thank you james for putting these on here, I can't ride any more, too much pain, too many broke bones, I'm 54 now but these vids of 125s are music to my soul. the last time I rode was 7 or 8 years ago, every time I rode It hurt my back, it has been broke. I wish I was 16 again. thanks again.
fuck yeah dude I would say check my channel out butt I got in a bad crash on a track and my go pro got fucked all to hell yeah and back and I had my phone on me and it got shattered
What a pleasure to watch and hear. Im smilin !!!
thank you james for putting these on here, I can't ride any more, too much pain, too many broke bones, I'm 54 now but these vids of 125s are music to my soul. the last time I rode was 7 or 8 years ago, every time I rode It hurt my back, it has been broke. I wish I was 16 again. thanks again.
My pleasure! Joracer1
This comment is the true version Of deep.
Respects, sir
@@JamesGingerich a
@@robinquistberg2416 mxmxxm
such a great vid man! the filming is on point! keep up the good work!
@@ashabonde8738 qđ
This guys sick I could watch him all day
What exhaust is he using
I could watch raw 2 stroke footage all day and never get bored
Hell yeah!
threefiddyone Fuck yeah bro!
fuck yeah dude I would say check my channel out butt I got in a bad crash on a track and my go pro got fucked all to hell yeah and back and I had my phone on me and it got shattered
couldn't agree more
i can jerk off raw all day and never get a rash
I wish I was a small man and could ride a 125. They seem like loads of fun
Dude rips. His bars seems to be oddly set. But he crushes.
looks like their rotated down.
This dudes goated on the wheels
That gear is fUcKiN sick
I love ur vids James Gingrich
is it just me or dose this ktm 125 2 stroke sound differnet then Yamaha, suki, honda etc???
Joe N maybe because its a diffrent brand🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♂️
Gf h CD DJ
what's the name of that jersey, helmet, trousers in blue, white, red?
loving this raw footages, what camera are you using?
I dont know but it is very good camera. Great Colors and a beautiful picture
A 125 needs a smaller silencer to let it really scream.
Hate the big (almost 4stroke) FMF
nice sound
Is the fmf fatty rev?
how tight do they hold on with their legs? is it like 90% of the grip they have with the bike ?
+RmzBigShed yes most of the "hanging on to the bike" is with the legs.
James Gingerich yeah, it's such a weird for feeling for me when I ride, definately something I need to do more off Ahah
Every time I wanna watch you ride you are ripping it
.. Vxc bbj
no one like this video is so powerfull for me, it's the motocross.
I need this bike. Keep watching the video over and over 😂😂👌
Hugo nf
crazy good !
i need to ride my 125 more. he makes it look so easy.
mans rippin
how often he change piston ?
Omg...I need to come check this dirt out myself
' 2 4568
I'm qq
what Fox gear is he wearing ??
very flow. many kit. such clean.
Ex WV SC-app
What a bike confidence!
I'll be ripping on my KTM too soon!!!
Super good
1:47 wow such speed. such low bars. xD
H hdli.
Wich Name has the Combo at the Titel Cover?
So nice
Track 😍❤️😍😍😍
Is this Samu kunttu?
The reactions were hilarious
@@amnatamnat1087? ext, z
anyone else want some tips from this dude
Would a ktm 125 be a good bike I'm 14 about 5,9 and 135 pounds currently I own a klx110
Greggy Peggy yeah either get a yz125, Ktm 125, or you could get a 250f
Pritchert27 ok thanks for the help
125 2 stroke will be about 2.5x as powerful as 110 pit bike
Sick kit 🤘
Jesse Flock vs brandon ray
This dude is dope
Wow sick riding
This is so beautiful
Sooooo good ✨👌
Kan du en sån
Bb bvggbeduhehdhehdhdhehqweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeertycnennfnxnbe💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💞❤❤❤❤❤❤
I wish I can have one bro.😭
Winson Gil Tijing save money and start riding
@@mikasiereveld3124 qyqiqiqiqqpqpqtqiqiqyqiqiqyqiqiqyqyqyqiqiqiqiqyoqqiqiqiqqiqiqiqiqyqiqyqiqiqyoqqiqiqiqiqiqeywoqiqyqiqypqyqypqiqiqqiqyqiqqyqyqpqypqypqoqoqiqqyqyoqqiqoqoqqyqiqiqiqqiqyqyquqypqiqiqyqyqyqiquqiqiqiqyqyqiqiqiqoqqyqyqiqiqypqyoqqyqiqyoqtqyqyqiqqyqiqiqiqqqyqiqiqiqiqyqypqiqyqyqiqiqiqiqiqyqyqyprqwtqiqoqiqqiqyqiqiqwiqiqiqiqipqtqyqpqyqiqiqiqiqyqiqqtqyoqiqqyoqiqoqqyqiqyqyqiqiqiqyqypqoiqiqqiqiqiqqtpqyqyqiqiqtqiqyprqqiqyqiqyqiqiqyqyqiqiqyqypqiqpqqiqiqyquoqqqyqpqyoqqiqiqyoqqyqiqyqiqiqpqiwiwqiqiqiqiqiqyqyqiqiqiqiqiqqiqqiqiqiqiqqiqiqiqyqyqiqoeqwiqtoqutwyqiiqypqiqiqpqiiqiiqqiqiqyqiqtqyqyqyoqpqyquqyqiqiqtqiqiqqyqiqiqipqyoqiqqqtwiwiqiqiqqqiqiquqprqqyqiqiquqypqyoqqiqiqiqyqiqoqqyqyiqwiqiqqqiqiqoqiwiqiqiqqqyqyoeqoquqiqiqqiqqiqyoqqyeqiqiqiqiqiqiqyqiqyqpqiqyqyqiqyqipqiwyqypqiwtwiwiwwqyqyqiqyqiqiqiqqetpqyqiqyoqiqqiqiqyprqqiqqyqyqyoqqypqtpqqiqyqiqiqiqtqiqyqiqiqiqiqqyqyqtqiqyqyqiqypqtpqyqyqiqqyqyqiqwipwtqiqqiqyoqqiqiqqyqiqyqiqyprqiqqiqyqypqiqyqqiqiqyqiqqyoqiqquqiqiqiqiqyqyqiqiqqyprqqiqiqiqoqiqiqqyqiquqqiqyqiqqiqiqiqqiqyqyqiqqiqqiqiqqyqiqqiqoqyqiqoqyqiqiqiqriqwyqqiqiqqiqiqiq6qyoq
track looks dope
Two stroke life
God ride👌🏻
فيلم ٦778
Hey what you doing
LOL s Justice
I'm 5ft and 110 pounds can someone suggest a good size bike for me
Nathan Mclellan 85cc big wheel
Nathan Mclellan you need a ktm 450sxf
Cr500 man up
0:39 damn
vídeos de rodeo comusica
He do be zooming.
Where are you from iron Man
Monster truck
Wonderful ☺️
Flying down that track man
Dat skill !
i think he just blew a fart to the audience 2:00
To be 18 again.
Super 👌👌👌👌👌
Nice fucking bike
These kids know how to ride!
+Balls Inyoface thanks!
James Gingerich welcome buddy
My name is sam oates bideford and demi the dog
Wat a pilot
Quiero una...😢ESTO ES MI PASIÓN
Que bonita moto
Bonecos de motas animados
On a pas le même level😲
super balance
Dieu vous protège
The best
Swag overloadet on his two smoker!
Oba laga is
Mantap mantap ❤️❤️❤️❤️
a me piacciono moltissimo le moto!!!
How can you dislike this?
Tgda bhaywa 👌 👌 👌