It's now at least 3 years for BIC plus there are a few more incentives coming.
Imagine having to stop every 530kM 😂😂....proper alternative to combustion engines are sooooo far away from being usable that it’s not even worth bothering with it
Good balanced review. Electric is probably the future but I agree that we are still too far from anything that is usable on a practical level.
Great video. Can you get your hands on a E350e Bob for review ?.
It's now at least 3 years for BIC plus there are a few more incentives coming.
How does it compare to IS300H on fuel usage?
I doubt I would charge it after the first few times lol
Imagine having to stop every 530kM 😂😂....proper alternative to combustion engines are sooooo far away from being usable that it’s not even worth bothering with it
Id much rather have the 6 cylinder diesel than this!!