The video shows 3 wires connected in the breadboard. Where should the 3rd wire be connected? I tested this out and there is a lot of noise in the readings.
Hi, nice project Indeed. I want to ask a question. My water container has 1 meter height. Than means I must use a 1 meter ribbon cable long. Is it sure it will work correctly without changes? Thank you.
kindly explain each and every step. i tried a lot to make this. i worked two days on it but coudnt complete it. the problem was comming in visualizing and also capacitance was also not measuring
I love it, I'm going to try a reduced version and it works well for me, I use it in a diesel tank I have. Would it be very difficult to do it with LEDs? I'll try some type of resistance level reader.
Awesome project 👍🏼😎. I wasn’t aware of this Arduino library and this cool visualization software. Want to see more of this 😊. Thanks for your great work Mirko!
This works beautifully. Only two wires needed. Arduino uno R3 pin A5 and pin 7 in my case. Be sure to use the capacitor. h library. In a 300 mm deep container 4 wires gives readings of 9 to 25 pF. With 8 wires it ranges from 9 to 55 pF. Quite linear with R-square of 0.9815. Thanks Mirko
hola colega una muy buen aaplicacion pero no encuentro para descargar la versio 4.1 la web esta caida y no puedo encotrar ninguna si serias tan amable de comparir la app te agradesco
can I get the exact code for this project? heres what I get from the video I watch but the code you give to us isn't updated #include Capacitor cap1(7,A2); int kondenzator=0; int w = 0; void SendString(byte InstrNo, int MValue) { Serial.print('#'); Serial.print(InstrNo); Serial.print('M'); Serial.print(MValue); Serial.print('
this video doesn't work , I have not been told everything(which is very likely) , I have tried it several times and it doesn't work a thing , then it is outrageous that you don't explain anything either in the video or on the would even want someone to buy you a coffee...if you explained things properly.
The device, as you can see in the video, works flawlessly. The SerialInstruments application and the capacitor library are not mine, I'm just explaining how you can use them to make such a device
@@MirkoPavleskiMK explain to me why it doesn't work...I used the arduino wires joined together but the readings are wrong , couldn't you redo a video, where you explain much more , more things ? like what wires to use , which ones not to use and things like that ? and also in the code explain it more ?
You did not show HOW do you measure the capacitance change which is much more interesting than seeing how you strip a piece of cable...
The video shows 3 wires connected in the breadboard. Where should the 3rd wire be connected?
I tested this out and there is a lot of noise in the readings.
Hi, nice project Indeed. I want to ask a question. My water container has 1 meter height. Than means I must use a 1 meter ribbon cable long. Is it sure it will work correctly without changes? Thank you.
kindly explain each and every step. i tried a lot to make this. i worked two days on it but coudnt complete it. the problem was comming in visualizing and also capacitance was also not measuring
this is good. I wish all the wiring was explained in more detail
Brother, can you give me a tutorial from the beginning, whatever is needed? thanks a lot for the reply
Is this workable in oil?
Hello. Would this work with a 2.5 meter length of ribbon cable?
Nice! do you have a tutorial for the wiring connection on this project?thanks
I love it, I'm going to try a reduced version and it works well for me, I use it in a diesel tank I have.
Would it be very difficult to do it with LEDs? I'll try some type of resistance level reader.
is this sensor works for motor oil?
It's just going up and down between random values, even if I don't connect anything to pins.
Nice Projet sir! May i know what the name of software virtual serial?
@@MirkoPavleskiMK That link does not show any files.
Looking at your hackster link ... where is the source or project that has #include ?
Oh wow
Arduino library
I wonder if there's a port for ESP32
@@rhenry74 if there is not, all you need is the analog pin, and a digital pin.
maybe I'll write a port, if I cannot find one.
can you provide link download for the serialcoministrument software please? the link in the description doesn't work, thanks
@@MirkoPavleskiMK it's version 0.9, does it work just fine?
@@ekanandaecho Yes
@@MirkoPavleskiMK okay, thank you very much
It is not working
Are you tried in your Home. Do you do this project
@@firstlookmoment4920 yea i tried it many times but not working
Please reply this project is working or not
Awesome project 👍🏼😎. I wasn’t aware of this Arduino library and this cool visualization software. Want to see more of this 😊. Thanks for your great work Mirko!
Thanks a lot :)
Can ı make water level sensor with jumper cable ?
Please can I have the name of the software use and other connections
This works beautifully. Only two wires needed. Arduino uno R3 pin A5 and pin 7 in my case. Be sure to use the capacitor. h library. In a 300 mm deep container 4 wires gives readings of 9 to 25 pF. With 8 wires it ranges from 9 to 55 pF. Quite linear with R-square of 0.9815. Thanks Mirko
hola colega una muy buen aaplicacion pero no encuentro para descargar la versio 4.1 la web esta caida y no puedo encotrar ninguna si serias tan amable de comparir la app te agradesco
How to work serialinstrument?
This is not my software. Download page:
Serialinstrument did not install.
Not working. Also a lot of fluctuation in reading when touching the sensor
can I get the exact code for this project? heres what I get from the video I watch but the code you give to us isn't updated #include
Capacitor cap1(7,A2);
int kondenzator=0;
int w = 0;
void SendString(byte InstrNo, int MValue) {
The given code is functional, you need to use the Capacitor library :
this video doesn't work , I have not been told everything(which is very likely) , I have tried it several times and it doesn't work a thing , then it is outrageous that you don't explain anything either in the video or on the would even want someone to buy you a coffee...if you explained things properly.
The device, as you can see in the video, works flawlessly. The SerialInstruments application and the capacitor library are not mine, I'm just explaining how you can use them to make such a device
@@MirkoPavleskiMK explain to me why it doesn't work...I used the arduino wires joined together but the readings are wrong , couldn't you redo a video, where you explain much more , more things ? like what wires to use , which ones not to use and things like that ? and also in the code explain it more ?
Arduíno code example
@@BlondieHappyGuy Hi, may i know if the code is working with arduino UNO? I don't really know much about arduino. Just starting to learn.
My question is anyone watching this video, Did you Ever get this program to work correctly? I would have to say NO!