K Me not really, I'm unemployed look at the jobs being advertised now they are calling 30 hours a week part time and want you to be available 24\7, I just went for a advertised part time role last week that wanted staff to be available from 7am to 10pm.
Matthew if that’s what the customer wants then so be it. Less people own cars and motor bikes in London now and why does a studio need to be in spring location? It can be in someone’s house.
I agree, any business that has supported the community for that length of time deserves to have legal rights to protect their business and livelihood. I am not against change but these people deserve better! Up the workers!!!
I feel sorry for them too, BUT they don't own the property, AND the tough truth is that: a) the increased rent will generate more tax revenue, and b) a business with higher turnover (like that restaurant) will employ more people, and feed more families.
Yes 123k in rent and possibly 500k profit. A lot of tax revenue there, to pay for the NHS, pensions, disabled people etc. Also a restaurant, a cafe, or a retail shop will probably employ 6-10 people.
It made me laugh when that guy in the end said that it's a good thing and the modern arches will bring in more jobs to the market. People in the arches already have their own business and they are happy that way. Why would they want want a crap minimum wage dead end job? It's all about making rich richer and poor staying poor.
Maybe there will be more jobs, however he failed to mentioned they will likely all be shitty jobs working for some rich property owner who rakes in millions per year.
Savage Pete you can start your own business if you like. No one forces you to be a waiter. You don’t work for the land lord, you work for the small business owner. A landlord is only a millionaire if they own tons of properties which are heavily taxed and that money comes from saved money that they chose to invest rather than squander. You could also become an investor. Those mechanic families didn’t seem to employ anyone outside of the family. Less people have cars in London so it’s a dying industry.
Cafes and bars that think they are trendy and industrious because they serve "unique" drinks that are basically just a normal drink with a weird name or ingredient, in a railway arch at 2 or 3 times the price of a normal drink.
The man at the end says it's bringing jobs? It already had job's, they are being forced out. I live near the cafe, and service my car a bit further down. The garage is closed, they want to make it in to restaurant's and bars. I don't like it.
@Spira9 They don't have to, they are a small business that are serving the community with various services. Building a nandos there is only going to create further minimum wage jobs and benifit no one other than those who are already rich.
+Jake Haysom So they replaced honest good paying work with shitty minimum wage jobs. Looks like peak non ultra greedy humanist capitalism and not a society in decay from excess greed from the 1%.
Those arches were different, those businesses mostly closed because there was no business so it wasn’t viable. Plus the businesses shown at the start did not employ many people they already said footfall had decreased. It is likely if they fixed up the place it would bring in better businesses which earn more money and employ more people. The reality is that these businesses had cheap rent so they've it good if anything, now it is going up to fair value.
JayoJay they had an easier time because of the low rents, had they brought more value they wouldn’t be in this position, it’s the harsh reality. Who is going to continue to subsidise their business and why can’t they just relocate? Is the coffee shop actually owned by a billionaire and why does this matter? Most businesses involve hard work but it is all about how much value businesses brings, the market decides at the end of the day.
Regeneration of some of the railway arches in certain locations which are viable is a good idea, as long as it does NOT prejudice long-established businesses. Why aren't local authorities or central government protecting small family-run businesses ?
Basically they are taking their business profits off of them . This is what the rich expect to do with these Arch's each £40,000 a year from each arch they have bought . Makes me sick
I live in London and in my area I see many small business going out of business because of increasing rents. Just a few weeks ago a florist closed down because the rent was increased by TFL to a point where the owner could no longer afford it.
the Chu family and the other family owned businesses are trying to offer affordable services with sky-rocketing overheads. I hope the can find alternative premises or negotiate sustainable rental overheads.
Well, can start to see why working class Brits voted for exiting the EU. Whilst this case might not be the cause and effect of being a member of the EU. You can definitely get that feeling of what it must be like to be a working class Brit and the constant pressure. I happen to think the vote to leave is more of a desperate protest vote from people drowning.
I agree, I live in London, it was a scream at politicians, I don't even think it was about Europeans, we had just seen Germany get swamped with middle eastern people and a string of attacks happening. We look to countries like Japan as civilized, you go there you intergrate, respect and learn the culture, compete on the same footing for jobs getting paid the same, same if you go to some other countries such as Dubai you must integrate and respect the culture but here we opened the gates to the world a total free for all seemingly to lower our standards of living I assume to make us more competitive, soon we will have shanty towns, people work 40 hours a week now and can't afford to rent a flat, councils translate their leaflets into over a dozen different languages.
@@GreatSageSunWukong the last part of your message pretty much discribes most middle eastern/African countries. That must be what we get out of mass immigration.
People coming from EU, come here to work and are actually good for economy: "According to a 2016 study by University College London, immigrants who arrived from the EU after 2000 contributed £1.34 to the U.K. economy for every £1 they took out." The real problem are foreign investors who know how to dodge taxes and push the London prices up and the low income, low skill criminals, who pray on the working class. Neither of them go through the trouble of going "by the books" and don't care about the state of brexit.
This makes my blood boil! I would like to know the difference in salary between the people working in an office populating spreadsheets and making a few phone calls at Telereal Trillium/ Blackstone Group and the grafters building and creating in the tunnels!
@@Bungle2010 You think landlords fix them or build them do you? A landlord is someone who gets someone else to pay his mortgage, a parasite, a ponce. That's what is wrong with the world, too many ponces with their feet up while others work.
@@Bungle2010 You're a ponce. Young people need to break you. They need to organize and break the renter class and take them from the market. Then they may be able to afford a home.
@@Bungle2010 Rent takers are a despicable class of people who have completely skewed the property market and ruined so many people's lives. I hope you're proud counting your money.
The way I see it, London is becoming a mix of insane wealth and excess on one side, with extreme poverty and crime on the other. The middle working class is being pushed out by both. I've left London and don't miss it at all.
Where is the protection of small businesses by the authorities? Government and local government just don't support, they promise but never deliver. Do they understand why the people are sick and tired of them. Greed, one of the seven deadly!
I Used to rent an Arch with my father in law in Pinchin Street London . The reason I gave up was high rents and rates We had no toilets and paid £13000 pounds a year 20 years ago . They were going to go up to £22000 pounds a year then. My Father in Law tried to buy the Arch They wouldn't let him .
London such a great city , to see this happening is disastrous and killing the local community . What a great shame that these people are not protected by their local council . I am an ex Londoner of 48 years 20 of those years as a cabbie come chauffeur breaks my heart . Glad I live in France were I really don't care what happens locally .
When it’s masters vs servants like this it’s the same as voting. Masters influence is measured in dollars, servants influence is in their numbers. It’s a sad truth that the servants can rarely organise to have influence on par. The only way to stop this would be to en masse vacate the arches and picket until it became taboo for anyone to rent them until the price came down. That said, it’s not totally unfair if the rent hasn’t been raised in a very long time.
What a stupid end to this mini doc. Of course it’ll be “the end of the line”. Sadly, those businesses don’t stand a chance to even make a living to support their own lives let alone their families. Perhaps we all need to open a generic industrial pizza parlour to survive? At least that’s original? I mean who needs a car repaired or music made in 2018, there’s probably an app for that!
Keep raising rents and focusing on property prices until the masses have no disposable income to spend on other industries then you'll have a bigger problem... either companies pay more or you tax. It's a long dark road ahead.
Very sad. You’d think in this day and age we’d be embracing individual business, the government shuts them down then complains we don’t work hard enough? Ridiculous.
It has become so common place it isn't even surprising london is no longer a place for the working man just a bunch of overpaid hucksters who are looking to cash in at the working people expense while complaining that they are the problem with society and that giving them a pay rise or decent working conditions isn't affordable while they pay themselves millions in bonuses. My own little area of London has gone from a area in which doctors teachers plumber artists musicians street cleaners actors students lived to a area populated by estate agents property tycoons marketing managers and sales persons it is beyond frustrating.
Metropolis Motorbikes in arches in Vauxhall closed at the end of September. Not helped by bike sales crashing due to the scooter crime in London, but doubt the rent increases helped.
Been to many punk, metal and a few other sorts of clubs under railway arches. Amazing venues. Sad to see them go . I believe some work in them too but I have only known them to be loud and dark. Also one I went to only a year or so ago and you could even park although spaces were limited but not far away was a dodgy estate so I used to dump my car there and walk. I think that was just sarf of the river
not only that i know a bloke who works as a barber near westfield and he has been there before westfield was ever built and his landlord wants double the rent just because he is near westfield disgusting greedy landlords
Isn't there two Westfield's? I know the one in shepherds bush, I go to the toy shops there once a month of so, they want to ruin the shopping centre on the otherside of the road now, its a shame, my normal routine is take my child to the toy shops then do some shopping in poundland, savers and lidl, its that shopping centre thats clearly the lifeblood of the area, that other thing is for tourists. Without Lidl and poundland I'd have to re-evaluate going round there, I still miss poundworld they had some good stuff in there sometimes, left overs from lootcrate and discontinued stuff
If you rent a business place then this can happen . If it’s going up 250 percent then that must Mean you were being undercharged for years , should have saved that difference so if this ever happened you can afford to pay the increase - been there for 30 years should have been business minded and tried to buy a location to do business
There needs to be an element for forethought here. Because tbf it makes sense to hike the price up in places like Westfield, no point having an MOT garage outside the shopping centre, but a lot of these railway arches are not in these sort of areas. And people need the local services they provide. No restaurant is gonna move to Bethnal Green being charged through the arse to stay, so then no one in the area can afford the price of the food. You want to make an investment work, you have to pay what’s its worth. Network rail and the conservatives realises the railways may come back under public ownership under a labour government . So they are trying to sell off as much as much profit as possible and they can too make it as unviable as possible.
I really hope that if they do raise the rent, the lady acting all prim and proper and happy to pay for a higher rent has way more competition when other “high end restaurants “ come into the arches
It's all about greed and white collars. They sniffed out that this could be good cow for milking. "Grabbing hands, grab all they can, everything counts in large amounts... " 🎶
I stand corrected. So of course Blair reversed all those bad Tory policies, right? Blair re-nationalized the railways, right? Blair passed rent control laws making these spaces affordable for low income people looking to start a business, right? NOT! He continued and accelerated the same policies started under Thatcher and Major....Oh let's not forget Iraq.....
Why couldn't these people have saved up money and purchased the railway arch space. After 20 years and running a business wouldn't you be able to save up a few million pounds?
@Jock McSporran I don't know what you mean. I meant turning train archway spaces (as mentioned) into retail or living accommodation. It's a good idea. There are a few on Riverside Dundee Scotland that would serve well as retail or small coffee shops/restaurants , especially if they buried the road at these particular locations into a tunnel section, grassing over what is there at present. Great rejuvenation seems to never stops with some, it simply goes ons and ons and ons.
Go to London! I guarantee you'll either be mugged or not appreciated. Catch the train to London, stopping at Rejection, Disappointment, Backstabbing Central and Shattered Dreams Parkway.
Something has to be done about this. London is becoming more for the rich and less for the poor. Investors won't back businesses that they don't see as economically profitable. To them they only see businesses through their economic impact rather than their social impact on communities. But yeah it's hard to see if anything can be done in terms of legislation etc.
Nothing can be or will be done. Theres very little sense of community to stand up for what they believe in anymore in London and its been seen over and over again that even if you do stand up nobody with any power cares cause its all about the profit at the end of the day.
@@paulmin4002 it is, I moved from London myself actually but people like to moan. Same people who say they hate their job and don't do anything about it. These businesses are not run well, better to redevelop and bring in decent businesses. This will be good for the community too.
We've been doing this in Newcastle for years why the hell is it a BBC video just because it's London, daft. However the ones here aren't scams and aren't dangerous :).
Read the channel name properly please, this is BBCLondon, it's local news that comes on after the national news... Please go to the your regional BBC segment youtube accounts if you want to hear about newcastle
It’s sad but it’s better for the economy. Higher incomes and modern looking shops, more inviting areas. I feel sorry for those who’ve made something out of nothing, and can really see the greed in that woman’s eyes when she says ‘it shows in the bank account’ but alas, capitalism is capitalism. Economic prosperity drives all areas of social funding.
Very sad I feel for these people arches is history I remember as a kid growing up that's how many started there businesses. Always some business tycoon comes along and smashes dreams to pieces. Money...
Aside from the impact on the businesses from landlords wanting to make a quick buck, how on earth can Network Rail sell off the space when they are responsible for maintaining the structures?
its all trends because some people make it a trendyy place to hang out then they say.lets turn this into a gold mine how many people want to be sitting under a loud railway bridge also what about safety
Landlords now charging £2500 pm for half the size of the place that means they are taking £5000 pm for 1 single place....i was looking for a space for 3 months found none vacant in East London... I'll request to all the Councils to create some more affordable spaces for young entrepreneurs...If people can afford the space it'll create more jobs...
So does the sale of the arches really mean a faster rent increase - or are the new landlords just executing the increases triggdred by the original owners?
Ah, just what london need's.. independent businesses replaced by more hip overpriced restaurants/cafe chain's. As if there weren't too many already.
Must be people about with money willing to give it to them though. Definitely not me.
These businesses will employ more people.
K Me not really, I'm unemployed look at the jobs being advertised now they are calling 30 hours a week part time and want you to be available 24\7, I just went for a advertised part time role last week that wanted staff to be available from 7am to 10pm.
Same here in Seattle or All Over The World. Everyone wants to be Hip including moms, grandmas etc.
Matthew if that’s what the customer wants then so be it. Less people own cars and motor bikes in London now and why does a studio need to be in spring location? It can be in someone’s house.
I feel sorry for the Vietnamese family.
I agree, any business that has supported the community for that length of time deserves to have legal rights to protect their business and livelihood. I am not against change but these people deserve better! Up the workers!!!
if kicked out. we should burned their investment and make them go back to America
I feel sorry for them too, BUT they don't own the property, AND the tough truth is that:
a) the increased rent will generate more tax revenue, and
b) a business with higher turnover (like that restaurant) will employ more people, and feed more families.
@@kaba_me not really. they will be working for the landlord. they have to make 123k just for rent
Yes 123k in rent and possibly 500k profit.
A lot of tax revenue there, to pay for the NHS, pensions, disabled people etc.
Also a restaurant, a cafe, or a retail shop will probably employ 6-10 people.
“I cry and I hide my cry” awwww, We need to protect this man
More working class evicted from elitist london
Agree. Thatcher would love it!
250% rent increase....😲...that's crazy...!!!
DoubleDeckerAnton crazy is an understatement!
yes now busdriver will also have 250% increase
Supply and demand... Plus a restaurant or a retail shop will employ more people.
Truth and reality hurts sometimes...
Jewish people money in property
no washik they wont, nor will anyone who uses the mechanics services, many people have had no payrise for years
It made me laugh when that guy in the end said that it's a good thing and the modern arches will bring in more jobs to the market. People in the arches already have their own business and they are happy that way. Why would they want want a crap minimum wage dead end job? It's all about making rich richer and poor staying poor.
Maybe there will be more jobs, however he failed to mentioned they will likely all be shitty jobs working for some rich property owner who rakes in millions per year.
Minimum wage, zero hours or self employed via agency, everyone topped up with tax credits, housing benefit etc just to exist
So sad but true.
Savage Pete ....the western country elites will look so surprised when the revolution comes....fuckem!
Savage Pete you can start your own business if you like. No one forces you to be a waiter. You don’t work for the land lord, you work for the small business owner. A landlord is only a millionaire if they own tons of properties which are heavily taxed and that money comes from saved money that they chose to invest rather than squander. You could also become an investor.
Those mechanic families didn’t seem to employ anyone outside of the family. Less people have cars in London so it’s a dying industry.
London has lost its soul
It never had one for the past millennia..
The western world has lost it's soul.
London had a soul?
250 percent rent increase. Ridiculous, they want them to move out. Who is gonna move in?
Cafes and bars that think they are trendy and industrious because they serve "unique" drinks that are basically just a normal drink with a weird name or ingredient, in a railway arch at 2 or 3 times the price of a normal drink.
starbucks and mcdonalds
Just busting your balls, people like Shahla Asif. Targeting smelly balls rich people
Corporate coffee
They wouldn't ask for such a large increase if they weren't already sure they could get it from someone else.
The man at the end says it's bringing jobs? It already had job's, they are being forced out. I live near the cafe, and service my car a bit further down. The garage is closed, they want to make it in to restaurant's and bars. I don't like it.
@Spira9 They don't have to, they are a small business that are serving the community with various services. Building a nandos there is only going to create further minimum wage jobs and benifit no one other than those who are already rich.
+Jake Haysom So they replaced honest good paying work with shitty minimum wage jobs. Looks like peak non ultra greedy humanist capitalism and not a society in decay from excess greed from the 1%.
Those arches were different, those businesses mostly closed because there was no business so it wasn’t viable. Plus the businesses shown at the start did not employ many people they already said footfall had decreased. It is likely if they fixed up the place it would bring in better businesses which earn more money and employ more people.
The reality is that these businesses had cheap rent so they've it good if anything, now it is going up to fair value.
JayoJay they had an easier time because of the low rents, had they brought more value they wouldn’t be in this position, it’s the harsh reality. Who is going to continue to subsidise their business and why can’t they just relocate?
Is the coffee shop actually owned by a billionaire and why does this matter? Most businesses involve hard work but it is all about how much value businesses brings, the market decides at the end of the day.
@@jewellui Market = God
Now those Hackney Arches are avocado toast shops and spin studio's.
Big Daddy Toyota Corola hope they go bust
I agree, we are due for another recession soon so those 'unique' hipster cafes will hopefully be the first to die
Obez45 capitalism is all about serving the customer. That’s it. How is it better to let quiet businesses continue?
@@Amateur_Pianist_472 keep telling yourself that, whatever makes you sleep at night amy
You know housing prices are stupidly high when rail arches become hot property
Bring back Robin Hood
Guy was a religious nutter
Bring back Danger Mouse.... good grief.
So sad to hear this, hard working refugees, contributing to the local area, the economy, being forced out by extortionate greedy cretins.
Also hard working British people, who have for generations worked in the same place , being ethnically cleansed out of them.
Prince Peter ‘ethically cleansed out’ please tell me what this means?
It's whatever YOUR understanding of the statement means.
Prince Peter I saw your original comment. It still makes zero sense.
Sorry I cannot help you.
I hate this it’s so sad :(
Gentrification, taking the life and soul out of London.
it ruins any village town and city
Khan says London is open. But it's closing for small businesses and anyone on a average salary.
I feel so bad for the Vietnamese family getting screwed by these evil money hungry property developers
Regeneration of some of the railway arches in certain locations which are viable is a good idea, as long as it does NOT prejudice long-established businesses. Why aren't local authorities or central government protecting small family-run businesses ?
Location is everything in London. As soon as people allowed landlords to put the money up to £900 for a room. The writing was on the wall.
Basically they are taking their business profits off of them . This is what the rich expect to do with these Arch's each £40,000 a year from each arch they have bought . Makes me sick
Music guy said he now pays £22,500 a quarter.. thats £90,000 a year 😮
I live in London and in my area I see many small business going out of business because of increasing rents. Just a few weeks ago a florist closed down because the rent was increased by TFL to a point where the owner could no longer afford it.
Why is it TFL's fault?
This is actually financially bullying.
the Chu family and the other family owned businesses are trying to offer affordable services with sky-rocketing overheads. I hope the can find alternative premises or negotiate sustainable rental overheads.
Killing real London :'(
Typical when corporate greed and money is worth more than anything else. It’s disgusting
Well, can start to see why working class Brits voted for exiting the EU. Whilst this case might not be the cause and effect of being a member of the EU. You can definitely get that feeling of what it must be like to be a working class Brit and the constant pressure. I happen to think the vote to leave is more of a desperate protest vote from people drowning.
I believe you are some what right
I agree, I live in London, it was a scream at politicians, I don't even think it was about Europeans, we had just seen Germany get swamped with middle eastern people and a string of attacks happening.
We look to countries like Japan as civilized, you go there you intergrate, respect and learn the culture, compete on the same footing for jobs getting paid the same, same if you go to some other countries such as Dubai you must integrate and respect the culture but here we opened the gates to the world a total free for all seemingly to lower our standards of living I assume to make us more competitive, soon we will have shanty towns, people work 40 hours a week now and can't afford to rent a flat, councils translate their leaflets into over a dozen different languages.
@@GreatSageSunWukong the last part of your message pretty much discribes most middle eastern/African countries. That must be what we get out of mass immigration.
People coming from EU, come here to work and are actually good for economy: "According to a 2016 study by University College London, immigrants who arrived from the EU after 2000 contributed £1.34 to the U.K. economy for every £1 they took out." The real problem are foreign investors who know how to dodge taxes and push the London prices up and the low income, low skill criminals, who pray on the working class. Neither of them go through the trouble of going "by the books" and don't care about the state of brexit.
It's not about the economic contribution. It's about integration.
More Hipster ‘Artisan’ places and burnt sour coffee places coming soon.
This makes my blood boil! I would like to know the difference in salary between the people working in an office populating spreadsheets and making a few phone calls at Telereal Trillium/ Blackstone Group and the grafters building and creating in the tunnels!
Organized squatting is the answer. People shouldn't be still paying rent. Do away with the landlord class. Abolish the rent takers.
@@Bungle2010 You think landlords fix them or build them do you?
A landlord is someone who gets someone else to pay his mortgage, a parasite, a ponce. That's what is wrong with the world, too many ponces with their feet up while others work.
@@Bungle2010 You're a ponce. Young people need to break you. They need to organize and break the renter class and take them from the market. Then they may be able to afford a home.
@@Bungle2010 Erm, Life For Rent, Apartment For Rent, Rent, you name 'em I'll hum 'em.
@@Bungle2010 Rent takers are a despicable class of people who have completely skewed the property market and ruined so many people's lives. I hope you're proud counting your money.
Prices are ridiculous in London, someone needs to take control
The way I see it, London is becoming a mix of insane wealth and excess on one side, with extreme poverty and crime on the other. The middle working class is being pushed out by both. I've left London and don't miss it at all.
This is london ..expensive
Where is the protection of small businesses by the authorities? Government and local government just don't support, they promise but never deliver. Do they understand why the people are sick and tired of them. Greed, one of the seven deadly!
I Used to rent an Arch with my father in law in Pinchin Street London . The reason I gave up was high rents and rates We had no toilets and paid £13000 pounds a year 20 years ago . They were going to go up to £22000 pounds a year then. My Father in Law tried to buy the Arch They wouldn't let him .
London such a great city , to see this happening is disastrous and killing the local community . What a great shame that these people are not protected by their local council . I am an ex Londoner of 48 years 20 of those years as a cabbie come chauffeur breaks my heart . Glad I live in France were I really don't care what happens locally .
Is there nothing this country wont sell ....
Nice work BBC.
Don't mention the extortionate business rates set by the council's and of course every other leeching licenses, fees etc...
They are set by the gov, but billed by the council.
When profit comes first everything starts to look the same.
When it’s masters vs servants like this it’s the same as voting. Masters influence is measured in dollars, servants influence is in their numbers. It’s a sad truth that the servants can rarely organise to have influence on par. The only way to stop this would be to en masse vacate the arches and picket until it became taboo for anyone to rent them until the price came down.
That said, it’s not totally unfair if the rent hasn’t been raised in a very long time.
Companies are so selfish these days, if they find that a company is doing well they'll increase the price almost immediately.
What a stupid end to this mini doc. Of course it’ll be “the end of the line”. Sadly, those businesses don’t stand a chance to even make a living to support their own lives let alone their families. Perhaps we all need to open a generic industrial pizza parlour to survive? At least that’s original? I mean who needs a car repaired or music made in 2018, there’s probably an app for that!
I sometimes wonder how people survive in London!
Keep raising rents and focusing on property prices until the masses have no disposable income to spend on other industries then you'll have a bigger problem... either companies pay more or you tax. It's a long dark road ahead.
Greedy landlords
Kian Oliver It’s Network Rail selling off the leases. £200m income a year but they’re selling a 99 year lease for £1bn, wtf.
dB ridiculous
why doesn't the government put a cap in place so that they don't get a huge increase
No more corner pubs, no more mom and pop businesses..welcome to happiness in slavery...no more guns in Brixton....
London has becomme boring
Very sad. You’d think in this day and age we’d be embracing individual business, the government shuts them down then complains we don’t work hard enough? Ridiculous.
This documentary failed to unveil that this is now rumoured to be Arab owned however managed by the company mentioned.
It has become so common place it isn't even surprising london is no longer a place for the working man just a bunch of overpaid hucksters who are looking to cash in at the working people expense while complaining that they are the problem with society and that giving them a pay rise or decent working conditions isn't affordable while they pay themselves millions in bonuses. My own little area of London has gone from a area in which doctors teachers plumber artists musicians street cleaners actors students lived to a area populated by estate agents property tycoons marketing managers and sales persons it is beyond frustrating.
Sold behind their backs after all those years of hard HARD work. Absolutely disgusting. Little man gets stood on AGAIN.
Metropolis Motorbikes in arches in Vauxhall closed at the end of September. Not helped by bike sales crashing due to the scooter crime in London, but doubt the rent increases helped.
So lemme get this straight. The new entrance to 'the arches shopping' isn't even an arch anymore?
Been to many punk, metal and a few other sorts of clubs under railway arches. Amazing venues. Sad to see them go . I believe some work in them too but I have only known them to be loud and dark. Also one I went to only a year or so ago and you could even park although spaces were limited but not far away was a dodgy estate so I used to dump my car there and walk. I think that was just sarf of the river
Westfield has caused this to happen
seriously...Westfield is like a cancerous tumour. That monstrosity is an eyesore.
not only that i know a bloke who works as a barber near westfield and he has been there before westfield was ever built and his landlord wants double the rent just because he is near westfield disgusting greedy landlords
Isn't there two Westfield's? I know the one in shepherds bush, I go to the toy shops there once a month of so, they want to ruin the shopping centre on the otherside of the road now, its a shame, my normal routine is take my child to the toy shops then do some shopping in poundland, savers and lidl, its that shopping centre thats clearly the lifeblood of the area, that other thing is for tourists.
Without Lidl and poundland I'd have to re-evaluate going round there, I still miss poundworld they had some good stuff in there sometimes, left overs from lootcrate and discontinued stuff
Sun Wukong yes there are two in London
Thank you for improving London now please go so non contributing parties can make money
One of the most famous ones would be Chop Shop...
Is there an update to this?
I hope there is!
If you rent a business place then this can happen . If it’s going up 250 percent then that must
Mean you were being undercharged for years , should have saved that difference so if this ever happened you can afford to pay the increase - been there for 30 years should have been business minded and tried to buy a location to do business
nothing last for ever. adapting to change is what makes people successful
There needs to be an element for forethought here. Because tbf it makes sense to hike the price up in places like Westfield, no point having an MOT garage outside the shopping centre, but a lot of these railway arches are not in these sort of areas. And people need the local services they provide. No restaurant is gonna move to Bethnal Green being charged through the arse to stay, so then no one in the area can afford the price of the food. You want to make an investment work, you have to pay what’s its worth. Network rail and the conservatives realises the railways may come back under public ownership under a labour government . So they are trying to sell off as much as much profit as possible and they can too make it as unviable as possible.
That's so hard, it's sad.
I really hope that if they do raise the rent, the lady acting all prim and proper and happy to pay for a higher rent has way more competition when other “high end restaurants “ come into the arches
It's all about greed and white collars. They sniffed out that this could be good cow for milking. "Grabbing hands, grab all they can, everything counts in large amounts... " 🎶
This is what happened to Metropolis at Vauxhall
The issue lies with network rail flogging them off.
Has anyone else got the vibe that BBC has now turned into Vox?
I've noticed quite a lot of media companies are copying vox now
Thanks Tony for privatizing British Rail. The gift that keeps on giving......
it was tories not tony blair
I stand corrected. So of course Blair reversed all those bad Tory policies, right? Blair re-nationalized the railways, right? Blair passed rent control laws making these spaces affordable for low income people looking to start a business, right? NOT! He continued and accelerated the same policies started under Thatcher and Major....Oh let's not forget Iraq.....
Ridiculous, some people’s life long business going down the drain
Why couldn't these people have saved up money and purchased the railway arch space. After 20 years and running a business wouldn't you be able to save up a few million pounds?
how were they supposed to know when network rail wanted to sell them
I've been wondering when this renting/buying property madness will stop.
2.5k quarterly but you couldn't pay the rent ? What are you actually doing
geoguyz1 I think it’s 4.5k quarterly at the time. Proposed rent £45k per annum.
Good use of common space. Independent retail seems more suitable. We have enough big corporate branding.
@Jock McSporran I don't know what you mean. I meant turning train archway spaces (as mentioned) into retail or living accommodation. It's a good idea. There are a few on Riverside Dundee Scotland that would serve well as retail or small coffee shops/restaurants , especially if they buried the road at these particular locations into a tunnel section, grassing over what is there at present. Great rejuvenation seems to never stops with some, it simply goes ons and ons and ons.
why is this video only 480p beeb is 2018 sort it out cuh
Greed will destroy business.
Support Britain’s small business!!!
Go to London! I guarantee you'll either be mugged or not appreciated. Catch the train to London, stopping at Rejection, Disappointment, Backstabbing Central and Shattered Dreams Parkway.
Welcome to London, the place where money over blood, morals, and humans... unfortunately too much greed
These arches are in the best places of London - they must look nicer and get proper well funded tenants for the future
Something has to be done about this. London is becoming more for the rich and less for the poor. Investors won't back businesses that they don't see as economically profitable. To them they only see businesses through their economic impact rather than their social impact on communities. But yeah it's hard to see if anything can be done in terms of legislation etc.
Nothing can be or will be done. Theres very little sense of community to stand up for what they believe in anymore in London and its been seen over and over again that even if you do stand up nobody with any power cares cause its all about the profit at the end of the day.
It's the only way to make the poor richer, it's called economic development and it benefits everyone eventually
No one needs to live in London, why shouldn’t they redevelop run down areas?
if only it was so simple
@@paulmin4002 it is, I moved from London myself actually but people like to moan. Same people who say they hate their job and don't do anything about it.
These businesses are not run well, better to redevelop and bring in decent businesses. This will be good for the community too.
We've been doing this in Newcastle for years why the hell is it a BBC video just because it's London, daft. However the ones here aren't scams and aren't dangerous :).
Read the channel name properly please, this is BBCLondon, it's local news that comes on after the national news... Please go to the your regional BBC segment youtube accounts if you want to hear about newcastle
Sadiq Khan, thanks.
its the tories privatisation, not sadiq khan
We've done this for years in Sheffield
I’m astounded at the rent for the recording studio. How can anybody make a living at that price?
I hope Mr Chu and his family are ok 👍🏻
It’s sad but it’s better for the economy. Higher incomes and modern looking shops, more inviting areas. I feel sorry for those who’ve made something out of nothing, and can really see the greed in that woman’s eyes when she says ‘it shows in the bank account’ but alas, capitalism is capitalism. Economic prosperity drives all areas of social funding.
The true tragedy here is that this is in 480p in 2018!
Glad you made that clear (and better sound quality)
that is bbc for you. pay your TV licence if you want a higher quality :D
More coffee shops
What’s the update of this?
Very sad I feel for these people arches is history I remember as a kid growing up that's how many started there businesses. Always some business tycoon comes along and smashes dreams to pieces. Money...
Aside from the impact on the businesses from landlords wanting to make a quick buck, how on earth can Network Rail sell off the space when they are responsible for maintaining the structures?
Calum Spencer is it sold or leased out to a property management company
a garage under the arches! How very eastenders. You came here as refugees and will leave as refugees.
Destroying the soul of the city.. shameful
Why everything should to be private ?
I can’t take it
High street business rates are so high thats why resturants are moving from high street to archs
I feel sorry for that woman who lost her business
A lot of cities are becoming like this. Unaffordable. Overpriced apartments etc.
Im moving to the countryside.
its all trends because some people make it a trendyy place to hang out then they say.lets turn this into a gold mine how many people want to be sitting under a loud railway bridge also what about safety
what about safety?
What else will this government sell . The torys the party for hard working people . Yer right
Landlords now charging £2500 pm for half the size of the place that means they are taking £5000 pm for 1 single place....i was looking for a space for 3 months found none vacant in East London...
I'll request to all the Councils to create some more affordable spaces for young entrepreneurs...If people can afford the space it'll create more jobs...
So does the sale of the arches really mean a faster rent increase - or are the new landlords just executing the increases triggdred by the original owners?