Thanks for sharing your thought process. It's good to have questions and trying to find the answers for these. Regarding "The Middle Prayer" in verse 2:238, it is the 'Asr prayer according to most of Muslim scholars. That's the late afternoon prayer, which is around 4.30pm here in Singapore. And yes, how the religion is practised isn't based on what's in the Quran alone. It is a must for Muslims to follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad too, who clarified and explained things in greater detail. Verse 59:7 in the Quran also mentioned this: "Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it. And whatever he forbids you from, leave it."
I appreciate you trying to help Grayson in your persuit, however you have to be a little bit more consistent. It is known in the Muslim world that Night comes before Day; and the start of the Islamic "day" is when Sunset occurs. This is evident in Ramadan, when they witness the moon and claim it's the first night of Ramadan, people will go and stand the Tarweeh prayers before they even started fasting. The month of Ramadan will also end with the last sunset, or the last daytime. With that understanding the first prayer would be what you would call a maghrib or sunset prayer - which now it is not possible for Asr to be the Middle Prayer
Dear Sister, According to the Qur'an 45:6, 29:51, 46:9, etc. AND also according to Sahih Bukhari 5019, the ONLY Book the Messenger gave us is the Qur'an. If you need help understanding it, the last thing you should be doing is to look for books compiled 220 years after the Qur'an❗ Investigate/ponder on how the tabiyeen prayed Salaat before Imam Bukhari and you'll have your answer, in sha Allah, without relying on any man-made book. Because ascribing potential falsehood on our beloved Prophet (saw) is no less than kufr. Assalam Alaikum
Brock, you basically complicated yourself. Allah sent Prophet Muhammad ﷺ for a reason. He is the “walking Quran” according to Aisha r.a. We follow what the Prophet teaches. Remember Allah said He sent his prophet as a mercy to mankind. Muhammad ﷺ is indeed the perspn to follow. When he showed us how and when to pray. We follow. Muhammad ﷺ said “O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these, you will never go astray.” I don’t mean to be disrespect but I don’t trust your mentor named Baba. He mislead many with his interpretation of the Quran. May Allah sheild us from satan and guide us to the straight path. Aneen.
@@Hasan... A non sense in all directions. Once you say according to Bukhari, then you say don't follow any book compiled after 220 years. Than you want us to follow tabiyeen that lived before Bukhari, and how exactly you want us to know what they did without reliable sources? So ridiculous!!
Watching this video, Grayson, I couldn’t help but notice how much has changed about you. Your tone, expressions, and even how your eyes look are so different from the earlier videos I’ve seen. You seem calmer now, your face more peaceful, and your eyes have a real warmth. I hope I'm not the only one imagining it. Do other viewers see the same changes I’m noticing? If it’s true, alhamdulillah-Barakallahu fiikum, may Allah bless you.
I noticed in his shorts for 3 days, I think he was fasting, his complexion and face was literally glowing. I thought maybe this was me and I was seeing his vids after a long time, or maybe its a filter or light. But naturally his face is glowing with light. Maybe knowing the truth and its knowledge changes how you look
The Qur’an mentions that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to clarify and explain its message. A key verse is in Surah An-Nahl (Chapter sixteen, Verse forty-four): “And We revealed to you the Reminder (the Qur’an) so that you may explain to the people what has been revealed to them, and so that they may reflect.” This highlights that the Prophet’s role included teaching, explaining, and exemplifying the Qur’an in practice.
@@adeyemostephen1986 Narrations of the prophet didn't come after, Prophet's narrations were spoken during the time of revelations, muslims afterwards just preserved it because the Qurans says to follow the teachings of the prophet. The teaching of the prophet PBUH was always there alongside the Quran.
@ahiduzzamanahir1338 where did the Quran tell you to follow the teachings of the prophet? Same Quran teaching the prophet and correcting him? What makes you think "the obey the messenger" is outside the Quran? So when the Jews or non Muslims were listening to that ayah and they hear obey Allah and the messenger To you, they have to ask the prophet for an Hadiths? What did Allah ask the prophet to judge with Hadiths? Just accept your conclusion that Allah's book is insufficient for you
Are you Alright? Allah revealed the Quran to the prophet,Allah said to follow him and follow the prophet, Allah said the Quran will be explained to the people by the prophet It's clear that you're ignorant on this matter but anything the prophet says we should do,we do. The people of that time did, and they did everyone a favour by documenting it,God said follow him, Obey him,and accept his judgements,if it happens to be in a hadith then what's the issue?
Hi. I am also very enthusiastic to learn more and more about Islam. But, I am already a Muslim (convert) from México. how about this? Let's start by learning Arabic and then we can go in deeper research on the Quran. I enrolled in Arabic classes at my university and will also go to Arabic/Quran classes on Fridays after Jumma. It´s amazing that we can spend hours talking about just 1 little ayah. There is so much to learn. I commented on one of your videos a couple of months ago. Take care, brother.
You know, just the fact that you think of Allah in this way and you look forword to talk about him and know about him, make an emotional connection between you and him, and make you close to him. The aim of God that you become grateful to him because he created you as he created every body in this planet. This gratitude will make you proud of who you are, and you will be emotionally strong, since you will be proud of yourself. God in islam is your rock and you will relay on him in every thing you do in your life, and you will be in peace with your-self and it is a very nice feeling. There are some verses in Coran that talks about the obligation to be patient when we facing difficulties in life and and all the time we must say hamdo li-Allah. We can take this strength from Allah. If you are interested, you can look for verses that talks about patiences in the Coran. There are many of them. Here is an exemple : “Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives, and the fruits of your toil. But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Those who say, when afflicted with calamity, ‘To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return.’ They are those on whom descend blessings from their Lord, and mercy. They are the ones who receive guidance” (Quran, 2:155-157) There is also verses that talk and discribe Allah like verse Al-kursi.
Grayson without the teachings of Muhammad you'll end up following random dudes and their interpretations. Be wise brother. Allah has perfected your way don't make it hard on yourself.
Yeah "teachings" which havent even been authenticated by Prophet muhammed himself. Quran is clear on what to do and not do as a muslim. You dont need extra stuff
Hes egoistic of all the videos ive seen or his posts it seem like he has a problem with prophet of God muhammed pbuh who was the main messenger through which God delivered this book. Its funny he wanna live according to book but he’s not acknowledging the fact that prophet Muhammad pbuh was def special for God no wonder why God chose prophet Muhammad pbuh for being the last prophet
the prophet didn't teach anything.. his job was to deliver the message, the quran. guys please this is not even the prophet's teachings. Hadith came 300 years after his death and were written by some random uzbek dude cmon now..
@fxorigins6624 no such thing as quranist. We call ourselves muslims, we are not like yall who call themselves names which allah never ordered. You are not a muslim, you are a sunni. Grayson is a muslim because he follows the creed of ibrahim like Allah ordered us to follow... now let me ask you this, did Ibrahim follow sunni books?😂
Grayson. I am offering my thoughts in the utmost care: With all due respect, I think Baba Shuaib told you what you want to hear, and you went with it. You say "baba Shuaib teaches people how to follow the Quran correctly", But thats what Prophet Muhammads job was. That is the main need for hadith. And its preserved for us now. Besides, quranists say that hadith is not needed, so using that logic, why do you need baba shuaib if the Quran is so self explanatory? Why do u prefer his teachings over the Prophet Muhammad? Alhamdulillah, Prophet Muhammad is my mentor and the mentor for almost 2 billion people today. And his teachings have been preserved by Allah. keep up the research.
Exactly. Each Hadith rejector has his own interpretation and they want Muslims to follow them as if they are the prophet Astagfirullah rather than the one on whom the Revelation, the book was revealed. If they truly followed Quran, they would "Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger". For any sincere person this is enough along with NUMEROUS other places where following the Messenger is commanded. The Quran they supposedly follow refutes their claims. Unless and until they are a people who want to follow their desires and wanna make Islam protestant Christianity 2.0.
The answer is because he do not understand Arabic in Al Qur'an, yhats why he need baba vanga or baba shuib or baba farhan!!!! But following the words of prophet muhammad that you don't know is it correct from Muhammad or that jew persian Bukharie that YOU call him IMAM, A BLIND, NON ARABIC SPEAKER, CAME FROM UZBEKISTAN THAT NOT WRITE HIS OWN KITAB AND GOT HIS OWN MANUSCRIPTS, THAT HIS BOOK OR SAHIH BUKHARIE JUST BEEN COLLECTED AND WRITTEN AFTER THAT BUKHARIE THE BLIND IMAM "DEAD"!!!!!. The sahih Bukharie been written from memorized words of his students, IS THAT YOU BLIND HEART PEOPLES STILL WANT TO FOLLOW AL HADITH!!! I was like you all, and graduate from kuliyah syarieah master degree, i was Al Syafiee mazhab and Al Asyaarie Tauhid and Muhammadiah in Soufiah, but ALLAH SUBHANAHU wa TAALA SHOW ME THE TRUE PATH OF ISLAM AND I REJECT AND DECLINE AL HADITH, AND I SEE WHO FOLLOW HADITH YOU MAKE ASSOCIATE / MUSYRIK ALLAH SUBHANAHU wa TAALA WITH MUHAMMAD, BUKHARIE AND ALL OTHER GODS THAT YOU GUYS POINTED,BUT NOT ALLAH SUBHANAHU wa TAALA.,
You cannot separate the messenger of God from the religion of Islam. Your understanding will be incomplete without studying the interaction of the life of the Prophet (PBUH) with the Quran. His life is the practical implementation of the Message.
"Your understanding will be incomplete without studying the interaction of the life of the Prophet (PBUH) with the Quran. His life is the practical implementation of the Message." Do you have a source for this ?
@@jenniferpopoulos 1. Surah Al Imran (3:31) "Say, [O Muhammad], 'If you should love Allah, then follow me, so Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.'” 2. Surah Al-Ahzab (33:21) "There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often." 3. Surah An-Nisa (4:80) "He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah; but those who turn away - We have not sent you over them as a guardian." 4. Surah Al-Hujurat (49:1) "O you who have believed, do not put [yourselves] before Allah and His Messenger but fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing." 5. Surah Al-A'raf (7:158) "Say, [O Muhammad], 'O mankind, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, [from Him] to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. There is no deity except Him; He gives life and causes death.' So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet, who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him that you may be guided." 6. Surah An-Nur (24:63) "Do not make [your] calling of the Messenger among yourselves as the call of one of you to another. Already Allah knows those of you who slip away, concealed by others. So let those beware who dissent from his order, lest fitnah strike them or a painful punishment."
Your understanding is complete when studying the coran and only the coran you will be confused when you associate other human books as a source of religion
@@mot8154 Ofc.. Now tell me how to perform prayers, what are mandatory and what is not, how to give Zakaat and what to actually give, how to perform Hajj and Umrah in detail, and many more You actually know nothing about the religion, and when an atheist or a christian comes to dank all your beliefs he will succeed, cuz you don't know anything at all
The Five Times Are Specified in the Quran The Dawn Contact Prayer is mentioned by name in 24:58. Before sunrise. The Noon Contact Prayer is specified in 17:78. When the sun declines. The Afternoon Contact Prayer is in 2:238. Midway between noon & sunset. The Sunset Contact Prayer is mentioned in 11:114. Immediately after sunset. The Night Contact Prayer is in 11:114, and is mentioned by name in 24:58.
Establish regular prayers - at the sun’s decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony. This is the verse you claim it's talking about the noon prayers we're as it is still talking about the prayers When the sun declines (which means go down) does not mean noon Don't know where you got the view of five from that ayah
The Qur'an actually mentioned ALL of the 5 times that Muslims should perform the 5 daily prayers (salah): 1 - Fajr: before sunrise (Surah Taha 20:130) 2 - Zuhr: at two o'clock in the afternoon (Surah Bani Israil 17:78) 3 - Asr: before sunset (Surah Taha 20:130) 4 - Magrib: when evening falls (Surah Ar-Rum 30:17) 5 - Isha: when the night becomes dark (Surah Bani Israil 17:78)
Salaam The verses you are quoting are talking about glorification which is takbeer not Salat Quran specifically only talks about salat for three times in a day
@@dechrysoph5298 it's very sad and honestly pathetic that you need to invent new interpretations based on your own whims and desires as you go along while you have ZERO knowledge of Classical Arabic and also 1,400 years of Islamic scholarship and academia.
@@nyubitolkaskus3358 So be patient ˹O Prophet˺ with what they say. And glorify the praises of your Lord before sunrise and before sunset, and glorify Him in the hours of the night and at both ends of the day,1 so that you may be pleased ˹with the reward˺. Fasabbhi ≠ salawat, salawaltan, salawati These three words are used for salat, no interpretation It is actually you guys changing the meaning of the verses and arabic to get 5 times when it isn’t
@@dechrysoph5298 as i understood as a new revert Glorification is the salat and duas is praying by asking Allah swt for what ever you want that must be Halal.
What you’re forgetting Grayson is that the Quran talks about the ‘Night Journey’ of the prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and this is when God ordered the muslims to pray 5 times per day, the night journey is mentioned in the Quran but you see the story of the prayers in Hadith, the Quran refers to the night journey, what happened during this journey? Well then you need hadiths
Yeah the one where he flied on a winged horse and negotiated with allah to bring down the salats from 50 to 5?😂😂😂 Stay away from fairytales brother, none of that is in the quran.
@CanadianRevert24 The details of the Night Journey in the Hadith directly contradict the Qur'an. Let me ask you; How many prayers a day (you think) Muslims prayed before Prophet Muhammad (saw) if the prayers were introduced on that night?
From the beginning in Madinah and For over 14 Centuries, the beautiful Call to Prayer has invited the Faithful to the house of Allah (Masjid) to perform their 5 daily Salah's, in the manner that befits the Majesty of our Creator. By order of God's will, Our Beloved Prophet ﷺ taught us the 5 pillars of Islam before his departure from this world, including the Salah. Only when the final pillar of Hajj was taught and demonstrated, did Allah the Most Merciful reveal the verse of the Quran stating Islam's perfection and Completeness. Travel every corner of the world and you will find the same 5 pillars of Islam being practiced. This is the beauty of Islam. Stay Blessed
Fajr (dawn before sunrise ) Zuhur(middle) starts 12:15-2:30 depending on time zone basically early afternoon Asar before sunset Maghreb after sunset Isha night Night prayers is in the second 3rd part of night( early morning before dawn) tahajud and qiyamul lail are optional You should study the life of prophet Muhammad and then u will realize why Allah said in Quran to follow the prophet.
As some cardiologists say, waking up at dawn for prayer (Fajir Prayer) is good for your heart health. It is also a quiet and blessed time to connect with God. Nice researches boy
Search for Magdi Yacoub, the Egyptian-British retired Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Imperial College London. He discussed this topic. I haven't looked into it deeply, but it is said that we as humans are designed to wake up early at dawn.
@@YousufS16besides the fact he wrote fajr is @ midnight lmao midnight is still 2 hours away from qiyam, and then a few hours away from tahajjud, before we even start making wudu for fajr 😭 either a troll account or genuinely ignorant. May allah guide them
This is my personal conclusion so far: The three prayers (Fajr, Maghrib, and Isha) are explicitly mentioned in the Book, and there are hints about a prayer between these times. However, no specific method for performing the prayer is mentioned, as it is a very personal and private matter between you and your Lord [personal opinion]. Thus, the space is left for individuals to perform their prayers in the way they choose. As for the traditional prayer, it is the method transmitted from the Prophet (peace be upon him) as a reference for how to perform personal prayers. The Prophet did not claim that his way of praying was divine revelation but rather an effort [personal opinion] to teach people the best way to perform the obligatory prayer. I believe that the absence of a specific prescribed method for prayer reflects wisdom and mercy from the All-Knowing God, so that this heavy obligation on us as believers does not become overly burdensome.
There are five prayers mentioned in Quran. Sometimes the words “subha” (glorify) or “hamd” (praise) are used rather than ‘aqim as-salah” which means establishing prayer. E.g. surah 30:17-18 “so glorify Allah when you reach evening and when you reach morning. And to him is praise throughout the heavens and earth and at night, and when you reach noon” This is because during the prayer, you say “subhana rabiyyal a’ala” (glorify god most high) when in prostration and you say “al hamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen” (praise be to Allah lord of the worlds) when standing. So the quran mentions 5 prayers; fajr (dawn), thuhr (noon), asr (middle prayer mentioned in 2:238), maghrib (sunset) and isha (night, anytime after twilight ends and before dawn breaks).
I pray to all Muslims wether revert or convinced later in your life, born Muslim yet searched in all creeds and choose Islam ❤️, that that special person or persons to your heart like myself 😢 embraces Islam, maybe you’ll read this you’re my soulmate my peace and all i wish is to be eternally together with you…
Love your thought provoking deep research, Grayson! Keep it up! I’ve been having the same conversations with myself as a I delve further into Islam. So many layers to uncover that are so beautiful to learn more about.
Hi Grayson, I actually enjoy watching this investigative kind of video from you. This is how it should be done. Remember to stay humble, and sincere in your journey. Please do not stop doing this type of video. Cheers from Malaysia!
I the Quran it says look after the prayers that r in the middle …. Because that’s the time ppl become lazy or tired from work…. It also mentions fajr time. We don’t follow Quran only we also follow prophet Mohammed’s footsteps….
@zingo6999 what are you up to? This isn’t christianity where you can alter stuff. You can’t fool us. By following Muhammad (peace be upon him) only can you follow the creed of Abraham. He was sent to show us what the creed of Abraham was and to differentiate truth from falsehood.
Islam means following the Quran and Hadith. You are only reading one part that’s why you won’t be able to understand it fully unless you also study what the prophet Muhammed pbuh taught cuz it was revealed to him pbuh. So you get the full picture when you study both but that doesn’t mean we worship any human.
I want to add smth which is that you can’t separate the Quran from the sunnah(Hadith) for ex. I was reading the translation of ist 3 chapters over the past 3 months and I just went for the context of every verse and I was happy that I had read the seerah which is the biography of the prophet pbuh and I didn’t have any problem to understand it cuz I kinda knew the story. Quran was revealed over the period of 23 years and therefore reading the book alone would not make better sense cuz you wouldn’t know what was happening at the time when a specific verse was revealed. I hope it makes sense
Grayson, Quran and Authentic Hadiths = one source. ****Because**** Quran did not encompass the details of ALL rulings. Rather, many rulings were mentioned in it, in addition to establishing the authority of the Sunnah; hadiths, which contains many detailed rulings not mentioned in the Quran. Allah Almighty said: 'And We have revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.' (Quran, 16:44). And He said: 'And whatever the Messenger has given you, take it.' (Quran, 59:7). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'Indeed, I have been given the Quran and something similar to it along with it.' (Reported by Imam Ahmad, 16546, and it is an authentic hadith). So whether the rulings are mentioned in the Quran or in the Sunnah, all of it is true and correct, and the source is one, which is revelation from Allah.
5 prayers in 3 times. ------------- Quran does not stand alone, the quran itself refers us to the sunnah of the prophet, which in modern day and age, can only be retrieved from the authentic ahadith. The ahadith tell us that alongside Quran and Sunnah, ijma (concensus of the entire ummah) is a hujjah. Nothing and no one else is, no scholar, no opinion, no fatwa. Only Quran, Sahih Hadith and Ijma-al-ummah can serve as daleel. Ijtihad and qiyas are a thing but they are a seperate matter, one persons ijtihad doesnt necessarily bound another. ------------- Examples of ijma include the jurisprudence upon television and cameras or the use of modern methods. Or on the aqaid side of things, everything from tawheed to the fact that Jesus is alive and shall return one day. ------------- Now this matter of 3 vs 5. Lets clarify one thing first, its not Quran vs hadith. Its Quran AND hadith. The Hadith-rejectors have no claim, they will be ignored here. As mentioned earlier, hadith is just as much as an hujjah as quran itself. If the prophet tells us something, its the same as God telling us that cause the prophet is Gods representative, thats his whole thing. So if the hadith tells us there are 5 prayers, then theres 5. ------------- Now the question is, how do we reconcile that with the quran if they are both right. How can they both be synonymously correct? The quran doesnt mention 5 prayers but it doesnt mention the prayers themselves either, or how to do them, it refers you to the sunnah. It tells you to come to prayer when the adhan is called, it doesnt talk anything else about the adhan, the sunnah does. Thats where the opening statement comes in, they are. The quran doesnt mention 3 prayers, it mentions three times of the day The hadith doesnt mention directly 5 distinct times but rather 5 distinct prayers. Now those 5 prayers can be made in 5 times or 3 times, both are perfectly fine, 5 in 5 is afdhal. This is backed by the ahadith of the allowance of prayer merging. You cannot merge prayers in any order you wish but its particular. Fajr must be prayed by itself, duhr and asr can be combined. Maghrib and isha can be combined. If you combine the prayers and look at the total time zones you get for each combination, it matches up with the time zones of the quran. The hadith only brings forth the number of prayers and splits the timezones into further zones upon precedence, not mandation like the qurans zones. You wanna pray asr with zuhr at 1 pm, go right ahead. U wanna pray maghrib with isha at 3 am? Feel free. ------------- All of this is supported by ijma of the entire ummah, including both sunni and shia. The prophet said about ijma "God will never gather my ummah about falsehood. God has his hand upon ijma'a" Now the shias may have gone to extreme where they have mandated merging salahs and the sunnis, going against their sources, have banned merging them outside of travel, the end of the matter is even if rarely, the sunnis pray 3 times a day and the shias make 5 prayers every day. Therefore the statement : "5 prayers are mandated within 3 timezones" by the concensus of the entirity of muslim ummah.
Before the Night Journey (Isra and Mi'raj), Muslims prayed only twice a day as obligatory prayers. It was only after this event, when Allah reduced the initially prescribed 50 prayers to five daily prayers, that the five prayers were established. This is also why not all of them are specifically mentioned in the Qur'an, as the Qur'an itself was revealed progressively, just like other rulings such as the prohibition of alcohol
I feel you on your point about getting your 8 hours of sleep. But then again.. God knows what's best for you. Also.. as you get older, the less time you need to sleep. I have grandparents that only sleep about 6-7 hours and that's more than enough. An early nap also helps them.. but they are retired and all. But a good 20 minute nap can do a lot for you.
Ngl, I just read the title and freaked out. Prayer is by far the most mentioned word in the quran. Chat gpt summed it up well. Before sunrise (fajr), Decline of the sun (Midday or duhr), Before sunset ie the middle prayer (Asr), after sunset before night (Sunset or Maghrib) and during the night (Isha)
That long night prayer is Tahajjud / Qiyam-ul-Lail, mentioned in Surah al Muzzammil. This prayer was obligatory before the 5 prayers were prescribed. But now, is is optional. Although this is one of the greatest deeds one can do daily. Many pious muslim observe this prayer daily.
Grayson Brock, I am 21 years old Muslim, and I watched your reading Quran in one sitting. It also inspired me to search more and study. There's a verse in the Holy Quran which says if this Quran was from other than God, you would find many contradictions in it.. Most of the Muslim believes the Hadiths to be side by side with the Holy Quran to be from God but the difference in Islam starts from Hadiths.
You should read the story of the obligation to pray on the night of the Al'israe and Mi’raj and how it was angel Gabriel who taught the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, how and when to pray.
bro you please continue your work i am with you, real deen is materialised, almost idolised by world for centuries, muslim world has to wake up to this very critical seriously
You should totally dive into sufi mysticism (tasavvuf), we can not understand how great Allah's forgiveness and compassion can be. Some of The Prophet's (Pbuh) last sentences "The choice has been given to the servant and the servant has choosen to be in The Sublime Presence of Allah" "I am going to the Sublime Friend". Allah is our one and only, what is expressing from our mind, is expressing from Allah. In The Book there are underlining sentences of "Don't you think", "Don't you use your mind", "Don't you imagine". The creation process is now and the hints, everywhere at all times neccessary. But human, is just a pure mirror of Allah for another human, just because the words that self can understand, expresses through self. Animals also, but they are using circal(motion/emotion) language.
Between the Quran being revealed only via the Prophet, the fact Quran says follow him, and the fact that these prayers are mainstream should suffice. To question listening to the prophet would be to question the Quran since it says to follow him and that he is altogether revelation. Also ChatGPT does not always pick up all the verses - not a reliable way to search the Quran.
Good Lord y'all are really exposing yourselves by saying "Quran says follow him" Please brother go read the verse before and the verse after that one verse then come back and tell me you wholeheartedly believe its about Hadith..
This ain't working. Go to scholars and ask every single thing you're in doubt about, then take shahada or leave it. Entire families reverted while you're tryna do TH-cam doubty staff.
This is the quickest way to settle this, similar to how sneako organized Islamic debates, greyson should too. The longer greyson sits with his questions unanswered, the easier it is for shaitan to confuse and misguide him.
We really take care about how we talk about Allah and how we think about Allah, I know it’s new to you but always remember this! We fallow the messenger of Allah because of many verses in Quran look into 59:7 , 3:59 and 24:63
W Grayson.. 2:35 I like this type of video version more than the Livestream version 😊 because you’re not distracted by us in the chat 💬 although I do love chatting with you and everyone and giving my opinions 😂
20:130 that you were reading was about praising God through remembrance of His glory and blessings (zikr) which is different from prayer (Salah) referred to in 11:114. Also some verses referring to the middle of the night is voluntary Sunnah prayer called tahajud
when things don't make sense, it means you have a conclusion that you are looking for its evidence. which is a wrong approach because it should be the opposite. start over without assumptions without conclusions. look into the data and information and analyze it and accept your understanding to the best of your OWN limited knowledge that gets enhanced over time and might lead you to change your understanding as well. that is your A+ PASS and success with GOD and what he requested you to do. that is the test.
The verses have a context, ie given at a certain time. You have to study cross references or commentaries to get full historical context. No single verse should be taken out of the context it was sent for. And even if the Quran only said three prayers if the Prophet prayed more which we know he did then we are supposed to follow his example, as his followers.
So according to that based on the Quran 3 time ranges, morning, middle and evening. The other thing it didn't mention is "rak'ahs (units of prayer)". So the 5 daily prayers and units of prayer are then taken from Muhammad's teachings (outside of the Quran).
Well, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) doesn't speak from his own whims and desires, nor did he lie about Allah. So, when he taught us how to pray, he didn't make it up on the spot. Unless you're a Hadith-rejecter.
Simplistically speaking Prophet Muhammad pbuh was chosen by Allah to convey His Message of Islam its prudent then to follow exactly what the Prophet practiced In reality he prayed more then 5 times a day so we ought to at least perfect what is made fard from Allah which is 5 times a day
@@sgcpastas3748 It makes one think, if prayer was as important as it’s made out to be then there should be at least a chapter dedicated in the Quran all about praying. But what I saw in the clip is at most a handful of sentences out of 114 chapters. And without details of how to pray, exactly what to do and exactly what to say.
Yeah following hadiths, it seems daunting first, born muslim always questioning hadiths, but once you practice hadith, it will just make sense, (i saw stoping music not nessecary untill i did, and it did give me super extra peace. praying 5 times with people traditionnaly did look unessesary untill i started to do it, and found it, i started to save my soul from many bad things, just by going praying and changing location i'm in, being aware of god, and then go back, i just came back again with more pure intentions and soul.) thanks for bringing that channel to us, the benefits i have right now from religions is mainly because your questions and ideas.
@@Omeeid That is the problem right there, a lot of people don't know how to read and understand and that is exactly why Allah sent the prophet with it. Allah could have also revealed it without a teacher but since the prophet had an appointed angel, Jibreel with him, the prophet helped clarify peoples questions.
@@ahiduzzamanahir1338it seems completely logical, to at least follow the messenger, if god choose that person to get the revelation, at least we can benefit from his manner and what he said, is like a teacher who knows something we don't, and we really want to know what he wanted to say, because it matters in our life and after. Is not complicated, and the point of being afraid of people, nowadays following fully the Sunnah seems weird again. Nobody is fearing anyone here, we just want to know the truth, so we can die and live in peace, regardless of how we are perceived by others that faces the same life, and will experience the same afterlife.
@@ahiduzzamanahir1338explain this to this grayson he seem egoistic as hell fr 😂 he wanna follow islam but he has bigtime problems with the prophet who delivered God’s message this person is weird as hell he must have some issues
You are doing the right thing by toiling and learning the meanings . Allah is the source of all knowledge . He will guide you to the right way . Advisers themselves have never read the Quran with meanings .
You need to realise that thousands of people dedicated their whole lives to researching Islam, you're not gonna be the one that invents 2 prayers a day, it's done, Sunni Islam. Delivered by the Salaf
Hadith was written, 200 years after prophet Muhammad (pbuh) left earth. It is not a book of religion, only Quran is. Even prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Himself said to burn down the hadiths and not to make another book besides Quran. Hadith can be read to gain knowledge. But you must know they're not all authentic. You just don't need to live your life by it. Quran is enough. You don't need hadith to learn to pray traditionally, just see the descendants of the Prophet (pbuh). Keeping beard doesn’t give you any sawwab, neither it's sinful to not keep beard. It's all bullcrap, purported by Muabiya, wahabians. Just read the Quran open mindedly and ask for Allah's guidance. But yes, reading Sirat is important. Cause the verses of Quran came to the Prophet in different times and situations of his life. So reading the Sirat will make you understand the Quran better.
Grayson I would advise you to stay away from baba. Please tell me who is more knowledgeable than the prophet and the sahaba in understanding and implementing the Quran. Where is your and babas chain and scholars going back to the prophet and these practices are you coming up with in your intellectual mind?
the prophet is dead. if his knowledge was what god wanted to transmit to us then he would've sent a book with the prophet's knowledge. he sent the quran instead. please use your brain.
@@jenniferpopoulos So you all have your own interpretations and how to implement the Quran. I do use my brain. Alhamdulillah. One question can you explain what la ilaha ilAllah Allah means ?
Muslims be aware tbere are individuals that seek ro try to confuse you because they are them selves confuse , Islam is perfection may Allah keep us steadfast
You read the verses and it doesn't say at what time exactly to do the prayers and how. I'm sure there is a reason for this. Maybe because different cultures have different systems to tell the time, and the Quran is for all human beings from all cultures. But that is one of the reasons we need to know what the prophet did and how he understood the revelation. And he was receiving revelation through an angel of God for 23 years. If he was doing somthing wrong he would've been corrected by the angel, like in surah 'Abasa (Surah 80, "he frowned", look up its context). And the means we use to know how the man who was in contact with God is the books of hadith. That's all
Hi Grayson - Al Baqarah - 2:285 simply states obeying the prophet is obeying Allah. Hence, hadith and sunnah completes Islam. Thus it is also very important to know which hadith n sunnah are authentic
"Say: 'Obey Allah and obey the Messenger.' If they turn away from this then know that Allah does not love those who refuse to obey Him and His Messenger.'" (Quran 3:32) Now ask yourself how do we obey the messenger? Through the Hadiths. "(This was Our) Sunnah (rule or way) with the Messengers We sent before you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم), and you will not find any alteration in Our Sunnah (rule or way)." (Quran 17:77) All the prophets prayed the same way in the same manner, in the correct time of prayer ordained by God through his Sunnah and Shariah. Understand that you haven't made a new founded argument against the times of prayer, this has been argued for centuries. Therefore, you aren't really challenging the traditional Islamic thought. Your poor understanding of the Quran doesn't mean MOST people DONT know, it means you aren't referring to the hadith to understand the Quran the best way you can which is through the explanations of the Prophet (SAW) and his sayings about the rewards of praying SPECIFICALLY 5 times a day. Stop the arrogance and the ignorance.
He's not necessarily being arrogant or ignorant, but perhaps misguided. He's had various people each teaching him a different version of Islam. The qurani guy, baba something, has convinced him that the Quran is all you need, and, being uneducated on the topic - greyson can't refute him. Therefore, in order for greyson to learn properly, he needs to hear both sides and come to his own conclusion, rather than take someone's word for it. Basically, a debate with two learned Muslims on the topic would be ideal. If anyone has debates for him to watch, link it, but he may as well set them up at this point, I'm sure people will watch.
"Say (O Muhammad to your people): If you really love Allah, then follow me (Muhammad), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins." (Al Qur'an, Surah Ali Imran: 31
@@jenniferpopoulos Sahih International Say, “Obey Allah and the Messenger.” But if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers. (Ali Imran: 32)
@@jenniferpopoulos Abul Ala Maududi Say: ‘Obey Allah and obey the Messenger.’ If they turn away from this then know that Allah does not love those who refuse to obey Him and His Messenger. (Ali Imran: 32)
If u say u submit to god but u don't follow his prophet even though god tells u to follow the prophet then u're not submitting to god at all, u can't pick and chose what to submit to and what to not submit to. + u're making smth that is easy to msth very hard
Go to the right person for tht we r just muslims that love islam and are very happy to see ppl join it and majority of the times their r beautiful stories that come with the reverts
Mr Grayson ❤❤❤ here are the times that the holly Quran mentions for praying normally Here are Quranic verses that directly mention prayer times, aligning with the five daily prayers, though not explicitly numbering them: 1. Fajr (Dawn Prayer): “Establish prayer at the decline of the sun until the darkness of the night, and the Quran at dawn. Indeed, the recitation of the Quran at dawn is ever witnessed.” (Quran 17:78) • This refers to the Fajr prayer at dawn. 2. Dhuhr (Noon) and Asr (Afternoon): “So exalt Allah when you reach the evening and when you reach the morning. And to Him is [due] all praise throughout the heavens and the earth. And [exalt Him] at night and when you are at noon.” (Quran 30:17-18) • Morning refers to Fajr, evening refers to Maghrib and Isha, and noon points to Dhuhr and Asr. 3. Maghrib (Evening) and Isha (Night): “And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember.” (Quran 11:114) • The “two ends of the day” cover Fajr and Maghrib, and “approach of the night” points to Isha. 4. General Reference to the Five Times: “O you who have believed, let those whom your right hands possess and those who have not yet reached puberty among you ask permission of you at three times: before the dawn prayer, when you put aside your clothing at noon, and after the evening prayer. These are three times of privacy for you.” (Quran 24:58) • This verse directly refers to Fajr, Dhuhr, and Isha prayers. These verses clearly indicate specific prayer times without stating “five” explicitly. The practice of five daily prayers is confirmed through the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the consensus of the Muslim community.
Beautiful explanation! It’s true that Islam has always existed, and the prophets of Allah all preached the same faith over thousands of years. Their main message was to call people to worship Allah alone, and this is the most important aspect of Islam. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Anyone who says, ‘There is no God but Allah’ will enter Paradise.” This means that as long as we keep this faith in our hearts, we will enter Paradise 🌴💎.
I think its so interesting that the topic he is talking about coincides with the 27th of Rajab which is the Isra wa Miraj...when Rasullah s.a.w. was precribed the salat. Anyways i wish i could have a conversation with Grayson about the Salat because i could talk for hours about how many fascinating layers there is to it and parralels and what an honor it is for those of us for do it......its like mind blowing. Anyways i messeged him 1 time on tik tok and never heard back. Khair Insha Allah maybe he sees this comment and reaches out. We could have a fascinating conversation about this.
I wonder why you trust the Quran which is revealed through Prophet Mohamed صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ but not Hadiths wich are how he lived صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ 😅😄
Mashallah! You are on the right path by taking the time to read and contemplate the Quran to understand the times of prayer. This shows your sincerity and your desire to deepen your faith. Keep going, as this reflection will lead you to discover how our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) interpreted these precious moments. May Allah guide you and grant you profound and enlightened understanding. Ameen!
@@zingo6999 thank you for your response I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree with the notion that secondary, man-made books are disgusting. While the Quran is the ultimate guide, human interpretation and commentary can be invaluable tools for understanding. Just as we use dictionaries to clarify unfamiliar words, Hadiths can provide context and insight into the Prophet's teachings. However, it's essential to strike a balance between relying on these secondary sources and staying grounded in the Quran's guidance. Let's approach Hadiths as human reports that can enhance our understanding, rather than replacing the Quran's authority. By finding this balance, we can deepen our knowledge and faith.
Brother, the ahadith are the sayings of the prophet pbuh, and we follow them because the quran tells us to follow them. Chapter 4 verse 59 literaly tells us to obey the messanges.
I was really happy when you started your journey in Islam and your videos genuinely made me happy. I really hope that you look into Shia Islam in the future, don’t just ask Sunnah Muslims about it tho, cuz when you wanna learn about Christianity you ask Christians, when you learn about Islam you ask Muslims, so in the same concept when you have questions about Shia Muslims ask Shia Muslims. And you would be surprised I promise. The holy Quran mentioned 3 time to pray and only Shia Muslims pray the 5 prayers in those specific times mentioned in the holy Quran and prophet Mohammed (pbuhahf) did pray like that too in the books of sunnah.
Try to be a good "Muslim" because Prophet Muhammad PBUH was Muslim He never said that become a shia or sunni ,He said that be a Good Follow the Quran and Sunnah
Q3:31 Say, ‘If you love God, follow me, and God will love you and forgive you your sins; God is most forgiving, most merciful.’ 32 Say, ‘Obey God and the Messenger,’ but if they turn away, [know that] God does not love those who ignore [His commands].
they were never an item. they go together as much as the bible goes with the quran. you've clearly never studied neither quran nor Hadiths seriously because by then you would know, THEY DONT go together, AT ALL
Praying in the middle of the night is actually the first commanded prayer chronologically (surah muzammil) For a year, it was required, and then was made optional at the end of the surah with an additinal verse. It is for those who seek to be close to god.
Good job Grayson on approaching this religion with honest questions and being open to learning and understanding. The Prophet’s example is in the Quran alone, so yes, we should follow his example as laid out in the Quranic stories. The Quran is the only book that we know to be the word of God.
And careful, I am studying this matter too, and thanks to God I am an arabic speaker. One advice : start by understanding all words related to time , you ll discover that "Nahar" (translated day) is not a day (from sunrise to sunset) , a day is rather "Yawm" , and "Yawm" is "nahar + massaa (evening)" , so yawm is day , nahar would be morning til evening , and evening is from the yellow sun to right before it goes under the veil of night. So a 24h would be : Yawm (day) + Night (from sunset) or Nahar (morning) + Massaa (Evening) + Night . If i put in between times ===> Fajr declares Nahar, then Yellow sun declares Massaa, then Sun disappearing declares Night. Once you ve get those go back to the scripture. Before everything say : " I put my trust and faith in God or I rely on God "
Amazing to see how you've been progressing so far, such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your journey, your videos teach me how keep learning and relearning more about my faith. Alhamdulillah. May Allah SWT guide you always, Aamiin Insha Allah..
You find the middle prayer (afternoon prayer) in Verse 30:17-18. And another prayer mentioned here is “when the sun declines”. Which is when the sun reaches its highest point and then begins to decline (towards setting)
Alhumdulillah, i always wanted to learn my own religion but i was always being lazy and waiting for the perfect time Then Alhumdulillah i cane across your channel and got that spark required to start ,its been 2-3 months alhumdulillah now i atleast have a very strong foundation looking to seek more knowledge inshallah (ameen)
There are five prayers mentioned in Quran. Sometimes the words “subha” (glorify) or “hamd” (praise) are used rather than ‘aqim as-salah” which means establishing prayer. E.g. surah 30:17-18 “so glorify Allah when you reach evening and when you reach morning. And to him is praise throughout the heavens and earth and at night, and when you reach noon” This is because during the prayer, you say “subhana rabiyyal a’ala” (glorify god most high) when in prostration and you say “al hamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen” (praise be to Allah lord of the worlds) when standing. So the quran mentions 5 prayers; fajr (dawn), thuhr (noon), asr (middle prayer mentioned in 2:238), maghrib (sunset) and isha (night, anytime after twilight ends and before dawn breaks). Tahajjud (extra night prayer) is optional, see Quran 17:79 and 73:20
Grayson just jumping into Islam like this in this time, proves why we need medhabs . The community didn’t do a good job, letting him meet everyone was a mistake as a fresh Muslims. Don’t let anyone downplay the impact and importance of Rasullah (SAW). May Allah continue to guide us all.
❤ Your doing good research Grayson 🎉, I felt abit bad for you cause u was struggling cause ChatGPT kept involving Hadith and history as research. Just a tip. When you ask questions to ChatGPT end your question with, use only Quran as a source. You had the prayers, middle is Night, called Wustah. You had Fajr before sunrise and you had Isha before sunset. A tip to think of is, if the SUN IS VISIBLE, then it’s not time for prayer. And I’m talking about the physical sun being visible. Fajr (dawn) starts when you see the sky bright up, and same when the physical sun is under the horizon and you see only its light in the sky then it’s Isha (evening). And then you have middle prayer which is night. Good luck brother ❤👍
Brother, the ahadith are the sayings of the prophet pbuh, and we follow them because the quran tells us to follow them. Chapter 4 verse 59 literaly tells us to obey the messanges. And what the prophet tells us is from god, according to quran
Yes, these are questions that I have had to look up myself, so keep doing this kind of digging and discovering because, there are questions and you can do this for us ❤
The quran contains the core of our faith, it tells you to pray, but it dosent tell you every detail on how to pray. If the quran had every detail of our faith it would be too long. And that would be a problem for many reasons, harder memorization, harder read etc. And you dont need to read all ahadith to know how to practice islam. All you need to know is the basics. And remember the quran, the words of god tell us to follow the ahadith, so are you gonna be like some other faiths that follow parts of their book and discard other?
Hey Brother Grayson, it’s Hamza. As an Arab, I wanted to explain that these ayat refer to prayers the Prophet (peace be upon him) was commanded to perform, specifically Qiyam al-Layl-the night prayer usually prayed after midnight, around 2-3 a.m. The “middle prayer” mentioned is Asr (the afternoon prayer). You should listen to the story of the Prophet’s journey to heaven (Isra and Mi’raj), where he returned with the prayers as a gift. Each prayer serves as a means of earning forgiveness.
I mean bro, watching what you're showing that third prayer came before the night prayer (Isha) so in those twilight hours as the sun sets. That is just maghrib Salah type shi That's 3/5 prayers so far, you've inspired me to continue my research too, shout-out to you bro
Its the process carried out by sincerity that counts. Im all for and looking forward to the raw uncut exploration! The night prayer is something you will grow into. If people wake up by fajr and go to sleep soon after ishaa, you will wake up during the night on your own even if Hubermen doesn't agree 😊.
You will find the timings in the seerah. The prayers were give during the isra wal mi'raj where Muhammad went to the heavens and found Moses. At first 50 prayers were given but Moses said that this will too burdensome for your nation so it reduced by 5 until 5 prayers remained.
Grayson Timeline 17:34, it says sunrise fajr. middle prayer is two prayers that are prayed separatez Dhuhr and asr. Evening prayer is also two separate prayers close to one another one during sunset and one after. It’s called maqrib and isha prayer. So total of five… Quran is hard to understand with translation. Also prophet taught us how to pray and do things according to Quran and that’s what the Hadith teaches. The Hadith is just another book it references to the Quran.
أَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ لِدُلُوكِ ٱلشَّمْسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ ٱلَّيْلِ وَقُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِ إِنَّ قُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِ كَانَ مَشْهُودًا Uphold thou the duty at the merging of the sun until the dark of night, and the recitation of dawn - the recitation of dawn is witnessed - (17:78) Commentary from brother Sam 2. Arabic: dulūk. The primary meaning of the verb with which this noun is associated is to rub or to press or to squeeze (often: until things merge). The expression dulūk al shams signifies that time at which the sun seems to merge with the horizon. The expression dulūk al shams is noted by Wehr (p. 335) as sunset. The Traditionalist has two problems at this point. Firstly, he is unable to conceive of al ṣalāt as the generic, abstract noun it clearly is (cf. al ṣabr). And, secondly, having particularised the general, he has also locked himself into the dogma of five daily rituals on the basis of his non-Qur’anic literature. He is in the unenviable position of Cinderella’s ugly sisters: he must make the glass slipper fit come what may, but reality is against him. Thus, he has it that dulūk al shams means the time after the sun passes the meridian. By extending his notion of sunset in this way, he can convince himself that what is meant here is provision for a number of ‘prayers’ nowhere mentioned here in the text. By way of example, the Traditionalist translators at Saheeh International render here Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night, to which they add the note: i.e., the period which includes the thuhr, aṣr, maghrib, and ‘ishā’ prayers. The Traditionalist just needs to get one more of his five-prayer set through the goalposts. But this is sleight of hand, and any reasonably intelligent child without prior indoctrination would recognise it as such. What no one seems to ask is: if four ‘prayers’ can be found in this space, why not six, or ten - or a hundred? The fact is that the Traditionalist is locked in to values taken from elsewhere, and is committed to cramming the glass slipper onto a fat, hairy foot no matter if it shatters in the process - which, of course, in the light of any sensible analysis, it does (one has only to consider 11:114 for the Traditionalist’s manipulations with dulūk al shams to be exposed, despite the incursions the Traditionalist employs against the plain sense of the text there also). And, again, no matter what the precise meaning of aqāma al ṣalāt in this segment, the indisputable fact is that both here and at 11:114 the imperative is in the singular. I have no objection to prayer, including to that of the Traditionalist, minor points notwithstanding. I have no objection to prayers being held at the time the Traditionalist holds them, or at any other time. I do object to his practice of claiming monopoly rights over a book which itself claims to be from God and complete, and then of importing his values for key terms in that book from elsewhere and proceeding to attack anyone who doesn’t agree with him. And I also object to his allied practice of manipulating the plain sense of the text to make it seem to fit with his externally derived requirements. If he doesn’t wish to take the Qur’an at its own estimation that is his affair, but he should not hinder those who do.
Bro, every salah times is specific revolution time on earth scientifically. I mean ; Allah introduce himself in every 5 salah time. He is alive and sustaining. Do you think logically 2 times is enough to show your blessings for Allah ? At least I need to remember his blessings 5 times a day that I can see the how he changes my earth. Also English language is not enough to understand Quran.
For my Muslim brothers and sisters, we always read the letter al-Fatihah in prayer and outside of prayer, try to pay attention especially to verses 5, 6, and 7 of the letter al-Fatihah, there we state that only to Allah we serve and ask for help, ask to be shown to Him the straight path, namely the path of life of people who have been given blessings by Allah, and not the path of life of people who are astray. Learn who the people who are given the blessings referred to in the verse are, namely the Prophets, their companions, people who are martyrs in religion, and scholars and pious people. Also learn what is meant by people who are astray, namely people who live their lives by opposing the people who were given the blessings. Hopefully we are all among the lucky ones who are willing to accept and follow the guidance. Amen..
Soera 73:20 saying over the night prayer. The interpration about the middle prayer you can understand about the middle from the day. Middle prayer is the morning and the evening. the morning prayer is done between the night and day it is in between that is the middle of that moment of the morning. this is also the evening. evening is done before sunset then there is still daylight after the night that is the middle moment the day and night that these 2 prayers are done. Soera 24:58 telling about 3 times moment for prayers.
Read the context of 2:238. The verses before it. You will understand that it is not talking about observing a prayer but about observing the commandments on divorce that are mentionned before this verse. And the word "middle" is not talking about a time of day.
Thanks for sharing your thought process. It's good to have questions and trying to find the answers for these. Regarding "The Middle Prayer" in verse 2:238, it is the 'Asr prayer according to most of Muslim scholars. That's the late afternoon prayer, which is around 4.30pm here in Singapore. And yes, how the religion is practised isn't based on what's in the Quran alone. It is a must for Muslims to follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad too, who clarified and explained things in greater detail. Verse 59:7 in the Quran also mentioned this: "Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it. And whatever he forbids you from, leave it."
I appreciate you trying to help Grayson in your persuit, however you have to be a little bit more consistent. It is known in the Muslim world that Night comes before Day; and the start of the Islamic "day" is when Sunset occurs. This is evident in Ramadan, when they witness the moon and claim it's the first night of Ramadan, people will go and stand the Tarweeh prayers before they even started fasting. The month of Ramadan will also end with the last sunset, or the last daytime. With that understanding the first prayer would be what you would call a maghrib or sunset prayer - which now it is not possible for Asr to be the Middle Prayer
Dear Sister, According to the Qur'an 45:6, 29:51, 46:9, etc. AND also according to Sahih Bukhari 5019, the ONLY Book the Messenger gave us is the Qur'an. If you need help understanding it, the last thing you should be doing is to look for books compiled 220 years after the Qur'an❗ Investigate/ponder on how the tabiyeen prayed Salaat before Imam Bukhari and you'll have your answer, in sha Allah, without relying on any man-made book. Because ascribing potential falsehood on our beloved Prophet (saw) is no less than kufr.
Assalam Alaikum
Brock, you basically complicated yourself. Allah sent Prophet Muhammad ﷺ for a reason. He is the “walking Quran” according to Aisha r.a. We follow what the Prophet teaches. Remember Allah said He sent his prophet as a mercy to mankind. Muhammad ﷺ is indeed the perspn to follow. When he showed us how and when to pray. We follow. Muhammad ﷺ said
“O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these, you will never go astray.”
I don’t mean to be disrespect but I don’t trust your mentor named Baba. He mislead many with his interpretation of the Quran. May Allah sheild us from satan and guide us to the straight path. Aneen.
It doesn’t mean middle prayer ,,, wsta means the best not middle
@@Hasan... A non sense in all directions. Once you say according to Bukhari, then you say don't follow any book compiled after 220 years. Than you want us to follow tabiyeen that lived before Bukhari, and how exactly you want us to know what they did without reliable sources? So ridiculous!!
Watching this video, Grayson, I couldn’t help but notice how much has changed about you. Your tone, expressions, and even how your eyes look are so different from the earlier videos I’ve seen. You seem calmer now, your face more peaceful, and your eyes have a real warmth.
I hope I'm not the only one imagining it. Do other viewers see the same changes I’m noticing?
If it’s true, alhamdulillah-Barakallahu fiikum, may Allah bless you.
Alhamdullilah, I noticed too matured a lot and more calm
@@LuigiHabibi i was thinking this too but it might just be cus it was early in the mornings hes still rlly energetic otherwise
@@LuigiHabibi ive just realised who u are 😂(im a sub) you should get into contact with grayson
I noticed in his shorts for 3 days, I think he was fasting, his complexion and face was literally glowing. I thought maybe this was me and I was seeing his vids after a long time, or maybe its a filter or light. But naturally his face is glowing with light. Maybe knowing the truth and its knowledge changes how you look
✋🏼I noticed
The Qur’an mentions that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to clarify and explain its message. A key verse is in Surah An-Nahl (Chapter sixteen, Verse forty-four):
“And We revealed to you the Reminder (the Qur’an) so that you may explain to the people what has been revealed to them, and so that they may reflect.”
This highlights that the Prophet’s role included teaching, explaining, and exemplifying the Qur’an in practice.
Chapter 53 v 3-4 says that the prophet(saw) doesn’t speak on his own accord hence everything he says is revealed by Allah ie. Revelation.
So why didn't Allah tell us another narration will be coming after the Quran?
I don't know why Allah is not sufficient for you guys
@@adeyemostephen1986 Narrations of the prophet didn't come after, Prophet's narrations were spoken during the time of revelations, muslims afterwards just preserved it because the Qurans says to follow the teachings of the prophet. The teaching of the prophet PBUH was always there alongside the Quran.
@ahiduzzamanahir1338 where did the Quran tell you to follow the teachings of the prophet?
Same Quran teaching the prophet and correcting him?
What makes you think "the obey the messenger" is outside the Quran?
So when the Jews or non Muslims were listening to that ayah and they hear obey Allah and the messenger
To you, they have to ask the prophet for an Hadiths?
What did Allah ask the prophet to judge with
Hadiths? Just accept your conclusion that Allah's book is insufficient for you
Are you Alright?
Allah revealed the Quran to the prophet,Allah said to follow him and follow the prophet, Allah said the Quran will be explained to the people by the prophet
It's clear that you're ignorant on this matter but anything the prophet says we should do,we do.
The people of that time did, and they did everyone a favour by documenting it,God said follow him, Obey him,and accept his judgements,if it happens to be in a hadith then what's the issue?
Hi. I am also very enthusiastic to learn more and more about Islam. But, I am already a Muslim (convert) from México. how about this? Let's start by learning Arabic and then we can go in deeper research on the Quran. I enrolled in Arabic classes at my university and will also go to Arabic/Quran classes on Fridays after Jumma. It´s amazing that we can spend hours talking about just 1 little ayah. There is so much to learn. I commented on one of your videos a couple of months ago. Take care, brother.
which madhab do you follow? beware of salafis
You know, just the fact that you think of Allah in this way and you look forword to talk about him and know about him, make an emotional connection between you and him, and make you close to him. The aim of God that you become grateful to him because he created you as he created every body in this planet. This gratitude will make you proud of who you are, and you will be emotionally strong, since you will be proud of yourself. God in islam is your rock and you will relay on him in every thing you do in your life, and you will be in peace with your-self and it is a very nice feeling.
There are some verses in Coran that talks about the obligation to be patient when we facing difficulties in life and and all the time we must say hamdo li-Allah. We can take this strength from Allah. If you are interested, you can look for verses that talks about patiences in the Coran. There are many of them.
Here is an exemple :
“Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives, and the fruits of your toil. But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Those who say, when afflicted with calamity, ‘To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return.’ They are those on whom descend blessings from their Lord, and mercy. They are the ones who receive guidance” (Quran, 2:155-157)
There is also verses that talk and discribe Allah like verse Al-kursi.
Bro, are you on any socil media? I also started learning arabic recently
If you don't mind we can get connected?
@@bosnian1 why beware of salafis? Ive heard that they follow the three best generations. The sahaba and so on to the third.
@@Quranandsunnah-s6q they claim to, but they dont. Malikis, hanafis, hanbalis and shafis follow the first three generations
Grayson without the teachings of Muhammad you'll end up following random dudes and their interpretations. Be wise brother. Allah has perfected your way don't make it hard on yourself.
Yeah "teachings" which havent even been authenticated by Prophet muhammed himself. Quran is clear on what to do and not do as a muslim. You dont need extra stuff
Hes egoistic of all the videos ive seen or his posts it seem like he has a problem with prophet of God muhammed pbuh who was the main messenger through which God delivered this book. Its funny he wanna live according to book but he’s not acknowledging the fact that prophet Muhammad pbuh was def special for God no wonder why God chose prophet Muhammad pbuh for being the last prophet
the prophet didn't teach anything.. his job was to deliver the message, the quran. guys please this is not even the prophet's teachings. Hadith came 300 years after his death and were written by some random uzbek dude cmon now..
Agree. Ignorant quranist are here to deviate and confuse him
@fxorigins6624 no such thing as quranist. We call ourselves muslims, we are not like yall who call themselves names which allah never ordered. You are not a muslim, you are a sunni. Grayson is a muslim because he follows the creed of ibrahim like Allah ordered us to follow... now let me ask you this, did Ibrahim follow sunni books?😂
Grayson. I am offering my thoughts in the utmost care: With all due respect, I think Baba Shuaib told you what you want to hear, and you went with it. You say "baba Shuaib teaches people how to follow the Quran correctly", But thats what Prophet Muhammads job was. That is the main need for hadith. And its preserved for us now.
Besides, quranists say that hadith is not needed, so using that logic, why do you need baba shuaib if the Quran is so self explanatory? Why do u prefer his teachings over the Prophet Muhammad?
Alhamdulillah, Prophet Muhammad is my mentor and the mentor for almost 2 billion people today. And his teachings have been preserved by Allah.
keep up the research.
quran says muhammad is the best of people... so grayson why do not you want to study this exemplary human being?
Wow i love your question.thanks it helps a lot
Exactly. Each Hadith rejector has his own interpretation and they want Muslims to follow them as if they are the prophet Astagfirullah rather than the one on whom the Revelation, the book was revealed. If they truly followed Quran, they would "Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger". For any sincere person this is enough along with NUMEROUS other places where following the Messenger is commanded. The Quran they supposedly follow refutes their claims. Unless and until they are a people who want to follow their desires and wanna make Islam protestant Christianity 2.0.
You said what I want to say more than I would like to explain
Big Respect❤
The answer is because he do not understand Arabic in Al Qur'an, yhats why he need baba vanga or baba shuib or baba farhan!!!!
But following the words of prophet muhammad that you don't know is it correct from Muhammad or that jew persian Bukharie that YOU call him IMAM, A BLIND, NON ARABIC SPEAKER, CAME FROM UZBEKISTAN THAT NOT WRITE HIS OWN KITAB AND GOT HIS OWN MANUSCRIPTS, THAT HIS BOOK OR SAHIH BUKHARIE JUST BEEN COLLECTED AND WRITTEN AFTER THAT BUKHARIE THE BLIND IMAM "DEAD"!!!!!. The sahih Bukharie been written from memorized words of his students, IS THAT YOU BLIND HEART PEOPLES STILL WANT TO FOLLOW AL HADITH!!!
You cannot separate the messenger of God from the religion of Islam. Your understanding will be incomplete without studying the interaction of the life of the Prophet (PBUH) with the Quran. His life is the practical implementation of the Message.
This guy grayson is ignorant and literally egoistic out of whatever ive seen in his posts and vids
"Your understanding will be incomplete without studying the interaction of the life of the Prophet (PBUH) with the Quran. His life is the practical implementation of the Message."
Do you have a source for this ?
1. Surah Al Imran (3:31)
"Say, [O Muhammad], 'If you should love Allah, then follow me, so Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.'”
2. Surah Al-Ahzab (33:21)
"There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often."
3. Surah An-Nisa (4:80)
"He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah; but those who turn away - We have not sent you over them as a guardian."
4. Surah Al-Hujurat (49:1)
"O you who have believed, do not put [yourselves] before Allah and His Messenger but fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing."
5. Surah Al-A'raf (7:158)
"Say, [O Muhammad], 'O mankind, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, [from Him] to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. There is no deity except Him; He gives life and causes death.' So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet, who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him that you may be guided."
6. Surah An-Nur (24:63)
"Do not make [your] calling of the Messenger among yourselves as the call of one of you to another. Already Allah knows those of you who slip away, concealed by others. So let those beware who dissent from his order, lest fitnah strike them or a painful punishment."
Your understanding is complete when studying the coran and only the coran you will be confused when you associate other human books as a source of religion
Now tell me how to perform prayers, what are mandatory and what is not, how to give Zakaat and what to actually give, how to perform Hajj and Umrah in detail, and many more
You actually know nothing about the religion, and when an atheist or a christian comes to dank all your beliefs he will succeed, cuz you don't know anything at all
The Five Times Are Specified in the Quran
The Dawn Contact Prayer is mentioned by name in 24:58. Before sunrise.
The Noon Contact Prayer is specified in 17:78. When the sun declines.
The Afternoon Contact Prayer is in 2:238. Midway between noon & sunset.
The Sunset Contact Prayer is mentioned in 11:114. Immediately after sunset.
The Night Contact Prayer is in 11:114, and is mentioned by name in 24:58.
JazakAllah. This was a question in the back of my mind, albeit not big enough to research until now.
God bless you brother ❤❤❤
Establish regular prayers - at the sun’s decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony.
This is the verse you claim it's talking about the noon prayers we're as it is still talking about the prayers
When the sun declines (which means go down) does not mean noon
Don't know where you got the view of five from that ayah
I just want to know in the Quran does Allah mention fajr, Dhuhur, ASR, Magrib, Isha,
Does these words are Arabic or non Arabic I am confused
@Mum-ni1gz it doesn't, if it does, there wouldn't be this argument of time of prayers
The Qur'an actually mentioned ALL of the 5 times that Muslims should perform the 5 daily prayers (salah):
1 - Fajr: before sunrise (Surah Taha 20:130)
2 - Zuhr: at two o'clock in the afternoon (Surah Bani Israil 17:78)
3 - Asr: before sunset (Surah Taha 20:130)
4 - Magrib: when evening falls (Surah Ar-Rum 30:17)
5 - Isha: when the night becomes dark (Surah Bani Israil 17:78)
The verses you are quoting are talking about glorification which is takbeer not Salat
Quran specifically only talks about salat for three times in a day
Do you understand Arabic
Read the verses then comment
@@dechrysoph5298 it's very sad and honestly pathetic that you need to invent new interpretations based on your own whims and desires as you go along while you have ZERO knowledge of Classical Arabic and also 1,400 years of Islamic scholarship and academia.
@@nyubitolkaskus3358 So be patient ˹O Prophet˺ with what they say. And glorify the praises of your Lord before sunrise and before sunset, and glorify Him in the hours of the night and at both ends of the day,1 so that you may be pleased ˹with the reward˺.
Fasabbhi ≠ salawat, salawaltan, salawati
These three words are used for salat, no interpretation
It is actually you guys changing the meaning of the verses and arabic to get 5 times when it isn’t
@@dechrysoph5298 as i understood as a new revert Glorification is the salat and duas is praying by asking Allah swt for what ever you want that must be Halal.
You are a breath of fresh air, brother. Your research and perspective are very illuminating.
What you’re forgetting Grayson is that the Quran talks about the ‘Night Journey’ of the prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and this is when God ordered the muslims to pray 5 times per day, the night journey is mentioned in the Quran but you see the story of the prayers in Hadith, the Quran refers to the night journey, what happened during this journey? Well then you need hadiths
Yeah the one where he flied on a winged horse and negotiated with allah to bring down the salats from 50 to 5?😂😂😂 Stay away from fairytales brother, none of that is in the quran.
@CanadianRevert24 The details of the Night Journey in the Hadith directly contradict the Qur'an. Let me ask you; How many prayers a day (you think) Muslims prayed before Prophet Muhammad (saw) if the prayers were introduced on that night?
@Hasan... 50 times according to him 🤣🤣🤣🤣
From the beginning in Madinah and For over 14 Centuries, the beautiful Call to Prayer has invited the Faithful to the house of Allah (Masjid) to perform their 5 daily Salah's, in the manner that befits the Majesty of our Creator. By order of God's will, Our Beloved Prophet ﷺ taught us the 5 pillars of Islam before his departure from this world, including the Salah. Only when the final pillar of Hajj was taught and demonstrated, did Allah the Most Merciful reveal the verse of the Quran stating Islam's perfection and Completeness. Travel every corner of the world and you will find the same 5 pillars of Islam being practiced. This is the beauty of Islam.
Stay Blessed
@@theskg1495 never respond to someone using such an emoji in a discussion, shows that the intention are not to discuss in the first place, Salama
Fajr (dawn before sunrise )
Zuhur(middle) starts 12:15-2:30 depending on time zone basically early afternoon
Asar before sunset
Maghreb after sunset
Isha night
Night prayers is in the second 3rd part of night( early morning before dawn) tahajud and qiyamul lail are optional
You should study the life of prophet Muhammad and then u will realize why Allah said in Quran to follow the prophet.
As some cardiologists say, waking up at dawn for prayer (Fajir Prayer) is good for your heart health. It is also a quiet and blessed time to connect with God. Nice researches boy
haha what a bs that some cardiologist say that.
Stop it with this nonsense.... Fajr prayer on time is obligatory, because Allah said so, it has nothing to do with heart health.
Search for Magdi Yacoub, the Egyptian-British retired Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Imperial College London. He discussed this topic. I haven't looked into it deeply, but it is said that we as humans are designed to wake up early at dawn.
@@YousufS16besides the fact he wrote fajr is @ midnight lmao midnight is still 2 hours away from qiyam, and then a few hours away from tahajjud, before we even start making wudu for fajr 😭 either a troll account or genuinely ignorant. May allah guide them
So Fajar prayer is at midnight??
Are you Muslim?
This is my personal conclusion so far:
The three prayers (Fajr, Maghrib, and Isha) are explicitly mentioned in the Book, and there are hints about a prayer between these times. However, no specific method for performing the prayer is mentioned, as it is a very personal and private matter between you and your Lord [personal opinion].
Thus, the space is left for individuals to perform their prayers in the way they choose. As for the traditional prayer, it is the method transmitted from the Prophet (peace be upon him) as a reference for how to perform personal prayers.
The Prophet did not claim that his way of praying was divine revelation but rather an effort [personal opinion] to teach people the best way to perform the obligatory prayer. I believe that the absence of a specific prescribed method for prayer reflects wisdom and mercy from the All-Knowing God, so that this heavy obligation on us as believers does not become overly burdensome.
There are five prayers mentioned in Quran. Sometimes the words “subha” (glorify) or “hamd” (praise) are used rather than ‘aqim as-salah” which means establishing prayer.
E.g. surah 30:17-18 “so glorify Allah when you reach evening and when you reach morning. And to him is praise throughout the heavens and earth and at night, and when you reach noon”
This is because during the prayer, you say “subhana rabiyyal a’ala” (glorify god most high) when in prostration and you say “al hamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen” (praise be to Allah lord of the worlds) when standing.
So the quran mentions 5 prayers; fajr (dawn), thuhr (noon), asr (middle prayer mentioned in 2:238), maghrib (sunset) and isha (night, anytime after twilight ends and before dawn breaks).
I pray to all Muslims wether revert or convinced later in your life, born Muslim yet searched in all creeds and choose Islam ❤️, that that special person or persons to your heart like myself 😢 embraces Islam, maybe you’ll read this you’re my soulmate my peace and all i wish is to be eternally together with you…
Great video! As a Muslim it is really cool to see different perspectives of religion, especially your sincerity in learning about Islam.
Love your thought provoking deep research, Grayson! Keep it up! I’ve been having the same conversations with myself as a I delve further into Islam. So many layers to uncover that are so beautiful to learn more about.
Hi Grayson, I actually enjoy watching this investigative kind of video from you. This is how it should be done. Remember to stay humble, and sincere in your journey.
Please do not stop doing this type of video.
Cheers from Malaysia!
there is 5 daily prayers must be done, and there is prayers of the night (for anyone want to get more good deeds).
I the Quran it says look after the prayers that r in the middle …. Because that’s the time ppl become lazy or tired from work…. It also mentions fajr time. We don’t follow Quran only we also follow prophet Mohammed’s footsteps….
Prophet followed Creed of Abraham
@zingo6999 what are you up to? This isn’t christianity where you can alter stuff. You can’t fool us. By following Muhammad (peace be upon him) only can you follow the creed of Abraham. He was sent to show us what the creed of Abraham was and to differentiate truth from falsehood.
@ You’re literally behave like a Christian don’t throw that weak at me يا مشرق
I do not speak English and I speak Arabic, but I feel happy when I watch this even though I do not understand English
Islam means following the Quran and Hadith. You are only reading one part that’s why you won’t be able to understand it fully unless you also study what the prophet Muhammed pbuh taught cuz it was revealed to him pbuh. So you get the full picture when you study both but that doesn’t mean we worship any human.
Yeah, according to sunnism, which is a satanic religion. Islam according to Allah is found in the quran
@zingo6999 why did you mean that surah and verse ?
@@zingo6999 from what (book, scripture) r u quoting from?
I want to add smth which is that you can’t separate the Quran from the sunnah(Hadith) for ex. I was reading the translation of ist 3 chapters over the past 3 months and I just went for the context of every verse and I was happy that I had read the seerah which is the biography of the prophet pbuh and I didn’t have any problem to understand it cuz I kinda knew the story. Quran was revealed over the period of 23 years and therefore reading the book alone would not make better sense cuz you wouldn’t know what was happening at the time when a specific verse was revealed. I hope it makes sense
Quran and Authentic Hadiths = one source. ****Because****
Quran did not encompass the details of ALL rulings. Rather, many rulings were mentioned in it, in addition to establishing the authority of the Sunnah; hadiths, which contains many detailed rulings not mentioned in the Quran. Allah Almighty said: 'And We have revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.' (Quran, 16:44). And He said: 'And whatever the Messenger has given you, take it.' (Quran, 59:7).
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'Indeed, I have been given the Quran and something similar to it along with it.' (Reported by Imam Ahmad, 16546, and it is an authentic hadith). So whether the rulings are mentioned in the Quran or in the Sunnah, all of it is true and correct, and the source is one, which is revelation from Allah.
The 5 prayers are mentioned in the holy Qura'an by description. The exact process with steps is mentioned in the hadiths
You wanna keep lying with baseless claims
@@zingo6999 read the book explanation of the prayer by shaykh uthaymin u don’t know your religion
@@zingo6999 Wanna keep bringing terrible arguments?
@ I have proofs… you wanna keep being emotional?
@@zingo6999 you don’t have any proof what scholars do u take from?
5 prayers in 3 times.
Quran does not stand alone, the quran itself refers us to the sunnah of the prophet, which in modern day and age, can only be retrieved from the authentic ahadith.
The ahadith tell us that alongside Quran and Sunnah, ijma (concensus of the entire ummah) is a hujjah.
Nothing and no one else is, no scholar, no opinion, no fatwa.
Only Quran, Sahih Hadith and Ijma-al-ummah can serve as daleel.
Ijtihad and qiyas are a thing but they are a seperate matter, one persons ijtihad doesnt necessarily bound another.
Examples of ijma include the jurisprudence upon television and cameras or the use of modern methods. Or on the aqaid side of things, everything from tawheed to the fact that Jesus is alive and shall return one day.
Now this matter of 3 vs 5. Lets clarify one thing first, its not Quran vs hadith. Its Quran AND hadith. The Hadith-rejectors have no claim, they will be ignored here. As mentioned earlier, hadith is just as much as an hujjah as quran itself. If the prophet tells us something, its the same as God telling us that cause the prophet is Gods representative, thats his whole thing.
So if the hadith tells us there are 5 prayers, then theres 5.
Now the question is, how do we reconcile that with the quran if they are both right. How can they both be synonymously correct?
The quran doesnt mention 5 prayers but it doesnt mention the prayers themselves either, or how to do them, it refers you to the sunnah.
It tells you to come to prayer when the adhan is called, it doesnt talk anything else about the adhan, the sunnah does.
Thats where the opening statement comes in, they are.
The quran doesnt mention 3 prayers, it mentions three times of the day
The hadith doesnt mention directly 5 distinct times but rather 5 distinct prayers.
Now those 5 prayers can be made in 5 times or 3 times, both are perfectly fine, 5 in 5 is afdhal.
This is backed by the ahadith of the allowance of prayer merging. You cannot merge prayers in any order you wish but its particular. Fajr must be prayed by itself, duhr and asr can be combined. Maghrib and isha can be combined. If you combine the prayers and look at the total time zones you get for each combination, it matches up with the time zones of the quran.
The hadith only brings forth the number of prayers and splits the timezones into further zones upon precedence, not mandation like the qurans zones.
You wanna pray asr with zuhr at 1 pm, go right ahead.
U wanna pray maghrib with isha at 3 am? Feel free.
All of this is supported by ijma of the entire ummah, including both sunni and shia.
The prophet said about ijma "God will never gather my ummah about falsehood. God has his hand upon ijma'a"
Now the shias may have gone to extreme where they have mandated merging salahs and the sunnis, going against their sources, have banned merging them outside of travel, the end of the matter is even if rarely, the sunnis pray 3 times a day and the shias make 5 prayers every day.
Therefore the statement : "5 prayers are mandated within 3 timezones" by the concensus of the entirity of muslim ummah.
Before the Night Journey (Isra and Mi'raj), Muslims prayed only twice a day as obligatory prayers. It was only after this event, when Allah reduced the initially prescribed 50 prayers to five daily prayers, that the five prayers were established. This is also why not all of them are specifically mentioned in the Qur'an, as the Qur'an itself was revealed progressively, just like other rulings such as the prohibition of alcohol
I feel you on your point about getting your 8 hours of sleep. But then again.. God knows what's best for you. Also.. as you get older, the less time you need to sleep.
I have grandparents that only sleep about 6-7 hours and that's more than enough. An early nap also helps them.. but they are retired and all. But a good 20 minute nap can do a lot for you.
Ngl, I just read the title and freaked out. Prayer is by far the most mentioned word in the quran. Chat gpt summed it up well. Before sunrise (fajr), Decline of the sun (Midday or duhr), Before sunset ie the middle prayer (Asr), after sunset before night (Sunset or Maghrib) and during the night (Isha)
That long night prayer is Tahajjud / Qiyam-ul-Lail, mentioned in Surah al Muzzammil. This prayer was obligatory before the 5 prayers were prescribed. But now, is is optional. Although this is one of the greatest deeds one can do daily. Many pious muslim observe this prayer daily.
Grayson Brock, I am 21 years old Muslim, and I watched your reading Quran in one sitting. It also inspired me to search more and study. There's a verse in the Holy Quran which says if this Quran was from other than God, you would find many contradictions in it.. Most of the Muslim believes the Hadiths to be side by side with the Holy Quran to be from God but the difference in Islam starts from Hadiths.
You should read the story of the obligation to pray on the night of the Al'israe and Mi’raj and how it was angel Gabriel who taught the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, how and when to pray.
bro you please continue your work i am with you, real deen is materialised, almost idolised by world for centuries, muslim world has to wake up to this very critical seriously
You should totally dive into sufi mysticism (tasavvuf), we can not understand how great Allah's forgiveness and compassion can be. Some of The Prophet's (Pbuh) last sentences "The choice has been given to the servant and the servant has choosen to be in The Sublime Presence of Allah" "I am going to the Sublime Friend". Allah is our one and only, what is expressing from our mind, is expressing from Allah. In The Book there are underlining sentences of "Don't you think", "Don't you use your mind", "Don't you imagine". The creation process is now and the hints, everywhere at all times neccessary. But human, is just a pure mirror of Allah for another human, just because the words that self can understand, expresses through self. Animals also, but they are using circal(motion/emotion) language.
I read Ahmed Hulusi interpretation of Kuran who is living in US, also is a Turkish master. The Sufi Mysticism is rooted in his soil.
I suggest you listen to the Qur’an in Arabic
Between the Quran being revealed only via the Prophet, the fact Quran says follow him, and the fact that these prayers are mainstream should suffice. To question listening to the prophet would be to question the Quran since it says to follow him and that he is altogether revelation.
Also ChatGPT does not always pick up all the verses - not a reliable way to search the Quran.
Good Lord y'all are really exposing yourselves by saying "Quran says follow him"
Please brother go read the verse before and the verse after that one verse then come back and tell me you wholeheartedly believe its about Hadith..
This ain't working. Go to scholars and ask every single thing you're in doubt about, then take shahada or leave it. Entire families reverted while you're tryna do TH-cam doubty staff.
Grayson you should set up a debate between Baba Shuaib and/or MohammadFromGod vs MuslimLantern.
This is the quickest way to settle this, similar to how sneako organized Islamic debates, greyson should too.
The longer greyson sits with his questions unanswered, the easier it is for shaitan to confuse and misguide him.
Mashallah, good research. Keep up your good work.
May Allah guide u and make it easier ❤
We really take care about how we talk about Allah and how we think about Allah, I know it’s new to you but always remember this!
We fallow the messenger of Allah because of many verses in Quran look into 59:7 , 3:59 and 24:63
W Grayson.. 2:35 I like this type of video version more than the Livestream version 😊 because you’re not distracted by us in the chat 💬 although I do love chatting with you and everyone and giving my opinions 😂
20:130 that you were reading was about praising God through remembrance of His glory and blessings (zikr) which is different from prayer (Salah) referred to in 11:114. Also some verses referring to the middle of the night is voluntary Sunnah prayer called tahajud
when things don't make sense, it means you have a conclusion that you are looking for its evidence. which is a wrong approach because it should be the opposite. start over without assumptions without conclusions. look into the data and information and analyze it and accept your understanding to the best of your OWN limited knowledge that gets enhanced over time and might lead you to change your understanding as well. that is your A+ PASS and success with GOD and what he requested you to do. that is the test.
no rather he should take the understanding of the prophet peace be upon him through the very thoroughly preserved hadiths.
It good I'd he looking evidence for it to make sense, that mean his faith is not blind.
yapping nonsense
The verses have a context, ie given at a certain time. You have to study cross references or commentaries to get full historical context. No single verse should be taken out of the context it was sent for. And even if the Quran only said three prayers if the Prophet prayed more which we know he did then we are supposed to follow his example, as his followers.
So according to that based on the Quran 3 time ranges, morning, middle and evening. The other thing it didn't mention is "rak'ahs (units of prayer)". So the 5 daily prayers and units of prayer are then taken from Muhammad's teachings (outside of the Quran).
Well, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) doesn't speak from his own whims and desires, nor did he lie about Allah. So, when he taught us how to pray, he didn't make it up on the spot.
Unless you're a Hadith-rejecter.
Simplistically speaking Prophet Muhammad pbuh was chosen by Allah to convey His Message of Islam its prudent then to follow exactly what the Prophet practiced In reality he prayed more then 5 times a day so we ought to at least perfect what is made fard from Allah which is 5 times a day
@@sgcpastas3748 It makes one think, if prayer was as important as it’s made out to be then there should be at least a chapter dedicated in the Quran all about praying. But what I saw in the clip is at most a handful of sentences out of 114 chapters. And without details of how to pray, exactly what to do and exactly what to say.
The best way to experience The Holy Qur'an is by hearing the original arabic recitation while reading your translation that you're good at.
Yeah following hadiths, it seems daunting first, born muslim always questioning hadiths, but once you practice hadith, it will just make sense, (i saw stoping music not nessecary untill i did, and it did give me super extra peace. praying 5 times with people traditionnaly did look unessesary untill i started to do it, and found it, i started to save my soul from many bad things, just by going praying and changing location i'm in, being aware of god, and then go back, i just came back again with more pure intentions and soul.) thanks for bringing that channel to us, the benefits i have right now from religions is mainly because your questions and ideas.
I agree... I experienced it too.
It doesn’t make any sense if you know Quran and not afraid of ppl
@@Omeeid That is the problem right there, a lot of people don't know how to read and understand and that is exactly why Allah sent the prophet with it. Allah could have also revealed it without a teacher but since the prophet had an appointed angel, Jibreel with him, the prophet helped clarify peoples questions.
@@ahiduzzamanahir1338it seems completely logical, to at least follow the messenger, if god choose that person to get the revelation, at least we can benefit from his manner and what he said, is like a teacher who knows something we don't, and we really want to know what he wanted to say, because it matters in our life and after. Is not complicated, and the point of being afraid of people, nowadays following fully the Sunnah seems weird again. Nobody is fearing anyone here, we just want to know the truth, so we can die and live in peace, regardless of how we are perceived by others that faces the same life, and will experience the same afterlife.
@@ahiduzzamanahir1338explain this to this grayson he seem egoistic as hell fr 😂 he wanna follow islam but he has bigtime problems with the prophet who delivered God’s message this person is weird as hell he must have some issues
You are doing the right thing by toiling and learning the meanings . Allah is the source of all knowledge . He will guide you to the right way . Advisers themselves have never read the Quran with meanings .
You need to realise that thousands of people dedicated their whole lives to researching Islam, you're not gonna be the one that invents 2 prayers a day, it's done, Sunni Islam. Delivered by the Salaf
Hadith was written, 200 years after prophet Muhammad (pbuh) left earth. It is not a book of religion, only Quran is. Even prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Himself said to burn down the hadiths and not to make another book besides Quran.
Hadith can be read to gain knowledge. But you must know they're not all authentic. You just don't need to live your life by it. Quran is enough. You don't need hadith to learn to pray traditionally, just see the descendants of the Prophet (pbuh).
Keeping beard doesn’t give you any sawwab, neither it's sinful to not keep beard. It's all bullcrap, purported by Muabiya, wahabians.
Just read the Quran open mindedly and ask for Allah's guidance.
But yes, reading Sirat is important. Cause the verses of Quran came to the Prophet in different times and situations of his life. So reading the Sirat will make you understand the Quran better.
Grayson I would advise you to stay away from baba. Please tell me who is more knowledgeable than the prophet and the sahaba in understanding and implementing the Quran.
Where is your and babas chain and scholars going back to the prophet and these practices are you coming up with in your intellectual mind?
Bro follows baba but can’t follow the Prophet (saw)
@StilldBWNGB that's what I'm saying , it's so strange.
@StilldBWNGB there is something called asbab al nuzul
The reasons for revelation ,
I figure they throw these out the window too.
the prophet is dead. if his knowledge was what god wanted to transmit to us then he would've sent a book with the prophet's knowledge. he sent the quran instead. please use your brain.
@@jenniferpopoulos So you all have your own interpretations and how to implement the Quran. I do use my brain. Alhamdulillah. One question can you explain what la ilaha ilAllah Allah means ?
Muslims be aware tbere are individuals that seek ro try to confuse you because they are them selves confuse , Islam is perfection may Allah keep us steadfast
He’s not trying to confuse anyone he’s just seeking what it is the truth
You read the verses and it doesn't say at what time exactly to do the prayers and how. I'm sure there is a reason for this. Maybe because different cultures have different systems to tell the time, and the Quran is for all human beings from all cultures.
But that is one of the reasons we need to know what the prophet did and how he understood the revelation. And he was receiving revelation through an angel of God for 23 years. If he was doing somthing wrong he would've been corrected by the angel, like in surah 'Abasa (Surah 80, "he frowned", look up its context). And the means we use to know how the man who was in contact with God is the books of hadith. That's all
Hi Grayson - Al Baqarah - 2:285 simply states obeying the prophet is obeying Allah. Hence, hadith and sunnah completes Islam. Thus it is also very important to know which hadith n sunnah are authentic
"Say: 'Obey Allah and obey the Messenger.' If they turn away from this then know that Allah does not love those who refuse to obey Him and His Messenger.'" (Quran 3:32)
Now ask yourself how do we obey the messenger? Through the Hadiths.
"(This was Our) Sunnah (rule or way) with the Messengers We sent before you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم), and you will not find any alteration in Our Sunnah (rule or way)." (Quran 17:77)
All the prophets prayed the same way in the same manner, in the correct time of prayer ordained by God through his Sunnah and Shariah.
Understand that you haven't made a new founded argument against the times of prayer, this has been argued for centuries. Therefore, you aren't really challenging the traditional Islamic thought.
Your poor understanding of the Quran doesn't mean MOST people DONT know, it means you aren't referring to the hadith to understand the Quran the best way you can which is through the explanations of the Prophet (SAW) and his sayings about the rewards of praying SPECIFICALLY 5 times a day. Stop the arrogance and the ignorance.
He's not necessarily being arrogant or ignorant, but perhaps misguided. He's had various people each teaching him a different version of Islam.
The qurani guy, baba something, has convinced him that the Quran is all you need, and, being uneducated on the topic - greyson can't refute him. Therefore, in order for greyson to learn properly, he needs to hear both sides and come to his own conclusion, rather than take someone's word for it.
Basically, a debate with two learned Muslims on the topic would be ideal. If anyone has debates for him to watch, link it, but he may as well set them up at this point, I'm sure people will watch.
"Say (O Muhammad to your people): If you really love Allah, then follow me (Muhammad), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins." (Al Qur'an, Surah Ali Imran: 31
Now read the next verse 😂
@@jenniferpopoulos Sahih International
Say, “Obey Allah and the Messenger.” But if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers. (Ali Imran: 32)
@@jenniferpopoulos Abul Ala Maududi
Say: ‘Obey Allah and obey the Messenger.’ If they turn away from this then know that Allah does not love those who refuse to obey Him and His Messenger. (Ali Imran: 32)
@@MTaufikZoelkifli Yes. Who is Allah speaking to here and what is he asking ?
@jenniferpopoulos Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Allah ordered the Prophet Muhammad to convey the Qur'an to all mankind.
If u say u submit to god but u don't follow his prophet even though god tells u to follow the prophet then u're not submitting to god at all, u can't pick and chose what to submit to and what to not submit to. + u're making smth that is easy to msth very hard
Go to the right person for tht we r just muslims that love islam and are very happy to see ppl join it and majority of the times their r beautiful stories that come with the reverts
Quran says the Prophet is an example and tells us to follow him. You cannot do that without Hadith.
Yes you can
@@tekkram no you cant.
@@sancoban1561 sure
Where does it say "he's an example, and follow him" quote verses.
@@tekkram that doesn't make any sense. How can you follow the prophet without hadith ?????
Mr Grayson ❤❤❤ here are the times that the holly Quran mentions for praying normally
Here are Quranic verses that directly mention prayer times, aligning with the five daily prayers, though not explicitly numbering them:
1. Fajr (Dawn Prayer):
“Establish prayer at the decline of the sun until the darkness of the night, and the Quran at dawn. Indeed, the recitation of the Quran at dawn is ever witnessed.”
(Quran 17:78)
• This refers to the Fajr prayer at dawn.
2. Dhuhr (Noon) and Asr (Afternoon):
“So exalt Allah when you reach the evening and when you reach the morning. And to Him is [due] all praise throughout the heavens and the earth. And [exalt Him] at night and when you are at noon.”
(Quran 30:17-18)
• Morning refers to Fajr, evening refers to Maghrib and Isha, and noon points to Dhuhr and Asr.
3. Maghrib (Evening) and Isha (Night):
“And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember.”
(Quran 11:114)
• The “two ends of the day” cover Fajr and Maghrib, and “approach of the night” points to Isha.
4. General Reference to the Five Times:
“O you who have believed, let those whom your right hands possess and those who have not yet reached puberty among you ask permission of you at three times: before the dawn prayer, when you put aside your clothing at noon, and after the evening prayer. These are three times of privacy for you.”
(Quran 24:58)
• This verse directly refers to Fajr, Dhuhr, and Isha prayers.
These verses clearly indicate specific prayer times without stating “five” explicitly. The practice of five daily prayers is confirmed through the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the consensus of the Muslim community.
Yeah this guy lost the plot he loves the Quran but rejects who relayed it
It was relayed by God through His messenger
And the message was to follow God and he is doing that
Beautiful explanation! It’s true that Islam has always existed, and the prophets of Allah all preached the same faith over thousands of years. Their main message was to call people to worship Allah alone, and this is the most important aspect of Islam.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Anyone who says, ‘There is no God but Allah’ will enter Paradise.” This means that as long as we keep this faith in our hearts, we will enter Paradise 🌴💎.
Your Quran first approach is inspiring and thought provoking.
I think its so interesting that the topic he is talking about coincides with the 27th of Rajab which is the Isra wa Miraj...when Rasullah s.a.w. was precribed the salat. Anyways i wish i could have a conversation with Grayson about the Salat because i could talk for hours about how many fascinating layers there is to it and parralels and what an honor it is for those of us for do it......its like mind blowing. Anyways i messeged him 1 time on tik tok and never heard back. Khair Insha Allah maybe he sees this comment and reaches out. We could have a fascinating conversation about this.
I wonder why you trust the Quran which is revealed through Prophet Mohamed صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ but not Hadiths wich are how he lived صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ 😅😄
Mashallah! You are on the right path by taking the time to read and contemplate the Quran to understand the times of prayer. This shows your sincerity and your desire to deepen your faith. Keep going, as this reflection will lead you to discover how our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) interpreted these precious moments. May Allah guide you and grant you profound and enlightened understanding. Ameen!
Understanding the Quran to its core will you feel DISGUSTED for secondary manmade books
@@zingo6999 what r u saying dude, u r replying to ever comment, whats going on
@@zingo6999 thank you for your response
I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree with the notion that secondary, man-made books are disgusting. While the Quran is the ultimate guide, human interpretation and commentary can be invaluable tools for understanding.
Just as we use dictionaries to clarify unfamiliar words, Hadiths can provide context and insight into the Prophet's teachings. However, it's essential to strike a balance between relying on these secondary sources and staying grounded in the Quran's guidance.
Let's approach Hadiths as human reports that can enhance our understanding, rather than replacing the Quran's authority. By finding this balance, we can deepen our knowledge and faith.
@@artexpi5655 These are the signs of someone seeking knowledge
Brother, the ahadith are the sayings of the prophet pbuh, and we follow them because the quran tells us to follow them. Chapter 4 verse 59 literaly tells us to obey the messanges.
I was really happy when you started your journey in Islam and your videos genuinely made me happy.
I really hope that you look into Shia Islam in the future, don’t just ask Sunnah Muslims about it tho, cuz when you wanna learn about Christianity you ask Christians, when you learn about Islam you ask Muslims, so in the same concept when you have questions about Shia Muslims ask Shia Muslims. And you would be surprised I promise.
The holy Quran mentioned 3 time to pray and only Shia Muslims pray the 5 prayers in those specific times mentioned in the holy Quran and prophet Mohammed (pbuhahf) did pray like that too in the books of sunnah.
Try to be a good "Muslim" because Prophet Muhammad PBUH was Muslim
He never said that become a shia or sunni ,He said that be a Good Follow the Quran and Sunnah
bro shia is batila !!! we muslims rejected it clearly it isnt even mentioned in quran
stopped calling myself sunnni when realised Allah told in Quran "Do not be a polythiest nor divide into Sects"
Shia associate Ali and his sons with god like Christians associate jesus with god
where are any of shia practices mentioned in the Quran or sunnah, please tell me
Q3:31 Say, ‘If you love God, follow me, and God will love you and forgive you your sins; God is most forgiving, most merciful.’
32 Say, ‘Obey God and the Messenger,’ but if they turn away, [know that] God does not love those who ignore [His commands].
You can never separate the Quran and the Hadith ! PERIOD
they were never an item. they go together as much as the bible goes with the quran. you've clearly never studied neither quran nor Hadiths seriously because by then you would know, THEY DONT go together, AT ALL
Praying in the middle of the night is actually the first commanded prayer chronologically (surah muzammil) For a year, it was required, and then was made optional at the end of the surah with an additinal verse. It is for those who seek to be close to god.
dude is making a carreer talking about islam thats it
He has nothing to do with Islam.
He is kinda milking it so far. Hope it changes.
Good job Grayson on approaching this religion with honest questions and being open to learning and understanding. The Prophet’s example is in the Quran alone, so yes, we should follow his example as laid out in the Quranic stories. The Quran is the only book that we know to be the word of God.
And careful, I am studying this matter too, and thanks to God I am an arabic speaker. One advice : start by understanding all words related to time , you ll discover that "Nahar" (translated day) is not a day (from sunrise to sunset) , a day is rather "Yawm" , and "Yawm" is "nahar + massaa (evening)" , so yawm is day , nahar would be morning til evening , and evening is from the yellow sun to right before it goes under the veil of night. So a 24h would be : Yawm (day) + Night (from sunset) or Nahar (morning) + Massaa (Evening) + Night . If i put in between times ===> Fajr declares Nahar, then Yellow sun declares Massaa, then Sun disappearing declares Night. Once you ve get those go back to the scripture. Before everything say : " I put my trust and faith in God or I rely on God "
Amazing to see how you've been progressing so far, such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your journey, your videos teach me how keep learning and relearning more about my faith. Alhamdulillah. May Allah SWT guide you always, Aamiin Insha Allah..
You find the middle prayer (afternoon prayer) in Verse 30:17-18. And another prayer mentioned here is “when the sun declines”. Which is when the sun reaches its highest point and then begins to decline (towards setting)
Welcome to islam , i am happy we have a new brother in the family ❤ ☪️
Alhumdulillah, i always wanted to learn my own religion but i was always being lazy and waiting for the perfect time Then Alhumdulillah i cane across your channel and got that spark required to start ,its been 2-3 months alhumdulillah now i atleast have a very strong foundation looking to seek more knowledge inshallah (ameen)
There are five prayers mentioned in Quran. Sometimes the words “subha” (glorify) or “hamd” (praise) are used rather than ‘aqim as-salah” which means establishing prayer.
E.g. surah 30:17-18 “so glorify Allah when you reach evening and when you reach morning. And to him is praise throughout the heavens and earth and at night, and when you reach noon”
This is because during the prayer, you say “subhana rabiyyal a’ala” (glorify god most high) when in prostration and you say “al hamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen” (praise be to Allah lord of the worlds) when standing.
So the quran mentions 5 prayers; fajr (dawn), thuhr (noon), asr (middle prayer mentioned in 2:238), maghrib (sunset) and isha (night, anytime after twilight ends and before dawn breaks).
Tahajjud (extra night prayer) is optional, see Quran 17:79 and 73:20
big respect Grayson how you love to study the Quran and try to understand the Islam
Grayson just jumping into Islam like this in this time, proves why we need medhabs . The community didn’t do a good job, letting him meet everyone was a mistake as a fresh Muslims. Don’t let anyone downplay the impact and importance of Rasullah (SAW). May Allah continue to guide us all.
yeah we can’t follow gods word we need mini idols and priests to make new rules on how to follow god
@@jenniferpopoulossheikhs are not idols at least not in Islam, in Shia and among Sufis yeah they commit shirk.
13:30 1. sunrise 2. Sunset 3. Night 4. & 5. At the side of the day time(Duhr and Ars)
❤ Your doing good research Grayson 🎉, I felt abit bad for you cause u was struggling cause ChatGPT kept involving Hadith and history as research.
Just a tip. When you ask questions to ChatGPT end your question with, use only Quran as a source.
You had the prayers, middle is Night, called Wustah. You had Fajr before sunrise and you had Isha before sunset.
A tip to think of is, if the SUN IS VISIBLE, then it’s not time for prayer.
And I’m talking about the physical sun being visible. Fajr (dawn) starts when you see the sky bright up, and same when the physical sun is under the horizon and you see only its light in the sky then it’s Isha (evening). And then you have middle prayer which is night.
Good luck brother ❤👍
If you are looking for the truth without bias, you will find it, God willing, in Islam.
Brother, the ahadith are the sayings of the prophet pbuh, and we follow them because the quran tells us to follow them. Chapter 4 verse 59 literaly tells us to obey the messanges. And what the prophet tells us is from god, according to quran
Yes, these are questions that I have had to look up myself, so keep doing this kind of digging and discovering because, there are questions and you can do this for us ❤
The quran contains the core of our faith, it tells you to pray, but it dosent tell you every detail on how to pray. If the quran had every detail of our faith it would be too long. And that would be a problem for many reasons, harder memorization, harder read etc. And you dont need to read all ahadith to know how to practice islam. All you need to know is the basics. And remember the quran, the words of god tell us to follow the ahadith, so are you gonna be like some other faiths that follow parts of their book and discard other?
Prophet practice daily practice. Doing same like yesterday. Like some jews doing. Like before them doing
Hey Brother Grayson, it’s Hamza. As an Arab, I wanted to explain that these ayat refer to prayers the Prophet (peace be upon him) was commanded to perform, specifically Qiyam al-Layl-the night prayer usually prayed after midnight, around 2-3 a.m. The “middle prayer” mentioned is Asr (the afternoon prayer). You should listen to the story of the Prophet’s journey to heaven (Isra and Mi’raj), where he returned with the prayers as a gift. Each prayer serves as a means of earning forgiveness.
I forgot to say that we are not obligated to do them, but it was obligated to the prophet.
Nobody can explain the message more than the messenger
I mean bro, watching what you're showing that third prayer came before the night prayer (Isha) so in those twilight hours as the sun sets. That is just maghrib Salah type shi
That's 3/5 prayers so far, you've inspired me to continue my research too, shout-out to you bro
Its the process carried out by sincerity that counts. Im all for and looking forward to the raw uncut exploration!
The night prayer is something you will grow into. If people wake up by fajr and go to sleep soon after ishaa, you will wake up during the night on your own even if Hubermen doesn't agree 😊.
You will find the timings in the seerah. The prayers were give during the isra wal mi'raj where Muhammad went to the heavens and found Moses. At first 50 prayers were given but Moses said that this will too burdensome for your nation so it reduced by 5 until 5 prayers remained.
Grayson Timeline 17:34, it says sunrise fajr. middle prayer is two prayers that are prayed separatez Dhuhr and asr. Evening prayer is also two separate prayers close to one another one during sunset and one after. It’s called maqrib and isha prayer. So total of five… Quran is hard to understand with translation. Also prophet taught us how to pray and do things according to Quran and that’s what the Hadith teaches. The Hadith is just another book it references to the Quran.
I think Mostly shiath sect of Muslim do like this..he is talking about Sunni sect..
أَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ لِدُلُوكِ ٱلشَّمْسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ ٱلَّيْلِ وَقُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِ إِنَّ قُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِ كَانَ مَشْهُودًا
Uphold thou the duty at the merging of the sun until the dark of night, and the recitation of dawn - the recitation of dawn is witnessed -
Commentary from brother Sam
2. Arabic: dulūk. The primary meaning of the verb with which this noun is associated is to rub or to press or to squeeze (often: until things merge). The expression dulūk al shams signifies that time at which the sun seems to merge with the horizon. The expression dulūk al shams is noted by Wehr (p. 335) as sunset. The Traditionalist has two problems at this point. Firstly, he is unable to conceive of al ṣalāt as the generic, abstract noun it clearly is (cf. al ṣabr). And, secondly, having particularised the general, he has also locked himself into the dogma of five daily rituals on the basis of his non-Qur’anic literature. He is in the unenviable position of Cinderella’s ugly sisters: he must make the glass slipper fit come what may, but reality is against him. Thus, he has it that dulūk al shams means the time after the sun passes the meridian. By extending his notion of sunset in this way, he can convince himself that what is meant here is provision for a number of ‘prayers’ nowhere mentioned here in the text. By way of example, the Traditionalist translators at Saheeh International render here Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night, to which they add the note: i.e., the period which includes the thuhr, aṣr, maghrib, and ‘ishā’ prayers. The Traditionalist just needs to get one more of his five-prayer set through the goalposts. But this is sleight of hand, and any reasonably intelligent child without prior indoctrination would recognise it as such. What no one seems to ask is: if four ‘prayers’ can be found in this space, why not six, or ten - or a hundred? The fact is that the Traditionalist is locked in to values taken from elsewhere, and is committed to cramming the glass slipper onto a fat, hairy foot no matter if it shatters in the process - which, of course, in the light of any sensible analysis, it does (one has only to consider 11:114 for the Traditionalist’s manipulations with dulūk al shams to be exposed, despite the incursions the Traditionalist employs against the plain sense of the text there also). And, again, no matter what the precise meaning of aqāma al ṣalāt in this segment, the indisputable fact is that both here and at 11:114 the imperative is in the singular. I have no objection to prayer, including to that of the Traditionalist, minor points notwithstanding. I have no objection to prayers being held at the time the Traditionalist holds them, or at any other time. I do object to his practice of claiming monopoly rights over a book which itself claims to be from God and complete, and then of importing his values for key terms in that book from elsewhere and proceeding to attack anyone who doesn’t agree with him. And I also object to his allied practice of manipulating the plain sense of the text to make it seem to fit with his externally derived requirements. If he doesn’t wish to take the Qur’an at its own estimation that is his affair, but he should not hinder those who do.
Bro, every salah times is specific revolution time on earth scientifically. I mean ; Allah introduce himself in every 5 salah time. He is alive and sustaining. Do you think logically 2 times is enough to show your blessings for Allah ? At least I need to remember his blessings 5 times a day that I can see the how he changes my earth.
Also English language is not enough to understand Quran.
For my Muslim brothers and sisters, we always read the letter al-Fatihah in prayer and outside of prayer, try to pay attention especially to verses 5, 6, and 7 of the letter al-Fatihah, there we state that only to Allah we serve and ask for help, ask to be shown to Him the straight path, namely the path of life of people who have been given blessings by Allah, and not the path of life of people who are astray.
Learn who the people who are given the blessings referred to in the verse are, namely the Prophets, their companions, people who are martyrs in religion, and scholars and pious people.
Also learn what is meant by people who are astray, namely people who live their lives by opposing the people who were given the blessings.
Hopefully we are all among the lucky ones who are willing to accept and follow the guidance. Amen..
Soera 73:20 saying over the night prayer. The interpration about the middle prayer you can understand about the middle from the day. Middle prayer is the morning and the evening.
the morning prayer is done between the night and day it is in between that is the middle of that moment of the morning. this is also the evening. evening is done before sunset then there is still daylight after the night that is the middle moment the day and night that these 2 prayers are done. Soera 24:58 telling about 3 times moment for prayers.
الصلاة الوسطى
It means the middle prayer and refers to "صلاة العصر"
صلاة العصر
Its the middle salah
Night prayers are optional mostly preformed during Ramadan
Read the context of 2:238. The verses before it. You will understand that it is not talking about observing a prayer but about observing the commandments on divorce that are mentionned before this verse. And the word "middle" is not talking about a time of day.