記録映画:Documentary Movie: DA NHIM ―ダニムプロジェクト建設の記録― (1964)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ม.ค. 2025
  • 1964年作品
    1964年6月6日完成 Released in June 6th, 1964
    35㎜カラーフィルム55分 35㎜ Color / 55 min.
    音声:日本語 Audio; Japanese
    September 2021 Digital Remastered by DENTSU LIVE and Nippon Koei
    (using 1-4 rolls 16mm print films, 5-6 rolls 35mm negative films)
    企画:Planned by
    日本工営株式会社 Nippon Koei
    鹿島建設株式会社 Kajima
    株式会社間組 Hazama
    株式会社大南公司 Dainan Koosi
    株式会社酒井鉄工所 Sakai Iron Works
    三井物産株式会社 Mitsui & Co.
    三菱電機株式会社 Mitsubishi Electric
    東京芝浦電気株式会社 Toshiba
    株式会社日立製作所 Hitachi
    制作:株式会社電通映画社 Produced by Dentsu Motion Picture Co., Ltd.
    提供:日本工営75周年記念事業 Courtesy of Nippon Koei 75th anniversary Project
    The South Vietnamese government, wishing to realize the DA NHIM hydroelectric power project planned by France, the suzerain state of South Vietnam, as soon as possible, asked Nippon Koei (NK) to conduct a survey. NK started a field survey in December 1955 and submitted a draft plan in August 1956. A French firm also submitted a draft plan at the same time. The South Vietnamese government referred the decision to the United Nations Technical Committee to determine which plan should be adopted. As a result, the NK plan was adopted. The construction was to be financed by a loan from the Japanese government, but it was decided to implement the project with the war reparations. Construction began in February 1961 and was completed in January 1964, 18 months ahead of schedule. This film is a record of the people involved, who overcame many difficulties to complete the construction work in the midst of political instability as the Vietnam War intensified at the time.

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