She saw the pain in his eyes as well. Even if he didn't use the words, she saw he cared. That's why she was slowly regaining her love for him. She didn't know what yet, but I think she was starting to understand that he wasn't hiding things to hurt her
That logic never made sense with me. Clark reset time and the EXACT same thing still happened. The only thing that was different was Clark knew about it so he prevented the accident, so it turned out telling her DIDN’T cause her death.
this is why it's important to be honest with your feelings with the one you love from the start because holding it in for so long can lead to confusion and misunderstandings just like what is being shown between Clark and Lana.
I don't wait til I'm in love. Whenever I'm attracted to a woman, I tell her. I've never been too timid to take initiative. The possibility of failure is not something to fear, it is a challenge to accept. Anyone who has ever been involved in business with me knows that much about me, cause I'm usually the guy everyone calls crazy for suggesting outlandish sounding courses of action.
@@-elvis-3592 Lex and lana proved they was capable of being trusted even when he was going a little insane from Morgan Edge screwing with his mind, when Clark was jumped by the two baddies he help capture he tried his best to defend him when he was hunted down by a fellow student Lana fought him and wasn't freaked out and afraid of him when she was under the impression that he was invincible and went so far as to tell him dozens of times that if he was different it wouldn't change how she felt about him so there was plenty of opportunities Clark could have gave them the benefit of the doubt and just told them the truth, he didn't do it out of fear and that fear is what led to the downfall of their friendship and as a cascading effect that friendship turned into a bitter rivalry that completely destroyed any chances of him and her ending up as soulmate pure and simple!
People should stop to hate her. No matter what she has done et what he has done to her ( cheatting, lying ) it’s obvious that she still and will always love him
Tvd 8, do you really think that Clark cheated on Lana? Hell No! That lady Simone seduced him. That braclet she had onhypnotized HIM! Guess who sent her? Lex did. That shows what a monster Lex was that he was willing to do something like that. Clark will always love her though at the end of the day, and everything.
Tvd 8, and you think her moving on to date the one person he hated the most was going to help her! I’m sorry, but Lex is a snobby, and arrogrant SOB! He manipulated Simone to cause problems between Clark and Lana. And Lanas approach didn’t help.
This man is an alien in a town where meta humans get treated like lab rats, I’m surprised he ever told anybody outside of his parents to begin with. Humans level of cruelty knows no limits
He only ever told 2 people his secret.... Alicia and Lana.... and they both died... He was able to bring Lana back at the expense of his father of course but you can understand why he didn't tell anyone. everyone else only ever found out because they were shown like Chloe or they saw it themselves.
@@KWS365 He told Pete too because Pete was mad at him for what happened with the ship and Clark didn't want to lose his best friend and believed it was about time his best friend knew. Clark was definitely happier when Pete knew because he finally had someone outside his parents (a friend who went to school with him) who he could confide in with all the meteor freaks they also went to school with and with all the trouble they usually faced at Smallville High. Of course that changed when Pete left and Clark found out the burden it put on him when he was almost killed for defending his secret from Agent Loder. Also, Alicia was another one who found out from seeing him use his powers in the Luthorcorp elevator when it was in free fall. Sure, he could've just told her he was a meteor freak but I think he wanted her to know the truth much like Pete but as a girlfriend instead of a friend. He came clean about him being an alien with Lois & Chloe too after they both saw him use his powers and knew he was superpowered but not that he was an alien. So he could've lied to them and said he was a meteor freak but didn't much like with Alicia. In Alicia's case, she didn't die because she knew Clark's secret but because she was deemed immoral by the other meteor freak (I think his name was Tim). Clark's reason for not telling Lana besides what happened to her in Reckoning is that he just doesn't trust her. She changed and he admits it here and even acknowledges it by telling her that he hopes Lex will make her very happy. That last line from him is a precursor to what we later get in Crimson when he's on red-k and trashes her at the dinner when he crashes the party. It's a statement of his disgust regarding Lana getting together with Lex (his former friend) out of all people and there's no way he was going to trust her after that. Especially after she proved to him she was incapable of being trusted to stay away from Lex after telling her the secret and proposing to her in Reckoning (i.e. when she got everything she wanted from him yet still failed). In Reckoning it was a matter of Lana not being smart enough to handle his secret. After she got together with Lex, it was a matter of Lana not being trustworthy and being likely to spill the beans to Lex as well with her being his girlfriend/fiancee/wife.
As much as I like the Clana storyline, I like how he was giving her brief answers to her questions in this scene cuz after their supposed "final" break-up, she's dating one of his former best friends and now rival. First half of the season, she was tossing her relationship with Lex in Clark's face like it was her best relationship she's ever had because she "loved" and "trusted" Lex as much as he did with her, trying to make Clark jealous and it did work until Lex told Clark about her "preganacy" after Clark learned about the proposal, so Clark realized that he should let her go (as much he didn't want to) cuz who can compete for someone love when the person has a marriage proposal and pregnancy with another person. Also in this scene, I like how Clark is not giving Lana those long feel-good, encouraging and coddling speeches/answers he did in the previous seasons, in this scene (IMO), he giving her brief nonchalant answers while she begs Clark to tell her his secret after a half of season of her throwing crap at him.
I agree with this because did she really expect him to just come out and tell her?!!! You are dating my former best friend, you are engaged to be married to him, now you are PREGNANT with his child. You lost your mind, and this shows how wrong Lex and Lana were. Lex is a bitch! Clark is FAR from perfect, but he didn’t deserve that. Clark never got with Lana’s friends to spite her, or to get back at her. And when Lex did what he did, he just really showed his true colors. To take your best friends woman from him, and than treat him like a second-class citizen is just despiscable. And Lana was doing it too. That’s why I loved it when he crashed their engagement party, and told off both of them. They were setting themselves up, and they had no idea.
@@derekmathews1818 Wait she got pregnant? Aww man I don't remember that. Yeah that will definitley make you look at a woman differently,if fucking your former best friend wasn't enough. Clark really turned to a monster on these ho's as seasons progressed. Without knowing about the pregnancy I think writers jumped the shark hooking her up with Lex,alot of people turned on her and didn't look at her the same after that. She was tainted goods,now I'm finding out her womb was tainted by Lex smh.
@@carbon.the.christ5626, Yes Lex was injecting pheromones into her stomach to make her pregnant and to keep her from ever leaving him. When he told her off at the engagement party, she had to know it was coming. Lex too. They both threw their relationship in his face constantly.
@@derekmathews1818 But she wasn't really pregnant. Lex and her personal doctor executed a plan, unbeknownst to her, of him giving her hormones to make her feel all the effects of being pregnant. She didn't find this out until after they were married.
There maybe some truth in that. But circumstances weren't the same at all... Lana has been surrounded with psychopaths and predators since she's 15 and Clark had to save her from almost all of them. I not sure how much Clark didn't trust Lana, or he didn't trust the world around her... and in this scene, the girl in Clark's eyes is a full on Luthor : fiancée to Lex Luthor and carrying a baby Luthor, bro has some very good reason to hesitate...
@TheNyxmaster I don't agree with the Luthor thing, the baby definitely had an impact, but I disagree with how much of an impact the Lex thing had. I dint think that really played a part of his thinking, it's like he told Chloe in the episode where Lana was watching them interact, he lied to protect her, not because of trust. He ended up being right though, her knowing instantly put her in Lionel Luthor's cross hairs and she got forced to help. Clark had good reason to doubt Lois, but he didn't listen to his gut with Lana and even told Lois he wasn't going to make that mistake again.
@@ryanabate1981 Remember that scene comes after Clark already told Lana his secret and she got immediately killed by LL... by accident, but still, bro had to reverse time to save her. So the Luthor part not being a big factor in Clark's decision not to tell her the truth it's clearly denying the obvious.
@@anthonyanguiano5348 Lana Lang knew Clark Kent is Superman in most incarnations(Superman TAS, most comics, Lois & Clark, and Man of Steel, and the new show Superman & Lois)
There’s a reason why Clark never trusted her and with good reason. He trusted Lois and Chloe more and more. The more he trusted them, the more he could depend on them. When he becomes Superman Lana is non-existent and even when he was with Lois for good. Lana was temporary, Lois and Chloe was forever
@@amosgwatida3678 Although I mostly agree with you, push Lana to Lex was not protective at all. He should try being honest with her. He would realize life would be so more easy and happy for both of them!
People seem to forget that previous season he told her everything and it lead to Lana dying in his arms, and then he got his father dying in his arms because he changed that fate. Why da f*ck would he tell her the truth about him one more time ? To risk his mom's life this time ?
It’s not like she’s going to die every time he tells her. That’s stupid logic. Chloe and Oliver knew by then and they’re still alive. So why wasn’t Clark worried about them? What it comes down to is that he never trusted her in the first place because his dad inflicted fear into his brain to never trust anyone ever.
And let’s not forget that Pete chose to leave town because he couldn’t cope with the pressure of knowing Clark’s secret. He’s been burned more than once when he’s told people the truth.
Because ,despite the fact he will be superman,he in fact is selfish and a coward. He was afraid lana wouldnt accept him,so to dont hurt ,he makes lana hurt.
Vins, this is a lie! The fact is Clark told her in Reckoning, but guess what happened then? She died in that car crash, and everything. He goes back in time, and then what happens, his father ends up dying. But I blame that accident more on Lex than Lana. He should have never made a pass at her; he should have let her go, but once again, he was obessed with Clark’s secret, and he pressured her into telling him. So maybe that’s one reason he was always so apprehensive with Lana. He kept thinking; my father died because I told Lana my secret. When he lost his father, Clark really was lost for a long time. And that’s normal because Clark loved his father, and his father loved him. Jonathan Kent was an amazing dad. So many words to describe Jonathan Kent. That’s why he got the big funeral. Now Lionel Luthor didn’t get the big funeral because people hated him. And outside of his mom, Chloe, Jimmy, even Lois, his biggest weakness was Lana.
@@derekmathews1818 Yeah Lex was mostly the reason for the crash that killed her in the 1st half of that episode but I still put a decent amount of blame on Lana because she knew how badly Lex wanted to know about Clark and she put herself in Lex's orbit. Even though he was her friend, she should've waited until she had a chance to speak to Clark about how to handle Lex in the future before she went to see him at one of the worst moments (just as Lex lost the election & was drunk and unstable). And it didn't even end there. Even after Clark finally told her his secret, she still stayed in Lex's orbit in season 7 by bugging his mansion, spying on him, and doing all those schemes to get revenge. She was "poking the bear" and "rattling the cages". Lex could've easily taken out his wrath on her & Clark and put them under a microscope & made their lives miserable for her illegal activities in season 7. Sure Lex was no saint, but 2 wrongs don't make a right and he would have the law on his side. Lana just kept proving even after she was told the secret that she wasn't trustworthy. And that's not even accounting for sleeping with Bizarro after she knew Clark's secret and I'm sure she knew about Bizarro as well. There's no way the subject of the end result of Lex's activities at Reeves Dam was not brought up offscreen, especially after all the fuss Lionel made over it in season 6 and how he forced Lana to marry Lex for that reason.
Lana wanted for Clark to trust her because she wanted to be special. Lois wanted the same but she accepted Clark need time.This is the great difference between them.
Clark, you look at that photograph where you and Lana were happy together..and then you look at the newspaper, which talks about the if to find a clue that it's not the same girl..
We knew Clark's secret. Clark obviously knew his secret...BUT LANA DID NOT!!!. All she knew was that he had a secret that he was not willing to trust HER with, even though Chloe knew. That has to sting.Honestly, would you feel 100 percent comfortable with your partner and yourself in a relationship with this hanging in the air? And I don't care how much Clark harps to the rooftop that it is about her safety or not wanting her to hate him, Lana is not aware of all that. She's going strictly by what she's getting from him. Including by the way at one point in one of their on again flashpoints where she thought things were going just fine, Clark telling her to her face that he did not love her. So instead of anyone hating on Lana, she's really the one that should be sympathized. Clark is the one that should be looked at sideways. Even Lex, in the episode Promise, told Clark he wanted him at Lex and Lana's wedding so he could see what he LOST. And I'm a CLANA fan.
Lana gets a lot of flak, but Clark wasn't exactly perfect in this whole relationship either. He made a lot of mistakes which is not too uncommon when you're young and trying to know how to navigate feelings. How bad and toxic things were with Lana really helped prepare him of what not to do when he started having feelings for Lois in the Metropolis seasons 8-10. There was a few moments with seasons 8-10 when he looked like he was going to make the same mistakes with Lois that he did with Lana, but fortunately for him he avoided them and made the right choices with Lois which cemented their relationship for life.
That's a Lana problem, not anyone else's. If she had to know the secret then she should have cut it off and moved on. Nobody put a gun to her head to stay close to or be with Clark. Like I said, she was like the female Lex. Both were dying to know his secret and could not be trusted as reliable & moral people. Unlike Lana, Lois never pressured him and things worked much better with her.
I don't normally feel bad for Lana. I usually feel she was too pushy and thought she was entitled. This time however is different. This time it was Lana who was wronged by Clark (and Lex as well, but that's a given). Clark messed up here, he allowed Lex to manipulate him. Clark keeps thinking he missed his chance now that Lana is pregnant and Lex proposed. But he screwed up and did Lana dirty. She was standing right in front of him, if she was serious about Lex, she wouldn't be there begging Clark to let her in. She did everything but spell it out. All she wanted was to know why he kept pushing her away, she was literally telling him without saying it, give me a reason to stay and i will. In Clark's defense he learned this lesson (granted to late to save the relationship with Lana, that was doomed the moment she said I do, even if it does take another 1.5 seasons to really end) he doesn't make this same mistake with Lois when she does something similar. She basically spells it out, says she feels as connected to the Blur as she does Clark and just wants the truth. Clark doesn't back off that time and the rest is history
Jesus is God & He loves you Jesus will soon be seen by all men, women, and children in the clouds. Jesus is returning now! Believe and be saved. Exodus 3:14 (God speaking) And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. John 8:58 (Jesus speaking) Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. John 10:30 (Jesus speaking) I and my Father are one. Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, *The everlasting Father,* The Prince of Peace. Matthew 1:23- Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, *God with us.* John 1:1 & 14 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14 And the Word was made flesh (Lord Jesus), and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.- John 8:24 (Jesus speaking) I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. John 14:9 (Jesus speaking) Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father? Hebrews 1:1-3, & 8 (God calls His Son "O God" because Jesus IS God in the flesh) 1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; 8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; *and every eye shall see him,* and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. Isaiah 44:6 (God speaking) Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. Revelation 1:8 (Jesus speaking) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, *the Almighty.* Revelation 22:13 (Jesus speaking) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. --- There Are None Righteous / How To Be Saved Romans 3:10 & 23 10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Luke 5:31-32 (Jesus speaking) 31 And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. 32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. 1 Peter 3:18 (The word “quicken” means “to make alive”) For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Repent of your sins or suffer the consequences. Lord Jesus died in our places personally to take the death punishment that sin deserves and then resurrected by the power of God. Believe this and sincerely repent of your sins each time you sin and you will have eternal life and nothing to fear. Fail to repent and you will end up in the Lake of Fire.
Honestly, everything that happened between Clark and Lana is his fault. If he really loved her, he would have trusted her and let her in. Keeping secrets from her to keep her safe is the dumbest excuse. He should have let her go a long time ago, instead of pushing and pulling her like he did. He's a douche. This show destroyed a great relationship from the comics.
Tom Welling directed this episode. And it was his first kiss with Erica although he was disguised as Green Arrow. It was just ironic that as a director he didn't prolong his scene with Lana or thought of a kiss somewhere, even though the scene was supposed to be romantic and tragic. Only Lana seemed to be "in" the mood.
This scene wasn't supposed to have a kiss. It's a scene in wich Clark was already known of Lana's "pregnancy" and because of that he gave up to tell her his love for her didn't change.
This is the difference between Lois and Lana. Lois knew to give Clark time to tell her his secret, even when she'd figured it out herself. Lana ORCHESTRATED a situation to first hand see what Clark was capable of, that too on her wedding day. Lana was never Clark's THE ONE. It was Lois all along. Getting into a relationship with Lex after knowing some of his shady stuff and that too with Clark's rival?! Yeah she's never recovering from that however brief that might be.
Uhhhh Lois spent episodes trying to learn Clark’s secrets. Difference here Lana knows the secret is the only thing keeping them apart and wants to learn it to they can be together
No one hurt Lana more than Clark, she didn't deserve it. You have to understand a woman to understand Lana she wasn't necessarily just shoving Lex in Clark's face she wanted to hurt Clark as if to make him jealous and that's not because she hated Clark but only has Clark in her heart but he is like a brick wall to her. No relationship would ever last with secrets period.
Look at what happened when Clark told Lana his secret. First Lana got killed because of Lex's obsession, and then Jonathan died protecting Clark's secret from Lionel once Clark had begged Jor-El to undo Lana's death. From Clark's perspective, he had to hurt Lana to ensure she would be safe. It's really messed up, but she was never meant to be his partner to the end, as she could never handle it.
Nobody hurt Lana more than Lana herself. She's not a damn victim and is accountable for her own status. She got involved with Lex to the insane degree she did after KNOWING what he was involved with (alien ship in season 5, all the dangerous things and psychosis he experienced in season 3 with his father & Morgan Edge, all the crap he pulled off with his desire for the stones in season 4, etc) and then she chose to sleep with him after she knew he was Clark's former friend and current enemy. What the hell kind of woman jumps to a guy's former friend? I would say, but YT would delete my comment. Everything Lana did to screw up her own life is on her hands & I don't blame Clark a damn second for not trusting her. In fact he did trust her once (Reckoning) and we saw how that cost the Kent family ultimately. Lana was the female version of Lex. Look what she did after she found out his secret. She faked her own death, got Lex arrested for something he never did and then did all kinds of evil spying acts and had Lionel kidnapped, not to mention abuse Clark's powers when she had a portion of them in Wrath, which showed how untrustworthy and power hungry she was. She was incapable of being in a relationship as she proved over & over again with Whitney, Clark (multiple times), Lex, Jason, and any other man she was with as we saw with her "Dear John" videos & letters. I still remember in Crush when Clark is with Chloe in the Talon getting close and affectionate with her after rescuing her from Justin Gaines and Lana sees them together and then suddenly goes to Whitney how they have to talk where it's 100% obvious she's about to break up with him until he tells her that his father died. She has no heart and is never satisfied with anything. She gave into her hypergamy for the mystery around Clark rather than being happy with having Whitney as her boyfriend. Zero loyalty. Like with any other damaged woman she loved the rollercoaster of drama that was associated with being with/around certain men (in her case Clark). And Clark was dumb enough to keep protecting her which only enabled more bad behavior & decisions on her part like getting involved with Jason and then running back to Clark when his evil & psycho mother Genevieve started putting her life in jeopardy. She repeatedly put herself in Lex's orbit and knew how Clark couldn't trust Lex despite being his friend. You could clearly see how she suffered from not having parents like the Kents raise her, who would never have allowed her to be groomed by Lex the way she was. We could see even in season 1 some ill effects he had on her with the way she "went to the mattresses" when she was competing with the Beanery when the Talon wasn't doing well.
This was one of those heartbreaking moments with Clana. But why would the writers put Lex and Lana together in the first place. Lana kept shoving it in his face.
I dont know why,but they ruined lana. Seeing her with that ass face of lex is beyond disgusting,its disturbing. Lexana is mental abuse for us viewers just as it is for lana.
This is gonna be a long comment,but its just to give u a different persespective The point is that from her POV clark is the bastard liar,while lex is the good honest man. Lex has always been a manipulative person,even with clark,buys people with gesture,gift ecc. He has always did that with lana too,and besides the fact that is very creepy cause he is like 30,he has prooved to be reliable during the years,even if he doesnt do that out of love for lana,but to get lana's trust and basically so she owe to him. Lana was being manipulated by lex. Its called brainwashing,and its not scifi,its not CIA thing,its a everyday thing,abusive relationships are real. It doesnt happen in a day,it takes time. Lex from season 5 starts to manipulate lana after she cut him off her life. Lex uses scheme to manipulate lana,if u watch carefully and u have a basic knowledge u will notice it. 1.Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs. or, 2.The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation. Thats what lex does with lana, all the time he is like im the good guy,or u cant trust clark,he doesnt trust u,he is a liar,i wouldnt lie,i trust u. This is suggestion,manipulation a fucking crime,mental abuse. In Italy its called plagio, a crime consisting in an absolute psychological-and eventually physical-domination of a person. The effect of such domination is the annihilation of the subject's freedom and self-determination and the consequent negation of his or her personality. This is what lex does with lana,since the beginning of season 5 he starts to manipulate her. He manipulate both clark and lana in the second half of season 5,he hire a hypnotist and once splitted clark and lana up he starts to seriously work on lana. In a very vulnerable moment he gets advantage of her,and he basically put on this mask of the perfect man honest that trust her,cause he already knew what lana looked for in a relationship since he was her confidant. He gives her fake honesty and half truth,and shared just what somehow benefits him. Like when he told her about the powers he doesnt do that out of trust,he already had some sort of healing power right after brainiac use the vaccin on him and still he didnt told her,cause wasnt a big deal,but when he get full kryptonian powers he show her right away and says how could i keep this from u,but the truth is that he did kept from her,he tell her now just because those are serious powers and basically to strut. He offers her to stay at the mansion for as much as she needs,and as a guest.Then he change cards on the table and starts pressing lana into having a sexual relationship,she didnt want to,she was full of doubt and didnt feel like to do it. He manipulate her to have sex,wich is extremely lol and pathethic,using clark as an emotive weapon to make lana feel stupid,,to hurt and mortify her. He literally trap her in the mansion,he starts to really annihilate lana as a person. Starting with the script helped by lionel, to test her loyalty and instill the sense of protection and devotion to lex,then the control over her life negating her to do what she wants to do,controlling who she sees,where she goes,isolating her from anyone else. The continuos speech about loyalty and trust,always throwing clark in the discussion here and there to manipulate lana emotionally. Lex made himself the most important person in lana's life,he made her dependent from him. In "Static" we can see from lana reaction that she doesnt cry for love,she cries cause she doesnt know what to do without him. Thats dependence. This is what lex did to lana,and i dont blame lana for being with lex,she didnt have a choice. Thats the power of manipulation,its subtle,its unethical and u may think ur doing what u want,that u have fee will,but indeeed u dont. Lana thought she was making her decision,but indeed was lex pulling the strings from behind. Clark on the other side is such a jerk,how can someone be so stupid. I mean,he cant be honest ok,but at least he could try to make the relationship work in other ways,he could put much effort. The only reason lana was hurting is because she was not sure clark loved her anymore since he kept lying and not trust her,but especially because they are not making love . I understand clark doesnt want to have sex,but there are other ways to demonstrate love to ur partner. There is no need to treat that poor girl like shit. I hate to admit it,but sometimes i think clark doesnt deserve lana. He just doesnt fight enough for her. He is proven to be even a selifish coward,he rather hurt lana with this behaviour than risk getting hurt and being rejected. Because of clark being an animal with her,she end up in an abusive relationship with lex,she will get corrupted. But it was clark that pushed her right into lex's arms. He made that possible. All because clark was afraid to be rejected...He should be super smart,yet is not able to even tell a lie,is not able to support the relationship in other ways to compensate for the lack of sex. He doesnt even try to make it work,at the first problem he back off or he break up. How can he always choose the easy way to deal with lana,even if that means to deeply hurt her? He wasnt protecting lana,he was protecting himself,and lana had to pay the consequence of clark childish and selfish behaviours. Everything bad happened to lana after season 5 is clarks fault. When in "Hidden" he decide to not tell her the truth,and to stay in the relationship,he was being selfish and he lead to what happens to lana in season 6 and 7. Clark was a monster with lana,a really horrible person. Its like lana said in season 3,if he didnt want to be honest right away,if he has to be a jerk and give up at the first problems,he really shouldnt even START a relationship,it is cruel. And more cruel is how he treat lana in second half of season 5,he basically didnt know how to deal with her anymore,like maybe putting more effort in the relationship,pay her more attention,giving her more love. NO,he rather break up with lana and abandon her,and no matter how hard it was for clark TO DO that,it was doing it that was hard,because matter of fact that was the easiest way to deal with lana. He choose the easy way,like a real animal,without thinking of the consequences. This is wrong,he cant just play with people emotion like this,its sadic. And masochist,since then he stays sadly alone in his loft watching her pic,and that makes me angry because he is not being a hero,he is not protecting lana,he is hiding. He is being A COWARD DUMBASS ALIEN and in doing that,he ruined lana too. And there is a moral in clark behaviour. It perfectly match a fable of Aesop "the boy who cried the wolf."Clark in the past has always used the protection thing as an excuse cause he was afraid to be rejected while he kept lying and tretaing lana in the worst possible ways,and in "Reckoning" the one time that he really is protecting her,lana simply doesnt believe him anymore. The moral is that "This shows how liars are rewarded: even if they tell the truth, no one believes them". Clark choose to be a liar,he choose to dont be honest . If he HAD THE GUTS to be honest from the beginning,none of this would have happened. Seriously clark can be such a horrible person,no matter what the reasons are,to lana he was just animalistic. The break up in season 5 was brutal. And if lana would have been with everyone else BUT lex,i would have actually enjoyed to see her shitting on clark.
Clark made all the mistakes,lana get all the bad consequences. And even in season 7 clark keep being an insensitive animal with lana. The he turns to lois and he is the perfect boyfriend. Weekend at bed and breakfast,dinners,movie night,sex,"romanticims,affection,honesty"(wich is more like good and believeable lies). Clark gave lois everything,and he gave lana nothing. Yet in season 9 we have the same situation of season 5. Clark has a girlfriend but she doesnt know his secret. Difference is that clark gave to lana nothing but lies and pain,still she was devoted and trusted him till the end. Lois instead gets everything from clark,but the first time she feels he is not honest with her,she stabs him in the back and betrays him for the blur.
I'm sorry, but Lana kinda lost the second she pulled that crap. Every single time they have a moment together, she deliberately risks fucking it up because of her need to know Clark's Secret.
Lana never lost her love for Clark. She was just very hurt. I don’t love you stings worse than a hornet to the heart. She was never in love with Lex. She had feelings for him but not the love she had for Clark. Again, if Lana just took a step back, she would have seen more clearly. Just like on original Roswell, Max told Liz he had to take a step back to see things. Liz took it as a complete rejection. If Liz would have just taken Max statement the way he explained and not taken it emotionally, that issue would hav solved itself. Then again, writers on both shows were aholes.
Well, imagine him telling his secret: that his arrival to Smallville was directly related to the brutal death of her parents even it was an accident, thus infering that he is an alien, not just a meteor freak... So how she would react to that ? Add it up with the dangerous proximity to Lex, so everything and everyone Clark cares and loves were in jeopardy that very moment. He knew she was not ready for such a bomb. He was in check. She, desperate. Still easily makes one of the many best moments of the show. The pain on her voice. The way he was forced to keep her out. It's full Clana drama.
Timing of knowing the secret that Clark had is everything. Even for Lex, the best time for Lex to have known Clark's secret was season 1. It was the season when he was trying to be a good person, and I believe that if he would have known Clark's secret it could have saved him. It would have enhanced their friendship to another level and I believe he would have kept it secret. Not 100% guaranteed on that but it could have. For Lana the time to know would have been season 3. She learned about his secret a little too late. By the time she learned about Clark's secret she was already going down a dark path because of her eventual hatred towards Lex that was very evident in season 7. If Lana would have known in season 3, there's a chance that they would probably been together for the remainder of her life, but it was not meant to be. I thought Chloe's and even Lois's timing of learning Clark's secret was good.
Super powers are not to change people's minds. He used them to help people not to spy and change people's minds. There were not an advantage but a gift to be used well
Talk about invading privacy. Super hearing at the most, but he really wasn't of an age he would think about something like that. There was no reason to think Lex was lying since he was throwing the fact in Clark's face.
I thought it too at the time. Clark could easily discover the Lex's farse. If he did so, he would really helped Lana by making her not entering in an abusive and false relationship.
Clark is such a simp this season. I don't know why the writers had to continue having him pine over Lana while she was with Lex. Have him move on a pursue other relationships that don't work out then reunite them in season 7. But the way they went about this makes Clark look so pathetic.
I’m so glad that he didn’t work with Clark and Lana, she wants to know his secret but was throwin her relationship with Lex in his face between season 5 and season 6. Lana is annoying and untrustworthy. Lois is everything that Lana isn’t. Lois is much better for him.
I think they should have kept Alicia for a while longer. Would have mixed things up nicely. I liked Lana to an extent and she did the show some good. But less screen time of her would have done some good.
I agree. Even Tom Welling didn't like seasons 5 & 6 because the storyline just went everywhere. He wanted more development with Lois's character but Warner had restrictions then too. In fact, he wasn't allowed to kiss Lois in Smallville until 2006 because it might preempt what they were planning for another Superman production (i.e. Superman Returns). Lana was paperweight that kept Clark "stuck' in a hopeless relationship that everyone knew was going to end anyway because the canon is Clark x Lois in the comic and the movies, not Clark x Lana.
Its not true the ratings dropped after Lana and Lex left The four of them Clark Lana Chloe and Lex are the original main charakters who made the show great
all Lana demanded of Clark was that the same be true of her. Evidently, fear was rejected and lack of self-confidence, associated with not looking for it in danger in a context of pretext, but in this context, I was right. She loved him unconditionally and too much with her childish and immature attitudes.
After how much she's treated him like shit for a while now and how she cowardly kept quiet about the pregnancy, she expected him to just tell her? Especially as she's proven that she can't handle his secret and was a huge factor in Clark's father's death because of it? Lana is depraved.
Is lex that manipulate lana gainst clark,u might want to rewatch the show.She starts to treat him bad just after she starts seeing lex,not right after clark totally crushed her. Plus lana can handle clark secret,is lex that killed her. Lana doesnt go there cause she selfishly wanted to know clark secret now that she know he has one.She goes there cause chloe told her that clark wanted to talk,thats it.She ask what he wanted to talk about,since HE WENT to the mansion first.She guesses clark wanted to tell her this damn secret. Lana is not depraved,she was the sweetest character and probably my favourite till lex corrupted her,and she still is cause not even looking it from a different pov,but from the one they show us,LANA IS THE VICTIM.Thats it,is lex fault,LEX BRAINWASHED lana,she is the victim of the story.And part of this is clarks fault too,a big part. About the pregnancy...What should she have done,starts the conversation with "im pregnant"? She wanted clark to be honest about his feelings,and she knew that if she told him already about the pregnancy he would ,as he actually did,just keep it on inside and let her go cause its the right thing to do for the baby.
After clark has broken her heart more times than they have fingers and a pregnancy isnt definite. Tbh most couples talk about it a few months after because they might miscarriage and hiding this secret and lying to her face for years. While lana does lie, she wasnt lying to him from the get go.
Vins, that whole storyline of Lana and Lex was really messed up! The fact is Lana and Clark play a big part of how their relationship turned out. The fact is Lanas interrogation skills with Clark was all wrong! She didn't let that man come to her in her own time. She constantly had to pressure him, and interrogate him about his secret. That's why Clark always clammed up or gave her the run around. But her dating Lex Luther and eventually getting engaged to him was more of a betrayal than ANYTHING Clark said or did to her. Then she got pregnant. Lex injected pregnancy parahomes to make sure she couldn't leave him; their relationship was not about love. It was about power and control. Lex was incapable of loving ANYBODY. He's the one who broke up Clark and Lanas relationship. And the relationship between Clark, Lana, and Lex changed too. They started to act like they didn't even know him. Lana went down a really dark path too.
God I hated the messed up soap opera drama between these two after high school just became so furious to watch. Clana train went on so fucking much. I especially hated how Clark never dared to tell Lana the truth about him.and all the times he came close to but chickened out. It was annoying.
I find it wild she pulled up with another man's baby inside her and then still asked Clark to bare his soul to her. Lana really belonged to the streets 💀
You really have to hate writers who will just never allow certain characters in shows to ever find real or lasting happiness. Lana is one of the few female characters I've ever seen fall into this category...though I guess Tess is too, now that I think of it. But it's not just Miles Millar and Alfred Gough...It's Joel Surnow shows too even...I think it spreads across all networks and genres. 24 - Jack Bauer...every woman he ever loved or had a thing for killed or otherwise written off the show...mostly killed's proverbially like Charlie Brown and the damn football...just once you think that...THIS TIME that blasted Lucy will actually let him kick the football. Nope. And it's the same with these writers! Let one of these characters meet someone they live actually love and be able to be with for real this time? Nope! Let's have her marry his mortal enemy (lex luthor)...or let's have Renee Walker take a sniper round to the chest and die at the hospital...after her and Jack finally get's seriously enough to make ya wanna strangle that producer or writer that thought this crap up! Tess Mercer...poor little girl has been used, abused or neglected by men her whole life! Lionel the absent father...Oliver...Zod...even Clark tho that wasn't exactly his fault send some of this she more than asked for (especially with Clark)....anyway, to me it's just like could you give it a rest? Heroes/Anti Heroes who are star crossed lovers with whomever they choose to's like...really played out! Try letting them actually be happy for can manufacture your drama somewhere else, I'm sure of it!
The fact that she is engaged and pregnant with her fiance's child, and still demanding that her ex-boyfriend reveals his secrets to her. That is the initial glimpse into the shameless woman Lana became throughout the series. Well, in addition to having sex with a teacher at her school when she was with Jason, and never telling any of her friends anything until they found out and confronted her about it. Lana was a sweet, likable character at the beginning of the show. But halfway through the show, she's the woman who goes to the local coffee shop, and is within 10 feet of every man she's had inside her. I believe Bizarro hasn't had his turn yet, so The Talon, being her coffee shop, is a tribute to Lana. Honestly, I wish Clark would've been in a relationship with Chloe for some time during one or two of the three hundred times he gets with Lana.
Screw lana and lex... clarks keeping his secrete doesnt giev them any right to hate him its his damn secret.. and besides, hes protefcting them... bcus once you know thr secret... it takes over your life... look what happned to pete and jonathan and even chloe... it became her whole life. Let the man keep his secret in peace dont use it as justification to be bad guys and then blame your bad behaviour on him not trusting you.
When Lana said, "Please... just once... just trust me." I FELT HER PAIN!!!
"Lana... I hope Lex makes you very happy." The *pain* in his voice, the look in his eyes... damn.
She saw the pain in his eyes as well. Even if he didn't use the words, she saw he cared. That's why she was slowly regaining her love for him. She didn't know what yet, but I think she was starting to understand that he wasn't hiding things to hurt her
My god the way Lana begs Clark to just trust her is so heartbreaking. He wants to tell but he can't because of ep 100.
Not a lot of people understand that, that particular episode still sticks with him
Well said!
That logic never made sense with me. Clark reset time and the EXACT same thing still happened. The only thing that was different was Clark knew about it so he prevented the accident, so it turned out telling her DIDN’T cause her death.
this is why it's important to be honest with your feelings with the one you love from the start because holding it in for so long can lead to confusion and misunderstandings just like what is being shown between Clark and Lana.
I hate our society
I don't wait til I'm in love. Whenever I'm attracted to a woman, I tell her. I've never been too timid to take initiative. The possibility of failure is not something to fear, it is a challenge to accept. Anyone who has ever been involved in business with me knows that much about me, cause I'm usually the guy everyone calls crazy for suggesting outlandish sounding courses of action.
Your wrong it's not as simple as that Clark had to protect himself from everyone
@@-elvis-3592 Lex and lana proved they was capable of being trusted even when he was going a little insane from Morgan Edge screwing with his mind, when Clark was jumped by the two baddies he help capture he tried his best to defend him when he was hunted down by a fellow student Lana fought him and wasn't freaked out and afraid of him when she was under the impression that he was invincible and went so far as to tell him dozens of times that if he was different it wouldn't change how she felt about him so there was plenty of opportunities Clark could have gave them the benefit of the doubt and just told them the truth, he didn't do it out of fear and that fear is what led to the downfall of their friendship and as a cascading effect that friendship turned into a bitter rivalry that completely destroyed any chances of him and her ending up as soulmate pure and simple!
People forget that he told her and she died because Lex chased her obsessively, so he had to redo knowing he was losing her.
The acting here is phenomenal
This episode till the end of season 6 was a great run for Smallville. As slowly Lana transfers her affection from Lex to Clark.
i like season 6 as well though its hard but you are right. it was an epic season
People should stop to hate her. No matter what she has done et what he has done to her ( cheatting, lying ) it’s obvious that she still and will always love him
Tvd 8, do you really think that Clark cheated on Lana? Hell No! That lady Simone seduced him. That braclet she had onhypnotized HIM! Guess who sent her? Lex did. That shows what a monster Lex was that he was willing to do something like that. Clark will always love her though at the end of the day, and everything.
Tvd 8, and you think her moving on to date the one person he hated the most was going to help her! I’m sorry, but Lex is a snobby, and arrogrant SOB! He manipulated Simone to cause problems between Clark and Lana. And Lanas approach didn’t help.
I Loved them for so many years
My takeaway from this is Kristin is wearing gorgeous earrings
Clana is forever
No they weren’t. 😝😝😝
My heart just gets ripped out of my chest every single time. GAH!
This man is an alien in a town where meta humans get treated like lab rats, I’m surprised he ever told anybody outside of his parents to begin with. Humans level of cruelty knows no limits
He only ever told 2 people his secret.... Alicia and Lana.... and they both died... He was able to bring Lana back at the expense of his father of course but you can understand why he didn't tell anyone. everyone else only ever found out because they were shown like Chloe or they saw it themselves.
@@KWS365 He told Pete too because Pete was mad at him for what happened with the ship and Clark didn't want to lose his best friend and believed it was about time his best friend knew. Clark was definitely happier when Pete knew because he finally had someone outside his parents (a friend who went to school with him) who he could confide in with all the meteor freaks they also went to school with and with all the trouble they usually faced at Smallville High. Of course that changed when Pete left and Clark found out the burden it put on him when he was almost killed for defending his secret from Agent Loder.
Also, Alicia was another one who found out from seeing him use his powers in the Luthorcorp elevator when it was in free fall. Sure, he could've just told her he was a meteor freak but I think he wanted her to know the truth much like Pete but as a girlfriend instead of a friend. He came clean about him being an alien with Lois & Chloe too after they both saw him use his powers and knew he was superpowered but not that he was an alien. So he could've lied to them and said he was a meteor freak but didn't much like with Alicia. In Alicia's case, she didn't die because she knew Clark's secret but because she was deemed immoral by the other meteor freak (I think his name was Tim).
Clark's reason for not telling Lana besides what happened to her in Reckoning is that he just doesn't trust her. She changed and he admits it here and even acknowledges it by telling her that he hopes Lex will make her very happy. That last line from him is a precursor to what we later get in Crimson when he's on red-k and trashes her at the dinner when he crashes the party. It's a statement of his disgust regarding Lana getting together with Lex (his former friend) out of all people and there's no way he was going to trust her after that. Especially after she proved to him she was incapable of being trusted to stay away from Lex after telling her the secret and proposing to her in Reckoning (i.e. when she got everything she wanted from him yet still failed). In Reckoning it was a matter of Lana not being smart enough to handle his secret. After she got together with Lex, it was a matter of Lana not being trustworthy and being likely to spill the beans to Lex as well with her being his girlfriend/fiancee/wife.
I HATED that moment sooo much !! It hurts me even now !
As much as I like the Clana storyline, I like how he was giving her brief answers to her questions in this scene cuz after their supposed "final" break-up, she's dating one of his former best friends and now rival. First half of the season, she was tossing her relationship with Lex in Clark's face like it was her best relationship she's ever had because she "loved" and "trusted" Lex as much as he did with her, trying to make Clark jealous and it did work until Lex told Clark about her "preganacy" after Clark learned about the proposal, so Clark realized that he should let her go (as much he didn't want to) cuz who can compete for someone love when the person has a marriage proposal and pregnancy with another person. Also in this scene, I like how Clark is not giving Lana those long feel-good, encouraging and coddling speeches/answers he did in the previous seasons, in this scene (IMO), he giving her brief nonchalant answers while she begs Clark to tell her his secret after a half of season of her throwing crap at him.
A.S.B Entertainment this is all true
I agree with this because did she really expect him to just come out and tell her?!!! You are dating my former best friend, you are engaged to be married to him, now you are PREGNANT with his child. You lost your mind, and this shows how wrong Lex and Lana were. Lex is a bitch! Clark is FAR from perfect, but he didn’t deserve that. Clark never got with Lana’s friends to spite her, or to get back at her. And when Lex did what he did, he just really showed his true colors. To take your best friends woman from him, and than treat him like a second-class citizen is just despiscable. And Lana was doing it too. That’s why I loved it when he crashed their engagement party, and told off both of them. They were setting themselves up, and they had no idea.
@@derekmathews1818 Wait she got pregnant? Aww man I don't remember that. Yeah that will definitley make you look at a woman differently,if fucking your former best friend wasn't enough. Clark really turned to a monster on these ho's as seasons progressed. Without knowing about the pregnancy I think writers jumped the shark hooking her up with Lex,alot of people turned on her and didn't look at her the same after that. She was tainted goods,now I'm finding out her womb was tainted by Lex smh.
@@carbon.the.christ5626, Yes Lex was injecting pheromones into her stomach to make her pregnant and to keep her from ever leaving him. When he told her off at the engagement party, she had to know it was coming. Lex too. They both threw their relationship in his face constantly.
@@derekmathews1818 But she wasn't really pregnant. Lex and her personal doctor executed a plan, unbeknownst to her, of him giving her hormones to make her feel all the effects of being pregnant. She didn't find this out until after they were married.
This scene right here is why he didn't make the same mistake when Lois asked him to trust her. He knew he couldn't make that mistake again
There maybe some truth in that. But circumstances weren't the same at all... Lana has been surrounded with psychopaths and predators since she's 15 and Clark had to save her from almost all of them. I not sure how much Clark didn't trust Lana, or he didn't trust the world around her... and in this scene, the girl in Clark's eyes is a full on Luthor : fiancée to Lex Luthor and carrying a baby Luthor, bro has some very good reason to hesitate...
@TheNyxmaster I don't agree with the Luthor thing, the baby definitely had an impact, but I disagree with how much of an impact the Lex thing had. I dint think that really played a part of his thinking, it's like he told Chloe in the episode where Lana was watching them interact, he lied to protect her, not because of trust. He ended up being right though, her knowing instantly put her in Lionel Luthor's cross hairs and she got forced to help. Clark had good reason to doubt Lois, but he didn't listen to his gut with Lana and even told Lois he wasn't going to make that mistake again.
@@ryanabate1981 Remember that scene comes after Clark already told Lana his secret and she got immediately killed by LL... by accident, but still, bro had to reverse time to save her. So the Luthor part not being a big factor in Clark's decision not to tell her the truth it's clearly denying the obvious.
@@TheNyxmaster I don't think we are talking about the same scene.
@@ryanabate1981I mean Lois wasn’t dating lex luthor
The more Clark never tell her, the more she think he doesn't trust her. It's her destiny to know,
cyclopstb, it's hard to tell somebody you love the truth about you.
@@anthonyanguiano5348 Lana Lang knew Clark Kent is Superman in most incarnations(Superman TAS, most comics, Lois & Clark, and Man of Steel, and the new show Superman & Lois)
@@derekmathews1818 especially to tell them that they're the reason your parents are dead. How do you think that would go exactly?
There’s a reason why Clark never trusted her and with good reason. He trusted Lois and Chloe more and more. The more he trusted them, the more he could depend on them. When he becomes Superman Lana is non-existent and even when he was with Lois for good. Lana was temporary, Lois and Chloe was forever
Clark was SO stupid with Lana!!!!
I beg to differ. He was cautious. Its like parents they know more so they avoid sad endings. He loved her so much he could not be selfish with her.
True. But I remember Whitney told Clark to promise to take care of her, which he's failing.
@@amosgwatida3678 Although I mostly agree with you, push Lana to Lex was not protective at all. He should try being honest with her. He would realize life would be so more easy and happy for both of them!
Lana was no saint but yes! That is true.
@@cyclopstb Right!
People seem to forget that previous season he told her everything and it lead to Lana dying in his arms, and then he got his father dying in his arms because he changed that fate.
Why da f*ck would he tell her the truth about him one more time ? To risk his mom's life this time ?
fear of loss is a terrible way to live your life
Exactly the op is bang on point alot of people disregard that.
Yeah you are correct. And comments here blaming Clark for Lana's mistakes is so dumb.
It’s not like she’s going to die every time he tells her. That’s stupid logic. Chloe and Oliver knew by then and they’re still alive. So why wasn’t Clark worried about them? What it comes down to is that he never trusted her in the first place because his dad inflicted fear into his brain to never trust anyone ever.
And let’s not forget that Pete chose to leave town because he couldn’t cope with the pressure of knowing Clark’s secret. He’s been burned more than once when he’s told people the truth.
Lana: Clark please, just once, just TRUST ME.
All she ever wanted was for Clark to trust her, why did hedo it sooner like in season 3.
Because ,despite the fact he will be superman,he in fact is selfish and a coward. He was afraid lana wouldnt accept him,so to dont hurt ,he makes lana hurt.
Watch the episode RECKONING and you'll know why
Vins, this is a lie! The fact is Clark told her in Reckoning, but guess what happened then? She died in that car crash, and everything. He goes back in time, and then what happens, his father ends up dying. But I blame that accident more on Lex than Lana. He should have never made a pass at her; he should have let her go, but once again, he was obessed with Clark’s secret, and he pressured her into telling him. So maybe that’s one reason he was always so apprehensive with Lana. He kept thinking; my father died because I told Lana my secret. When he lost his father, Clark really was lost for a long time. And that’s normal because Clark loved his father, and his father loved him. Jonathan Kent was an amazing dad. So many words to describe Jonathan Kent. That’s why he got the big funeral. Now Lionel Luthor didn’t get the big funeral because people hated him. And outside of his mom, Chloe, Jimmy, even Lois, his biggest weakness was Lana.
@@derekmathews1818 Yeah Lex was mostly the reason for the crash that killed her in the 1st half of that episode but I still put a decent amount of blame on Lana because she knew how badly Lex wanted to know about Clark and she put herself in Lex's orbit. Even though he was her friend, she should've waited until she had a chance to speak to Clark about how to handle Lex in the future before she went to see him at one of the worst moments (just as Lex lost the election & was drunk and unstable). And it didn't even end there. Even after Clark finally told her his secret, she still stayed in Lex's orbit in season 7 by bugging his mansion, spying on him, and doing all those schemes to get revenge. She was "poking the bear" and "rattling the cages". Lex could've easily taken out his wrath on her & Clark and put them under a microscope & made their lives miserable for her illegal activities in season 7. Sure Lex was no saint, but 2 wrongs don't make a right and he would have the law on his side.
Lana just kept proving even after she was told the secret that she wasn't trustworthy. And that's not even accounting for sleeping with Bizarro after she knew Clark's secret and I'm sure she knew about Bizarro as well. There's no way the subject of the end result of Lex's activities at Reeves Dam was not brought up offscreen, especially after all the fuss Lionel made over it in season 6 and how he forced Lana to marry Lex for that reason.
Lana wanted for Clark to trust her because she wanted to be special. Lois wanted the same but she accepted Clark need time.This is the great difference between them.
Everyone fancies Kristen shes looking good even now bless her! Shes single
Clark, you look at that photograph where you and Lana were happy together..and then you look at the newspaper, which talks about the if to find a clue that it's not the same girl..
she came there hoping clark would tell her he loved her
Poor Lana Clark kept lying to her
She wasn't ready for his secret not say lying was the option, but this was a fact.
1:26 - i could listen to her voice all day
We knew Clark's secret. Clark obviously knew his secret...BUT LANA DID NOT!!!. All she knew was that he had a secret that he was not willing to trust HER with, even though Chloe knew. That has to sting.Honestly, would you feel 100 percent comfortable with your partner and yourself in a relationship with this hanging in the air? And I don't care how much Clark harps to the rooftop that it is about her safety or not wanting her to hate him, Lana is not aware of all that. She's going strictly by what she's getting from him. Including by the way at one point in one of their on again flashpoints where she thought things were going just fine, Clark telling her to her face that he did not love her. So instead of anyone hating on Lana, she's really the one that should be sympathized. Clark is the one that should be looked at sideways. Even Lex, in the episode Promise, told Clark he wanted him at Lex and Lana's wedding so he could see what he LOST. And I'm a CLANA fan.
In the end Clark moved on with Lois.
Lana gets a lot of flak, but Clark wasn't exactly perfect in this whole relationship either. He made a lot of mistakes which is not too uncommon when you're young and trying to know how to navigate feelings. How bad and toxic things were with Lana really helped prepare him of what not to do when he started having feelings for Lois in the Metropolis seasons 8-10. There was a few moments with seasons 8-10 when he looked like he was going to make the same mistakes with Lois that he did with Lana, but fortunately for him he avoided them and made the right choices with Lois which cemented their relationship for life.
@@chandanv8769 Yeah...because he physically could not be with Lana. But we all know that Lana will always be within him.
@@jr90450 Dude when will you stop 😂😂. Stop replying to my old comments. I know you are a big Lana simp you don't even like Clark.😂😂
That's a Lana problem, not anyone else's. If she had to know the secret then she should have cut it off and moved on. Nobody put a gun to her head to stay close to or be with Clark. Like I said, she was like the female Lex. Both were dying to know his secret and could not be trusted as reliable & moral people. Unlike Lana, Lois never pressured him and things worked much better with her.
Their love was so real but also cursed
Kristen looks great!
I don't normally feel bad for Lana. I usually feel she was too pushy and thought she was entitled. This time however is different. This time it was Lana who was wronged by Clark (and Lex as well, but that's a given). Clark messed up here, he allowed Lex to manipulate him. Clark keeps thinking he missed his chance now that Lana is pregnant and Lex proposed. But he screwed up and did Lana dirty. She was standing right in front of him, if she was serious about Lex, she wouldn't be there begging Clark to let her in. She did everything but spell it out. All she wanted was to know why he kept pushing her away, she was literally telling him without saying it, give me a reason to stay and i will. In Clark's defense he learned this lesson (granted to late to save the relationship with Lana, that was doomed the moment she said I do, even if it does take another 1.5 seasons to really end) he doesn't make this same mistake with Lois when she does something similar. She basically spells it out, says she feels as connected to the Blur as she does Clark and just wants the truth. Clark doesn't back off that time and the rest is history
Kristen and Tom look great!
Jesus is God & He loves you
Jesus will soon be seen by all men, women, and children in the clouds. Jesus is returning now! Believe and be saved.
Exodus 3:14 (God speaking)
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
John 8:58 (Jesus speaking)
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
John 10:30 (Jesus speaking)
I and my Father are one.
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, *The everlasting Father,* The Prince of Peace.
Matthew 1:23-
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, *God with us.*
John 1:1 & 14
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
14 And the Word was made flesh (Lord Jesus), and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.-
John 8:24 (Jesus speaking)
I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
John 14:9 (Jesus speaking)
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
Hebrews 1:1-3, & 8 (God calls His Son "O God" because Jesus IS God in the flesh)
1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
1 John 5:7
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
Titus 2:13
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Revelation 1:7
Behold, he cometh with clouds; *and every eye shall see him,* and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Isaiah 44:6 (God speaking)
Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.
Revelation 1:8 (Jesus speaking)
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, *the Almighty.*
Revelation 22:13 (Jesus speaking)
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
There Are None Righteous / How To Be Saved
Romans 3:10 & 23
10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Luke 5:31-32 (Jesus speaking)
31 And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.
32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
1 Peter 3:18 (The word “quicken” means “to make alive”)
For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Repent of your sins or suffer the consequences. Lord Jesus died in our places personally to take the death punishment that sin deserves and then resurrected by the power of God. Believe this and sincerely repent of your sins each time you sin and you will have eternal life and nothing to fear. Fail to repent and you will end up in the Lake of Fire.
Smh Heartbreaking Honestly
Honestly, everything that happened between Clark and Lana is his fault. If he really loved her, he would have trusted her and let her in. Keeping secrets from her to keep her safe is the dumbest excuse. He should have let her go a long time ago, instead of pushing and pulling her like he did. He's a douche. This show destroyed a great relationship from the comics.
Tom Welling directed this episode. And it was his first kiss with Erica although he was disguised as Green Arrow. It was just ironic that as a director he didn't prolong his scene with Lana or thought of a kiss somewhere, even though the scene was supposed to be romantic and tragic. Only Lana seemed to be "in" the mood.
Tom and Kristen are good friends and their chemistry is what sold the show you sound ridiculous.
This scene wasn't supposed to have a kiss. It's a scene in wich Clark was already known of Lana's "pregnancy" and because of that he gave up to tell her his love for her didn't change.
@@rafaelpaiva1999 Thanks for the clarification!
This is the difference between Lois and Lana. Lois knew to give Clark time to tell her his secret, even when she'd figured it out herself. Lana ORCHESTRATED a situation to first hand see what Clark was capable of, that too on her wedding day.
Lana was never Clark's THE ONE. It was Lois all along. Getting into a relationship with Lex after knowing some of his shady stuff and that too with Clark's rival?! Yeah she's never recovering from that however brief that might be.
Uhhhh Lois spent episodes trying to learn Clark’s secrets.
Difference here Lana knows the secret is the only thing keeping them apart and wants to learn it to they can be together
No one hurt Lana more than Clark, she didn't deserve it. You have to understand a woman to understand Lana she wasn't necessarily just shoving Lex in Clark's face she wanted to hurt Clark as if to make him jealous and that's not because she hated Clark but only has Clark in her heart but he is like a brick wall to her. No relationship would ever last with secrets period.
Clark keep his secret from her is so much worse then Lex injecting her with a fake pregnancy. Yup Clark was a way bigger monster.
@@justinsalinas3663 sarcasm?
Look at what happened when Clark told Lana his secret. First Lana got killed because of Lex's obsession, and then Jonathan died protecting Clark's secret from Lionel once Clark had begged Jor-El to undo Lana's death.
From Clark's perspective, he had to hurt Lana to ensure she would be safe. It's really messed up, but she was never meant to be his partner to the end, as she could never handle it.
@@markrobinson9394 unfortunately true
Nobody hurt Lana more than Lana herself. She's not a damn victim and is accountable for her own status. She got involved with Lex to the insane degree she did after KNOWING what he was involved with (alien ship in season 5, all the dangerous things and psychosis he experienced in season 3 with his father & Morgan Edge, all the crap he pulled off with his desire for the stones in season 4, etc) and then she chose to sleep with him after she knew he was Clark's former friend and current enemy. What the hell kind of woman jumps to a guy's former friend? I would say, but YT would delete my comment. Everything Lana did to screw up her own life is on her hands & I don't blame Clark a damn second for not trusting her. In fact he did trust her once (Reckoning) and we saw how that cost the Kent family ultimately.
Lana was the female version of Lex. Look what she did after she found out his secret. She faked her own death, got Lex arrested for something he never did and then did all kinds of evil spying acts and had Lionel kidnapped, not to mention abuse Clark's powers when she had a portion of them in Wrath, which showed how untrustworthy and power hungry she was. She was incapable of being in a relationship as she proved over & over again with Whitney, Clark (multiple times), Lex, Jason, and any other man she was with as we saw with her "Dear John" videos & letters. I still remember in Crush when Clark is with Chloe in the Talon getting close and affectionate with her after rescuing her from Justin Gaines and Lana sees them together and then suddenly goes to Whitney how they have to talk where it's 100% obvious she's about to break up with him until he tells her that his father died. She has no heart and is never satisfied with anything. She gave into her hypergamy for the mystery around Clark rather than being happy with having Whitney as her boyfriend. Zero loyalty. Like with any other damaged woman she loved the rollercoaster of drama that was associated with being with/around certain men (in her case Clark). And Clark was dumb enough to keep protecting her which only enabled more bad behavior & decisions on her part like getting involved with Jason and then running back to Clark when his evil & psycho mother Genevieve started putting her life in jeopardy.
She repeatedly put herself in Lex's orbit and knew how Clark couldn't trust Lex despite being his friend. You could clearly see how she suffered from not having parents like the Kents raise her, who would never have allowed her to be groomed by Lex the way she was. We could see even in season 1 some ill effects he had on her with the way she "went to the mattresses" when she was competing with the Beanery when the Talon wasn't doing well.
This was one of those heartbreaking moments with Clana. But why would the writers put Lex and Lana together in the first place. Lana kept shoving it in his face.
I dont know why,but they ruined lana. Seeing her with that ass face of lex is beyond disgusting,its disturbing. Lexana is mental abuse for us viewers just as it is for lana.
Vincenzo Elias Lex and Lana was the worst thing about Smallville. The fact Lana knew Clark hated Lex she would still be with him.
This is gonna be a long comment,but its just to give u a different persespective
The point is that from her POV clark is the bastard liar,while lex is the good honest man.
Lex has always been a manipulative person,even with clark,buys people with gesture,gift ecc. He has always did that with lana too,and besides the fact that is very creepy cause he is like 30,he has prooved to be reliable during the years,even if he doesnt do that out of love for lana,but to get lana's trust and basically so she owe to him.
Lana was being manipulated by lex. Its called brainwashing,and its not scifi,its not CIA thing,its a everyday thing,abusive relationships are real. It doesnt happen in a day,it takes time. Lex from season 5 starts to manipulate lana after she cut him off her life.
Lex uses scheme to manipulate lana,if u watch carefully and u have a basic knowledge u will notice it.
1.Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious,
aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and
replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs.
2.The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an
advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a
specific belief or motivation.
Thats what lex does with lana, all the time he is like im the good guy,or u cant trust clark,he doesnt trust u,he is a liar,i wouldnt lie,i trust u. This is suggestion,manipulation a fucking crime,mental abuse.
In Italy its called plagio, a crime consisting in an absolute psychological-and eventually physical-domination of a person. The effect of such domination is the annihilation of the subject's freedom and self-determination and the consequent negation of his or her personality. This is what lex does with lana,since the beginning of season 5 he starts to manipulate her. He manipulate both clark and lana in the second half of season 5,he hire a hypnotist and once splitted clark and lana up he starts to seriously work on lana. In a very vulnerable moment he gets advantage of her,and he basically put on this mask of the perfect man honest that trust her,cause he already knew what lana looked for in a relationship since he was her confidant. He gives her fake honesty and half truth,and shared just what somehow benefits him. Like when he told her about the powers he doesnt do that out of trust,he already had some sort of healing power right after brainiac use the vaccin on him and still he didnt told her,cause wasnt a big deal,but when he get full kryptonian powers he show her right away and says how could i keep this from u,but the truth is that he did kept from her,he tell her now just because those are serious powers and basically to strut.
He offers her to stay at the mansion for as much as she needs,and as a guest.Then he change cards on the table and starts pressing lana into having a sexual relationship,she didnt want to,she was full of doubt and didnt feel like to do it. He manipulate her to have sex,wich is extremely lol and pathethic,using clark as an emotive weapon to make lana feel stupid,,to hurt and mortify her. He literally trap her in the mansion,he starts to really annihilate lana as a person. Starting with the script helped by lionel, to test her loyalty and instill the sense of protection and devotion to lex,then the control over her life negating her to do what she wants to do,controlling who she sees,where she goes,isolating her from anyone else.
The continuos speech about loyalty and trust,always throwing clark in the discussion here and there to manipulate lana emotionally. Lex made himself the most important person in lana's life,he made her dependent from him. In "Static" we can see from lana reaction that she doesnt cry for love,she cries cause she doesnt know what to do without him. Thats dependence. This is what lex did to lana,and i dont blame lana for being with lex,she didnt have a choice. Thats the power of manipulation,its subtle,its unethical and u may think ur doing what u want,that u have fee will,but indeeed u dont. Lana thought she was making her decision,but indeed was lex pulling the strings from behind.
Clark on the other side is such a jerk,how can someone be so stupid. I mean,he cant be honest ok,but at least he could try to make the relationship work in other ways,he could put much effort.
The only reason lana was hurting is because she was not sure clark loved her anymore since he kept lying and not trust her,but especially because they are not making love . I understand clark doesnt want to have sex,but there are other ways to demonstrate love to ur partner. There is no need to treat that poor girl like shit. I hate to admit it,but sometimes i think clark doesnt deserve lana. He just doesnt fight enough for her.
He is proven to be even a selifish coward,he rather hurt lana with this behaviour than risk getting hurt and being rejected. Because of clark being an animal with her,she end up in an abusive relationship with lex,she will get corrupted. But it was clark that pushed her right into lex's arms. He made that possible.
All because clark was afraid to be rejected...He should be super smart,yet is not able to even tell a lie,is not able to support the relationship in other ways to compensate for the lack of sex. He doesnt even try to make it work,at the first problem he back off or he break up. How can he always choose the easy way to deal with lana,even if that means to deeply hurt her?
He wasnt protecting lana,he was protecting himself,and lana had to pay the consequence of clark childish and selfish behaviours. Everything bad happened to lana after season 5 is clarks fault. When in "Hidden" he decide to not tell her the truth,and to stay in the relationship,he was being selfish and he lead to what happens to lana in season 6 and 7. Clark was a monster with lana,a really horrible person.
Its like lana said in season 3,if he didnt want to be honest right away,if he has to be a jerk and give up at the first problems,he really shouldnt even START a relationship,it is cruel. And more cruel is how he treat lana in second half of season 5,he basically didnt know how to deal with her anymore,like maybe putting more effort in the relationship,pay her more attention,giving her more love. NO,he rather break up with lana and abandon her,and no matter how hard it was for clark TO DO that,it was doing it that was hard,because matter of fact that was the easiest way to deal with lana. He choose the easy way,like a real animal,without thinking of the consequences. This is wrong,he cant just play with people emotion like this,its sadic. And masochist,since then he stays sadly alone in his loft watching her pic,and that makes me angry because he is not being a hero,he is not protecting lana,he is hiding. He is being A COWARD DUMBASS ALIEN and in doing that,he ruined lana too.
And there is a moral in clark behaviour. It perfectly match a fable of Aesop "the boy who cried the wolf."Clark in the past has always used the protection thing as an excuse cause he was afraid to be rejected while he kept lying and tretaing lana in the worst possible ways,and in "Reckoning" the one time that he really is protecting her,lana simply doesnt believe him anymore.
The moral is that "This shows how liars are rewarded: even if they tell the truth, no one believes them".
Clark choose to be a liar,he choose to dont be honest . If he HAD THE GUTS to be honest from the beginning,none of this would have happened. Seriously clark can be such a horrible person,no matter what the reasons are,to lana he was just animalistic. The break up in season 5 was brutal. And if lana would have been with everyone else BUT lex,i would have actually enjoyed to see her shitting on clark.
Clark made all the mistakes,lana get all the bad consequences. And even in season 7 clark keep being an insensitive animal with lana.
The he turns to lois and he is the perfect boyfriend. Weekend at bed and breakfast,dinners,movie night,sex,"romanticims,affection,honesty"(wich is more like good and believeable lies). Clark gave lois everything,and he gave lana nothing. Yet in season 9 we have the same situation of season 5. Clark has a girlfriend but she doesnt know his secret. Difference is that clark gave to lana nothing but lies and pain,still she was devoted and trusted him till the end. Lois instead gets everything from clark,but the first time she feels he is not honest with her,she stabs him in the back and betrays him for the blur.
Vins no Lana made all the mistakes not Clark.
0:03 is there a full image?
I'm sorry, but Lana kinda lost the second she pulled that crap. Every single time they have a moment together, she deliberately risks fucking it up because of her need to know Clark's Secret.
It was hard to watch at times Lana loved Clark
What did she say @ 2:48? The sound has suddenly gone.. :(
Lana never lost her love for Clark. She was just very hurt. I don’t love you stings worse than a hornet to the heart.
She was never in love with Lex. She had feelings for him but not the love she had for Clark.
Again, if Lana just took a step back, she would have seen more clearly.
Just like on original Roswell, Max told Liz he had to take a step back to see things. Liz took it as a complete rejection. If Liz would have just taken Max statement the way he explained and not taken it emotionally, that issue would hav solved itself.
Then again, writers on both shows were aholes.
Well, imagine him telling his secret: that his arrival to Smallville was directly related to the brutal death of her parents even it was an accident, thus infering that he is an alien, not just a meteor freak... So how she would react to that ? Add it up with the dangerous proximity to Lex, so everything and everyone Clark cares and loves were in jeopardy that very moment. He knew she was not ready for such a bomb. He was in check. She, desperate. Still easily makes one of the many best moments of the show. The pain on her voice. The way he was forced to keep her out. It's full Clana drama.
That’s what I’m saying. A lot of people didn’t realize that.
Timing of knowing the secret that Clark had is everything. Even for Lex, the best time for Lex to have known Clark's secret was season 1. It was the season when he was trying to be a good person, and I believe that if he would have known Clark's secret it could have saved him. It would have enhanced their friendship to another level and I believe he would have kept it secret. Not 100% guaranteed on that but it could have. For Lana the time to know would have been season 3. She learned about his secret a little too late. By the time she learned about Clark's secret she was already going down a dark path because of her eventual hatred towards Lex that was very evident in season 7. If Lana would have known in season 3, there's a chance that they would probably been together for the remainder of her life, but it was not meant to be. I thought Chloe's and even Lois's timing of learning Clark's secret was good.
I looking at She another date ? And tom welling do ?
He could have just used his super vision and seen she wasn't pregnant. Duh!
Super powers are not to change people's minds. He used them to help people not to spy and change people's minds. There were not an advantage but a gift to be used well
Lex used his wealth to force a marriage Clark did not use his powers to get her. Power is given to those who are willing to kneel to pick it up.
Talk about invading privacy. Super hearing at the most, but he really wasn't of an age he would think about something like that. There was no reason to think Lex was lying since he was throwing the fact in Clark's face.
His powers were not used to violet privacies
I thought it too at the time. Clark could easily discover the Lex's farse. If he did so, he would really helped Lana by making her not entering in an abusive and false relationship.
Comment 100: If I were Clark, I would never want to talk to Lana again until I felt like talking to her.
Clark was always a second option for Lana she prioritized Whitney ahead of him being a perfect example of that Clark was sort of a last resort.
Is that suppose to make him feel better??
Why it's hard for Clark to tell his secret to lana.. if he really loves lana he will trust her no matter what..
maybe he realized its just a high school/college romance, nothing long lasting and worth jeopardizing his future for
Clark is such a simp this season. I don't know why the writers had to continue having him pine over Lana while she was with Lex. Have him move on a pursue other relationships that don't work out then reunite them in season 7. But the way they went about this makes Clark look so pathetic.
Lana and Clark ❤
Clark brought this on himself
Lana and broken Clark
I’m so glad that he didn’t work with Clark and Lana, she wants to know his secret but was throwin her relationship with Lex in his face between season 5 and season 6. Lana is annoying and untrustworthy. Lois is everything that Lana isn’t. Lois is much better for him.
Too much romance I fear.
I think they should have kept Alicia for a while longer. Would have mixed things up nicely. I liked Lana to an extent and she did the show some good. But less screen time of her would have done some good.
I agree. Even Tom Welling didn't like seasons 5 & 6 because the storyline just went everywhere. He wanted more development with Lois's character but Warner had restrictions then too. In fact, he wasn't allowed to kiss Lois in Smallville until 2006 because it might preempt what they were planning for another Superman production (i.e. Superman Returns). Lana was paperweight that kept Clark "stuck' in a hopeless relationship that everyone knew was going to end anyway because the canon is Clark x Lois in the comic and the movies, not Clark x Lana.
Shut The Fuck up
Its not true the ratings dropped after Lana and Lex left
The four of them Clark Lana Chloe and Lex are the original main charakters who made the show great
Ratings were going down anyway. They should have ended the show after 5 seasons.
all Lana demanded of Clark was that the same be true of her.
Evidently, fear was rejected and lack of self-confidence, associated with not looking for it in danger in a context of pretext, but in this context, I was right.
She loved him unconditionally and too much with her childish and immature attitudes.
After how much she's treated him like shit for a while now and how she cowardly kept quiet about the pregnancy, she expected him to just tell her? Especially as she's proven that she can't handle his secret and was a huge factor in Clark's father's death because of it? Lana is depraved.
Is lex that manipulate lana gainst clark,u might want to rewatch the show.She starts to treat him bad just after she starts seeing lex,not right after clark totally crushed her.
Plus lana can handle clark secret,is lex that killed her.
Lana doesnt go there cause she selfishly wanted to know clark secret now that she know he has one.She goes there cause chloe told her that clark wanted to talk,thats it.She ask what he wanted to talk about,since HE WENT to the mansion first.She guesses clark wanted to tell her this damn secret.
Lana is not depraved,she was the sweetest character and probably my favourite till lex corrupted her,and she still is cause not even looking it from a different pov,but from the one they show us,LANA IS THE VICTIM.Thats it,is lex fault,LEX BRAINWASHED lana,she is the victim of the story.And part of this is clarks fault too,a big part.
About the pregnancy...What should she have done,starts the conversation with "im pregnant"? She wanted clark to be honest about his feelings,and she knew that if she told him already about the pregnancy he would ,as he actually did,just keep it on inside and let her go cause its the right thing to do for the baby.
TheMegaUzumaki What's your problem man? I can say whatever I want to say. You are free to not read.
Why the person speaks the truth.
After clark has broken her heart more times than they have fingers and a pregnancy isnt definite. Tbh most couples talk about it a few months after because they might miscarriage and hiding this secret and lying to her face for years. While lana does lie, she wasnt lying to him from the get go.
Vins, that whole storyline of Lana and Lex was really messed up! The fact is Lana and Clark play a big part of how their relationship turned out. The fact is Lanas interrogation skills with Clark was all wrong! She didn't let that man come to her in her own time. She constantly had to pressure him, and interrogate him about his secret. That's why Clark always clammed up or gave her the run around. But her dating Lex Luther and eventually getting engaged to him was more of a betrayal than ANYTHING Clark said or did to her. Then she got pregnant. Lex injected pregnancy parahomes to make sure she couldn't leave him; their relationship was not about love. It was about power and control. Lex was incapable of loving ANYBODY. He's the one who broke up Clark and Lanas relationship. And the relationship between Clark, Lana, and Lex changed too. They started to act like they didn't even know him. Lana went down a really dark path too.
God I hated the messed up soap opera drama between these two after high school just became so furious to watch. Clana train went on so fucking much. I especially hated how Clark never dared to tell Lana the truth about him.and all the times he came close to but chickened out. It was annoying.
Lois was always better for him
I find it wild she pulled up with another man's baby inside her and then still asked Clark to bare his soul to her.
Lana really belonged to the streets 💀
Right? 😂
her favorite song was "Billie Jean"
I mean in the end he still spun the block on her even when he thought she was pregnant with ring in hand !
Clark made a mistake for saying that he doesn't love Lana anymore
Sono belli loro 2 vero?
You really have to hate writers who will just never allow certain characters in shows to ever find real or lasting happiness. Lana is one of the few female characters I've ever seen fall into this category...though I guess Tess is too, now that I think of it. But it's not just Miles Millar and Alfred Gough...It's Joel Surnow shows too even...I think it spreads across all networks and genres. 24 - Jack Bauer...every woman he ever loved or had a thing for killed or otherwise written off the show...mostly killed's proverbially like Charlie Brown and the damn football...just once you think that...THIS TIME that blasted Lucy will actually let him kick the football. Nope. And it's the same with these writers! Let one of these characters meet someone they live actually love and be able to be with for real this time? Nope! Let's have her marry his mortal enemy (lex luthor)...or let's have Renee Walker take a sniper round to the chest and die at the hospital...after her and Jack finally get's seriously enough to make ya wanna strangle that producer or writer that thought this crap up! Tess Mercer...poor little girl has been used, abused or neglected by men her whole life! Lionel the absent father...Oliver...Zod...even Clark tho that wasn't exactly his fault send some of this she more than asked for (especially with Clark)....anyway, to me it's just like could you give it a rest? Heroes/Anti Heroes who are star crossed lovers with whomever they choose to's like...really played out! Try letting them actually be happy for can manufacture your drama somewhere else, I'm sure of it!
The fact that she is engaged and pregnant with her fiance's child, and still demanding that her ex-boyfriend reveals his secrets to her. That is the initial glimpse into the shameless woman Lana became throughout the series. Well, in addition to having sex with a teacher at her school when she was with Jason, and never telling any of her friends anything until they found out and confronted her about it. Lana was a sweet, likable character at the beginning of the show. But halfway through the show, she's the woman who goes to the local coffee shop, and is within 10 feet of every man she's had inside her. I believe Bizarro hasn't had his turn yet, so The Talon, being her coffee shop, is a tribute to Lana. Honestly, I wish Clark would've been in a relationship with Chloe for some time during one or two of the three hundred times he gets with Lana.
Lana jus has a pretty face but no body whatsoever. I wouldn’t want that if I was Clark either.
Screw lana and lex... clarks keeping his secrete doesnt giev them any right to hate him its his damn secret.. and besides, hes protefcting them... bcus once you know thr secret... it takes over your life... look what happned to pete and jonathan and even chloe... it became her whole life. Let the man keep his secret in peace dont use it as justification to be bad guys and then blame your bad behaviour on him not trusting you.
You are pregnant with his enemy’s baby and you want him to open his heart to you and tell you his secret
Clark was so annoying lmao
You think he wants you after all those Luthor Creampies?????!
Lana does not have a sexy voice.