Combat veteran Falconry association..... I love it!!!! Also a combat vet and just moved to Idaho getting ready to take my exam in a few weeks. Very happy I found this channel.
I’m from California and I flew one of the first captive bred Harris hawks in 1984. Occasionally I see a Harris in California but my favorite thing is to drive into Arizona to watch wild Harris’s.
@@ijr927 yes, look up falconry, or falconers in your state. The only problem I see right now is that they are nesting now, and might be the reason they are taking your chickens. If you look up bird rehabilitation centers near you, they might be able to locate the nest, relocate the owls, and the young. However, they can fly great distances.
When looking at this video the most important thing for young falconers to understand is to be patient! Just because a bird is on the trap doesn’t mean he is caught. This video clearly shows how a bird of prey can slip in and out of nooses effortlessly. Running towards a bird standing on the trap will cause you to bump him. That’s why you must have a good pair of binoculars to see what’s going on and only come to the trap when you see that the bird is trapped.
Jumped the gun so many times as a newb. Patience is part of the lifestyle from day 1- the end of the journey. Good job on the HH. I would love to get a wild trapped HH one day.
We used to do that back in the late 60’s. My dad have Prairie falcon’s, and Kestrels. My uncle had a Merlin. I still have hoods. Dad brought home a sack of chicken heads that someone butchered. He would tie one to the lure for the falcons. They always looked like a kid with a candy bar.
I have a problem with hawks and falcons trying to attack my little animals. I want to catch one. Is this the best way. I’ve been studying falconry for a while
Lmao @ The Gerbil. My boy tried to take a piece of that Hawk when it was all said and done. Like, "YEAH! WAT U GON DO NOW?! MY HUMAN HERE!" love it. Also, very educational! First time I've seen a video like this and... and I don't even know how I *got* here. No regrets.
My uncle was a falconer here in Arizona I went out with him to catch hawks he used the same trap wish I would have learned from him before he passed great video lots of good memories
I use the same noose arrangement. Berkeley coated leader with crimps bent to close easily and lock in place. I have a 25 year old male (captive bred). Very nice footage.
Bravo! One of the best trapping video on TH-cam. I love the way you shot the video, the way you can see the noose tighten up on the talon and leg. Can you show, how you set up the camera on the trap? And tell us about your association. Thank you all for your service.
Not his first rodeo. He hunkered down as soon as he saw them and perked up once the owner returned, like he new the danger had passed despite the hawk being right there, trapped
very easy to tame. you keep feeding it, gain it's trust and the bird will learn that the easiest way to eat and survive is by sticking around. it's hard work being a wild animal.
Hola, soy de Chihuahua, México. Disculpa hice exactamente esa trampa y se las he puesto a varios halcones en la cercanía, (alrededor de 50 metros) pero ninguno quiere bajar hacia la trampa, solo se le quedan viendo. Por qué cree que suceda esto
Hello, we are a student media unit from Taiwan. I need this video as a material for the competition. May I ask you for the authorization of the copyright of the video?
Great video and being a falconer myself for 33 years i am with you on the excitement. However this video may well fall in the hands of an ignorant person who has no idea how to trap wild hawks and has no idea how nooses work and that when used wrong will kill hawks and also permanently damage or destroy their toes or feet. This should only be attempted by licensed and qualified people 🙏🙏🙏
There is lots of info on how traps like this are made and used so suggesting this should be deleted is silly. Just like there is public info on how to build bombs.
Bounce is referred to bouncing off the trap when a falconer approaches the trap and the bird is not trapped and flies away... we refer that to bouncing off the trap. The term falconers is a universal term for the art and practice of training and hunting with a bird of prey... the technical term for those of us that hunt with hawks is Austringer... but you not the general public will understand that... you will still refer to our practice as falconry
It’s called Falconry. Hunting with birds of prey that were captured in the wild as juveniles or adults. They raise no hatchlings. Every bird they get can fly already and is wild. You cannot capture wild birds of prey for pets without a falconry license.
We never kill birds of prey… they are protected. Falconry is a long honored tradition. We are allowed to take juvenile birds… the reason behind this is because most juvenile birds don’t make it past the first year. We don’t take mature birds. If we capture them we release them right away. Adult birds contribute to the ecosystem. They breed … so they are valuable. Most juvenile birds that become falconry birds … go back to the wolf stronger then ever. For me… to return a bird back to the wild is the greatest experience ever
Subscribe to our channel and press the notification bell Killing Season is upon us and we plan to capture some cool video!
Combat veteran Falconry association..... I love it!!!! Also a combat vet and just moved to Idaho getting ready to take my exam in a few weeks. Very happy I found this channel.
i like how the rodent seemed to realize how safe it was lol
Hahaha 😁😁
😂😂 bro was chillin in there
and we have lift off 🤣
@Lps Echo of a heart attack bro was scared asf before they tried to fly off🤣
change profile pic jerk
Why that music thou?
Cuz it's cool
Got to make it dramatic
Influenced by the middle east culture
Sounds dumb
I rather the video not have music just the natural sounds that occurred in the video
I like how the the bait took bite out of the hawks feathers at the end
A trap for hunting falcons
@@-nubianhunter9437 vxCMBMNZXMZMCZMbXznznCZ
😂 he was like yeah wyt! Gettem pops
I’m from California and I flew one of the first captive bred Harris hawks in 1984. Occasionally I see a Harris in California but my favorite thing is to drive into Arizona to watch wild Harris’s.
That’s amazing!
Any ideas how to trap a great horned owl, to be relocated. It's feeding on my chickens:(
I dont want to harm it.
@@ijr927 yes, look up falconry, or falconers in your state. The only problem I see right now is that they are nesting now, and might be the reason they are taking your chickens. If you look up bird rehabilitation centers near you, they might be able to locate the nest, relocate the owls, and the young. However, they can fly great distances.
@@ijr927You should check with Fish&Game, you have to have someone do it for you, depending on where you live..
5:48 mouse: haha suckers!
Mouse: "Now you are my slaves. Fly me to Disneyland at once."
hi H D...
a tame hamster with a long tail...
not a mouse
It’s a gerbil
The hawk will eat it later in the day
The mouse must be given the treatment for PTSD
Wow the music used in the video is beautiful. Can someone please tell me the name of it?
I didnt find anything useful on google about trapping harris hawks but can i ask you why you trap them? (i dont mean it in a bad way im just curious)
Or keep them from killing your chickens
I enjoyed that middle eastern music in background and the video as well
This Video Deserves an Oscar! Bravo!
I was expecting a much more sneakier attack than that from the hawks lol
When looking at this video the most important thing for young falconers to understand is to be patient! Just because a bird is on the trap doesn’t mean he is caught. This video clearly shows how a bird of prey can slip in and out of nooses effortlessly. Running towards a bird standing on the trap will cause you to bump him. That’s why you must have a good pair of binoculars to see what’s going on and only come to the trap when you see that the bird is trapped.
Bad Music
@@mubaroksha2736 yeah I honk it’s pretty badass myself. Glad you like it
thank you ill write that down
Jumped the gun so many times as a newb. Patience is part of the lifestyle from day 1- the end of the journey. Good job on the HH. I would love to get a wild trapped HH one day.
How do they get stuck on those wires ?
When their feet get into the hole and they try to fly away from the cage it pull the wires and the hole become smaller then their feet get stuck :)
Think of it like zip ties
@@梓誠 😢😢
What organizations would you suggest for veterans without combat experience?
Maybe try Lowes
@@Fivepointstang2 savage, fuck you but here's a like
We use this same trap in Minnesota. Red tails broad wing sparrow hawks. You always monitor the trap and remove it when you're done for the day.
What’s the thing with trapping hawks? Is it for food sources or what?
2:52 - Mouse: “This is fine. I am completely okay with the way events are unfolding.”
A trap for hunting falcons
musik bad
@@bsrlhf7149 “Music”
Where I get get this braids or line set up , are you guys selling any online or maybe Amazon got it ?
We used to do that back in the late 60’s. My dad have Prairie falcon’s, and Kestrels. My uncle had a Merlin. I still have hoods. Dad brought home a sack of chicken heads that someone butchered. He would tie one to the lure for the falcons. They always looked like a kid with a candy bar.
Great,, one of the best way of trap.
Can you tell me whats the complete name of the music/song playing in back ground pls. Thanks.
Good video and good music.
I have a problem with hawks and falcons trying to attack my little animals. I want to catch one. Is this the best way. I’ve been studying falconry for a while
Good video providing perspective. Very similar trap design to what I use, with some slight differences.
Good video
What is the purpose of capturing the hawks ?
Animal abuse
Those birds are beautiful
A trap for hunting falcons
Mouse was like " yea, what now? My humans are here."
LOL the little guy at the very end was like MY TURN TO EAT
what kind of materials do u use in string.
Why capture the Harris Hawk ?
It's wrong these are wild birds some people have no common sense when not to do something just cuz they want to
Using nature how intended 🥳 such a cool hobby and utilizing our superior intellect to make bird for fun time 💯
@@artmartinez7227also very delicious bird 😋
@@artmartinez7227it is a harris hawk.
The trump hawk is too hard and a winner to try at catch
I am curious about how many time the mouse has been bait for it to be so calm😊
Lmao @ The Gerbil. My boy tried to take a piece of that Hawk when it was all said and done. Like, "YEAH! WAT U GON DO NOW?! MY HUMAN HERE!" love it. Also, very educational! First time I've seen a video like this and... and I don't even know how I *got* here. No regrets.
You'll regret leaving the plantation soon enough.
@@soulSSeekingbullet Took almost a whole year to reach that low hanging fruit, huh? Get yo height up.
Nice play... Love you❤ from India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
Walter Mouse: "I am not in danger, I am the danger"
hi H H...
it is a tame hamster with a long tail...
not a mouse
I just love how they keep aggressively clawing and pecking without understanding why it’s not working while the mouse is vibing 😂
The trap is designed to keep both the bird and the rodent safe.
@@combatveteransfalconryasso4884what is the purpose of trapping these hawks?
My uncle was a falconer here in Arizona I went out with him to catch hawks he used the same trap wish I would have learned from him before he passed great video lots of good memories
What song is that in the beginning?
I use the same noose arrangement. Berkeley coated leader with crimps bent to close easily and lock in place.
I have a 25 year old male (captive bred).
Very nice footage.
Let’s see?
Don’t be so nosey
What is the purpose of catching these birds? Will they be domesticated and trained?
Pretty cool, did you get any passage birds?
Old school Hawking... Check out our second video.. we trapped a few that day.
What are you using as bait?
A piece of GRILLED bear fillet my man!! 👍
Bravo! One of the best trapping video on TH-cam. I love the way you shot the video, the way you can see the noose tighten up on the talon and leg. Can you show, how you set up the camera on the trap? And tell us about your association. Thank you all for your service.
We definitely will and we will explain more in future videos
do you capture them and kill them for trophies or is this for research and you release them? just curious what the objective is here.
The plural of trophy is trophies. . . 😉
@@thierrytalon8600 Wow duh lol thanks.
You capture them and train them to hunt in cooperation with you. After a few weeks of training you can free fly the bird without fear of losing it.
The feeling that rodent was going through the moment he saw them Hawks flying around. Then to feel little pinches from their claws. Poor fella.
Not his first rodeo. He hunkered down as soon as he saw them and perked up once the owner returned, like he new the danger had passed despite the hawk being right there, trapped
Wat did you do with the hawk?
The mouse is like why did I get picked to do this job?
What do you do with the hawks?
Train to hunt with them. Check out some of the other videos and we will have more to follow
@@combatveteransfalconryasso4884 isn’t there plenty of wildlife rehabs willing to give a bird or orphaned chicks? Why just pluck them out of the wild?
@@combatveteransfalconryasso4884 u are a sick
@@Vaginuda007 no I’ve been tested Covid… I’m healthy
Good video, thank you for sharing👍
But these hawks are pretty grown up, would you be able to tame them? Or would they flee?
very easy to tame. you keep feeding it, gain it's trust and the bird will learn that the easiest way to eat and survive is by sticking around. it's hard work being a wild animal.
They can only take birds under a year old
1:20 the stringed instrument is called a sarangi
Thanks for that information it’s beautiful
What happens to the Harris Hawks you catch?
They kill it
Whats the name of this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do they ever accidentally get snare around their neck ? Would be certain death wouldn’t it ?
Bro was like haha you can’t get me I’m safe in the cage. 😂
Pls what's the name of the treads on the trap and where can I get some to buy
Background music name please
A trap for hunting falcons
Hola, soy de Chihuahua, México. Disculpa hice exactamente esa trampa y se las he puesto a varios halcones en la cercanía, (alrededor de 50 metros) pero ninguno quiere bajar hacia la trampa, solo se le quedan viendo. Por qué cree que suceda esto
That mouse deserves a treat!
He definitely got one
He's getting some good ole' hawk nuggets
Yh let him live
Hell yeah
hi Z T...
it is a tame hamster with a long tail...
not a mouse
Hello, we are a student media unit from Taiwan. I need this video as a material for the competition. May I ask you for the authorization of the copyright of the video?
Cool, was this in South Texas? I was in McMullen County Monday and saw 4 HH together, they were in the same area 4 hrs later
Out of curiosity, what is the purpose of trapping these birds of prey? What are your goals?
@AnotherCountryGal88 That's fair 😅 do you have crows in the area?
@AnotherCountryGal88 Yeah. As someone who has owned chickens, it sucks when Raptors are active in the area. My only s saving grace is the crows.
This vid wouldve been so much better without the music
Make your own video
do you train that hawk?
The mouse not moving from the side is like it's already planned up with his owner 👍 hahaha 😂
It's a gerbil
He hunkered down as soon as he saw them! Perked right up once the person came back lol played his role!
Are the ones in Texas the same as the ones in Arizona the Sonorans
@@fisherman8602 wow. One would think that they are they same. Do u know wats the diff
So I guess those larger ones are sonorans.
What about the ones in New Mexico
The mice was like "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
The whole time
What do you do with hawk?
Great video and being a falconer myself for 33 years i am with you on the excitement. However this video may well fall in the hands of an ignorant person who has no idea how to trap wild hawks and has no idea how nooses work and that when used wrong will kill hawks and also permanently damage or destroy their toes or feet. This should only be attempted by licensed and qualified people 🙏🙏🙏
Yeah, thats the exact reason youtube should delete this video
@@zekirkarakus3079 ⅞èí
There is lots of info on how traps like this are made and used so suggesting this should be deleted is silly. Just like there is public info on how to build bombs.
What is bounce and why do you refer to this as falconers when these are hawks?
Bounce is referred to bouncing off the trap when a falconer approaches the trap and the bird is not trapped and flies away... we refer that to bouncing off the trap. The term falconers is a universal term for the art and practice of training and hunting with a bird of prey... the technical term for those of us that hunt with hawks is Austringer... but you not the general public will understand that... you will still refer to our practice as falconry
Good job
A trap for hunting falcons
I held one of these haris hawks! It was amazing :D Also the fact that the bait took a bite of the haris hawks feather-
Hello. This is how to capture Harris's hawk. I did not know that.
How does it work doe?
Edit: oh its covered in little slip knots lol
Music is also very good 👌👌😊😊
Thanks sir... some people hate it😂
Can i get it from bangladesh
wow, awesome video
simple trap but very efficient
A trap for hunting falcons
What do you do with birds???
And that is when the Hawks knew they had messed up.
Felt like I was in a good adventure movie with the background music! 😅
What do they do with them I hope they don't kill them
Why would you think we would kill these beautiful animals
I imagine they're far more valuable alive so I doubt it. Probably used for Falconry.
If by chance this is in the US (doubt it) it would be illegal to kill them, as they are federally protected.
I’ve never seen anything like this, do you catch them to kill or go keep? Very interesting
The idea is to catch the Hawk and domesticate it to hunt with you as a team. Try googling “Falconary”
It’s called Falconry. Hunting with birds of prey that were captured in the wild as juveniles or adults. They raise no hatchlings. Every bird they get can fly already and is wild. You cannot capture wild birds of prey for pets without a falconry license.
We never kill birds of prey… they are protected. Falconry is a long honored tradition. We are allowed to take juvenile birds… the reason behind this is because most juvenile birds don’t make it past the first year. We don’t take mature birds. If we capture them we release them right away. Adult birds contribute to the ecosystem. They breed … so they are valuable. Most juvenile birds that become falconry birds … go back to the wolf stronger then ever. For me… to return a bird back to the wild is the greatest experience ever
Anyone else pay attention to the very end? The last image of the stopped video shows the mouse attacking the fucking bird once his friends show up!
lol yep
Mouse: I'll bite ya tail off, damn this cage, just you wait till next time.
hi M M...
it is a tame hamster with a long tail...
not a mouse
Lmao how did u see that
hi E...
tame hamster with a long tail...
not a mouse
@@bestamerica it's a rat.
Music 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Mind-blowing sir
Thank you!! It’s beautiful
Music name plz
The gerbil immediately braved up when the hawks were restrained and the owner started to approach. Like it somehow knew that the danger is over. 🐹👊
eee imam problem s kobcom kako da ga uhvatim probao sam s time a ne radi
That was crazy
He hunkered down as soon as he saw them and just stayed there! Played his role!
Why they catch this bird ? To eat or ?
Training for falconry.
May God bless you like this bird and your children, parents, and relatives keep looking for you at home
Exactly bro😖
@@BarathsTalk agree😊🙂
This is pretty cool.
I hope hampster wasn't too hurt, looks like the talons touched and nicked him.
It's unbelievable wow super video👍👍
In the end, the mouse bite back!
hi J...
it is a tame hamster with a long tail...
not a mouse
What happens to bird after it’s caught
У приманки стальные яйца😂🤝👍
What wire(material) is this
The bg is givin me Prince of Persia vibes
What is the cost of falcon
Blood all over there Talons. Some real killers man.
I didn't see any blood...
@@michaelmorrison4201 its all over the hawks talons🕵
5:25 lol 😂 the hamster inside