VW passat b6 changing oil and filters.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 ก.พ. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 12

  • @POTICO62
    @POTICO62 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Muy buen video para empezar a tomar la iniciativa y poder ahorrar unos euros .

    • @HOWTODO0828
      @HOWTODO0828  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good luck 🙏

  • @AleksandarJakovski
    @AleksandarJakovski 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thanks for the informative video, I just got the same car CBAB 2008, what should I pay attention to mostly? Any advice? Am I about to burn my self? :D

    • @HOWTODO0828
      @HOWTODO0828  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      My advice to anybody who work on cars it's to buy a dinamometric key and tight most of the bolts and in special the drain plug bolt and oil filter to spec. 25 NM each. You don't want to broke the bolt or destroy the threads cause it's a nightmare and its gonna cost money to replace the oil pan. Good luck. 🙏 Passat b6 with the engine cbab or cbbb made after the year 2008 are the most reliable common rail engines if they are mentained well, also I recommend you to replace the oil and all the filters every 10k kilometers to ensure a good life of the engine.

  • @ka7ao
    @ka7ao 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thanks for the clip. Just bought one, 140 hp, Cbab. Have you have had any problems with with the oil pump? So far I like tha car but I want to prevent things and so on..

    • @HOWTODO0828
      @HOWTODO0828  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I didn't had any major problems with the car beside normal wear for suspension parts. I upgraded the oil pump with life warranty 6000 kilometers ago and now I have 320k. I don't have the typical problem with the oil pump anymore on my engine.

    • @ka7ao
      @ka7ao 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@HOWTODO0828Mersi frumos, am vazut dupa ca esti din Romania. Am facut schimbul, eu folosesc Liqui Moly/Mann peste tot. Spune-mi de unde ai luat pompa de ulei sau cum sa caut? Ca am tot auzit ca se strica imbusul etc. inca o chestie, capetele de bara de pe masina sunt mai groase ( partea unde intra in fuzeta) am comandat TRW ( capete bara si bielete) dar capetele de bara sunt mult mai subtiri fata de ce e pe masina. JTE1054 si JTE1055. Scuze daca te stresez dar am inceput sa imi repar singur masinile ( sunt satul de serviceuri aiurea)... ( am un X1 la el am facut cel mai mult si e super usor/intuitiv, am avut o problema cu flansa de la blocu motor..s-a spart in mers, mi-a aruncat antigel in alternator/stricat rulmentii de acolo etc, imi facea un zgomot urat..schimbasem kit accesorii acum 7 luni...reprezentanta mi-a spus ca e din cauza kitului de accesorii - pusesem corteco/ina/contitech...am pus fulie contitech de data asta si intinzator skf, acelasi lucru...la un moment dat mi-au zis ca e de la turbina..dupa ca trebuie sa schimb kitul acc pentru ca nu e original..nu am vrut sa il schimb pentru ca stiu ce piese sunt/calitate...m-am enervat si am stat langa masina si am ascultat tot pana am realizat ca e alternatorul..350 de lei de pe olx..am ramas cu piese noi in veselie din cauza reprezentantei)... iar B6-le l-am luat acum cateva saptamani si nu stiu foarte multe despre el/etc

    • @HOWTODO0828
      @HOWTODO0828  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ma bucur ca te descurci. Mult noroc în continuare și îți mulțumesc pentru susținere. Referitor la pompa ulei. Am dus mașina la upgrade în târgul Mureș unde sunt cei mai buni din tara la reparat imbusul respectiv și balansierii de pe pompa. Costă maxim 1000 lei cu revizie și tot dacă o duci la ei.

  • @stalloneroky
    @stalloneroky หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    C'est dommage la music et plus fort que le travail beaucoup font la même bêtise 😢😢😢