I have looked into Prefab walls and my local codes. They will not approve a stone footer...... "Can" these be placed on a poured footer with obvious attention paid to level and flat footer construction?
Having survived 7 earthquakes including one where freeway overpasses collapsed, with both horizontal and possible verticle earth movement; how do we secure Superior Walls to insure it does not collapse and crush occupants or cars?
Doing a superior wall NB now rep said 5-9 weeks bc busy season but install will take a week to erect structure amazing
I have looked into Prefab walls and my local codes. They will not approve a stone footer...... "Can" these be placed on a poured footer with obvious attention paid to level and flat footer construction?
Having survived 7 earthquakes including one where freeway overpasses collapsed, with both horizontal and possible verticle earth movement; how do we secure Superior Walls to insure it does not collapse and crush occupants or cars?
Superior Walls states these walls are water resistant not water proof.