My dad Alexander Craig Risbridger (1907-79) and Cary Grant (1904-86) were both born in Bristol. Grant in Horfield, Alec in Westbury-on-Trym. So bth were born in the Edwardian era! Also they both had the same Christian name! Cary was Alexander Archibald Leach. And dad was Alexander too. But dad was I'm afraid to say, a total tosser. Not even close to Alexander the Great.
Cary Grant was an iconic figure not is an iconic figure.
My dad Alexander Craig Risbridger (1907-79) and Cary Grant (1904-86) were both born in Bristol. Grant in Horfield, Alec in Westbury-on-Trym. So bth were born in the Edwardian era! Also they both had the same Christian name! Cary was Alexander Archibald Leach. And dad was Alexander too. But dad was I'm afraid to say, a total tosser. Not even close to Alexander the Great.