Hi, and thanks! Here's a list of nutrient testing labs in British Columbia (and beyond): www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/agriculture-and-seafood/agricultural-land-and-environment/soil-nutrients/600-series/631500-8_nutrient_testing_labs_factsheetno1_may2015.pdf
Fava beans would die down in the winter in this climate and therefore wouldn't make it to being a cash crop. The nitrogen would also likely leach out over winter as the crop died down. In order to capture the N you'd likely need to plant it in the spring before the crop was planted (turning it in before seed heads form and planting a few weeks later), but there isn't really a window for that here.
Rule number one allows test your soil before planting
Who do you do your soil testing through?
Hi from Nanaimo. Fantastic talk. 😊 Could you share the lab you use for soil testing?
Hi, and thanks! Here's a list of nutrient testing labs in British Columbia (and beyond): www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/agriculture-and-seafood/agricultural-land-and-environment/soil-nutrients/600-series/631500-8_nutrient_testing_labs_factsheetno1_may2015.pdf
Could you use Fava beans for winter crop for nitrogen and an extra crop for money?
Fava beans would die down in the winter in this climate and therefore wouldn't make it to being a cash crop. The nitrogen would also likely leach out over winter as the crop died down. In order to capture the N you'd likely need to plant it in the spring before the crop was planted (turning it in before seed heads form and planting a few weeks later), but there isn't really a window for that here.