My dad just past away and this puts me in tears cuz he loved military aviaton. Sadly hes eyesight was too weak for pilot and needed glasses. He was in finnish army at 1986 and that time we had J35 drakens and mig 21s. On freetime he was drawing them and dreamed to fly them someday.
My father was fighter engineering officer in Polish old airbase which is now abandoned. He was fixing MiG's and Su-22 aswell which he fell in love. Unfortunately he was too tall for an pilot which means that if he would try to eject from plane, his neck would snap in a second. He told me that he promised himself to train me and do everything so I can be atleast a civilian commercial airliner pilot which he dreamed about aswell but because the flight school was too expensive, he wouldn't make it but now he works for me to get enrolled into the flight school. I'm also very interested into aircrafts, and I look towards enrolling very soon. My father is now 44 and I love him for his hard work which won't be wasted.
If the United States is the power it is today, much is due to the Soviets who were an opponent who pushed them to the limit of excellence in all aspects, war, science, sports.
Now we have men competing in women's sports, fags getting out of military service because they have "Anxiety" but if your straight you'll get told your lying or that everyone feels it and to suck it up and a government that wants to send us to war with the world thinking we will win and they won't fire a bullet till the dust has settled and they come out of the wood works with their jets to controll the world
I dare say we're at a bigger risk of nuclear war nowadays than say, in the 80s, since people are so nonchalant about it and are more gungho about attacking another nuclear power
Dreadful? Hardly, WW1 and the resulting depression were horrid not to mention it leads to WW2, unrivaled advancement, prosperity, technological innovation and peace in human history was the norm for most of the cold war. All of the positives unraveled in the 1980's and have continued to spiral further from there.
@@royalpain6338 Nahh only for America. They had the luxury of unparalleled prosperity, peace, innovation, and technological advancement while the rest of the world was chaos and poverty during the Cold War. Hence the “American Dream.” From the war torn wrecks of Europe to newly decolonized Africa, to the absolute mess in Asia and South America, everyone looked to the US as a shining beacon of hope. But now, most countries have adopted American/Western culture, and taken their technologies and knowledge as well. Which is why American superiority has started to decline..
I'm waiting for you to make another masterpiece like this. As someone who loves aviation, got rejected from the airforce and is now struggling with civilian flight training, you have no Idea how much I love this video. Please do a nother with the same nostalgic vibe as this one. Home - Resonance would be perfect
Hey mate, first of all thank you for the support, and the kind words. I appreciate it very much man! And I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, its gotta be tough, getting your wings clipped like that, so to speak. Keep up your efforts in civil training, seriously keep the dream alive bro. I've got a mate whos studying to get into just that career, and I know from him how much work is involved. In any case, wishing you the best with your training, and look after your mentals too! I've been wanting to do another video for a while now, just busy with my own studies, and work. The trickiest part of creating them is sourcing clips really. I hate to be derivative, but sourcing from youtube seems to be the only way that I can see, unless you have any suggestions. Resonance would be a classic song to work with, I agree, though I also have other songs on the backburner that might work. Edit: Keep an eye out mate, your comment especially, among many others has sparked up the plans for a new video. Should be releasing soon, check my community tab for a teaser ;)
tubes with swept back wings, early radar, a 20mm or 2, a few sidewinders, maybe a couple of fox 1's, and monster turbojets spewing exhaust soot. Back when fighters were fighters, and pilots were dogfighting kings
easily the best cold war compilation i have ever watched. the music works really well with the footage and i love the fact that footage changes in a rhytm just like music.
I think I've watched/listened to this maybe a hundred times, probably more. It's a damn good one. Odd to feel nostalgia, or perhaps appreciation, for a time such as the Cold War, but I cannot deny the majesty that these aircraft carry.
I think there’s a quote for why remembering these awful times feels so good: “And by the grace of God, the United States have won the Cold War” -HW Bush
I have this odd feeling living back in the 80s were better than the 21 century. My father told me a story of that time when he was in a boat only to be shadowed by an American air craft carrier based in the Philippines, and another story of that time he got into the cockpit of an su27 to check it but not fly it though, he was a commercial pilot not an Air Force
ปีที่แล้ว +4
Because obviously we only would tell about the highlights.
I was a young boy when the Berlin wall fell little did I know at the time what the ramifications of one of the most significant events in human history, to this day my nation the U.S a nation my great grandfather answered the call of in WW2, my father step forward in desert shield and was among the last to leave, When I saw my motivation to join yet another major historical event in horror on live television watching the 2 towers fall and leaving a maul mark that would cause us to lash out for 20 years. We are not the same nation as when I was a child and to be honest I don't want to return to old greatness I want those of us who remember this history to be able to press forward into our own greatness. Sorry hearing this made me do a lot of thinking and felt like I needed to share.
Don't worry old timer american greatness lives on in the army cavalry the men of the black stetson the guardians of international democracy and homeland security 🇺🇸 the best and brightest the country has to offer I turned down college to enlist and I may hate my life sometimes but I'll never regret it god forbid it but if the call must be answered I will March to the beat of my nation's drums of War and follow our ever glorious banner to my death in my opinion nothing is more precious than a plot of land at Arlington national cemetery and a simple white cross the ever present symbol of the cost of freedom not just here but in every nation around the globe
A nice thought,but its Pretty easy for you to say you dont want a return to greatness from your vantage point. I was a little boy during 9/11 and watched all the young men around me go to fight during desert storm, Afghanistan and the surge. I watched the evacuation from Kabul and saw the the Russians roll into Ukraine the DAY i joined the army mere hours before i went to basic training. I have also seen this country fall aprt from within almost entirely in the past 15 years. Its easy to say you want to forge on to new greatness when you at least had the prosperity your country promised you. For those of us now who grew up in recession and war, the old standards are all we can even wish about seeing exist again
@@jaushuagrahamthefloridaman1124 Sure but i suppose the generation before will always have something to say. I'm a little bit your senior, I've been in the army for around 4 years. Remember that we are the future of America. It's easy to say you want something but we're gonna have to make it happen, regardless of the difficulty.
When I was 6 the cold war ended in 1991 so I can't relate to these but I am sure the people who are above 50 will have tears in their eyes after remembering those old times, I can understand
Надеюсь когда то, профессия военного будет сравниваться с профессией врача, учителя, что бы они держали оружие далеко в ящиках, бомбы были уничтожены, а на самолетах вели небоевые вылеты. В наших реалиях это несбыточная мечта. Как хочу перестать сидеть у себя дома, молчать в тряпочку, ведь иначе могут посадить за простые слова против "этого", как же заебало! Извините за срыв. Привет из Томска...
After watching my life detour, as far as life has allowed, from this dream of flying with the warriors, I can safely say today that I'm somebody that I used to know....
EDIT: THANK YOU FOR 1 MILLION VIEWS! Your support on this video is unbelievable, and hugely appreciated! Cheers for 700k, and thanks for the support towards my first thousand subs! As a show of gratitude, I've been working hard to release a new video, which you can check out right now. Featuring, a new kind of Viper! 🐍
Since 2021, the odious crime of digitally tampering with more than 5 billion points generated from human memories and making my body and face ugly to match those has been continued. I have heard that the women who have disfigured my appearance ugly for the purpose to make their memory unclear and let others unaware of my existence itself, and have continued to create artificial and uninteresting videos and still images. Don't show others digital content that is different from the facts. The suspects who instill false memories have motives that could even commit murder. SoftBrainCompany, Fuji Television are planning to kill, threatening to kill, and threatening to tamper with memories in an attempt to cover up the crimes of the performers who committed the crime. Please consider them a dangerous organization. 2021年より記憶から生成されたデジタルの改竄を50億点以上、体顔つきをそれに合わせて醜くされるという忌々しい犯罪を続けられました。私の容姿が不明になるように作り替えてきた女達は私の存在そのものに他者が覚束無くなるよう敢えて醜く改竄したり人工的で面白味のない動画や静止画や作り続けたように聞いている。人の記憶を壊したがる人殺し達の殺害動機が私をきちんと記憶していた家族にまで及んだことを忘れないで下さい。 虚構の記憶を浸透させる容疑者たちは殺害さえ犯し得る動機を抱えているのです。 2022年夏、両親の渡仏時に奈美子も鼻を縮められたり顔面を大きくされたり目を厚ぼったくされたり幸彦も鼻がやや縮められたり顔の造形が意図的に変形されていることを感じました。再犯者である半田貴子、伊藤(女性)、長澤麗奈、伊東あすみ、上戸彩、満島ひかり、戸田恵梨香、剛力彩芽、近隣住民 保戸塚が我が両親が練馬区向山のこばと公園の前の家庭菜園で育てていた野菜を生化学汚染した容疑者として指摘がありました。また2022年8月当時、江原(女性)、吉田(女性)は悪意監視者であり、本人である私達親子をなりすましだと偽って脳内伝達で吹聴していたそうです。日本での被害について彼らの口から語られることはありませんでしたが、私達はもっと会話が必要と思いつつ名残惜しくないよう私は空港まで行かずバス停であっさりと見送りました。 音楽鑑賞•読者•料理•衣類•簡易プログラム制作•水泳を好んだ、私の氏名は生まれながら松野可奈子、1984年4月13日東京都国立市産まれ、ふたば幼稚園卒園後、練馬区向山2丁目17番地2に移住、2011年以降宮崎市に独り暮らし後東京へ帰還、現在フランス パリで凶悪男性宅に住んでいる。練馬区向山小学校、開進第二中学校、東京都立富士高校、明治大学卒業、IT業種経験者、現住の住居はFranceParis75005rue de quatrefarge14 facing street 8th floor room number[4]である。特にこの住居で受けた健康被害が凄まじい。結婚歴無し、改名歴無し、権力者や有名人の知人は無し、私は高校低学年時にCTスキャンにより記憶力が著しく落ちた。 In the summer of 2022, when my parents came to France, not only me but Namiko's nose was shortened, her face enlarged, her eyes thickened, and Yukihiko's nose was slightly shortened and I felt that the shape of her face was intentionally deformed. Repeat criminals Takako Handa, Itou (female), Reina Nagasawa, Asumi Itou, Aya Ueto, Hikari Mitsushima, Erika Toda, Ayame Gouriki, and neighbor Hotozuka were suspected of biochemically contaminating the vegetables my parents grew in their private garden in front of Kobato Park in NerimakuKouyama. Also, in August 2022, Ehara (female) and Yoshida (female) were malicious observers who were spreading rumors about us, the parents and child, by falsely claiming to be impersonators through brain transmission. My parents never spoke about the damage they suffered in Japan, but while we felt that we needed to talk more, I didn't go to the airport and simply saw them off at the bus stop so as not to be sad about leaving. 致命傷として2022年12月25日-26日-27日に睡眠中のレイプ事件と急性HIV感染事件を連日で起こされましたが、エスカレートする犯行は止まりません、未だに筋力が弱く体質も衰えたままです、高免疫のわたしや家族の遺伝子産物(迷信的奇跡のHIV回復薬)はわたしに届かず悪人に消費されてばかりです。 顕著に本来より鼻が縮小し垂直上に位置し、顔面が拡大し、顎先が前方に出っ張り、歯が出っ張り反っ歯になり目の間隔が開いた。 わたしは日本での呼ばれ方は、松野さん、まっちゃん、まっつん、ためらい、ため、カナちゃん、カナ でした。独身、子供無し、日本へは2021年夏以降戻ったことがない。松野可奈子 1984/04/13 O型、 女性、日本へは戻るつもりが一切無い、如何なる宗教団体やテロリスト集団に居たことは無い、所持金無し。 私は日本に住んでいた頃、10回程HIV検査を受け全て良好でヴィールス検出されませんでした。日本で最終的に検査を受けたのは2021年春でした。 フランスで生活していても2022年の事件までは睡眠妨害や健康被害に辟易しながらも元気で出掛ける意欲があり体重を支える筋力も持久力もあり、水泳をしても耐え難く寒くなることも疲れやすくなることもなく、健康でした。2022年クリスマス翌日(約2年+前)のエイズ血液注射感染事件を起こされる前までの私の寝顔は世界一美しいと高い頻度で女性脳内ストーカーたちが妬ましそうに伝えてきていたのですが今や脳波電子電流で変身した女達がわたしになりすまし2022年以降に私の体に加えた有害活動を未だ私に仕向けようとしている。 彼女達は私の神経の物理的破壊を実現し続け、世界一言及したくない病感染まで犯し私は未だに回復していません。それでも尚、彼女達の蛮行は止まらず2023年以降は卵管を損傷したり、乳頭を短く奇妙な形状にしたり、脳を萎縮したり、2024年以降も胸を小さくしたり、指を非対称にしたり、女性性を損なわせた。 2023年8月には最初で最後かもしれない早産未熟児が死亡したが、今後自身の子供ができなくされてしまった。暗い未来だ。犯人達は私の容姿頭脳が衰えてから有能な人間達に私の苦境を知らしめ始めた..。 《禁忌》犯罪は一芸ではありません、性行為と犯行をドッキングさせて悪意監視者にアピールしないで下さい。 人体監視装置を使ったことはない、他者をストーキングしたり人生鑑賞でプライバシー侵害を行ったことなど無い。
"You can't make something last forever, there always the end to start a new beginning, but you can make them last longer into history and then legend" - me remembering my memories of past game i play before ( cut the rope, minecraft, terraria, roblox, pg3d, geometry dash, PUBGM and many more ) while listening to this music video
Thank you for 101k views lads, never expected that! Edit: New video is out now! It's Sunday, so check out the F-104 Starfighter: Edit: Thanks for 300k everyone! I'm stoked, cheers for all the support you lads!
@@barryman1776 Im not saying you shouldnt like the sabres, Im just pissed off cuz you claimed that sabres are not well known which is just outright wrong. Sabres and the Mig-15 are the face of the korean war much like the P-51 and the Bf-109's in WW2 are.
The original Vaporwave was consequence of the 2008 Crisis, the Enron fallout, the 9/11, and the inmminet effects of climate change, all of it caused by the neoliberal politics and the hyperconsumistic and naive lifestyle of the 80s/90s United States. It was pretty much like a coping mechanism at the death of capitalist american dreams of economical prosperity. At the current global situation, with a new "Iron Curtain" between Western Europe and Russia, the loss of political influence of the West in the Middle East, the definitive defeat at the Afganistan War, and the birth of a new Cold War between China and the US, it's interesting that we are seeing again a new aesthetic nostalgic wave about the First Cold War. This "Waves" are pretty much a reflexion of the internet culture response at historical change.
Cold war is always a mesmerizing time for me. Of course, I wouldn't want to live through it, but these two powerful countries expanding and growing, with nuclear war forcing them to not go to total war like most competing powers before them had, it's a really fascinating time in history. Also Im an aviation nerd and just like the cool jets lol
quick overview of all the aircraft shown in the vid: (0:01) should be an F-16, (0:04) F-105 Thunderchief, (0:05) B-57 Canberra, (0:06) B-45 Tornado, (0:08) F-4 Phantom II, (0:09) F-86 Sabre, (0:11) F-105 Thunderchief, (0:12) F-101 Voodoo (I think), (0:13) AC-130J Ghostrider, (0:15) F-102 Delta Dagger, (0:16) F-86K Sabre Dog, (0:22) F-100 Super Sabre, (0:23) F-86 Sabre, (0:34) F-100 Super Sabre, (0:38) F-4E Phantom II, (0:43) F-5 Freedom Fighter, (0:44) F-105, (0:48) A-1E Skyraider, (1:01) F-100 Super Sabre, (1:02) F-100, (1:11) F-4, (1:13) F-111A Aardvark, (1:16) A-1E, (1:23) F-100, (1:31) A-7D Corsair II, (1:35) F-4, (1:38) A-7D, (1:45) F-86, (1.55) PV-1 Ventura, (1:58) F-86 , (2:05) F-4, (2:07) FJ-1 Fury, (2:13) early B-52 Stratofortress, (2:17) B-45 Tornado, (2:21) a lot of Sabres, (2:26) F-84 Thunderjets, (2:30) F-4S, (2:31) B-52's, (2:32) F-105, (2:38) F-84, (2:42) F-105, (2:52) B-58 Hustler, (0:53) B-36 Peacemaker, (2:56) F-111A, (2:59) B-58, (3:00) F-4, (3:02) F-14A Tomcat, B-58 right after, (3:03) B-36 Peacemaker, (3:07) B-58, (3:17) B-58 and F-106 Delta Dart, (3:21) B-36 and Sabres, (3:21) F-105, (3:24) B-36, (3:26) F-4S, (3:45) A--6 Intruder, (3:48) F-4 and KC-135 mid air refueling, (3:54) B-36, (3:56) F-105, (3:57) F-15E Strike Eagle, (3:58) F-14's, (4:03) SU-9 Fishpot, (4:04) F-4J, (4:06) Yak-38 Forger, right after that F-14, (4:07) MiG-21 Fishbed, (4:08) F-14, last one should be a Su-7 or MiG-21. This comment took a long time to type so yeah, hope it helps!
Solid analysis mate, you know your stuff!
All my respect dude
2:07 is the North American FJ-1 Fury, predecessor to the the F-86A
@@TheStig_TGOh yeah, you're right, my misstake. Thanks for the correction
I love that people are catching more onto Cold War Wave/War Aesthetics.
Hard not to when our leaders are actively trying to reignite it and make it go hot 😂
@@spaman7716 Sometimes you need to burn out the rot.
Goofy ahh sci-fi looking planes draws me in fr
Manufacturing consent for manmade horrors beyond your comprehension.
@@KrupyFren Cope and seethe, lol.
this retro military vibe is so cool
yeah, its so chill and relax
Fuck yeah
@@lucifers242Yeah, the suffering of men is relaxing xd.
its the best
"Now you're just somebody that I used to know" is very fitting considering the Soviets were once our ally in WWII.
Only tangently, otherwise they were a rival power and then an enemy, and now a joke that we do the squint eyes at from Alaska . . . .
Truly the cold war was the worst celebrity breakup :( i shipped the union and u.s.
@@brazil_is_a_africa538 People shipped countries? 💀
The USSR was not an ally... It was a co-beligerent of the same war, but never was included oficcially to the alliance.
And then to think Nato refused the USSR *and* Russia from joining Nato..
this feels like an extended top gun intro and i’m all for it
cold war top-gun would be sick
(well with new editing and quality deffo)
Hell no
Top gun was in the Cold war
The start of a top gun series intro.
"Airplanes are not for making war, nor making profit, Airplanes are beautiful dreams."
-Hayao Miyazaki
MIC: Heh not bad, you made me use 5% of my power kid
Heard of Breda 88?
@@filipbitala2624 Yes, why?
@@Blind_Hawkbecause it wasnt made for combat?
WW III is that one game that keeps getting delayed, and this is the E3 trailer from 50 years ago.
Now e 3 is gone😢
E3 doesn't exist anymore..... good memories though
Love how actual old footage isn't low quality enough for retro aesthetics anymore, we've gotta add extra noise and chroma on top.
What is nostalgia but an exaggeration, and often romanticism of the past. Although you're quite right, I overdid it with the chromatic aberration
@@Kongjie57would you be interested in re-doing it with less filter but keeping it same?
@@gmiahmadullah532 I've still got the original files, would be very easy to remove the chroma.
If you're interested, I'll upload a version
@@Kongjie57 Don't know if you check these but I am interested.
@@alexeyperlov-howyoudoin hey mate, sorry I don't have the files anymore im afraid. Though my newer video on the F16 Viper is more 'pure'
Cold War vibes are catching on with young people cuz we're basically living in a second cold war right now
I hereby declare this absolute banger, the new default track for all past and future montage videos!
My dad just past away and this puts me in tears cuz he loved military aviaton. Sadly hes eyesight was too weak for pilot and needed glasses. He was in finnish army at 1986 and that time we had J35 drakens and mig 21s. On freetime he was drawing them and dreamed to fly them someday.
may your dad never be forgotten. sorry for your loss❤
your dad sounds amazing, rip dude
I respect your dad, not only was his choice of Swedish aircraft extremely respectable, but his love for aviation was too. Rest in peace.
My father was fighter engineering officer in Polish old airbase which is now abandoned. He was fixing MiG's and Su-22 aswell which he fell in love. Unfortunately he was too tall for an pilot which means that if he would try to eject from plane, his neck would snap in a second. He told me that he promised himself to train me and do everything so I can be atleast a civilian commercial airliner pilot which he dreamed about aswell but because the flight school was too expensive, he wouldn't make it but now he works for me to get enrolled into the flight school. I'm also very interested into aircrafts, and I look towards enrolling very soon. My father is now 44 and I love him for his hard work which won't be wasted.
@@tencosiezastanawiap2992 All the best!
Unironically the best video TH-cam has recommended to me. This is fucking cool
Legend mate, cheers!
agree mate
If the United States is the power it is today, much is due to the Soviets who were an opponent who pushed them to the limit of excellence in all aspects, war, science, sports.
Challenge is important.
Now we have men competing in women's sports, fags getting out of military service because they have "Anxiety" but if your straight you'll get told your lying or that everyone feels it and to suck it up and a government that wants to send us to war with the world thinking we will win and they won't fire a bullet till the dust has settled and they come out of the wood works with their jets to controll the world
I've lost count on how many times I have put this on loop, this shit is really underrated dude
I’m seriously addicted to this edit. It’s just soooo good!
The Cold War was the most dreadful and complicated era in human civilization. But looking back, it all seemed more similar back then.
History doesn't repeat but it does rhyme.
I dare say we're at a bigger risk of nuclear war nowadays than say, in the 80s, since people are so nonchalant about it and are more gungho about attacking another nuclear power
Dreadful? Hardly, WW1 and the resulting depression were horrid not to mention it leads to WW2, unrivaled advancement, prosperity, technological innovation and peace in human history was the norm for most of the cold war. All of the positives unraveled in the 1980's and have continued to spiral further from there.
@@royalpain6338 Nahh only for America. They had the luxury of unparalleled prosperity, peace, innovation, and technological advancement while the rest of the world was chaos and poverty during the Cold War. Hence the “American Dream.” From the war torn wrecks of Europe to newly decolonized Africa, to the absolute mess in Asia and South America, everyone looked to the US as a shining beacon of hope. But now, most countries have adopted American/Western culture, and taken their technologies and knowledge as well. Which is why American superiority has started to decline..
@@royalpain6338 nuclear weapons . . .
I'm waiting for you to make another masterpiece like this. As someone who loves aviation, got rejected from the airforce and is now struggling with civilian flight training, you have no Idea how much I love this video. Please do a nother with the same nostalgic vibe as this one. Home - Resonance would be perfect
Hey mate, first of all thank you for the support, and the kind words. I appreciate it very much man!
And I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, its gotta be tough, getting your wings clipped like that, so to speak. Keep up your efforts in civil training, seriously keep the dream alive bro. I've got a mate whos studying to get into just that career, and I know from him how much work is involved. In any case, wishing you the best with your training, and look after your mentals too!
I've been wanting to do another video for a while now, just busy with my own studies, and work. The trickiest part of creating them is sourcing clips really. I hate to be derivative, but sourcing from youtube seems to be the only way that I can see, unless you have any suggestions.
Resonance would be a classic song to work with, I agree, though I also have other songs on the backburner that might work.
Edit: Keep an eye out mate, your comment especially, among many others has sparked up the plans for a new video. Should be releasing soon, check my community tab for a teaser ;)
@@Kongjie57I wonder if trying to source from the Library of Congress or the US Air Force archives might work. Could try looking there
@@theyedmeister6981 Will give them a try, cheers
how did you get rejected from the air force
you were rejected because of your name "ahmadullah"
Always liked the “century series” fighters: monster engines with a fighter wrapped around them.
tubes with swept back wings, early radar, a 20mm or 2, a few sidewinders, maybe a couple of fox 1's, and monster turbojets spewing exhaust soot.
Back when fighters were fighters, and pilots were dogfighting kings
@@tyvernoverlord5363 exactly, no bullshit 100km BVR kills, we fight and die like real men from eye to eye
@@kuchenzwiebel7147 isn't modern weopen make those useless? i mean think about it why create BVR missile in the first place?
@@unknowngod8221 I think you're kinda missing the point.
@@unknowngod8221They are talking about the aesthetics and perceived chivalry of early jet combat, not about the most effective way to conduct it.
10/10 would watch again.
This cold war vaporwave is so strange. And I am all here for it!
easily the best cold war compilation i have ever watched. the music works really well with the footage and i love the fact that footage changes in a rhytm just like music.
Cheers mate, I'm really glad the audio-visual syncing is appreciated! I deffo bungled some of it in the middle ngl
Don't forget the classic "G L O B A L C O L D" but yeah I loved this vidéo too, really well made and nice to listen to
@@SR_73 Global Cold is stellar, direct inspiration for this one
This goes hard.
I think I've watched/listened to this maybe a hundred times, probably more. It's a damn good one.
Odd to feel nostalgia, or perhaps appreciation, for a time such as the Cold War, but I cannot deny the majesty that these aircraft carry.
I think there’s a quote for why remembering these awful times feels so good:
“And by the grace of God, the United States have won the Cold War” -HW Bush
I was a USAF F-4Ccrew chief and this is great....such beautiful aircraft during the cold war
dying from radiation after the USA-USSR nuclear war vibes fr fr so goooood ❤❤❤❤❤
I love this edit, great job
You got nice taste in music and for the right Cold Warwave video
I think this is one of my top fives Cold War edits. The songs and the videos just seems so fitting
I've had this on repeat for 3 hours now.
Cold war aesthetics go crazy
I have this odd feeling living back in the 80s were better than the 21 century. My father told me a story of that time when he was in a boat only to be shadowed by an American air craft carrier based in the Philippines, and another story of that time he got into the cockpit of an su27 to check it but not fly it though, he was a commercial pilot not an Air Force
Because obviously we only would tell about the highlights.
damn, su 27 cockpit? i am never washing my hands ever again if i ever touch one of those things
I can't lie this video is so awsome and fun to watch high
just imagine hitting Mach 1 for the first time in your life back in the ‘50s
This edit is such a vibe! Well done 🫡
Literally have this on loop. I cannot get enough.
Wild that almost everything in this video happened over 50 years ago
Best lofi ever 11 stars
I was a young boy when the Berlin wall fell little did I know at the time what the ramifications of one of the most significant events in human history, to this day my nation the U.S a nation my great grandfather answered the call of in WW2, my father step forward in desert shield and was among the last to leave, When I saw my motivation to join yet another major historical event in horror on live television watching the 2 towers fall and leaving a maul mark that would cause us to lash out for 20 years. We are not the same nation as when I was a child and to be honest I don't want to return to old greatness I want those of us who remember this history to be able to press forward into our own greatness. Sorry hearing this made me do a lot of thinking and felt like I needed to share.
Don't worry old timer american greatness lives on in the army cavalry the men of the black stetson the guardians of international democracy and homeland security 🇺🇸 the best and brightest the country has to offer I turned down college to enlist and I may hate my life sometimes but I'll never regret it god forbid it but if the call must be answered I will March to the beat of my nation's drums of War and follow our ever glorious banner to my death in my opinion nothing is more precious than a plot of land at Arlington national cemetery and a simple white cross the ever present symbol of the cost of freedom not just here but in every nation around the globe
A nice thought,but its Pretty easy for you to say you dont want a return to greatness from your vantage point.
I was a little boy during 9/11 and watched all the young men around me go to fight during desert storm, Afghanistan and the surge. I watched the evacuation from Kabul and saw the the Russians roll into Ukraine the DAY i joined the army mere hours before i went to basic training. I have also seen this country fall aprt from within almost entirely in the past 15 years.
Its easy to say you want to forge on to new greatness when you at least had the prosperity your country promised you. For those of us now who grew up in recession and war, the old standards are all we can even wish about seeing exist again
@@jaushuagrahamthefloridaman1124 Sure but i suppose the generation before will always have something to say. I'm a little bit your senior, I've been in the army for around 4 years. Remember that we are the future of America. It's easy to say you want something but we're gonna have to make it happen, regardless of the difficulty.
When I was 6 the cold war ended in 1991 so I can't relate to these but I am sure the people who are above 50 will have tears in their eyes after remembering those old times, I can understand
Надеюсь когда то, профессия военного будет сравниваться с профессией врача, учителя, что бы они держали оружие далеко в ящиках, бомбы были уничтожены, а на самолетах вели небоевые вылеты. В наших реалиях это несбыточная мечта. Как хочу перестать сидеть у себя дома, молчать в тряпочку, ведь иначе могут посадить за простые слова против "этого", как же заебало! Извините за срыв. Привет из Томска...
One of my favorite videos on this app
I love listening to this now
I watch multiple times daily for last 2 months
Cheers brotha, thats kind of you!
After watching my life detour, as far as life has allowed, from this dream of flying with the warriors, I can safely say today that I'm somebody that I used to know....
EDIT: THANK YOU FOR 1 MILLION VIEWS! Your support on this video is unbelievable, and hugely appreciated!
Cheers for 700k, and thanks for the support towards my first thousand subs!
As a show of gratitude, I've been working hard to release a new video, which you can check out right now. Featuring, a new kind of Viper! 🐍
Thank you for making these amazing videos
This edit is an absolut banger. Thank you for sharing!
nice video
Well deserved 💯
@@patriotic_car5944 YE
Great edit, timeless song, and fighter jets??? There can only be good here.
Welp I found my favorite video
Cheers brother!
@@Kongjie57600k views and counting 4 months later wow!
@@patriotic_car5944 Thanks for the support brotha! Yeah I'm pretty proud honestly!
@@Kongjie57 2 million views man congrats
@@patriotic_car5944 Thanks man! Pretty unbelievable!
Vaporwave + Coldwar? Godly especially while high 😍
0:16 mirage ❤🇫🇷
this goes hard as fuck. love the remix and the clips, nice work bro
Although I am not born post-ww2 I still find this nostalgic for some reason (w edit)
Yes, your F-35s are cool modern fighters, but theese (super) sabres, tigers, crusaders, corsairs, skyhawks, intruders, stratofortress...
Phantoms, Tomcats, even the classic Migs
Newer models like the f35 look like 3d printed jets lol. While the older generations look epic
Something about these cold war jets
I mean, the f-15, f-16 and yf-22 are all could war jets and are pretty damn modern
Aardvark supremacy
looking at cold war military history feels like looking into the past and into the future at the same time
Since 2021, the odious crime of digitally tampering with more than 5 billion points generated from human memories and making my body and face ugly to match those has been continued. I have heard that the women who have disfigured my appearance ugly for the purpose to make their memory unclear and let others unaware of my existence itself, and have continued to create artificial and uninteresting videos and still images. Don't show others digital content that is different from the facts.
The suspects who instill false memories have motives that could even commit murder.
SoftBrainCompany, Fuji Television are planning to kill, threatening to kill, and threatening to tamper with memories in an attempt to cover up the crimes of the performers who committed the crime. Please consider them a dangerous organization.
2022年夏、両親の渡仏時に奈美子も鼻を縮められたり顔面を大きくされたり目を厚ぼったくされたり幸彦も鼻がやや縮められたり顔の造形が意図的に変形されていることを感じました。再犯者である半田貴子、伊藤(女性)、長澤麗奈、伊東あすみ、上戸彩、満島ひかり、戸田恵梨香、剛力彩芽、近隣住民 保戸塚が我が両親が練馬区向山のこばと公園の前の家庭菜園で育てていた野菜を生化学汚染した容疑者として指摘がありました。また2022年8月当時、江原(女性)、吉田(女性)は悪意監視者であり、本人である私達親子をなりすましだと偽って脳内伝達で吹聴していたそうです。日本での被害について彼らの口から語られることはありませんでしたが、私達はもっと会話が必要と思いつつ名残惜しくないよう私は空港まで行かずバス停であっさりと見送りました。
音楽鑑賞•読者•料理•衣類•簡易プログラム制作•水泳を好んだ、私の氏名は生まれながら松野可奈子、1984年4月13日東京都国立市産まれ、ふたば幼稚園卒園後、練馬区向山2丁目17番地2に移住、2011年以降宮崎市に独り暮らし後東京へ帰還、現在フランス パリで凶悪男性宅に住んでいる。練馬区向山小学校、開進第二中学校、東京都立富士高校、明治大学卒業、IT業種経験者、現住の住居はFranceParis75005rue de quatrefarge14 facing street 8th floor room number[4]である。特にこの住居で受けた健康被害が凄まじい。結婚歴無し、改名歴無し、権力者や有名人の知人は無し、私は高校低学年時にCTスキャンにより記憶力が著しく落ちた。
In the summer of 2022, when my parents came to France, not only me but Namiko's nose was shortened, her face enlarged, her eyes thickened, and Yukihiko's nose was slightly shortened and I felt that the shape of her face was intentionally deformed. Repeat criminals Takako Handa, Itou (female), Reina Nagasawa, Asumi Itou, Aya Ueto, Hikari Mitsushima, Erika Toda, Ayame Gouriki, and neighbor Hotozuka were suspected of biochemically contaminating the vegetables my parents grew in their private garden in front of Kobato Park in NerimakuKouyama. Also, in August 2022, Ehara (female) and Yoshida (female) were malicious observers who were spreading rumors about us, the parents and child, by falsely claiming to be impersonators through brain transmission.
My parents never spoke about the damage they suffered in Japan, but while we felt that we needed to talk more, I didn't go to the airport and simply saw them off at the bus stop so as not to be sad about leaving.
You deserve more views
New Sub 👍
One of the best edits I've seen
New one uploading as I write this ;)
Tbh this slays
3:23 goes hard ngl
Is that glifosato ? In my country Colombia, the government use that poison for the coc@
The F-4 takeoff shot was pure badass
thank you, algorithm
(Me thanking algorithm for the W)
Living in aisa and some part of Europe must be hard back in the coldwar
And LATAM, specially during the Condor Operation of the US.
@@daisymagnus306 el mejor periodo de chile
Man, that one minute War Thunder ad before the video was awesome
This edit is FYE
why don't aliens visit us?
most normal human disagreement:
The 2 Central American Countries that went to war over Football
@@Lynn.knepper1280Don't forget about the equally dumb "Lobster War".
@AdmiralPrestonJColeTheGigaChad Damn that was interesting to say the least. I just looked it up.
That's crazy
I also play War Thunder. This is so good.
Cool stuff! Speaking from my own bias here but would love to see some humvee footage in something similar to this!
Nice work!
There should be treaties limiting air power only to 50's-60's tech. Not for any real reason. Literally just for the aesthetics and real dog fights.
F-22's can nail a target from 25 miles away or more. P-51 dogfights required hella skill and real grit. Dogfights never happen anymore sadly
F-22's can nail a target from 25 miles away or more. P-51 dogfights required hella skill and real grit. Dogfights never happen anymore sadly
Awesome...from someone who grew up with Duck and Cover
I swear these recruitment ads keep getting better and better
Quite late, but this is a beautiful edit. (F-4 my beloved)
"You can't make something last forever, there always the end to start a new beginning, but you can make them last longer into history and then legend"
- me remembering my memories of past game i play before ( cut the rope, minecraft, terraria, roblox, pg3d, geometry dash, PUBGM and many more ) while listening to this music video
*A E S T H E T H I C C*
god I love epic edits about the world preparing to destroy itself over economic systems
Never delete this. I beg you.
Sounds from the cold war , awesome track ❤
Man, this is fire, the music is so fitting 🇺🇸🔥🔥
Loves these vintage
Can you make one similar but not only with aircraft footage? This is so epic dude!
The B-36 is beautifully used here.
Thank you for 101k views lads, never expected that!
New video is out now! It's Sunday, so check out the F-104 Starfighter:
Edit: Thanks for 300k everyone! I'm stoked, cheers for all the support you lads!
How do you do the VHS effect and what software do you use out of curiosity?
@@borisgrishenko652 Clipchamp (default windows program), and Chromatic Aberration under video effects
I'm sure with the pass week I've been bumping the numbers. I love this MV. Caught myself jogging with this one. Thank you ❤
Love the f-86, and not very many people know about it. Thanks for adding it in
Bruh sabres are an iconic aircraft stop being so special
@@BarryAllen__1A23 I was just saying my opinon bruh, why you gotta be a hater
@@barryman1776 Im not saying you shouldnt like the sabres, Im just pissed off cuz you claimed that sabres are not well known which is just outright wrong. Sabres and the Mig-15 are the face of the korean war much like the P-51 and the Bf-109's in WW2 are.
I love the F100 super sabres
Pov: you passed the 100mg mark
As much as I don’t want to see a World War in my lifetime, damn would we get fantastic edits like your out of it. ❤
I didn't even live in those times but it feels nostalgic
No one can hold my love for the F-100 Supersabre. Love u babe
Beautiful…sent this to my pop pop
I love the fact that this is footage of actual war and it just has some happy vapervave music and some filter 🤦♂️
My nigga, you have a Minecraft profile picture, and this song isnt happy. 😂
"footage of actual war" 🤓🤓
My bad bro next time I'll put on some NCS dubstep and a minecraft SFM outro for you
@@Kongjie57 Bro’s a band kid
@@Kongjie57 thanks!
Cameraman does not need an Oscar, he is the oscar.
Love those shots of B-36s flying in the clouds, sad that I can't seem to find them anywhere though.
Cold war ngl something else back then my dad and grandpa fought in it and they told me life back then was beautiful but only if you can fight
I loved the clip from the movie Strategic Air Command of the B-36 flying through the clouds
while i wish you got the English Electric Lightning in there as it fits the vibe extremely well, this video still fuckin slaps
Just looked it up, that aircrafts a beauty! Big fan of the coldwar era metallic and shine designs!
Very cool and cool setup. The spirit of time!
The original Vaporwave was consequence of the 2008 Crisis, the Enron fallout, the 9/11, and the inmminet effects of climate change, all of it caused by the neoliberal politics and the hyperconsumistic and naive lifestyle of the 80s/90s United States. It was pretty much like a coping mechanism at the death of capitalist american dreams of economical prosperity.
At the current global situation, with a new "Iron Curtain" between Western Europe and Russia, the loss of political influence of the West in the Middle East, the definitive defeat at the Afganistan War, and the birth of a new Cold War between China and the US, it's interesting that we are seeing again a new aesthetic nostalgic wave about the First Cold War. This "Waves" are pretty much a reflexion of the internet culture response at historical change.
3:20 my biggest dream is sitting in this mighty B52, flying in the sunset in the 1980s, hearing 80s banger over the radio
I love it pls make more i want more
New video out now bro ;)
this is amazing
Cold war is always a mesmerizing time for me. Of course, I wouldn't want to live through it, but these two powerful countries expanding and growing, with nuclear war forcing them to not go to total war like most competing powers before them had, it's a really fascinating time in history.
Also Im an aviation nerd and just like the cool jets lol
That's why you would love to live in 2nd world countries