記録映画:Documentary Movie: 「ブランタス河総合開発総集編」Development of the Brantas River Basin (1985)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ม.ค. 2025
- 1985年作品
ブランタス河(Kali Brantas)はインドネシアの東ジャワ州にそびえるクルド山を抱くように流れ、インドネシア第2の都市、スラバヤに至る全長320㎞の大河である。
1958年、このブランタス河全体の開発計画をインドネシア政府からの要請により策定した。それが最初のマスタープランとなる“Comprehensive Report on the Kali Brantas Overall Project”である。
The Kali Brantas (Brantas River) is a 320 km long river that flows through Indonesia's East Java Province, hugging Mount Kurdistan, and ends in Surabaya, Indonesia's second largest city.
In 1958, a development plan for the entire Brantas River was drawn up at the request of the Indonesian government. This was the first master plan, “Comprehensive Report on the Kali Brantas Overall Project”.
This plan led to the construction of the Karangkates Dam and many other flood control, erosion control, irrigation, and power generation projects.
About 10 years later, in 1973, the first master plan was reviewed, and a second master plan was developed. This resulted in the implementation of many more projects and contributed significantly to the economic development of the entire basin. In addition to the development plan, the master plan also included a human resource development plan. In other words, the major objective was to develop human resources capable of carrying out all aspects of the project, from development planning to construction and maintenance, using only their own engineers.
After about 20 years of project implementation, this objective has been achieved.
This film introduces the many projects implemented since the first and second master plans were formulated, and the results of the human resources nurtured through these projects.