How White Christian Nationalism Threatens Democracy

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • The past several years has seen the rise of a political ideology and cultural framework that distorts the Christian faith and America’s constitutional democracy - and poses dangers to both. In this event, co-sponsored by Georgetown’s Center on Faith and Justice and the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, experts will explain where White Christian Nationalism came from, what its adherents want and how it seeks to overturn the idea that the United States should be a multi-religious and multiracial democracy.
    On October 26, Georgetown's Center and Faith and Justice hosted an important conversation with: The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church; Amanda Tyler, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee; Dr. Samuel Perry, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Oklahoma and Rev. Jim Wallis, Chair in Faith and Justice at the McCourt School of Public Policy and Director of the Georgetown University Center on Faith and Justice.

ความคิดเห็น • 779

  • @mikehopkins2625
    @mikehopkins2625 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    I’m an atheist, but I stand with all of you on defeating Christian nationalism. I was very inspired by this video. I will leave this thread by quoting a friend of mine whom I worked with 20 years ago. This saying stays true to me today. He said that it takes all kinds to make a world.

  • @groovermctoober4508
    @groovermctoober4508 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +84

    It's a sad state of affairs when people need to be told this, rather than opening their own eyes and ears to see just what's happening.

    • @ridge7524
      @ridge7524 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5


    • @brianschmidt9919
      @brianschmidt9919 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You have everything so **** **** it's astounding one can only imagine that it's deliberate 1 can only imagine that you hate God and one can only help but feel sorry for you

    • @WarrenHolly
      @WarrenHolly 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@ridge7524have you read the conservatives promise project 2025? Believe it or not they are actually taking applications for their new government.

    • @amarbyrd2520
      @amarbyrd2520 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I think part of the problem is that this strain of domestic terrorism was never really properly punished, ever since the original Confederates (the original "chaplain of the Confederacy" was a Southern Baptist)

    • @bakkudeku
      @bakkudeku 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Indeed. The only hope is that most of Christians won't fall for the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing that really is this thing called "Christian Nationalism". All forms of totalitarian rule are tyrannical, regardless if they come as either secular or theocratic, truth is they're barbaric, they neither reflect secularism nor do they represent the faith of actual Christians. In this, I think agnostic atheists such as myself and moderate Christians such as yourself should set apart our squabbles and unite against these totalitarians on either side, both are wrong:
      ​"In the suffocating grasp of theocratic totalitarianism, the rule by religious authority extends its shadow over every facet of life. Here, religious leaders wield both temporal and spiritual power, their decrees echoing from the pulpit to the chambers of governance. Their claim of divine justification wraps the populace in chains of obedience, where dissent is not just disobedience but sacrilege against the ordained order. The laws of the land are not mere statutes but manifestations of divine will, immutable and unquestionable. Individual freedoms, once cherished, now wither beneath the weight of religious dogma, suffocated by the stagnant air of conformity. The press, once a bastion of truth, now lies shackled by censorship, its voice silenced by the iron fist of religious orthodoxy. Society itself is stratified along religious lines, with the clergy occupying the highest echelons of power, while dissenters face the fiery wrath of persecution, branded as heretics in the eyes of the faithful.
      In the iron grip of secular totalitarianism, the thud of ideology reverberates louder than any church bell. Here, political dogma reigns supreme, its proponents wielding it as both a weapon and a shield, cloaking their rule in the guise of secular salvation. Legitimacy is not bestowed by divine decree but by adherence to the party line, promising a utopia achievable only through unwavering loyalty. The ruling elite, ensconced in their ivory towers, manipulate every aspect of society, bending it to their will with an iron fist. Dissent is not tolerated but swiftly crushed under the weight of state-sanctioned violence, ensuring ideological purity at any cost. Propaganda flows like a poisoned river, inundating the minds of the populace with lies and half-truths, while the watchful eye of the state surveils their every move, seeking out any hint of rebellion. And amidst this bleak landscape, the cult of personality blooms, its tendrils ensnaring the hearts and minds of the people, masking the rot beneath the facade of infallibility. In the realm of secular totalitarianism, the individual is but a cog in the grand machinery of the state, crushed beneath the heel of ideology, enslaved to the whims of the ruling elite.
      In the crucible of totalitarianism, whether draped in the vestments of religious fervor or the sterile garb of political doctrine, the individual finds themselves ensnared in a suffocating embrace of ideological despotism. In the theocratic realm, the clerical class, draped in the robes of divine authority, wields both temporal and spiritual power, decreeing edicts with impunity and demanding unquestioning fealty under the guise of piety. Dissent becomes a sacrilegious act, an affront not just to earthly governance but to the heavens themselves, as the faithful are shackled by the chains of obedience, their freedoms buried beneath the dogma of orthodoxy. Meanwhile, in the secular sphere, the altar is replaced by the pulpit of political ideology, where the ruling elite, draped in the cloak of secular salvation, impose their will with an iron fist, crushing dissent underfoot in the pursuit of ideological purity. Here, the individual is but a pawn in the grand chess game of statecraft, their autonomy sacrificed at the altar of political expediency, as propaganda floods the airwaves like a toxic fog, obscuring truth and corroding the very fabric of society. In both realms, the specter of totalitarianism looms large, casting a shadow of oppression over every facet of existence, as the voices of the oppressed are drowned out by the deafening roar of tyranny."
      - A.I. Christopher Hitchens on both Secular and Theocratic forms of Totalitarianism
      Theocratic Totalitarianism:
      1. Rule by Religious Authority: In theocratic totalitarian regimes, religious leaders hold sway over both the spiritual and temporal realms, exerting control over governance, lawmaking, and social norms. They often claim a direct connection to divine will, which legitimizes their authority and justifies their rule.
      2. Divine Justification: The regime's claim of divine endorsement serves as a powerful tool for suppressing dissent. By framing obedience to the state as obedience to a higher power, the regime fosters a sense of religious duty among the populace, making resistance tantamount to blasphemy or sacrilege.
      3. Religious Laws: Legal systems are heavily influenced by religious doctrine, with laws derived from religious texts or interpretations thereof. These laws govern not only personal conduct but also societal structure, shaping everything from family life to economic practices according to religious principles.
      4. Limited Individual Freedoms: In theocratic totalitarian states, individual freedoms are subordinated to religious norms and principles. Freedom of expression, association, and religion are restricted to prevent dissent and maintain religious orthodoxy, often leading to the suppression of minority beliefs and practices.
      5. Censorship and Control: Media outlets are tightly regulated to ensure adherence to religious teachings and values. Books, films, and other forms of expression deemed contrary to religious doctrine are censored or banned, while dissenting voices are silenced through intimidation or imprisonment.
      6. Socio-political Hierarchy: Society is stratified along religious lines, with religious leaders occupying the highest positions of authority and influence. This hierarchical structure reinforces the power of the ruling elite and perpetuates social inequalities based on religious identity.
      7. Resistance is Heresy: Any form of opposition to the regime is considered not only a political threat but also a religious offense. Critics and dissidents are labeled as heretics or apostates, subjecting them to persecution, imprisonment, or even execution under the guise of defending religious purity.
      Secular Totalitarianism:
      1. Rule by Political Ideology: Secular totalitarian regimes derive their authority from adherence to a specific political ideology rather than religious doctrine. The ruling party or leader monopolizes power, using ideology as a means of legitimizing and consolidating control over the state and its institutions.
      2. State Justification: Legitimacy is grounded in secular ideologies like communism, fascism, or nationalism, which are presented as the key to societal progress and national unity. The regime portrays itself as the vanguard of ideology, offering a vision of a utopian future achievable only through its rule.
      3. Party Control: The ruling party exercises dominance over all aspects of society, from the economy to education to culture. Institutions and organizations are either co-opted by the party or brought under direct state control to ensure conformity and loyalty to the ruling ideology.
      4. Strict Ideological Conformity: Citizens are expected to adhere unquestioningly to the principles and beliefs of the ruling ideology. Dissent or deviation from the party line is met with severe consequences, including imprisonment, torture, or forced labor, as the regime seeks to eradicate any challenge to its authority.
      5. Propaganda and Indoctrination: Propaganda is a central tool for disseminating the ideology of the ruling party and cultivating loyalty among the populace. Education and media are heavily controlled to propagate the official narrative, while dissenting viewpoints are marginalized or suppressed through censorship and propaganda campaigns.
      6. Totalitarian Surveillance: Surveillance apparatuses, including secret police and intelligence agencies, monitor citizens' activities and communications to root out dissent and maintain control. Advanced technologies are employed to track and suppress opposition movements, ensuring the regime's grip on power remains unchallenged.
      7. Cult of Personality: The leader cultivates a cult of personality, presenting themselves as a charismatic and infallible figure who embodies the ideals of the regime. Portrayed as indispensable to the nation's success and well-being, the leader's image is omnipresent in propaganda, monuments, and public ceremonies, fostering a sense of loyalty and devotion among the populace.

  • @SNESpool
    @SNESpool 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +81

    I must say that I, as an agnostic, am _so_ happy to see Christians speaking out against this co-opting/perversion of their faith. I was raised in a Christian Nationalist household, and seeing it from the inside has poisoned my view on organized religion, maybe permanently. Since escaping that ideology, I can't say whether I'll ever recover, but regardless, I am happy to stand with those who would fight for the ideals and principles that Jesus _actually_ taught, instead of being silent while a group of power-hungry authoritarian zealots use the Bible as a justification for committing atrocities.
    The Christian Dominionist movement has deep pockets, and strong ties to the modern Republican party. They are not to be ignored, or taken lightly. It will require Christians and secular folks working together, to stop it.

    • @WarrenHolly
      @WarrenHolly 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      I believe that we are to far behind and most are not taking this issue seriously. I have been screaming this for the past few years. Have you read the conservatives promise project 2025? They are actually taking applications as we speak for their new government.

    • @Anabee3
      @Anabee3 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I hope & pray that you will seek the Lord with all your heart & restore your relationship with him. It truly is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ & ought not be based on what others do or say. Pastor Frank Turek said something that I'll never forget:
      "If a musician played Beethoven badly, would you blame Beethoven? Of course not". See? I pray that you will get alone with our creator, on a real one-on-one basis, & let him guide your thoughts & light your steps.
      It's only going to get worse until Jesus Christ returns (like birthing pains, scripture warns). "IT" meaning EVERYTHING, incldg the goofy false prophets (like Copeland & Todd white) & NAR/WOF like Paula White (Trump's top spiritual advisor) & ppl using terms like "Christian Nationalism" that SOUNDS right, but truly isn't.
      I just want to add real quick that I'm not sure if Jesus will gather his own before, during, or after the anti-Christ rears his deceptive head & reigns for 7yrs but the world will be fooled by him for the 1st 3.5ish yrs-he'll have the whole world holding hands & singing kumbaya..the second half is when all he'll will break
      loose. I PLEAD with you to cling to Jesus NOW & FOREVER so you are not swept up& deceived by satan, but safe & protected by the blood of Jesus.
      I recommend finding a local church with a pastor like Frank Turek, Alan Parr, & Mike Winger (all on youtube).
      (I also recommend listening to Tim Alberta. Idk if he's a pastor, but I agree with him WHOLLY.
      (I hope I'm not coming across as bossy or pushy. I genuinely care).

    • @WarrenHolly
      @WarrenHolly 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Anabee3 that pastor is a weirdo. I bet if we look closer we would find all kinds of devilish crap that he's participating in. I must admit they have you trained well. These pastors are nothing but conmen. Hiding behind religion. Just another pimp without the fur hat. 🤨👎🏾

    • @garykcarpenter
      @garykcarpenter 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Religion be damned, just come to Jesus my friend.

    • @SNESpool
      @SNESpool 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@garykcarpenter the unfortunate part of that, is that every sect of Christianity interprets Jesus' words in completely different ways, and they all claim that theirs is the one true interpretation. To "come to Jesus" seems to boil down to picking whichever interpretation is most convenient to me, and in that case, I'd rather just take responsibility for my own moral standards and choices, rather than ascribing them to Jesus.
      Either way, my values are very much shaped by my own subjective experience, and I'd rather not fool myself into believing these morals were given to me by an all-powerful deity, in order to artificially inflate their value.

  • @louishudsoniii8388
    @louishudsoniii8388 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    This is calling out a great danger and threat to real democracy and true human freedom.

    • @RobertStambaugh-l5r
      @RobertStambaugh-l5r 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Calling out what ?

    • @bakkudeku
      @bakkudeku 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@RobertStambaugh-l5r TOTALITARIANISM:
      ​"In the suffocating grasp of theocratic totalitarianism, the rule by religious authority extends its shadow over every facet of life. Here, religious leaders wield both temporal and spiritual power, their decrees echoing from the pulpit to the chambers of governance. Their claim of divine justification wraps the populace in chains of obedience, where dissent is not just disobedience but sacrilege against the ordained order. The laws of the land are not mere statutes but manifestations of divine will, immutable and unquestionable. Individual freedoms, once cherished, now wither beneath the weight of religious dogma, suffocated by the stagnant air of conformity. The press, once a bastion of truth, now lies shackled by censorship, its voice silenced by the iron fist of religious orthodoxy. Society itself is stratified along religious lines, with the clergy occupying the highest echelons of power, while dissenters face the fiery wrath of persecution, branded as heretics in the eyes of the faithful.
      In the iron grip of secular totalitarianism, the thud of ideology reverberates louder than any church bell. Here, political dogma reigns supreme, its proponents wielding it as both a weapon and a shield, cloaking their rule in the guise of secular salvation. Legitimacy is not bestowed by divine decree but by adherence to the party line, promising a utopia achievable only through unwavering loyalty. The ruling elite, ensconced in their ivory towers, manipulate every aspect of society, bending it to their will with an iron fist. Dissent is not tolerated but swiftly crushed under the weight of state-sanctioned violence, ensuring ideological purity at any cost. Propaganda flows like a poisoned river, inundating the minds of the populace with lies and half-truths, while the watchful eye of the state surveils their every move, seeking out any hint of rebellion. And amidst this bleak landscape, the cult of personality blooms, its tendrils ensnaring the hearts and minds of the people, masking the rot beneath the facade of infallibility. In the realm of secular totalitarianism, the individual is but a cog in the grand machinery of the state, crushed beneath the heel of ideology, enslaved to the whims of the ruling elite.
      In the crucible of totalitarianism, whether draped in the vestments of religious fervor or the sterile garb of political doctrine, the individual finds themselves ensnared in a suffocating embrace of ideological despotism. In the theocratic realm, the clerical class, draped in the robes of divine authority, wields both temporal and spiritual power, decreeing edicts with impunity and demanding unquestioning fealty under the guise of piety. Dissent becomes a sacrilegious act, an affront not just to earthly governance but to the heavens themselves, as the faithful are shackled by the chains of obedience, their freedoms buried beneath the dogma of orthodoxy. Meanwhile, in the secular sphere, the altar is replaced by the pulpit of political ideology, where the ruling elite, draped in the cloak of secular salvation, impose their will with an iron fist, crushing dissent underfoot in the pursuit of ideological purity. Here, the individual is but a pawn in the grand chess game of statecraft, their autonomy sacrificed at the altar of political expediency, as propaganda floods the airwaves like a toxic fog, obscuring truth and corroding the very fabric of society. In both realms, the specter of totalitarianism looms large, casting a shadow of oppression over every facet of existence, as the voices of the oppressed are drowned out by the deafening roar of tyranny."
      - A.I. Christopher Hitchens on both Secular and Theocratic forms of Totalitarianism
      Theocratic Totalitarianism:
      1. Rule by Religious Authority: In theocratic totalitarian regimes, religious leaders hold sway over both the spiritual and temporal realms, exerting control over governance, lawmaking, and social norms. They often claim a direct connection to divine will, which legitimizes their authority and justifies their rule.
      2. Divine Justification: The regime's claim of divine endorsement serves as a powerful tool for suppressing dissent. By framing obedience to the state as obedience to a higher power, the regime fosters a sense of religious duty among the populace, making resistance tantamount to blasphemy or sacrilege.
      3. Religious Laws: Legal systems are heavily influenced by religious doctrine, with laws derived from religious texts or interpretations thereof. These laws govern not only personal conduct but also societal structure, shaping everything from family life to economic practices according to religious principles.
      4. Limited Individual Freedoms: In theocratic totalitarian states, individual freedoms are subordinated to religious norms and principles. Freedom of expression, association, and religion are restricted to prevent dissent and maintain religious orthodoxy, often leading to the suppression of minority beliefs and practices.
      5. Censorship and Control: Media outlets are tightly regulated to ensure adherence to religious teachings and values. Books, films, and other forms of expression deemed contrary to religious doctrine are censored or banned, while dissenting voices are silenced through intimidation or imprisonment.
      6. Socio-political Hierarchy: Society is stratified along religious lines, with religious leaders occupying the highest positions of authority and influence. This hierarchical structure reinforces the power of the ruling elite and perpetuates social inequalities based on religious identity.
      7. Resistance is Heresy: Any form of opposition to the regime is considered not only a political threat but also a religious offense. Critics and dissidents are labeled as heretics or apostates, subjecting them to persecution, imprisonment, or even execution under the guise of defending religious purity.
      Secular Totalitarianism:
      1. Rule by Political Ideology: Secular totalitarian regimes derive their authority from adherence to a specific political ideology rather than religious doctrine. The ruling party or leader monopolizes power, using ideology as a means of legitimizing and consolidating control over the state and its institutions.
      2. State Justification: Legitimacy is grounded in secular ideologies like communism, fascism, or nationalism, which are presented as the key to societal progress and national unity. The regime portrays itself as the vanguard of ideology, offering a vision of a utopian future achievable only through its rule.
      3. Party Control: The ruling party exercises dominance over all aspects of society, from the economy to education to culture. Institutions and organizations are either co-opted by the party or brought under direct state control to ensure conformity and loyalty to the ruling ideology.
      4. Strict Ideological Conformity: Citizens are expected to adhere unquestioningly to the principles and beliefs of the ruling ideology. Dissent or deviation from the party line is met with severe consequences, including imprisonment, torture, or forced labor, as the regime seeks to eradicate any challenge to its authority.
      5. Propaganda and Indoctrination: Propaganda is a central tool for disseminating the ideology of the ruling party and cultivating loyalty among the populace. Education and media are heavily controlled to propagate the official narrative, while dissenting viewpoints are marginalized or suppressed through censorship and propaganda campaigns.
      6. Totalitarian Surveillance: Surveillance apparatuses, including secret police and intelligence agencies, monitor citizens' activities and communications to root out dissent and maintain control. Advanced technologies are employed to track and suppress opposition movements, ensuring the regime's grip on power remains unchallenged.
      7. Cult of Personality: The leader cultivates a cult of personality, presenting themselves as a charismatic and infallible figure who embodies the ideals of the regime. Portrayed as indispensable to the nation's success and well-being, the leader's image is omnipresent in propaganda, monuments, and public ceremonies, fostering a sense of loyalty and devotion among the populace.
      Still unclear? Any questions?

    • @Rancherinaz
      @Rancherinaz 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Democracy is a fallacy term that will always lead to communism and a totalitarian dictatorship .
      Wake up .

  • @unaontour
    @unaontour 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    I am in Ireland and i am very worried about this issue because it is manifesting itself here also. I wish more people watched this video.

    • @Dannyboy0202
      @Dannyboy0202 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah I've seen it also. It's mostly the rad-trads that are doing it.

  • @gregorycallaway5628
    @gregorycallaway5628 ปีที่แล้ว +14


    • @blackcar1
      @blackcar1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Don’t conflate the two! This is two totally separate issues!

    • @CarlosIowa
      @CarlosIowa 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Mega Churches are MAGA Churches.

  • @hawkhm97
    @hawkhm97 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +52

    Christian nationalism does not represent Christ in what he stud for. We need to say this more often.

    • @kausamsalam8543
      @kausamsalam8543 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Agreed. No kind of excessive nationalism represents the Principles of any Religion, nor does white Christian nationalism represent Jesus’s teachings in any way-peace be on him and his family and blessed Virgin Mary.

    • @robertward8035
      @robertward8035 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Jesus is a stud. Ok....😂

    • @Aaron-SLC
      @Aaron-SLC 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      define christian nationalism?

    • @linegrant4605
      @linegrant4605 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      🤣🤣🤣is this a joke 😮 bottom line is either you are a Christian or not. Not everyone say Lord, Lord is a genuine Christian that follow the Bible 💯these people are hypocrite and wolves 🐺 in sheepskin 🐏🐑 clothing 💯 a disgrace to the body of Christ 💯

    • @jaimesfolly
      @jaimesfolly 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Aaron-SLC An ideology that perverts the Gospel by attempting to mix cherry-picked Christian teachings with far right politics in an attempt to seize power for extremist Republicans. It is idolatry. It subverts our Constitution because a theocracy cannot comply with the 1A.

  • @kboone122
    @kboone122 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    The bishop is on point

    • @badspellin4621
      @badspellin4621 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How? Nonsensical.

  • @michaeltyler4314
    @michaeltyler4314 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    This presentation is WISE, sane, patriotic and VERY important.

    • @ribbrascal
      @ribbrascal 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @jessiek3500
      @jessiek3500 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@ribbrascal1065 yes. /ex republican

    • @ribbrascal
      @ribbrascal 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@jessiek3500 No. Infinity
      /exDem, anti-woke, not a Christian

    • @WarrenHolly
      @WarrenHolly 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Look these people are already taking applications for their new government. I'm trying to infiltrate this movement. They're online already. They plan to install their new government on January 2025. They want to install a theocracy. Immediately!

  • @diannaashley6243
    @diannaashley6243 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    It’s amazing how powerful brainwashing really is. 😢I’ve seen it with my own eyes over decades, amongst my fellow Christians and family and friends😢
    Persecution begins when you speak up, but it must happen. I agree.✝️

    • @USMC-cv5sd
      @USMC-cv5sd 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Brainwashed, or they want that form of government

    • @WarrenHolly
      @WarrenHolly 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Exactly! Have you read the conservatives promise project 2025? This is a political movement hiding behind religion. They plan on installing a theocracy starting on January 2025. Nobody's telling this part. They actually have applications online right now. I'm trying to infiltrate this movement. We are not taking these people seriously.

  • @T-41
    @T-41 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    Follow the money. There is a great deal of income / profit being made promoting White Christian Nationalism. Like the health care industry , the people/ organizations profiting from fight tenaciously to keep the money coming.

    • @phoenixtoash2396
      @phoenixtoash2396 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Christian national does not care about anyone but themselves. It's not hard to see that.

  • @hapennysparrow
    @hapennysparrow ปีที่แล้ว +49

    To ascribe to the ( White) Christian Nationalist agenda is guilty of taking the Lord's name in vain. Dominionism has worked its way into the world view of many who identify as Christians. As a believer, I sat amongst fellow believers for 14 years, worshipping together on Sunday mornings , and sitting in the pastor's home for prayer meetings. We gathered in His name, grew close, knew each other well. Most of these friends were Republicans, while I was the lone Democrat. It was never an issue. We cared for one another. But slowly, creeping in like a shadow, the Religious Right ideology became something that grew larger in importance. Conformity was expected, so I learned to just bite my tongue. Not speak up except occasionally requesting we keep politics out of our prayer circle.) The Trump. These sweet people became rabidly identified with the Christian Nationalism mindset. The church became increasingly hostile to any among them who did not fully support the candidacy of Trump, or watch other news sources than Faux News. Suspicion towards me grew to open hostility. Covid hit, and thankfully I made my escape. I could no longer set aside, for the sake of Unity, the ugly turn towards an authoritarian mindset, a slavish devotion to Trump and Company, and the parade of false prophets that came through endorsing and proclaiming him as the Savior of Christianity. I know this because I continued to listen to Sunday services on line, just out of curiosity as to how far off the rails they would go. It saddened my heart to see former kind and loving people toss the true Christ aside to follow a christ of their own making. They incorporated the Seven Mountain Mandate into their belief system ( old Dominionism wrapped in prettier paper) became involved in the New Apostolic Reformation, replaced the cross with a Trump flag (figuratively speaking) superimposed on the American flag, and away they went. The last time I listened in, common New Age practices were introduced to teach the kids and adults how to " hear God's voice." Literally conjuring "Jesus." I was called a Marxist and baby killer before I left. I am neither. So much for putting political differences aside ( which I did until I couldn't) around the common faith in Jesus. Sadly, this is where many people in the church have gone. Into insanity land. Should become a new Disney ride. I have read some wonderful researched books addressing the subject. "Jesus and John Wayne," by Kristin DuMez, " The Power Worshippers," by Katherine Stewart, " Unholy," by Sarah Posner, and "The Family," and its sequel ," Undertow." One I have not yet read is " The Shadow Network," by Anne Nelson, another great resource for information on just how and why all of this took us by storm. Where it will ultimately end is frightening to contemplate. I see another, larger wave of violence coming. God help us. I wish Bishop Currie lived close enough to attend his services. I listened to this podcast today, July 2, 2023. I see it was aired eight months ago. Nothing has improved over this discussion. All we can do is educate ourselves, dig into the scriptures, and pray for deliverance. Thank you all for the deep, honest, and hopeful conversation on this program. I have listened to several" Christians Against Christian Nationalism," podcasts and am comforted that I do not walk alone in this epic battle against fascist ideologies parading as Christianity. As I stated, the ultimate Taking the Lord's Name in Vain. God bless.

    • @charlotteharris4756
      @charlotteharris4756 ปีที่แล้ว

    • @michaeltyler4314
      @michaeltyler4314 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Thank you for this informative, frank and deeply personal post. Your lived experience is something we ALL need to understand more fully.

    • @jeremyponcy7311
      @jeremyponcy7311 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jim Wallace is a Liberation Theologist which is in fact Marxism. You are right to fear Christian Nationalism just don't let it drive you into the arms of Marxists. That's how the game is played. The radical right uses the radical left to drive you into their arms and the radical left uses the radical right to drive you into theirs. I pray for discernment for you. You're going to need it.

    • @tracesprite6078
      @tracesprite6078 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      What happened in your church is like a cancer creeping through your community, a cancer of real evil. It's sickening and horrifying.

    • @hapennysparrow
      @hapennysparrow 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The cancer has spread all around the globe in the uniting of Right Wing nationalism with a false Christ and a false gospel. The wheat and the tares growing side by side. So many sincere believers have been sucked into this deception. I pray their eyes to be opened and a mass exodus from delusional theology occur. This has left me feeling deep grief.

  • @lindarivas1506
    @lindarivas1506 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    A conversation way overdue. The more I learn about Christian nationalism, the more I conclude that there is nothing Christian about it. The teachings of Jesus are simply absent in my opinion. This isn’t what Jesus was about. The violence being espoused is so disturbing to me. We have many ill people who are so easily influenced by this. Thank you reverend for your words. I believe in the power of love but we must all push for this.

  • @RBEtheMovement
    @RBEtheMovement 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    The problem is that the Church as a whole is spineless before this topic. You all
    Lack the gall to actually challenge this narrative

    • @Jeanie-r8f
      @Jeanie-r8f 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Not all of us

  • @ginnyisaola8028
    @ginnyisaola8028 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I am so happy and relieved that I am not alone as christian who opposes to the false rhetoric like christian nationalist 🙏
    Good will prevail over evil.

    • @RobertStambaugh-l5r
      @RobertStambaugh-l5r 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am a Christian and i still don't know exactly what Christian nationalism is .
      Can you please explain some of it ?

    • @brodog3214
      @brodog3214 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It s white racism​@@RobertStambaugh-l5r

  • @lupemerrit
    @lupemerrit 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Religión and government should not mix.

  • @terrylautt5366
    @terrylautt5366 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I think the typical church today is similar to the Country Club.

  • @pamhall1434
    @pamhall1434 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Knowing the truth can hurt. But ignoring it is ignorance.

    • @WarrenHolly
      @WarrenHolly 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Did you read the conservatives promise project 2025? They are planning on gutting the government as we know it and installing their brand of a theocracy. They have applications online right now. I'm trying to infiltrate this movement. They plan on starting this on January 2025. Even if we stop them this time they are not going away.

    • @RobertStambaugh-l5r
      @RobertStambaugh-l5r 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Jesus is the truth .

  • @rebeccainnerst7327
    @rebeccainnerst7327 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Thank you so much! We are having this discussion in The UMC✝️

    • @WarrenHolly
      @WarrenHolly 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It may be too late. Have you read the conservatives promise project 2025? Well according to that manuscript it is to go into effect at the changing of the next administration. They plan on putting the government as we know it and replace the government workers with their people
      I went through the application by trying to infiltrate this movement they want you to take a picture of yourself that goes with the application
      Yeah! This new government is to be installed January 2025.

  • @robertward8035
    @robertward8035 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    The separation of church and state is paramount to democracy and the corner stone of our Constitution. Without out it, there is no United States.

    • @masterlee9822
      @masterlee9822 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      A constitution that is only enforced by either side when it fits in with their politics.

  • @louiselincoln6557
    @louiselincoln6557 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    It's really nice to hear Bishop Curry express things in plain truths and common sense. If God is love, we should have love in our heart - makes sense to me!

  • @fredsimmons2793
    @fredsimmons2793 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Ellen G White of the Seventh Day Adventist church over 150 years ago foretold that the ascendency of fundamentalist/ nationalist christainy would culminate in America with a mandatory Sunday day of worship.Those that don't comply would not be able to buy or sell.The recent laws in Africa making homosexuality a crime was supported by African churches and implemented wit threats of withhold funds,grants,resources by sovereign wealth funds and wall street.The silence by many churches in America about these laws is because most institutional churches are invested in these wealth funds and wall street,and the churches are afraid to make a stand because of these compromises.The Beast and False prophet has a firm grip.This power of church and state is the Mark of the Beast.

    • @WarrenHolly
      @WarrenHolly 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This movement is political. Have you read the conservatives promise project 2025? They plan on gutting the government as we know it and install their like minded people. Applications are online already. Their start date is January 2025. I'm telling you I am trying to infiltrate this movement.

    • @scottmedhaug4107
      @scottmedhaug4107 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      she was/is a false teacher as Christians never made Saturday a day that needed to be worshipped. Paul met on the first day of the week because the Jewish Christians would have been in the temple that day.

    • @bakkudeku
      @bakkudeku 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Fully agreed. From a perspective that values the contributions of moderate Christians alongside agnostic atheists, secularists, and libertarians, it's crucial to recognize the insights provided by figures like Ellen G. White. Regardless of religious belief, her warnings about the dangerous fusion of fundamentalist nationalism and state power resonate with those concerned about individual liberties. By setting aside doctrinal differences and intellectual disputes, there's an opportunity for a united front against totalitarian tendencies, whether secular or theocratic. Embracing diversity of thought and shared principles of freedom can empower us to challenge encroachments on personal autonomy and the separation of church and state.
      "In the suffocating grasp of theocratic totalitarianism, the rule by religious authority extends its shadow over every facet of life. Here, religious leaders wield both temporal and spiritual power, their decrees echoing from the pulpit to the chambers of governance. Their claim of divine justification wraps the populace in chains of obedience, where dissent is not just disobedience but sacrilege against the ordained order. The laws of the land are not mere statutes but manifestations of divine will, immutable and unquestionable. Individual freedoms, once cherished, now wither beneath the weight of religious dogma, suffocated by the stagnant air of conformity. The press, once a bastion of truth, now lies shackled by censorship, its voice silenced by the iron fist of religious orthodoxy. Society itself is stratified along religious lines, with the clergy occupying the highest echelons of power, while dissenters face the fiery wrath of persecution, branded as heretics in the eyes of the faithful.
      In the iron grip of secular totalitarianism, the thud of ideology reverberates louder than any church bell. Here, political dogma reigns supreme, its proponents wielding it as both a weapon and a shield, cloaking their rule in the guise of secular salvation. Legitimacy is not bestowed by divine decree but by adherence to the party line, promising a utopia achievable only through unwavering loyalty. The ruling elite, ensconced in their ivory towers, manipulate every aspect of society, bending it to their will with an iron fist. Dissent is not tolerated but swiftly crushed under the weight of state-sanctioned violence, ensuring ideological purity at any cost. Propaganda flows like a poisoned river, inundating the minds of the populace with lies and half-truths, while the watchful eye of the state surveils their every move, seeking out any hint of rebellion. And amidst this bleak landscape, the cult of personality blooms, its tendrils ensnaring the hearts and minds of the people, masking the rot beneath the facade of infallibility. In the realm of secular totalitarianism, the individual is but a cog in the grand machinery of the state, crushed beneath the heel of ideology, enslaved to the whims of the ruling elite.
      In the crucible of totalitarianism, whether draped in the vestments of religious fervor or the sterile garb of political doctrine, the individual finds themselves ensnared in a suffocating embrace of ideological despotism. In the theocratic realm, the clerical class, draped in the robes of divine authority, wields both temporal and spiritual power, decreeing edicts with impunity and demanding unquestioning fealty under the guise of piety. Dissent becomes a sacrilegious act, an affront not just to earthly governance but to the heavens themselves, as the faithful are shackled by the chains of obedience, their freedoms buried beneath the dogma of orthodoxy. Meanwhile, in the secular sphere, the altar is replaced by the pulpit of political ideology, where the ruling elite, draped in the cloak of secular salvation, impose their will with an iron fist, crushing dissent underfoot in the pursuit of ideological purity. Here, the individual is but a pawn in the grand chess game of statecraft, their autonomy sacrificed at the altar of political expediency, as propaganda floods the airwaves like a toxic fog, obscuring truth and corroding the very fabric of society. In both realms, the specter of totalitarianism looms large, casting a shadow of oppression over every facet of existence, as the voices of the oppressed are drowned out by the deafening roar of tyranny."
      - A.I. Christopher Hitchens on both Secular and Theocratic forms of Totalitarianism
      Theocratic Totalitarianism:
      1. Rule by Religious Authority: In theocratic totalitarian regimes, religious leaders hold sway over both the spiritual and temporal realms, exerting control over governance, lawmaking, and social norms. They often claim a direct connection to divine will, which legitimizes their authority and justifies their rule.
      2. Divine Justification: The regime's claim of divine endorsement serves as a powerful tool for suppressing dissent. By framing obedience to the state as obedience to a higher power, the regime fosters a sense of religious duty among the populace, making resistance tantamount to blasphemy or sacrilege.
      3. Religious Laws: Legal systems are heavily influenced by religious doctrine, with laws derived from religious texts or interpretations thereof. These laws govern not only personal conduct but also societal structure, shaping everything from family life to economic practices according to religious principles.
      4. Limited Individual Freedoms: In theocratic totalitarian states, individual freedoms are subordinated to religious norms and principles. Freedom of expression, association, and religion are restricted to prevent dissent and maintain religious orthodoxy, often leading to the suppression of minority beliefs and practices.
      5. Censorship and Control: Media outlets are tightly regulated to ensure adherence to religious teachings and values. Books, films, and other forms of expression deemed contrary to religious doctrine are censored or banned, while dissenting voices are silenced through intimidation or imprisonment.
      6. Socio-political Hierarchy: Society is stratified along religious lines, with religious leaders occupying the highest positions of authority and influence. This hierarchical structure reinforces the power of the ruling elite and perpetuates social inequalities based on religious identity.
      7. Resistance is Heresy: Any form of opposition to the regime is considered not only a political threat but also a religious offense. Critics and dissidents are labeled as heretics or apostates, subjecting them to persecution, imprisonment, or even execution under the guise of defending religious purity.
      Secular Totalitarianism:
      1. Rule by Political Ideology: Secular totalitarian regimes derive their authority from adherence to a specific political ideology rather than religious doctrine. The ruling party or leader monopolizes power, using ideology as a means of legitimizing and consolidating control over the state and its institutions.
      2. State Justification: Legitimacy is grounded in secular ideologies like communism, fascism, or nationalism, which are presented as the key to societal progress and national unity. The regime portrays itself as the vanguard of ideology, offering a vision of a utopian future achievable only through its rule.
      3. Party Control: The ruling party exercises dominance over all aspects of society, from the economy to education to culture. Institutions and organizations are either co-opted by the party or brought under direct state control to ensure conformity and loyalty to the ruling ideology.
      4. Strict Ideological Conformity: Citizens are expected to adhere unquestioningly to the principles and beliefs of the ruling ideology. Dissent or deviation from the party line is met with severe consequences, including imprisonment, torture, or forced labor, as the regime seeks to eradicate any challenge to its authority.
      5. Propaganda and Indoctrination: Propaganda is a central tool for disseminating the ideology of the ruling party and cultivating loyalty among the populace. Education and media are heavily controlled to propagate the official narrative, while dissenting viewpoints are marginalized or suppressed through censorship and propaganda campaigns.
      6. Totalitarian Surveillance: Surveillance apparatuses, including secret police and intelligence agencies, monitor citizens' activities and communications to root out dissent and maintain control. Advanced technologies are employed to track and suppress opposition movements, ensuring the regime's grip on power remains unchallenged.
      7. Cult of Personality: The leader cultivates a cult of personality, presenting themselves as a charismatic and infallible figure who embodies the ideals of the regime. Portrayed as indispensable to the nation's success and well-being, the leader's image is omnipresent in propaganda, monuments, and public ceremonies, fostering a sense of loyalty and devotion among the populace.

    • @fredsimmons2793
      @fredsimmons2793 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@bakkudeku Amen to what you say.

    • @fredsimmons2793
      @fredsimmons2793 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @MovieFandoms I agree.My church the Seventh Day Adventist also plays games with these actions.

  • @karennelson6671
    @karennelson6671 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    This is great. Love Bishop Curry.

  • @stephenyang2844
    @stephenyang2844 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I believe part of the reason WCN‘s rise is the trending extreme inequality, as shrinking middle class and growing number of the under class face live’s struggle; discomtent motivates them to raise their voice.

    • @alonzoabel7472
      @alonzoabel7472 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      We are living in a new Gilded Age, where the rich are getting richer! The poor and middle class are fighting amongst themselves over differences in race, culture and religion without realizing that what they all have in common is poverty, or its threat. The poor are getting poorer. The Antichrist is using this opportunity to return to power with World War 3.

  • @joanwalter6551
    @joanwalter6551 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    "With God all things are possible." Among other things, we must witness as if everything depended on us,but pray as if everything depended on Him. Às the Reverend would probably
    say, He will hear the voice of innocent blood crying to Him
    from the ground.

  • @glendagaskin151
    @glendagaskin151 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    What threatens is Satan. We must come to Jesus through the cross. One at a time. We are saved by grace through faith.

  • @ehenningsen
    @ehenningsen 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I will not bend the knee to tyranny, but will listen to the sincere

  • @charlesrobinson4782
    @charlesrobinson4782 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    This needs to be national to the large white church I'm black and was on a side of racism in the church setting keep telling it the truth of Christ 🙏🌹🙏

  • @joaquinarmendariz676
    @joaquinarmendariz676 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    There is a story in Buddhism when an Abbott named his successor. When asked how he did it he replied, his behavior confirmed the (Buddhist) doctrine. Like the late Lani Guinier proposed that equity policies should confirm our Constitution principles, we should support and defend individuals and policies that do and, forcefully oppose those that don't. "Woe to the man whom scandal comes, St Matthew 18:7.

    • @janelliot5643
      @janelliot5643 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Mt 18:7 "Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!" Let's get it right, if we're going to quote it

  • @mypersonalaccount1001
    @mypersonalaccount1001 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Comparing Project 2025 to what happened in Venezuela with Hugo Chávez, it's like looking at a similar plan. Chávez had a strategy called the "Bolivarian purge”.
    The plan was also founded in 4 pillars, as well as this alleged Project 2025:
    Administrative, social, political and economical ; to where he replaced people to make sure everyone supported his way of thinking.
    This pattern isn't limited to one ideology and can hide behind ideas like "Christianity" or "nationalism." The problem is when this plan becomes deeply rooted, making it really hard to stop. If we let it happen, it might be too late for our country.
    The message here is simple: Put the country first, not political parties! Our strength as a nation is more important than following one person blindly. If something feels wrong, it probably is. So, let's think carefully and prioritize our country over political loyalties to protect the goodness of our nation.

  • @luchettepender6038
    @luchettepender6038 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Preach Bishop❤

  • @albwilso9
    @albwilso9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You are right pastor. the prejudice, hatred, arrogance , and selfishness, is not religion, it is a mindset, separate from religion!!!

  • @michaelking8903
    @michaelking8903 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    How wrong this man is. I am a Christian, I am White, and I love my country, my constitution so I am a nationalist by definition. The definition of nationalism is the love of ones country. PERIOD. Color has no meaning in my world. Black, white, red, yellow. All equal. Stop using the word nationalist as a bad word. Call a nazi a nazi or call a communist a communist. Sure there are White supremists and they are bad, even dangerous. But do NOT lump nationalists into that category. The only voter suppression that has been used in the last 10 years has been from the left.

    • @joandempsey4652
      @joandempsey4652 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Believe me nationalism can be very toxic. It can create hatred of the other. Wars have been fought over it, as I’m sure you know. Love your country by all means but gently.

  • @dougdellwo3274
    @dougdellwo3274 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Intelligent conversation with heart. What has happened in our seminaries (especially non denominational) that has led to ignorance not education and clear thinking?

    • @WarrenHolly
      @WarrenHolly 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's the problem this is a political movement hiding behind religion. At this moment no religious organization has power over them. They are ready to gut the government as we know it and install a theocracy. Their start date is January 2025. Have you read the conservatives promise project 2025? They are actually taking applications online as we speak. I'm trying to infiltrate this movement. It maybe too late 🙏🏾

  • @gracewayYouTube
    @gracewayYouTube 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Has anyone actually defined “ White Christian Nationalist” ?

  • @paulcastillo953
    @paulcastillo953 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Do these poor soul white people ever read a Bible that tells all people's the teachings of spirit God through his son Jesus Christ.

  • @malcolmbuys5042
    @malcolmbuys5042 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank You Lord for this discussion and these Beautiful minds.

  • @patburton837
    @patburton837 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Religion shouldn't be in politics. Knock it off.

  • @wesleywillis5933
    @wesleywillis5933 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Where are all these white Christian nationalist located?

    • @jutsu1
      @jutsu1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      In the imagination of these idiots.

    • @hapennysparrow
      @hapennysparrow 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      In every community across the country.

    • @pennypaulson5199
      @pennypaulson5199 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Mostly from the south

    • @letmetranslate4249
      @letmetranslate4249 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I've been attacked by two so far. I literally thought we were on the same team boy was I was wrong.

    • @hapennysparrow
      @hapennysparrow 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @ letmetranslate4249: I attended a church for 14 years that was largely apolitical. Then it merged with another larger congregation that was affiliated with Religious Right Nationalism. Things got weird fast. I spoke my concerns with some people I considered friends and the blowback was immediate. I was then viewed as the enemy, the evil progressive. I was called a Marxist, a baby killer, and by one former friend, pure evil. The friendships ended abruptly and I walked away, dismayed by the level of brainwashing these people daily as they fed on Fox Noise, and worse. The Jesus they think they are following is opposite to the real Son of God. Deception is rampant. I was grieved to see these formally kind people morph into something unrecognizable. Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, the merciful, those who hunger for justice, those who are persecuted for the truth. ( Paraphrased.)

  • @debrastrayer8600
    @debrastrayer8600 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Focus on separation of church & state

  • @ronaldharding3927
    @ronaldharding3927 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The threat to democracy doesnt bother me anywhere near to how much I'm appalled by the horrendous black eye that is given to Jesus Christ. God is not mocked.

  • @lynnmarie1381
    @lynnmarie1381 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for sharing this conversation. Hearing this gives me hope.

  • @wesleywillis5933
    @wesleywillis5933 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    How can a true Christian conform to this highly false doctrine and call it Christian??
    I have no problem stating America is a Christian nation because America was formed using Christian principles. We should not have a state religion where all people are forced to embrace only one religion. We should not hold America as bad just because our foundation is based on Christian principles. Now bad ideologies can creep into any religious group and make that bad.

  • @lindareeves5410
    @lindareeves5410 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you❤😢

  • @aprylrittenhouse4562
    @aprylrittenhouse4562 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    When i got saved it was called FUNDAMENTALISM.

  • @C-Span222
    @C-Span222 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Agree, agree and agree!

  • @dsiepiela6449
    @dsiepiela6449 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m so sick of being saturated with the Christian mythology and hypocrisy.

  • @J_Dubbs_614
    @J_Dubbs_614 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Great video! Thanks for posting ❤

  • @1macewan
    @1macewan 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This provides me hope as my own Children, some have shied away from Christian "Title" based on Christian Nationalism's rhetoric! That is not anything like Jesus taught

  • @RaulRamirez-nx5sb
    @RaulRamirez-nx5sb 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The Catholc Church will never ask voters to cast votes for a specific political party. However, the Church is correct in reminding voters about the doctrine and core beliefs before casting votes. Expect next year parish's bulletins to address the evil of abortion. Please support pregnant mothers in crisis and their babies before and after birth. Thank you.

  • @theresab4644
    @theresab4644 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Kudzo we always called Devil Vine here in Texas. And wow yes can it grow, overnight it can grow like you wouldn't believe possible. Bishop Curry made such a great analogy with his statement about CN and how quickly it could grow.

  • @FactsMatter999
    @FactsMatter999 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The lady here I was only hearing her and not watching the video. For a minute I thought she was Jen Psaky …I was like what ???? 🤣🤣🤣

  • @aliciaalicia6374
    @aliciaalicia6374 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for this talk... I needed to hear I am not alone in the church, as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, so I can have courage to speak up when needed and how to do it.

  • @mariedelozier2530
    @mariedelozier2530 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I for one am sick to death of being described as evil or racist simply because I am Caucasian

    • @williamjameslehy1341
      @williamjameslehy1341 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No one with any measure of power over you is doing that.

  • @robshelden4670
    @robshelden4670 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As someone who didn’t grow up in the Church and only came to Jesus out of desperation, it’s surprising to hear folks intellectualizing something that has always been so apparent…It’s almost like folks haven’t read their Bibles….🙄

  • @sandradavis9422
    @sandradavis9422 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We all need to constantly reaffirm Christian beliefs

  • @wesleywillis5933
    @wesleywillis5933 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When you talk about gays and trans and people with those life styles what passages of scriptures are you all ignoring as the truth???

    • @PatriciaMonti-y9m
      @PatriciaMonti-y9m 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      There you go with your Old Testament rant again.

  • @hrvojesvetec3058
    @hrvojesvetec3058 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Its just "white power" people who found a way back into politics,REAL TOTAL POWER if Trump wins 2024

  • @lindabooker3512
    @lindabooker3512 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    All this dialogue was already hashed out during the Reformation.

  • @joshualavender
    @joshualavender 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This is an informative panel discussion, but it's rather timid. Of the panelists, Amanda Tyler gets close to putting a finger directly on the problem when she says solving the problem is the responsibility of Christian churches (17:30), which suggests it originates in churches, and Dr. Samuel Perry does so again when he talks about "apocalyptic" rhetoric (49:08). Otherwise, the panelists try to tease apart Christianity and this new "ideology" for the audience while dancing around an uncomfortable truth: Christian nationalism is the threat it is now because it has supplanted Christianity to become *a new religion* for its followers. The political rally is their new tent revival. No one on that stage wants to admit this frankly because it paints religion in a bad light. It points at how easily demagogues preying on fear and selfishness can hijack people's beliefs and thinking when religion has already taught those people to - one could say indoctrinated them to - accept ideas and assertions on faith. How was it so easy for Trump to come along and convince people that "I'm the only one who can fix it"? He echoed a promise they'd heard before and learned as a central tenet of faith: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6 NIV). As much as Christian nationalism is a political ideology, it's inextricable from its religious roots and it operates religiously in its adherents' minds. Try talking them out of their positions on rational grounds, and you'll see what I mean - they don't view it as a debate, they view it as an attack.

    • @Aurealeus
      @Aurealeus 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      B I N G O !!

    • @davidayers5173
      @davidayers5173 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Have you read letter to the American Church? What's happening today, happened in Germany before Hitler came to power because the church remained silent. The few who didn't payed dearly.

  • @Bloom3191
    @Bloom3191 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You mentioned "reclaiming Jesus." it's good to reclaim Jesus if in doing so, you will live by God's Word. If you will teach your family to live by God's Word. Remember that prejudices are taught, whether in the home in school or any institution that embodies prejudices. When we follow Christ and His Word, all of this other stuff goes out the window.

  • @GodEqualstheSquaRootof-1
    @GodEqualstheSquaRootof-1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Motto of the Confederacy: “Deo Vindice”
    Meaning: “With God, our Defender” or “Under God as our Vindicator.”

  • @chadmccoy8032
    @chadmccoy8032 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for having these discussions. I’m a former Christian atheist who apparently cares more about the Christian church more than many Christian’s do. I’d stuff envelopes for you!! Thanks for the education.

  • @justmyopinion9883
    @justmyopinion9883 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Thank you for sharing this magnificent conversation. Listening to this has helped me look at race and religion in a different way.

  • @christopherv9427
    @christopherv9427 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Three years lol, downplaying it not going to magically disappear

  • @alexshreffler
    @alexshreffler 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If the word Christian wasn't used the conversation would be so different and the threat to America and our values would even be more in the conversation than Christianity itself.

  • @motionattached
    @motionattached 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The solution is to bring back the enlightenment reasonings which were the foundation of our country.

    • @polarchinois
      @polarchinois 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And yet there was the extant virulent racism that was part and parcel of that foundation. That too needs to be reviewed.

  • @johnnyatoms3620
    @johnnyatoms3620 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @lisacawyer6896
    @lisacawyer6896 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    One of the issues I've had in discussions with my fellow Evangelicals as I argue against Christian Nationalism is that they assume I am arguing for liberal Christianity (low view of Scripture, liberal sexual ethic, specifically).
    But the opposite of Christian Nationalism is not liberal Christianity, or any specific religion, it's to advocate for religious pluralism - no official state religion. Each can seek to convert the other in the public square, but the state remains neutral. Basically, the opposite of Christian Nationalism is the First Amendment.
    However, too often the fight against Christian Nationalism devolves into a battle between liberal vs. conservative Christianity.
    This discussion was better than many, but I think you could have done more to assure conservatives that their right to belief are not being threatened.
    Also, I'd like to see more discussion about early American Baptists such as John Leland, Roger Williams and others, along with a reprint of their works (Specifically John Leland; I have his collected works but the print is very bad). Everyone wants to argue about the U.S. founding, and these are important voices which need to be read. They weren't all Puritans.

    • @hawkhm97
      @hawkhm97 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Too many people want to politicize religion. Christ was not political here to do things for people so Christian nationalism does not represent what Christ stood for

    • @SNESpool
      @SNESpool 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's worth pointing out that the only people giving Conservative Christians cause to believe their right to worship is under threat, *are the Christian Nationalists.* Right wing media has spent thirty years telling conservatives over and over that their rights are constantly being eroded, and that they are surrounded by enemies on every side, who want to do them harm. Meanwhile, the rest of us are fairly content to go about our lives, and let people worship how they want.
      For example, a coffee company choosing to put "Happy Holidays" on their cups doesn't mean there's a "War of Christmas"; it just means that not everyone celebrates Christmas, and rather than ignoring those non-Christian demographics (as has been done historically), that company would rather attract business from them as well as Christians. Yet, conservative media has successfully spun the supposed 'war on Christmas' into a narrative that's almost ubiquitous at this point.
      IMO, the modern conservative media machine is the worst thing that ever happened to Christianity. It has left so many of them poisoned by fear and resentment for their neighbors, and enables a culture of grievance, in which the most _un_-Christian and antisocial behavior imaginable is justified by a feeling of perpetual victimhood. It then dangles a carrot in front of them, offering a taste of power and promising a return to some 'former glory' to which they are supposedly entitled, in exchange for complete, unquestioning allegiance NOT to Jesus, but to a political party, and to one man at the head of it. It's idol worship in the purest sense.
      It worked out pretty well for the Republican party, but how has it benefited the Church? People leave Evangelical Churches by the thousands, every year, because in modern American culture, there is no longer any discernible distinction between Evangelical culture, and the rhetoric of the modern GOP. Every time someone like Marjorie Taylor Green, or Matt Gaetz, or Lauren Boebert, or Mike Johnson, or Kari Lake gets in front of a camera and says something ridiculous or horrifying, it reflects on the Evangelical Christian Church. Whether or not that's _fair_ is another question, but the fact remains that the people doing the most damage to the Church's reputation are the very politicians its members consistently vote for.

    • @aspirated777
      @aspirated777 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”- The Bible

    • @HTClassicalEd
      @HTClassicalEd 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The assumption of many people who are opposed to the idea of Christian Nationalism is that the idea is to force everyone to become a Christian, from the top down. That is not the idea. The idea of Christian Nationalism is that we, as Christians are called to evangelize the NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that America is a NATION. Nations are made of people, and people everywhere are called to repent and believe. If people do that here, we will be a Christian nation, because the people will be Christians -- therefore the representatives will be Christians, therefore the government will be Christian. Bottom up, not top down, and created by revival, sent by the Holy Spirit.
      Laws are morality legislated. Which morality is being legislated now? Not Biblical morality. Shouldn't we, as Christians, long for the day when the laws of the nation reflect the values of Scripture? Of course there will be debate over how laws should be written and developed, and mistakes will be made, but if the view is always to bring every thought (even legal ones) into subjection to Christ, we will be well on on our way.
      Christian Nationalism is the Great Commission being worked out -- over time, through individuals, who are committed to Christ. Other definitions are either 1) misunderstandings at best, or 2) intentionally misleading, or somewhere in between.
      One last thing. When Jesus was raised, He didn't say, "Someday in heaven, I will be Lord of all people." He said, "All authority is given to Me (note the present tense) in heaven and on earth. Therefore go and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, Son, and Holy Sprit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." He is Lord NOW, not just of people in their secret heart of hearts, never touching the physical world, but of ALL things -- you, your family, your city, state, nation; your job, your dinner preparation, your sex life, your children; your yard work, your Christmas decoration, your entertainment. Perhaps it's time Christians started living like they believed Him.

    • @SNESpool
      @SNESpool 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You just used a lot of flowery rhetoric to get to essentially the same exact conclusion. Forcing Christian values on American citizens who do not subscribe to them is antithetical to the principles we were founded upon. Religious freedom is a fundamental right and can ONLY be adequately protected when the government remains a secular body.
      There are countless theological sects within Christianity, and every one of them believes they have the one true interpretation of the Scripture. What differentiates you from them, however, is that you wish to use the power of the State to impose your own interpretation onto everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike.
      Your delusions of righteousness are precisely the reason that the Church is hemorrhaging members, and will continue to do so. You are not concerned with living out the values of Jesus Christ in your own lives and communities, but of forcing your own interpretation of "Biblical values"" on the communities of others, going off on a hunt for splinters to forcibly remove, while the beam in your own eye grows ever larger.
      Yours is a movement built on lust for power, control, and conformity. And it is that very mindset that has driven the abuse of Church power and authority throughout history, and has in every single case, eventually led to the revolt against and loss in relevance of the Church. Your leaders are the modern incarnation of the Pharisees, and Christianity will continue to lose relevance until you and yours are finally cast out of the temple.

  • @harrybrooks8514
    @harrybrooks8514 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you believe in God, and also believe that there will be a time of reckoning, one day it will be an awful time for many “Christians.”

  • @ramonriveraalamena1180
    @ramonriveraalamena1180 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was hoping they would address the "Lost Cause" movement and how it has contributed to the rise of white supremacy and Christian Nationalism in this country.

  • @paulcastillo953
    @paulcastillo953 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The man is right just keep going back to the text. as said by Jesus Christ it's self. do not get tired of going back to the text as rightened in the Bible.

  • @keithwhitlock726
    @keithwhitlock726 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Complete nonsense. Fear-mongering at it's best.

  • @elviralopez6401
    @elviralopez6401 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you calling out the white nationalist danger to Democracy

  • @hrvojesvetec3058
    @hrvojesvetec3058 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wow what a great penal,great session👍👍👍👍

  • @charlesrobinson4782
    @charlesrobinson4782 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm Charles and did attend mount paran, not anymore the damage was done ✅ i checked out

  • @randyhuff802
    @randyhuff802 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Social media is a lot to blame in my opinion!

  • @seaenchanted9822
    @seaenchanted9822 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Perhaps church an state were never separate, only for them that profit from it's systems.

  • @Paul-g4g9m
    @Paul-g4g9m 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So many Americans knew of this ungodly Ness existed in America 😢 wow,it's the most troubling thing I've ever heard in my life. Of the United States 🎉

  • @secularsunshine9036
    @secularsunshine9036 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    *"Our hearts bring back the Light."*
    Wishing you all a Wonderful Winter Solstice.
    A traditional celebration dating back well over 5000 years ago where the Sun is literally rebirthed in the passageway of an ancient tomb.
    "The Grand Passage Tomb." A World Heritage site. Witness the rebirth in person.
    A celebration of life and renewal, peace and camaraderie with food, song, dance, drink and good cheer.
    Happy Holidays.
    Let the Sunshine In...
    *Be Happy*
    "Solstice Night by S J Tucker"

  • @anthonymims9843
    @anthonymims9843 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Listening to this video, one thought kept coming to mind. The end of days, God's word would be subversive for evil deeds.

  • @kboone122
    @kboone122 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The bishop was very clear and the other guy was saying a whole lot of nothing

  • @mattalley4330
    @mattalley4330 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I agree that silence may cause the problem to grow but every time one of these speakers encourages pushback I think “yes, but make sure to speak the truth in love.” I have never encountered someone who told me “I used to have a problematic viewpoint but being insulted by someone online sure made me rethink things”. Silence may make the problem grow but harsh unloving criticism hardens and solidifies wrong thinking.

  • @berniegordon6338
    @berniegordon6338 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I can hear the echo from 1000 miles away

  • @michaelking8903
    @michaelking8903 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Nationalism as defined by Websters dictionary is not a threat to the U.S. Republic in fact the more you love your country and its freedom the better. Those who curse it, condemn it, and attack liberty are the real threat to this nation. Not Nationalists.

  • @sandralester9706
    @sandralester9706 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This was the most informative and peaceful TH-cam selection ! I'm so used to all the arguing and debating on other channels! Thank you,!

    • @RobertStambaugh-l5r
      @RobertStambaugh-l5r 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why didn't they have a Christian nationalist in the panel to debate them If there really is such a thing as Christian nationalism ?

    • @sandralester9706
      @sandralester9706 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RobertStambaugh-l5r it wasn't a debate

    • @RobertStambaugh-l5r
      @RobertStambaugh-l5r 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I still do not know what exactly is Christian nationalism .@@sandralester9706

  • @VernonNickersonSCHOOLCOACH
    @VernonNickersonSCHOOLCOACH 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    @43:54 ff when the stuttering begins, the village of pastoral care providers in every community identifying as Christian must demonstrate with each Homo sapiens members actions in community.

  • @gregorycallaway5628
    @gregorycallaway5628 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @joseesparza2345
    @joseesparza2345 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    One of the main problems, is that Christianity is been seen as the way to have the image of GOD on oneself. But the true image of GOD on oneself is CHRIST in that one's life as that one's guide. CHRIST never let HIMSELF be in politics at all. That's why HE never let HIMSELF be taken as a king, like the people wanted HIM to be a king like the other nations. If you are a true follower of CHRIST. You should be able to tell the difference in between man's palitical agenda and the care of your neighbor.
    Who is your neighbor? Do you love your neighbor as yourself? Do you love your neighbor as you love JESUS?
    GOD bless everyone

  • @MrVader282
    @MrVader282 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Many will be on the Continent before the massacre occurs and grateful that they don't have to experience a country committing suicide.

  • @chippyandpunk
    @chippyandpunk 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Don't you people know that we do not have a democracy. Don't you know that you pledge allegiance to the flag and the REPUBLIC for which it stands. Don't you know what kind of government our forefathers fought and died to establish. Do you even know the difference between a Democracy and a Republic? You put on a good show yesterday, but do you even know why?

    • @PatriciaMonti-y9m
      @PatriciaMonti-y9m 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Stop splitting hairs. A republic is a representative form of democracy.

  • @CarlosIowa
    @CarlosIowa 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank You.

  • @belmounlv1
    @belmounlv1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Which "Christian" world? e.g. genuine Christianity in Poland, with no colonial sins, no fascist nationalist history. Patriotic, as France, Germany, etc. Who finances Poland bashing, propaganda? Who benefits?

  • @carlcunningham294
    @carlcunningham294 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Great conversation. I love my Bishop.

  • @glendagaskin151
    @glendagaskin151 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m 78 years old and I don’t believe that any color determines what I believe. I believe that the only way to heaven is through Jesus. Believing that America is somehow a Christian Nation and living in sin will never get to Jesus. I’m a white great grandmother and I have never believed nor anyone I know is concerned with the color is wrong. We get to God by faith through grace. We come to the cross one at a time. I’m a real estate broker in Atlanta and I have never in my life beloved anything other than Jesus is The Way.

  • @carolempie114
    @carolempie114 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you~

  • @JohnWilmerding
    @JohnWilmerding 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wish I heard more non-white and non-christian educators saying this.

  • @Pleasegoaway2024
    @Pleasegoaway2024 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Maybe you should all read the Hindi book called the Marabata. It basically explains how you blew up the damn garden the last time you played with atomic bombs the last time you got too greedy the last time that you believed in false gods and false prophets

  • @dennislurvey3235
    @dennislurvey3235 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The earliest Americans were christian and wanted a a christian nation. But they found they were not alone, there were other religions already here, and the British passed the act of toleration that applied here. And by 1776 11 colonies had separation of church and state in their constitutions. By the 1790's the founders has lost their beliefs and wrote the constitution excluding religion in law. No religious test for office, no religion written into law, our national 'religion' is secularism. .

  • @glendagaskin151
    @glendagaskin151 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This speaker is a kind and thoughtful. I wish we could just forget about this world and search for Jesus. He died on the cross because we are sinners in need of a savior.