Hi Alinaa, Executive class is not the first class of Indonesia railway transport. There are still several upper classes above the executive like luxury class (sleeper), priority class, and tourism train. But these types of class are only available on few trains such as Argo Bromo Anggrek (Jakarta Gambir - Surabaya Pasar Turi), Bima (Gambir - Surabaya Gubeng), and other flagship trains. If you have any upcoming opportunities, I recommend you to try Luxury class. Have a nice trip in Indonesia. :)
@@AlinaMcleod if you can't buy the train ticket online you don't need to go to the Station to buy the ticket, just find any nearest Alfamart or Indomaret convenience stores, and buy the ticket there, you can pay either with cash or credit card. You will get the booking code or QR code that you'll need for printing the boarding pass at the station.
As a retired person here in Canada, I'm enjoying your adventures in such exotic places. Although I will probably not be able to visit some of these places I can experience them vicariously through your videos. Stay safe and savour the adventure!
Hi Alina! I always enjoy riding on a train, whether in Canada, the USA or Europe. Generally, I cannot sleep while on a train or a plane. I like to observe things. And I enjoy observing changing landscapes, cityscapes and people-scapes. Nice ride from Jakarta to Yogyakarta!
The wealth of a country is not seen from the majesty of the buildings, the size of the buildings, but the friendliness of the people, the goodness of humans, the breadth and abundance of natural resources, human resources, because we can still leave it for the next generation,. GOD bless you. 🙏😇
Great video Allina.. im javanese but live at jakarta. Several places arround yogyakarta are 1. Prambanan temple just outside the city 2. Parangtritis beach and other nice beaches surrounded 3. Mount Merapi 4. Borobudur temple 5. Yogya palace at the downtown area
Thank you Alina for visiting Jogja, I Hope you enjoy you're trip in Indonesia. Love to see more about your vidio. "Jangan lupa cobain makan gudeg khas jogja" Salam dari Indonesia! ❤️🇮🇩
A reminder of my Java train journey in March 2020 just before LD. I stopped off in Bandung before heading to JogJa and Surabaya. Great journey. Sometimes slow and easy is what you need to enjoy the countryside. You can compare it with the Shinkansen when you visit Japan
God i’m so happy. finally i found foreigner reviewing indonesian train like this way, i mean since you said in the intro that you really like shinkansen, i expect the way u review whould be like japanese (focusing on the train facilities, the scenery, everything bout the train, put some captions to explain and lowering your tone when inside the cabin). Well, i guess i should subscribe your channel
Hello Alina! 😁🙏👋🌟 I hope your having a super marvelous day! This is really a wonderful fantastic excellent video! 😄👍❤️👏📹🇮🇩🚈🥇💯💫✨🌟 The Executive class on the train looks really nice! The view outside the window of the train looks so amazing to see the villages and the scenery of the countryside! Thank you so much Alina to share with us this fantastic marvelous video. You are the best and greatest world traveler adventurer in the world! 😃👍👏✈️🌎📹🧳🗺🥇🏆💯💫✨🌟 I wish you Alina a wonderful beautiful marvelous blessed day. Take care and be safe Alina. Have a magnificent time in Indonesia! 😊🙏❤️👋🇮🇩👍✨🌟
That train looked fantastic. I'm going to Vancouver on Monday, that's how I found your channel while searching things to do in Vancouver. Can't wait to watch more from Indonesia. Thanks Alinaa. 👍😊🇮🇪🇨🇦🇮🇩
Don't miss Bromo, tumpak Sewu waterfall, Ijen crater that has blue fire, Baluran national park and Pacitan for the beaches when you exploring east Java.
Indonesian Canadian here from southwestern Ontario. The last time I took a train in my “former” country may be 25 years ago. What a difference from what it is now! Seemed like you’re pretty exhausted, may be due to tropical heat (better than freezing cold here in Canada?). Drink plenty of H2O, that should help. Enjoy the trip and post more videos.
Hello Alina, I started watching your videos a few days ago, and I found out who you are in your videos. How interesting your life is. Well, now you are in Indonesia, "welcome to Indonesia", the country with the largest population after China, India, and America, a country that is diverse in culture, language, ethnicity, and religion. I hope that soon you can find the uniqueness and beauty of this country as interesting as your life. Enjoy your trip! 🙏
Welcome to our country. I hope you enjoy A wipe variety of beauty. Never get bored of coming back. Thank you for intro diving The beauty of our country to Your country.
next year Indonesia will have a high-speed train, with a speed of 350km made in China, but that's just from Jakarta to Bandung not yet to Jogjakarta, maybe the next development
Hi Alina. Hope you are keeping well in Yogyakarta. I was there 4 years ago for a conference and it was an amazing experience. Visiting the temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, and the surroundings, etc. It was something simply unforgettable. Enjoy your trip!!!! Look forward to your new video. And enjoy Indonesian food!!!!
Hi Alina, The commenter below is correct about the classes of railway travel, It depends on the line. Harriet and I traveled executive class. The food was ok. We too when to Yogyakarta. Walking around can be a little challenging. You just have to be careful. So glad you made it ok. Feel better, enjoy your stay there. Love you dearly 😍😍😍 Harriet, Jim and Yuki. Richmond, Va.
Hi Alina, welcome to Indonesia enjoy, cheers ! we are indonesian nice people especially yogyakarta, yogyakarta is special region of indonesia, "daerah istimewa yogyakarta"
@@susanlee6030 nope. jakarta is the most expensive. as an Indonesian, I find bali inexpensive. in fact, bali is not even on the list of the most expensive cities in indonesia.
@@urfavchickenlegs8797indinesia itu murah buat orang luar karna nilai tukar rupiah itu kecil. kalo buat orang lokal emang jakarta biaya hidupnya agak lebih tinggi drpd kebanyakan daerah.
So you are now in Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of the island of Java. If you want to go to the island of Bali, you have to take a ferry to cross to the island of Bali. Enjoy your holiday in Indonesia.
Jogjakarta is a cool city, I was there a few years ago, met some nice people and had a good time. I miss it. The day Indonesia removes all covid restrictions I will return.
Hi, Alina McLeod ! I should probably tell you you're a very brave woman, 'cause I have to admit I would never be so courageous to make such adventures you've made all over the world! Greetings...
Good to see you look better. I loved riding the exec train whenever I'm travelling within Java island during my time working in Indonesia. It's a long trip but I enjoyed it. The scenery along the road always entertained me. Every city felt so different. Some trees, some houses, some, mountains. I loved it. Are you going to vlog in Surabaya?
Awesome video of your Executive class train trip Alina. I especially liked that you showed us quite a lot of the countryside through your window as you went by it in the train. Thank you for doing this and I hope that you got some much needed rest. Take care and above all stay safe!
Alina.. a higher train class available.. priority class and sleeper train..the price is around $70-100..maybe you can try it later..when back to jakarta.. and as a traveler..it mandatory to take supplements to boost your immune system..at least vitamin C..easy to get at drugstores or convinient stores..Redoxon and EnervonC are supplements that are commonly consumed by indonesian
Spent time in yoyajakarta in 2019 with my wife. Pranbanum, buorbudor and the Kraton were a lot of fun to visit. Went over the mountains to and got to hang out on the coast. It was a blast visiting there.
Nice video Alina, actually there is a higher end from the executive thats called Luxury Class, that also available on the route to Jogja. And as you mention at the begining of the video, the employee that greets you away as your traim leave Gambir is the porters of the stations. Hope you enjoy your stay at Jogja and other cities in Indonesia
Before you visit Jogjakarta actually it would be better of you come to Bandung first just about 2-3 hour from Jakarta, such a beautiful place knonw as Paris Van Java. Europe vibes the temperature is not as hot like Jakarta.
Hi Alina, maybe your credit card will be work on TRAVELOKA application to buy flight or train ticket, booking accomodation etc. Some TH-camrs has same issues with credit card to buy ticket online in Indonesia. Btw Traveloka is Unicorn start up widely used in Indonesia.
Alina, glad you made it allright all the way from Gambir to the hotel in Yogyakarta (Jogja). Thank you for taking us a long with you on the train ride and rest well. before you go sightseeing.
Been on the trains Alina they are really good and safe and you get food.i hope you like indonesia I hope to be there in a few months.really had a horrid year so far due to having a serious stroke not fully recovered but slowly on the mend yogurkarta is amazing enjoy 😊
Happy to see you made the trip OK, but you do look a bit tired. Please make sure you get some rest before you venture out, a long trip on a train does seem to take more out of you than doing it another way. Looks like a lot of people used the same plan, so the dream of a relaxing trip was not fully successful, but you are always a good sport in your travels. Stay safe, keep smiling and always know we always are thinking of you in your travels. Cheers!! ❤👍😊 BTW - we sent you a message on Patreon with an update.
Hi, Alina u look so geogeous! 😍 I definitely hv been there several times in my travel journey. And yes tropical makes ur energy levels upsidedowns. Any uber/taxi u can get on a just an apps. Anything here u can do with an just ur phone. Any convertion usd to idr, foods, wallets, road trip,..etc. I am recomend u to fly next time.. So ur going to be fine.. I suggest u not being alone, u need a guider to understanding for sure. And yes a lot temple in center of java. I hope u find good vibes in next journey.. Cheers 🤣😄
Hi Alina, We just did the same trip and will have a video out tomorrow. I about flipped when I saw you also stayed at the Da Fam hotel. Great video! Looking forward to seeing the next ones...
Hey Alina McLeod nice tour en el tren nice panoramica del paisaje de la ciudad, de los arboles, recorrido safe , hotel room , buena description, bonita ciudad y vos te miras bonita! con tu camisa Verde
I first viewed your video when you were in Ukraine. And I haven't been following your adventure for awhile. I never thought you would visit my country. I'm overjoyed to have you here. I hope that you enjoyed your travel. Welcome to Indonesia. Selamat datang !!!
0:38 yogyakarta is actually the correct pronunciation. The majority of Indonesians are the ones pronouncing it wrong. They use the new pronunciation on the old spelling.
Hi Alinaa, Executive class is not the first class of Indonesia railway transport. There are still several upper classes above the executive like luxury class (sleeper), priority class, and tourism train. But these types of class are only available on few trains such as Argo Bromo Anggrek (Jakarta Gambir - Surabaya Pasar Turi), Bima (Gambir - Surabaya Gubeng), and other flagship trains. If you have any upcoming opportunities, I recommend you to try Luxury class. Have a nice trip in Indonesia. :)
Thanks for the info!
@@AlinaMcleod my pleasure
Good one to know
@@AlinaMcleod if you can't buy the train ticket online you don't need to go to the Station to buy the ticket, just find any nearest Alfamart or Indomaret convenience stores, and buy the ticket there, you can pay either with cash or credit card. You will get the booking code or QR code that you'll need for printing the boarding pass at the station.
yes, this is true, executive class only one class above economy the lowest class
As a retired person here in Canada, I'm enjoying your adventures in such exotic places. Although I will probably not be able to visit some of these places I can experience them vicariously through your videos. Stay safe and savour the adventure!
Aw I'm so glad! Thank you!
Come to Yogyakarta,
@@haritijono9129 kumuh
@@arlikurniarizky hahahaha
My sentiments as well
Love to see your vlog. Welcome to Yogyakarta
Hi Alina! I always enjoy riding on a train, whether in Canada, the USA or Europe. Generally, I cannot sleep while on a train or a plane. I like to observe things. And I enjoy observing changing landscapes, cityscapes and people-scapes. Nice ride from Jakarta to Yogyakarta!
Actually the highest class is luxury, the executive is the middle class... Enjoy your trip ...enjoy Indonesia...
Really? I didn't see any trains that said luxury to Yogyakarta. Are they only for specific routes?
@@AlinaMcleod many routes have luxery class ,like to bandung and yogyakarta ,surabaya etc
@@AlinaMcleodmaybe what he mean was sleeper train.
So the order is economy class < executive class < sleeper train
@@kolow123 Ah ok so overnight trains then?
@@AlinaMcleod luxury or sleeper class just because we can sleep more comfort, it isnt overnight only, check it out the schedule...
The wealth of a country is not seen from the majesty of the buildings, the size of the buildings, but the friendliness of the people, the goodness of humans, the breadth and abundance of natural resources, human resources, because we can still leave it for the next generation,. GOD bless you. 🙏😇
The train is made in Indonesia. The factory is in East Java. And also exported to some countries.
4:16 Lovely backsound, gorgeous scenery of the window, and ofcourse the blue eyes wow...
Great video Allina.. im javanese but live at jakarta. Several places arround yogyakarta are
1. Prambanan temple just outside the city
2. Parangtritis beach and other nice beaches surrounded
3. Mount Merapi
4. Borobudur temple
5. Yogya palace at the downtown area
Thank you Alina for visiting Jogja, I Hope you enjoy you're trip in Indonesia. Love to see more about your vidio. "Jangan lupa cobain makan gudeg khas jogja"
Salam dari Indonesia! ❤️🇮🇩
A reminder of my Java train journey in March 2020 just before LD. I stopped off in Bandung before heading to JogJa and Surabaya. Great journey. Sometimes slow and easy is what you need to enjoy the countryside. You can compare it with the Shinkansen when you visit Japan
You must try the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train next year, it can reach speeds up to 350 kilometers per hour.
God i’m so happy. finally i found foreigner reviewing indonesian train like this way, i mean since you said in the intro that you really like shinkansen, i expect the way u review whould be like japanese (focusing on the train facilities, the scenery, everything bout the train, put some captions to explain and lowering your tone when inside the cabin). Well, i guess i should subscribe your channel
Hello Alina! 😁🙏👋🌟 I hope your having a super marvelous day! This is really a wonderful fantastic excellent video! 😄👍❤️👏📹🇮🇩🚈🥇💯💫✨🌟 The Executive class on the train looks really nice! The view outside the window of the train looks so amazing to see the villages and the scenery of the countryside! Thank you so much Alina to share with us this fantastic marvelous video. You are the best and greatest world traveler adventurer in the world! 😃👍👏✈️🌎📹🧳🗺🥇🏆💯💫✨🌟 I wish you Alina a wonderful beautiful marvelous blessed day. Take care and be safe Alina. Have a magnificent time in Indonesia! 😊🙏❤️👋🇮🇩👍✨🌟
That train looked fantastic. I'm going to Vancouver on Monday, that's how I found your channel while searching things to do in Vancouver. Can't wait to watch more from Indonesia. Thanks Alinaa. 👍😊🇮🇪🇨🇦🇮🇩
Hope you have a great trip!
Good to see and hear you are better Alina.
Don't miss Bromo, tumpak Sewu waterfall, Ijen crater that has blue fire, Baluran national park and Pacitan for the beaches when you exploring east Java.
Hi Alina.. Welcome to Jogjakarta.. Hope your very enjoy.. we loving from Malucas Indonesia..
Indonesian Canadian here from southwestern Ontario. The last time I took a train in my “former” country may be 25 years ago. What a difference from what it is now! Seemed like you’re pretty exhausted, may be due to tropical heat (better than freezing cold here in Canada?). Drink plenty of H2O, that should help. Enjoy the trip and post more videos.
liat2 channel2 kereta dan bis bang....seperti adriawan pratikto dan irja nailal ulya
Hello Alina, I started watching your videos a few days ago, and I found out who you are in your videos. How interesting your life is.
Well, now you are in Indonesia, "welcome to Indonesia", the country with the largest population after China, India, and America, a country that is diverse in culture, language, ethnicity, and religion. I hope that soon you can find the uniqueness and beauty of this country as interesting as your life. Enjoy your trip! 🙏
Can't wait next video..walking around Jogja..enjoyed your trip.. terimakasih ya...
A very cool train travel in Indonesia!❤️❤️❤️❤️
seeing your video reminds me of my trip from jakarta to yogyakarta in 2003 greetings from me in sumatra
Welcome to our country.
I hope you enjoy
A wipe variety of beauty.
Never get bored of coming back.
Thank you for intro diving
The beauty of our country to
Your country.
Greetings to Indonesia my grandfather is from Surabaya! :) Love from the Netherlands!
I think you agree with floor to ceiling glass view . Like Canadian Rockies .
next year Indonesia will have a high-speed train, with a speed of 350km made in China, but that's just from Jakarta to Bandung not yet to Jogjakarta, maybe the next development
That would be very cool to see!
I was so sad why super train made in China not Japanese
Next year? 🤣😂🤣😂
bakalan sepi peminat
@@heman5076 because made in Japan very expensive and not give TOT (transfer of technology) to Indonesia. 😥😥
Hi Alina. Hope you are keeping well in Yogyakarta. I was there 4 years ago for a conference and it was an amazing experience. Visiting the temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, and the surroundings, etc. It was something simply unforgettable. Enjoy your trip!!!! Look forward to your new video. And enjoy Indonesian food!!!!
Hi Alina, The commenter below is correct about the classes of railway travel, It depends on the line. Harriet and I traveled executive class. The food was ok. We too when to Yogyakarta.
Walking around can be a little challenging. You just have to be careful. So glad you made it ok. Feel better, enjoy your stay there. Love you dearly 😍😍😍 Harriet, Jim and Yuki. Richmond, Va.
Very true, thank you!
Wonderful video Alina, as usual! This train travel is really fantastic. I wish you all the best and take care. Thank you very much for sharing.
Hi Alina, welcome to Indonesia enjoy, cheers ! we are indonesian nice people especially yogyakarta, yogyakarta is special region of indonesia, "daerah istimewa yogyakarta"
Great travels Alina
Hi alina,
Don't worry about traveling in Indonesia, mostly Indonesian people are friendly and willing to help you.
Take care and enjoy.
I thought that Indonesia was more expensive. The meal and the night in the hotel are cheap. Thanks for show us yours experiences Alina!
Yeah All of here are really cheap
@@susanlee6030 nope. jakarta is the most expensive. as an Indonesian, I find bali inexpensive. in fact, bali is not even on the list of the most expensive cities in indonesia.
@@susanlee6030 jabodetabek and Bandung are more expensive than bali
@@urfavchickenlegs8797 Indonesia is one of the most cheapest country in the world. so yeah. Jakarta is most expensive in region.
@@urfavchickenlegs8797indinesia itu murah buat orang luar karna nilai tukar rupiah itu kecil. kalo buat orang lokal emang jakarta biaya hidupnya agak lebih tinggi drpd kebanyakan daerah.
Wow Alina . What a blessed and beautiful you are traveling beautiful places around the world 🌍
even as Indonesian i always love to vacation to Yogyakarta ( actualy both pronountiation allowed) like hundreds of times
I didn't know Indonesia had such a good rail network, even if only in Java Island
But we also have train system in Sumatera island and Sulawesi Island tho not as extensive as Java’s
But we also have train system in Sumatera island and Sulawesi Island tho not as extensive as Java’s
So you are now in Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of the island of Java. If you want to go to the island of Bali, you have to take a ferry to cross to the island of Bali. Enjoy your holiday in Indonesia.
Thank you for taking me with you on your travels, Alina!
that Daffam's hotel have an awesome sky bar tho
Lovely views of d countryside
Jogjakarta is a cool city, I was there a few years ago, met some nice people and had a good time. I miss it.
The day Indonesia removes all covid restrictions I will return.
We have lifted all the restriction except for the PCR test for those who don't have complete vaccination
@@riachoiriya2093 and quarantine.
I'm not vaccinated.
@@miqleno more vaccine needed now.
Tks Alina...enjoy your trip and vacation..enjoy Indonesia..
Hi Alinaa...welcome to Indonesia. I hope you enjoy your visit. Thanks for your video.
Hi Alina, glad to see you again in this video, many interesting places in Jogya you have to explore...take care n have fun...in Jogya
Alina this is such a superb review. Stay safe and be well. I enjoy your videos so much. Thanks!!
_6:12_ *Wow...I love the lush greens of Indonesia! What do you think Alina? Do you enjoy it too?*
Keep up the quality vlogs sis!
welcome to Yogyakarta...i hope you enjoy every moment of it..🙏🥳
Hi, Alina McLeod ! I should probably tell you you're a very brave woman, 'cause I have to admit I would never be so courageous to make such adventures you've made all over the world! Greetings...
Good to see you look better.
I loved riding the exec train whenever I'm travelling within Java island during my time working in Indonesia. It's a long trip but I enjoyed it. The scenery along the road always entertained me. Every city felt so different. Some trees, some houses, some, mountains. I loved it.
Are you going to vlog in Surabaya?
Yes, there will be a video from Surabaya :)
Enjoy your journey by train, Alina 🤗
You always picked a nicest hotel room, enjoy your trip in Jogja 👍💙💜
Awesome video of your Executive class train trip Alina. I especially liked that you showed us quite a lot of the countryside through your window as you went by it in the train. Thank you for doing this and I hope that you got some much needed rest. Take care and above all stay safe!
Thank you very much!
@@AlinaMcleod My pleasure!
Welcome To Indonesia🇮🇩
vlogs in eastern Indonesia, especially in the eastern archipelago
Alina.. a higher train class available.. priority class and sleeper train..the price is around $70-100..maybe you can try it later..when back to jakarta..
and as a traveler..it mandatory to take supplements to boost your immune system..at least vitamin C..easy to get at drugstores or convinient stores..Redoxon and EnervonC are supplements that are commonly consumed by indonesian
Spent time in yoyajakarta in 2019 with my wife. Pranbanum, buorbudor and the Kraton were a lot of fun to visit. Went over the mountains to and got to hang out on the coast. It was a blast visiting there.
each country has its own advantages and disadvantages as well as Indonesia. and I love your bright blue eyes Alina
Have a nice explore in Indonesia. I miss my Jogyakarta a lot😣
Selamat menikmati perjalanan anda, begitu banyak tempat indah di Indonesia...setiap daerah memiliki ciri khas berbeda.
Hahaah nitizen taii...sukanya nyampah dimanamana
Looked a nice journey ,take care and stay safe Alina
Nice video Alina, actually there is a higher end from the executive thats called Luxury Class, that also available on the route to Jogja.
And as you mention at the begining of the video, the employee that greets you away as your traim leave Gambir is the porters of the stations.
Hope you enjoy your stay at Jogja and other cities in Indonesia
I'm glad you're enjoying your experience here Alina
Before you visit Jogjakarta actually it would be better of you come to Bandung first just about 2-3 hour from Jakarta, such a beautiful place knonw as Paris Van Java. Europe vibes the temperature is not as hot like Jakarta.
Congratulations on being able to see the world and meeting people from all walks of life. Keep travelling!!
A different train than the Trans Siberian. I hope you get well and fully recoverd soon 🙏.
Terimakasih sudah datang
FYI, the highest class in Indonesian train is Luxury class where you could get seat like in plane business class.
ALINA and indonesia are so BEAUTIFUL!
Hi Alina, maybe your credit card will be work on TRAVELOKA application to buy flight or train ticket, booking accomodation etc. Some TH-camrs has same issues with credit card to buy ticket online in Indonesia. Btw Traveloka is Unicorn start up widely used in Indonesia.
In exotic tropical rain forrest archipelago of java , enjoyed refresh mind , enjoyed vacation , new experience too
Alina, glad you made it allright all the way from Gambir to the hotel in Yogyakarta (Jogja). Thank you for taking us a long with you on the train ride and rest well. before you go sightseeing.
My pleasure!
Been on the trains Alina they are really good and safe and you get food.i hope you like indonesia I hope to be there in a few months.really had a horrid year so far due to having a serious stroke not fully recovered but slowly on the mend yogurkarta is amazing enjoy 😊
You should try top level class, named Priority class. One seat in each row.
Welcome to Indonesia Alina, hope yr stay in Indonesia will have a wonderful experience. I am from Surabaya city.
Hope you enjoy for the whole trip in Indonesia...welcome to Jakarta, Yogyakarta...i recommend you to visit to Malang then Bali..
Happy to see you made the trip OK, but you do look a bit tired. Please make sure you get some rest before you venture out, a long trip on a train does seem to take more out of you than doing it another way. Looks like a lot of people used the same plan, so the dream of a relaxing trip was not fully successful, but you are always a good sport in your travels. Stay safe, keep smiling and always know we always are thinking of you in your travels. Cheers!! ❤👍😊 BTW - we sent you a message on Patreon with an update.
Thanks guys!
Hi, Alina u look so geogeous! 😍 I definitely hv been there several times in my travel journey. And yes tropical makes ur energy levels upsidedowns. Any uber/taxi u can get on a just an apps. Anything here u can do with an just ur phone. Any convertion usd to idr, foods, wallets, road trip,..etc. I am recomend u to fly next time.. So ur going to be fine.. I suggest u not being alone, u need a guider to understanding for sure. And yes a lot temple in center of java. I hope u find good vibes in next journey.. Cheers 🤣😄
You can rent a motorcycle to visit around Yogyakarta because the scenery are so stunning in there and to easily access that, use a motorcycle 😁
Hi Alina, We just did the same trip and will have a video out tomorrow. I about flipped when I saw you also stayed at the Da Fam hotel. Great video! Looking forward to seeing the next ones...
Haha that’s awesome! Hope you have a great trip!
Jadi indah kan mbak. Pmandangannya klo naik kreta api indonesia. Smoga aman dan nyaman sampe tujuan.
Glad to see enjoyed the train journey from Gambir to Jogja, have a wonderful time in Central Jawa/ Java region Alina
Enjoy vacation in Indonesia miss, be happy and be careful
smile, relax and enjoy
mbaa eeee 🤭🤭🤭
Great video as always! Happy travels!
Alina..Please come and visit to Sabang island, Aceh 👍👍👍💯
nice journey Alina, hope you enjoy to explore many place in here. thx
Your video made me miss my hometown, Yogyakarta
Selamat datang di Yogyakarta..
Perjalanan yang menyenangkan, terimakasih sudah share pengalamannya
Waw... amazing alinaa.... You have a great soul and spirit
iyan from JKT... See you
Hey Alina McLeod nice tour en el tren nice panoramica del paisaje de la ciudad, de los arboles, recorrido safe , hotel room , buena description, bonita ciudad y vos te miras bonita! con tu camisa Verde
Hi Daniel, come to Yogyakarta.
Such an epic voyage!
God bless you and your family
I first viewed your video when you were in Ukraine. And I haven't been following your adventure for awhile. I never thought you would visit my country. I'm overjoyed to have you here. I hope that you enjoyed your travel. Welcome to Indonesia. Selamat datang !!!
Thank you very much!
Indonesia is beautiful country and future big economy
try visiting Dieng Wonosobo. (a country above the clouds)
0:38 yogyakarta is actually the correct pronunciation. The majority of Indonesians are the ones pronouncing it wrong. They use the new pronunciation on the old spelling.
Glad to join the journey with you.. Waiting your next video
You have to visit mount merapi,there is a very² beautiful place,borobudur temple also,best regard from heru in surabaya,east java
Wecome to yogyakarta dear.. Many beautyfull place over there😊