When I was teen and lived in Russia, ammonium nitrate was sold pretty free and pretty pure as a fertilizer without this lime junk. Most funny part was to prepare saturated solution of it, soak some newspapers, dry it, fold tightly at set on fire. Or set on fire and put into plastic bottle. Sometimes I'm wondering how crazy I was...
Thats more like nitrocelulos, or gun cotton. more stable but not as energetic. I made nitroglycerine when I was 13. Only b/c we had the nitric acid and glycerine at our shop (industrial motor shop). Any my father and his brother said do it, b/c they did when they were at the same age....(real smart reason....). So we did. (it's an exothermic reaction so we had to keep it iced and we misted the acid on the glycerine, to be safe, and then skim it off. after we made it, we put them in wine bottles. Little later we decided to detonate a few.........it went Boom......and I went......WOW what now......(there was no point in making it, I mean what the hell am I going to do w/ HE) Oh I did throw bottles in large lakes and stuff, while fishing. BOom fish float up....I hate eating fish and don't like fishing for fish...blowing them up while drinking....not so bad...hehe take it light --KB
P.S. that crap about dropping a bottle of nitroglycerine or knocking it of a table and have it blow up, is ALL B.S. You have to drop a pound or 2 of the explosive from 30 or more feet, for it to shock detonate. Or, drop a 10lbs stone from 10 meters, onto a 1 square foot concentration of nitroglycerine, to detonate. HOWEVER there is an explosive call........nitrofloride or is it floricglycerine (or floroglycerine). I think is a floric acid blended w/ glycerine....(it's been a few decades so cut me some slack). That stuff is so SHOCK sensitive that you can detonate it just by brushing it with a feather.....obviously there is NO use for that crap...take it light --KB
Puis-je faire le nitrate d'ammonium à partir de cold pack? Je pose cette question car il y a du calcium avec le nitrate d'ammonium du cold pack! Je pense que je peux éliminer le calcium en faisant des filtration?
Your fertilizer reminds me of the fertiliser suplur extraction i did years ago. They often mix these compounds with a clay so they can be formed into neads more easily, which makes it great for ppl like us, because the clay isn't water soluable. Also, it would be nice to show the thermal property of disolution/crystalisation because not many chemistry minded ppl know that this process works in reverse. I was purifying some salts once, and once it reached a certain temp and began to crystalize oit from a boiling saturated solution, the temperature rose as it crystalized.
Very nice video as always. I don't know if you take suggestions but I once found that you can make gelatin from meat/fish products through a relatively simple process, and your last video reminded of it. It'd be interesting to see a video on it!
I really like your work mate.😊 TH-cam crashed after me watching your video.😮 please continue your work and teachings. It’s appreciated by me.😊 10 out of 10 from me.😊
It is possible, but I tried it 3 times with my mate, and all 3 round bottoms broke. They broke from extreme heat that is needed to make reaction going, and the salts inside probably expanded a little. I'll try to make stainless steel reaction vessel so no more flasks will break. Reaction generates A LOT of NO2 gas, so you have to do it outside or in very good fume hood. Acid dripping from the condenser was not yellow like usual, but fuckin orange! It burned gloves 2x faster than this yellow stuff that you usually get from h2so4 + kno3/nano3 reaction
Hi Amateur Chemistry, nice video. The poor reactivity of your Ni(N2H4)3(NO3)2 must be due to the fact you mixed Ni(NO3)2 with N2H4 from N2H4.H2SO4 and NaOH. I suspect you got some Ni(OH)2 too from slight exces of NaOH and that is what reduces the sensitivity and reactivity of your pink clayish complex. I have made it about 30 years ago from HNO3 (69%), Ni coins (from 50 belgian francs that where made out of 99+% nickel prior to the euro coins came to life in year 2000 (1 and 2 contains some aside with copper).The green solution in water of Ni(NO3)2 was then allowed to react with 80% N2H4 (N2H5OH or N2H4.H2O (hydrazine monohydrate)). During the complexation reaction it gets quite hot due to the loss of freedom levels of ions of Ni(2+), 2 NO3(-) and 3 N2H4 (it goes from 3 axis for each 6 ions to one unsoluble precipitate thus passing from 18 freedom levels to one). The fact both Ni(NO3)2 and N2H4 were solutions (the last droped drop by drop with an eye droper into the agitated green first solution) was the best way to keep the reaction under control with a "moderate" heating. NiNHc (nickel nitrate hydrazine complex) is a good primary except for its reliable detonatibility and burning rate. Once in high order it can go up to VOD of 7,0 km/s and display a good lead block test (400-420 ccm); this is to compare its performances with other primaries that are more into the range of 3-4 km/s (stil mach 10) and with LBT in the range 150-300 ccm for 10g. During the precipitation process one often notice a blue precipitate but it soon turns pink when adding more Ni(NO3); this must come from partial complexations in the early stages. I had a composition that was synergetic by mixing two unsoluble primaries SANC (silver acetylide nitrato complex (or SDS silver double salt). I used 1 to 2 parts of NiNHc with 1 part SANC). The NiNHC detonates more readily and "burns" more evenly; it is then more sensitive to flame and shocks but the SADS (very sensitive to shocks or heat) at contrary will be tempered a little (detonates normaly readily at 3-3,5 km/s from heat or shock and LBT into the range of 110-150 ccm/10g) so its VOD and LBT into the mix will go up. So the mix of the two takes benefits of the two to reduce their "weak points" reason of the synergetic denomination I gave. VOD of the mix is in the range of 5-6km/s. Keep on the good job. PHZ (PHILOU Zrealone from the Science Madness forum)
Ah yes a "one year later" edit about the burning test of your pink Ni(N2H4)3(NO3)2. It absolutely doesn't do justice to the stuff. :o( From experience It burns like a good fine and dry black powder but quite bright; and it detonates sharply in the gram range when compacted into aluminium foil; when trown into a woden fire it makes fast a hell of a bang (like a shoot gun) with a flash of about 40 cm wide fire ball propelling burning red coal all over the place a few meters away (thus beware unsafe); the stuff can be tested relatively safely in a few 10 mg range (aluminium wrapped) into a candle light flame from a distance with googles. The aluminium foil pellet inflate and burst open while sometimes turning into confeties from the deflagration-detonation. This comes from the high volume of detonation (deflagration) gases of the energetic complex compoud. From experiences too: -zinc nitrate (white Zn(NO3)2) makes a similar unsoluble white energetic complex -cobalt (II) nitrate (red Co(NO3)2) makes a brown-peach-suntaned precipitate; also energetic -copper (II) nitrate (blue Cu(NO3)2) makes with difficulty a pale turquoise blue precipitate; this last is hard to get probably because on the edge of existance due to the high inerant uncompatibility of N2H4 with Cu(2+) what is probably too oxydant for the reducing power of hydrazine; usually during the process of making most of the copper nitrate decompose into a goo consisting of a bronze-black Cu mud (CuO, Cu2O, Cu), water vapor, N2 gas. And here comes the danger: the filter paper can self decompose into burning (spontaneous combustion) while drying in cold air and dark shadow, sometimes leaving a bit of the turquoise blue precipitate that escaped from decomposition and spontaneous fire by chance. That precipitate is burning quite fiercely bright blue when voluntary submited to a flame in minute amount. I guess it must be more sensitive to shock or flame than its Zn(2+), Ni(2+), Co(2+) cousins PHZ
To all others who wants to filter ammonium nitrate from fertilizer. Instead of wasting time crushing the pellets, then just mix it with water in a large beaker and stir it around for like 2 min and it should be dissolved, if enough water is added. And instead of filtering the contamination, then just let the dissolved solution stay for a day and the contaminants will fall down to the bottom:)
You want that scale to last? Use some clear tape and tape over the controls and LCD display, plus tape all around the sides of the unit too. I have this exact one. It is not waterproof or dust proof. Just by taping it up, it makes it so much more durable.
Calcium Nitrate is also a very common fertilizer. Adding Sulphuric Acid to a Solution of Calcium Nitrate yeilds Nitric Acid and Calcium Sulphate, which conveniently precipitates out.
Calcium oxalate is even less soluble than sulfate, you can just mix solutions of oxalic acid and calcium nitrate to get dilute nitric acid. After filtering and distilling you get azeotropic nitric acid with about 30% yield.
@@zenongranatnik8370 made my nitric acid using this method. Both solutions must be hot enough for more concentrated form and bigger particle size of precipitate (more easy to filter). :)
I abselutely love your videos man, ive allways wanted to find a channel that breaks stuff Down to make conponents. Thx so much for makeing my Dream come true while also teaching me a lot of amazing stuff evry week it also makes it Even better that you actually use what you produce for future projects❤️❤️
I found the quickest is to dissolve fertilizer with methanol. The prills just fall apart, nitrate dissolved, filter, and just let it evaporate in a casserole dish. Big chunks of crystals.
When I saw the powdered crystals I thought that's not from melting that's from the crystalline structure changing phases just like tin pest. During heating those crystals had the opportunity to go through several crystal phases. at most room temps(below 32.3C) its a β-rhombic crystal as it heated it went through α-rhombic, tetragonal, and cubic phases and then transitioned back on cooling. This shattered any bulk crystalline structures.
A better method for free-basing the hydrazine which will also get rid of the sodium and the sulfate ions would be to use ion exchange chromatography. If you use as a medium for that sulfonated polystyrene beads (sold commercially for use in water softening systems) that you convert to the acid form using diluted HCl, you can pass the hydrazine sulfate over the beads and the hydrazine will bind to them, leaving the sulfate ion in solution (and it can be washed off). Then you can elute the hydrazine off the beads with diluted NaOH which will cause the sodium to displace the hydrazine from the beads, leaving you with a pretty pure solution of hydrazine, mostly free of other ions.
BTW you don't have to do it in a chromatography column, you can just use a batch method in a beaker. Make sure you don't exceed the binding capacity of the resin, which for commercial resins is between 1 and 2 mEq/ml. I usually play it on the safer side and underestimate the binding capacity to 1mEq/ml, this way there is excess resin to bind everything out of solution.
Super interesting channel and great content! I study chemistry and would love to do experiments like the stuff you do. How do you find the processes and reactions?
Thanks! I usually learn chemistry and come up with procedures and video ideas by just reading something online or watching a video about an intereting topic. When I want to record a video I peace together a lot of these small and common reactions and processes to create an interesting project
It's best to just click every chemistry related videos that pop up on your TH-cam This is how I learned chemistry and electronics. The videos were in English, so i learned it, too.
Very nice idea and a great video! How about turning the yellow liquid thing for the toilett 😅 into sodiumnitrate or also in nitric acid or something like that?
There is a very much more simple and conveniente way to separate the dirt from the ammonium nitrate. Dissolve as much as possible from the prills in hot water. Then keep the solution hot in a isolation box and let the gravity do the clarification. After some time the dirt is on the bottom and the solution is clear. Suck of the solution and let it cool. The ammonium nitrate cristalls appear and you can collect them.
i bought the same bag of fertilizer amd tried the same method of getting ammonium nitrate like you did. but when i made the first batch of AN and mixed a small amout of it with sugar it didn´t do anything i thought that it didn´t contain AN since nothing was happening. i am glad i saw your vid just in time cause i almost threw the whole bag away
Some of these experiments lay people call "easy" because they have only seen it done in an ersatz lab set up for the sole purpose of one product, and perhaps run by someone who barely understands the chemistry, but is a competent technician in producing that one product on that one apparatus using the same inputs. It makes it appear as if anyone could just whip it up in the kitchen sink specifically because all the difficulties were worked out long before the viewer saw the process.
THANKS for the link to that BM chemical place. Good price on 1,4 Butanediol but the toluene is way overpriced. I drive to Czech Republic and pay like 2 Euros/liter. The ammonium nitrate is called "Ledek" in Czech and it's like 5 Euros for a 5 kilo bag.
To cool down their beers, some farmers fill up a bucket with a bit of water and dissolve fertilizer in it. When it starts cooling down, they put the beer bottles in the bucket. Working with urea daily has its perks.
Yeah had a so called friend that used the prills from the cold packs (the ones that have a little bag of water inside and when you bust it it gets cold) for some nefarious reasons, found out what he was doing when I went to his house and found him (cooking) with his small child in the house,dirt bag
2:22 Unfortunately, that is all history now. bm-chemistry only has a tiny selection of chemicals left. I counted the number of chemicals in their shop today, and there were exactly only 17 chemicals.
Cześć, uzyskałeś stężenie kwasu 83 procent? Czy mogę użyć 35 procentowego kwasu siarkowego? Jesli tak to stężenie będzie maleć proporcjonalnie do zawartości wody w kwasie siarkowym?
Nice, I make 98% all the time. without even watching, you have to do a through re-crystal at least twice to get rid of all the junk that will make it foam when you distill it (especially under vacuum.)
I could do that, I also thought about using it to oxidize sugar to oxalic acid and then recording a long series about making glowsticks completly from scratch.
3:55. Hey, thats a fairly normal sized knife. Also, that wasn't a karate chop, it more resembled a Chicago stab, though a chicago stab is performed on the BACK side.
You should save ammonium nitrate for future and syntetise HNO3 from potassium nitrate because its no longer possible to buy NH4NO3 in EU without papers due tu anti terrorism regulations so if you dont have a good access to it now better use different nitrate salts because ammonium nitrate is realy lrecious for a garage chemist now ;)
"Fertilizer" and "nitric acid", the usual keywords to summon letter boys xD
Lmmaoooo… I was just about to comment something similar. We’re all on a list now. 😬😂😂😂
Yes, he should make glow in the dark stuff to appease the glow in the darks.
Just have to add the word "diesel" and you could be in for a rough weekend 😂, great video
@@TroubledOnePaydirtlet’s be honest this is far from the worst information we all know individually
Anything that's a strong oxidizer....
When I was teen and lived in Russia, ammonium nitrate was sold pretty free and pretty pure as a fertilizer without this lime junk. Most funny part was to prepare saturated solution of it, soak some newspapers, dry it, fold tightly at set on fire. Or set on fire and put into plastic bottle. Sometimes I'm wondering how crazy I was...
Thats more like nitrocelulos, or gun cotton. more stable but not as energetic. I made nitroglycerine when I was 13. Only b/c we had the nitric acid and glycerine at our shop (industrial motor shop). Any my father and his brother said do it, b/c they did when they were at the same age....(real smart reason....). So we did. (it's an exothermic reaction so we had to keep it iced and we misted the acid on the glycerine, to be safe, and then skim it off. after we made it, we put them in wine bottles. Little later we decided to detonate a few.........it went Boom......and I went......WOW what now......(there was no point in making it, I mean what the hell am I going to do w/ HE) Oh I did throw bottles in large lakes and stuff, while fishing. BOom fish float up....I hate eating fish and don't like fishing for fish...blowing them up while drinking....not so bad...hehe take it light --KB
P.S. that crap about dropping a bottle of nitroglycerine or knocking it of a table and have it blow up, is ALL B.S. You have to drop a pound or 2 of the explosive from 30 or more feet, for it to shock detonate. Or, drop a 10lbs stone from 10 meters, onto a 1 square foot concentration of nitroglycerine, to detonate. HOWEVER there is an explosive call........nitrofloride or is it floricglycerine (or floroglycerine). I think is a floric acid blended w/ glycerine....(it's been a few decades so cut me some slack). That stuff is so SHOCK sensitive that you can detonate it just by brushing it with a feather.....obviously there is NO use for that crap...take it light --KB
@@kevobrien7346The dangers arise from cracked/chipped glassware and dirty NG. Cracks concentrate impact forces, and dirty product is more unstable.
Puis-je faire le nitrate d'ammonium à partir de cold pack? Je pose cette question car il y a du calcium avec le nitrate d'ammonium du cold pack! Je pense que je peux éliminer le calcium en faisant des filtration?
the more chemistry youtubers I watch the more It makes me scared to witness how much it resembles eyeballing a cake recipe from memory
A LOT of eyeballing goes on, lol.
ah yes, now i can do more backyard chemistry that will put me on a watch list
Chloroform, tnt, nitric acid, all recommended to me today. Do you think the feds will believe the algorithm is at fault?
You should be more concerned with the congressmen tracking your al gore rhythm trying to ban tik tok😂
If it gets rid of the next hawk tuah, I'm willing to make that sacrifice...just let me delete a few things first.
No idea why this suddenly played. I was watching fireworks 😂😂
Your fertilizer reminds me of the fertiliser suplur extraction i did years ago. They often mix these compounds with a clay so they can be formed into neads more easily, which makes it great for ppl like us, because the clay isn't water soluable.
Also, it would be nice to show the thermal property of disolution/crystalisation because not many chemistry minded ppl know that this process works in reverse. I was purifying some salts once, and once it reached a certain temp and began to crystalize oit from a boiling saturated solution, the temperature rose as it crystalized.
thats just how beautifull/crazy chemistry can be.
litterally better than some nile red videos actually. Ur gonna go far.
Very nice video as always. I don't know if you take suggestions but I once found that you can make gelatin from meat/fish products through a relatively simple process, and your last video reminded of it. It'd be interesting to see a video on it!
Thanks! I always take suggestions from my viewers, and extracting gelatin is a pretty nice idea, I will consider making a video about it :)
Somebody please donate this guy some glassware. He really deserves it!!
I for real need more glassware I broke 7 of them in my last video
such a cool video. gotta appreciate amateur chemistry youtube! this is so cool and unique.
I really like your work mate.😊 TH-cam crashed after me watching your video.😮 please continue your work and teachings. It’s appreciated by me.😊 10 out of 10 from me.😊
It is also possible to make it from some NO3 salt and KHSO4 salt ( which is pool pH lowering compund)- by dry distilation.
search "nurdrage"
It is possible, but I tried it 3 times with my mate, and all 3 round bottoms broke.
They broke from extreme heat that is needed to make reaction going, and the salts inside probably expanded a little. I'll try to make stainless steel reaction vessel so no more flasks will break. Reaction generates A LOT of NO2 gas, so you have to do it outside or in very good fume hood. Acid dripping from the condenser was not yellow like usual, but fuckin orange!
It burned gloves 2x faster than this yellow stuff that you usually get from h2so4 + kno3/nano3 reaction
No2 gas can be lead into water to make weak nitric but beware of suckback @extractions and ire
Hi Amateur Chemistry, nice video.
The poor reactivity of your Ni(N2H4)3(NO3)2 must be due to the fact you mixed Ni(NO3)2 with N2H4 from N2H4.H2SO4 and NaOH.
I suspect you got some Ni(OH)2 too from slight exces of NaOH and that is what reduces the sensitivity and reactivity of your pink clayish complex.
I have made it about 30 years ago from HNO3 (69%), Ni coins (from 50 belgian francs that where made out of 99+% nickel prior to the euro coins came to life in year 2000 (1 and 2 contains some aside with copper).The green solution in water of Ni(NO3)2 was then allowed to react with 80% N2H4 (N2H5OH or N2H4.H2O (hydrazine monohydrate)).
During the complexation reaction it gets quite hot due to the loss of freedom levels of ions of Ni(2+), 2 NO3(-) and 3 N2H4 (it goes from 3 axis for each 6 ions to one unsoluble precipitate thus passing from 18 freedom levels to one).
The fact both Ni(NO3)2 and N2H4 were solutions (the last droped drop by drop with an eye droper into the agitated green first solution) was the best way to keep the reaction under control with a "moderate" heating.
NiNHc (nickel nitrate hydrazine complex) is a good primary except for its reliable detonatibility and burning rate. Once in high order it can go up to VOD of 7,0 km/s and display a good lead block test (400-420 ccm); this is to compare its performances with other primaries that are more into the range of 3-4 km/s (stil mach 10) and with LBT in the range 150-300 ccm for 10g.
During the precipitation process one often notice a blue precipitate but it soon turns pink when adding more Ni(NO3); this must come from partial complexations in the early stages.
I had a composition that was synergetic by mixing two unsoluble primaries SANC (silver acetylide nitrato complex (or SDS silver double salt). I used 1 to 2 parts of NiNHc with 1 part SANC).
The NiNHC detonates more readily and "burns" more evenly; it is then more sensitive to flame and shocks but the SADS (very sensitive to shocks or heat) at contrary will be tempered a little (detonates normaly readily at 3-3,5 km/s from heat or shock and LBT into the range of 110-150 ccm/10g) so its VOD and LBT into the mix will go up.
So the mix of the two takes benefits of the two to reduce their "weak points" reason of the synergetic denomination I gave.
VOD of the mix is in the range of 5-6km/s.
Keep on the good job.
(PHILOU Zrealone from the Science Madness forum)
Thumbs up from me on that explanation.😊
Ah yes a "one year later" edit about the burning test of your pink Ni(N2H4)3(NO3)2.
It absolutely doesn't do justice to the stuff. :o(
From experience It burns like a good fine and dry black powder but quite bright; and it detonates sharply in the gram range when compacted into aluminium foil; when trown into a woden fire it makes fast a hell of a bang (like a shoot gun) with a flash of about 40 cm wide fire ball propelling burning red coal all over the place a few meters away (thus beware unsafe); the stuff can be tested relatively safely in a few 10 mg range (aluminium wrapped) into a candle light flame from a distance with googles. The aluminium foil pellet inflate and burst open while sometimes turning into confeties from the deflagration-detonation.
This comes from the high volume of detonation (deflagration) gases of the energetic complex compoud.
From experiences too:
-zinc nitrate (white Zn(NO3)2) makes a similar unsoluble white energetic complex
-cobalt (II) nitrate (red Co(NO3)2) makes a brown-peach-suntaned precipitate; also energetic
-copper (II) nitrate (blue Cu(NO3)2) makes with difficulty a pale turquoise blue precipitate; this last is hard to get probably because on the edge of existance due to the high inerant uncompatibility of N2H4 with Cu(2+) what is probably too oxydant for the reducing power of hydrazine; usually during the process of making most of the copper nitrate decompose into a goo consisting of a bronze-black Cu mud (CuO, Cu2O, Cu), water vapor, N2 gas.
And here comes the danger: the filter paper can self decompose into burning (spontaneous combustion) while drying in cold air and dark shadow, sometimes leaving a bit of the turquoise blue precipitate that escaped from decomposition and spontaneous fire by chance. That precipitate is burning quite fiercely bright blue when voluntary submited to a flame in minute amount.
I guess it must be more sensitive to shock or flame than its Zn(2+), Ni(2+), Co(2+) cousins
To all others who wants to filter ammonium nitrate from fertilizer. Instead of wasting time crushing the pellets, then just mix it with water in a large beaker and stir it around for like 2 min and it should be dissolved, if enough water is added. And instead of filtering the contamination, then just let the dissolved solution stay for a day and the contaminants will fall down to the bottom:)
Thanks bro
That would just take longer you aren't saving yourself time you're just saving yourself work
For some people, the time doing less work, means time saved
You want that scale to last? Use some clear tape and tape over the controls and LCD display, plus tape all around the sides of the unit too. I have this exact one. It is not waterproof or dust proof. Just by taping it up, it makes it so much more durable.
your processes remind me of when I try and do similar things but you actually get yours to work.
This channel has so much RedNile inspiration 😂 I'm not complaining, tho!
Calcium Nitrate is also a very common fertilizer. Adding Sulphuric Acid to a Solution of Calcium Nitrate yeilds Nitric Acid and Calcium Sulphate, which conveniently precipitates out.
Calcium oxalate is even less soluble than sulfate, you can just mix solutions of oxalic acid and calcium nitrate to get dilute nitric acid. After filtering and distilling you get azeotropic nitric acid with about 30% yield.
@@zenongranatnik8370 made my nitric acid using this method. Both solutions must be hot enough for more concentrated form and bigger particle size of precipitate (more easy to filter). :)
6:30 For those looking to get ammonium nitrate, cold packs are a source, but you want the instant disposable ones, not the reusable ones.
Hell Yeah Something Elseic Acid my favourite
I abselutely love your videos man, ive allways wanted to find a channel that breaks stuff Down to make conponents. Thx so much for makeing my Dream come true while also teaching me a lot of amazing stuff evry week it also makes it Even better that you actually use what you produce for future projects❤️❤️
It is pleasing to see that you not go super crazy with nasty stuff.
Safety first.
I found the quickest is to dissolve fertilizer with methanol. The prills just fall apart, nitrate dissolved, filter, and just let it evaporate in a casserole dish. Big chunks of crystals.
When I saw the powdered crystals I thought that's not from melting that's from the crystalline structure changing phases just like tin pest. During heating those crystals had the opportunity to go through several crystal phases. at most room temps(below 32.3C) its a β-rhombic crystal as it heated it went through α-rhombic, tetragonal, and cubic phases and then transitioned back on cooling. This shattered any bulk crystalline structures.
Ah, I thought it had redissolved while it was releasing water at the higher temp, making it appear like it melted.
This guy never lets us down
he also never runs around or desert us, for that matter
What about at 11:24? RIP ears 😂 jokes aside I’m glad he does these things for our edutainment
@@Neverin97 i didn’t even see that 😂😂
Nice video it is very helpful because i wanted hno3 but it was expensive but the fertlizer was cheaper
I appreciate your sense of humor.
This was fun to watch
A better method for free-basing the hydrazine which will also get rid of the sodium and the sulfate ions would be to use ion exchange chromatography. If you use as a medium for that sulfonated polystyrene beads (sold commercially for use in water softening systems) that you convert to the acid form using diluted HCl, you can pass the hydrazine sulfate over the beads and the hydrazine will bind to them, leaving the sulfate ion in solution (and it can be washed off). Then you can elute the hydrazine off the beads with diluted NaOH which will cause the sodium to displace the hydrazine from the beads, leaving you with a pretty pure solution of hydrazine, mostly free of other ions.
BTW you don't have to do it in a chromatography column, you can just use a batch method in a beaker. Make sure you don't exceed the binding capacity of the resin, which for commercial resins is between 1 and 2 mEq/ml. I usually play it on the safer side and underestimate the binding capacity to 1mEq/ml, this way there is excess resin to bind everything out of solution.
Super interesting channel and great content! I study chemistry and would love to do experiments like the stuff you do. How do you find the processes and reactions?
Thanks! I usually learn chemistry and come up with procedures and video ideas by just reading something online or watching a video about an intereting topic. When I want to record a video I peace together a lot of these small and common reactions and processes to create an interesting project
It's best to just click every chemistry related videos that pop up on your TH-cam
This is how I learned chemistry and electronics. The videos were in English, so i learned it, too.
@PiroZiomek Exactly the same case with me, schools just don't teach any of these things too well
You just helped me with my goal of learning 20 different languages@@Krzysix.io11.
Thank You 😊
Love your contents keep up the good work mate!
Very nice idea and a great video!
How about turning the yellow liquid thing for the toilett 😅 into sodiumnitrate or also in nitric acid or something like that?
There is a very much more simple and conveniente way to separate the dirt from the ammonium nitrate. Dissolve as much as possible from the prills in hot water. Then keep the solution hot in a isolation box and let the gravity do the clarification. After some time the dirt is on the bottom and the solution is clear. Suck of the solution and let it cool. The ammonium nitrate cristalls appear and you can collect them.
i bought the same bag of fertilizer amd tried the same method of getting ammonium nitrate like you did. but when i made the first batch of AN and mixed a small amout of it with sugar it didn´t do anything i thought that it didn´t contain AN since nothing was happening. i am glad i saw your vid just in time cause i almost threw the whole bag away
Im so Happy to find this video i can finally Make ammonium nitrate without any equipment
Some of these experiments lay people call "easy" because they have only seen it done in an ersatz lab set up for the sole purpose of one product, and perhaps run by someone who barely understands the chemistry, but is a competent technician in producing that one product on that one apparatus using the same inputs. It makes it appear as if anyone could just whip it up in the kitchen sink specifically because all the difficulties were worked out long before the viewer saw the process.
in poland you can buy (or at least could a few years ago) buy pure KNO3 as fertilizer for tomatoes use that to skip the purifying step
What balances out the charge in NHNitrate? Water molecules? There are two + charges that are very lonely.
I was hoping when I saw fertilizer it would be urea, would love to see how HNO3 from urea could be done !
filtering calcium salts is every chemists nightmare
You can use nitric acid to make ethyl nitrate, in order to produce ethylammonium nitrate, an ionic liquid.
The fertilizer looks like forbidden cereal...
5:25 a old blender would do miracles at this point
I'm "touching" some "grass" right now ; ; Great video!
Cool video, I especially lik- who the hell is knocking on my door at 2am???
THANKS for the link to that BM chemical place. Good price on 1,4 Butanediol but the toluene is way overpriced. I drive to Czech Republic and pay like 2 Euros/liter. The ammonium nitrate is called "Ledek" in Czech and it's like 5 Euros for a 5 kilo bag.
I know what you used the 1,4 butanediol for😏
@@teknofreak2387 It's good stuff! 😆
To cool down their beers, some farmers fill up a bucket with a bit of water and dissolve fertilizer in it. When it starts cooling down, they put the beer bottles in the bucket. Working with urea daily has its perks.
Yeah had a so called friend that used the prills from the cold packs (the ones that have a little bag of water inside and when you bust it it gets cold) for some nefarious reasons, found out what he was doing when I went to his house and found him (cooking) with his small child in the house,dirt bag
”Touch some Grass” 😂
Lets go 😁😁😁 thats what I was waiting for 😎😎
2:22 Unfortunately, that is all history now. bm-chemistry only has a tiny selection of chemicals left. I counted the number of chemicals in their shop today, and there were exactly only 17 chemicals.
Earned a like for the grass.
Cześć, uzyskałeś stężenie kwasu 83 procent? Czy mogę użyć 35 procentowego kwasu siarkowego? Jesli tak to stężenie będzie maleć proporcjonalnie do zawartości wody w kwasie siarkowym?
I am curious could u take urea add lye and convert it into ammonia gas and with a pt sponge make nitric acid? Is that feasible?
It is probably possible but would be way too expensive and difficult to set up
@Amateur Chemistry Well, it is a fact that nickel is magnetic just like iron. Also, cobalt is magnetic too.
Im proud of you too. Always!
Sure, nitroglycerin, TNT and now nitric acid... How tf I'm explaining this to the government?
If they ask just say you think it's cool. Knowledge isn't illegal.
Tell them the last 4 words on the 1st amendment is shall not be infringed. Freedom of press my friend
Is it possible to filter out the acid from the cake in place of distillation ?
Can I take my spent leftover nitric acid used to refine precious metals and turn it into fertilizer?
The polish hieroglyphs.... Hilarious
Hello, can you show how to make aqua regia from this powder so that the gold can dissolve?
Uhh that's yellow, not red. Yellow chemistry is the devil's chemistry!
Great vid, but be careful with grass experiencing
What about getting a ball mill for future use.
someone, get this man a new pestle and mortar
How did you know that you have Ammonium Nitrate instead of Ammonium Sulfate at the point where you had the crystals?
Because this fertilizer contains only ammonium nitrate
Nice, I make 98% all the time.
without even watching, you have to do a through re-crystal at least twice to get rid of all the junk that will make it foam when you distill it (especially under vacuum.)
Thank you so much, my loud 10000v arc setup can be used less now
Thank you
always add more than a stoichiometric amount of sulfuric acid to also act as a solvent.
Will this work with calcium nitrate
Yep, along with sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate.
Try reacting it with camphor to give camphoric acid, or with lactose to give mucic acid.
I could do that, I also thought about using it to oxidize sugar to oxalic acid and then recording a long series about making glowsticks completly from scratch.
Can I use HCl instead of H2SO4 in this reaction?
What are the white crystals that form around the cap of the nitric acid bottle?
nice boom ingredient 💯💯💯💪
The NH4NO3 crystals look so fcking good holy
That's some good paper
Hydrazine? Jfc living on the edge, stay safe bro.
3:55. Hey, thats a fairly normal sized knife. Also, that wasn't a karate chop, it more resembled a Chicago stab, though a chicago stab is performed on the BACK side.
Another great video.
You should save ammonium nitrate for future and syntetise HNO3 from potassium nitrate because its no longer possible to buy NH4NO3 in EU without papers due tu anti terrorism regulations so if you dont have a good access to it now better use different nitrate salts because ammonium nitrate is realy lrecious for a garage chemist now ;)
Nitric Acid is expensive with some potassium nitrate you can turn gold into liquid and back into solid without fire !
Hi! I have an idea
Is it impossible to turn vodka into dioxane?
thank you ❣
Good video.
I liked it.
Did you try changing the battery in your scale?
yes, it unfortunately did nothing so this scale is dead for good
Congratulations on your second grass experience.
I am really making progress when it comes to touching grass
Love your videos! :D
I thought that nitric acid forms an azeotrope with water at a concentration of 68% and cant be concentrated more by distillation?
I just noticed the "something elsic acid" :)
chemist touches grass, grass eviscerated and torn asunder, after which the survivors were subjected to long term toxic exposure syndrome
Can H3BO3 be used as an acid? I've seen it somewhere on YT used in HCl synthesis.
My question is how do you get sulfuric acid in Poland, i assume you are student therefore are somewhat excluded from 2016 UE antiterrorist regulations
Any chance you could do a video on chlorine triflouride? PLEEEEEZE??!
I knew your accent sounded familiar, sure enough - you're from Poland!
Thank you very much.
😅 I was very nervous about your gloves in the beginning. I kept saying, “oh I hope those are not nitrile”
Najs Łork!
What about centrifuging?
Polskie hieroglify robią "Kurrrrrrwaaaaaaaa" :)
11:24 what was that sound?! Maxed out my limiter lol