Your dog didn't die. She simply discarded the body she had used in this lifetime for 10 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days. The body she had used to facilitate her existence in this MEST universe had ceased to be useful and in fact had become an impediment to the work she now must do outside of its confines.
Its important to note that your dog CHOSE to discard her body, her body could have kept going for many years but it was impeding her research. Just wanted to make that cleat again. and again. and again
I was there, and everyone knew he would die eventually, that day had come. We also knew that soul flying was a thing for him, as soul flying is mentioned in 1954 in "Creation of Human Ability." Soul flying is also mentioned in the "Running Program" Hubbard soul theoretical writings. Hubbard said in the "Running Program" that pure souls who didn't have bodies but who interacted with advanced space civilizations, those souls sometimes needed their own type of "therapy" which was soul flying in massively large ovals or circles around distant stellar objects, "causative soul flying" essentially, in large cirlces, Hubbard said 'rehabilitates" such a pure soul. So, those of us "in the know" when we heard other insider info, like the briefing that is given in Lawarence Wright's all important book, "Going Clear...." is Wright's interview with Sarge Steven Pfauth. Sarge told Wright Hubbard planned to do this soul flying around the distant star to rehabilitate himself. Since I was a researcher and deep studier of almost all of Hubbard's private writings, I knew Sarge was telling about the "Running Program" theory from Hubbard, where Hubbard in 1978 wrote that info about pure souls doing "rehab" large soul flying circles around stars to fix themselves up. So, at the end of Hubbard's life, he told Sarge a bit more, and some hugely important additional info, which is only revealed in Wright's all important final pages of "Going Clear..." and this info is also in the documentary by Alex Gibney, the "Going Clear....." movie has some of the Sarge interview by Wright. BUT for total experts, the Amazon Kindle Apple edition of "Going Clear...." has the largest part of the Sarge interview, which someday, I hope Wright gives up the rights to reveal the whole interview, it's edited, and us expert experts would like to hear the whole interview. Another person very important to someday still talk, is Ray Mithoff. Sarge is dead, Annie Broeker is dead, Pat is still alive, and Pat would be monumental if he were to be interviewed. Getting Pat Broeker to talk before Pat dies, would be huge for history of the final thoughts and wishes of Hubbard's. Scientologists in the know think of themselves as immortal beings, we all are mostly wholly unappreciative that we will inevitably have future lives, since that is the norm, to not think we come back. (I was an atheist, didn't believe in future lives, then joined SCientology, then accepted that we all might have future lives, and went along with the future lives beliefs solidly, from then on, until I quit, and realized it's unproven, but the only rational way for future lives to be real, isn't by us soul hopping into new bodies in the future, but if the universe just over super vast amounts of time does a massive recycling so that all matter is recreated into new patterns and forms, and new worlds are born WAY into the future, and that over eternity, all possibilities of recycling of the universe will happen, that's as far as I could conceive that "we" might all be recycled into new forms, into all forms, over eternity, and just keeps on going like this forever, and already has been going on like this forever, not soul popping into forms, but forms recycling into all forms conceivable, over infinite time and space. I'm studying Buddhism now, which as you study it, isn't into forever future lives, but reaching Nirvana and exiting the whole infinite long cycle of lives and "Mara."). Anyways, most people there were into future lives, and were taught to be non emotional about Hubbard's passing, but most did grieve in some way, some cried, not a lot though, my then spouse cried. Me not, I was into the future lives, infinite future lives thought process.
I know it's fun to clown on Scientology, but this happens in every religion. they all believe the body is not the being and that the soul goes...somewhere else.
@@chuckbeattyoyou are wise no doubt, but I wonder just how much you have dove into this topic. It’s quite fascinating how the majority of people are indoctrinated into their own world view(s) of illusion and deception. We live in a world where from birth to death we are spoon fed information that most of us accept as reality. This can be said about every single topic such as, history, science, biology, psychology and so on. The reasoning for such deception is fundamentally simple as it comes down to conquering the majority. In reality knowledge is true power, if you know enough you can do anything and this is certainly true, you cannot make an atom bomb without the proper knowledge. However no single man can do this on their own and thus deception to control the majority has resulted in the society we see before us. Despite my research and everything I have learned about, I still can’t quite understand how the human psychology has reached this degree. In 2017 a video was released by the pentagon showing a ufo and the pilot who was a commander explained the event and its impossible scenarios. Now of course if you know the world then this isn’t surprising, what’s surprising is the public didn’t even bat an eye. Back in the 40’s an event causes the entire world to flip upside down over a supposed “ufo crash”. but now even after seeing direct evidence of the supernatural the majority couldn’t care less. I’m not entirely happy about living in a society where the majority are “clods” and the minority are “gods”. The ideal world I want to live in is where I’m Not surrounded by brain washed idiots who care only for themselves.
That's him! Pat Broeker! And his wife! Why did everyone just let that tiny little man take over? It boggles the mind! His "causative decision " my ass! If they can fix themselves why? Doesn't ANYBODY question all this? I believe in reincarnation, but I just can't believe these people don't question these stories.
Another 'fun' fact regarding Pat Broeker. Miscavige had PI's follow Broeker around for 25 years. Dave spend close to 12 millions dollars on that little exercise.
Broeker thought that by controlling access to Hubbard he had the power. He didn't realize what mattered was who brought the word back to the organization.
I remember this event. Some people cried others remained stoic. There was a palpable sense of shock amongst many. My thought was "oh boy now here comes a shit show". By then I had already been very wary of the "Sea Org" and its level of fanaticism and ruthlessness. With Hubbard gone my first thought was that the guard rails were now off. Should have effing left the cult then.
There's a reason for the name, the sea in Biblical terms means the masses, the vast group of human beings the name sea org makes perfect sense for a satanist to call their organization that lulls the masses into so much confusion they literally will believe anything. LRH was a true to the word and work "luciferian" extremely and wholeheartedly satanic. Everything he did and said has a purpose and meaning but it's the dual secondary meaning that he's using.
Holy fuck at first I thought you meant the short applause they gave him in the beginning. These might be the most brainwashed group of people of all time 😬
All the OT's stutter badly, and have been so beaten down by this silly tech that they have no vocabulary to describe the predicament they find themselves in.
"First.. the body of L. Ron Hubbard was sound and strong and fully capable of serving this Mighty Thetan for many years had that suited his purpose." BSHT!!!
Streets of San Francisco music? Oh my goodness, then Star Trek! Wow! They sure tried to make DM seem holy. LOL He's standing in front of a PEZ dispenser.
@margartista asked how many of these speakers have parted ways with Scientology. Earle Cooley and Norman Starkey parted ways by dying. Pat Broeker was ousted in 1989. Davey subsequently had PI’s follow him across the world for 25 years. Pat is 73 now. Current whereabouts unknown. Heber Jentzsch (88), hasn't been seen in public since 2004 (with the exception of his sons funeral/memorial in 2012). He is either tucked away at Gold Base or in a nursing home. Most younger scientologists have never even heard of him. Marc Yager is still in but, like most of upper management, has fallen out of favour and hasn't been seen in public in years.
Hubbard wrote that Xenu was the ruler of a Galactic Confederacy 75 million years ago, which consisted of 26 stars and 76 planets including Earth, which was then known as "Teegeeack". The planets were overpopulated, containing an average population of 178 billion.
21:47. Pat Broeker's portion is the most important, for what Pat relays of Hubbard's final intentions. The language Pat uses is steeped in the lingo of those most in the know and knowing they can't reveal everything. Pat showing the LRH session work paper, to me, is the most enduring significant piece of public evidence about Scientology and the Hubbard soul memories core principles of the Scientology subject. (This massively long ago "stretch" of track Hubbard is "dating" in this work session paper of Hubbard's, is just staggering. 24:12). Lawrence Wright's book, final pages, and the documentary, both titled "Going Clear...." have an all important interview with one of Hubbard's final entrourage members, Sarge Stephen Pfauth. Pfrauth reveals that Hubbard did have momentary last minute doubts about the whole Scientology thing, and that Hubbard planned to "leave earth" and not come back, which has been argued over a bit by others who did NOT get those private thoughts from Hubbard, and they instead knowingly took Hubbard's last minute doubts non seriously, or Hubbard's misgivings were so private that they didn't reach to those other "top" people like those on stage here, including to Pat. Wright clarified with Sarge that Sarge didn't tell Pat about LRH's misgivings and doubts. It's possible these types of Hubbard doubts were nothing "new" to those around Hubbard. The doubts though, sound like a con's man's final thoughts that keep coming to their minds, that all their efforts with their con, have "failed." Hubbard's Scientology isn't well understood, but it is a soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice. The exorcism part is also understood to be "soul freeing" since the invisible souls that Hubbard reveals on the OT 3 step of upper Scientology, these invisible souls infesting us leak the R6 implant bad ideas which were instilled into their soul minds by Xenu during the 4th Dynamic Engram, which is the Xenu caused big engram that supposedly most messes up ALL humans' minds today. Scientology is essentially a pseudo-therapy to warm up recipients of the Hubbard therapy, and then on the upper secret exorcism steps (OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) the recipient of the Scientology quackery pseudo=therapy is directed to contact and "audit" (run Hubbard's pseudo=therapy) on these invisible souls infesting their body, and free those souls, and when those souls leave our human bodies, we lose any of the negative debilitating leakage from the R6 implant bad ideas which Xenu implanted into ALL of the body-thetans. So much to absorb, but that is the basics of Scientology, it supposedly is a soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy/exorcism practice, period. The regulations and the cult bureaucracy hierarchy of "chain of command" warped and continues to warp any of the participants in official Scientology, it's ruinous to everyone concerned, staff and the public Scientologists all get ruinous treatment due to the Hubbard megalomania horrible regulations which cause non stop "Sophie's Choices" and horrible predicaments for the followers. Cult is the popular word for an overly ruinous over restrictive group, and Scientology fits that popular conception of the negative "cult." I was at this event, my then wife cried, I didn't, I took what was told literally, and when Pat told us LRH didn't wish us to cry, I took that literally, and LRH's literal intentions to tie into his theory that we each are, at our core, immortal souls, and that our "case" of soul memories, and the "OT case" of leaked R6 bad material which our body-thetans infesting our human body leaks onto us, all that "case" is what is causing our life our travails. The ideas of future lives, that's a given, that was a consoling idea to me, at this event, and Hubbard we knew had to die eventually. (When David Mayo went to "save" LRH's life the rumor did filter down, that LRH was sick, like he'd been sick on the Apollo at times, I did NOT know the extent of Hubbard's obnoxious horrible megalomaniacal nature, I foolishly my decades in Sea Org, thought the highest of those around LRH and of him, despite the debris trail of quitters, just non stop very capable Sea Org execs and followers quit left right and center, a clue that Hubbard was rather not some benign enlightened being, but Hubbard was a hypochondriac kook megalomaniac, cult leader) It's sickening hearing Cooley speak, he did not "get" Hubbard, I thought Cooley was crap, and that later when I learned when I later was promoted into ASI, that Cooley was LRH's pick for his own lawyer, that Hubbard was a bit nutty for that choice. Cooley also spoke on the steps of ASHO a few days later from this event, and his talk there, was disappointing, he did not get LRH. He called Hubbard "the great thetan" and "you can have it all" which is crap. Scientologists already know everything Cooley lied about, and we didn't need his lies. Hubbard's PR control, the "LRH Image" final orders from LRH were to Author Services Inc, and Miscavige was then COB ASI, and Miscavige always had to me, a negative nasty edge to him, and if Hubbard wanted Miscavige to be leader, that was a slight damper on Scientology, but I kept "slipping up" the command chart, in my Sea Org career, when I ought never have joined this nutball operation. Cooley quotes some traffic to him, supposedly, from Hubbard, I wish I'd read that traffic, I read most all of the rest of the final LRH traffic to Author Services Inc, to INCOMM, to Archives, to CMO Int and all other "int" level tup echelon organizations, for the projects I was on, and while I later "moved up" to be in Author Services Inc. Scientology's a meglomaniac's operation, it's L. Ron Hubbard's operation, and someday, maybe, all the private final years of Hubbard orders and traffic will reveal just how nutty Hubbard was.
I got involved in Scientology in Toronto in 1981 and left for good in 1988. To this day I'm kicking myself that it took me 7 years to realize, that what I was involved in was nothing more than a mind controlling and money making cult. I hope we're now seeing the end of Scientology. Hopefully it will soon be in the dustbin of history.
I would love to ask some questions, however dumb they may seem. It's illegal to impersonate a cop, isn't it illegal to impersonate a member of the armed forces? I believe as energy we never 'go away ', but don't they question that he simply 'dropped ' his body. Don't they wonder why they can't simply 'drop' their bodies? And most of all, who told Miscavidge he should be the one to just go out and take the podium? Why not this attorney, why not the couple that was with him at the end? Why, I guess, did nobody question this??? I don't understand how he just mozied up there and took over. If he was such a "mighty thetan" why did he let his teeth rot, get fat, have high blood pressure, etc. How did he have a stroke if he was such a "mighty thetan"? 😳 I just don't get it.....look how little Miscavidge is. Why didn't anyone challenge him?
By the time Dave took the stage he had already been in control of Scientology for 6 years. Hubbard actually wanted Pat and Annie Broeker to take over. Of course Dave made sure that never happened.
Approximately 2 weeks ago your goldfish finished his exterior swimming and shed his exterior goldfish body to go down the bridge that thetans call the “ toilet “ and is now continuing his swimming outside his body so that he can study the issue of saving other fish from future toilets. Be sad ,or honey, we can just go to the petsmart and just get another fish?
The fascinating thing about this funeral event is the stark contrast of a typical funeral. If you ever been to a good funeral usually you have people reminiscing about the good times, or great tales of the past. But this is the opposite. Instead you have the remaining vultures of higher level scientology feeding off the corpse of LRH. Pat Brokers performance especially shows how weak and thin scientology was in this moment. They realized they had to make his death into a story, a legend almost of LRH choosing to disappear. When we all know the truth, dude was an overweight smoker most of his adult life. Also the fact they still haven't released the upper OT levels after his death kind of proves how chaotic this moment truly was for them. The little charisma that was left was gone. It was like a vacuum, and they filled it all with empty promises towards these people who were already under their snake charm. I doubt many people join at this point.
Is there any scientific analysis of Scientology? Any analysis of the machine they use for auditing? Where did Hubbard get all this from? What does the name mean? Scientology?
Find timestamped chapters in the video description.
This reminds me of the time my dog died but my parents told me that he went to live on a farm.
Your dog didn't die. She simply discarded the body she had used in this lifetime for 10 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days. The body she had used to facilitate her existence in this MEST universe had ceased to be useful and in fact had become an impediment to the work she now must do outside of its confines.
Its important to note that your dog CHOSE to discard her body, her body could have kept going for many years but it was impeding her research. Just wanted to make that cleat again. and again. and again
That was plausible but you can’t use that excuse for Hubbard. He’s too useless for a farm.
Was the farm up north?
Opening music sounds like 2 Klingons were supposed to come out and start dueling.
Is it true someone actually wrote an opera in Klingon? I wonder if it sounds like this.
😂😂 for real
I was picturing orcs riding out with weapons drawn 😅
That`s Lord XENU`s theme.
I wonder what small percentage of the audience realized that Hubbard simply died.
I was there, and everyone knew he would die eventually, that day had come. We also knew that soul flying was a thing for him, as soul flying is mentioned in 1954 in "Creation of Human Ability." Soul flying is also mentioned in the "Running Program" Hubbard soul theoretical writings. Hubbard said in the "Running Program" that pure souls who didn't have bodies but who interacted with advanced space civilizations, those souls sometimes needed their own type of "therapy" which was soul flying in massively large ovals or circles around distant stellar objects, "causative soul flying" essentially, in large cirlces, Hubbard said 'rehabilitates" such a pure soul. So, those of us "in the know" when we heard other insider info, like the briefing that is given in Lawarence Wright's all important book, "Going Clear...." is Wright's interview with Sarge Steven Pfauth. Sarge told Wright Hubbard planned to do this soul flying around the distant star to rehabilitate himself. Since I was a researcher and deep studier of almost all of Hubbard's private writings, I knew Sarge was telling about the "Running Program" theory from Hubbard, where Hubbard in 1978 wrote that info about pure souls doing "rehab" large soul flying circles around stars to fix themselves up. So, at the end of Hubbard's life, he told Sarge a bit more, and some hugely important additional info, which is only revealed in Wright's all important final pages of "Going Clear..." and this info is also in the documentary by Alex Gibney, the "Going Clear....." movie has some of the Sarge interview by Wright. BUT for total experts, the Amazon Kindle Apple edition of "Going Clear...." has the largest part of the Sarge interview, which someday, I hope Wright gives up the rights to reveal the whole interview, it's edited, and us expert experts would like to hear the whole interview. Another person very important to someday still talk, is Ray Mithoff. Sarge is dead, Annie Broeker is dead, Pat is still alive, and Pat would be monumental if he were to be interviewed. Getting Pat Broeker to talk before Pat dies, would be huge for history of the final thoughts and wishes of Hubbard's.
Scientologists in the know think of themselves as immortal beings, we all are mostly wholly unappreciative that we will inevitably have future lives, since that is the norm, to not think we come back. (I was an atheist, didn't believe in future lives, then joined SCientology, then accepted that we all might have future lives, and went along with the future lives beliefs solidly, from then on, until I quit, and realized it's unproven, but the only rational way for future lives to be real, isn't by us soul hopping into new bodies in the future, but if the universe just over super vast amounts of time does a massive recycling so that all matter is recreated into new patterns and forms, and new worlds are born WAY into the future, and that over eternity, all possibilities of recycling of the universe will happen, that's as far as I could conceive that "we" might all be recycled into new forms, into all forms, over eternity, and just keeps on going like this forever, and already has been going on like this forever, not soul popping into forms, but forms recycling into all forms conceivable, over infinite time and space. I'm studying Buddhism now, which as you study it, isn't into forever future lives, but reaching Nirvana and exiting the whole infinite long cycle of lives and "Mara.").
Anyways, most people there were into future lives, and were taught to be non emotional about Hubbard's passing, but most did grieve in some way, some cried, not a lot though, my then spouse cried. Me not, I was into the future lives, infinite future lives thought process.
You need help @@chuckbeattyo
If Scientology preaches to be non emotional why is micavage such a lunatic and abusive
I know it's fun to clown on Scientology, but this happens in every religion. they all believe the body is not the being and that the soul goes...somewhere else.
@@chuckbeattyoyou are wise no doubt, but I wonder just how much you have dove into this topic. It’s quite fascinating how the majority of people are indoctrinated into their own world view(s) of illusion and deception.
We live in a world where from birth to death we are spoon fed information that most of us accept as reality. This can be said about every single topic such as, history, science, biology, psychology and so on.
The reasoning for such deception is fundamentally simple as it comes down to conquering the majority. In reality knowledge is true power, if you know enough you can do anything and this is certainly true, you cannot make an atom bomb without the proper knowledge. However no single man can do this on their own and thus deception to control the majority has resulted in the society we see before us.
Despite my research and everything I have learned about, I still can’t quite understand how the human psychology has reached this degree. In 2017 a video was released by the pentagon showing a ufo and the pilot who was a commander explained the event and its impossible scenarios. Now of course if you know the world then this isn’t surprising, what’s surprising is the public didn’t even bat an eye. Back in the 40’s an event causes the entire world to flip upside down over a supposed “ufo crash”. but now even after seeing direct evidence of the supernatural the majority couldn’t care less.
I’m not entirely happy about living in a society where the majority are “clods” and the minority are “gods”. The ideal world I want to live in is where I’m
Not surrounded by brain washed idiots who care only for themselves.
After the music at the start I was expecting Ron Hubbard to come out dressed like Dracula
This is so laughably crazy... how can any sane person believe this crap? And where are levels 9,10, etc that were ready for printing? Unbelievable.
You may be in a cult and you may not even know it
Level 9 is just before death and level 10 is literally death bub 😂😂
This earth is not ready to inhabit a level 9 or 10 we need to wait for a suitable time for "the one" to appear
That music. Lol.
Yeah, and what are the kiddie slides onstage? For David?
The bridge to L Rons Butt
Holy Sh*t, the weed is kicking in...
Custom podium, you can't buy them that short off the shelf.
Wonder if titch paid only half for his podium.
The Church custom makes almost all their stuff from scratch
Man I am so ready for OT 10. Bring it on Xenu Baby!!!
The reason why people haven't talked about is because OT 10 is when you die 😂😂
Hello Xenu baby 😂
That's him! Pat Broeker! And his wife! Why did everyone just let that tiny little man take over? It boggles the mind! His "causative decision " my ass! If they can fix themselves why? Doesn't ANYBODY question all this? I believe in reincarnation, but I just can't believe these people don't question these stories.
Another 'fun' fact regarding Pat Broeker. Miscavige had PI's follow Broeker around for 25 years. Dave spend close to 12 millions dollars on that little exercise.
Broeker thought that by controlling access to Hubbard he had the power. He didn't realize what mattered was who brought the word back to the organization.
Someone should recut this with a laugh track.
Yeah that would be awesome!
Yeah cuz we need to know when to laugh!
I remember this event. Some people cried others remained stoic. There was a palpable sense of shock amongst many. My thought was "oh boy now here comes a shit show". By then I had already been very wary of the "Sea Org" and its level of fanaticism and ruthlessness. With Hubbard gone my first thought was that the guard rails were now off. Should have effing left the cult then.
Sea Org indeed. That itself is a red flag. Sea Org. Nothing to do with the sea. Just appropriated the navy's emblems for no good reason.
There's a reason for the name, the sea in Biblical terms means the masses, the vast group of human beings the name sea org makes perfect sense for a satanist to call their organization that lulls the masses into so much confusion they literally will believe anything. LRH was a true to the word and work "luciferian" extremely and wholeheartedly satanic. Everything he did and said has a purpose and meaning but it's the dual secondary meaning that he's using.
The Freewinds holds the answer
well technically, LRon had to take to the sea to avoid all the countries he was wanted in for his crimes
HOw many of these speakers have parted ways with Scientology?
The first applause after miscavige speaks hits josef stalin levels
Holy fuck at first I thought you meant the short applause they gave him in the beginning. These might be the most brainwashed group of people of all time 😬
All the OT's stutter badly, and have been so beaten down by this silly tech that they have no vocabulary to describe the predicament they find themselves in.
"First.. the body of L. Ron Hubbard was sound and strong and fully capable of serving this Mighty Thetan for many years had that suited his purpose." BSHT!!!
Streets of San Francisco music? Oh my goodness, then Star Trek! Wow! They sure tried to make DM seem holy. LOL He's standing in front of a PEZ dispenser.
The people liked Pat so much more than Dave. No wonder he had him "handled".
This weirdly, ridiculously long applause was just creepy.
Nobody wanted to risk being the first person to stop clapping.
Five foot two inches of WEIRD
@margartista asked how many of these speakers have parted ways with Scientology.
Earle Cooley and Norman Starkey parted ways by dying.
Pat Broeker was ousted in 1989. Davey subsequently had PI’s follow him across the world for 25 years. Pat is 73 now. Current whereabouts unknown.
Heber Jentzsch (88), hasn't been seen in public since 2004 (with the exception of his sons funeral/memorial in 2012). He is either tucked away at Gold Base or in a nursing home. Most younger scientologists have never even heard of him.
Marc Yager is still in but, like most of upper management, has fallen out of favour and hasn't been seen in public in years.
Vicki Aznaran left Scientology in the 80s, while Guillaume Leserve and Ray Mithoff succumbed to the same fate as Yager. The poison dwarf won.
@@toph8298 It baffles me that Lesevre and Mithoff haven't defected yet.
Hubbard wrote that Xenu was the ruler of a Galactic Confederacy 75 million years ago, which consisted of 26 stars and 76 planets including Earth, which was then known as "Teegeeack". The planets were overpopulated, containing an average population of 178 billion.
God that teegeeack line is so hot. Gets my galactic gears goin
We all know the story, buddy. The xenu thing is so low effort.
so hard to believe that people actually believe this stuff -- jeez.
FYI he made it all up.
The short version; The fiction writer died! Btw, who was the midget that spoke?
That's the Boss Baby, Captain Dave the Keebler King.
That's Miss Cabbage 😂😂😂
He’s been in charge ever since. BFFs with Tom Cruise.
If this tells you anything, Tom Cruise had two inches on this dude. 5' 4" vs. 5' 6"
Dork central
Definitely the ultimate dork cult 😂
21:47. Pat Broeker's portion is the most important, for what Pat relays of Hubbard's final intentions. The language Pat uses is steeped in the lingo of those most in the know and knowing they can't reveal everything. Pat showing the LRH session work paper, to me, is the most enduring significant piece of public evidence about Scientology and the Hubbard soul memories core principles of the Scientology subject. (This massively long ago "stretch" of track Hubbard is "dating" in this work session paper of Hubbard's, is just staggering. 24:12).
Lawrence Wright's book, final pages, and the documentary, both titled "Going Clear...." have an all important interview with one of Hubbard's final entrourage members, Sarge Stephen Pfauth.
Pfrauth reveals that Hubbard did have momentary last minute doubts about the whole Scientology thing, and that Hubbard planned to "leave earth" and not come back, which has been argued over a bit by others who did NOT get those private thoughts from Hubbard, and they instead knowingly took Hubbard's last minute doubts non seriously, or Hubbard's misgivings were so private that they didn't reach to those other "top" people like those on stage here, including to Pat.
Wright clarified with Sarge that Sarge didn't tell Pat about LRH's misgivings and doubts. It's possible these types of Hubbard doubts were nothing "new" to those around Hubbard.
The doubts though, sound like a con's man's final thoughts that keep coming to their minds, that all their efforts with their con, have "failed."
Hubbard's Scientology isn't well understood, but it is a soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice. The exorcism part is also understood to be "soul freeing" since the invisible souls that Hubbard reveals on the OT 3 step of upper Scientology, these invisible souls infesting us leak the R6 implant bad ideas which were instilled into their soul minds by Xenu during the 4th Dynamic Engram, which is the Xenu caused big engram that supposedly most messes up ALL humans' minds today.
Scientology is essentially a pseudo-therapy to warm up recipients of the Hubbard therapy, and then on the upper secret exorcism steps (OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) the recipient of the Scientology quackery pseudo=therapy is directed to contact and "audit" (run Hubbard's pseudo=therapy) on these invisible souls infesting their body, and free those souls, and when those souls leave our human bodies, we lose any of the negative debilitating leakage from the R6 implant bad ideas which Xenu implanted into ALL of the body-thetans.
So much to absorb, but that is the basics of Scientology, it supposedly is a soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy/exorcism practice, period.
The regulations and the cult bureaucracy hierarchy of "chain of command" warped and continues to warp any of the participants in official Scientology, it's ruinous to everyone concerned, staff and the public Scientologists all get ruinous treatment due to the Hubbard megalomania horrible regulations which cause non stop "Sophie's Choices" and horrible predicaments for the followers.
Cult is the popular word for an overly ruinous over restrictive group, and Scientology fits that popular conception of the negative "cult."
I was at this event, my then wife cried, I didn't, I took what was told literally, and when Pat told us LRH didn't wish us to cry, I took that literally, and LRH's literal intentions to tie into his theory that we each are, at our core, immortal souls, and that our "case" of soul memories, and the "OT case" of leaked R6 bad material which our body-thetans infesting our human body leaks onto us, all that "case" is what is causing our life our travails.
The ideas of future lives, that's a given, that was a consoling idea to me, at this event, and Hubbard we knew had to die eventually. (When David Mayo went to "save" LRH's life the rumor did filter down, that LRH was sick, like he'd been sick on the Apollo at times, I did NOT know the extent of Hubbard's obnoxious horrible megalomaniacal nature, I foolishly my decades in Sea Org, thought the highest of those around LRH and of him, despite the debris trail of quitters, just non stop very capable Sea Org execs and followers quit left right and center, a clue that Hubbard was rather not some benign enlightened being, but Hubbard was a hypochondriac kook megalomaniac, cult leader)
It's sickening hearing Cooley speak, he did not "get" Hubbard, I thought Cooley was crap, and that later when I learned when I later was promoted into ASI, that Cooley was LRH's pick for his own lawyer, that Hubbard was a bit nutty for that choice.
Cooley also spoke on the steps of ASHO a few days later from this event, and his talk there, was disappointing, he did not get LRH. He called Hubbard "the great thetan" and "you can have it all" which is crap. Scientologists already know everything Cooley lied about, and we didn't need his lies.
Hubbard's PR control, the "LRH Image" final orders from LRH were to Author Services Inc, and Miscavige was then COB ASI, and Miscavige always had to me, a negative nasty edge to him, and if Hubbard wanted Miscavige to be leader, that was a slight damper on Scientology, but I kept "slipping up" the command chart, in my Sea Org career, when I ought never have joined this nutball operation.
Cooley quotes some traffic to him, supposedly, from Hubbard, I wish I'd read that traffic, I read most all of the rest of the final LRH traffic to Author Services Inc, to INCOMM, to Archives, to CMO Int and all other "int" level tup echelon organizations, for the projects I was on, and while I later "moved up" to be in Author Services Inc.
Scientology's a meglomaniac's operation, it's L. Ron Hubbard's operation, and someday, maybe, all the private final years of Hubbard orders and traffic will reveal just how nutty Hubbard was.
I got involved in Scientology in Toronto in 1981 and left for good in 1988. To this day I'm kicking myself that it took me 7 years to realize, that what I was involved in was nothing more than a mind controlling and money making cult. I hope we're now seeing the end of Scientology. Hopefully it will soon be in the dustbin of history.
Publishing an anthology of last days traffic would be amazing. Hopefully there won't be a shredding party before the documents can be salvaged.
Is this opening music real?
Do you have a copy of that COS concert?
Why are they using the Sergio Tacchini logo? Is this an @SergiotacchiniOfficial sponsored event?
It was a OT logo
I would love to ask some questions, however dumb they may seem. It's illegal to impersonate a cop, isn't it illegal to impersonate a member of the armed forces? I believe as energy we never 'go away ', but don't they question that he simply 'dropped ' his body. Don't they wonder why they can't simply 'drop' their bodies? And most of all, who told Miscavidge he should be the one to just go out and take the podium? Why not this attorney, why not the couple that was with him at the end? Why, I guess, did nobody question this??? I don't understand how he just mozied up there and took over. If he was such a "mighty thetan" why did he let his teeth rot, get fat, have high blood pressure, etc. How did he have a stroke if he was such a "mighty thetan"? 😳 I just don't get it.....look how little Miscavidge is. Why didn't anyone challenge him?
By the time Dave took the stage he had already been in control of Scientology for 6 years. Hubbard actually wanted Pat and Annie Broeker to take over. Of course Dave made sure that never happened.
About the uniforms. Those are not actual Navy uniforms so they are not impersonating members of the armed forces.
Thanks for the answers!
57:50 they made the mistake of putting normal sized people around him. It really shows how short he is.
I am actually 6 foot 11 inches. The camera just makes me look short
@@TheoneandonlyMiscavage the Kim family in North Korea say the same thing 🤣
If aliens see this they will think we are bat 🦇 💩 crazy.
Yep they observe but don't talk to us 😂
@@deadpoolongoogle9682 I don't blame them... you have to be truly out of your mind to come up (and go along) with this nonsense.
Approximately 2 weeks ago your goldfish finished his exterior swimming and shed his exterior goldfish body to go down the bridge that thetans call the “ toilet “ and is now continuing his swimming outside his body so that he can study the issue of saving other fish from future toilets.
Be sad ,or honey, we can just go to the petsmart and just get another fish?
Oh my goodness. All those bloody daft people in one room. It is all make believe.
They are disgraceful. They have no right to wear those Naval uniforms.
The fascinating thing about this funeral event is the stark contrast of a typical funeral. If you ever been to a good funeral usually you have people reminiscing about the good times, or great tales of the past. But this is the opposite. Instead you have the remaining vultures of higher level scientology feeding off the corpse of LRH. Pat Brokers performance especially shows how weak and thin scientology was in this moment. They realized they had to make his death into a story, a legend almost of LRH choosing to disappear. When we all know the truth, dude was an overweight smoker most of his adult life. Also the fact they still haven't released the upper OT levels after his death kind of proves how chaotic this moment truly was for them. The little charisma that was left was gone. It was like a vacuum, and they filled it all with empty promises towards these people who were already under their snake charm. I doubt many people join at this point.
Sauce or source?
Source was definitely on the sauce
If he had a strong,thoroughly capable, body, did he unalive himself?
What a freak show
Tune out
damn, that dude is so little, his head didn't even come to the bottom of the Scientology symbol
The music at 55 minutes is ominous af.
Stolen valour it appears.
I thought they believed in reincarnation, he should be back with them by now :P
Is there any scientific analysis of Scientology? Any analysis of the machine they use for auditing? Where did Hubbard get all this from? What does the name mean? Scientology?
Somebody get the munchkin the message:
The Wicked Witch is dead
Has anyone seen the death certificate?
Yes. An autopsy was done and vistaril was found in his system. That was in spite of his supposed anti-drug stance.
Thank you for the info! I had never known that before, and I appreciate you responding.
I wonder if David murdered l Ron Hubbard
@@greghills4443 I’ve wondered that myself.
Miscavige is the kind of guy you put in the bin at high school
people are literally laughing at Miscavige's ramblings of the OT, just listen to him. OT-8 really pissed people off, make no mistake.
Wait why
So, did they use basically the same philosophy as the Heaven's Gate cult?
They did but in fairness they did it first.
Hubbard or Miscavige weren’t being like Applewhite with their eyes not blinking saying, “Planet Earth is about to be recycled.”
@@chrislondo2683 They're still dangerous, though.
@@zxy78267 , I know.
Yes and I worry that they they might use this as an "exit strategy" should the authorities ever start closing in on them.
Like something out of a Dan Dare sci-fi comic. Oh but wait....😂
Wow does anyone believe this bullshit
Is there a docu about how it all started? how did all these nonsense take traction?
Few men get such a sendoff! Brilliant to end off the program with his voice! We have just watch the deification of a man...with feet of clay.
Don't we call these "Funerals"? not "Events" lol
Is this what one might call foreboding music?
Aaron Kyro is kind of fitting to be the leader of SF area clowns.
Mismanage still had an a bit of an accent here
Applause is tapelooped
Ooh, interesting. Did you notice anything? Is there any evidence?
What a fuck show. Unreal that they actually take money from people.
Yes sir im sure ol david fluffed l rons pillows really good when he was takeing care of him 💀💀💀
I'm sure this is fascinating, but I can't spend an hour plus of time listening to What's his name, and other what's his names, sorry 😊
Where's shelly miscavige'of Justice
It's a cult
What a load of bs. But I'm just level 67 so what do I know...
These people are cray cray
Go watch videos of L Ron videos. Crazy AF
Holy f*cking sh&t!
Sounds like they ripped this off from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Hubbard died. Simple. He never coming back in another body..
Stupid !!😅
Ughhh so its all to sell you expensive 📚 🤣
What a sales gig my gawd....a true rip off. But as a salesman, I'd be good at it 😉
Rest in peace L.Ron Hubbard , Dianetics is the answer to life ♥️ Healthy Happy Wealthy and Wise NO Lies ♦️♦️♦️‼️
😂😂🤮🤮🤢🤢ok keep spending your $ on the bridge. You DO know there's NO OT 9 & 10? IDIOT
This is actually hilarious
Did he also write up I'm full of bullshit