I’m proud of Shaggar City officials, particularly the mayor, deputy mayor, and especially my boss, Mr. Abera Botore, for their understanding of the significant gaps in health services throughout Shaggar City. I admire the speed and quality with which they are addressing the community’s healthcare needs. Although these achievements are still far from what we dream of, a great deal of hard work is put in every day. I'm delighted to share this moment in history as well.
I’m proud of Shaggar City officials, particularly the mayor, deputy mayor, and especially my boss, Mr. Abera Botore, for their understanding of the significant gaps in health services throughout Shaggar City. I admire the speed and quality with which they are addressing the community’s healthcare needs. Although these achievements are still far from what we dream of, a great deal of hard work is put in every day.
I'm delighted to share this moment in history as well.
Akka magaalaa Shaggaritti karaa fayyaatiin gaaffii uummataatiif deebiin kennamaa jira.
Magaalaa guddittii oromiyaa