Started a couple of weeks ago with a Ranger. Grabbed the $100 Bundle for $50 over the holiday. Few more quest lines on Living World 2 and I'm jumping into HoTs. So excited. 91.5hrs in so far. I've learned so much from your videos, so thank youuu! Lvl 80 Power Untamed with 5 Berserker Ascended pieces so far, we're getting there!
@@bastien-HoT is a big leap up in difficulty, but it’s also some of the best content in GW2, so I won’t be apologizing for it. To the OP welcome to the world of Tyria!
@@traveling.down.the.road56 I disagree wholeheartedly and personally can't stand to visit those maps, and it's home to the only maps I haven't bothered to complete (and I have every release). But I don't begrudge anyone who likes them, it's really the user unfriendly design I sneer at. However, the contrast it provides for when you first enter Amnoon and Elona in general makes starting PoF feel that much sweeter. So it's worth the journey.
Another tip for world completion is you can go into settings and change your objective to hide story and events so your HUD will always point to the next renowed heart, poi, vista etc rather than where your story or event point is ❤
YOU CAN RIGHT CLICK EVENT CHESTS TO PICK THEM UP IMMEDIATELY???? I've been playing since release and didn't know this was a thing....actual game changer, thank you so much Lara
Good advice for beginners to not hurry thru leveling. I've ditched level 80 characters to make room for new characters to level up. The game is fun right from the beginning. Laranity, thanks for your helpful vids.
I spent like 1 year levelling a character to 80 cause i was running around doing stupid sht, no guide no videos or nothing, but it was fun exploring the game and really enjoying it, not playing in the most optimized and systematic way
The action cam was the main reason I gave the game a chance, and it's ended up being one of my favorite games EVER. Definitely worth the mention for people like me that might be intimidated by playing an MMO for the first time! o:
I can't play without it now. It made the combat S-tier for me now 7 yrs later I still find it so hard to drop. I've coped with other mmos, BDO, New World, Lost Ark, ESO, TnL. But it just doesn't hit as right. Gw2's power scaling, pacing and mechanically is perfect for my taste. I just wish they'd update the disjointed combat animations and ui. That would make it SSS-Tier.
The thing I wished I had known sooner was that there is that old Mursaat City called Bava Nisos. And they have a secret. Coffee. Good Coffee. Java Nisos. The only one with Bloodstone dust. So always remember: That's good coffee. That's Java Nisos. I know that spagoody or debaros probably already commented that joke, but I had too :D Great video Lara, I think that can be really useful for new or even really old returning players.
Being able to access the wiki through an in game command is still amazing to me even after all these years of playing. Super nifty and always glad to see it recommended/mentioned
The number one thing in GW2 that I wish I knew about sooner is the sweet, delicious taste of a hot cup of Java Nisos. That's good coffee. That's Java Nisos.
It took me a one year to max level my first character and I dont regret it. After this all years I stoped focusing on hardcore end game and Im back to completing maps. I read every line of dialogue when Im doing hearts or even random events. I love to discovering lore of tyria. Moreover this game has a sick amount of voiced dialogue lines. I love eavesdropping on random npcs.
Turn the music ON, especially for boss fights! You can also change your character select screen in the Options menu to change the background and music. (I didn't love the SotO loading music, so I changed it to EoD, which is my favorite.)
Oh I love this! Thank you!! The EoD music is so special to me cause I joined the game during that expansion & reminds me of that feeling of getting into a new game (cause it would play on character select & character design)
I really needed to hear "all the items you get early are probably junk you can safely sell". I came back to the game after a break (still new before I took the break), and the fact my inventory was nearly full was the single most intimidating thing upon returning.
Very Well Done! Glad you made this. It's very easy for veteran players to forget how much they have learned since they were new. It's very easy to get excited about the new content and forget how much of it is still built up from early skills and content. Little assumptions about what other plyers know can leave big holes in their knowledge.
added bit of info regarding the map-completion-hover-over-the-icon-thing-to-make-them-light-up-on-your-map: that will only work on parts of the map you have uncovered. if you are missing one POI and can't find it, it's most likely hiding in a part of the map you haven't uncovered yet. funny that Lara didn't mention that, but I guess she has done map completion maybe 2 or 3 times despite finding it so relaxing.
So crazy to see the transformation from launch. Just coming back after a long hiatus and the only content creator that is around still from the early days of GW2 is WoodenPotatoes. So much has changed it’s almost a completely new game.
Things Laranity does best when it comes to making video guides: - Mentioning her other videos - Giving good usefull advices - Plugging in her other guides : P
The biggest 'wish I had known this earlier' for me is using Obsidian Sanctum when crafting. I always had to run back and forth to the TP but by using Obsidian Sanctum one can drop in there, get to the TP, and on leaving the mists, be dropped right back at your crafting station.
@6:10 - Since you had just talked about the Event Timers page, a better example for /wiki would definitely have been "/wiki et" (with a voiceover explaining "et" as short for "Event Timers"). Otherwise, great video, as usual. :)
The map highlight thing blew my mind. xD ..I just started my first attempt at map completion and this is gonna save me a ton of grief. Thank you for making these videos. =D
One thing I wish I knew sooner is wizards vault dailies and weeklies can be changed to just be pve, boy missed I often them cause I didn’t wanted to do wvw and pvp. 😅 Edit: wow you really mentioned that. Ily 😂
Oh I remembered one thing I wished I knew sooner: Do NOT delete your old character from when you tried the game out back in 2013 :') so many missed birthday gifts.
Lol now that I've watched your video it suddenly makes sense that I've had a fresh lvl 80 core mesmer join my "everyone welcome" wing 8 lfg post :D had to direct him from Lions Arch to the aerodrome as it was his very first raid, and he couldn't find the squad chat option, but it was tons of fun! (Sadly he didn't make it through the forced relog to refill our squad before Ura, buit I am sure he had just as much fun in there as we did :D.) Thanks again for making such a great and wholesome impact on the Gw2 community! Happy Wintersday! 💝
Alternative Title _(for my personal perspektive)_ _"Things I learned within my first months of GW2"_ The things shown in the video are so basic but also so essential. It's good that you're showing these things since knowing these really enhances the quality of live in game :D
My wish-knew-sooner things: 1. Lion’s Arch Aerodrome!!! So convenient for banking, trading, and practicing combat 2. You can access the merchant/s in your Guild Hall from ANYWHERE! No need to travel to a merchant to buy gathering tools, salvage kits etc. There are so many perks to joining a guild.
One of the things I wished I knew sooner is WvW as a whole. WvW is a solid source of Mystic Coins, Clovers, liquid gold, an actual vertical progression system in GW2 and absolute chaotic environment where there is no playing fair whatsoever.
Dammit!!! I didn’t know about the wiz vault customization. I absolutely REFUSE to play PvP mode, and I sometimes just skip everything because I know I won’t do PvP!! I love it.
I used to play the core game back in 2012 for some years, but have now quit for about 10 years or so. Recently I got back into GW2 and I'm absolutely loving it! It is such a great game and so much better than any other MMORPG out there. It's definitely my favorite!
Your character is so pretty. 😍 I think I AM going to purchase some expansions on sale after all! (I got the game at launch a long time ago, but moved onto other flavors of the month and I was really into PvP back then which I don't really do anymore.)
Dude I just completed the map yesterday and I didn’t know you could mouse over the objective legend to see undiscovered objectives. The time I could have saved omfg 😫😫😫😫
I pretty much exclusively use action camera when in combat, I find it much more fun and intuitive. I don't have a lot of experience playing mmo RPG games but I do play a lot of action RPG games like the newer final fantasy games and the witcher, this camera mode feels so much more fluent and fun to my brain
All great advice as I was looking into switching from ff14 and just got done playing ff16. Action cam alone sold me on buying all the dlcs except the newest one and downloading right away on steam. Ty for this
Laraaaa! You forgot something! The Content Guide for exploring! It's a Godsend when hunting that pesky Point of Interest or mapping with the brain switched off! Fantastic video!
side note on levelling elite specs before getting into expac areas: its not even mathematically possible. hero points from levelling should total exactly all core skills & specs. theres only 189 hps in core maps, and 11 more in dry top and the silverwastes. which is 50 hp short for any elite spec. so yeah, definitely dont worry about it before getting into the expac areas lmao
Also, if u want easilly level Your Elite specs, start with PoF hero points. They have veteran level mobs, which are quite easy to kill, than move onto EOD - Elite level, but still fairly easy to solo for new/casual players. Completing HP from these two expansions should be enough to unlock 2 Elite specs, if im not mistaken. For the third one you will need to do some HoT, which are by far most difficult (champion level bosses) and difficult to solo.
yeah totally! but there are also a decent amount of communing HPs in HoT & a couple easy fights or mechanics, so between core hps, pof and eod ones, and easy hot ones you should have way enough for all three elite specs without having to beat up a single champion! (and for more generic advice: 1. for wvw and pvp enjoyers, heroics notary and league vendor sell instant hp unlocks for rather cheap so if you want to be lazy it's a good solution :D 2. as always, watch out for HP trains, makes everything way easier)
TMYK: you can buy hero points for xpac areas before you get into xpac areas. compared to just doing them it's a huge waste (for example spending Jade Heroics on hero points instead of saving them for items that are only attainable using Jade Heroics.)
As someone who didn't, and still kinda don't, play a ton of MMOs I can't begin to say how important it is to level a class properly. It might seem like a grind but I boosted by Ranger and Guardian and I got burnt out SO quick. Playing them legit 1-80 actually cleared up a lot of confusion. Still learning how to play piano properly but it's been fun. Can't wait to start up my Engineer soon.
this. when my wife started playing i told her the smartest thing she could do is wait until leveling at least one character to 80 so she understood the game, and then when she was ready to play something else she could boost and bypass all of that content having experienced it already. best advice i could have given her (except maybe explaining basic inventory management.) L80 only unlocks content, it leaves a gaping void of knowledge if you don't actually play through the game normally at least once.
something to know about guilds. you can join 6 but if you plan on playing wvw you will most likely need to spend 2 slots on that. 1 for the guild and 1 for the alliance guild.
The light up thing when you hover over map objectives is sometimes bugged, it does not light up. It's been bugged for at least 8 years, on some maps xD
it won't light up "clouded" areas of the map, but in 12 years of playing i've never had it not show something (as long as that part of the map is already discovered.)
I feel so dumb. I've been playing for years and can't believe I didn't know a lot of these like the right click on chest and the cog wheel in the Wizard's Vault.
I played for just over a month and managed around 150 hours before I started a new job and quit playing. I'm coming back to the game and am torn on what to do. I purchased the first two expansions but I haven't even completed my personal story yet. I am an engineer and enjoy PVP so I started to train up Scrapper because people in WvW didn't want to play with me without it lol. I have enough currency to unlock hero points and max scrapper, but I have SO much of the game left to play that I figure I should explore and gain those points naturally. I have barely done any group PVE content and I'm at a total loss with my builds. I typically try to do some healing because I've always enjoyed that in every game I play. I think completing my personal story and working towards the expansions is a good idea, but I get side tracked by PVP content pretty easily lol.
I actually wish they would make adventuring guide an option that you could enable/disable, because you level *SO* insanely fast from it, it almost takes away from the experience.
i've salvaged gear i needed several times. now i manage my gear after each event/etc and move anything worth keeping into an invisible bag at the bottom of my bag set.. this ensures the "top" of my inventory is stuff that needs to be managed. i never have more than 10 items in my inventory (aside of my 20-slot invisible bag) -- my wife on the other hand still keeps a full and unmanaged inventory, constantly has to stop in the middle of adventuring to recover space, etc.
I just picked up the complete collection a couple of days ago. I originally played the game when it came out but didn't stick with it after reaching max level mainly due to feeling very overwhelmed by the game. While I still kind of feel that way, I'm just trying to enjoy going through the storyline (and I think I have a lot of content ahead of me)
Take your time! There's no hurry. The only time limited content are things like festivals and events, which you'll always get a mail for when they happen. There's going to be a festival soon which is a lot of fun, especially if its your first time! Welcome to GW2!
man I have more than 5k hours of playtime and a handful of legendaries but I stopped playing gw2 in late 2017, after PoF release.... I keep checking news every now and then but watching your gameplay shows me what I really enjoyed in this game. Thinking about checking it out again sometime soon 😊but inventory management is always a pain in the ass... I logged in a few times over the last years but logged out within 1 or 2 minutes because looking at a full inventory makes me want to quit >_> anyways, really nice video footage in your video!
this is basically hoarding. i've been playing for 12 years and have two bank bags and never upgraded my inventory and use less than one bag for "permanent" retention (and that includes 10 slots for WvW blueprints, food, and a utility item.) i have faith in you, log in again and clean those bags up and maybe one day when you get a hankering to play again it won't be the wall of loot that turns you away :) do iiiiiit!
I would like to add that the hover-feature when you want to finish a map and cannot find the last vista or point of interest is great BUT with some of the objectives it is bugged and it won't light up on the map... don't lose hope younglings, you will find it eventually. Just go to the Wiki and compare your map with the full uncovered one
Most of the time the not light up is because you havent explored the area yet. You need to walk/fly close enough to get the "painted' looke of the map cleared and see the detailed look
Pro tip for inventory, if you get unidentified gear, DO NOT OPEN/IDENTIFY IT. The unidentified versions stack, where armor itself will not. Only use for new armor (you really get them at level 80 so you dont need them if you have exotics or better), and crafting/salvaging.
there are wizard vault rewards for identifying gear, so at a minimum you will want to ident them for wizards vault completions (when they get assigned). while i haven't tracked it to prove it i also believe the salvage results are better when you unpack because i seem to get more globs from identified yellows than i do the same number of unidentified yellows, but it could just be wild chance and wishful thinking on my part.
Well, to be honest, until one is level 80, gear and gear stats don't matter. Get your hero points done, get your build, then work on your gear stats. Seen way too many people be only half way through leveling and worried about their build and gear... worry about that stuff AFTER you hit 80.
The only thing that makes me kinda bored is the fact that I can't find the right class for me 😂. Like, I started with a certain class, I completed maps, waypoints, etc., and then I felt like that class is not for me. And I made another class, did the same thing again, and felt like, "I've already done this, and I'm doing it again...". I enjoyed the world so far, it's just that, as a new player, it made me burn out repeating things. So, I stopped playing for a week and played again, and I enjoyed it. So, for new players out there, find your right class. If you bought an expansion, you'll have a level 80 boost. Try out different classes, use the boost (you will have a trial in the Silverwastes, and you don't actually need to expend it, just undo it after). Doing this, you can try the class to see if you'll enjoy it. This is just for new players btw, cuz for sure old players will create new characters.
I loughed so hard on the shameless self promotion :D Usefull tips, even I learnt a couple a long time ago, not from this, I was here only for entertainment, and it was 10/10, as always
I'm also on team no action cam haha. When i first started I was told to use it, and when i put it on I couldn't figure out how to turn it off and nearly quit the game x-x It was horrendous and did nothing but get me killed.
GW2 honestly is very underrated. It's a gorgeous game and well done. The biggest complaint I have about the game is the horrible, horrible game engine. I hope the original people who made this engine are not in the business anymore... It's bad bad bad. However the new rumors of GW3 coming will be done with Unreal Engine and the company is hiring people who are very knowledge with Unreal - which is a huge plus. I hope GW3 becomes the new great game. I love GW2 but the engine and low FPS issues with the game annoy me. But I'm 1% as most gamers are happy with 10FPS in their games. The community of the game can be good and overall is but there are some extreme toxic players within the game that you run into. But in all, just ignore in-game chat and you're good.
Honestly, your first set of Ascended armor is locked behind daily crafting. So you can only craft 1 thing a day. Exotic is enough to get you through 99% of content and you only "need" Ascended for fractals. Pick a build and have fun!
technically "Profession Skills" such as Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. the "Trait Lines" are the skill selections in the "Build" tab of the "Hero Panel". you could also be trying to make a funny? but in case you're not... :)
one thing that was mentioned in the video was that the community was helpful... sadly i did not see any glimpse of that, or maybe the european servers arent as friendly as americans i guess, they ignore u whenever u ask about anything as if ur just an insect cuz ur low lvl or whatever might be the reason
That's a shame, I'm a new player and I've met multiple helpful people on the NA servers that have helped me speed up quest and level progress even tho they're a much higher level and was just running thru the area. Maybe try to join a guild and chat there for some help. That'd also where an actual community is that you can ask since a lot of people are judt leveling and doing stuff themselves
Completely disagree. Im EU player and Gw2 community is one of the friendliest and helpful community on any MMO. Im a solo player but anytime a Ask for help with Boss on map/generał chat, usually several players, if they are around, always responds and shows up to help. If u Die during meta, there is always someone willing to res u. Even in WvW if u mention that ur farming reward track for gift od battle, they will leave u alone. Regarding instance content - as long as u stick to "Your level" meaning if Your new you dont join CM/speed groups, and stick to "eveybody welcome" than u will have a great time. Ive played most big MMOs and GW2 community is definetely in S tier rank when it comes to friendliness. Of course, from time to time u will come across some as**ole, who thinks jest better than eveybody, but that's like less than 1% of players u will meet.
might be the company you keep, i've never experienced anything other that helpful and friendly people. it's unlike any other game i've played (ever). that said i meet some real turds in WvW and PvP and I'm sure they're turds IRL too. but those people are the people everyone blocks and, eventually, they are screaming into a void and leave the game. i also don't LFG into raids/party's, not once in more than a decade. if you're playing with randos my advice is to get into a guild full of "nerds and ehunnies" that like wearing sparkly things while helping each other out, it'll be the best decision you've ever made.
@@flagg5806 i played like 3 days in total so i still have no idea what u mean when u say things like CM and such, but ye my experience was way different for example when im exploring the area and i find a weird icon on map like a treasure or something, i arrive there but find nothin except of a swarm of players that r having a certain convos, i try to ask whats going on but 0 response, i tried to test it out again but this time in the trading post cuz i feel like its the osrs grand exchange of this game where peeps usually socialize, again 0 responses except for a sarcastic one when i asked whether i was muted or something
I'm sorry you've had a bad experience! I must say in general I've had the opposite. If you can't get help on the map you're on, try adding a group on LFG (for example if you're trying to get a group for a bounty for some achievement) or ask in the Lions Arch map chat!
Started a couple of weeks ago with a Ranger. Grabbed the $100 Bundle for $50 over the holiday. Few more quest lines on Living World 2 and I'm jumping into HoTs. So excited. 91.5hrs in so far. I've learned so much from your videos, so thank youuu! Lvl 80 Power Untamed with 5 Berserker Ascended pieces so far, we're getting there!
Welcome to the game! 😸
Jumping into HoT? Welcome and we're sorry.
@@bastien-HoT is a big leap up in difficulty, but it’s also some of the best content in GW2, so I won’t be apologizing for it.
To the OP welcome to the world of Tyria!
Dang. I started a few weeks ago too but I'm only level 75. Sounds like I have a lot to look forward to!
@@traveling.down.the.road56 I disagree wholeheartedly and personally can't stand to visit those maps, and it's home to the only maps I haven't bothered to complete (and I have every release). But I don't begrudge anyone who likes them, it's really the user unfriendly design I sneer at. However, the contrast it provides for when you first enter Amnoon and Elona in general makes starting PoF feel that much sweeter. So it's worth the journey.
Another tip for world completion is you can go into settings and change your objective to hide story and events so your HUD will always point to the next renowed heart, poi, vista etc rather than where your story or event point is ❤
Nice, I didn’t know that.
Man thank you was going crazy
I wish instead of /age we would have a /m because GOD DAMN THE AMOUNT OF TIMES
10 years...... TEN YEARS! /cry /me leaves awkwardly
I've been playing since release and didn't know this was a thing....actual game changer, thank you so much Lara
Hearts and everything else too
Btw, you can also change skills with right click too, just hover over the skill and right click it to change them
Thanks for the tip, thats some huge quality of life improvement ❤
I figured this out yesterday. Mind blown
Yeah, me too, I have account for over a decade and I didn't knew that as well lool, so big game changer in many metas :D
Watching video while playing GW2 after playing for eight years looking to see if there's any tips I don't already know.
Same. Been playing for 7 yrs and i still have no idea what I'm doing haha still very fun
@@Oryyytur shit wasting time
Good advice for beginners to not hurry thru leveling. I've ditched level 80 characters to make room for new characters to level up. The game is fun right from the beginning.
Laranity, thanks for your helpful vids.
I spent like 1 year levelling a character to 80 cause i was running around doing stupid sht, no guide no videos or nothing, but it was fun exploring the game and really enjoying it, not playing in the most optimized and systematic way
The action cam was the main reason I gave the game a chance, and it's ended up being one of my favorite games EVER. Definitely worth the mention for people like me that might be intimidated by playing an MMO for the first time! o:
I can't play without it now. It made the combat S-tier for me now 7 yrs later I still find it so hard to drop. I've coped with other mmos, BDO, New World, Lost Ark, ESO, TnL. But it just doesn't hit as right. Gw2's power scaling, pacing and mechanically is perfect for my taste. I just wish they'd update the disjointed combat animations and ui. That would make it SSS-Tier.
The thing I wished I had known sooner was that there is that old Mursaat City called Bava Nisos. And they have a secret. Coffee. Good Coffee. Java Nisos. The only one with Bloodstone dust. So always remember:
That's good coffee.
That's Java Nisos.
I know that spagoody or debaros probably already commented that joke, but I had too :D
Great video Lara, I think that can be really useful for new or even really old returning players.
Being able to access the wiki through an in game command is still amazing to me even after all these years of playing. Super nifty and always glad to see it recommended/mentioned
The number one thing in GW2 that I wish I knew about sooner is the sweet, delicious taste of a hot cup of Java Nisos.
That's good coffee.
That's Java Nisos.
The number one choice of caffeinated skritt everywhere
@RecklessFables the skritt know what's good, yes! Java Nisos, shiny!
It took me a one year to max level my first character and I dont regret it. After this all years I stoped focusing on hardcore end game and Im back to completing maps. I read every line of dialogue when Im doing hearts or even random events. I love to discovering lore of tyria. Moreover this game has a sick amount of voiced dialogue lines. I love eavesdropping on random npcs.
No other game comes close to world and environment building, like Anet does in GW2. After all these years, the original maps still feel alive.
@@traveling.down.the.road56yeah totally agree!
Turn the music ON, especially for boss fights! You can also change your character select screen in the Options menu to change the background and music.
(I didn't love the SotO loading music, so I changed it to EoD, which is my favorite.)
Oh I love this! Thank you!! The EoD music is so special to me cause I joined the game during that expansion & reminds me of that feeling of getting into a new game (cause it would play on character select & character design)
I really needed to hear "all the items you get early are probably junk you can safely sell". I came back to the game after a break (still new before I took the break), and the fact my inventory was nearly full was the single most intimidating thing upon returning.
I've had gw2 for 4 years and i had no idea about clicking the point of interest. TY!
Very Well Done!
Glad you made this. It's very easy for veteran players to forget how much they have learned since they were new. It's very easy to get excited about the new content and forget how much of it is still built up from early skills and content.
Little assumptions about what other plyers know can leave big holes in their knowledge.
added bit of info regarding the map-completion-hover-over-the-icon-thing-to-make-them-light-up-on-your-map:
that will only work on parts of the map you have uncovered.
if you are missing one POI and can't find it, it's most likely hiding in a part of the map you haven't uncovered yet.
funny that Lara didn't mention that, but I guess she has done map completion maybe 2 or 3 times despite finding it so relaxing.
So crazy to see the transformation from launch. Just coming back after a long hiatus and the only content creator that is around still from the early days of GW2 is WoodenPotatoes. So much has changed it’s almost a completely new game.
Things Laranity does best when it comes to making video guides:
- Mentioning her other videos
- Giving good usefull advices
- Plugging in her other guides
: P
Bonus round: Fashion showcase of all her alts disguised as guides 😂
Lara, please equip anything but the fire trait line, this is an intervention
The biggest 'wish I had known this earlier' for me is using Obsidian Sanctum when crafting. I always had to run back and forth to the TP but by using Obsidian Sanctum one can drop in there, get to the TP, and on leaving the mists, be dropped right back at your crafting station.
@6:10 - Since you had just talked about the Event Timers page, a better example for /wiki would definitely have been "/wiki et" (with a voiceover explaining "et" as short for "Event Timers").
Otherwise, great video, as usual. :)
The map highlight thing blew my mind. xD ..I just started my first attempt at map completion and this is gonna save me a ton of grief. Thank you for making these videos. =D
One thing I wish I knew sooner is wizards vault dailies and weeklies can be changed to just be pve, boy missed I often them cause I didn’t wanted to do wvw and pvp. 😅
Edit: wow you really mentioned that. Ily 😂
Check the wizard’s vault section of the video! Its in there
Pvp is the easiest by far. 1 match and all dailies are done.
@@justinholtgrave Just need to do my fractal dailies and they're done too. Dont try force people to do things they don't like. ;)
"I'm looking for a warrior with damage, quickness, killproof, 500 LI"
spotify release when?
6:23 TIL you can instantly open most boxes with a right click. After all those years.
Oh I remembered one thing I wished I knew sooner: Do NOT delete your old character from when you tried the game out back in 2013 :') so many missed birthday gifts.
Lol now that I've watched your video it suddenly makes sense that I've had a fresh lvl 80 core mesmer join my "everyone welcome" wing 8 lfg post :D had to direct him from Lions Arch to the aerodrome as it was his very first raid, and he couldn't find the squad chat option, but it was tons of fun! (Sadly he didn't make it through the forced relog to refill our squad before Ura, buit I am sure he had just as much fun in there as we did :D.)
Thanks again for making such a great and wholesome impact on the Gw2 community! Happy Wintersday! 💝
Alternative Title _(for my personal perspektive)_
_"Things I learned within my first months of GW2"_
The things shown in the video are so basic but also so essential. It's good that you're showing these things since knowing these really enhances the quality of live in game :D
ill be honest, your content is the only reason i keep trying to get into guild wars 2, you make it seems so fun. Arenanet should be boosting you
My wish-knew-sooner things:
1. Lion’s Arch Aerodrome!!! So convenient for banking, trading, and practicing combat
2. You can access the merchant/s in your Guild Hall from ANYWHERE! No need to travel to a merchant to buy gathering tools, salvage kits etc. There are so many perks to joining a guild.
Thanks for making all these helpful videos! Also, side note: love your glams!
One of the things I wished I knew sooner is WvW as a whole. WvW is a solid source of Mystic Coins, Clovers, liquid gold, an actual vertical progression system in GW2 and absolute chaotic environment where there is no playing fair whatsoever.
Dammit!!! I didn’t know about the wiz vault customization. I absolutely REFUSE to play PvP mode, and I sometimes just skip everything because I know I won’t do PvP!! I love it.
The wizard coin tip was awesome! Wish I knew that sooner
I used to play the core game back in 2012 for some years, but have now quit for about 10 years or so. Recently I got back into GW2 and I'm absolutely loving it! It is such a great game and so much better than any other MMORPG out there. It's definitely my favorite!
Your character is so pretty. 😍 I think I AM going to purchase some expansions on sale after all! (I got the game at launch a long time ago, but moved onto other flavors of the month and I was really into PvP back then which I don't really do anymore.)
Great Video so far Lara!!! Just sent it to my friend too who has recently started too
Lara...S tier vid!! I thought the JW vid was good but you put some extra production into this one. Great job!! 😍😍😍
Dude I just completed the map yesterday and I didn’t know you could mouse over the objective legend to see undiscovered objectives. The time I could have saved omfg 😫😫😫😫
I pretty much exclusively use action camera when in combat, I find it much more fun and intuitive. I don't have a lot of experience playing mmo RPG games but I do play a lot of action RPG games like the newer final fantasy games and the witcher, this camera mode feels so much more fluent and fun to my brain
All great advice as I was looking into switching from ff14 and just got done playing ff16. Action cam alone sold me on buying all the dlcs except the newest one and downloading right away on steam. Ty for this
i have played this game since beta i did not know you could just right click the chests above ur minimap to open them quickly...Thank you
Lol as a newbe I sold the Vial of Liquid Aurillium to an npc vendor and was like "YEY! One gold" 🙈
pdf reader xd! Started GW2 yesterday, thank you for your nice video! peace and love
Pretty good tips! I still think it's wild how hidden the LFG is.
omg thank you for chest thing!! i absolutely loathe opening them lol
The one thing that I wish I had known was, what is Liquid Aurilium, what can you craft with it, and how much it was worth on the Trading Post?😢😢😢
Floaty chests? You don't call them wiggly chests? or bouncy chess!? Outrageous
Laraaaa! You forgot something! The Content Guide for exploring! It's a Godsend when hunting that pesky Point of Interest or mapping with the brain switched off!
Fantastic video!
side note on levelling elite specs before getting into expac areas: its not even mathematically possible. hero points from levelling should total exactly all core skills & specs. theres only 189 hps in core maps, and 11 more in dry top and the silverwastes. which is 50 hp short for any elite spec. so yeah, definitely dont worry about it before getting into the expac areas lmao
Also, if u want easilly level Your Elite specs, start with PoF hero points. They have veteran level mobs, which are quite easy to kill, than move onto EOD - Elite level, but still fairly easy to solo for new/casual players. Completing HP from these two expansions should be enough to unlock 2 Elite specs, if im not mistaken. For the third one you will need to do some HoT, which are by far most difficult (champion level bosses) and difficult to solo.
yeah totally! but there are also a decent amount of communing HPs in HoT & a couple easy fights or mechanics, so between core hps, pof and eod ones, and easy hot ones you should have way enough for all three elite specs without having to beat up a single champion!
(and for more generic advice: 1. for wvw and pvp enjoyers, heroics notary and league vendor sell instant hp unlocks for rather cheap so if you want to be lazy it's a good solution :D 2. as always, watch out for HP trains, makes everything way easier)
TMYK: you can buy hero points for xpac areas before you get into xpac areas. compared to just doing them it's a huge waste (for example spending Jade Heroics on hero points instead of saving them for items that are only attainable using Jade Heroics.)
What I wish I knew is that almost every armor has a skirt.
As someone who didn't, and still kinda don't, play a ton of MMOs I can't begin to say how important it is to level a class properly. It might seem like a grind but I boosted by Ranger and Guardian and I got burnt out SO quick. Playing them legit 1-80 actually cleared up a lot of confusion. Still learning how to play piano properly but it's been fun. Can't wait to start up my Engineer soon.
this. when my wife started playing i told her the smartest thing she could do is wait until leveling at least one character to 80 so she understood the game, and then when she was ready to play something else she could boost and bypass all of that content having experienced it already. best advice i could have given her (except maybe explaining basic inventory management.)
L80 only unlocks content, it leaves a gaping void of knowledge if you don't actually play through the game normally at least once.
something to know about guilds. you can join 6 but if you plan on playing wvw you will most likely need to spend 2 slots on that. 1 for the guild and 1 for the alliance guild.
The light up thing when you hover over map objectives is sometimes bugged, it does not light up. It's been bugged for at least 8 years, on some maps xD
it won't light up "clouded" areas of the map, but in 12 years of playing i've never had it not show something (as long as that part of the map is already discovered.)
I wish I knew when Lara actually goes live on time.
every day TOTALLY
I feel so dumb. I've been playing for years and can't believe I didn't know a lot of these like the right click on chest and the cog wheel in the Wizard's Vault.
I played for just over a month and managed around 150 hours before I started a new job and quit playing. I'm coming back to the game and am torn on what to do. I purchased the first two expansions but I haven't even completed my personal story yet.
I am an engineer and enjoy PVP so I started to train up Scrapper because people in WvW didn't want to play with me without it lol. I have enough currency to unlock hero points and max scrapper, but I have SO much of the game left to play that I figure I should explore and gain those points naturally.
I have barely done any group PVE content and I'm at a total loss with my builds. I typically try to do some healing because I've always enjoyed that in every game I play.
I think completing my personal story and working towards the expansions is a good idea, but I get side tracked by PVP content pretty easily lol.
9:44 2500 hours in and my mind just exploded.
I actually wish they would make adventuring guide an option that you could enable/disable, because you level *SO* insanely fast from it, it almost takes away from the experience.
I feel like every new player throws out something really valuable at least once XD
Many thanks for your work!
3:30 the exact same thing happened to me when I started with gw2. I just didn't have someone by my side that yelled at me not to delete it ....
i've salvaged gear i needed several times.
now i manage my gear after each event/etc and move anything worth keeping into an invisible bag at the bottom of my bag set.. this ensures the "top" of my inventory is stuff that needs to be managed. i never have more than 10 items in my inventory (aside of my 20-slot invisible bag) -- my wife on the other hand still keeps a full and unmanaged inventory, constantly has to stop in the middle of adventuring to recover space, etc.
I just picked up the complete collection a couple of days ago. I originally played the game when it came out but didn't stick with it after reaching max level mainly due to feeling very overwhelmed by the game. While I still kind of feel that way, I'm just trying to enjoy going through the storyline (and I think I have a lot of content ahead of me)
Take your time! There's no hurry. The only time limited content are things like festivals and events, which you'll always get a mail for when they happen. There's going to be a festival soon which is a lot of fun, especially if its your first time! Welcome to GW2!
man I have more than 5k hours of playtime and a handful of legendaries but I stopped playing gw2 in late 2017, after PoF release.... I keep checking news every now and then but watching your gameplay shows me what I really enjoyed in this game. Thinking about checking it out again sometime soon 😊but inventory management is always a pain in the ass... I logged in a few times over the last years but logged out within 1 or 2 minutes because looking at a full inventory makes me want to quit >_> anyways, really nice video footage in your video!
this is basically hoarding. i've been playing for 12 years and have two bank bags and never upgraded my inventory and use less than one bag for "permanent" retention (and that includes 10 slots for WvW blueprints, food, and a utility item.) i have faith in you, log in again and clean those bags up and maybe one day when you get a hankering to play again it won't be the wall of loot that turns you away :) do iiiiiit!
Thank you lady. I'm learning a lot
Lady ??? XD
@Steven-h8w it's a man with a wig yeah
i fell off the game after starting the first experience because I got tired of my character, looking forward to doing it all again!
I would like to add that the hover-feature when you want to finish a map and cannot find the last vista or point of interest is great BUT with some of the objectives it is bugged and it won't light up on the map... don't lose hope younglings, you will find it eventually. Just go to the Wiki and compare your map with the full uncovered one
Most of the time the not light up is because you havent explored the area yet. You need to walk/fly close enough to get the "painted' looke of the map cleared and see the detailed look
there are only 3 or 4 that are actually bugged tho, and 1 of them is the jade sea in dragons end, so this shouldn't really happen to newbies
uploaded 4 days ago and i just decided to check the game out today. it seems like fait
Yooo, the video is done sooner than I expected. What a workaholic Lara, get rest ❤
Sooner XD XD XD XD
Workaholic XD
Inventory management... My personal hell
1/3 of my inventory is dedicated to stuff I probably will never touch or need again
Thank you!
My brother actually did destroy the item with the Chak infusion because he didn’t know what it was. He hasn’t gotten another since 😭
I love your videos
I have like 100+ hero points in excess and I have unlocked EVERYTHING in Ranger. So you WILL always have enough XD
this is by design. if you play the game "normally" you should have exactly enough points to unlock every trait and skill available.
Pro tip for inventory, if you get unidentified gear, DO NOT OPEN/IDENTIFY IT. The unidentified versions stack, where armor itself will not. Only use for new armor (you really get them at level 80 so you dont need them if you have exotics or better), and crafting/salvaging.
there are wizard vault rewards for identifying gear, so at a minimum you will want to ident them for wizards vault completions (when they get assigned). while i haven't tracked it to prove it i also believe the salvage results are better when you unpack because i seem to get more globs from identified yellows than i do the same number of unidentified yellows, but it could just be wild chance and wishful thinking on my part.
Well, to be honest, until one is level 80, gear and gear stats don't matter. Get your hero points done, get your build, then work on your gear stats. Seen way too many people be only half way through leveling and worried about their build and gear... worry about that stuff AFTER you hit 80.
started playing ftp 3 days ago - was about to trash a exotic as it wasn't my class. XD
The only thing that makes me kinda bored is the fact that I can't find the right class for me 😂. Like, I started with a certain class, I completed maps, waypoints, etc., and then I felt like that class is not for me. And I made another class, did the same thing again, and felt like, "I've already done this, and I'm doing it again...". I enjoyed the world so far, it's just that, as a new player, it made me burn out repeating things. So, I stopped playing for a week and played again, and I enjoyed it. So, for new players out there, find your right class. If you bought an expansion, you'll have a level 80 boost. Try out different classes, use the boost (you will have a trial in the Silverwastes, and you don't actually need to expend it, just undo it after). Doing this, you can try the class to see if you'll enjoy it.
This is just for new players btw, cuz for sure old players will create new characters.
New players can also preview classes in the pvp lobby!
I loughed so hard on the shameless self promotion :D Usefull tips, even I learnt a couple a long time ago, not from this, I was here only for entertainment, and it was 10/10, as always
I'm also on team no action cam haha. When i first started I was told to use it, and when i put it on I couldn't figure out how to turn it off and nearly quit the game x-x It was horrendous and did nothing but get me killed.
Loved the vid Lara
2 years into the game and i did not know about the wizards vault customization....
I see a lot of people be surprised by this in my Twitch chat, so this 100% had to be in the video hahaha
Action cam is great for playing on steam deck
For sure, thats where I use it too :)
ooh my favo streamer has new video gota like it asap
I found the action cam and then set up a gamepad and just play with controller 9 out of 10 times 😂
A faster to pull up the event timer is /wiki et
I have a question, in gw2 which graphic setting did you set to make less pixelated? I noticed when watching your videos, it look smoother and clearer.
Oh to be honest i forgot Autoloot was tied to a mastery skill XD
What an amazing mmo TH-camr you are lol your actually really 🤣
Ive been playing off and on since day one and had no idea you can stat swap ascended gear......
in pvp and most fights i use action cam. outside of this i never use it. im the weird middle xD
GW2 honestly is very underrated. It's a gorgeous game and well done. The biggest complaint I have about the game is the horrible, horrible game engine. I hope the original people who made this engine are not in the business anymore... It's bad bad bad. However the new rumors of GW3 coming will be done with Unreal Engine and the company is hiring people who are very knowledge with Unreal - which is a huge plus. I hope GW3 becomes the new great game. I love GW2 but the engine and low FPS issues with the game annoy me. But I'm 1% as most gamers are happy with 10FPS in their games. The community of the game can be good and overall is but there are some extreme toxic players within the game that you run into. But in all, just ignore in-game chat and you're good.
Would you recommend getting all mounts unlocked before starting the gear grind?
Honestly, your first set of Ascended armor is locked behind daily crafting. So you can only craft 1 thing a day. Exotic is enough to get you through 99% of content and you only "need" Ascended for fractals. Pick a build and have fun!
Nice video and all, but holy shit why would you play with the minimap in the BOTTOM right when it could be in the top right?
Me a new elementalist:
Other what?
technically "Profession Skills" such as Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. the "Trait Lines" are the skill selections in the "Build" tab of the "Hero Panel".
you could also be trying to make a funny? but in case you're not... :)
yeee- cool video-- -ty
Is there any possible way to get flying mount early?
I'm so bad about asking for help.
I am too hahaha
I’m too, a thing that worked for me is, instead of asking all on map, I just whisper to anyone who’s randomly next to me. 😅
What was the first song with the strings playing in the start of the video?
what outfit you use in the intro ?
one thing that was mentioned in the video was that the community was helpful... sadly i did not see any glimpse of that, or maybe the european servers arent as friendly as americans i guess, they ignore u whenever u ask about anything as if ur just an insect cuz ur low lvl or whatever might be the reason
That's a shame, I'm a new player and I've met multiple helpful people on the NA servers that have helped me speed up quest and level progress even tho they're a much higher level and was just running thru the area. Maybe try to join a guild and chat there for some help. That'd also where an actual community is that you can ask since a lot of people are judt leveling and doing stuff themselves
Completely disagree. Im EU player and Gw2 community is one of the friendliest and helpful community on any MMO. Im a solo player but anytime a Ask for help with Boss on map/generał chat, usually several players, if they are around, always responds and shows up to help. If u Die during meta, there is always someone willing to res u. Even in WvW if u mention that ur farming reward track for gift od battle, they will leave u alone. Regarding instance content - as long as u stick to "Your level" meaning if Your new you dont join CM/speed groups, and stick to "eveybody welcome" than u will have a great time. Ive played most big MMOs and GW2 community is definetely in S tier rank when it comes to friendliness. Of course, from time to time u will come across some as**ole, who thinks jest better than eveybody, but that's like less than 1% of players u will meet.
might be the company you keep, i've never experienced anything other that helpful and friendly people. it's unlike any other game i've played (ever). that said i meet some real turds in WvW and PvP and I'm sure they're turds IRL too. but those people are the people everyone blocks and, eventually, they are screaming into a void and leave the game.
i also don't LFG into raids/party's, not once in more than a decade. if you're playing with randos my advice is to get into a guild full of "nerds and ehunnies" that like wearing sparkly things while helping each other out, it'll be the best decision you've ever made.
@@flagg5806 i played like 3 days in total so i still have no idea what u mean when u say things like CM and such, but ye my experience was way different for example when im exploring the area and i find a weird icon on map like a treasure or something, i arrive there but find nothin except of a swarm of players that r having a certain convos, i try to ask whats going on but 0 response, i tried to test it out again but this time in the trading post cuz i feel like its the osrs grand exchange of this game where peeps usually socialize, again 0 responses except for a sarcastic one when i asked whether i was muted or something
I'm sorry you've had a bad experience! I must say in general I've had the opposite. If you can't get help on the map you're on, try adding a group on LFG (for example if you're trying to get a group for a bounty for some achievement) or ask in the Lions Arch map chat!