Winter is for the Birds!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • , Winter finally arrived! Isn't that what you expect from February So glad it's a short month. At least I don't feel looks like most of the US is having real winter weather.
    Well It's for the birds! For the Birds, I say. Have you heard that expression...that's for the birds? It was popular in the 60's...when I was a kid...but it's origin is from WWII. In this video, I'll tell you what that means.
    I also show you what life is like for my 5 month old chickens, who do NOT like snow, and talk about what accommodations I've made to keep them reasonably happy and laying eggs.
    And they are laying eggs! A few weeks ago I found the first one in the coop but I had been suspicious that they were laying them around the yard and under the bushes. I could hear the loud clucking that precedes and egg but when I went to look I could never find it. They are dark brown and blend right in.
    That's a bad habit that needs to be addressed so I keep them penned in most of the day and let them out for a couple hrs. in the even. Installed 2 DIY milk crate nesting boxes and would find an egg in one everyday. But there were also eggs being laid from the roost and out in the run.
    They hated been restricted. But then the cold and snows came.. It's been over a week and they are , like me, home bound. That has been helpful to get them all laying eggs and laying them in the right place.
    I also talk in this video about some of the issues we've had with the eggs themselves and other chicken community service.
    Lastly, I show you have to make suet to feed whatever birds you have in your yard. You can buy a suet cage and blocks at the grocery store, but you can also make it yourself. I was pretty easy and the birds love it.
    "Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
    the world offers itself to your imagination,
    calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting -
    over and over announcing your place
    in the family of things."....Mary Oliver, "Wild Geese"

ความคิดเห็น • 32

  • @jipfluffy2143
    @jipfluffy2143 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow didn’t see this until now! Glad to see you are doing ok and getting your mini farm started!

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hopefully, I'll be updating more often....much has been going on in the last couple months. We are excited! A new one came out this morning :)

  • @DWDinAtlanta
    @DWDinAtlanta 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don't like winter, or SNOW! When I get cold my bones hurt and it takes forever to get warm again. I think the southern heat has thinner out my blood. But I do like to watch the birds in the grass or bushes looking for food. Hubby cut down all out trees so I can't hang a feeder. The squirrels get into most of the feeders we have on poles. But it's fun to even watch them trying to get to the feed. LOL At our beach house, we sit and watch the pelicans fly in their straight line to wherever they go. We even enjoy the Canadian geese that roam our yards and chase everyone from areas with nest and their babies. LOL HUGS~Donna

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm with you on the hard to stay warm enough when you get old. I live by a space heater to survive...that and heating a sock with rice in it and throwing it over my neck. Squirrels are hilarious to watch aren't they? They are crazy frantic all the time. Use to have them in Boulder when I lived there, attacking the bird feeders. Backyard entertainment :)

  • @dawnmcdonald7253
    @dawnmcdonald7253 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Cold here in SW Arkansas also. Was -2 yesterday and the snow is knee deep. Our drain froze so kitchen and bathroom sink water backs up into the tun lol with keeping water on to keep the other pipes from freezing we have to siphon tub out a cpl times a day... but we so far are the lucky ones. We still have power and water.
    I’ve been putting grits and chicken food outside for the little birds, I feel so bad for them. One is huddled by my front door on the concrete. I put a cpl rags out there hoping to help the poor baby

    • @dawnmcdonald7253
      @dawnmcdonald7253 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Tun lol meant tub

    • @19Mariko57
      @19Mariko57 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@dawnmcdonald7253 Valentines day we got to minus 17 (can't find the minus sign, lol) Coldest teno I've seen.

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dawnmcdonald7253 has it snowed that much in Arkansas before? Thats f#$king cold...freezes your nose hairs at that temp!. Arkansas! Geez. I have some dear friends in Fayetteville..are you in that area? Fingers crossed the power stays on for you (and me). Poor little 🐦 ..they don't seem to mind the cold...but foods hard to come by. And I enjoy watching them flying and hopping around. Makes me smile.

    • @dawnmcdonald7253
      @dawnmcdonald7253 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No this was the most anyone around here has seen ever. We are in the south west corner of Arkansas half way between Texarkana AR and Shreveport louisiana.

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Warmed up now? It was 72 here yesterday. This evening sounded like a jungle..birds chirping and crickets cricketing. Springs comin!

  • @gregrenn2138
    @gregrenn2138 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Sue, I feel a little late to the party and am not sure why my notification took a month. I enjoyed tagging along on your morning chores, and yeah, Spring is here. I started feeding the birds this winter also, and am intrigued about your homemade suet. Those birds are eating well. Lard seems hard to come by anymore, and the only places to find it are high end sections of the grocery, ridiculously priced, and a local meat processor, and they are pricey and becoming more scarce. Being a bachelor I am hesitant to raise chickens, that could be more eggs than I can handle. I don't mind paying my neighbor who does raise chickens for her eggs. I loved our snowy winter in NE Pa., and am looking forward to your spring video.

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I've been having trouble with youtube also....couldn't get into my account for weeks. I'm surprised you can't find cheap's usually on the top or bottom shelf around the crisco area. They seemed to enjoy it! Greg if you have a neighbor with chickens you know what a good egg tastes like. If every neighborhood had one person out of five raising chickens and selling eggs...there would be no need for massive chicken farms. Such a horrible way to treat our food. Spring IS here in Ohio also...and a new video this morning as I got the damn thing to work finally

  • @19Mariko57
    @19Mariko57 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's bitter cold here in Colorado Springs. My pipes burst behind a wall yesterday and I've got a bloody mess. I've shut the water off till I can get the plumber here but it's still leaking. They are shooting for tomorrow afternoon, but they have 17 burst pipes before me. It's a nightmare. Glad you and the chickens are doing well. Didn't realize how much work they are. Stay warm!

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh my cold did it get? I'm so sorry....bloody mess indeed. Ugh. My chickens and I have a symbiotic relationship...they give me good eggs and entertainment, I feed them good food, they give me shit. Ha..they're working, I'm working. Hope the plumber gets there today!

    • @19Mariko57
      @19Mariko57 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@persuethedream9862 Still waiting on the plumber. In the meantime, I've shoveled snow and just got done trying to get the ice sheet off the driveway so the plumber doesn't go skating. It got down to -17. Wind chill was like -24. Hating Colorado and ready to move to TX,....altho they are having their share of cold related problems. Ugh

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@19Mariko57 at least Co knows what to do with snow.but ice! Can't find any icemelt where I am. Probably the same there. No no no, you don't want to be in Texas right now. Could be tomorrow for the plumber huh.

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just checking are you doing? Plumber ever come? I see its still pretty cold there.

    • @19Mariko57
      @19Mariko57 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@persuethedream9862 Hi Sue. Yes, the plumber finally fixed the pipes. I had him put those styrofoam insulating pipe tubes around the exposed pipes in that section as it appears that seems to be a problem spot . It burst between two couplings where it had been repaired before. And after bleaching and making sure it was dried up, hubs and I put in new pink insulation between the studs. I just have to put everything back in the hall storage closet and put all the millions of Christmas decorations back in place in the garage. We got up to the 60's yesterday, but we're are hitting another cold patch. Well, you lived in CO before. It's unpredictable weather. Do you miss Boulder? Very expensive place. Everything along I25 is awful, but it's gotten worse since you've been on the road. Hope you and your daughter are staying warm. Do you have a FP, electric or wood stove? You need to make a video on how you are staying warm.

  • @DannyB-cs9vx
    @DannyB-cs9vx 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice to see the snow, somewhere else.
    It did snow here this year. About two inches. It lasted two days.
    I was able to track the neighbor's dogs that are knocking over my garbage cans and making a mess.
    I moved the cans where they can't get at them.

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      2 inches must have thrown everyone in a panic! That was a wild cold spot 😳 . Lol glad you know who's dogs are running loose at night. Hold on to those cans today! Gonna be windy

  • @oliviaegbert421
    @oliviaegbert421 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    "that's its name I'm not being mean" haha I died laughing

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ofcourse, I named her. Lol

    • @oliviaegbert421
      @oliviaegbert421 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@persuethedream9862 Was there something specific that inspired you to name her that way?

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yea, she a little slow on the uptake. Lol. When she was younger everyone would be foraging away and she'd be way behind. If the others happened to turn the corner ...she couldn't figure out where they were. Or if they were out in the yard and she was in the coop pen...she could see them but couldn't figure out how to get out. She lays huge eggs tho.

  • @DeplorableMe83
    @DeplorableMe83 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Libby here, from crow valley campground. Hadn't seen anything from you in a while, glad to see you are still sassy and doing well. And please tell me your tricks to getting chickens to lay in a box, every day is an Easter egg hunt around here!

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Lol, my chicks lay dark brown eggs...I'd never find them. I was helped by mother nature. During the snow weeks they were penned up mostly and eventually, cuz they are slow to catch on, eventually they all figured out to at least lay their eggs in the coop. I also got a new, read expensive, nesting box that they all love and want to use. Glad you caught up with me, good to hear from you

  • @stevexray6253
    @stevexray6253 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don't like winter. I love warm temperatures with the only ice in my freezer and the only cold wind coming out of my air conditioner. I'm in Alabama and it was 16 degrees Tuesday and Wednesday. It's not supposed to get that cold in the south.

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Right! A double whammy cuz you just aren't mentally prepared when the temp change is so drastic...and don't have the clothes for it either. I hate to be cold too. Here's a tip...take a sock (no holes)...fill it 1/2 to 3/4 with rice and tie a knot in the end. Heat in microwave 1 1/2 mins. Careful cuz it will be hot ish. Put on the back of your neck over your will keep you warm for quite a while. Warmer temps week

  • @dawnmcdonald7253
    @dawnmcdonald7253 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Do you can? Pressure can or water bath. I know you now homestead but i was wondering about nomads that dont have solar for a fridge, if one had a pressure canner and a propane side burner on a grill etc they could can their meat etc.. im in the middle of canning my butternut squash from last fall to keep it from ruining and want to try raw packed burger and thought about you and wondered if you can 😁

    • @persuethedream9862
      @persuethedream9862  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      We will be canning this least I hope we get enough to warrant it. My mom told me about home canned beef. She remembered my Dads Mom always had it when company came. I'd be interested in trying to do it. The thing about nomad and canned foods of any kind...storing glass is difficult and temperature extremes make it unsafe to keep too long before using. Let me know how the burger canning goes !