Sonic 1 Remastered Edition V4

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ม.ค. 2025
    god, i feel like this is a successor to sonic 1 contemporary edition because this hack i made has a huge amount of bug fixes, design changes, more new move sets, and some more enhancements that makes it better than the contemporary edition
    sorry this took a long time to make, this was supposed to be released on the 23rd last month but things got busy, anyways what are differences, boy let me tell you, this is the most improved and best version out of the other versions
    finally gave sonic a wall jump ability
    added super sonic into the game
    made the super peel out work underwater
    slight level design changes
    rings gets attracted while sonic has a shield
    sped up the CD balancing sprites by only a little bit
    enemies makes sounds when they fire a missile
    made the star light zone orbinauts behave like in sonic 4 orbinauts so sonic can defeat them easier
    made the labyrinth zone orbinauts notice sonic at a closer range
    made the green hill zone red and blue newtrons vulnerable before they land on the floor
    made the green hill zone yellow newtrons appear again once sonic leaves and comes right back to them, this also makes them vulnerable when they disappear
    gave the game a speed boost of loading times, now once a zone or act starts or restarts, it will load up almost instantly
    Replaced the sonic 1 ring art, with the sonic 3 ring art because I like the sonic 3 rings a bit better than sonic 1 and sonic 2’s rings
    The level select and debug mode will be unlocked almost immediately when you put down a cheat code on the title screen, also changed the ring sound to a continue sound
    Bug fixes:
    i accidentally didnt fix the pushing while walking bug as i only set sonic to clear his animation but not his flag so i went backed and fixed it to clear his flag while pushing
    fixed the walk jump bug while dying
    fixed the star light zone pylon bug, the reason it is a bug is because when you die and respawn at a lamp post you just touched, they will simply disappear
    fixed the spring yard zone roller art bug, the armadillo enemy has one garbled animation frame because the caterkiller was overwriting part of his art, so i moved the caterkiller art to a different loaction in VRAM
    correctly positioned the invincibility stars and shield when balancing on ledges
    fixed some collision data in star light zone to prevent sonic from falling through some parts of the zone
    fixed some incorrect pixels with sonic's shoes and cheek when he is balancing while facing left or right
    fixed some incorrect pixels with the game over and time over text
    fixed the sped up score tally bug to behave a little better
    fixed some tiles in the green hill zone background
    fixed a bug of where speed shoes do not work underwater
    and even more bugs and enhancements are made, present and fixed.

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