on your or my daddy's lips life
He’d never apologize for smooching his daddy
Okay this was such a fun and chaotic YIAY, the dogs hacking and coughing, Jack going on a phone rant, and the fact that he never got over the first submission. I was smiling and laughing from beginning to end, thanks jack.
This is why I love watching jack
Ikr? The less edited and formulaic the better
YEAH this might be one of the best YIAYs of all time
It breaks your expectations
once you notice it's a YIAY, than once you read the first answer, so you have the entire video to cool down from that, which makes it a lot more "casual" than an usual YIAY.
@@driveasandwich6734 It's like dramatic irony; Jack doesn't know that'll be the title.
I can’t believe Jack would do this to us. Absolutely vile.
Dont read my name
Truly disgusting, that some "people" would do this horrible thing.
All bots. Congrats
Alternate title: Jack trying to convince himself not to title the video “taking accountability” for 12 minutes
Most accurate comment I've seen so far
And failling
With vile retching in the background.
@@h5numbers732 Not actually tommy it's a bot
Alternate alternate title: Jack reads one good answer and invalidates everything else for 12 minutes.
Literally got me with “Taking accountability”. I clicked this video because of it.
Glad that he finally is owning up to his actions.
Looool dbjdje
@Anna ♪ nice one
The idea of someone “taking accountability” with their board game advertised in the background is really funny to me
Don't forget to buy the "we forgive you" merch!
If Jack uploaded an actual apology video, 60% of viewers would be like "lmao whats the joke this time".
I absolutely fell for the title exactly as depicted.
Dont read my name
@@veirfy It says to translate your message to English lol
@@iperson651 lol
Truly disgusting, that some “people” would do this terrible thing.
Dont you even start with that shit
Truly people, that some “disgusting” would do this terrible thing.
What tf is this
Truly truly, that truly "truly" would truly truly truly
@@mattk750 Truly disgusting, that some "people" would do this terrible thing.
The editing KILLED ME this episode man. The hellish Sundae pic, the skip ad clicking, the NCT reference. My compliments to the chef, 10/10 chaos level. Was laughing the whole time
This was the perfect pace for a YIAY. Witty, sarcastic, not blazing through comments. Well edited but also just oozing personality. Highest quality YIAY to date.
It's been 6 minutes.
Dont read my name
@@dontreadmyaboutpage2824 ok 👍
I can’t stop laughing at Sundae’s unearthly, satanic noises.
It’s all normal and then HWIAK!
i’ve been coughing up a lung to her hellish noises
666th like, how fitting
I literally can't breathe laughing at them right now 😂😂😂
And then the wa they edited the shaking picture in. Pure gold.
0:30 I like how Jack points upward when referring to the title. That's 2010 TH-cam layout right there.
Or... fullscreen? Mobile, TV, and desktop/web... the only place it doesn't appear below is on TV, where it's only up, so there ya go, point up for cross-platform viewing experience
@@sodiboo yeah...it appears up whenever you're fullscreen, I don't know why op said that
I'm using an extension that recreates the old youtube layout and now it makes sense.
@@tetrahenix yooo whats it called
@@SkullboyMus1c TH-cam Redux
One of these days Jacksfilms will do a real apology video and we’ll all think it’s a dumb skit.
A boy who Yiay'd wolf.
just like gus johnson!
i’m screaming i clicked on this SOLELY for the “taking accountability” title LMAO
Me too
"Oh, shit, I just made you click. With a vague ass title and a thumbnail trick. OOO!"
Lyrics from "There's something I need to tell you."
Yeah, I'm too used to Jack's "Serious" titles to actually take them seriously.
I fall for it every time even though I should know better.
I haven’t watched in awhile, and taking accountability literally made me click this video
I love how, for the "running for office" one, Jack assumes President, and not mayor of Shitsville or something
Tbf, america is feeling like shitville as of late
@@GalacticRat3541 LMAO
“Reading your fanfic for one hour.”
One hour is REALLY low-balling the time it takes to read a fanfic, Jack.
Yeah. I've became such a slow reader, I need a solid hour to get through a 4000 word fanfic sometimes.
nah he’s hoping for drabble oneshots
@@zoembiez Oh goodie.
I have just the idea.
I bet a YIAY where we all wrote a fanfic one line at a time would turn out pretty cursed, aka great.
@@helendun8157 Hell yeah!
Jack pointing up to show the title really gives away how many years he's been on youtube lol
Lol right, forgot that's where the title used to be 100 years ago. "Rate 5 stars!"
Damn, I was wondering what he was doing
to be fair though, the title is up the top on desktop fullscreen, so it's still at least kind of correct
@@FatMan2539 Its also on the top on any console. As well as Cellphone fullscreen. So.. I guess he is technically more right than wrong.
@@TheOfficialLardVader PC supremacy tho
Jack you can’t fool us with a serious title anymore, you have done it so many times lmao
Lmao lol
The last time he posted a serious video was in 2016 so yeah not exactly fooling us.
Oof yeah
I did not even realize this was a YIAY, I thought I missed another Paul Brother incident and Jack parodied it
Lmaooo it could be
Dont read my name
the good ol days
I'm so glad you owned up to this, John. This really is impressive personal growth. I had absolutely no idea about the terrible things you went through
The dog making ungodly noises while trying to cough up mucus was more funny than most of the answers in my opinion.
When I realized it was a YIAY, I knew I fucked up by clicking on it, but the dogs actually made me giggle. I wish Jack would stop with the YIAY's, I just wanna see sketches and shit. You know, the good stuff.
So is this comment
@@Just-Michael I usually like YIAYs, just thought this one didn't have great answers.
The title is why I clicked lol. I’ve been a lukewarm YIAY viewer for a while. Effectiveness: 10/10
TH-cam recommended this to me now. Of all times. This seems targeted.
Taking accountability for not being good at titles. That’s the first step Jack.
Dont read my name
@@dontreadmyaboutpage2824 ok i wont
It's really cute that Jack still thinks it's 2010 and points upwards as if the title is above the video.
it's above in full screen
Taking my: saw before edited- ticket. Thanks bro
It is though?
he’s definitely right, I’m not even a fan of or know who this guy is but I wanted to see a youtuber cry
even i wanted him to breakdown. and i am a fan,
0:30 you can tell that Jack is an OG youtuber because he still thinks titles are at the top even though they've been moved to the bottom for years now
The future is now, old man
@@EEEEEEEE Echomercc
@@EEEEEEEE evil furry art
@@EEEEEEEE eaugh-
New title: “jack simping over “taking accountability” for 12 minutes”
As someone who knows every single NCT member and all their names….I feel called out.
Really felt like he came for me by using my ult as the example
Fucking same omg
I felt surprised to see them in there just to have em shitted one 💀
@@mckayla_577 okay but they're the best example of big boy groups lmao
As a fan of NCT, I don’t know how I would know all the members. If you get another dog, I’ll probably forget a member’s name in exchange.
I don’t know how I managed to learn all 23 of them. And I don’t know what I’m gonna do when they get another one or two or 500
@@shoshimonster5451 good luck when NCT-J and NCT Hollywood come along lmao
@@shoshimonster5451 Honestly for me, I just learned from the subdivisions (in 2018), and after that just had to memorize the new guys. It's kinda incredible how much memory you actually have when you're a fan hahaha
@@dar.y.a it really is. As a fan of 24 boy groups i surprise myself at how many I know.
Im surprised just to know the nine members of Twice
I haven’t watched jack in a while and then I saw this title and I clicked…it literally worked
I fell for it so hard as well. I was like "what happened on Twit- JACK GOD DAM YOU"
I never thought I'd see NCT on a jacksfilms video yet here we are
I was so surprised lol
Fr, my thoughts exactly,, I had to rewind 10 seconds to check if I actually saw it right
the 4 jacksfilms fans that are also kpop fans were like ayyyeee
@@3racha95 ayo listen up -john, probably
Truly disgusting, that “JacksFilms” would do this horrible thing.
Cool so so far Jack has made us come up with:
•The YIAY answers
•The YIAY questions
•The editing
•the intros
•the outros
•The thumbnails
•and now, the titles.
He's preparing us for when he is gone to take over the channel before Erin gets the custody!
what's next, the algorithm?
and the song lyrics and the graduation speech and...
Yesterday I asked you to present a Yiay episode for me
And the intros, and the outros
Shout-out to the editor desperately trying to skip the "ad" part for us.
Jack pointing upwards when talking about the title just proves how long he's been on TH-cam
True, but on mobile the title is at least on the top when the video is viewed in fullscreen
hopefully ‘tittle’ gets some redemption in the future that one was shockingly underrated
***YO, EDITOR*** that skip ad but over the techtalk was pure comedy gold and you deserve a raise.
damn I thought you ate your leg
OK and
The fact that an ad started playing right after the phone talk has been the only moment in my life I've ever been happy to see a youtube ad.
This also happened to me and I cannot agree more
10:57 thank you jack, I finally found a public example of somebody saying how I say okay.
Hey Jack, just letting you know that the title of the video is "taking accountability".
You can thank me by giving me 100000000 yiay tokens
Or at least 1 for all ur subscribers
@Sara Riem nice video
Yes daddy.
@Sara Riem best
I was surprisingly actually happy that an ad popped up to interrupt Jack’s foldable phone tech talk
The thing is, I know jack wouldn't actually make a video like this, so I knew right away it wasn't real.
And yet, knowing that there's an alternate reason as to why it's titled this, I still had to find out and clicked it anyways. It works even if you already know it's clickbait. Perfect
That "I'm the YIAY guy, okay?" was like a classic nigahiga bit.
I miss nigihiga...
i always get in trouble at school if i mention him back in the days lmao
The mods could’ve chosen a bunch of horrible ones and one good one, forcing Jack to choose the best. The mods would have manipulated reality to their benefit
I think they already do this. The end of Jack is nigh.
"I think, I'm married to that one."
Erin would be really sad if she hears these words from your mouth.
6:04 Props to the editor on that little moment. Made me chortle.
i've stared at it for way too long now and i'm still finding new things
@@emmathomas2035 oh my gosh!! I didn’t notice the thumbnails the first time! Now I desperately want Chills to read the entire Bible.
I like how Jack points upwards when referring to the title, like... When was the last time TH-cam videos had their titles on top?
This was one of the funniest YIAYS I’ve watched in a while. Instant cult classic.
I saw the title and immediately thought: "That can't be real. It's Jack, there's _no_ way that's real!" Glad to see I was right.
Unless he grovels on the floor and apologies to me, random internet TH-cam viewer personally, while donating his second kids entire college fund to [INSERT CHARITY] I WILL NOT accept his utter joke of an apology😤😤
The Ace Attorney joke caught me off guard and I laughed way too hard, thank you, Jack
"Reading your fanfics for an hour."
Yiay 600 special??????
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 dying LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
yesterday, i asked you to submit your kinkiest wattpad stories about me!!
its cute how Jack points up to the "title" as if its 2008 and TH-cam still has the video reaction option
omggggggggggg i thought no one else would notice this it makes me so nostalgic
Jack your channels have been a reliable entertainment source for eternity, I first discovered your channel around 2014 and then stopped after 2015, then around 2018 to 19, I watched it religiously, now I am back to your channel again after years of disconnection. But you are still as entertaining, witty and adorable as I can remember from the beginning. Keep doing a good job as you are now as you always have been.
honestly yea. i started watching his vids in 2018, then stopped, came back in 2019, stopped, came back in 2020, stopped came back in 2021 and so on and so forth
The dogs loud coughing noises made me laugh more than the answers tbh
At first I thought the whole video was about Jack taking accountability of his underwhelming titles.
Dont read my name
Same, either that or he made an offensive title by accident
@@dontreadmyaboutpage2824 ok
Truly disgusting, that some “people” would do such a horrible thing.
Didn't know this meme spread to other channels
the ideal yiay. Jack goes on random tangents, completely unexpected content, snotty dogs and Galaxy Fold rant.
ive been having a Really hard time lately, like the full anxiety workaround. you going on ANOTHER rant about your folding phone, atleast the third rant ive heard across jackasks and streams, brought a real genuine laugh outta me. idk if ur gonna read this, but thank you jack film
As a guy who's taking accountability classes, I can confirm that that's the face everyone has in class
The fact that I immediately clicked this video after seeing the title proves that it was an amazing submition.
i love how john keeps looking up when he mentions titles… it proves he only exists in video form, he has no real existence, he is fictional, virtual.
Man gotta love how he called the section where he talks about the fold phone "tech talk" even tho a "Ted talk" is already about technology.
I fucking love the edits Jack. All that little extra stuff, the lines when you clap and shit, I eat it like salted watermelon. Fucking amazing.
salted watermelon?
@@xXMangoXx_ it’s a southern thing
Me just here waiting for the ARG to ramp up
Fuck yes salted watermelon
@@xXMangoXx_ salted watermelon good as hell
"If I'm a YIAY watcher and I see this, I'm not clicking."
Weaklings. Cowards. I watch YIAY religiously knowing damn well I ain't gon' get an answer in.
Don't most people watch without giving any yiay submissions am i the only one
I don't normally, but every now and then I take a shot.
7:27 hang on..... I saw Jack's "Top 10 Animated Dads" short 3 weeks ago....
honestly, jack's titles are just so meme-y that this didnt faze me anymore
Sundae’s hell noises made me laugh until I cried, thank you for birthing her D’ouglass household
I hope they finally release the birthing video soon 😩
The dogs in the background hacking up mucus and the picture edited in each time had me almost crying from laughter
your title made me click immediately as i laughed, and hearing you talk about a title before the yiay made me think you titled a video something and got called out. until i saw the tickets in the front of the desc. taking accountability title is so great
Jack: the joe joke is ooold guys
Also Jack: makes the answer of the next reverse yiay “yo mama”
that title actually worked. i haven't watched him for so long but when i scrolled down my subscription list and saw the vid, i stopped watching the previous vid for this.
I was about to go to sleep, until I saw this vid in my notifications and went STRAIGHT into this video, afraid it will be deleted in an hour or something. Well done Jack, well done.
Jack, just admit it, those throat noises were Erin not Sundae
👀 We can't see below his chest
@@youraveragegamer8832 ulkjhngng,mnngjk.hv
She is the throat goat after all
The title actually worked, mainly because I am taking accountability, like the course... in college. And because I saw the channel name, chunggus!
The absolutely impeccable timing of this canine lad.
The skip ad was one of the funniest things you’ve ever done
I think the props for that one go to the editor... and they're getting MAD props from me, because I was laughing my ass off.
@@NiDeCo did you check the remmened videos?
Don't put this on ygs
Just FYI, “taking accountability” was the title of Shane Dawson's apology video. The answer was possibly a reference to that.
You can tell Jack's been on youtube forever because he pointed to the top of the frame when he mentioned he didn't know what the title was going to be
This is sure to be a great apology vid- AH SHIT IT'S ANOTHER YIAY
'it's over" would work VERY well now.
You see class, what we see here is a perfect example of dramatic irony.
This dude just said he would do top 10 burps at his lowest, and then proceeded to do a reverse YIAY to "Your mama"
Your dogs have excellent comedic timing
Oh my lord I actually thought he was going to apologize for a second
Me too.. thought he was gonna parody the twitch leaks and apologize for how little money he makes.
5:20 “It’s either moon or 7.”
I’d love to have that quote on my wall.
1 minute into video and im told ive fallen into a title trap! good job jack!!
this is literally the best clickbait in existence. first time ever that i was impressed rather than offended
i haven’t watched jack in years, but when i saw the title i had to check it out 😭
Your observation on taking accountability as a title was so right
The one giveaway to the credibility of "taking accountability" was just all the YIAY game stuff in the back. Without that you could have really sold it Mr. Films.
Here while the title is "Taking Accountability", and we'll see if it changes
Truly disgusting that some “people” would do this horrible thing.
Didn't realize this was Jack to the Future 2