Thanks for the wiggle job, that I heard one bike guy call it. the one piece crank is indeed a most sturdy device. The weight is no factor for me, because I ride so slowly anyway. Well done. Thanks for your channel. btw, I live in NC, and have recently returned to biking because of my 7 y/o grandson.
I am always thrilled to hear people getting out on the roads to ride. One of my riding buddies is well into his 70s, but rides daily. His favorite saying is, "Let's start of slow and taper off from there."
Thanks for the wiggle job, that I heard one bike guy call it. the one piece crank is indeed a most sturdy device. The weight is no factor for me, because I ride so slowly anyway. Well done. Thanks for your channel. btw, I live in NC, and have recently returned to biking because of my 7 y/o grandson.
I am always thrilled to hear people getting out on the roads to ride. One of my riding buddies is well into his 70s, but rides daily. His favorite saying is, "Let's start of slow and taper off from there."