Isn't it interesting that people endured that less than a century ago, yet today we have to blur out things they saw because, today, we are so pampered that we can't bear the sight of it?
Yeah, I consider it totally whacked that TH-cam blurs these true images of history! Those that don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. And I believe these images should be shown in order to see the true suffering that the Nazi's caused! The whole ending of the war was strange. And I believe that if Roosevelt had not died before the ending of the war things would have been a LOT different!! And I also believe that Patton was assassinated because of his views on what should happen with the wars end. And if that had not happened things would have been A LOT different as well. The Allies should have given Soviet Russia an ultimatum in my opinion! Give Poland back to the Polish people or we will continue the war against Russia to liberate Poland! I think Stalin would have relented if we had done so.
@@vaels5682 I know. TH-cam has its reasons for having those rules, though. It's not the maker of the content, it's the "My 14 year old saw a dead body! I'll sue!" crowd. Then the poor content creator is screwed.
@@wfcoaker1398dont dickride billionaire corporations. Especially those who would censor history, for whatever reason. Make the video age restricted. Dont cater to the entitled "ill sue" behavior, especially if your legal team is always on retainer. But cmon, we all know thats not the ponit of censorship
I think Ibsaw this in German TV too. There it was blurred too. Do you really need the full extent of the terrible images or is that not enough? Isn't that what people call voyerism?
@@Frossa_dd-u2x people already have a strong tendency to forget the past, I think showing the actual horror caused by 1 guy's ideology can be a very good reminder that following 1 crazy guy can lead to unimaginable atrocities, as we're currently heading on a very similar path.
YT is full of gile. Always has been, always will be...Anterior motives, hidden agenda, pandering. Very lefty in nature. Not really into USA things. Don't mind to see USA left by the wayside. They're just backing who they think will help.
This is the best and most well put together walkthrough. I recognize individual things from individual cuts of these but this was perfect. We must remember this. We are in our own dangerous time now.
Without translation of what guys like Goering and others are responding to the questions, it's incomplete. We all know the questions, not having their answers is a failure.
It is so so important to keep on showing these documentaries. We here in Europe will never forget this, we are still to close in time and all of us have family members who remind us. Fascism can happen again, but blaming other groups ....
They only tried a few of them, the overwhelming majority went back to their normal lives, never apologised and didn't even feel the need to change their identities. Fascism didn't die, it just went quiet.
What you say is true but even if they did kill every single one involved. You're still left with all the children that were trained to be Nazis. You can't kill a generation of children for the crimes of the government. So unfortunately the ideas they stood for will still be able to stay around
At that time jews made stole whatever economy was left after world War 1 it was evident that immigrants were dragging economy down just as it's doing today
Winners write the History. A few scapegoats, yes. Others were deemed 'good' Nazis with Operation Paperclip. Some the Russians used. Many escaped with the help of some in the Catholic Church. Or as you say, just hide in plain sight. A few were offered sanctuary and/or employment by other Govts. Now that isn't counting the Nazis under the ice of Antarctica or the Moon Base on the Dark Side. Just sayin.
This is a great documentary! I have saved it to watch over again. Well done. Narration with archived video is excellent. Woven together well. Thank you to all who collaborated to make this.
The end of WW2 was a strange time. Allies were snatching up any Germans that would give them the edge in Science, Engineering, or Technology. But they also put Germans on trial if they weren't useful to the Allies.
Depends. Not all germans were nazis. Not all nazis were germans. The people who were really into science and tech was often Not nazis. They were just born Germsn and found work. They developed horrific stuff yes. But so did alot of allies. Does not mean they were bad people.
It is a grave injustice that Soviet Russia did not face any trials themselves. Who attacked Poland from the east? Who attacked Finland? Who annexed the Baltic states, deporting and killing hundreds of thousands?
The victors will always get away with war crimes. That’s just the way it is. If the axis powers had won the war, it would have been the other way around.
Yes and in the former GDR there were no Nazis, because this country had pure Socialists… Both sides of Germany had benefits not chasing them. Also USA used them for their political aims in cold war
Yeah truly doesn't make any sense everybody in that room is wearing headphones that translates whatever someone says into whatever language they speak. But then they couldn't translate it on the damn tape
The Nuremberg Trials were a crucial step in seeking justice for the atrocities committed by the Nazis, but the sheer scale of their crimes-over 50 million lives lost-means true justice can never be fully achieved. It's a somber reminder of the depths of human cruelty and the importance of remembering and learning from history."
We never learn from history. We repeat it over and over. Look at the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the war in the middle east, the atrocities committed in African counties, and so on and so on.
That's why the US is superior to everyone else. They don't care about pr. They care about results. And the fact that countries like members of NATO, South Korea and Japan etc get to benefit is a nice plus.
No Germans were brought to America that were involved with the concentration camps. The only ones that were brought to America were scientists, and rocket developers, and a few intelligence officers.
The 24 spoken about were all executed expect for Speer and Hess. Nice try beingAnti America cowards and losers like hate this country but won’t leave because you are weak and pathetic .
Towards the end of his career, Clement Freud recorded a radio programme where he talked about his life. He talks about working at the Nuremberg trials and how uncomfortable he was in doing so because law was being invented on the fly for which people were then being executed for.
Up to this point, no nation had been accused of crimes against humanity, planning a war of aggression, murder of the disabled, torture, forced deportation or other violations of international law. It was not about victor's justice, it was and still is about punishing war crimes and crimes against humanity.
58:04 - 1:05:53 As a documentary directed to English speakers, Goering's testimony would be far more interesting if there were English subtitles. The English translations only start almost 8 minutes in. Seems a bit pointless to include this part if we can't understand it. And again, later, with other defendants. There is no point in continuing to watch.
Yeah I think they did nierenberg a disservice by holding the trial there cuz no one remembers nearby for anything but the trial. They don't remember nearby for anything else not for any of the damages done by the Nazis or anything else. I don't even think most people can tell you where it's at
But you do know that Nuremberg was the city of the NSDAP Reichstag and that the laws against the Jews living in Germany were called the Nuremberg Race Laws? If not, that is the explanation why Nuremberg and no other city came into question.
No . So many came to USA via Operation Paper Clip. They are still here. If all them were punished, the USA and the world would not have the problems we have today.
Actually, if they'd never came here, the Soviets would have beaten us to the moon, and we might be writing this in Russian. They gave us the edge in rocket science and nuclear science, and so much more.
My Grandfather Was a Wehrmacht Captain..He passed away in 2005..He Was a very Meticulous Person Organized..always Well Dressed..Sharp..He spent Most of His Time on His Desk or Walking His German Shepherd He Told Me That He had absolutely no idea about the concentration Camps..He Thoughts it Was a Prisons..He Fought in North Africa and The end of the War He Was released just after His Trial..and He Worked as a Professor of Physics at The University of Munich for Twenty Years..
may i ask?,did you ask him what was his opinion on the death camps when he found out? or did your mother and father ask him?,i will not judge with the answer given,thanks jim
Am I the only one outraged by the irony of the Soviet Union being part of the prosecution? Even if you ignore charges of crimes against humanity that could legitimately be levied against the Soviets, they were certainly complicit in committing crimes against peace (invading Poland as Hitler's ally at the start of the war, and later Finland). All this could be said without mentioning the genocidal, murderous nature of Stalin and his regime, easily the worst iteration of the USSR. Being one of the victorious allies should not absolve crimes committed by any side.
But.....but.....but they were 'Our' Allies, so by default were Pure and Holy as 'we' are. Okay, so they pulled a few shady deals, but they won the war and defeated Germany single-handedly for us......just ask them. Being the 'winner' absolves one of all crimes since the 'winners' controls the Propaganda/History.
@@cliffa2901 yes but I was simply referring to the context of World War 2. Otherwise you'd have to add atrocities committed under the British and French empires, which continued to happen even after WW2, without any accountability or due trials.
also, many people were tried for things that weren't a crime during the war, were tried for things the allies themselves did or had absolutely ridicilous charges that have never been used ever again. people were tried for "waging aggressive wars, "sabotage of peace etc" if you just take Goerring for example, his so called war crimes as head of the luftwaffe pale in comparison to that of the RAAF and USAAF. Julius streicher who was hanged for basically writing an anti semetic newspaper while never being in a position of power anyway. Imagine being hess, flying to britian with a peace offer and then being found guilty of "sabotage of peace" and the planning of waging aggresive wars. it's quite clear that all they were concerned with was silencing all these top guys.
That’s a good quote but not really relevant in this context. Both sides documented and recorded things extensively. 80 years on many of the classified files have been declassified and historians are able to have a much more accurate view of what happened. Certainly a lot better than the redacted propaganda tainted records available post war.
Israel. Now it came out that the German Government knew exactly where he was. The problem was he could tell names of Lesung people working for the German secret service BND.. The Israelis attorney had to follow governmental instructions agreed between Germany and Israel, so that only Eichmann‘s role was subject of the trail….
You are correct, he was on trial in Israel, The trial was held in the Beit Ha'Am tabernacle in Jerusalem 1961 and I was 7 and I remember the trial as well.
But not as Horst Wessel. There are several barracks in Germany used by allied forces or German army which got new names. The NS Ordensburg in Sonthofen was renamed Generaloberst Beck after a resistance fighter of July 20th. Barracks that had been named after officers for over 30 years were renamed when their war crimes came to light. Names like Dietl or Kübler are no longer associated with military tradition in the Bundeswehr.
It's too bad the US and Israel are among the very few countries who do not follow the example set in Nuremberg by recognising the ICC, even to this day.
The amount of holocaust deniers or people trying to downplay it in this comment thread is absolutely terrifying. While there have been many other genocides in history, the holocaust stands out because of the mass governmental organization and industrialized framework that supported it, even when resources would have been better allocated elsewhere. A genocide like this had never happened before and hasn’t happened since. Many innocents die in war, but the Nazi’s were a special kind of evil without comparison.
@@EnricoGalli-b3o no, you’re just trying to bastardize history to support your political view. Much like Russia does in their propaganda. Whats happening in the Middle East is sad, and even tragic, but still pales in comparison to the industrialized complex that supported the Holocaust. The downfall of western society will be the result of our public education system failing to properly teach world history.
holocaust happened but to say that 6 million was eliminated doenst make sense cause in Europe lived 6 million jews that time and now they are rulling the world so something is wrong in this story and u didnt even mentioned what the jews are doing now to the Palestinians.....
I wish there was viable alternative to youtube. It is ridiculous how they make creators blur, blip and block things I have seen on TV since I was a kid.
@@spiritualkicks6679 No defense allowed , no appeal , no ability to cross examine witnesses or ability to question anything presented ....... BS it was a trial , it was a drumhead plain and simple . To claim it was a trial is simply inaccurate at best or downright deceptive . At least be honest about it is all I am saying .
This is something i struggled with. So under the assumption that these people are guilty, do they deserve a fair and honest trial? Most would say no, due to the fact that the victims didn't get that, however, if you're someone who upholds the rule of law, you must say they deserve it. The issue is, how could you find people who could offer a fair trial? It's such a polarising thing, you're either sympathetic to the nazis or you're no, you cant find a middle ground, so regardless of how the trial went, who would you appeal to? Which country would have the ability to hear the case and stay impartial? It was a war that every single nation was involved in, in someway or another.. @I_am_Diogenes
@@I_am_Diogenes not to mention the hypocrisy of punishing your enemy for things you yourself have been guilty of or even worse. How laughable is it to put Göring on trial for luftwaffe warcrimes when the RAAF and USAAF did the same thing but 100 times worse. how laughable to make up new laws after the fact and then put people on trial for it, and then there's the ridicilous charges like "sabotage of peace" eventhough germany was the one constantly trying to make peace but was refused or "planning to wage wars of aggression" . such ridicolous charges have never been used since. but people were put to death because of it. Julius streicher who was put to death because of writing an anti semetic newspaper while never having any real authority in the reich at all. imagine being Hess, flying with yet another peace offer and being jailed and found guilty over "sabotage of peace" and "waging wars of aggresion" . all these trials were was an attempt at silencing top officials of the third reich.
All the most twisted and manipulative people are highly intelligent…. You don’t get into power of a nation, a group or and individual by being a dumb (mostly applies).
@@jackripper8337Could be. They say that brilliance and insanity go hand in hand. Therre are various examples of that throughout history, especially in the arts. People like Motzart for example are said to have been mentally unwell. Too bad this phenomenon didn't just stay in the arts department. Could have spared the world a great deal of suffering 😕
I spent much on my youth in 1960-70s Germany with a German mother ( father in the British Army). I found it strange that they ALL seemed to say 'it wasn't me'.....then who was it, the bogey man? It took a lot of people!
More needs to be taught in schools world wide and make the videos and photos in colour to bring the reality that some of these monsters died only in this decade. There is a detachment with black and white film and old time story voice. Children need to be able to relate and see that the reality is not so far back.
Sadly we have people doing the same stuff as the nazis (maybe not at that scale) right now who are free and celebrated. Justice in this world is only served when it suits its own self interests, look at Nam
Isn't it interesting that people endured that less than a century ago, yet today we have to blur out things they saw because, today, we are so pampered that we can't bear the sight of it?
Yeah, I consider it totally whacked that TH-cam blurs these true images of history! Those that don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. And I believe these images should be shown in order to see the true suffering that the Nazi's caused! The whole ending of the war was strange. And I believe that if Roosevelt had not died before the ending of the war things would have been a LOT different!! And I also believe that Patton was assassinated because of his views on what should happen with the wars end. And if that had not happened things would have been A LOT different as well. The Allies should have given Soviet Russia an ultimatum in my opinion! Give Poland back to the Polish people or we will continue the war against Russia to liberate Poland! I think Stalin would have relented if we had done so.
Yes. Absurd.
I think it has more to do with youtube rules
@@vaels5682 I know. TH-cam has its reasons for having those rules, though. It's not the maker of the content, it's the "My 14 year old saw a dead body! I'll sue!" crowd. Then the poor content creator is screwed.
@@wfcoaker1398dont dickride billionaire corporations. Especially those who would censor history, for whatever reason. Make the video age restricted. Dont cater to the entitled "ill sue" behavior, especially if your legal team is always on retainer. But cmon, we all know thats not the ponit of censorship
I seriously cannot believe youtube is making these creators to blurring these historic clips. Absolute absurd.
I think Ibsaw this in German TV too. There it was blurred too. Do you really need the full extent of the terrible images or is that not enough? Isn't that what people call voyerism?
@@Frossa_dd-u2x people already have a strong tendency to forget the past, I think showing the actual horror caused by 1 guy's ideology can be a very good reminder that following 1 crazy guy can lead to unimaginable atrocities, as we're currently heading on a very similar path.
YT is full of gile. Always has been, always will be...Anterior motives, hidden agenda, pandering. Very lefty in nature. Not really into USA things. Don't mind to see USA left by the wayside. They're just backing who they think will help.
I agree it makes me angry the censor that stuff
Do you need images to understand what 50 mil deaths mean?
This is the best and most well put together walkthrough. I recognize individual things from individual cuts of these but this was perfect. We must remember this. We are in our own dangerous time now.
Without translation of what guys like Goering and others are responding to the questions, it's incomplete. We all know the questions, not having their answers is a failure.
It is so so important to keep on showing these documentaries. We here in Europe will never forget this, we are still to close in time and all of us have family members who remind us. Fascism can happen again, but blaming other groups ....
They only tried a few of them, the overwhelming majority went back to their normal lives, never apologised and didn't even feel the need to change their identities. Fascism didn't die, it just went quiet.
Some also stole Jewish identity and escaped that way
What you say is true but even if they did kill every single one involved. You're still left with all the children that were trained to be Nazis. You can't kill a generation of children for the crimes of the government. So unfortunately the ideas they stood for will still be able to stay around
So what! They only followed orders 🤷
At that time jews made stole whatever economy was left after world War 1 it was evident that immigrants were dragging economy down just as it's doing today
Winners write the History. A few scapegoats, yes. Others were deemed 'good' Nazis with Operation Paperclip. Some the Russians used. Many escaped with the help of some in the Catholic Church. Or as you say, just hide in plain sight. A few were offered sanctuary and/or employment by other Govts.
Now that isn't counting the Nazis under the ice of Antarctica or the Moon Base on the Dark Side. Just sayin.
This is a great documentary! I have saved it to watch over again. Well done. Narration with archived video is excellent. Woven together well. Thank you to all who collaborated to make this.
Guy Walters is the best historian ❤
I agree. It's a cut above the usual.
NEVER underestimate the power of the HUMAN SPIRIT even in the face off death their is still FAITH & HOPE!!!
The end of WW2 was a strange time. Allies were snatching up any Germans that would give them the edge in Science, Engineering, or Technology. But they also put Germans on trial if they weren't useful to the Allies.
Depends. Not all germans were nazis. Not all nazis were germans. The people who were really into science and tech was often Not nazis. They were just born Germsn and found work. They developed horrific stuff yes. But so did alot of allies. Does not mean they were bad people.
The Soviets did the exact same. To the victors go the spoils.
Look up unit 731 in Japan.
The worst was when they got Mengele to be Surgeon General for the USA
Strange? Germans murdered millions and still lie saying their grandparents and great grandparents had no knowledge.. LIARS
It is a grave injustice that Soviet Russia did not face any trials themselves. Who attacked Poland from the east? Who attacked Finland? Who annexed the Baltic states, deporting and killing hundreds of thousands?
Sounds familiar to what the killer Putin is doing now!
The victors will always get away with war crimes. That’s just the way it is. If the axis powers had won the war, it would have been the other way around.
But.....but.....but the Russians were the Winners = write their History.
And that would be 'killing Millions' to the tune of 20+ Millions. Just sayin.
Why would the victors be put on trial? Besides, millions of Russians died and many cities were completely destroyed. That might be punishment enough
@@MrBoDiggetyMostly innocent russians died. The ones responsible for the soviet terror on humanity never faced any consequences.
It would have been better when they were translations when they were questioned on the stand
Magneto did track down some of them in South America...
This is one of the best I've seen on the subject. Nice surprise really. Thanks 🙏
Surprising number never faced charges
Mostly in West Germany.
Ussr ain’t play that locked nazis and they own people that deserted or we a p.o.w!!!!!!! Not 1 foot backwards
Yes and in the former GDR there were no Nazis, because this country had pure Socialists…
Both sides of Germany had benefits not chasing them. Also USA used them for their political aims in cold war
Их отечество, Колонии, Украденное добро у них отобрали и контратака будет продолжаться до КОНЦА.
what the point of showing gorin without translate him
They translate part of it at 1 h 06 m. But it is not translated right. They translated auswanderung as perpetration, but it actualy means emigration.
Yeah truly doesn't make any sense everybody in that room is wearing headphones that translates whatever someone says into whatever language they speak. But then they couldn't translate it on the damn tape
No. So many people walked away or were assisted out of Germany. Miscarriage of justice ⚖️
It was designed thar way to protect the Zionist/Nazis. The same practice continues today in Palestine.
Italians got a pretty sweet deal.
No real trial...
Stalin wanted to soot them all.
The Nuremberg Trials were a crucial step in seeking justice for the atrocities committed by the Nazis, but the sheer scale of their crimes-over 50 million lives lost-means true justice can never be fully achieved. It's a somber reminder of the depths of human cruelty and the importance of remembering and learning from history."
We never learn from history. We repeat it over and over. Look at the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the war in the middle east, the atrocities committed in African counties, and so on and so on.
The English started both wars. Prosecute the Yanks for what they did to Native Americans
Love these documentaries. Give us one on the effects of drug addiction on the downfall of the third Reich!
Their ‘ sentences ‘ were to report to the United States for high level service appointments .. it’s in the freedom of information act documents
That's why the US is superior to everyone else. They don't care about pr. They care about results. And the fact that countries like members of NATO, South Korea and Japan etc get to benefit is a nice plus.
They also went to the Soviet Union and other allies
No Germans were brought to America that were involved with the concentration camps. The only ones that were brought to America were scientists, and rocket developers, and a few intelligence officers.
The 24 spoken about were all executed expect for Speer and Hess. Nice try beingAnti America cowards and losers like hate this country but won’t leave because you are weak and pathetic .
Towards the end of his career, Clement Freud recorded a radio programme where he talked about his life. He talks about working at the Nuremberg trials and how uncomfortable he was in doing so because law was being invented on the fly for which people were then being executed for.
Up to this point, no nation had been accused of crimes against humanity, planning a war of aggression, murder of the disabled, torture, forced deportation or other violations of international law. It was not about victor's justice, it was and still is about punishing war crimes and crimes against humanity.
58:04 - 1:05:53 As a documentary directed to English speakers, Goering's testimony would be far more interesting if there were English subtitles. The English translations only start almost 8 minutes in. Seems a bit pointless to include this part if we can't understand it. And again, later, with other defendants. There is no point in continuing to watch.
Nuremburg is a lovely town. Must be strange to live there and have the name known the world over for the trials.
Yeah I think they did nierenberg a disservice by holding the trial there cuz no one remembers nearby for anything but the trial. They don't remember nearby for anything else not for any of the damages done by the Nazis or anything else. I don't even think most people can tell you where it's at
But you do know that Nuremberg was the city of the NSDAP Reichstag and that the laws against the Jews living in Germany were called the Nuremberg Race Laws?
If not, that is the explanation why Nuremberg and no other city came into question.
No, they got off much too easy.
No . So many came to USA via Operation Paper Clip. They are still here. If all them were punished, the USA and the world would not have the problems we have today.
Их отечество, Колонии, Украденное добро у них отобрали и контратака будет продолжаться до КОНЦА.
Actually, if they'd never came here, the Soviets would have beaten us to the moon, and we might be writing this in Russian. They gave us the edge in rocket science and nuclear science, and so much more.
Thank you
Wish there was subtitles in English
Nope. Medieval treatment wouldn't be enough for what they did, and many had light sentences or immunity to help allies
No... You are wrong kiddo, the Allied should have faced same trials as the German leadership of the NSDAP.
Very Good document. Thank You. ❤
The real question is:
Are we the baddies?
Yes we are
All three of you are free to move to a Commie Country, and good riddance.
'WE' are the Winners.....and write the Our favor.......since God was on Our side because 'WE' won.
@@snafubar5491 God has forsaken europe
My Grandfather Was a Wehrmacht Captain..He passed away in 2005..He Was a very Meticulous Person Organized..always Well Dressed..Sharp..He spent Most of His Time on His Desk or Walking His German Shepherd
He Told Me That He had absolutely no idea about the concentration Camps..He Thoughts it Was a Prisons..He Fought in North Africa and The end of the War He Was released just after His Trial..and He Worked as a Professor of Physics at The University of Munich for Twenty Years..
may i ask?,did you ask him what was his opinion on the death camps when he found out? or did your mother and father ask him?,i will not judge with the answer given,thanks jim
No because only about 6,500 or so were convicted out of 200,000 guilty parties and 140,000 cases brought. The rest escaped or died.
And many Japanese war criminals got off with light punishments. Why? Two words: "Cold War".
How on earth Speer got away with just 20 years imprisonment?
Nice video 😊
1000's Escaped through the Vatican
When I found out the Vatican helped Nazis escape, I disowned the Catholic religion afterwards. To me it is an evil religion
Easy question. NO, they did not, far from it.
Absolutely horrendous how evil people can be.
Am I the only one outraged by the irony of the Soviet Union being part of the prosecution? Even if you ignore charges of crimes against humanity that could legitimately be levied against the Soviets, they were certainly complicit in committing crimes against peace (invading Poland as Hitler's ally at the start of the war, and later Finland). All this could be said without mentioning the genocidal, murderous nature of Stalin and his regime, easily the worst iteration of the USSR. Being one of the victorious allies should not absolve crimes committed by any side.
But.....but.....but they were 'Our' Allies, so by default were Pure and Holy as 'we' are. Okay, so they pulled a few shady deals, but they won the war and defeated Germany single-handedly for us......just ask them.
Being the 'winner' absolves one of all crimes since the 'winners' controls the Propaganda/History.
Vietnam middle east Afghanistan.
Add to the list
The irony of the US
@@cliffa2901 yes but I was simply referring to the context of World War 2. Otherwise you'd have to add atrocities committed under the British and French empires, which continued to happen even after WW2, without any accountability or due trials.
also, many people were tried for things that weren't a crime during the war, were tried for things the allies themselves did or had absolutely ridicilous charges that have never been used ever again. people were tried for "waging aggressive wars, "sabotage of peace etc" if you just take Goerring for example, his so called war crimes as head of the luftwaffe pale in comparison to that of the RAAF and USAAF. Julius streicher who was hanged for basically writing an anti semetic newspaper while never being in a position of power anyway. Imagine being hess, flying to britian with a peace offer and then being found guilty of "sabotage of peace" and the planning of waging aggresive wars. it's quite clear that all they were concerned with was silencing all these top guys.
No far too many were allowed to get away or got off too easy!
And what is happening today?
Never happend again
@@mariannevontrapp1063 it's happening to the Palestinians
Western Europe being destroyed by infinity migration
In Sudan?
@@joebiggs135What's happening to Palestinian's
Why no translations?
A better video to watch: "The Complete History of The Nuremberg Trials" by Zoomer Historian
Why does he have an Waffen SS profile image 😅
@@haruhisuzumiya6650 who?
Former President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos Sr. Please upload video about story him
I remember reading about the speculation he 'found' Yamashita's gold........which Imelda spent on shoes.
Germany got away with it lightly! ...Even now, they don't seem to get it of the distruction they submitted on mankind during my lifetime.
Very interesting
History is written by the victorious.
That’s a good quote but not really relevant in this context. Both sides documented and recorded things extensively. 80 years on many of the classified files have been declassified and historians are able to have a much more accurate view of what happened. Certainly a lot better than the redacted propaganda tainted records available post war.
Why are the showing Eichmann? His trial was in Israel not Nuremberg. I remember being 5 and watching that trial.
Now it came out that the German Government knew exactly where he was. The problem was he could tell names of Lesung people working for the German secret service BND.. The Israelis attorney had to follow governmental instructions agreed between Germany and Israel, so that only Eichmann‘s role was subject of the trail….
@Frossa_dd-u2x Excuse my ignorance. What does Lesung mean?
It is a good question, it seems my text interpretierst put Lesung in to confuse me and other readers. Ignore the word it is Nonsens.
You are correct, he was on trial in Israel,
The trial was held in the Beit Ha'Am tabernacle in Jerusalem 1961 and I was 7 and I remember the trial as well.
It was criminal to make the MPs stand so long during the trial
1:08:44 songe name?
That sailing vessel from 4:04ff was the Horst Wessel. It is now a USCGS (US Coast Guard), Eagle, and is still in US service.
But not as Horst Wessel.
There are several barracks in Germany used by allied forces or German army which got new names. The NS Ordensburg in Sonthofen was renamed Generaloberst Beck after a resistance fighter of July 20th. Barracks that had been named after officers for over 30 years were renamed when their war crimes came to light. Names like Dietl or Kübler are no longer associated with military tradition in the Bundeswehr.
Oh cool
where are you getting the r sound in Hoss's name?
No some of them lived
Watch the damn documentary instead of commenting on the title
Many of them lived, the USA made sure of it. The same Zionist who worked with the Nazis in Germany are now in Palestine conducting another genocide.
It's too bad the US and Israel are among the very few countries who do not follow the example set in Nuremberg by recognising the ICC, even to this day.
Neither does Russia, China or North Korea.
@shawnnewell4541 yes, but the USA and Israel blatantly break the law and tell the world to scre off.
The amount of holocaust deniers or people trying to downplay it in this comment thread is absolutely terrifying. While there have been many other genocides in history, the holocaust stands out because of the mass governmental organization and industrialized framework that supported it, even when resources would have been better allocated elsewhere. A genocide like this had never happened before and hasn’t happened since. Many innocents die in war, but the Nazi’s were a special kind of evil without comparison.
It's happening today! The Israelis have been doing exactly the same to the Palestinians since 1948!
@@EnricoGalli-b3o no, you’re just trying to bastardize history to support your political view. Much like Russia does in their propaganda.
Whats happening in the Middle East is sad, and even tragic, but still pales in comparison to the industrialized complex that supported the Holocaust.
The downfall of western society will be the result of our public education system failing to properly teach world history.
holocaust happened but to say that 6 million was eliminated doenst make sense cause in Europe lived 6 million jews that time and now they are rulling the world so something is wrong in this story and u didnt even mentioned what the jews are doing now to the Palestinians.....
Killing women and children in Palestina is also a special kind of evil while the world is watching.
@@EnricoGalli-b3oThank you for creating this comment.
I wish there was viable alternative to youtube. It is ridiculous how they make creators blur, blip and block things I have seen on TV since I was a kid.
Israel Trials: Could The War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Face The Sentences They Deserve? I hope, but no expectation
"Stand up for me as i have stood up for you" AH
No. Most fled and escaped to Argentina, Brazil, Isreal etc. the trial was just a stage show
Trial ? Odd term for this event .
they literally went to trial.. in a court room for their crimes
@@spiritualkicks6679 No defense allowed , no appeal , no ability to cross examine witnesses or ability to question anything presented ....... BS it was a trial , it was a drumhead plain and simple . To claim it was a trial is simply inaccurate at best or downright deceptive . At least be honest about it is all I am saying .
This is something i struggled with. So under the assumption that these people are guilty, do they deserve a fair and honest trial? Most would say no, due to the fact that the victims didn't get that, however, if you're someone who upholds the rule of law, you must say they deserve it. The issue is, how could you find people who could offer a fair trial? It's such a polarising thing, you're either sympathetic to the nazis or you're no, you cant find a middle ground, so regardless of how the trial went, who would you appeal to? Which country would have the ability to hear the case and stay impartial? It was a war that every single nation was involved in, in someway or another.. @I_am_Diogenes
@@I_am_Diogenes not to mention the hypocrisy of punishing your enemy for things you yourself have been guilty of or even worse. How laughable is it to put Göring on trial for luftwaffe warcrimes when the RAAF and USAAF did the same thing but 100 times worse. how laughable to make up new laws after the fact and then put people on trial for it, and then there's the ridicilous charges like "sabotage of peace" eventhough germany was the one constantly trying to make peace but was refused or "planning to wage wars of aggression" . such ridicolous charges have never been used since. but people were put to death because of it. Julius streicher who was put to death because of writing an anti semetic newspaper while never having any real authority in the reich at all. imagine being Hess, flying with yet another peace offer and being jailed and found guilty over "sabotage of peace" and "waging wars of aggresion" . all these trials were was an attempt at silencing top officials of the third reich.
@@I_am_Diogenes strange thing to be bothered by
Gr8 doc, spoiled by adverts every 3 minutes
Stop being poor and buy it
The answer is no. Germans did not face justice for what they had done. Far from it. The whole thing was a disgusting tragedy
The American attorney Robert Jackson was out of his depth with Goring. British Barrister Maxwel Smythe tore Goering to shreds
Himmler did yoga every morning for two hours.
Crazy part was their IQs were measured to be extremely high at Nuremberg
It's an old fallacy to assume that education = virtue. But neither education nor intelligence guarantees virtue.
Not that crazy.
All the most twisted and manipulative people are highly intelligent…. You don’t get into power of a nation, a group or and individual by being a dumb (mostly applies).
"iq" is pseudo science racist babble
@@jackripper8337Could be. They say that brilliance and insanity go hand in hand. Therre are various examples of that throughout history, especially in the arts. People like Motzart for example are said to have been mentally unwell. Too bad this phenomenon didn't just stay in the arts department. Could have spared the world a great deal of suffering 😕
I spent much on my youth in 1960-70s Germany with a German mother ( father in the British Army). I found it strange that they ALL seemed to say 'it wasn't me'.....then who was it, the bogey man? It took a lot of people!
Couldn't see it, it was censored
Watching this after watching Judgement at Nuremberg in TH-cam.
More needs to be taught in schools world wide and make the videos and photos in colour to bring the reality that some of these monsters died only in this decade. There is a detachment with black and white film and old time story voice. Children need to be able to relate and see that the reality is not so far back.
Rudolf Hess didn’t escape in a navy disguise
Definitely not, plenty became rocket scientists in the US.
Operation Paperclip
Why isn't Von Brunn in that court room. Where is the justice for all the people he killed?
We only heard one versan ,!!
Is a dead sentence, or dead bij suicide, what many did, a pay pack,from all the horror, Never!!!
I don’t know what that means.
definitely not
The victim is now the punisher -Israel
If any program ever needed subtitles this it! What is wrong with you???
Blurred imagery and very lousy German pronunciation almost sounded machine driven.
TL:DW: no
Yeah no point in watching this unless you can understand German as well as english . No voice overs or subtitles stopped watching
My first time here I'm about to give my rate when I'm done
79 year ago today!
So many damn ads!
No. I don't believe in the death penalty, in any case
Riddled with inaccuracies.
Most did. Some did not.
The world has learned nothing, it’s all still happening. As long as there are humans, it will continue to happen.
Goering's teeth should have been checked so he couldn't drop out like he did.
The Soviets judging the Nazi's for crimes is a joke. The Soviets were guilty too. They were just as bad.
Sadly we have people doing the same stuff as the nazis (maybe not at that scale) right now who are free and celebrated. Justice in this world is only served when it suits its own self interests, look at Nam
Oorlog is oorlog hoe kan je spreken over oorlogsmisdadendat bestaat niet
I hope you will mention the confessions under torture or Nuremberg constitution.
Found the leftist who justifies genocide.
24:29 those are some huuuuge bagels !
Life-long prison sentences with lack of food and water had been more fair. Death is an escape
Not at all!!!
To be or not to be
Yeah they did, look at Germany today... Its sad to see
showers with no water