What if the reason Pinkie started creating "friends" out of inanimate objects is because after she learnt of happiness, she created "friends" out of rocks to keep herself semi-sane? What if she uses these objects the same way a child uses an imaginary friend - because she can't stand being alone?
I'd believe her having rocks as imaginary friends. I used my stuffed animals as my friends when I was lonely. In fact my parents noticed how little I talked about my friends and how much story I gave to my toys and got me some pet rats as friends. They were wonderful. Since she doesn't have a pet, I'd definitely believe she'd use inanimate objects
Pinkie Sense explained: Pinkie Pie is a genius. She soaks up all information around her, much like Sherlock Holmes. This is evident from her behavior in the show. She not only has memorized all the names and birthdays of every pony in town, but she also apparently retains massive amounts of information about them which can be recalled with perfect clarity. Recognizing Cranky Doodle's photo, is one example, her "reading" a chunk of a book that hits her in the face is another. This in and of itself requires extraordinary awareness and memory, but what if she's picking up information all the time and just doesn't realize it? If I remember correctly, all of her "pinkie sense" instances involve things that were going on in her immediate surroundings and could therefore have been noticed by someone with hyper-active situation awareness. She could have noticed that a potted plant was loose and about to fall, she could have heard/felt the low frequency footsteps of the ponies outside Twilight's door and recognized that they were about to open it, she could even have picked up on Twilight's behavioral ques and determined that she was on the verge of changing her mind. Even though she wasn't aware that she was noticing these things, her brain did and communicated this information to her via a system of ticks. This also explains how she knows random facts that no one else does, can invent insane contraptions that work better than you would expect them to, is proficient with a wide variety of musical instruments, and why she just seems so random. She's a genius with a personality disorder.
keeping track of Birthdays is an integral part of her, in part, since it is an Excuse for a Party. Combining Hyper with Random, and you can never predict what came out of it. the instruments would be a great Party Trick, whioch goes with her nature.
I think the thing about Pinkie Pie is that she is, in herself, a lesson in Friendship. She is the kind of friend that, despite all of her wild quirks, silliness, and strangeness...that you accept her anyways. Pinkie Pie does a lot of things that none of the Mane Six can truly explain away, but they simply accept it as her simply being herself. If you notice, when Pinkie Pie does something random, one of the characters usually rolls their eyes, but smiles anyways. They're accepting that Pinkie Pie is just being Pinkie Pie. She is a representation of true Acceptance, but she is also the element of Laughter, and I believe that her cutie mark essentially gives her the ability to make anypony smile. As we've seen with Cranky Doodle Donkey, she needs every iota of her power to get him to smile. I think that her abilities are there because sometimes, you just need that little bit of craziness to make a friend.
Personally I theorize that Pinkie's abilities come from the same place as Discord's. Pinkie has some of the same powers as Discord (defying gravity, shape shifting, degree's of teleportation, and so on) though not to the same degree as him, and we know that Discord is a spirit of chaos. So my theory is that a form of chaos magic exist in Equestria along side the normal magic and that some beings are able to tap into it, such as Discord who does so at will and Pinkie who taps into it subconsciously. In fact, it could be that Pinkie's natural earth pony magic is, at least partially, made up from chaos magic. After all, we haven't seen Pinkie display the strength that other earth ponies have, yet we have seen her do things that defy the laws of nature. Also if Pinkie is a magical hybrid then it would explain why her powers differ from Discord, such as showing the power of prediction i.e. her Pinkie sense, she taps into both normal pony magic and chaos magic
Davalious that seems to be true and accurate since in the end of the series she had the power of chaos which could have effected the timeline, than Explains how when all the Unicorns and Alicorns magic came back, so did Pinkies, but all the other earth ponies didnt,
My personal theory is that Pinkie is an absolute genius ^^' People tend to think, as Applejack said in "Swarm of the Century" that Pinkie is a "few apples short of a bushel" but I think that's completely wrong. I think she is a brilliant mind in the works, but her thoughts go too fast for her to completely process, making her random. Her strange outbursts are actually just thoughts that crossed her mind, but she didn't process it, so it came out without much sense or logic to back it up. She seems to be the most observant of the Mane 6 too, so she tends to notice more things, whether consciously or subconsciously, and I think that's where Pinkie Sense comes in. She notices different signs subconsciously, and her brain completes what the signs are telling then send it back to her body, causing, for example, the twitchy tail. Her famous fourth wall breaking is due to her reading into various subtle hints, and her strange amount of speed when catch Rainbow stems from her ability to see where Rainbow was headed, and possibly knowing shortcuts so she could take her time getting there. As for her mental break, I believe, because she has so many thoughts swimming in her head at once, that she will be overwhelmed if she doesn't express those thoughts. When she became depressed, all she could think about was "my friends don't want me around anymore" and thus all the subconscious random thoughts forced her to have a mental break. She realized this and tried to express those thoughts, but because of her negative thinking, the thoughts no longer came out as spurts of creative randomness, but instead as spurts of insanity. There are many episodes in which she is shown as a genius, but everyone believes it's due to her fourth wall breaking, or her being her. I personally think she gives a lot of issues quite a bit of thought, but her mind works so fast, she's able to express her thoughts quicker. One recent example of her being a genius is in Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks. Rainbow tells Twilight that the portal will be cut off for a long time, and Pinkie comes up with a solution. Then when Twilight is trying to explain her plan, every pony is confused (including Spike who had lived with Twi all his life and should know what she meant) except for Pinkie, who then explains it for the rest to understand.
Is he? Who knew ^^ I was basing her off of how I tend to act and think, since we are very similar. I'm not the most brilliant mind out there, but I'm extremely observant and my thoughts are often too fast for me to process, making me seem random to my friends. Other than that and our personalities, I don't think I'm as smart as Pinkie by a long shot ^^'
Auria_Autumn I don't think its a matter of smarts, I think its a matter of observation and action. In Swarm of the Century it was obvious that Pinkie knew what would happen if the Parasprites multiplied, and that she had to had to act fast in order to counter act the on coming swarm. However, she was so focused on solution to the problem that she failed to explain her actions to her friends because of her sense of urgency.
new collector I agree with that ^^ I still think she has the smarts to back it up, they are just rarely shown because of her seemingly random thoughts.
"Her famous fourth wall breaking is due to her reading into various subtle hints" Subtle hints of what? That she's actually living in a TV show and has no mind or will of her own?
To me, All theses abilities seem to point to... a survival instinct. Her abilities would actually be superb in something like that, The pinkie sense could be EXTREMELY helpful in a dire situation,the dexterity, focus, and hand-eye coordination of playing many instruments, being as quick as rainbow to outrun predators, the intelligence to make and use a flying machine, and the perfect perception of what is happening would make her untouchable in the wild. Maybe it was possible that she was thrown into a life-or-death situation and learned these skills while there, and even forgot about what happened to her either by amnesia or simply her brain repressing them to the point of forgetting completely. This also might be why she doesn't have much contact with her family as she can't remember how to get to them or how to contact them. And they might even think she is dead. This is definitely my headcanon now.
Okay, here's my theory. In the same way that a nuclear blast can give superheros their powers, the sonic rainboom gave Pinkie Pie special mental powers. These powers are the source of her the Pinkie Sense, but they also let her see past the 4th wall, which drove her somewhat mad, much like a Time Lord staring into the abyss. Once she realized that reality wasn't quite what it seemed, it made it easier for her to defy the laws of reality, similar to how once you realize you're dreaming, you can then learn how to manipulate it. "Party of One" is actually one of her sane moments. ;)
All of my friends call me Pinkie Pie. That is what I am under on their phones. They SWEAR that I am the human incarnation of her. I am completely random and hyper, and know things that most people don't. I always try my best to make sure I make everyone I see smile, and this was before I even watched my little pony.I have been told by many people I have a great and random sense of humor, though many people find it odd when I laugh at the smallest things. Sometimes I also have moments that come out of nowhere that I feel like something is about to happen (i.e. spilling coffee and random things like that :3) Heck, I even look like pinkie pie! I have crazy poofy curly hair that goes everywhere. I used to hate it because it was so hard to maintain, but I have learned to embrace it since watching my little pony and having a strong connection with Pinkie. I think I walked through the portal to the human world! Haha X3
I think of all the characters, pinkie pie seems like the one most able to pop through our computer screens and talk to us directly at the drop of a hat, just by us lending a small bit of our imagination to the task. I think that this is a reflection of the idea that her character is all about existing outside of the lines and limitations other people draw - including the writers. When a writer is writing pinkie pie, I could see that it would only seem natural to write her as being able to do things like break the fourth wall, because the fourth wall is just a limitation that people set up. The writer, in building the world, is basically saying to the character, pinkie pie "this is your box, and you will stay in it" - and we can imagine how she might respond to that if she could talk to the writer directly - something like "hehe, that's funny! I like boxes!" . And that she might obey the fourth wall most of the time only because she maybe likes to pretend that she exists within it, sort of like this is all a game. Think about it: a writer building a world must consciously craft it, putting in limits and building it to specifications according to what makes sense in their imagination and according to their natural instincts for how the world should be. However, pinkie pie, in her randomness, is constantly including new things and not necessarily taking into considerations the limitations of the world. I think this may also be why Discord can seem to know things he shouldn't necessarily know, because his character, too, is also all about breaking boundaries. That is, neither pinkie pie or discord seem contained by mental structures, as this would constrain and dampen their character. To use the equestria girls example, neither pinkie pie should not know about what happened in the other world, but if, say, the author was writing as pinkie pie, it might be very enticing from a pinkie-ish mindset to have her character who she speaks through to momentarily speak from knowledge that she's not supposed to know as a character, but knows full well from access to the writer's mind. The writer might allow this simply because the knowledge doesn't break the story, and it might bring some joy to the "inner pinkie pie", if you will, that the author is sort of channeling in order to write her character - as in, if the writer WERE pinkie pie, even if just in part, then they would perhaps bring some joy to themselves by including moments of breaking the fourth wall and the structures of the story. Furthermore it suggests a dynamic between pinkie pie and the author, wherein the author has the final say on what material they create for pinkie actually gets put in, but still allows her to break the rules as long as it doesn't break the story. In the process, "pinkie" gets to share her rule-breaking draw-out-side-the-box joy with us as an audience. So, those are my thoughts and theories on pinkie pie and her mysterious traits : ) what do you guys think?
A late response, but I assume that Pinkie's powers are genetic, as Maud has also proven to be a genius (albeit more calm and organized), able to appear out of nowhere, and in possession of an ability called "Maud Sense." I assume this means each sister has access to an extra sense, in addition to what can only be described as teleportation. I like to think the extra sense comes from their mother (and that she has each of her daughters' senses), and that their father is the one with the spatial displacement powers.
Nothing could be simpler than explaining Pinkie's powers. As the element of laughter, she's the element of comedy, and comedy will always twist reality to reveal something about human (or pony) perception. That might make sense from the writer's perspective, but how about in-universe? Well, we do know that in Equestria, magic is real, and that it can have a sense of humor, as shown by the poison joke flower, and all ponies are inherently magical, as evidenced by the existence of cutie marks, which don't strike me as purely biological attributes. So she's a channel for comedy magic. Case closed.
She's maybe a descendant and/or been affected by Discord, or rather the powers of discord. I think of it somewhat like the Speedforce for the Flash and anti-Flash; it is some sort of cosmic energy permeating existence that only a select few in the perfect circumstances are able to access. This inter dimensional / timey-wimey thing allows Pinkie the ability of the fourth wall as well; more or less what the initial stages of Discord's life would have been like. If they're not connected, then they are oddly similar, as if Discord is like the "mature" (but ancient) form of Pinkie, a version of her that has learned to control the Pinkieforce™ (too late! I trademarked it!) but has also grown bored of the world or even spiteful, as if he has outlived any friends he once had due to his new powers (which Pinkie might one day do! :O), an immortal who learned to never allow himself to be attached again (until met with the spirit of kindness of course). Also, you'll notice the powers of Discord seem far reduced in this distant future, where the level of chaos is not nearly as pervasive as when you see flashbacks in the first tree of harmony episode, showing when discord planted the seeds. This could be due to him not having as much time, but I think its because somepony else is leeching off the chaos force, but neither realize it. His powers are again shown to be very similar to Pinkie's in that he is able to sense magic as shown in the episode Twightlight's Kingdom, a more refined and mature form of her Pinkie-sense. Able to bring objects randomly into existence: check. Ability to sense disturbances in the force: check. Love of all things random with chocolate rain: check. Self-centered outlook on what is "fun": check. Bend's physics and all natural laws: check. Quick to depression and self-loathing: check. The similarities go on. If these two are not connected, then they are a pair of freakishly similar characters in their portrayal. Anyway, couple theories, tl;dr and all >D
I believe all of Pinkie's powers and abilities rely on the "Rule of Funny," which basically means that she can do anything as long as it's executed in a comedic fashion.
Well, Pinkie Pie has given her cutie mark by giving people joy and spreading it around her- humor is one of the things that can bring joy. Being random and unpredictable is her sense of humor. Also- most people do not remember or realize that this is a show for kids so cartoon humor is a way to make kids laugh.
One thing that can be said for certain is that Pinkie is in possession of an unparalleled brilliant mind. One of the best examples of that is that she has the personal information of everyone in Ponyville memorized. We know that even though she is not in frequent contact with her family she is very proud of them and what they do. We see this in her blowing up at Trixie for badmouthing rock farms. Since all we see are the random bits of thought that filter out through her speech and actions it is hard to say just how much data her mind is actually processing every second. Her pinkie sense might just be a way for her mind to sort out bits of important data that would be otherwise impossible to pick out without suffering a sensory overload.
I do partly agree with this. Since friendship is magic, during Party of One Pinkie wasn't her usual self and lost her abilities because she felt she didn't have friends anymore. If she doesn't possess friendship or feels it the magic is lost.
+Abirami Kabilan: oh I'm sorry, I thought it was a typo. I mean that word is tricky for me as well so I tried to make sure with Google and Google spells it the way I do so I assumed that you couldn't spell the word the way you did
+Shadow Spector Oh that's okay, it's different for the U.S. In the U.S, favorite would be correct and everywhere else english is spoken, favourite is correct ☺
I've read this one thing, I don't know if it's true, but it said that Pinkie Pie has something to do with Discord... Cause long time ago when he ruled Equestria, the land was full of chaos and fun (Pinkie Pie is also kinda chaotic and loves fun), but he was alone so he created a friend of his own... But after princess Celestia defeated him, all he created was gone, however the soul of his "friend" wasn't gone and it got to a rock farm where later a pony was born... And that pony was Pinkie Pie... But like I said, I don't know if it's true so someone correct me, if you know the truth... And sorry for some incorrect grammar, I'm Czech... :D
My Hypothesis - Pinkie is a physicist, a natural born scientist. I have seen quotes from some of the top scientist crediting children as naturally being scientist but having it be knocked out by the lack of fun and exploration. I've also seen a argument that pinkie is a intellectual, being able to read a situation and react to it. Perhaps her "powers" are nothing more than observing how things work by playing around with them( experimenting ), and finding a way to benefit from it, not so much bending the laws of physics as using them. Many past inventions have been deemed "impossible" and proven otherwise so it's not that far of a stretch of the imagination to say it's part of the norm, but no one saw it coming.
Am i the only one who thinks Pinkie Pie and Jake the dog are very similar? I say..they both have superpowers(i know Jakes' ones come from his 'parent' but they are still powers cause he can make his imagination come true and move things with his mind) like superstreching ....Both can't take nothing seriously (they are the crazy ones in their families..like ....the other members are so bored and responsible=Jermaine or Maud,their sibblings)The only contact with their families are their sibblings ....They are the funny character..which without them the audience would cry in pain...Both went mad at once(paranoia) and with similar pots:Pinkie Pie got mad cause she thought her friends were planning a party at her back....Jake thought his friends were planning his birthday party at his back... He loves parties like her...he loves spaguetti and insanely loves food in general..like Pinkie Pie loves candy... They can be irresponsible (causing problems to their friends) , paranoids but funny as hell!! I am only saying my opinion which it is not perfect(i know Pinkie is so energetic and chaotic/random ...maybe a convination of Jake and his brother?)so..don't start an arguments for that. PS:I know the argument will come soon.. :(
Hmmm... Was raised on a farm, then learned she has powers far beyond those of mortal mares. Headcanon accepted! It's more fun than my own explanation, which is, well, friendship is magic (you can quote me :) ) and Pinkie Pie has more friends than anypony. But, not being a unicorn, she's not able to control her magic, so it just operates without her conscious direction. And then, growing up surrounded by the inexplicable always happening around her, she developed a wildly different worldview than most.
Pinkie is a major Toon Forcer and a minor Reality Warper. The way she can get even the skeptical Twilight to dismiss her acts as 'just being Pinkie Pie' suggests that everypony just accepts what she does because trying to explain any of it would cause too much of a headache, as we saw in 'Feeling Pinkie Keen.' The one thing we CAN say about her for certain is that she does not do anything halfway. All three pony tribes have some form of innate magic. Unicorn and Alicorn magic are the two more overt types, since they can actively cast spells. Pegasus magic allows them to fly and touch and walk on clouds to manipulate the weather. Earth Pony magic allows them to promote and speed the growth an harvest of their crops. So if Pinkie is growing and harvesting anything, it's her friends' smiles. And as we saw in 'A Friend In Deed,' everypony is her friend. Keep it up, Pinkie!
My head canon is cutie marks not only symbolize but enhance a characters natural talent. Pinkies Cutie Mark is very abstract. Is her talent fun, joy, happiness, parties? I always considered it to be an amalgamation of these things and part of all these is the ability to surprise. I've heard Laughter being described as something familiar to us that surprises us with its outcome. To me , this describes Pinkie to a T. Her randomness could be an enhanced part of her talent to surprise.
I have your answers to everything: Because it's frikin Pinkie Pie. An anthropomorphic, talking horse with a tattoo on her butt, frizzy, hot pink hair like a cloud, who carries a cannon in her hair, with a pink coat. And you guys are trying to solve her existence in a place where physics are screwed?
Pinkie is the element of laughter. Her abilities are not thought out, she does not have a superpower, she I used as a comedy character. Without pinkie, mlp would not be a children's show anymore. Children crave laughter and fun. She is only a character to provide these laughs and bring a more light hearted side to the show.
Maybe, but I noticed a lot of things if I just take a closer look through many episodes. Take Fluttershy for the character. In the Best night ever she seems to be much more. She lives on the edge of the Everfree forest where nopony dares to go. Isolation. In the best night ever she's quick to anger. And in return of harmony she is depressed. And in dragon quest she bargains not to go only to runaway. And in hurricane Fluttershy we see her as her normal timid pony but stronger too. Now if we put the episode in a different order, like this: season 1 episode 1-20 season 1 episode 26 season 2 episode 21, season 2 episode 1 and finally season 2 episode 22. And look: isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The five stages of grief. Quite clever of hasbro. I already asked around my town that are a fan and they never made the connection. This is why I believe the elements are not that powerful. I think each of the mane 6 have a special ability that makes the the True Element of harmony but they don't know it. Rainbow dash could only preform the sonic Rainboom if someone is counting on her. Rarity finds gems to give away in dresses. Pinkie always know how to save others and make them laugh. Fluttershy helps the town with their pets. Applejack can see lies Althrough she may be keeping one herself.( I do have a reason for that.) now Twilight's special. We know its magic or is it? In the episode Magical mystery cure twilight creates a magic that had to happen my natural means. Could this mean Twilight could create strong magic? If so Twilight is the strongest Alicorn ever. And if the three Alicorns face Twilight the winner would be no doubt whatsoever is Twilight.
Dr. Wolf, I think the connection between Pinkie Pie's randomness and her abilities is the same connection between me and my in-human strength at times. We both have mood disorder, and let me explain. Mood disorder means that someone can change their mood ether at random, or from outside forces. My mood disorder is triggered, i.e. when I get attacked. Pinkie Pie's mood disorder is triggered, as well, but only when she thinks she isn't spreading joy, or is thinking she is spreading joy. Mood disorder also comes with effects that, when a person (or pony, in this case) is in a certain mood, they are able to do things that they can't do in any other mood. For example, if I get attacked by anyone, my strength grows to insane levels, levels that would be impossible to do with adrenaline alone. Back in the 5th grade, I was 105 lbs soaking wet, and I got attacked by a guy who weighed 215 lbs. I blanked out, but apparently I kicked him so hard that he was airborne for more than a second. Let me repeat that. I kicked a guy over twice my body weight so hard, he was airborne for more than a second. And, due to the fight, which, according to witnesses, we were the only ones, until I body slammed him, then everyone was jumping on him, he got so injured that needed to stay in the hospital for 2 whole days to recover. Now, how does this relate to Pinkie Pie? Well, when she is happy, and filled with joy, she is able to do those random things that seem impossible, right? Well, when she isn't, she doesn't have those abilities. A clear cut case of mood disorder, right, DRWolf001 ?
***** Thank you for agreeing with me on this. I know disabilities very well, so is there anything else about disabilities and MLP you would like to know?
You need to do a follow up video to this since we now know earth ponies do possess magic (the cuttie mark itself is part of a pony's inherent magic) and we have seen Cheese Sandwitch possess similar abilities. We can add Pinky being able to use her hair as an appendage as a unique ability and that she seems to lack the normal earth pony magically enhanced strength.
Pinkie Pie is my favorite of the Mane 6, and my favorite character in the show. I relate to Pinkie a lot, mostly in my optimism and zaniness. I've actually started writing a 3 episode series of Pinkie. I'm on Chapter 3 on Episode 1, and it'll probably be done by the middle of June.
I know this is an old video but Granny Pinkie Pie who was mentioned in the second episode is never mentioned here. Pinkie says that her Granny taught her to just laugh away her fears. Maybe she also taught her other life lessons that helped her become the pony she is today?
What was that fanfic where Pinkie turns out infact to be an "elder" when meeting with Tia and Luna about how things have gone and to basically just keep going as they're doing. Wish could remember the name of it though am thinking was one done by ObbabScribler... Perhaps Pinkie-Power could derive from a like source that she is not just 'normal' ? Maybe there is more in common to say with Dyscord then we think? Or just "cartoon logic" & whats the fun in making sense? ^_-
How could joy give you super powers. There's times when pinkie is not spreading joy and still has powers, and the information is not solid. I'm sorry, but I still think it's just the writers wanting a character that breaks the 4th wall...
It does if you're a *balloon* like Pinkie Pie (look at her cutie mark). Her hair is an indicator: Fluffy when filled with "air" - flat when the "air" is gone. Though, probably "air"has Laughing Gas and Helium mixed in (that's what joy does to her). Pinkie the Balloon can also get so full she explodes (Where Pinkie Pie knows). Cakes and such apparently do NOT fill her.
Pinkie Pie is an incredible character. I don't think she's random, I think she's very spontaneous. Her actions are always for the better, even thought it looks as if it could go wrong. She don't only make me smile, but to share and spread that joy around and using her ways learning how to help others in reality.
He got both character ideas on the money. In pinkie pride, its shown that she likes to be the one that makes people smile. But if she seems unneeded, she becomes depressed, not pinkamenia. And in Maud pie, we meet a member of pinkie pie's family.
Simplest answer, Pinky is the way she is because the writers/story demand comedic relief, and is just deus ex machina. But we let it pass because it's done so well and is just fun to watch and not think too hard on it. But of course we're discussing her abilities with in the world it's self and how to explain them from that perspective. From this perspective I think it's safe to assume that Pinky has E.S.P., And with her being an earth pony it simply manifests it's self though her body as 'pinky sense' as twitches rather then her mind or feelings like traditional esp. As for the other random crazy, physics busting, logic defying things she does, well we have a prime example of another that can do very similar things, Discord The spirit of chaos. The biggest difference is simply that he directly controls his power. Probably mostly due in part that he is ancient, and has learned mastery over it, where as Pinky is quite young and it manifests via impulse, reflex, and intuition. Her powers also seem to work in tandem, being able to sense the immediate future and warp reality around you to suit your needs. They also could be separate manifestations of the same magic. As for the mental breaks, I think when any pony feels a severe disconnection with their 'true self' what their cutie mark represents they lose the connection from a large part of their magic, I.E. Pinky sense and chaos magic in Pinky's case. Tl;dr Pinky has esp, but it manifests in twitches. She, like Discord wields chaos magic, but to a lesser extent and is based on impulse, rather then directly willing it and works in tandem with her pinky sense. Being the element of laughter her magic is used for laughs, good and fourth wall breaks.
I think Pinkie Pie and Rainbow dash have alicorn blood flowing through their veins. I think there are two types of alicorns, Celestia-types and Twilight Sparkle-types. Celestia types are godlike alicorns born or directly descended from the creators of the universe or the first alicorns. The other kind, Twilight's type, evolve from a normal pony. The distinct way you can tell them apart is their hair or what happens when they use their abilities. I also find it interesting that Celestia is the element of Loyalty, and not magic, and that is why she has been dependent on the elements of harmony. But that is an aside.
Or defy physics? Maybe because she has alicorn blood running through her veins. Or latent magical abilities. It's fun to speculate but I can't do much more than that.
Her "know everything" ability in EqG was way over the top. I prefer when these types of characters can crack a problem that stumps everyone else because they come at it from a totally different angle. They've done that well in the comics. I think some earth ponies are just more magical than others. Whether Pinkie is the only one, or it's something that only comes along once a generation, or it's tied to her element, or maybe all the above is up for debate.
That she is. Everyone's had some emotional breakdown at some point. It seems the writers are not at all afraid of showing the characters go absolutely bugshit crazy. But Pinkie is already crazy, so seeing her big breakdown in "Party of One" was kinda terrifying.
I think that Pinkie is psychic and telekinetic. If she can move objects with her mind it would explain things like her being able to walk upside down and slowing herself in mid-air. In Equestria Girls when Twilight asks if people are usually psychic she shrugs and says "not usually". I also think that she might be adopted. This would explain why she looks and acts nothing like her family. Maybe her parents disappearance had something to do with her powers or maybe her parents gave her up because they didn't know what to do with a filly with powers.
I think you're on to something. i think the main cause of pinki's randiomess abilitity is tied to the sonic Rainboom that connect all of the mane 6. Just as i beleive that perhaps Twilight's destiny had been changed in that event, so had Pinkie's
I couldn't have said it better myself- Pinkie is a superhero. I did a little research, and nothing points to an animal that can LOSE its color due to feeling depressed or sad, so I can't quite put my finger on a reason why that would happen to her. As for lacking in social interaction with her family, I believe this may be because she feels that her parents aren't quite the smiling type and feels they will only feel joy for a short amount of time. However, in the episode where her sister Maud comes to visit, we see that she feels a lot of passion for her sister that went way back to when they were fillies. I feel that maybe her sister has the same abilities as Pinkie, because we saw her amazing speed and agility when Pinkie was being buried in falling rocks. I think her other sister may be the same as her parents and feels that work is more important than fun, and that Pinkie has a closer bond with Maud than the rest of her family.
*it can bring. As far as an episode that has Pinkie reuniting with her family, I believe that the episode that fits the new song "Apples to the Core" will end up letting her learn how important family really is to her and they MAY even be headed to see Pinkie to her family. Possibly remembering about her family and the rock farm during Magic Duel and feeling herself fulfilled with her current status, Pinkie either wants to see her family, but is apprehensive since they parted on a sour note.
No offense Dr. Wolf, I love this video. I think it brings up a lot of questions about Pinkie Pie, but sometimes it's better not to question the mystery of Pinkie Pie.
Also about Pinkie's powers I think she was born with special eyes that allow deeper vision giving her the power to look through dimensional rifts allowing her to defy logic. Seeing in the holes she can pull items through or enter them so she could technically teleport and her randomness is how she keeps the other ponies from finding out.
That would be interesting. Granny Pie has contributed alot to Pinkie and her personality. She taught her to giggle at the ghosties and not be scared, and she taught her about the mirror pool which actually led Pinkie ot discover an important lesson at the end. It would be great to see Pinkie interacting with her Granny today :D
Pinkie Pie seems proud of her rock farm background, noting her comeback at Trixie's disgust of working at a rock farm, so she must be at the very least secretly proud of her family and background.
After Pinkie learns about the magic of laughter, joy, and fun in general she can no longer stay with her family, not only because she needs to exercise it but also in her inability or unwillingness to step out of Fun Mode and just get the work done. It didn't help that farm work was unfulfilling to her as she doesn't understand the sort of satisfaction that I can bring. This led to a falling out between them and her leaving on her journey which led her to where she is now, Ponyville.
I feel the Pinkie Pride answered a lot of the questions about Pinkie Pie, I think a lot of he points you brought up work with Pinkie Pride. To me I feel like the show was saying that these types of things are what "Party Ponies" do, it's part of their talent. It's something that you gain right along with your cutie mark.
I heard somewhere that reason why Pinkie Pie can do all of these random things is because of the magic of friendship. Because Pinkie Pie is friends with everyone, she has far more magic than your typical non-unicorn pony, and since she doesn't have a unicorn horn she can't concentrate and fully control her magic. Just a theory, but I think it makes sense.
There is also the mystery of Pinkie's grandma. In Friendship is Magic Part 2, Pinkie mentions Granny Pie who taught her to laugh at the spooky. And in Too Many Pinkie Pies, Pinkie mentions that it was Nana Pinkie that told her the story of the mirror pool. Unless she never talked to her grandma until after she got her cutie mark, it might be a contradiction to say she never felt joy until the sonic rainboom. But the relationship between Pinkie and this Grandma Pinkie Pie is still up in the air.
Here is my superior theory: Pinkie Pie is a sub-species of changling that gains energy from joy instead of love. After moving to ponyville where there were SO MANY MORE ponies than back home, her powers increased so much that she gained the ability to bend time and space. It would also explain why all the cakes she eats has no effect on her body, because she cannot eat regular food and thus it goes in and then goes right out again. The only thing she gets from it is the taste. Infact she probably doesn't have the same anatomy at all, might not even have a stomach. She digests joy in her heart instead. This makes total sense. Although I doubt she still has any proper changling powers, other than the feeding.
She probably met them when she moved to Ponyville. She probably loved to visit Sugarcube Corner all the time and volunteered to help the Cakes. Since she didn't have family in Ponyville, and no place to live, the Cakes allowed her to be their live in assistant. I don't know just my theory ;)
i always thought pinkie had some kind of connection to discord, seeing how she can destroy the laws of physics, and having the ability to know almost everything that happens at the time
As I understand it, Pinkie Pie, at least in some ways, is a more direct/literal interpretation of "Whether you believe you can, or believe you can't, you're usually right." If she doubts herself, that is when she really starts to fall apart.
I personally don't have much of a theory on where Pinkie gets her powers from. I'm convinced there's unicorn blood in there somewhere, but another part of me wants to deny she's even a pony at all and connect her more to say a fairy or an elemental. She's something primal, deeply connected to the planet itself, both unpredictable and absolutely essential to the livelihood of others. And yet..the closest character she reminds me of is actually Haruko from FLCL. Or maybe Discord
We learn a little bit more about her and her family in one of the chapter books by G. M. Berrow. What shocks me most about them though is that they seem so Amish. I don't think anyone on the writing staff means to say the Amish are joyless people, but like you said, maybe the connection is made because the Amish seem to think joy means doing what you're supposed to to the best of your abilities. It's about fulfillment with what you have, while Pinkie is about spreading it around
I will add that there are a number of variations to this theory, including the possibility that she was given this power deliberately. Perhaps Discord hoped that the presence of another chaotic being would lead to his escape. Or perhaps this wasn’t Discord’s doing at all. Perhaps a portion of his power was drained by Celestia and given to Pinkie in hopes of creating a pony powerful enough to counter him, in the event that he somehow managed to break free.
Exactly she has a big influence on Pinkie based on the Mirror Pool incident and Giggle at the Ghostly. I would love to see her interact with Pinkie in Season 4 if she's still alive that is ;)
about pinkie's family, the episode maud pie comes up and we get to see one of her sisters. then a book was released called pinkie pie and the rockin ponypalooza party, which is about pinkie's family.
I think she is in a other dimension like my mom says some people are already in the next dimension so maybe she is in a other dimension that can be why she can keep up with rainbow dash like that movie epic mk's dad says that a fly is in a other dimension so maybe in the dimension that pinky is in rainbow dash is slow so that way she can keep up with her
I don't know if this has been addressed in previous comments, but don't forget the scene in Griffon Brush-Off where Pinkie Pie refuses to play a prank on Fluttershy because she knows that Fluttershy is too sensitive to be able to take a prank being played on her.
She has little to no fear of anything, because she is always looking for a good time for others and herself. (I listed others first, because she seems to always look out for others first.) With this positive aspect on life as well as her others-centricity, she has tapped into abilities that (I think) any Equestrian pony has. We see Fluttershy tap into these abilities when she works past or ignores her insecurities. Pinkie's ignorance of how these things work centers around her not thinking of...
I actually made an Ask Tumblr for my TH-cam channel since I'm getting alot of questions on one of my videos, and I don't know I just like answering questions. I actually have several theories on that. One is that Pinkie is helping the Apples prepare for something important. But then again why just Pinkie? So that could be a no. Another theory that somebody else pointed out is that that is the episode where Pinkie's family will show up again. They have farm problems and Pinkie asks AJ for help
i also think Pinkie's abilities does have a connection to her obsession with her randomness. it's awesome that she pulls a party cannon out of nowhere. it's really funny and mysterious that Pinkie Pie can keep up with RainbowDash, but what would be impressive if she kept up with her if Rainbow used the sonic rainboom. what do you think of that?
06:26 Kind of reminds me of something… But not what you think I thought of the song 'Pity Party' by Melanie Martinez, well more specifically, the music video for it
YK, you could be very well right. Sometimes, I think we're just thinking too much into this and we just need to accept the fact Pinkie lives in a cartoon world of cartoon physics, thus, real-life physics get thrown out the window
Don't I know it! I wish I could do the camera thing...not enough skill or editor program for that, sadly. Still, I do love examining the universe, pulling it apart a bit, and seeing the interactions. Especially from awesome characters. Pinkie is just one, but she's so fun, it's awesome to go on about her! Thoughts on her presence with the Apples from the season preview?
Hmmm, I think I'll see about hitting up your tumbler then...my personal theory is that Pinky's family is distantly related to the Apple family, like through marriage, maybe even through Grannie Pie that Pinky often mentions! Another thought is that whole honorary family all the Main Six had when the Flim and Flam incident happened, and Pinky was excepted on those grounds to travel with them and party. Although, possible family reunion with the Pies does sound like a good idea. :D
Pinkie is the polar opposite of Fluttershy, Fluttershy is kind, but she thinks of herself a great deal; she's afraid of many things, and dislikes attention. It's when Fluttershy cares about a person or situation enough to see past herself that she is able to save the day with her stare or giving a talking down. Pinkie, on the other hand, is always thinking of others and NEVER of herself. She has a positive view on others that allows her to see even Gilda in a positive light.
Yeah. But since it was obvious during that episode that all she did were chores, it bummed her out and made her sad. When your life is pure labor, you don't have time for fun. But if she were happy working at a farm like AJ, she could have been the same Pinkie. Maybe just maybe. I have a knack to responding to stuff like this, sometimes I just need to let my analytical side out. It's easier in comments than when making a video I suppose, in my case that is ;)
yeah friendship is magic, so if Pinkie Pie harnesses that magic, and has friends she's a super powerful pony. But in Pinkamena's case, since she felt she didn't have friends anymore, the magic was lost. That's why she just wasn't herself. :(
Pinkie's only a normal pony when she is depressed. That could happen, there isn't any episodes with her hair straight and she can still do what ever she feels like.
Perhaps Pinkie was enchanted when she was young or something. There is going to be an episode staring pinkie's family in season 5, so look forward to knowing more then.
There's always the possibility that Pinky's parents don't consider her special talent as something that can provide an income. A rock farm, as dull as it is, kind of implies a solid dependable income you always know you'll have. It might also explain her closeness to Maud, Maud might be the only member of her family who accepts her choices in life.
i was wondering why maud pie isn't in pinkie's memories. but she shows up later in season 4. maud looks totally different from her other two sisters so she can't be one of the sisters in her memories.
Here’s a thought. What if Pinkie is somehow infused with a portion of Discord’s power? Perhaps in his efforts to break free of his stone imprisonment, he lashed out with a burst of chaotic energy, unknowingly affecting her development as an embryo. Perhaps the depressing and orderly nature of her life on the rock farm prevented her chaotic abilities from surfacing till the day she witnessed the Sonic Rainboom.
Overthinking cartoon logic and making a pink pony seem deeper and more complex than most of Marvel and DC superheroes. This is why this fandom is amazing.
I think that along with some of your explanation. i want to add that the reason she can do these things is because she, like haruhi suzumiya has tapped into a god like ability. at the young age haruhi was disillusioned to the world and her desire to create a more fun and exciting world awoke a god like power in her. as seen in the series haruhi's whims and wants effect the world around her even if it is normally impossible much like pinkie and if haruhi gets bored of it, the world is destroyed.
What if the reason Pinkie started creating "friends" out of inanimate objects is because after she learnt of happiness, she created "friends" out of rocks to keep herself semi-sane?
What if she uses these objects the same way a child uses an imaginary friend - because she can't stand being alone?
I'd believe her having rocks as imaginary friends. I used my stuffed animals as my friends when I was lonely. In fact my parents noticed how little I talked about my friends and how much story I gave to my toys and got me some pet rats as friends. They were wonderful.
Since she doesn't have a pet, I'd definitely believe she'd use inanimate objects
@@shadow_shine3578 you forgot she has Gummy.
@@lassegrotkjr6326 you can have more than one. I had a pet and still had imaginary friends
@@lassegrotkjr6326 oh I did forget gummy. Sorry.
Pinkie Sense explained:
Pinkie Pie is a genius. She soaks up all information around her, much like Sherlock Holmes. This is evident from her behavior in the show. She not only has memorized all the names and birthdays of every pony in town, but she also apparently retains massive amounts of information about them which can be recalled with perfect clarity. Recognizing Cranky Doodle's photo, is one example, her "reading" a chunk of a book that hits her in the face is another. This in and of itself requires extraordinary awareness and memory, but what if she's picking up information all the time and just doesn't realize it?
If I remember correctly, all of her "pinkie sense" instances involve things that were going on in her immediate surroundings and could therefore have been noticed by someone with hyper-active situation awareness. She could have noticed that a potted plant was loose and about to fall, she could have heard/felt the low frequency footsteps of the ponies outside Twilight's door and recognized that they were about to open it, she could even have picked up on Twilight's behavioral ques and determined that she was on the verge of changing her mind. Even though she wasn't aware that she was noticing these things, her brain did and communicated this information to her via a system of ticks.
This also explains how she knows random facts that no one else does, can invent insane contraptions that work better than you would expect them to, is proficient with a wide variety of musical instruments, and why she just seems so random. She's a genius with a personality disorder.
that..... THATS JUST PLAIN STUPID.... no offense :3
keeping track of Birthdays is an integral part of her, in part, since it is an Excuse for a Party. Combining Hyper with Random, and you can never predict what came out of it. the instruments would be a great Party Trick, whioch goes with her nature.
My mind just exploded TWICE!!!! lol that is an awesome theory i'll have to remember this one..
***** O_O
My mind is a fucking mess of pieces all over the inside of my skull it'll take a little while to clean up the mess
I think the thing about Pinkie Pie is that she is, in herself, a lesson in Friendship. She is the kind of friend that, despite all of her wild quirks, silliness, and strangeness...that you accept her anyways.
Pinkie Pie does a lot of things that none of the Mane Six can truly explain away, but they simply accept it as her simply being herself. If you notice, when Pinkie Pie does something random, one of the characters usually rolls their eyes, but smiles anyways. They're accepting that Pinkie Pie is just being Pinkie Pie.
She is a representation of true Acceptance, but she is also the element of Laughter, and I believe that her cutie mark essentially gives her the ability to make anypony smile. As we've seen with Cranky Doodle Donkey, she needs every iota of her power to get him to smile. I think that her abilities are there because sometimes, you just need that little bit of craziness to make a friend.
Personally I theorize that Pinkie's abilities come from the same place as Discord's. Pinkie has some of the same powers as Discord (defying gravity, shape shifting, degree's of teleportation, and so on) though not to the same degree as him, and we know that Discord is a spirit of chaos. So my theory is that a form of chaos magic exist in Equestria along side the normal magic and that some beings are able to tap into it, such as Discord who does so at will and Pinkie who taps into it subconsciously. In fact, it could be that Pinkie's natural earth pony magic is, at least partially, made up from chaos magic. After all, we haven't seen Pinkie display the strength that other earth ponies have, yet we have seen her do things that defy the laws of nature. Also if Pinkie is a magical hybrid then it would explain why her powers differ from Discord, such as showing the power of prediction i.e. her Pinkie sense, she taps into both normal pony magic and chaos magic
Davalious that seems to be true and accurate since in the end of the series she had the power of chaos which could have effected the timeline, than Explains how when all the Unicorns and Alicorns magic came back, so did Pinkies, but all the other earth ponies didnt,
this makes sense
@@jawsplayz you literatlly just stole sawtooth waves credit Lol give credits
maybe alot of ponies have a bit of chaos magic like fluttershy who can talk to animals but pinkie has alot more then usual
My personal theory is that Pinkie is an absolute genius ^^' People tend to think, as Applejack said in "Swarm of the Century" that Pinkie is a "few apples short of a bushel" but I think that's completely wrong. I think she is a brilliant mind in the works, but her thoughts go too fast for her to completely process, making her random. Her strange outbursts are actually just thoughts that crossed her mind, but she didn't process it, so it came out without much sense or logic to back it up. She seems to be the most observant of the Mane 6 too, so she tends to notice more things, whether consciously or subconsciously, and I think that's where Pinkie Sense comes in. She notices different signs subconsciously, and her brain completes what the signs are telling then send it back to her body, causing, for example, the twitchy tail. Her famous fourth wall breaking is due to her reading into various subtle hints, and her strange amount of speed when catch Rainbow stems from her ability to see where Rainbow was headed, and possibly knowing shortcuts so she could take her time getting there. As for her mental break, I believe, because she has so many thoughts swimming in her head at once, that she will be overwhelmed if she doesn't express those thoughts. When she became depressed, all she could think about was "my friends don't want me around anymore" and thus all the subconscious random thoughts forced her to have a mental break. She realized this and tried to express those thoughts, but because of her negative thinking, the thoughts no longer came out as spurts of creative randomness, but instead as spurts of insanity. There are many episodes in which she is shown as a genius, but everyone believes it's due to her fourth wall breaking, or her being her. I personally think she gives a lot of issues quite a bit of thought, but her mind works so fast, she's able to express her thoughts quicker. One recent example of her being a genius is in Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks. Rainbow tells Twilight that the portal will be cut off for a long time, and Pinkie comes up with a solution. Then when Twilight is trying to explain her plan, every pony is confused (including Spike who had lived with Twi all his life and should know what she meant) except for Pinkie, who then explains it for the rest to understand.
You might have something there. Its believed that Albert Enientine was the same way. That his brain thought too fast for his body to react.
Is he? Who knew ^^ I was basing her off of how I tend to act and think, since we are very similar. I'm not the most brilliant mind out there, but I'm extremely observant and my thoughts are often too fast for me to process, making me seem random to my friends. Other than that and our personalities, I don't think I'm as smart as Pinkie by a long shot ^^'
I don't think its a matter of smarts, I think its a matter of observation and action. In Swarm of the Century it was obvious that Pinkie knew what would happen if the Parasprites multiplied, and that she had to had to act fast in order to counter act the on coming swarm. However, she was so focused on solution to the problem that she failed to explain her actions to her friends because of her sense of urgency.
new collector I agree with that ^^ I still think she has the smarts to back it up, they are just rarely shown because of her seemingly random thoughts.
"Her famous fourth wall breaking is due to her reading into various subtle hints" Subtle hints of what? That she's actually living in a TV show and has no mind or will of her own?
Maybe Pinkie is a example of cartoon logic in a show that uses more logical rules?
To me, All theses abilities seem to point to... a survival instinct. Her abilities would actually be superb in something like that, The pinkie sense could be EXTREMELY helpful in a dire situation,the dexterity, focus, and hand-eye coordination of playing many instruments, being as quick as rainbow to outrun predators, the intelligence to make and use a flying machine, and the perfect perception of what is happening would make her untouchable in the wild. Maybe it was possible that she was thrown into a life-or-death situation and learned these skills while there, and even forgot about what happened to her either by amnesia or simply her brain repressing them to the point of forgetting completely. This also might be why she doesn't have much contact with her family as she can't remember how to get to them or how to contact them. And they might even think she is dead.
This is definitely my headcanon now.
Okay, here's my theory.
In the same way that a nuclear blast can give superheros their powers, the sonic rainboom gave Pinkie Pie special mental powers. These powers are the source of her the Pinkie Sense, but they also let her see past the 4th wall, which drove her somewhat mad, much like a Time Lord staring into the abyss. Once she realized that reality wasn't quite what it seemed, it made it easier for her to defy the laws of reality, similar to how once you realize you're dreaming, you can then learn how to manipulate it. "Party of One" is actually one of her sane moments. ;)
All of my friends call me Pinkie Pie. That is what I am under on their phones. They SWEAR that I am the human incarnation of her. I am completely random and hyper, and know things that most people don't. I always try my best to make sure I make everyone I see smile, and this was before I even watched my little pony.I have been told by many people I have a great and random sense of humor, though many people find it odd when I laugh at the smallest things. Sometimes I also have moments that come out of nowhere that I feel like something is about to happen (i.e. spilling coffee and random things like that :3) Heck, I even look like pinkie pie! I have crazy poofy curly hair that goes everywhere. I used to hate it because it was so hard to maintain, but I have learned to embrace it since watching my little pony and having a strong connection with Pinkie. I think I walked through the portal to the human world! Haha X3
Pretend this is a thumbs up because I can't give you one.
Oh lol ok X3
***** nope! sorry to report, i am not your friend penny X3 but she sounds lovely.
Hail Satan!
me too
I think of all the characters, pinkie pie seems like the one most able to pop through our computer screens and talk to us directly at the drop of a hat, just by us lending a small bit of our imagination to the task. I think that this is a reflection of the idea that her character is all about existing outside of the lines and limitations other people draw - including the writers. When a writer is writing pinkie pie, I could see that it would only seem natural to write her as being able to do things like break the fourth wall, because the fourth wall is just a limitation that people set up. The writer, in building the world, is basically saying to the character, pinkie pie "this is your box, and you will stay in it" - and we can imagine how she might respond to that if she could talk to the writer directly - something like "hehe, that's funny! I like boxes!" . And that she might obey the fourth wall most of the time only because she maybe likes to pretend that she exists within it, sort of like this is all a game. Think about it: a writer building a world must consciously craft it, putting in limits and building it to specifications according to what makes sense in their imagination and according to their natural instincts for how the world should be. However, pinkie pie, in her randomness, is constantly including new things and not necessarily taking into considerations the limitations of the world. I think this may also be why Discord can seem to know things he shouldn't necessarily know, because his character, too, is also all about breaking boundaries. That is, neither pinkie pie or discord seem contained by mental structures, as this would constrain and dampen their character. To use the equestria girls example, neither pinkie pie should not know about what happened in the other world, but if, say, the author was writing as pinkie pie, it might be very enticing from a pinkie-ish mindset to have her character who she speaks through to momentarily speak from knowledge that she's not supposed to know as a character, but knows full well from access to the writer's mind. The writer might allow this simply because the knowledge doesn't break the story, and it might bring some joy to the "inner pinkie pie", if you will, that the author is sort of channeling in order to write her character - as in, if the writer WERE pinkie pie, even if just in part, then they would perhaps bring some joy to themselves by including moments of breaking the fourth wall and the structures of the story. Furthermore it suggests a dynamic between pinkie pie and the author, wherein the author has the final say on what material they create for pinkie actually gets put in, but still allows her to break the rules as long as it doesn't break the story. In the process, "pinkie" gets to share her rule-breaking draw-out-side-the-box joy with us as an audience. So, those are my thoughts and theories on pinkie pie and her mysterious traits : ) what do you guys think?
A late response, but I assume that Pinkie's powers are genetic, as Maud has also proven to be a genius (albeit more calm and organized), able to appear out of nowhere, and in possession of an ability called "Maud Sense." I assume this means each sister has access to an extra sense, in addition to what can only be described as teleportation. I like to think the extra sense comes from their mother (and that she has each of her daughters' senses), and that their father is the one with the spatial displacement powers.
Nothing could be simpler than explaining Pinkie's powers. As the element of laughter, she's the element of comedy, and comedy will always twist reality to reveal something about human (or pony) perception. That might make sense from the writer's perspective, but how about in-universe? Well, we do know that in Equestria, magic is real, and that it can have a sense of humor, as shown by the poison joke flower, and all ponies are inherently magical, as evidenced by the existence of cutie marks, which don't strike me as purely biological attributes. So she's a channel for comedy magic. Case closed.
toonbat jes they all seem to have a bit of magic, fluttershy can communicate whit animals somehow
She's maybe a descendant and/or been affected by Discord, or rather the powers of discord. I think of it somewhat like the Speedforce for the Flash and anti-Flash; it is some sort of cosmic energy permeating existence that only a select few in the perfect circumstances are able to access. This inter dimensional / timey-wimey thing allows Pinkie the ability of the fourth wall as well; more or less what the initial stages of Discord's life would have been like.
If they're not connected, then they are oddly similar, as if Discord is like the "mature" (but ancient) form of Pinkie, a version of her that has learned to control the Pinkieforce™ (too late! I trademarked it!) but has also grown bored of the world or even spiteful, as if he has outlived any friends he once had due to his new powers (which Pinkie might one day do! :O), an immortal who learned to never allow himself to be attached again (until met with the spirit of kindness of course).
Also, you'll notice the powers of Discord seem far reduced in this distant future, where the level of chaos is not nearly as pervasive as when you see flashbacks in the first tree of harmony episode, showing when discord planted the seeds. This could be due to him not having as much time, but I think its because somepony else is leeching off the chaos force, but neither realize it. His powers are again shown to be very similar to Pinkie's in that he is able to sense magic as shown in the episode Twightlight's Kingdom, a more refined and mature form of her Pinkie-sense.
Able to bring objects randomly into existence: check. Ability to sense disturbances in the force: check. Love of all things random with chocolate rain: check. Self-centered outlook on what is "fun": check. Bend's physics and all natural laws: check. Quick to depression and self-loathing: check. The similarities go on. If these two are not connected, then they are a pair of freakishly similar characters in their portrayal.
Anyway, couple theories, tl;dr and all >D
I believe all of Pinkie's powers and abilities rely on the "Rule of Funny," which basically means that she can do anything as long as it's executed in a comedic fashion.
Well, Pinkie Pie has given her cutie mark by giving people joy and spreading it around her- humor is one of the things that can bring joy.
Being random and unpredictable is her sense of humor.
Also- most people do not remember or realize that this is a show for kids so cartoon humor is a way to make kids laugh.
One thing that can be said for certain is that Pinkie is in possession of an unparalleled brilliant mind. One of the best examples of that is that she has the personal information of everyone in Ponyville memorized. We know that even though she is not in frequent contact with her family she is very proud of them and what they do. We see this in her blowing up at Trixie for badmouthing rock farms. Since all we see are the random bits of thought that filter out through her speech and actions it is hard to say just how much data her mind is actually processing every second. Her pinkie sense might just be a way for her mind to sort out bits of important data that would be otherwise impossible to pick out without suffering a sensory overload.
I do partly agree with this. Since friendship is magic, during Party of One Pinkie wasn't her usual self and lost her abilities because she felt she didn't have friends anymore. If she doesn't possess friendship or feels it the magic is lost.
Pinkie Pie's one of my favourite characters!
favorite* she is my top favorite character for me too
We spell it differently.
+Shadow Spector Oh where I live we spell it favourite.
+Abirami Kabilan: oh I'm sorry, I thought it was a typo. I mean that word is tricky for me as well so I tried to make sure with Google and Google spells it the way I do so I assumed that you couldn't spell the word the way you did
+Shadow Spector Oh that's okay, it's different for the U.S. In the U.S, favorite would be correct and everywhere else english is spoken, favourite is correct ☺
I've read this one thing, I don't know if it's true, but it said that Pinkie Pie has something to do with Discord... Cause long time ago when he ruled Equestria, the land was full of chaos and fun (Pinkie Pie is also kinda chaotic and loves fun), but he was alone so he created a friend of his own... But after princess Celestia defeated him, all he created was gone, however the soul of his "friend" wasn't gone and it got to a rock farm where later a pony was born... And that pony was Pinkie Pie...
But like I said, I don't know if it's true so someone correct me, if you know the truth... And sorry for some incorrect grammar, I'm Czech... :D
I doubt that's true but it would make for an interesting story.
Shtemby The Jerichoholic uhh didnt u watch the cutie mark episode? pinkie saw rainbowdash's sonic boom and instantly became the happiest pony EVER!!
My Hypothesis - Pinkie is a physicist, a natural born scientist.
I have seen quotes from some of the top scientist crediting children as naturally being scientist but having it be knocked out by the lack of fun and exploration.
I've also seen a argument that pinkie is a intellectual, being able to read a situation and react to it.
Perhaps her "powers" are nothing more than observing how things work by playing around with them( experimenting ), and finding a way to benefit from it, not so much bending the laws of physics as using them.
Many past inventions have been deemed "impossible" and proven otherwise so it's not that far of a stretch of the imagination to say it's part of the norm, but no one saw it coming.
Am i the only one who thinks Pinkie Pie and Jake the dog are very similar?
I say..they both have superpowers(i know Jakes' ones come from his 'parent' but they are still powers cause he can make his imagination come true and move things with his mind) like superstreching ....Both can't take nothing seriously (they are the crazy ones in their families..like ....the other members are so bored and responsible=Jermaine or Maud,their sibblings)The only contact with their families are their sibblings ....They are the funny character..which without them the audience would cry in pain...Both went mad at once(paranoia) and with similar pots:Pinkie Pie got mad cause she thought her friends were planning a party at her back....Jake thought his friends were planning his birthday party at his back...
He loves parties like her...he loves spaguetti and insanely loves food in general..like Pinkie Pie loves candy...
They can be irresponsible (causing problems to their friends) , paranoids but funny as hell!!
I am only saying my opinion which it is not perfect(i know Pinkie is so energetic and chaotic/random ...maybe a convination of Jake and his brother?)so..don't start an arguments for that.
PS:I know the argument will come soon.. :(
*"Bottom Line; Pinkie Pie is..."*
Best pony?
*"A super hero."*
Hmmm... Was raised on a farm, then learned she has powers far beyond those of mortal mares.
Headcanon accepted!
It's more fun than my own explanation, which is, well, friendship is magic (you can quote me :) ) and Pinkie Pie has more friends than anypony. But, not being a unicorn, she's not able to control her magic, so it just operates without her conscious direction. And then, growing up surrounded by the inexplicable always happening around her, she developed a wildly different worldview than most.
Pinkie is a major Toon Forcer and a minor Reality Warper. The way she can get even the skeptical Twilight to dismiss her acts as 'just being Pinkie Pie' suggests that everypony just accepts what she does because trying to explain any of it would cause too much of a headache, as we saw in 'Feeling Pinkie Keen.' The one thing we CAN say about her for certain is that she does not do anything halfway.
All three pony tribes have some form of innate magic. Unicorn and Alicorn magic are the two more overt types, since they can actively cast spells. Pegasus magic allows them to fly and touch and walk on clouds to manipulate the weather. Earth Pony magic allows them to promote and speed the growth an harvest of their crops. So if Pinkie is growing and harvesting anything, it's her friends' smiles. And as we saw in 'A Friend In Deed,' everypony is her friend.
Keep it up, Pinkie!
My head canon is cutie marks not only symbolize but enhance a characters natural talent.
Pinkies Cutie Mark is very abstract. Is her talent fun, joy, happiness, parties? I always considered it to be an amalgamation of these things and part of all these is the ability to surprise. I've heard Laughter being described as something familiar to us that surprises us with its outcome. To me , this describes Pinkie to a T. Her randomness could be an enhanced part of her talent to surprise.
I have your answers to everything:
Because it's frikin Pinkie Pie. An anthropomorphic, talking horse with a tattoo on her butt, frizzy, hot pink hair like a cloud, who carries a cannon in her hair, with a pink coat. And you guys are trying to solve her existence in a place where physics are screwed?
I think the answer is much more simple, and the answer lies in the title of the show "MLP: Frienship IS Magic".
Pinkie is the element of laughter. Her abilities are not thought out, she does not have a superpower, she I used as a comedy character. Without pinkie, mlp would not be a children's show anymore. Children crave laughter and fun. She is only a character to provide these laughs and bring a more light hearted side to the show.
Maybe, but I noticed a lot of things if I just take a closer look through many episodes. Take Fluttershy for the character. In the Best night ever she seems to be much more. She lives on the edge of the Everfree forest where nopony dares to go. Isolation. In the best night ever she's quick to anger. And in return of harmony she is depressed. And in dragon quest she bargains not to go only to runaway. And in hurricane Fluttershy we see her as her normal timid pony but stronger too. Now if we put the episode in a different order, like this: season 1 episode 1-20 season 1 episode 26 season 2 episode 21, season 2 episode 1 and finally season 2 episode 22. And look: isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The five stages of grief. Quite clever of hasbro. I already asked around my town that are a fan and they never made the connection. This is why I believe the elements are not that powerful. I think each of the mane 6 have a special ability that makes the the True Element of harmony but they don't know it. Rainbow dash could only preform the sonic Rainboom if someone is counting on her. Rarity finds gems to give away in dresses. Pinkie always know how to save others and make them laugh. Fluttershy helps the town with their pets. Applejack can see lies Althrough she may be keeping one herself.( I do have a reason for that.) now Twilight's special. We know its magic or is it? In the episode Magical mystery cure twilight creates a magic that had to happen my natural means. Could this mean Twilight could create strong magic? If so Twilight is the strongest Alicorn ever. And if the three Alicorns face Twilight the winner would be no doubt whatsoever is Twilight.
Dr. Wolf, I think the connection between Pinkie Pie's randomness and her abilities is the same connection between me and my in-human strength at times. We both have mood disorder, and let me explain. Mood disorder means that someone can change their mood ether at random, or from outside forces. My mood disorder is triggered, i.e. when I get attacked. Pinkie Pie's mood disorder is triggered, as well, but only when she thinks she isn't spreading joy, or is thinking she is spreading joy. Mood disorder also comes with effects that, when a person (or pony, in this case) is in a certain mood, they are able to do things that they can't do in any other mood. For example, if I get attacked by anyone, my strength grows to insane levels, levels that would be impossible to do with adrenaline alone. Back in the 5th grade, I was 105 lbs soaking wet, and I got attacked by a guy who weighed 215 lbs. I blanked out, but apparently I kicked him so hard that he was airborne for more than a second. Let me repeat that. I kicked a guy over twice my body weight so hard, he was airborne for more than a second. And, due to the fight, which, according to witnesses, we were the only ones, until I body slammed him, then everyone was jumping on him, he got so injured that needed to stay in the hospital for 2 whole days to recover. Now, how does this relate to Pinkie Pie? Well, when she is happy, and filled with joy, she is able to do those random things that seem impossible, right? Well, when she isn't, she doesn't have those abilities. A clear cut case of mood disorder, right, DRWolf001 ?
***** Thank you for agreeing with me on this. I know disabilities very well, so is there anything else about disabilities and MLP you would like to know?
You need to do a follow up video to this since we now know earth ponies do possess magic (the cuttie mark itself is part of a pony's inherent magic) and we have seen Cheese Sandwitch possess similar abilities. We can add Pinky being able to use her hair as an appendage as a unique ability and that she seems to lack the normal earth pony magically enhanced strength.
Pinkie Pie is my favorite of the Mane 6, and my favorite character in the show. I relate to Pinkie a lot, mostly in my optimism and zaniness.
I've actually started writing a 3 episode series of Pinkie. I'm on Chapter 3 on Episode 1, and it'll probably be done by the middle of June.
This explains a lot about pinkie pie, I just thought she was, is, or will be the source of laughter in the show as her element implies.
I know this is an old video but Granny Pinkie Pie who was mentioned in the second episode is never mentioned here. Pinkie says that her Granny taught her to just laugh away her fears. Maybe she also taught her other life lessons that helped her become the pony she is today?
What was that fanfic where Pinkie turns out infact to be an "elder" when meeting with Tia and Luna about how things have gone and to basically just keep going as they're doing. Wish could remember the name of it though am thinking was one done by ObbabScribler...
Perhaps Pinkie-Power could derive from a like source that she is not just 'normal' ?
Maybe there is more in common to say with Dyscord then we think?
Or just "cartoon logic" & whats the fun in making sense? ^_-
How could joy give you super powers. There's times when pinkie is not spreading joy and still has powers, and the information is not solid. I'm sorry, but I still think it's just the writers wanting a character that breaks the 4th wall...
It does if you're a *balloon* like Pinkie Pie (look at her cutie mark). Her hair is an indicator: Fluffy when filled with "air" - flat when the "air" is gone. Though, probably "air"has Laughing Gas and Helium mixed in (that's what joy does to her). Pinkie the Balloon can also get so full she explodes (Where Pinkie Pie knows). Cakes and such apparently do NOT fill her.
Pinkie Pie is an incredible character. I don't think she's random, I think she's very spontaneous. Her actions are always for the better, even thought it looks as if it could go wrong. She don't only make me smile, but to share and spread that joy around and using her ways learning how to help others in reality.
Has anybody noticed that maud might have powers too? She did throw a rock super far, and run fast and have alot of strenghth
He got both character ideas on the money. In pinkie pride, its shown that she likes to be the one that makes people smile. But if she seems unneeded, she becomes depressed, not pinkamenia. And in Maud pie, we meet a member of pinkie pie's family.
Simplest answer, Pinky is the way she is because the writers/story demand comedic relief, and is just deus ex machina.
But we let it pass because it's done so well and is just fun to watch and not think too hard on it.
But of course we're discussing her abilities with in the world it's self and how to explain them from that perspective.
From this perspective I think it's safe to assume that Pinky has E.S.P., And with her being an earth pony it simply manifests it's self though her body as 'pinky sense' as twitches rather then her mind or feelings like traditional esp.
As for the other random crazy, physics busting, logic defying things she does, well we have a prime example of another that can do very similar things, Discord The spirit of chaos. The biggest difference is simply that he directly controls his power.
Probably mostly due in part that he is ancient, and has learned mastery over it, where as Pinky is quite young and it manifests via impulse, reflex, and intuition.
Her powers also seem to work in tandem, being able to sense the immediate future and warp reality around you to suit your needs.
They also could be separate manifestations of the same magic.
As for the mental breaks, I think when any pony feels a severe disconnection with their 'true self' what their cutie mark represents they lose the connection from a large part of their magic, I.E. Pinky sense and chaos magic in Pinky's case.
Pinky has esp, but it manifests in twitches. She, like Discord wields chaos magic, but to a lesser extent and is based on impulse, rather then directly willing it and works in tandem with her pinky sense. Being the element of laughter her magic is used for laughs, good and fourth wall breaks.
I think Pinkie Pie and Rainbow dash have alicorn blood flowing through their veins. I think there are two types of alicorns, Celestia-types and Twilight Sparkle-types. Celestia types are godlike alicorns born or directly descended from the creators of the universe or the first alicorns. The other kind, Twilight's type, evolve from a normal pony. The distinct way you can tell them apart is their hair or what happens when they use their abilities. I also find it interesting that Celestia is the element of Loyalty, and not magic, and that is why she has been dependent on the elements of harmony. But that is an aside.
then how does pinky break the fourth wall
Or defy physics? Maybe because she has alicorn blood running through her veins. Or latent magical abilities. It's fun to speculate but I can't do much more than that.
Pinkie Pie is my favorite because I find her easy to relate to.
Her "know everything" ability in EqG was way over the top. I prefer when these types of characters can crack a problem that stumps everyone else because they come at it from a totally different angle. They've done that well in the comics.
I think some earth ponies are just more magical than others. Whether Pinkie is the only one, or it's something that only comes along once a generation, or it's tied to her element, or maybe all the above is up for debate.
also, she's the only one who talks to the audience at the end, where there this black circle thing is closing
ikr? I'm so good at explaining xD
My headcanon is that Pinkie is a changling, but instead of feeding off love, it's joy.
That she is. Everyone's had some emotional breakdown at some point. It seems the writers are not at all afraid of showing the characters go absolutely bugshit crazy. But Pinkie is already crazy, so seeing her big breakdown in "Party of One" was kinda terrifying.
I think that Pinkie is psychic and telekinetic. If she can move objects with her mind it would explain things like her being able to walk upside down and slowing herself in mid-air. In Equestria Girls when Twilight asks if people are usually psychic she shrugs and says "not usually". I also think that she might be adopted. This would explain why she looks and acts nothing like her family. Maybe her parents disappearance had something to do with her powers or maybe her parents gave her up because they didn't know what to do with a filly with powers.
Ima watch u in ur sleep (Its Guitar)
I think you're on to something. i think the main cause of pinki's randiomess abilitity is tied to the sonic Rainboom that connect all of the mane 6. Just as i beleive that perhaps Twilight's destiny had been changed in that event, so had Pinkie's
I couldn't have said it better myself- Pinkie is a superhero. I did a little research, and nothing points to an animal that can LOSE its color due to feeling depressed or sad, so I can't quite put my finger on a reason why that would happen to her. As for lacking in social interaction with her family, I believe this may be because she feels that her parents aren't quite the smiling type and feels they will only feel joy for a short amount of time. However, in the episode where her sister Maud comes to visit, we see that she feels a lot of passion for her sister that went way back to when they were fillies. I feel that maybe her sister has the same abilities as Pinkie, because we saw her amazing speed and agility when Pinkie was being buried in falling rocks. I think her other sister may be the same as her parents and feels that work is more important than fun, and that Pinkie has a closer bond with Maud than the rest of her family.
*it can bring. As far as an episode that has Pinkie reuniting with her family, I believe that the episode that fits the new song "Apples to the Core" will end up letting her learn how important family really is to her and they MAY even be headed to see Pinkie to her family. Possibly remembering about her family and the rock farm during Magic Duel and feeling herself fulfilled with her current status, Pinkie either wants to see her family, but is apprehensive since they parted on a sour note.
No offense Dr. Wolf, I love this video. I think it brings up a lot of questions about Pinkie Pie, but sometimes it's better not to question the mystery of Pinkie Pie.
Also about Pinkie's powers I think she was born with special eyes that allow deeper vision giving her the power to look through dimensional rifts allowing her to defy logic. Seeing in the holes she can pull items through or enter them so she could technically teleport and her randomness is how she keeps the other ponies from finding out.
That would be interesting. Granny Pie has contributed alot to Pinkie and her personality. She taught her to giggle at the ghosties and not be scared, and she taught her about the mirror pool which actually led Pinkie ot discover an important lesson at the end. It would be great to see Pinkie interacting with her Granny today :D
Pinkie Pie seems proud of her rock farm background, noting her comeback at Trixie's disgust of working at a rock farm, so she must be at the very least secretly proud of her family and background.
After Pinkie learns about the magic of laughter, joy, and fun in general she can no longer stay with her family, not only because she needs to exercise it but also in her inability or unwillingness to step out of Fun Mode and just get the work done. It didn't help that farm work was unfulfilling to her as she doesn't understand the sort of satisfaction that I can bring. This led to a falling out between them and her leaving on her journey which led her to where she is now, Ponyville.
I feel the Pinkie Pride answered a lot of the questions about Pinkie Pie, I think a lot of he points you brought up work with Pinkie Pride. To me I feel like the show was saying that these types of things are what "Party Ponies" do, it's part of their talent. It's something that you gain right along with your cutie mark.
I heard somewhere that reason why Pinkie Pie can do all of these random things is because of the magic of friendship. Because Pinkie Pie is friends with everyone, she has far more magic than your typical non-unicorn pony, and since she doesn't have a unicorn horn she can't concentrate and fully control her magic.
Just a theory, but I think it makes sense.
There is also the mystery of Pinkie's grandma. In Friendship is Magic Part 2, Pinkie mentions Granny Pie who taught her to laugh at the spooky. And in Too Many Pinkie Pies, Pinkie mentions that it was Nana Pinkie that told her the story of the mirror pool. Unless she never talked to her grandma until after she got her cutie mark, it might be a contradiction to say she never felt joy until the sonic rainboom. But the relationship between Pinkie and this Grandma Pinkie Pie is still up in the air.
Here is my superior theory:
Pinkie Pie is a sub-species of changling that gains energy from joy instead of love. After moving to ponyville where there were SO MANY MORE ponies than back home, her powers increased so much that she gained the ability to bend time and space. It would also explain why all the cakes she eats has no effect on her body, because she cannot eat regular food and thus it goes in and then goes right out again. The only thing she gets from it is the taste. Infact she probably doesn't have the same anatomy at all, might not even have a stomach. She digests joy in her heart instead. This makes total sense.
Although I doubt she still has any proper changling powers, other than the feeding.
She probably met them when she moved to Ponyville. She probably loved to visit Sugarcube Corner all the time and volunteered to help the Cakes. Since she didn't have family in Ponyville, and no place to live, the Cakes allowed her to be their live in assistant. I don't know just my theory ;)
i always thought pinkie had some kind of connection to discord, seeing how she can destroy the laws of physics, and having the ability to know almost everything that happens at the time
As I understand it, Pinkie Pie, at least in some ways, is a more direct/literal interpretation of "Whether you believe you can, or believe you can't, you're usually right." If she doubts herself, that is when she really starts to fall apart.
I personally don't have much of a theory on where Pinkie gets her powers from. I'm convinced there's unicorn blood in there somewhere, but another part of me wants to deny she's even a pony at all and connect her more to say a fairy or an elemental. She's something primal, deeply connected to the planet itself, both unpredictable and absolutely essential to the livelihood of others. And yet..the closest character she reminds me of is actually Haruko from FLCL. Or maybe Discord
We learn a little bit more about her and her family in one of the chapter books by G. M. Berrow. What shocks me most about them though is that they seem so Amish. I don't think anyone on the writing staff means to say the Amish are joyless people, but like you said, maybe the connection is made because the Amish seem to think joy means doing what you're supposed to to the best of your abilities. It's about fulfillment with what you have, while Pinkie is about spreading it around
I think that pinkie pie is the counterpart of discord or maybe she just has some of the abilities of discord
It's suprisingly amusing how he seems so seirious about everything in the silliest moments of pinkie pie
I will add that there are a number of variations to this theory, including the possibility that she was given this power deliberately.
Perhaps Discord hoped that the presence of another chaotic being would lead to his escape. Or perhaps this wasn’t Discord’s doing at all. Perhaps a portion of his power was drained by Celestia and given to Pinkie in hopes of creating a pony powerful enough to counter him, in the event that he somehow managed to break free.
Exactly she has a big influence on Pinkie based on the Mirror Pool incident and Giggle at the Ghostly. I would love to see her interact with Pinkie in Season 4 if she's still alive that is ;)
I like to think that Pinkie is somehow aware of the fact that she is a cartoon, and is taking full advantage of it.
about pinkie's family, the episode maud pie comes up and we get to see one of her sisters. then a book was released called pinkie pie and the rockin ponypalooza party, which is about pinkie's family.
Hm... I always took Pinkie Pie as a low-profile god modder with a few insecurity issues...
I think she is in a other dimension like my mom says some people are already in the next dimension so maybe she is in a other dimension that can be why she can keep up with rainbow dash like that movie epic mk's dad says that a fly is in a other dimension so maybe in the dimension that pinky is in rainbow dash is slow so that way she can keep up with her
I don't know if this has been addressed in previous comments, but don't forget the scene in Griffon Brush-Off where Pinkie Pie refuses to play a prank on Fluttershy because she knows that Fluttershy is too sensitive to be able to take a prank being played on her.
I think Pinkie Pie is some sort of magical Earth Pony.
she might be oh I don't know PART CRYSTAL PONY DUN DUN DUN
Is there anything she isn't, aside from a Draconicuus?
Including a Transformer..
All Earth ponies have magic, I think Pinkie is just a rare exception with a great magical ability enough to stand Discord's chaos power.
She has little to no fear of anything, because she is always looking for a good time for others and herself. (I listed others first, because she seems to always look out for others first.) With this positive aspect on life as well as her others-centricity, she has tapped into abilities that (I think) any Equestrian pony has. We see Fluttershy tap into these abilities when she works past or ignores her insecurities. Pinkie's ignorance of how these things work centers around her not thinking of...
I actually made an Ask Tumblr for my TH-cam channel since I'm getting alot of questions on one of my videos, and I don't know I just like answering questions.
I actually have several theories on that. One is that Pinkie is helping the Apples prepare for something important. But then again why just Pinkie? So that could be a no.
Another theory that somebody else pointed out is that that is the episode where Pinkie's family will show up again. They have farm problems and Pinkie asks AJ for help
i also think Pinkie's abilities does have a connection to her obsession with her randomness. it's awesome that she pulls a party cannon out of nowhere. it's really funny and mysterious that Pinkie Pie can keep up with RainbowDash, but what would be impressive if she kept up with her if Rainbow used the sonic rainboom. what do you think of that?
PINKIE IS A SUPER HERO! maybe this explains her sister's super strength lol
06:26 Kind of reminds me of something… But not what you think
I thought of the song 'Pity Party' by Melanie Martinez, well more specifically, the music video for it
I wouldn't be surprised if she was aware of that. Her ablity to break the fourth wall is well, outrageous
YK, you could be very well right. Sometimes, I think we're just thinking too much into this and we just need to accept the fact Pinkie lives in a cartoon world of cartoon physics, thus, real-life physics get thrown out the window
Pinkies curly hair made me more comfortable with mine :)
Don't I know it! I wish I could do the camera thing...not enough skill or editor program for that, sadly. Still, I do love examining the universe, pulling it apart a bit, and seeing the interactions. Especially from awesome characters. Pinkie is just one, but she's so fun, it's awesome to go on about her! Thoughts on her presence with the Apples from the season preview?
Hmmm, I think I'll see about hitting up your tumbler then...my personal theory is that Pinky's family is distantly related to the Apple family, like through marriage, maybe even through Grannie Pie that Pinky often mentions! Another thought is that whole honorary family all the Main Six had when the Flim and Flam incident happened, and Pinky was excepted on those grounds to travel with them and party. Although, possible family reunion with the Pies does sound like a good idea. :D
I've seen a fanfiction that said that Pinkie is a changeling, but idk
But great theory though!!
Pinkie is the polar opposite of Fluttershy, Fluttershy is kind, but she thinks of herself a great deal; she's afraid of many things, and dislikes attention. It's when Fluttershy cares about a person or situation enough to see past herself that she is able to save the day with her stare or giving a talking down. Pinkie, on the other hand, is always thinking of others and NEVER of herself. She has a positive view on others that allows her to see even Gilda in a positive light.
Yeah. But since it was obvious during that episode that all she did were chores, it bummed her out and made her sad. When your life is pure labor, you don't have time for fun. But if she were happy working at a farm like AJ, she could have been the same Pinkie. Maybe just maybe.
I have a knack to responding to stuff like this, sometimes I just need to let my analytical side out. It's easier in comments than when making a video I suppose, in my case that is ;)
yeah friendship is magic, so if Pinkie Pie harnesses that magic, and has friends she's a super powerful pony.
But in Pinkamena's case, since she felt she didn't have friends anymore, the magic was lost. That's why she just wasn't herself. :(
Somebody did mention in a comment on one of my videos that Pinkie was chaos magic incarnate. I have to agree partly. It does seem to make sense.
Pinkie's only a normal pony when she is depressed. That could happen, there isn't any episodes with her hair straight and she can still do what ever she feels like.
Perhaps Pinkie was enchanted when she was young or something. There is going to be an episode staring pinkie's family in season 5, so look forward to knowing more then.
There's always the possibility that Pinky's parents don't consider her special talent as something that can provide an income. A rock farm, as dull as it is, kind of implies a solid dependable income you always know you'll have. It might also explain her closeness to Maud, Maud might be the only member of her family who accepts her choices in life.
Well now you got me interested in Pinkie's character, what is the mystery behind her character, maybe we'll find out in the Apples to the Core episode
i was wondering why maud pie isn't in pinkie's memories. but she shows up later in season 4. maud looks totally different from her other two sisters so she can't be one of the sisters in her memories.
Forgot to add,Maud Pie is Pinkie's sister( We saw her in Pinkie's Cutie Mark Story ).
Here’s a thought. What if Pinkie is somehow infused with a portion of Discord’s power?
Perhaps in his efforts to break free of his stone imprisonment, he lashed out with a burst of chaotic energy, unknowingly affecting her development as an embryo. Perhaps the depressing and orderly nature of her life on the rock farm prevented her chaotic abilities from surfacing till the day she witnessed the Sonic Rainboom.
Yeah it could always be all the sweets she eats. But even that still wouldn't explain half of the crazy stuff she does.
Overthinking cartoon logic and making a pink pony seem deeper and more complex than most of Marvel and DC superheroes. This is why this fandom is amazing.
I think that along with some of your explanation. i want to add that the reason she can do these things is because she, like haruhi suzumiya has tapped into a god like ability. at the young age haruhi was disillusioned to the world and her desire to create a more fun and exciting world awoke a god like power in her. as seen in the series haruhi's whims and wants effect the world around her even if it is normally impossible much like pinkie and if haruhi gets bored of it, the world is destroyed.