Saturnastra Monkey King Chapter 6 - p2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • I think this is the eight book in the series. When you write so much, you tend to lose track at a certain point. Then again, I think I should number the books. The reason I have not done so is because you can read the books in any particular order. Only Ahi has a true sequel. The rest are parallel novels. They take place in the same world, but at different times and places. Monkey King takes place 4 years after the main stories. He has returned to Saturnastra for reasons he does not want to get into. The first time he visited was to complete a specific mission. Now, he is going to live there. The book is not about THE Monkey King. It is just what his people call him. One day, all the apes in the Lusitania Peninsula started becoming sentient. Their bodies also started changing as well. Money King became the ruler of this new sentient race. The book focuses on his empire building. IntroductionMonkey King is Ahi’s twin. Somewhere in their development, Ahi became a powerful dragon while Monkey King became a magic user. He is unique in so much as he can also bless and curse people. This ability is usually reserved for priests. Unlike most of his brothers, Monkey King has ideals of grandeur. While his brother Marduke is closing up his Kingdom, Monkey King is trying to expand it. This is easier said than done, for someone as fussy as Monkey King. Officially, he does not have a name. When he got adopted by the local apes, they named him Able. He was named Able because of the things he was able to do. The book features quite the number of army battles. I also start defining the sea portion of the continent. This is the first book where I have a fully trained magic user as the main character. I hope you find his magic quite entertaining.
    Chapter 6
    The first mission as a mercenary corp. did not manage to win the Nages any fame. News coming from the north blamed them for the tsunami disaster. It was interpreted by outsiders and certain insiders as a ploy to make money. The Nages destroy your home, and now you must pay them to rebuild it. After a few minor skirmishes in the Northern Eastern part of the Continent, the Nage army was official bored of minor skirmishes.
    Since the army business was slow for the Nages, Wiston and Virgil decided to engage in the delectable art of peace. For a standing army, this focused on securing the trade route, and acting as escort for their caravans. Such missions only required a small fraction of the invisible army. The main bulk was left with nothing better to do.
    One of the leaders of the invisible army was named Edith. She was a descendant of the spix red handed howler monkeys. Her long straight hair was black, with a red stripe at the center. Her arms and feet also had a reddish-brown coloration. She found Monkey King in his new home away from home, in Aurelius’ manor. Since he had not moved out, and Aurelius did not particularly mind him or his companions, Monkey King had ended up living there till the end of the year. The granddaughters adored Monkey King’s magic tricks and colorful fish illusions.
    Edith found Monkey King in the middle of one of such games. Monkey King was summoning animals of the forest and having them act in an unnatural fashion. The bulls were twisting and swimming as if they were fishes. The marlins were walking about, conversing while holding a tea cup. From time to time, he had his illusions engaged in play fighting or he would try the jump scare game. Aurelius disliked such illusions, since they reinforced what he perceived to be aggressive behavior. It was unbecoming entertainment for the ladies of the manor. Still, there was nothing better to do aside from playing outside, or trying board games. At other times, Monkey King mounted a more complex show, with animals acting out scenes from whatever story first came to his mind. Before attending Edith, he had his animals act out this peculiar story:
    Once upon a time, there was a little mischievous red herring. He delighted in nothing else than causing problems in the country of the rightful marlins. One day, he reasoned to the King of the Marlins something that seemed like a practical idea. King Blue Marlin did not know the exact number of fishes in his shoals. If he wanted to hunt properly, all his schools should be counted for. To complete this task King Blue Marlin sent out his trusted, Billfish advisor. Billfish visited all the schools of the king, and counted all the members.
    While counting the Blue Marlins, General Makaira said something offensive to Billfish. The two had never met eye to eye on anything. Out of spite, Billfish omitted General Makaira and his school from the roster. Billfish did not know that the General was the illegitimate child of the high priest. To remedy this evil, the Goddess Erua made it so that all, but the Blue Marlin schools were to be fished out by men. Since then, no schools of fishes perform a census, and that is why you only find Blue Marlins in this ocean.

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  • @Simbachka-life
    @Simbachka-life 12 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

    Enjoyed listening to this chapter! 🥰