Brexit, Yes please. Trump, legend. Everyone loved trump in the US until he ran for president. Strange how option shifted.... Media fake news to blame? Maybe lol
Neil Proctor he’s referring more to the rhetoric rather than whether it’s left/right. Far too many populous slogans and not enough factual detail has led to turkeys voting for Christmas. It’s unfathomable.
@@lindsayadsbroons5944 You speak for yourself mate! I know exactly what I voted for! I make a conscious decision NOT to pay much attention to the brainwashing mainstream media. As did most Brexiteers, because the majority of pre-vote slogans were directing us to stay in the EU! They even sent Obama (then your President) over to us to advise us to stay (we obviously laughed in his globalist face)! We knew exactly what we voted for and it wasn't based on slogans - the vote was based on personal preference! We voted for independence - which is something you Americans talk about a lot (and quite rightly so)! We voted for democracy - which is disappearing fast all over Europe! We voted for a nation state model of government - not to be part of an ever expanding continental dictatorship! We want to govern ourselves - it's simple! To call us uninformed is a bit of an insult mate! We Brits can trace our democracy (of sorts) back to 1215 AD and the signing of the Magna Carta and we're not prepared to give anymore away - we want it all back! Edit - typo
I am a migrant. I do not have higher education but i do have over 17 years of experience in industrial environments and i have never benefited from any social program in these 17 years from any country, neither i would ever accept such thing, i would rather kill myself than live with the thought that i need help to survive. I have worked 8 years in Czech Republic and recently got a permanent position here in England. All my friends are here, all my friends work here honestly. This Brexit will only open a clear dor to migrant exploitation through visa fees, lower wages, uncertainty and unpredictability, things that will probably deter most of us to leave the UK. We are polish, czech, slovaks, romanians, bulgarians, spanish, italians, french, portuguese and from every other EU member countries. We are not all doctors or engineers, most of us work in factories and warehouses on minimum wages doing maximum amounts of effort and sacrifice to be able to afford a sustainable life, doing the best we can under the conditions we have. This Brexit is not about migrants from outside EU, not about asylum seekers or benefit seekers. This Brexit is aimed at the honest working tax paying EU citizens. For me personally, i couldn`t care less, i can find work in two seconds anywhere in this world due to my experience. The only thing i hate about this is that i finally met with my childhood friends, you know... the type of friends lasting for a lifetime that you can`t really do later in life and now iwe might consider to leave, each of us, on different paths once again. But now imagine all the polish, bulgarian, romanian and all other EU partially skilled workers leaving UK. The factory i currently work in would remain with 10-15% of the current staff and this is the thing around most if not all warehouses. Most if not all medium size production facilities relly on this flux of people, who come, work, pay taxes and will never even get pension rights for the years spent here, most of us don`t even attend one medical exam per year, most of us have no idea about benefits, human rights or any other rights than the right to break your back 8 to 12 hours a day and be happy if the employer pays in time and fairly... Well, this is the situation from my perspective as an economic migrant who has seen and worked in 4 European states and does not want to be either glued in one place or claim any other benefit than the salary he has earned fair and square. Brits also benefit from the free movement of goods and people, also benefits from comon markets, common infrastructure, common waters and so on. The 35 billion investment in the EU is an INVESTMENT IN COMMON INFRASTRUCTURE and COMMON SERVICES, in laws, in security, in culture, in education things that will benefit us all regardless of the place we come from. Streinght is only found in unity, 1 milion people will always have more than 10 people and this is the ratio for together or alone.... Yes, Britain will not die under any kind of Brexit. But now, how many of you are royalty? Because only royalty and upper class can afford this, the hardship will be felt by the british undergraduate, by the british commoner and by the legal EU economic migrants, not by politicians, not ofshores but by small and medium businesses that can`t afford relocation to the Union. All i can say is Good luck Britain and God save the Queen!
3:31 "millions of refugees fled war torn countries in the Middle East and North Africa" - then you show a boat full of mainly sub-Saharan African migrants who are not from the war torn Middle Eastern or North African countries 3:33 "As immigration rates rose across Europe, the preferred destination was one of the big three economies." Well already, since these people are cherry picking their destinations to be the most economically prosperous, this makes it clear that they are not refugees fleeing war, but opportunistic economic migrants. 3:45 "Anti immigrant, nationalist feeling." There is a difference between being anti immigration and "anti immigrant." "Anti immigrant" means just being against the migrants themselves, and while on the surface appearing to be an abbreviation, actually substantially alters the meaning, and puts those holding the views in a bad light, while failing to face the actual issues.
Well said. I think that the video was okay, but the so called 'poor refugees' are the ones that can afford to leave the places they came from... The ones that are truly suffering haven't a hope
Couldn't be more biased if you tried. The funniest part was 9:35 when you said that opinion polls were "consistently showing" that the result *would* be reversed if the referendum were held again, while highlighting only five out of fifteen polls! Each only had a 1 percentage point lead, and 11% undecided, each only of a sample of about two thousand people. Dismal analysis.
10:41 Talk about cherry picking statistics! In your table there were 15 polls conducted and fully 8 of them still favored Brexit, by a margin of 2-4%. Yet you decided to highlight the 5 that favored staying, all of them by a narrow margin of 1-2%! Come on man! That’s a deliberate intent to mislead!
Yes 15 polls conducted in chronological order. The last 5 he highlighted were the most recent. Not biased data, looks like people just changed their minds
Ill educated people seem to know more than u do and if all ur going to do is continue in ur selfish ways and push for something that isn’t democratic then I think u are the one that is ill educated. This country has been a democracy since 1928 and I think I would like that to continue. So stop crying like a baby and grow up.
@trident3b The UK voted to leave the European Union and that is what we are going to do. We did that because we had a democratic referendum to leave and we voted yes. If the remainders had won then nobody would be complaining.....but they didn't and now they believe that throwing a hissy fit will solve their problems. They need to realize that the country voted for Brexit and we are now having it. The majority of people complaining haven't even educated themselves enough to know the benefits that brexit offers, they simply voted for remain because of their mates or because "young voters are expected to vote for it because they are young". Its cool these days to go against what the government says especially the Tories however if their was a second referendum I can guarantee you now that the British Public would yet again vote to leave the EU because we don't want to pay as much as we do towards the EU, we don't want to obey all of their laws, and we don't want to deal with problems like Greece anymore. The EU is a corrupt system that has for years negatively impacted Britain and has latched on to us like a vampire.
It's about time our incompetent politicians just admit that so many people voted leave that had absolutely no idea what they were voting for that brexit needs to be stopped now, the referendum was so close it's amazing the country is embarrassing itself to the entire world. Nothing is perfect, the same applies for democracy. It's only because of the egos of a certain few questionable politicians we are still in this mess.
@@sholtoroyle7844 Well in the real world that I live in a lot of voters voted leave because they were mislead and had no idea what they were voting for. What are these benefits you speak of from your own fantasy world?
@@KXF41 explain to me in a way that makes sense as to how brexit is bad for the country, and also as to why the British public was unable to educate themselves on brexit and why that is the politicians faults. The Scottish referendum for independence was closer than the Brexit referendum but you don't see them continuously complaining and demanding a second referendum. Grow up and realize that Brexit means Brexit and we are leaving for the benefit of the country.
Article 50 is pretty clear that a withdrawal cannot be revoked unilaterally. It unambiguously says that after the notification, the notifying member state will leave after two years unless all member states agree otherwise. Just because the author says it's revocable doesn't mean it is. The UK tried to pull this stunt before in Hong Kong. The Treaty unambiguously said Honk Kong would be returned to China while the author of the Treaty claimed it was merely a figure of speech. Hong Kong returned to China.
Incredibly biased report. And for the record, the latest oplnion shows that 70% of Britons now support Brexit. Add the fact that as well as the British, people across Europe are beginning to realise just what the EU is and what it stands for - deeply undemocratic and tyrannical.
1. Why the referendum was held at all wasn't mentioned. Cameron promised it to get right wing politicians on his side (or in short: to gain and keep power), but didn't believe it would have any consequence 2. The EU isn't hard to punish the UK or to discourage other member states from leaving. It's just a logical thing. If you want access to the common market you have to obey some rules. There cannot be exceptions that would put the UK in a better position than Norway for example (like it would be if the UK was allowed to trade withing the common market but not accept free movement) - or even a member state. Actually Merkel said that. And there are only a few issues that are a red line for the EU. For example the border between Nothern Ireland and Rep. of Ireland. And of course: if you want to act within the internal market without tariffs you cannot make your own trade deals. Otherwise the UK could circumvent EU tariffs (importing goods into EU states without the EU tariffs having any effects). Of course the UK thinks the same the other way around. Also no other country wants to leave, on the contrary. 3. Independency doesn't mean the UK can do whatever it wants. There's still the WTO and it has rules. A lot of the things UKIP promised would go against those rules. Of course the UK could also leave the WTO... oh and 4. another important thing: The UK only joined because it was bankrupt. The political union was never wanted, just access the economic area (and so UK politicans told the EU/EC project was only about trade although they new it was more).
The UK likes to be King of it's own castle and I don't blame them. The EU is Germany run on the long run and the UK will never submit to any other sovereign nation.
I feel you missed some important factors leading to Brexit such as the rise of UKIP, a large influx of eastern European migrants to the UK during a time of austerity and a struggling social healthcare and education system. I voted against brexit but i feel the video isnt very balanced and makes it seem as though Britain voted to leave the EU because they didn't want to accept refugees from war torn countries.
"... plunged themselves entirely into the unknown." Really? Great Britain has been an independent union for more that 300 years, and England has been an independent country for almost a thousand. Returning to that after twenty years in the EU isn't exactly "the unknown." You lost me ten seconds into the video.
Oh boy. This comment section shows why it's a gift for the EU that the UK leaves it. They have never understood the idea of a united Europe. They don't want to be equal, they want to be special. #Invarietateconcordia
All I can see is the UK, losing out in a huge way in the long run. This is a example, of people not appreciating, or understand what they have. The general UK public are ignorent, of the EU because they are not told or explined, what the EU is and the benefits that it gives them. All they hear and get through the different media's are all of the negatives and bias reports through the media . The EU, is the future for all the European state's, it's for the next generation , and the generations to come.
Great Britain has colonized current day... 1. Afghanistan 2. Antigua and Barbuda 3. Australia 4. The Bahamas 5. Bahrain 6. Barbados 7. Belize 8. Botswana 9. Brunei 10. Canada 11. Cyprus 12. Dominica 13. Egypt 14. Fiji 15. The Gambia 16. Ghana 17. Grenada 18. Guyana 19. India 20. Ireland 21. Iraq 22. Jamaica 23. Jordan 24. Kenya 25. Kiribati 26. Kuwait 27. Lesotho 28. Libya 29. Malawi 30. Malaysia 31. Maldives 32. Malta 33. Mauritius 34. Myanmar 35. Nauru 36. New Zealand 37. Nigeria 38. Pakistan 39. Qatar 40. Saint Lucia 41. Saints Kitts and Nevis 42. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 43. Seychelles 44. Sierra Leone 45. Solomon Islands 46. South Africa 47. Sri Lanka 48. Sudan 49. Swaziland 50. Tanzania 51. Tonga 52. Trinidad and Tobago 53. Tuvalu 54. Uganda 55. United Arab Emirates 56. United States 57. Vanuatu 58. Yemen 59. Zambia 60. Zimbabwe It was so many countries you had to scroll. The Brits want to talk about their sovereignty and people coming into their country. I’ll just leave this here.
Do you really think the Brits that voted to leave the EU are the same people that colonized these countries? Are you saying Britain shouldn't have the right to control its borders like any other normal country because of its history?
One thing that would REALLY help the EU is to reduce its social welfare programs in its biggest offenders, so as to discourage dishonest immigration. And one last hard pill to swallow would be a children restriction on families. I do not care who you are or what your culture demands, you do not need 10 children in a family supported by state welfare. 5 children per family is generous IMHO, although 4 would work too. Anyone who feels migrants should be allowed to create immediate large families is simply not aware of long term economics or ethnic/cultural shifts.
The UK leaving the EU is a litmus test. If no deal is reached and the UK survives a no-deal brexit, other EU member states will start to view leaving the EU as tenable. Ultimately, it is the EU that has a great deal to lose. And I must say that the EU is a sad institution. Not because of the common currency or free movement... but because the EU isn't a democracy and the officials can't be held accountable. Commissions, bureaucrats, etc... the EU failed in bringing forth democracy to the common EU citizens. This is the failure of the EU. And its sad really... because I believe the EU concept to be a good one.... just poorly implemented.
There are no other countries that want to leave. The most anti-EU tendencies are found in poor eastern european countries and even they will never leave (since money is way more attractive). And even if... no one would care about them
@@StYxXx Not yet. As I was saying... this is a litmus test. If the UK leaves, it sets an example for others to do the same. And yes, money is attractive but so is self-preservation and outside influences.
Finally! A video about politics outside of the US! World news is what I described for! Don't get me wrong I like your Obama, Clinton and Trump videos too and I don't want you to stop making them at all! But more videos like this would be nice
FAKE NEWS: 85% of British voters voted for a pro brexit party this election. This means that they obviously do not regret their vote to leave in 2016. And the EU is no longer a trading union but has become a non democratic superstate, ruled by unelected far left globalists. So sad.
If they want to be seen legitimately, then yes they will do. The point he made why the EU wants to make sure Britain gets hurt so that other EU nations can see the negitive effects of leaving. In which, it makes sure other countries wont try to leave. If the UK economy dumps down then that is their fault for leaving.
Heatproof.... So your in support of collective bullying tactics being used against minorities for the sole purpose of retaining power over those minorities? another example of left wing extremist hate. Any people should have the freedom to be independent without repercussions if that is what they choose.
@@iholkih360 well the repercussions here aren't intrinsic. If anything, its UK trying to play a fast one, so they can get all the benefits of being EU without sharing the burden. And EU is simply saying you can't do that. That's the repercussion they face. Its not bullying. If you wouldn't cook with the team, why would the team let you eat?
democracy should never be given up ....brexit is the right thing to do...they have there country may hurt at first...but democracy was fought for...people died for it...and the almighty buck will the jobs and manufacturing can come back...with the right people in charge
Yes. Very biased. Merkel said: we will handle the refugee/immigration in a decent way. We will house those who are here temporarily until they go back. She is from the christian conservative party. But it was much better to claim she said something else and advertise an other message also the migrants. Merkel’s options were further limited by the constitution of Germany written by primarily by USA. (After winning WW2)
A very one sided remain view of Brexit. If you are going to report on something try to remain impartial instead of clearly being one sided. You have missed several huge areas of fact, such a Theresa May actually openly campaign on the Remain side.
As an American, even I can see this is biased. I support Brexit, a country who doesn't want to be part of a collective deserves to be free should the citizens say so, and the citizens have said so. We did it in 1776, you guys are doing it now. Well, you're different, but we're sort of like that. I know a lot of Americans support Brexit, and I hope this follows through.
i am sory for my english just i want to give you answer in few words there is 2 big english countries America and england & the both of thieves in history 😃🤣🤣 and this 2 countries always talking abt humunity and law makers but reality is diffrent
@@salviniusaugustus6567 The confederates were right about the states' right to separate, but we gave up on that right because muh slavery and such. But yes, the South was right on that aspect.
He said thatopinion polls are "consistently showing that the result would be reversed in the future", the results show that we are still more likely to vote leave. There were 5 results showing we would remain compared to the 10 saying we would leave. Ngl but in my opinion that still shows that we are wanting to leave more than remain .
This is Brexit explained via an extremely economic truth. When we listen to these things it is important to take notice of what is not being said. As much as many might not want to admit. The inner EU core is not elected. There is no electoral control from EU citizens. This problem has become exposed and increased by mass, uncontrolled and extremely irresponsible migration. The documentary is also wrong on the views of the electorate. There are more who respect the referendum result and want Brexit to happen. There are many Remain voters and the EU who now want to change the goal posts despite saying that Brexit means completely out of the single market and the Customs Union. This is called Hard Brexit, but in reality, that is Brexit in its proper form. This is what the electorate understood before going to the polls. There has been no change of mind. None at all.
Amazing video! Never understood the economical benefit of Brexit for GB but grasped the need for people to become independent, I respect that. Didn't know that the feeling to leave the EU in the kingdom is reversing among the people though. Interesting fact! Writing a paper on Brexit and you just gave a lot of useful material right here. Thanks a lot. Definitely a thumbs up. Cheers
5.12 "Among those urging Brexit were right wing politicians, who relied on inflamed rhetoric and misinformation" - Said the Left wing blogger who relies on inflamed rhetoric and misinformation to exaggerate and misreport.
I think the general election showed people who voted leave did not regretted it, try do a balanced vid where you explain the benefits we could get from leaving as well as the possible failures it could cause. This vid just seems like it’s starting brexit is a big mistake , the whole of the country regretted it and we should return to the eu, the British people spoke twice.
Hi, actually from the Uk, and voted to leave the EU. Once again a video portraying that leaving the EU is so ruinous that it would be total madness to have done so. It was actually the European coal and steel community in the 1950's that started to unite European country's economically and politically giving rise to the EEC. The UK wanted to be part of the EEC for Trade, but as the years wore on and with each pro European government that got into power, further treaties seeded more sovereignty to the EU without a vote by the people. The direction of travel is to be one massive country all but in name. This is a one size fits all, rich pay for poor country's social utopia with no regard to nationhood (which is always represented as being racist) All of the issues that are given as reasons are temporal, they change and have changed for years but the has always been a very strong eurosceptic presence in British life. I find it odd how Americans one of the Most overtly patriotic nation cannot understand why we wouldn't want to be fully independent, you have a public holiday to celebrate it, but if we do it, we are some how backwards looking silly people. The truth is we are a strong and stable country with great expertise and skills, with a long history and culture, we want to be globally trading on our terms to all country's equally not in a protectionism cartel that the EU has become. Also, don't be fooled by the terms 'hard or soft' Brexit (and it's said brekzit not bregsit) one means leave the EU one means stay. The single market is also a master piece of great slogan PR. What the single market means is 'common regulatory regime' and to be a part of it you forgo all rights to regulate yourself, and when this includes, people, capital, services and trade, that's a lot you are not in control of. And to all the doom-mongers, when we left the ERM in the 90's total economic disaster was predicted the opposite happened in the years after. When we didn't join the Euro in the early 00's many column inches were wrote about how we would become a marginalised and insignificant country and the opposite happened, crystallising in the financial meltdown and the almost destruction of the Euro due to no fiscal unity. I see the UK being a nimble global player reaching outwards into the world, as an independent and proud nation.
Good for you..well explained, certain states in US sometimes see themselves as separate i.e Texas. The world is a big place, and severed ties with EU has given a real wake up call to Brussels elite.
Gareth Wellock My views exactly. I voted remain on the grounds of 'better the devil you know' because I did not know much about the EU, but when the EU went on manoeuvres after the vote and in particular after A50 was triggered, followed by the dreadful behaviour of so many of our politicians, I started to research the EU. What I found is more or less what you have described. We should have been taught what the EU is in school, but had they done that the leave vote would have been even higher.
And we will be leaving eventually one way or another when the majority vote the party in to do this . Labour/Conservatives are finished. Meanwhile it's business as usual and do has much damage/vandalism as possible whilst locked in the room.
I think as well as why people voted originally, I've heard so many people saying they voted remain but agree we should have Brexit because overturning democracy won't end well for anyone other than the wealthy in the end. Personally, the scariest part that we haven't had Brexit yet is that democracy hasn't been honoured, more than the uncertainty of Brexit and the potential of a no-deal exit...
Kerrie there’s so many issues that need to be addressed, like Irish border, Eu won’t allow cheap, chlorinated meat to flood Eu through Ireland, thus a hard border has to be put up violating good Friday agreement, which most of brexiteers couldn’t care less about. Also, I don’t see anyone lining up to trade with uk outside of Eu, how can you leave a market that provided big percentages of country’s food fruit veg and other goods and services without anything else in place. Of course businesses will still be able to trade but those goods will be minimum 20% more expensive, there’s already 200,000 people living reliant of food banks, they’ll suffer even more. People don’t think about these things, they’re blind sheeps, fanatics who’ll sacrifice well-being of their kids and themselves just to leave. Also, Brits believe that USA and former colonies will shower them with cheap, Barier-“less trade. Trump already said that they don’t mind helping Brits but usa will always come first
The thing is Britain was being treated differently then other eu country, if we ask for something to be changed (like immigration in the UK) they pie us and tell us no, but other countries who ask the same get a different response
At this moment. Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019. UK GOV PETITION 186,781 signatures Stop Brexit 68,400 signatures SAYS IT ALL LEAVE MEANS LEAVE
Whoever made this video, please tell the BBC or CNN that you need more money. The delivery was stale, biased and completely lacking any nuance of why people voted to leave. Those bigots, as you so dishonestly describe them, are patriots who want their land, sovereignty and future back, and are fed up living in poverty while those in charge live in mansions funded by their daily grind and hard work.
This has been the best video I have come across explaining Brexit. I loved how you explained the EU and how it formed. It answered all my questions. Thank you!
"No more something for nothing!" Cameron, tell that to T. May. Here's how the best deal would work: UK accepts EU working citizens, no passport, no fuss. It can impose moderate rules to restrict benefits but not discriminate against EU citizens. In exchange, EU does the same thing as well as allowing trade as usual. But let's face it, UK wants all the control with all benefits. I say goodbye and good riddance to UK!
A very one sided biased video - making foundless claims and been very selective when choosing polls and figures and not showing a balanced view. After listening to this vid' and following EU politics for 2 decades it seems the author of the vid' has deliberately ignored or is ignorant of several key points that led to Brexit, this wasn't just about EU migration, although it did play a key role for those directly effected. He also suggests Cameron did get a special deal when meeting the EU over the referendum, in fact Cameron came back and reinforced us on a position we already held, we were not getting any special deal at all he merely played slight of hand and made it seem we were been offered some kind of special deal, in fact we got nothing more than we already had to start with, the EU did not budge on its position and offered us nothing which was to backfire for both Cameron and the EU. -No mention of the EU's repeated ignorance on democracy of its members or the anti-democratic way it runs its ship. -No mention of the EU's bullying tactics upon it's members. -No mention that been one of the three biggest contributors to the coffers that the UK was not getting value for money anymore. -No mention about the direction the EU is heading and the eventual fate of the UK had that dream been realised, an EU state with non elected leaders who are not accountable to any of its members. Labour laid the foundation to the change in public opinion. UKIP's rising support was the catalyst after the financial crash. Conservatives ignited the firework. The rest is history that is still in the making.
amazing that its one way what the uk has to lose what about what the EU has to lose 5th largest economy in the EU and a major payer into its coffers What state is the eu in economically while yes it maybe the largest trading block many point its the slowest growing and to protectionist that in return slows quality improvements in goods and in the last few weeks the Euro has had its quantitative easing ended after 11 years at a cost of 2.5 trillion euros hardly a strong currency with that much aid required
yes but the contexts are different. EU doesnt have a choice. brexit is a british iniative. if brexit turns out to be a stupid decision which damages the uk, then thats on the UK. if it hurts the eu too then thats also due to uk stupidity. eu didnt choose this. uk did. its 'something which happened to me' VS 'something i chose to do'.
Ted Crilly not really the eu also responsible for Brexit the eu failed to take the threat of U.K. leaving seriously so didn’t give Cameron a good deal that same arrogance was shown by how the eu president initially responded he said it was stupid and instantly started attacking the British public if the eu had taken issues raised by the U.K. seriously and given some concessions than I think Brexit could have not happened but they refuse And also the eu failed to understand its impossible for Europe to ever become like the us because the counties are too diverse and unlike the us Europe wasn’t formed in 200 years by people with common interests but instead of realising this the eu is forcing integration which will just backfire
wow what a biased video. The British people voted to Leave.... we are leaving with the deal that was mentioned at the time of the referendum........ NONE! get over it. thank you.
Leaving such a complex matter as the EU Membership up to the masses, not to mention the government's lies and deception during the campaign, and having a referendum about it in the first place was utterly idiotic
"Leaving such a complex matter up to the masses" Talk like that, acting like the goverment knows all and we should just shut up and accept it. People like you are why everyone is flocking to nigel farage
Both sides used misinformation, or didn't you hear the threat that everyone's pensions would be gone if they voted Brexit? Try a little better next time.
Clearly, the UK will pay a short term price for Brexit. We in the US who value freedom should be sensitive to that fact and work to mitigate the affects of that price. We should come along side them like we did in WWII to our mutual benefit. Brexit bonds are one idea, they would provide liquidity to settle EU accounts and develop new markets.
US food companies are lining up to supply cheaper food. Of course there wont be rubbish EU standards. Nope, meat fed on chicken feaces, should go well with marmite. All for a tiny Norther Irish Party - the DUP. 😂
This video assumes that the UK people voted for the EU back in the 70’s- they did NOT! British prime ministers Tony Blair (Labour) and John Major (Conservative) did not give the UK people a choice on the treaties that fundamentally changed what the UK people had voted in favour of into something that most UK people did not want to be a part of. Had referendums been held on those treaties then things would have been very different.
The average swiss trades 3x more with other countries, and they are not in the union. So, if the union isn't for trade, then what is it for? Creating a over-centralised communist-like superstate? If that is what they intend on(which i and many other people can agree on) then that would kill creativity and therefore also innovation and economic growth, and would likely lead to corruption.
Creating a over-centralised like superstate? Yes. Communist? Far from it... They just want to create an USA bis: a multicultural country with no identity ruled by a jewish oligarchy and the banks.
Cameron is a typical Politician Get elected by making broken promises And let someone else pick up the pieces I feel sorry for Theresa and Boris and Cameron rides off in to the sunset......
We joined the European Economic Community. We want to leave the European Union. Two completely different political concepts. The first was an agreement solely based on economic co-operation. The EU, on the other hand, is an economic and political alliance - dictated from EU Command HQ (Brussels). And the next phase is to introduce the military element to this growing Super State! So where does this leave NATO? You Americans should be alarmed by this push for an EU Army ... every time we see big standing Armies in Europe, YOU end up being invited into the folly! Most Brits just want to live in an Independent democratic nation state - where we govern ourselves, based on our traditions and core belief in our democracy! And, whilst I'm here ... leave means leave ... or else! Anything other than leaving the EU will be seen as treason by our government!
We voted to leave the EU. We didnt vote to leave IF Mrs May could get a so-called "deal"...its a con. There is no deal, the only deal available is rubbish. Get rid of May and simply leave the EU
4:30 That's just a lie. In fact, there's a criteria called "The Copenhagen Criteria" (in Denmark; Edinburg Agreement in English), which dwellves in on this; Denmark made a "Special Deal" a long time ago. "The first Danish Maastricht Treaty referendum in Denmark was held on 2 June 1992, but a shortfall of fewer than 50,000 votes resulted in the treaty not being ratified.[10][11] After the failure, alterations were made to the treaty through the addition of the Edinburgh Agreement which lists four Danish exceptions. The treaty was eventually ratified the following year on 18 May 1993, after a second referendum was held in Denmark.[12]"
Brexit was caused by a generational divide. Young people want to remain, they see their future in Europe. However, they don’t vote. They are not in the habit of voting, having sex, working long hours in an insecure job and studying for exams is more important than voting, so you forget or do not bother. Old people, above 65, who should have stayed home, because it didn’t much mattered to their limited future, had all the time in the world to habitually go vote. They were around, young and healthy when Britain wasn’t a member of the EU yet. Their romanticized memory of standing apart from Europe made them vote Brexit. They took Britain out. They will come to regret it in their remaining lifetime. The London City will become insignificant as foreign financials leave for Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. The British car industry will leave Britain, because in the yet to come Trade negotiations Poland and Czechia by their veto will block low import tariffs on British car imports into the EU, because these two countries know that by doing that they will force that car industry to set up camp in exactly these two countries. Finally Scotland. Scotland will vote to leave the United Kingdom to become a member of the EU. When the English find out about these repercussions, they will beg to come back into the EU, but they will have lost all of the perks negotiated by Thatcher and later PM’s.
There are many people who, for what ever reason, did not get the opportunity to vote and the vast majority of the people I know who voted leave, didn't fully understand the implications.
@@hellouiseclark Maybe, but you can't compare. There is a much bigger fuss about Brexit than about Scotland's referendum. Maybe there is a reason for all that fuss.
@@ElectricityTaster haha...I was comparing it to our recent elections here in the USA....the losers always say the other side cheated no matter what area of the world you're in
I can explain 'Brexit' fairly easily I'm not a supporter of any current UK political party, Parliament voted to allow a referendum on the EU, i voted leave and more registered voters voted leave than remain. Result Brexit
It was nothing to do with the migrant crisis. The immigration debate was about Tony Blairs reckless encouragement to have millions of low paid eastern European workers to come to Britain and uncercut wages of British workers!!!
Ok, seriously, could this video be any more in the tank for the EU? It shows either a complete misunderstanding or a purposeful misunderstanding of the entire EU and it's purpose. Absolute trash.
The UK is in a great position to demand things as it’s such a net importer of many European goods, Germany especially Does not want to loose that, and if foreign goods become more expensive, domestic companies can become more competitive and more money is retained within the economy, enriching UK citizens more... this video is very biased
All excuses and all for their own pockets, as MJ said they don't care about us. 💔We need to look after each other as people, forget governments.. I have zero faith on them.
Please. Stick with US-focused stories. I've no idea how good they are, but this attempt to explain the EU referendum, its outcome, and the aftermath is so weird, factually incorrect, and half the time one watches thinking there is a bias the one way, and then the language used implies a bias in the other direction. So poor, and such a waste of my time.
I wished I could of voted to remain. But overall I think it will be good for the UK, in the near future (2-5 year) Britain will suffer. However, in the long run, I think the UK, will prosper and in decades to come will have a greater financial presence than Germany or France.
The U.K. is set to leave the European Union in March 2019. But despite more than two years of negotiations, they still can't agree on the terms of their separation.
Nobody wants all these ‘benefits’ of the EU (that cost a small fortune). We just want a trade deal, like every other country outside of the EU. Isn’t complicated.
Not true that the UK doesn’t have free movement. With over three million EU people in the UK that clearly not the case. You should of said that we decided not to join the Schengen area which is passport free area!
Thanks for the comment, Joran. I came across this case in my research and was assuming someone would point it out. Technically, however, Greenland is an autonomous constituent country within the Kingdom of Denmark:
US and her allies are eating for England panda no one tells England 🏴 which migrants to take most with hate and besides it was dangerous when Europe was using Ukraine 🇺🇦 to poke Russia 🇷🇺 wretched thank God Russia kept her patience
As an Englishman I can honestly see why immigration is a huge factor in Brexit. The immigrants come over and immediately get benefits that citizens are waiting years to get.
Too biased for me, but good visuals, very appealing. You must have a good budget for this, unfortunately some of your information are wrong or to much politically oriented. Put more budget on your research instead. And please don't make this beginners mistake of intertwining your political views in your information. Let the information guide you and don't be fooled by it. Your work is too poor for me. For now. But I wish you good luck.
So many errors and lies in one video !! (1)Every first year student of economics, Know that if you want to measure real growth, then you need to measure constant gdp, not current gdp! That is: to adjust to inflation (2)Again! Every first year student of economics knows it! If you want to compare the standard of living of countries you are obliged to use GDP per capita in accordance with ppp !!(Purchasing Power Parity) The cost of living in China/india is very diffrent then the cost of living in Belgium, and a $ 500 salary in Belgium really does not give you the same quality of life as a $ 500 salary in China/india. (3) united kingdom wasent in 1975 in the eu but in the European Communities that dosent have unify currency , open-door policy or any other Characteristics of the EU (3)the EU as we know him start after Maastricht Treaty in 1994 when the Euro officlay lanch and the power shift from the goverment of every country to the cenetral govement of the eu (5)based on world bank the real gdp per capita growth per year in now eu countires was 2.8% in 1960-1994 and only 1.5% from 1994-2017 (6)debt to gdp rise to critical level in Almost all EU countries. open door policy Led to an increase in crime and the destruction of entire cities in Europe. So tell me again how great the European Union is?
@@ThisIsWhyWeFighto Miss Kitty, my view is that most of your Right wing media got it wrong. There was Nothing in which can be pointed as untruethful. It was rather carefully formulated.
Michael K. My right wing media? I don’t own any media. I’m just a person who thinks a country should be able to decide its own laws, control its own borders, and protect its own values, culture and traditions from those who would harm or change it by force. If that’s right wing, then I plead guilty.
To fellow Americans watching this video, things can be best summed up like this: People in favor of Brexit are Trump supporters.
I am seeing a few parallels to our current situation
That's not true! Large swathes of the Labour Party (socialists) also voted for Brexit!
I voted for Brexit ... and you sound like a remoaner!
Brexit, Yes please. Trump, legend.
Everyone loved trump in the US until he ran for president. Strange how option shifted.... Media fake news to blame? Maybe lol
Neil Proctor he’s referring more to the rhetoric rather than whether it’s left/right. Far too many populous slogans and not enough factual detail has led to turkeys voting for Christmas. It’s unfathomable.
@@lindsayadsbroons5944 You speak for yourself mate! I know exactly what I voted for!
I make a conscious decision NOT to pay much attention to the brainwashing mainstream media. As did most Brexiteers, because the majority of pre-vote slogans were directing us to stay in the EU! They even sent Obama (then your President) over to us to advise us to stay (we obviously laughed in his globalist face)!
We knew exactly what we voted for and it wasn't based on slogans - the vote was based on personal preference!
We voted for independence - which is something you Americans talk about a lot (and quite rightly so)! We voted for democracy - which is disappearing fast all over Europe! We voted for a nation state model of government - not to be part of an ever expanding continental dictatorship!
We want to govern ourselves - it's simple!
To call us uninformed is a bit of an insult mate! We Brits can trace our democracy (of sorts) back to 1215 AD and the signing of the Magna Carta and we're not prepared to give anymore away - we want it all back!
Edit - typo
this is why you should have voted for lord buckethead,.
Lord Buckethead would have saved the UK from the shitstorn
He's still almost entirely unknown in the UK. Even now if you asked 99% of British people they would have no idea who you were talking about
What about fish finger man?
But he was campaigning to be mayor wasn't he?
Fair point
**Article 13 joins the server**
**UK leaves the server**
Boris was worried that he would get a copyright claim on his hair from corn...
A lone wolf dies, but the pack survives - GOT
Not if I'm a dire wolf 🐺 and that's what England is it can survive with out eu
UK is a pack of its own but still I wish they did not choose to leave the EU
But wolves are solitary animals
Thank you for helping to make a complex issue easier to understand. Well done 👍
This video helped me to understand what Brexit is. It's about a struggle for being a independent country.
I am a migrant. I do not have higher education but i do have over 17 years of experience in industrial environments and i have never benefited from any social program in these 17 years from any country, neither i would ever accept such thing, i would rather kill myself than live with the thought that i need help to survive. I have worked 8 years in Czech Republic and recently got a permanent position here in England. All my friends are here, all my friends work here honestly. This Brexit will only open a clear dor to migrant exploitation through visa fees, lower wages, uncertainty and unpredictability, things that will probably deter most of us to leave the UK. We are polish, czech, slovaks, romanians, bulgarians, spanish, italians, french, portuguese and from every other EU member countries. We are not all doctors or engineers, most of us work in factories and warehouses on minimum wages doing maximum amounts of effort and sacrifice to be able to afford a sustainable life, doing the best we can under the conditions we have. This Brexit is not about migrants from outside EU, not about asylum seekers or benefit seekers. This Brexit is aimed at the honest working tax paying EU citizens. For me personally, i couldn`t care less, i can find work in two seconds anywhere in this world due to my experience. The only thing i hate about this is that i finally met with my childhood friends, you know... the type of friends lasting for a lifetime that you can`t really do later in life and now iwe might consider to leave, each of us, on different paths once again. But now imagine all the polish, bulgarian, romanian and all other EU partially skilled workers leaving UK. The factory i currently work in would remain with 10-15% of the current staff and this is the thing around most if not all warehouses. Most if not all medium size production facilities relly on this flux of people, who come, work, pay taxes and will never even get pension rights for the years spent here, most of us don`t even attend one medical exam per year, most of us have no idea about benefits, human rights or any other rights than the right to break your back 8 to 12 hours a day and be happy if the employer pays in time and fairly... Well, this is the situation from my perspective as an economic migrant who has seen and worked in 4 European states and does not want to be either glued in one place or claim any other benefit than the salary he has earned fair and square. Brits also benefit from the free movement of goods and people, also benefits from comon markets, common infrastructure, common waters and so on. The 35 billion investment in the EU is an INVESTMENT IN COMMON INFRASTRUCTURE and COMMON SERVICES, in laws, in security, in culture, in education things that will benefit us all regardless of the place we come from. Streinght is only found in unity, 1 milion people will always have more than 10 people and this is the ratio for together or alone.... Yes, Britain will not die under any kind of Brexit. But now, how many of you are royalty? Because only royalty and upper class can afford this, the hardship will be felt by the british undergraduate, by the british commoner and by the legal EU economic migrants, not by politicians, not ofshores but by small and medium businesses that can`t afford relocation to the Union. All i can say is Good luck Britain and God save the Queen!
3:31 "millions of refugees fled war torn countries in the Middle East and North Africa" - then you show a boat full of mainly sub-Saharan African migrants who are not from the war torn Middle Eastern or North African countries
3:33 "As immigration rates rose across Europe, the preferred destination was one of the big three economies." Well already, since these people are cherry picking their destinations to be the most economically prosperous, this makes it clear that they are not refugees fleeing war, but opportunistic economic migrants.
3:45 "Anti immigrant, nationalist feeling." There is a difference between being anti immigration and "anti immigrant." "Anti immigrant" means just being against the migrants themselves, and while on the surface appearing to be an abbreviation, actually substantially alters the meaning, and puts those holding the views in a bad light, while failing to face the actual issues.
Oh come off it it was a well put together video - he tried to be as neutral as possible too.
Well said. I think that the video was okay, but the so called 'poor refugees' are the ones that can afford to leave the places they came from... The ones that are truly suffering haven't a hope
You are a fool, try to read. The are country in Africa that are in war
War torn because the British and French with the USA who wanted to steal their oil.
@@AlBowly thank you for saying this.
Couldn't be more biased if you tried. The funniest part was 9:35 when you said that opinion polls were "consistently showing" that the result *would* be reversed if the referendum were held again, while highlighting only five out of fifteen polls! Each only had a 1 percentage point lead, and 11% undecided, each only of a sample of about two thousand people. Dismal analysis.
Love watching American commentators on Brexit, they’re often very misinformed, or misinterpret information.
Then, please correct it so that people who are genuinely trying to understand get 'correct' information.
10:41 Talk about cherry picking statistics! In your table there were 15 polls conducted and fully 8 of them still favored Brexit, by a margin of 2-4%. Yet you decided to highlight the 5 that favored staying, all of them by a narrow margin of 1-2%!
Come on man! That’s a deliberate intent to mislead!
So true, as the sample increases (apart from the equal vote) the average swings the other way. Hmmmmmm...
That's mainstream media caught in the act of manipulating viewers, again.
Yes 15 polls conducted in chronological order. The last 5 he highlighted were the most recent. Not biased data, looks like people just changed their minds
I mean 100% people will have changed their minds and Remain will become the dominant force...
Harrison Angel Actually the five he highlighted weren’t the most recent I think he is just cherry picking the ones that fit his argument
UK has democratically decided to leave. Go and do not ask for any special bargain. Bear the consequences and get on with it.
Ill educated people seem to know more than u do and if all ur going to do is continue in ur selfish ways and push for something that isn’t democratic then I think u are the one that is ill educated. This country has been a democracy since 1928 and I think I would like that to continue. So stop crying like a baby and grow up.
@trident3b The UK voted to leave the European Union and that is what we are going to do. We did that because we had a democratic referendum to leave and we voted yes. If the remainders had won then nobody would be complaining.....but they didn't and now they believe that throwing a hissy fit will solve their problems. They need to realize that the country voted for Brexit and we are now having it. The majority of people complaining haven't even educated themselves enough to know the benefits that brexit offers, they simply voted for remain because of their mates or because "young voters are expected to vote for it because they are young". Its cool these days to go against what the government says especially the Tories however if their was a second referendum I can guarantee you now that the British Public would yet again vote to leave the EU because we don't want to pay as much as we do towards the EU, we don't want to obey all of their laws, and we don't want to deal with problems like Greece anymore. The EU is a corrupt system that has for years negatively impacted Britain and has latched on to us like a vampire.
It's about time our incompetent politicians just admit that so many people voted leave that had absolutely no idea what they were voting for that brexit needs to be stopped now, the referendum was so close it's amazing the country is embarrassing itself to the entire world. Nothing is perfect, the same applies for democracy. It's only because of the egos of a certain few questionable politicians we are still in this mess.
@@sholtoroyle7844 Well in the real world that I live in a lot of voters voted leave because they were mislead and had no idea what they were voting for. What are these benefits you speak of from your own fantasy world?
@@KXF41 explain to me in a way that makes sense as to how brexit is bad for the country, and also as to why the British public was unable to educate themselves on brexit and why that is the politicians faults. The Scottish referendum for independence was closer than the Brexit referendum but you don't see them continuously complaining and demanding a second referendum. Grow up and realize that Brexit means Brexit and we are leaving for the benefit of the country.
Article 50 is pretty clear that a withdrawal cannot be revoked unilaterally. It unambiguously says that after the notification, the notifying member state will leave after two years unless all member states agree otherwise.
Just because the author says it's revocable doesn't mean it is. The UK tried to pull this stunt before in Hong Kong. The Treaty unambiguously said Honk Kong would be returned to China while the author of the Treaty claimed it was merely a figure of speech. Hong Kong returned to China.
Incredibly biased report. And for the record, the latest oplnion shows that 70% of Britons now support Brexit. Add the fact that as well as the British, people across Europe are beginning to realise just what the EU is and what it stands for - deeply undemocratic and tyrannical.
How is it a tyranny? Everybody of the eu represents the people
1. Why the referendum was held at all wasn't mentioned. Cameron promised it to get right wing politicians on his side (or in short: to gain and keep power), but didn't believe it would have any consequence
2. The EU isn't hard to punish the UK or to discourage other member states from leaving. It's just a logical thing. If you want access to the common market you have to obey some rules. There cannot be exceptions that would put the UK in a better position than Norway for example (like it would be if the UK was allowed to trade withing the common market but not accept free movement) - or even a member state. Actually Merkel said that. And there are only a few issues that are a red line for the EU. For example the border between Nothern Ireland and Rep. of Ireland. And of course: if you want to act within the internal market without tariffs you cannot make your own trade deals. Otherwise the UK could circumvent EU tariffs (importing goods into EU states without the EU tariffs having any effects). Of course the UK thinks the same the other way around. Also no other country wants to leave, on the contrary.
3. Independency doesn't mean the UK can do whatever it wants. There's still the WTO and it has rules. A lot of the things UKIP promised would go against those rules. Of course the UK could also leave the WTO...
oh and 4. another important thing: The UK only joined because it was bankrupt. The political union was never wanted, just access the economic area (and so UK politicans told the EU/EC project was only about trade although they new it was more).
The UK likes to be King of it's own castle and I don't blame them. The EU is Germany run on the long run and the UK will never submit to any other sovereign nation.
Wow! This is the best explanation that I've had so far! Thanks for this video, it's amazing!
The U.K. had so many opt outs and exceptions that it almost didn't seem like it was an EU nation to begin with
And is why the result was so close, Remainers thought that we could opt out the major bits, but eventually we wouldn't have been able to.
I feel you missed some important factors leading to Brexit such as the rise of UKIP, a large influx of eastern European migrants to the UK during a time of austerity and a struggling social healthcare and education system. I voted against brexit but i feel the video isnt very balanced and makes it seem as though Britain voted to leave the EU because they didn't want to accept refugees from war torn countries.
isnt that kind of true?
"... plunged themselves entirely into the unknown."
Really? Great Britain has been an independent union for more that 300 years, and England has been an independent country for almost a thousand. Returning to that after twenty years in the EU isn't exactly "the unknown."
You lost me ten seconds into the video.
Oh boy. This comment section shows why it's a gift for the EU that the UK leaves it. They have never understood the idea of a united Europe. They don't want to be equal, they want to be special. #Invarietateconcordia
How is being equal when we are forced to support countries like Greece and get bossed around by a German chancellor and the Commission?
If you're white you'll be all equally dead in 50 years
All I can see is the UK, losing out in a huge way in the long run. This is a example, of people not appreciating, or understand what they have. The general UK public are ignorent, of the EU because they are not told or explined, what the EU is and the benefits that it gives them. All they hear and get through the different media's are all of the negatives and bias reports through the media . The EU, is the future for all the European state's, it's for the next generation , and the generations to come.
Yeah world order and absolute control. This is just the first step, for the "elitists to control every aspect of mankind".
Great Britain has colonized current day...
1. Afghanistan
2. Antigua and Barbuda
3. Australia
4. The Bahamas
5. Bahrain
6. Barbados
7. Belize
8. Botswana
9. Brunei
10. Canada
11. Cyprus
12. Dominica
13. Egypt
14. Fiji
15. The Gambia
16. Ghana
17. Grenada
18. Guyana
19. India
20. Ireland
21. Iraq
22. Jamaica
23. Jordan
24. Kenya
25. Kiribati
26. Kuwait
27. Lesotho
28. Libya
29. Malawi
30. Malaysia
31. Maldives
32. Malta
33. Mauritius
34. Myanmar
35. Nauru
36. New Zealand
37. Nigeria
38. Pakistan
39. Qatar
40. Saint Lucia
41. Saints Kitts and Nevis
42. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
43. Seychelles
44. Sierra Leone
45. Solomon Islands
46. South Africa
47. Sri Lanka
48. Sudan
49. Swaziland
50. Tanzania
51. Tonga
52. Trinidad and Tobago
53. Tuvalu
54. Uganda
55. United Arab Emirates
56. United States
57. Vanuatu
58. Yemen
59. Zambia
60. Zimbabwe
It was so many countries you had to scroll. The Brits want to talk about their sovereignty and people coming into their country. I’ll just leave this here.
Do you really think the Brits that voted to leave the EU are the same people that colonized these countries? Are you saying Britain shouldn't have the right to control its borders like any other normal country because of its history?
@@deoa6817 If the want to control their border then leave shngen, oh wait you were never even a part of it. So what is it you're complaining about?
@@Zen-rw2fz Clearly you don't understand the EU.
@@deoa6817 I don't think you do
@@Zen-rw2fz You are the only who seems to think free movement doesn't apply outside Schengen, so let's leave it there.
One thing that would REALLY help the EU is to reduce its social welfare programs in its biggest offenders, so as to discourage dishonest immigration. And one last hard pill to swallow would be a children restriction on families. I do not care who you are or what your culture demands, you do not need 10 children in a family supported by state welfare. 5 children per family is generous IMHO, although 4 would work too. Anyone who feels migrants should be allowed to create immediate large families is simply not aware of long term economics or ethnic/cultural shifts.
The UK leaving the EU is a litmus test. If no deal is reached and the UK survives a no-deal brexit, other EU member states will start to view leaving the EU as tenable. Ultimately, it is the EU that has a great deal to lose.
And I must say that the EU is a sad institution. Not because of the common currency or free movement... but because the EU isn't a democracy and the officials can't be held accountable. Commissions, bureaucrats, etc... the EU failed in bringing forth democracy to the common EU citizens. This is the failure of the EU. And its sad really... because I believe the EU concept to be a good one.... just poorly implemented.
Each EU memeber doesn't need to the EU to have free trade. Everyone can have free trade without the EU. The EU is the 4th Reich
There are no other countries that want to leave. The most anti-EU tendencies are found in poor eastern european countries and even they will never leave (since money is way more attractive). And even if... no one would care about them
@@StYxXx Not yet. As I was saying... this is a litmus test. If the UK leaves, it sets an example for others to do the same. And yes, money is attractive but so is self-preservation and outside influences.
Finally! A video about politics outside of the US! World news is what I described for! Don't get me wrong I like your Obama, Clinton and Trump videos too and I don't want you to stop making them at all! But more videos like this would be nice
Thanks Sean, you'll like what we have coming up ;)
The Daily Conversation great work and thanks for responding
Sean Corcoran I love this, wish we could see other issues in Latin America, Asia, Africa and so on
FAKE NEWS: 85% of British voters voted for a pro brexit party this election. This means that they obviously do not regret their vote to leave in 2016. And the EU is no longer a trading union but has become a non democratic superstate, ruled by unelected far left globalists. So sad.
"making an example of the UK, scaring the other members do they don't leave". Sounds like a great club 👌🏻
If they want to be seen legitimately, then yes they will do. The point he made why the EU wants to make sure Britain gets hurt so that other EU nations can see the negitive effects of leaving. In which, it makes sure other countries wont try to leave. If the UK economy dumps down then that is their fault for leaving.
Sounds like Scientology
Heatproof.... So your in support of collective bullying tactics being used against minorities for the sole purpose of retaining power over those minorities? another example of left wing extremist hate. Any people should have the freedom to be independent without repercussions if that is what they choose.
@@iholkih360 well the repercussions here aren't intrinsic. If anything, its UK trying to play a fast one, so they can get all the benefits of being EU without sharing the burden.
And EU is simply saying you can't do that. That's the repercussion they face.
Its not bullying. If you wouldn't cook with the team, why would the team let you eat?
democracy should never be given up ....brexit is the right thing to do...they have there country may hurt at first...but democracy was fought for...people died for it...and the almighty buck will the jobs and manufacturing can come back...with the right people in charge
This is seriously biased.
UK sells weapons to Arabs, Arabs pays young victims and saying: Go to UK, they attacked you. ;)
Yes. Very biased.
Merkel said: we will handle the refugee/immigration in a decent way. We will house those who are here temporarily until they go back.
She is from the christian conservative party.
But it was much better to claim she said something else and advertise an other message also the migrants.
Merkel’s options were further limited by the constitution of Germany written by primarily by USA. (After winning WW2)
How would you explained Brexit?
A very one sided remain view of Brexit. If you are going to report on something try to remain impartial instead of clearly being one sided. You have missed several huge areas of fact, such a Theresa May actually openly campaign on the Remain side.
Please, wait till Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland have had their fill of EU politics, Britain was only the first out.
Not gonna happen. The EU made sure that we, the small kids, wouldnt leave by destroying our economy and making is dependant on the EU deals
Well, still 27 members and more applied over the last five years. After everyone saw the catastrophy, which Brexit was, nobody wants out anymore.
As an American, even I can see this is biased. I support Brexit, a country who doesn't want to be part of a collective deserves to be free should the citizens say so, and the citizens have said so. We did it in 1776, you guys are doing it now. Well, you're different, but we're sort of like that. I know a lot of Americans support Brexit, and I hope this follows through.
Sad you didn't let the confederates do it.
i am sory for my english just i want to give you answer in few words there is 2 big english countries America and england & the both of thieves in history 😃🤣🤣 and this 2 countries always talking abt humunity and law makers but reality is diffrent
Lee Soo-man you’ve been there?
@Lee Soo-man And yet we love you.
@@salviniusaugustus6567 The confederates were right about the states' right to separate, but we gave up on that right because muh slavery and such. But yes, the South was right on that aspect.
Being lectured on the evils of voting for independence by an American! How ironic is that?
maybe we should wage war against Europe for independence...
He said thatopinion polls are "consistently showing that the result would be reversed in the future", the results show that we are still more likely to vote leave. There were 5 results showing we would remain compared to the 10 saying we would leave. Ngl but in my opinion that still shows that we are wanting to leave more than remain .
This is Brexit explained via an extremely economic truth. When we listen to these things it is important to take notice of what is not being said.
As much as many might not want to admit. The inner EU core is not elected. There is no electoral control from EU citizens. This problem has become exposed and increased by mass, uncontrolled and extremely irresponsible migration. The documentary is also wrong on the views of the electorate. There are more who respect the referendum result and want Brexit to happen. There are many Remain voters and the EU who now want to change the goal posts despite saying that Brexit means completely out of the single market and the Customs Union. This is called Hard Brexit, but in reality, that is Brexit in its proper form. This is what the electorate understood before going to the polls. There has been no change of mind. None at all.
Amazing video! Never understood the economical benefit of Brexit for GB but grasped the need for people to become independent, I respect that. Didn't know that the feeling to leave the EU in the kingdom is reversing among the people though. Interesting fact!
Writing a paper on Brexit and you just gave a lot of useful material right here. Thanks a lot. Definitely a thumbs up. Cheers
5.12 "Among those urging Brexit were right wing politicians, who relied on inflamed rhetoric and misinformation" - Said the Left wing blogger who relies on inflamed rhetoric and misinformation to exaggerate and misreport.
so johnson and farage didnt use inflamed rhetoric and misinformation? come on man
I can't wait for a news source to give me both sides oh wait.
I think the general election showed people who voted leave did not regretted it, try do a balanced vid where you explain the benefits we could get from leaving as well as the possible failures it could cause. This vid just seems like it’s starting brexit is a big mistake , the whole of the country regretted it and we should return to the eu, the British people spoke twice.
I don't appreciate how you misconstrued those stats, they were pretty much even for both sides, not enough to say "it would be reversed"
Hi, actually from the Uk, and voted to leave the EU. Once again a video portraying that leaving the EU is so ruinous that it would be total madness to have done so.
It was actually the European coal and steel community in the 1950's that started to unite European country's economically and politically giving rise to the EEC. The UK wanted to be part of the EEC for Trade, but as the years wore on and with each pro European government that got into power, further treaties seeded more sovereignty to the EU without a vote by the people. The direction of travel is to be one massive country all but in name. This is a one size fits all, rich pay for poor country's social utopia with no regard to nationhood (which is always represented as being racist)
All of the issues that are given as reasons are temporal, they change and have changed for years but the has always been a very strong eurosceptic presence in British life. I find it odd how Americans one of the Most overtly patriotic nation cannot understand why we wouldn't want to be fully independent, you have a public holiday to celebrate it, but if we do it, we are some how backwards looking silly people.
The truth is we are a strong and stable country with great expertise and skills, with a long history and culture, we want to be globally trading on our terms to all country's equally not in a protectionism cartel that the EU has become.
Also, don't be fooled by the terms 'hard or soft' Brexit (and it's said brekzit not bregsit) one means leave the EU one means stay. The single market is also a master piece of great slogan PR. What the single market means is 'common regulatory regime' and to be a part of it you forgo all rights to regulate yourself, and when this includes, people, capital, services and trade, that's a lot you are not in control of.
And to all the doom-mongers, when we left the ERM in the 90's total economic disaster was predicted the opposite happened in the years after. When we didn't join the Euro in the early 00's many column inches were wrote about how we would become a marginalised and insignificant country and the opposite happened, crystallising in the financial meltdown and the almost destruction of the Euro due to no fiscal unity.
I see the UK being a nimble global player reaching outwards into the world, as an independent and proud nation.
Good for you..well explained, certain states in US sometimes see themselves as separate i.e Texas. The world is a big place, and severed ties with EU has given a real wake up call to Brussels elite.
Gareth Wellock
My views exactly. I voted remain on the grounds of 'better the devil you know' because I did not know much about the EU, but when the EU went on manoeuvres after the vote and in particular after A50 was triggered, followed by the dreadful behaviour of so many of our politicians, I started to research the EU. What I found is more or less what you have described. We should have been taught what the EU is in school, but had they done that the leave vote would have been even higher.
And we will be leaving eventually one way or another when the majority vote the party in to do this .
Labour/Conservatives are finished.
Meanwhile it's business as usual and do has much damage/vandalism as possible whilst locked in the room.
Most of the polls still favour Brexit lol
Jacobyte B because farage said it?
I think as well as why people voted originally, I've heard so many people saying they voted remain but agree we should have Brexit because overturning democracy won't end well for anyone other than the wealthy in the end. Personally, the scariest part that we haven't had Brexit yet is that democracy hasn't been honoured, more than the uncertainty of Brexit and the potential of a no-deal exit...
Kerrie there’s so many issues that need to be addressed, like Irish border, Eu won’t allow cheap, chlorinated meat to flood Eu through Ireland, thus a hard border has to be put up violating good Friday agreement, which most of brexiteers couldn’t care less about. Also, I don’t see anyone lining up to trade with uk outside of Eu, how can you leave a market that provided big percentages of country’s food fruit veg and other goods and services without anything else in place. Of course businesses will still be able to trade but those goods will be minimum 20% more expensive, there’s already 200,000 people living reliant of food banks, they’ll suffer even more. People don’t think about these things, they’re blind sheeps, fanatics who’ll sacrifice well-being of their kids and themselves just to leave.
Also, Brits believe that USA and former colonies will shower them with cheap, Barier-“less trade.
Trump already said that they don’t mind helping Brits but usa will always come first
The thing is Britain was being treated differently then other eu country, if we ask for something to be changed (like immigration in the UK) they pie us and tell us no, but other countries who ask the same get a different response
At this moment. Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019. UK GOV PETITION 186,781 signatures Stop Brexit 68,400 signatures SAYS IT ALL LEAVE MEANS LEAVE
Whoever made this video, please tell the BBC or CNN that you need more money. The delivery was stale, biased and completely lacking any nuance of why people voted to leave. Those bigots, as you so dishonestly describe them, are patriots who want their land, sovereignty and future back, and are fed up living in poverty while those in charge live in mansions funded by their daily grind and hard work.
The EU worked well up until 2002, when it consisted of rich, reputable first world countries.
This has been the best video I have come across explaining Brexit. I loved how you explained the EU and how it formed. It answered all my questions. Thank you!
It was incredibly biased, you should try looking elsewhere for a fair explanation.
"No more something for nothing!" Cameron, tell that to T. May. Here's how the best deal would work: UK accepts EU working citizens, no passport, no fuss. It can impose moderate rules to restrict benefits but not discriminate against EU citizens. In exchange, EU does the same thing as well as allowing trade as usual.
But let's face it, UK wants all the control with all benefits. I say goodbye and good riddance to UK!
I'm a simple person either they leave without a deal or they stay in the EU and have to pay for this.
A very one sided biased video - making foundless claims and been very selective when choosing polls and figures and not showing a balanced view.
After listening to this vid' and following EU politics for 2 decades it seems the author of the vid' has deliberately ignored or is ignorant of several key points that led to Brexit, this wasn't just about EU migration, although it did play a key role for those directly effected.
He also suggests Cameron did get a special deal when meeting the EU over the referendum, in fact Cameron came back and reinforced us on a position we already held, we were not getting any special deal at all he merely played slight of hand and made it seem we were been offered some kind of special deal, in fact we got nothing more than we already had to start with, the EU did not budge on its position and offered us nothing which was to backfire for both Cameron and the EU.
-No mention of the EU's repeated ignorance on democracy of its members or the anti-democratic way it runs its ship.
-No mention of the EU's bullying tactics upon it's members.
-No mention that been one of the three biggest contributors to the coffers that the UK was not getting value for money anymore.
-No mention about the direction the EU is heading and the eventual fate of the UK had that dream been realised, an EU state with non elected leaders who are not accountable to any of its members.
Labour laid the foundation to the change in public opinion.
UKIP's rising support was the catalyst after the financial crash.
Conservatives ignited the firework.
The rest is history that is still in the making.
amazing that its one way what the uk has to lose
what about what the EU has to lose
5th largest economy in the EU and a major payer into its coffers
What state is the eu in economically while yes it maybe the largest trading block many point its the slowest growing and to protectionist that in return slows quality improvements in goods
and in the last few weeks the Euro has had its quantitative easing ended after 11 years at a cost of 2.5 trillion euros hardly a strong currency with that much aid required
yes but the contexts are different. EU doesnt have a choice. brexit is a british iniative.
if brexit turns out to be a stupid decision which damages the uk, then thats on the UK.
if it hurts the eu too then thats also due to uk stupidity. eu didnt choose this.
uk did.
its 'something which happened to me' VS 'something i chose to do'.
Ted Crilly not really the eu also responsible for Brexit the eu failed to take the threat of U.K. leaving seriously so didn’t give Cameron a good deal that same arrogance was shown by how the eu president initially responded he said it was stupid and instantly started attacking the British public if the eu had taken issues raised by the U.K. seriously and given some concessions than I think Brexit could have not happened but they refuse
And also the eu failed to understand its impossible for Europe to ever become like the us because the counties are too diverse and unlike the us Europe wasn’t formed in 200 years by people with common interests but instead of realising this the eu is forcing integration which will just backfire
wow what a biased video.
The British people voted to Leave.... we are leaving with the deal that was mentioned at the time of the referendum........ NONE! get over it. thank you.
Leaving such a complex matter as the EU Membership up to the masses, not to mention the government's lies and deception during the campaign, and having a referendum about it in the first place was utterly idiotic
"Leaving such a complex matter up to the masses"
Talk like that, acting like the goverment knows all and we should just shut up and accept it. People like you are why everyone is flocking to nigel farage
Both sides used misinformation, or didn't you hear the threat that everyone's pensions would be gone if they voted Brexit? Try a little better next time.
Clearly, the UK will pay a short term price for Brexit. We in the US who value freedom should be sensitive to that fact and work to mitigate the affects of that price. We should come along side them like we did in WWII to our mutual benefit. Brexit bonds are one idea, they would provide liquidity to settle EU accounts and develop new markets.
Stay strong UK!! Stay strong. Long live Democracy!!
Well said.
Rolln59 democracy pfft😂
The grass is greener on the other side of Trisha May her wheat field.
US food companies are lining up to supply cheaper food. Of course there wont be rubbish EU standards. Nope, meat fed on chicken feaces, should go well with marmite.
All for a tiny Norther Irish Party - the DUP. 😂
Am Eric , kenya,,kisumu city ! Brexit deal will always remain a hard one
This video assumes that the UK people voted for the EU back in the 70’s- they did NOT!
British prime ministers Tony Blair (Labour) and John Major (Conservative) did not give the UK people a choice on the treaties that fundamentally changed what the UK people had voted in favour of into something that most UK people did not want to be a part of. Had referendums been held on those treaties then things would have been very different.
Well done on this video and thank you so much! Had to watch the ad as well as a sign of gratitude.
I feel enlightened.
the staybehind " staaupetit Wembley "
The average swiss trades 3x more with other countries, and they are not in the union. So, if the union isn't for trade, then what is it for? Creating a over-centralised communist-like superstate? If that is what they intend on(which i and many other people can agree on) then that would kill creativity and therefore also innovation and economic growth, and would likely lead to corruption.
Creating a over-centralised like superstate? Yes. Communist? Far from it...
They just want to create an USA bis: a multicultural country with no identity ruled by a jewish oligarchy and the banks.
Cameron is a typical Politician
Get elected by making broken promises
And let someone else pick up the pieces
I feel sorry for Theresa and Boris and Cameron rides off in to the sunset......
We joined the European Economic Community. We want to leave the European Union. Two completely different political concepts.
The first was an agreement solely based on economic co-operation. The EU, on the other hand, is an economic and political alliance - dictated from EU Command HQ (Brussels).
And the next phase is to introduce the military element to this growing Super State!
So where does this leave NATO?
You Americans should be alarmed by this push for an EU Army ... every time we see big standing Armies in Europe, YOU end up being invited into the folly!
Most Brits just want to live in an Independent democratic nation state - where we govern ourselves, based on our traditions and core belief in our democracy!
And, whilst I'm here ... leave means leave ... or else! Anything other than leaving the EU will be seen as treason by our government!
We voted to leave the EU. We didnt vote to leave IF Mrs May could get a so-called "deal"...its a con. There is no deal, the only deal available is rubbish. Get rid of May and simply leave the EU
4:30 That's just a lie. In fact, there's a criteria called "The Copenhagen Criteria" (in Denmark; Edinburg Agreement in English), which dwellves in on this; Denmark made a "Special Deal" a long time ago.
"The first Danish Maastricht Treaty referendum in Denmark was held on 2 June 1992, but a shortfall of fewer than 50,000 votes resulted in the treaty not being ratified.[10][11] After the failure, alterations were made to the treaty through the addition of the Edinburgh Agreement which lists four Danish exceptions. The treaty was eventually ratified the following year on 18 May 1993, after a second referendum was held in Denmark.[12]"
This is a load of bollocks. We don't regret the vote. This is very biased reporting.
Brexit was caused by a generational divide. Young people want to remain, they see their future in Europe. However, they don’t vote. They are not in the habit of voting, having sex, working long hours in an insecure job and studying for exams is more important than voting, so you forget or do not bother. Old people, above 65, who should have stayed home, because it didn’t much mattered to their limited future, had all the time in the world to habitually go vote. They were around, young and healthy when Britain wasn’t a member of the EU yet. Their romanticized memory of standing apart from Europe made them vote Brexit. They took Britain out. They will come to regret it in their remaining lifetime. The London City will become insignificant as foreign financials leave for Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. The British car industry will leave Britain, because in the yet to come Trade negotiations Poland and Czechia by their veto will block low import tariffs on British car imports into the EU, because these two countries know that by doing that they will force that car industry to set up camp in exactly these two countries. Finally Scotland. Scotland will vote to leave the United Kingdom to become a member of the EU. When the English find out about these repercussions, they will beg to come back into the EU, but they will have lost all of the perks negotiated by Thatcher and later PM’s.
There are many people who, for what ever reason, did not get the opportunity to vote and the vast majority of the people I know who voted leave, didn't fully understand the implications.
That is always what the elites and their lemmings say when the vote does not go their way...any vote in any country...haha
@@hellouiseclark I am a UK-born who was not allowed to vote. The Brexit vote was not democratic in the slightest.
@@ElectricityTaster whatever side loses elections here always says the other side cheated too...seems to be the way of it
@@hellouiseclark Maybe, but you can't compare. There is a much bigger fuss about Brexit than about Scotland's referendum. Maybe there is a reason for all that fuss.
@@ElectricityTaster haha...I was comparing it to our recent elections here in the USA....the losers always say the other side cheated no matter what area of the world you're in
I can explain 'Brexit' fairly easily
I'm not a supporter of any current UK political party, Parliament voted to allow a referendum on the EU, i voted leave and more registered voters voted leave than remain.
Result Brexit
It was nothing to do with the migrant crisis. The immigration debate was about Tony Blairs reckless encouragement to have millions of low paid eastern European workers to come to Britain and uncercut wages of British workers!!!
Ok, seriously, could this video be any more in the tank for the EU? It shows either a complete misunderstanding or a purposeful misunderstanding of the entire EU and it's purpose. Absolute trash.
J.D. Hague- Welcome to the world of Bryce Plank. Self-appointed, far left, mouthpiece.
From a Scot, no.
You wouldn’t be independent if you left and became part of the EU
You can tell which side of the fence the Daily Conversation are on!
Don’t believe a single word!
No more drunken Brits abroad, no more shagalufe, no more zante , no more garlic bread... we will just have to go down the local pub and have a pint.
What an excellent summary of the EU AND Brexit. How is it that the quality of information is better on TH-cam than certain traditional media outlets?
We have not changed our minds - We need our government to have a back bone and stand up for the people.
It would be interesting to see the UK having closer ties to Canada and the US as a result of leaving the EU.
Five years later😂
Didn't work out, but the EU moved more together, so...yay? Thanks for setting a negative example?
@@_jpg aww. looks like we shifted into one of the lame timelines since my original comment.
The UK is in a great position to demand things as it’s such a net importer of many European goods,
Germany especially
Does not want to loose that, and if foreign goods become more expensive, domestic companies can become more competitive and more money is retained within the economy, enriching UK citizens more... this video is very biased
Yeah we can clearly see the UK's great position :D
How did that work out, if I may ask?
All excuses and all for their own pockets, as MJ said they don't care about us. 💔We need to look after each other as people, forget governments.. I have zero faith on them.
This video seems very biased against Brexit. I think there are other videos more objective out there.
Please. Stick with US-focused stories. I've no idea how good they are, but this attempt to explain the EU referendum, its outcome, and the aftermath is so weird, factually incorrect, and half the time one watches thinking there is a bias the one way, and then the language used implies a bias in the other direction. So poor, and such a waste of my time.
European mega project !!!!!!!!!!!
Oh please God yes...
Hahahaha...."Brexit Explained " by a lefty !!
@@kaithebowman says imagine(John Lennon) "is a garbage song" yeah facts...
@@kaithebowman imagine by John Lennon
@@kaithebowman oh ok, well Ben Shapiro reacted to it so if you want to you can watch that
you sound mad goofy rn
I wished I could of voted to remain. But overall I think it will be good for the UK, in the near future (2-5 year) Britain will suffer. However, in the long run, I think the UK, will prosper and in decades to come will have a greater financial presence than Germany or France.
The U.K. is set to leave the European Union in March 2019. But despite more than two years of negotiations, they still can't agree on the terms of their separation.
Biased in favour of remain
I hope that Britain do actually leave the EU
Who produced this the BBC Or Sky News.. More unbiased lies !!
You prefer biased lies?
Nobody wants all these ‘benefits’ of the EU (that cost a small fortune). We just want a trade deal, like every other country outside of the EU. Isn’t complicated.
Not true that the UK doesn’t have free movement. With over three million EU people in the UK that clearly not the case.
You should of said that we decided not to join the Schengen area which is passport free area!
If there is a Brexit party, then why is there no REMAIN party?
There IS a remain party. The 'Liberal' Democrats
Greenland left too
Thanks for the comment, Joran. I came across this case in my research and was assuming someone would point it out. Technically, however, Greenland is an autonomous constituent country within the Kingdom of Denmark:
The Daily Conversation the human rights law you talk about in the video has nothing to do with the EU.
US and her allies are eating for England panda no one tells England 🏴 which migrants to take most with hate and besides it was dangerous when Europe was using Ukraine 🇺🇦 to poke Russia 🇷🇺 wretched thank God Russia kept her patience
from the side view the grass is always greener on the other side, until you get to the other side and look down on it.
As an Englishman I can honestly see why immigration is a huge factor in Brexit. The immigrants come over and immediately get benefits that citizens are waiting years to get.
Too biased for me, but good visuals, very appealing. You must have a good budget for this, unfortunately some of your information are wrong or to much politically oriented. Put more budget on your research instead. And please don't make this beginners mistake of intertwining your political views in your information. Let the information guide you and don't be fooled by it.
Your work is too poor for me. For now. But I wish you good luck.
So many errors and lies in one video !!
(1)Every first year student of economics,
Know that if you want to measure real growth, then you need to measure constant gdp, not current gdp!
That is: to adjust to inflation
(2)Again! Every first year student of economics knows it!
If you want to compare the standard of living of countries you are obliged to use GDP per capita in accordance with ppp !!(Purchasing Power Parity)
The cost of living in China/india is very diffrent then the cost of living in Belgium,
and a $ 500 salary in Belgium really does not give you the same quality of life as a $ 500 salary in China/india.
(3) united kingdom wasent in 1975 in the eu but in the
European Communities
that dosent have unify currency , open-door policy or any other
Characteristics of the EU
(3)the EU as we know him start after Maastricht Treaty
in 1994 when the Euro officlay lanch and the power shift from the goverment of every country to the cenetral govement of the eu
(5)based on world bank
the real gdp per capita growth per year in now eu countires was
2.8% in 1960-1994
and only
from 1994-2017
(6)debt to gdp rise to critical level in
Almost all EU countries.
open door policy
Led to an increase in crime and the destruction of entire cities in Europe.
So tell me again how great the European Union is?
“Finalnd”? Maybe hire a poofreadrer!
You twoo
Deep Sippy that was the joke... i think
One of the best documentations on the Topic of Brexit I saw so far. Keep up your good work.
It’s totally biased and shallow. I hope your comment was sarcasm.
@@ThisIsWhyWeFighto Miss Kitty, my view is that most of your Right wing media got it wrong. There was Nothing in which can be pointed as untruethful. It was rather carefully formulated.
Michael K. My right wing media? I don’t own any media. I’m just a person who thinks a country should be able to decide its own laws, control its own borders, and protect its own values, culture and traditions from those who would harm or change it by force. If that’s right wing, then I plead guilty.
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