I managed to find it right here on the internet in an academic work entitled "UN CICLO MUSICAL PARA LA VIDA EN LA MISIÓN JESUÍTICA". But in this publication, this piece did not contain all the stanzas. I then had to add the missing part myself. If you wish, contact us through the attached e-mail and we will send you a copy. Thank you so much for visiting the channel and for your interest ! (musicamagnamusica@gmail.com)
Ci vorrebbe un link per scaricare lo sparito.
Musica sublime, beh ma Zipoli è tra grandi! E' Zipoli!
Where can one find a score ?
I managed to find it right here on the internet in an academic work entitled "UN CICLO MUSICAL PARA LA VIDA EN LA MISIÓN JESUÍTICA". But in this publication, this piece did not contain all the stanzas. I then had to add the missing part myself. If you wish, contact us through the attached e-mail and we will send you a copy. Thank you so much for visiting the channel and for your interest ! (musicamagnamusica@gmail.com)