the fact that someone would use something like the visual world of a classic vintage game to explain a highly serious scientific concept with important philosophical implications.... Awesome!!! everything clean cut, rendered and all.... i'd just like to hug that person(s) who tickled my art-beauty-strange thingy
Ryan, my favorite time is my time spent with you... *cue sentimental music* Ryan, don't read below this sentence. (really, it's my time spent with Chyna but don't tell Ryan that.)
Ron was my hero. Now, Ryan Wolff is my hero. The person who will be my hero is currently out there somewhere, possibly gestating within their mother. Man, I can't wait 'til they're born. And become my hero.
Loved the vid. This is how I see time too; as a fourth dimension. There is a video on youtube called Imagining the Tenth Dimension which pretty much explains how it all works. I do believe there is absolutely no free will as it doesn't really make any sense. Computers do what they were destined to do, although they sometimes seem so alive and self aware. We are the same. I was destined to write this this way and at this time. Free will would mean complete randomness, which we know does not really exist, at least at a large scale. We make decisions based on past experiences, which are also based on other past experiences and so on. The only person who would have free will, would be a person, whose decisions are not controlled by our three dimensional world. That would be a four dimensional person. However, they are still controlled by their four dimensional world's rules... If anyone finds this weird, I am sorry, but I really didn't have any choice in the matter.
Isn't time just a constant and neverending flow of energy? This flow of energy creates "time" (changes in matter). Time is just a 'side effect'. That's how i think about it.
Time is a creation of the mind observing change. If that mind stops thinking (because thoughts are change) then even if rivers still flow and leaves blow but no mind to register it all then there is no time.
In a simplistic manner, I have always thought of time and, free will, vs. predestination as a choose your own adventure book. All possible outcomes are contained within, but different decisions change the path towards a final outcome. If you were an omniscient being, you could know all outcomes of the book, by reading every possible combination, but the character internal to the book could only infer possible outcomes.
Even without the multiverse, you still have free will. If we're observing time as a fourth spatial dimension, we must be making observations independent of time. When we make decisions, we assume we're making them each moment in time, but outside of time, this wouldn't be true. Consider that you DO have free will, and are exercising it, but every decision you will ever make is evaluated at the inception of the universe. Because we're outside of time, there is no "sequence" of events, yet chemistry and physics tell us that the interaction our brain and DNA and cells and molecules have with their surroundings can't just be skipped over. Imagine a maze, and you want to get from the beginning of the maze to the end of the maze. Within time, you trace the path from start to finish. Outside of time, the path exists in it's entirety without any change, but that doesn't change that the path still had to be followed. We didn't just skip instantly to the end, and the shape of the path is dependent on the shape of the maze. (Your brain is the maze and your decisions are the path) So you could say that you do have free will, and in a sense, every decision you'll ever make already exists, you just haven't gotten to them yet.
Could someone care to expand on, or link reading/watching material about, the point made beginning at about 6:43? Specifically, why is it questionable that a dimension of possible outcomes be any different to free will? As I see it, choice (and if choice is too predictable, chaos type occurrences) would be a means of traversing this axis, thus relinquishing a set destiny. Thanks in advance.
Its flow of energy, whenever theres a change in order the entropy changes positively and we experience the change in order as the flow of time, so, in order to time flow, you need to increase entropy which happens only when theres a change in the molecular order which is nothing but change in energy. Hence whenever you experience time to flow there are some energy flowing. You can stop time by keeping entropy at zero and run it backward if you manage to invent how to create negative entropy! Any random Event=Change in energy=Change in order=Entropy=Flow of time=Experiencing the event
John Nordberg on youtube says that...Time is motion (Time is a specific motion, that we use to measure all other motions.) I don't see why that would not work debated it, but motion still came out on top. wanted your thoughts?
This was amazing, and made my head hurt quite a lot. But yeah 4D space-time does sound interesting, and I must delve into it more, thanks for piquing my interest and giving me some entry knowledge.
Came here from Education Perfect. Any other kids sitting through this, tired, stressed and exhausted w school hahaha. Just know that it'll all be worth it guys.
You guys should check out the BBC documentary about consciousness and how your decisions are made up to 6 seconds before you're aware of them. It's mind blowing
I'd disagree that in the multiverse it means we can't know if there is a free will. In a multi-verse it is just as determined (or "destined") as in the block universe theory. In such a view all universes are determined, but we cannot know which actualization of the multi-verse we inhabit (so we don't know if this is the universe wherein I take a step and the floor gives way into a massive black hole, or the one where I simply fall, or the one where nothing "remarkable" happens). This is still not freedom which requires contingency (but not stochastic contingency, or else it's just random which is also not freedom). Now time travel, it seems, would not be possible unless we inhabit a block universe or a multi-verse. However, given the choice (which I don't actually have) I'd rather take an open universe without the possibility of time travel. Conclusion: while I like the idea of time travel, I choose to deny its existence in the hopes that ours is a free universe wherein my choices actually matter and originate within me. Could this be wrong? Absolutely, particularly if time travel becomes a reality. But until then I'll accept the open universe theory wherein time, while a dimension of spacetime, is nevertheless uni-directional. In other words, it's flexible, but not reverseable.
Guys, palms like bright light, so you might want to put it by the window and even put it outside during the summer after the danger of frost is passed. Also, they really don't like a lot lot of water. You should really only water it once a week unless it's drying out faster than that. Also, don't let it sit in water. :)
You can still have free will in a deterministic universe, because you don't actually know what you're going to do before you do it. It's a decision, completely uninfluenced by the fact that the future will already have been determined anyway, since it would have been determined by your own choice in the first place. (Am I making myself clear?)
TIme: that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures time
I just had to analyse Slaughterhouse Five and write a paper about it last semester. So right now I'm just like: "No please, stop no more Tralfamadore and discussion of free will!" It is an interesting subject though, but just not for me in 'this moment'. ;)
Here's a good question: why when we try to remember something we don't experience the sense of smell or touch? And how do we know we exist in the present? I also wonder, do we live in a moment?
Cringy AF easy: what you experience as existence it's your subjective observation of the universe. it takes few milliseconds for the brain to process everything and to actually present the "universe" to us.
That model is very incorrect if you consider Minkowski spacetime (the spacetime invented by that guy Hermann Minkowski he mentioned). The properties of that spacetime are completely different from what we're used to- they're *non-Euclidean*. The metric tensor changes, so dot products and distances are defined differently in Minkowski 4-space. The warping of this space can't really be illustrated truthfully by a video that we would find intuitive, but this is an ok mechanism if you just want to show it to a layman to show that gravity is related to the geometry of spacetime.
Time is just a perception from the human brain... Without memory, time (or our perception of time) would not exist... If we had no memory, "technically" we would live in the present and ONLY the present, however we do have memory and this time "technically" exists
+manofwill12345 time does exist, because there would be no changes in matter without it, time is just a side effect of energy flow, like wind is a "side effect" of weather (different temperatures interaction)
And when I believe in neither the block time nor the multiverse? I know from the theory of relativity that time and space interact with eachother, but I don't see why time has to be a dimension because of this. Maybe the past and the future are just mental constructs and all there is is just the presence? Which only looks like it has direction because of entropy and such things.
Well, if entropy is really what causes our perception of time, or generally is what makes it possible for observers to measure time, entropy IS time and the future and past thus are legitimate constructs. but i'm not sure if i'm convinced by this whole entropy entropy explanation, it implies that time is actually an emergent property on the macroscopic scale, and will stop, when entropy reaches its maximum. (oh maybe that's what you meant?) a fascinating idea anyways, true or not...
6:50 so yeah maybe there is a infinite amount of universes with all the outcomes posible, but in each one, everybody is destined to die in a very specific tipe of way. So no, there is no such ting as free will.
Interesting video, but have you considered A-, B- and C-theory of time? Basically, it is nonsensical to talk about past, present or future since now is past at a future time, thus having all three properties at once, and they shold be mutually exclusive. If not, they dont make any sense. So we can basically just talk about spacetime in a sense where at a certain time in space something happened. At least if we want to be logical, but its impractical. Also, The time-block doesnt necessarily have to include the future. In my mind, the future doesnt exist, but the time-block is increasing in size, thus making the past ever larger.
Hypoteticaly, let's asume I would have two entangled particles and move one away from the other with near lightspeed. Let's further asume that each of this particles has a propability to decay and the decay would also disturb the sister particle. Would the slower particle therefore experiance a shorter halflife ?
Time is a flat circle. Everything that you have done and will do is going to happen again.. and again and again, for eternity. Make the best of the time that you have!
+Grey RIC Sort of, if you choose to believe Friedrich Nietzsche theories. Since everything has a beginning and an end, it means that the universe also will have AN end, and when that end comes the universe will "implode" (the time circle is complete) and create a "new universe" alas "the big bang". So you'll be born into the same life and live the same life, making the same exact choices that you've always made! Forever and forever for eternity.
"Space" is everthing that exist. "Time" is a tool we use to measure the change of "Space" Just like a ruler measures distance. A clock measures the change of Space. To prove this, Lets say we are watching a movie. each frame is "Space". Changing to the next frame is "Time". We can rewind, stop, or advance the movie. Now if we stop on one frame forever then we still have a picture to look at. Just like if "Space" stopped changing we could still exist "But I think it would be boring". Now if you removed all the frames then time is irrelevant. You can have space without time, but you can not have time without space. Therefore time is just a tool to measure changes in Space. I do not believe in Space/Time as if they are the same because we are all taking our own measurements, therefore they are not linked. The same as if I take a ruler and measure a stick, and someone else measures the same stick. We may come up with the same answer, or we may not, but we should both be close to the actual length of the stick.
Mariana Garcia I would not use this in your home work because it goes against what todays scientist believe. And though I can't wait until future scientist look back and ask "They really believe space was flat?" or "How could they think the speed of light was constant and time was variable?" But we also used to believe the earth was flat so whatever.
Jason Walker Yeah, and it is connected with certain reference points. A frame (a "slice" of light/photons, like a photo) which just left the earth, is not the past of the earth on another planet one light year from here. From that reference point (the other planet), the future of the earth is on its way to that planet, but it is the past from the reference point earth. In that way a future can be seen as already existing in the universe, from another reference point in space in which one isn't physically located. I think it's the easiest way of thinking about time, an endless amount of slices of photons (picture frames) moving in space in every direction, describing changes of physical objects. If it is considered to be past, now or future depends on where you imagine that you are in space, the reference point. In a sense, time can be seen as just a continous flow of information in every direction, concerning changes of objects. A really interesting reflection in this context is the main difference between the human species and animal species, creativity. If the modern human species (the only creative species) is seen as an extension of the evolutionary/creative processes in the universe itself, then we decide the future (changes) in the system in certain ways with our intellect, free will, and visions which are placed in the future. We then influence/determine our own evolution process, and processes in the solar system in certain ways. This certainly divides people into two groups... we do / we do not (or should / should not).
I agree with everything but the part about another reference point sees the future. Start the clock at time 0:00. The other planet sees nothing from us, now we do stuff for 1mil years, then that light makes it to the other planet. We do more stuff in the present but the other planet is always seeing 1mil years in our past. No one can see the future because it has not happen.
Jason Walker You're correct ofc! One can't see the future (that would be awesome), but I think one can (or at least I can) imagine that it is on its way as photon frames, from other reference points in space.
Einstein didn't have that big of a role in special relativity. It was a collaberation of many different physisists. However, general relativity was solely Einsteins product.
If the future is known it means you cannot take other decision during your life. Your decisions are already set. So ... no free will. Not possible to change your mind about anything ...
Multiplying universe doesn't give you free will, it will make you do all the choices, all the time, sorry! Determinism makes more sense to me. But even though free will doesn't exist really, it exists to our perception, since we can't know the outcomes.
This is long and tempting to immediately refute as 'pseudoscience' but hear me out. If block time and the eternalist philosophy is true it seems to infer we-relive life in an never-ending cycle. Sounds crazy? But here's my reasoning; 1) Time exists in some form or as something which we label as time according to relativity but it need not flow of course or be what we often presume it to be. 2) If all moments exist in equal measure and time does not flow yet exists in some form, then objectively 2017 is not any more real than 10 billion B.C. or 10 billion A.D. 3) We know that we experience the flow of time subjectively, that much is true but there is no evidence that consciousness nor the flow of time is real. 4) The moment we die, we can no longer experience the world and for us the flow of time ends but it makes no sense to suggest the world 'goes on without us' because this only makes sense within the illusion of the flow of time (you really need to break free of basic yet likely false assumptions we have about reality). So therefore when we die, if all moments exist in equal measure then we are also alive... 5) So that means under a block time universe perspective, when we 'die', we are alive and dead at the same time and not only that, we are actually alive and dead right now (although right now is misleading although relevant within the subjective illusion we have that time flows). 6) So if we are dead and alive simultaneously, yet obviously it is impossible to experience anything while being dead and we know we experience time as a flow (even if there is no objective flow of time), then when we 'die' in our illusory timeline, we cannot experience being dead and since just as 'now' (the quotation marks inferring now and then and die are within this illusory experience of reality and not objectively meaningful) we are dead and not experiencing it, it follows that when we reach this point and surpass it, we would still be alive and therefore the precedent of us experiencing life from the beginning to end would continue and the most logical point to go after we die in this illusory timeline is back to the beginning (since that's the direction the illusory flow of time goes in our subjective experience that we're having). If you think this is non-sense, read it a couple of times and make sure you see how the logic goes in this direction and separate the illusory flow of time from the objective reality of all moments existing simultaneously. Again, this depends on whether a block time universe with time being real but not one which flows being the truth. This we don't know for sure but my point is IF this is true, that's where the logic leads. Any arguments that 'there's no evidence we go back in time after we die' exist purely within the illusory flow of time we have and makes fundamental misconceptions about reality IF block time is correct.
There is no such thing as free will. As grim as it seems block time view also rules out the notion of true free will, which is something more nonsensical than the usual understanding of free will. See Sam Harris' work on this subject for further info.
the fact that someone would use something like the visual world of a classic vintage game to explain a highly serious scientific concept with important philosophical implications.... Awesome!!! everything clean cut, rendered and all.... i'd just like to hug that person(s) who tickled my art-beauty-strange thingy
Ryan's really good at presenting this good stuff! I really like the more science-fiction/science fact based playlists. :)
Ryan, my favorite time is my time spent with you... *cue sentimental music*
Ryan, don't read below this sentence.
(really, it's my time spent with Chyna but don't tell Ryan that.)
Now... who would do that?
Who is this? Affair clone?
***** wheezy has a girlfriend
That mario example was perfect.
Ron was my hero. Now, Ryan Wolff is my hero. The person who will be my hero is currently out there somewhere, possibly gestating within their mother. Man, I can't wait 'til they're born. And become my hero.
You're havin a little Jarvi????!!!?!?
Loved the vid. This is how I see time too; as a fourth dimension. There is a video on youtube called Imagining the Tenth Dimension which pretty much explains how it all works. I do believe there is absolutely no free will as it doesn't really make any sense. Computers do what they were destined to do, although they sometimes seem so alive and self aware. We are the same. I was destined to write this this way and at this time.
Free will would mean complete randomness, which we know does not really exist, at least at a large scale. We make decisions based on past experiences, which are also based on other past experiences and so on. The only person who would have free will, would be a person, whose decisions are not controlled by our three dimensional world. That would be a four dimensional person. However, they are still controlled by their four dimensional world's rules...
If anyone finds this weird, I am sorry, but I really didn't have any choice in the matter.
it's official. I really do learn more on the Good Stuff than at school.
Excelent video guys, one of the best, as long as i've seen regarding the topic of time
Thanks for the video! I was struggling to grasp the concept of Externalism and the 4th dimension. The examples really helped
Isn't time just a constant and neverending flow of energy? This flow of energy creates "time" (changes in matter). Time is just a 'side effect'. That's how i think about it.
+Yuriy “Lazovets” Demenko Exactly. Here are my thoughts on that ...
+Yuriy “Lazovets” Demenko you are almost there, try to include 'Entropy' into the picture and bingo you would see how they cook up!
This sounds like circular logic to me
I've since revised my philosophy of time. This is what time
I think time is a property of matter, not a spatial dimention. As time flows energy must disperse, and the dispersing of energy is what 'makes time'.
Isn't time just a numerical tracking on the distribution of energy?
@chickenmoger Exactly, very well put.
Great vid man!
Time is a creation of the mind observing change. If that mind stops thinking (because thoughts are change) then even if rivers still flow and leaves blow but no mind to register it all then there is no time.
This is one of the best explanations of time i have ever seen. Please upload somewhere; the graphics used for the Mario models! They are wonderful.
This was great it blew my mind and helped explain Slaughterhouse-Five to me. Thanks for the great video!
In a simplistic manner, I have always thought of time and, free will, vs. predestination as a choose your own adventure book. All possible outcomes are contained within, but different decisions change the path towards a final outcome. If you were an omniscient being, you could know all outcomes of the book, by reading every possible combination, but the character internal to the book could only infer possible outcomes.
Wow, the graphics and animation in this video are cool!
This is a fantastic video :)
Even without the multiverse, you still have free will. If we're observing time as a fourth spatial dimension, we must be making observations independent of time. When we make decisions, we assume we're making them each moment in time, but outside of time, this wouldn't be true.
Consider that you DO have free will, and are exercising it, but every decision you will ever make is evaluated at the inception of the universe. Because we're outside of time, there is no "sequence" of events, yet chemistry and physics tell us that the interaction our brain and DNA and cells and molecules have with their surroundings can't just be skipped over.
Imagine a maze, and you want to get from the beginning of the maze to the end of the maze. Within time, you trace the path from start to finish. Outside of time, the path exists in it's entirety without any change, but that doesn't change that the path still had to be followed. We didn't just skip instantly to the end, and the shape of the path is dependent on the shape of the maze. (Your brain is the maze and your decisions are the path)
So you could say that you do have free will, and in a sense, every decision you'll ever make already exists, you just haven't gotten to them yet.
As long as you cannot change a decision there is no free will. At least no real free will.
Doctor Who is fantastic, everything needs more Doctor Who.
I need Series 8, why can't I just travel forward in time to August so I can watch it.
But you are traveling forward in time. Just very slow :D
i really like it! this vid is not difficult to understand but in fact it's talking about things that are difficult to understand!
This is a great video for my assignment, thanks!
I'm sad about the palm tree.
The facial hair is looking good Ryan! Keep up the good work.
You guys should consider not making your playlists unlisted. You might get more exposure, which you definitely deserve.
Could someone care to expand on, or link reading/watching material about, the point made beginning at about 6:43? Specifically, why is it questionable that a dimension of possible outcomes be any different to free will? As I see it, choice (and if choice is too predictable, chaos type occurrences) would be a means of traversing this axis, thus relinquishing a set destiny.
Thanks in advance.
Did you notice that you were missing the image of a pendulum k.psd at 0:55? Looks very strange.
yep. Really bummed that got screwed up and I didn't notice it till after it had been uploaded. *Sigh
Its flow of energy, whenever theres a change in order the entropy changes positively and we experience the change in order as the flow of time, so, in order to time flow, you need to increase entropy which happens only when theres a change in the molecular order which is nothing but change in energy. Hence whenever you experience time to flow there are some energy flowing.
You can stop time by keeping entropy at zero and run it backward if you manage to invent how to create negative entropy!
Any random Event=Change in energy=Change in order=Entropy=Flow of time=Experiencing the event
John Nordberg on youtube says that...Time is motion
(Time is a specific motion, that we use to measure all other motions.) I don't see why that would not work debated it, but motion still came out on top. wanted your thoughts?
Does Ryan have a channel? If so what is it?
This was amazing, and made my head hurt quite a lot. But yeah 4D space-time does sound interesting, and I must delve into it more, thanks for piquing my interest and giving me some entry knowledge.
A little bit, but then all advanced science does that to me :P
I never said it was proven, it's a theory and even ridiculous theories have been shown to be true in the past. And because it sounds interesting
I like you, Ryan. Do more videos.
Came here from Education Perfect. Any other kids sitting through this, tired, stressed and exhausted w school hahaha. Just know that it'll all be worth it guys.
the video is mind blowing.thanks for uploading.
Whats the name of the song at 3:48?
You can't touch this!
Great video
That was a great video
Thank you for this
Mind Blown.
You guys should check out the BBC documentary about consciousness and how your decisions are made up to 6 seconds before you're aware of them. It's mind blowing
where did that image of the einstein poster come from?
I'd disagree that in the multiverse it means we can't know if there is a free will. In a multi-verse it is just as determined (or "destined") as in the block universe theory. In such a view all universes are determined, but we cannot know which actualization of the multi-verse we inhabit (so we don't know if this is the universe wherein I take a step and the floor gives way into a massive black hole, or the one where I simply fall, or the one where nothing "remarkable" happens). This is still not freedom which requires contingency (but not stochastic contingency, or else it's just random which is also not freedom). Now time travel, it seems, would not be possible unless we inhabit a block universe or a multi-verse. However, given the choice (which I don't actually have) I'd rather take an open universe without the possibility of time travel. Conclusion: while I like the idea of time travel, I choose to deny its existence in the hopes that ours is a free universe wherein my choices actually matter and originate within me. Could this be wrong? Absolutely, particularly if time travel becomes a reality. But until then I'll accept the open universe theory wherein time, while a dimension of spacetime, is nevertheless uni-directional. In other words, it's flexible, but not reverseable.
Guys, palms like bright light, so you might want to put it by the window and even put it outside during the summer after the danger of frost is passed. Also, they really don't like a lot lot of water. You should really only water it once a week unless it's drying out faster than that. Also, don't let it sit in water. :)
You forgot about the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which is also called as the Arrow of Time.
Can't believe I just bumped into this... awesome stuff! 7 years ago ? 7 sec ago? Time not relevant ^-&
i think 2:01 is now my favorite moment of youtube history...
You can still have free will in a deterministic universe, because you don't actually know what you're going to do before you do it. It's a decision, completely uninfluenced by the fact that the future will already have been determined anyway, since it would have been determined by your own choice in the first place. (Am I making myself clear?)
Time - that property that is measured by clocks.
Clock - a devise that measures time.
TIme: that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures that property that is measured by a devise that measures time
I just had to analyse Slaughterhouse Five and write a paper about it last semester. So right now I'm just like: "No please, stop no more Tralfamadore and discussion of free will!" It is an interesting subject though, but just not for me in 'this moment'. ;)
I wish I had enough money to make The Good Stuff run indefinitely.
this fucked me up so much
whats weezywaiter doing at the end?
How could there be infinite yous if the plank length and time are a thing? There would be a smallest possible peice.
Deep dude ryan
Here's a good question: why when we try to remember something we don't experience the sense of smell or touch? And how do we know we exist in the present? I also wonder, do we live in a moment?
We actually "exist" in the past ;)
Cringy AF epistemology, metaphysics
Moore Jeff I'm not really looking in philosophy for answers because it makes me ask more questions lol but thanks .
Laurentiu Vasiescu can you explain me that because my belief is different . We exist in the present moment !
Cringy AF easy: what you experience as existence it's your subjective observation of the universe. it takes few milliseconds for the brain to process everything and to actually present the "universe" to us.
Is the future fixed?
At 2.55 is that what the warping of spacetime looks like? I would think that, that model represents 2D.
That model is very incorrect if you consider Minkowski spacetime (the spacetime invented by that guy Hermann Minkowski he mentioned). The properties of that spacetime are completely different from what we're used to- they're *non-Euclidean*. The metric tensor changes, so dot products and distances are defined differently in Minkowski 4-space. The warping of this space can't really be illustrated truthfully by a video that we would find intuitive, but this is an ok mechanism if you just want to show it to a layman to show that gravity is related to the geometry of spacetime.
Time is just a perception from the human brain... Without memory, time (or our perception of time) would not exist... If we had no memory, "technically" we would live in the present and ONLY the present, however we do have memory and this time "technically" exists
How about the future?
+manofwill12345 time does exist, because there would be no changes in matter without it, time is just a side effect of energy flow, like wind is a "side effect" of weather (different temperatures interaction)
And when I believe in neither the block time nor the multiverse? I know from the theory of relativity that time and space interact with eachother, but I don't see why time has to be a dimension because of this. Maybe the past and the future are just mental constructs and all there is is just the presence? Which only looks like it has direction because of entropy and such things.
Well, if entropy is really what causes our perception of time, or generally is what makes it possible for observers to measure time, entropy IS time and the future and past thus are legitimate constructs. but i'm not sure if i'm convinced by this whole entropy entropy explanation, it implies that time is actually an emergent property on the macroscopic scale, and will stop, when entropy reaches its maximum. (oh maybe that's what you meant?) a fascinating idea anyways, true or not...
6:50 so yeah maybe there is a infinite amount of universes with all the outcomes posible, but in each one, everybody is destined to die in a very specific tipe of way. So no, there is no such ting as free will.
Interesting video, but have you considered A-, B- and C-theory of time? Basically, it is nonsensical to talk about past, present or future since now is past at a future time, thus having all three properties at once, and they shold be mutually exclusive. If not, they dont make any sense. So we can basically just talk about spacetime in a sense where at a certain time in space something happened. At least if we want to be logical, but its impractical. Also, The time-block doesnt necessarily have to include the future. In my mind, the future doesnt exist, but the time-block is increasing in size, thus making the past ever larger.
Hypoteticaly, let's asume I would have two entangled particles and move one away from the other with near lightspeed. Let's further asume that each of this particles has a propability to decay and the decay would also disturb the sister particle. Would the slower particle therefore experiance a shorter halflife ?
Time is a flat circle. Everything that you have done and will do is going to happen again.. and again and again, for eternity. Make the best of the time that you have!
+Grey RIC Sort of, if you choose to believe Friedrich Nietzsche theories.
Since everything has a beginning and an end, it means that the universe also will have AN end, and when that end comes the universe will "implode" (the time circle is complete) and create a "new universe" alas "the big bang".
So you'll be born into the same life and live the same life, making the same exact choices that you've always made! Forever and forever for eternity.
Time is a tool you can put on the wall, or wear it on your wrist. The past is far behind us, the future doesn't exist.
"Space" is everthing that exist.
"Time" is a tool we use to measure the change of "Space"
Just like a ruler measures distance.
A clock measures the change of Space.
To prove this, Lets say we are watching a movie. each frame is "Space".
Changing to the next frame is "Time".
We can rewind, stop, or advance the movie.
Now if we stop on one frame forever then we still have a picture to look at. Just like if "Space" stopped changing we could still exist "But I think it would be boring". Now if you removed all the frames then time is irrelevant. You can have space without time, but you can not have time without space. Therefore time is just a tool to measure changes in Space. I do not believe in Space/Time as if they are the same because we are all taking our own measurements, therefore they are not linked. The same as if I take a ruler and measure a stick, and someone else measures the same stick. We may come up with the same answer, or we may not, but we should both be close to the actual length of the stick.
Im using this in my english homework, they will have the mind blown!!!!! Thanks!!...
O well can i use this in my homework? Jejeje
Mariana Garcia I would not use this in your home work because it goes against what todays scientist believe. And though I can't wait until future scientist look back and ask "They really believe space was flat?" or "How could they think the speed of light was constant and time was variable?" But we also used to believe the earth was flat so whatever.
Jason Walker Yeah, and it is connected with certain reference points. A frame (a "slice" of light/photons, like a photo) which just left the earth, is not the past of the earth on another planet one light year from here. From that reference point (the other planet), the future of the earth is on its way to that planet, but it is the past from the reference point earth. In that way a future can be seen as already existing in the universe, from another reference point in space in which one isn't physically located. I think it's the easiest way of thinking about time, an endless amount of slices of photons (picture frames) moving in space in every direction, describing changes of physical objects. If it is considered to be past, now or future depends on where you imagine that you are in space, the reference point. In a sense, time can be seen as just a continous flow of information in every direction, concerning changes of objects.
A really interesting reflection in this context is the main difference between the human species and animal species, creativity. If the modern human species (the only creative species) is seen as an extension of the evolutionary/creative processes in the universe itself, then we decide the future (changes) in the system in certain ways with our intellect, free will, and visions which are placed in the future. We then influence/determine our own evolution process, and processes in the solar system in certain ways. This certainly divides people into two groups... we do / we do not (or should / should not).
I agree with everything but the part about another reference point sees the future. Start the clock at time 0:00. The other planet sees nothing from us, now we do stuff for 1mil years, then that light makes it to the other planet. We do more stuff in the present but the other planet is always seeing 1mil years in our past. No one can see the future because it has not happen.
Jason Walker You're correct ofc! One can't see the future (that would be awesome), but I think one can (or at least I can) imagine that it is on its way as photon frames, from other reference points in space.
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff
I finally get what time is :D
Noticed those Aggressive inline skates XD
I don't know if I by the Multiverse, I was always going to eat that apple, etc. Our life experience makes any action determined and inevitable IMOP.
Time is natures way of keeping everything from happening at once. - Woody Allen
One of the most brilliant quotes about time that I've ever heard.
Finally. Something that explains Homestuck time travel
Einstein didn't have that big of a role in special relativity. It was a collaberation of many different physisists. However, general relativity was solely Einsteins product.
Now anytime I die playing Mario I wish the screen would say "So it goes".
time is most difficult "thing" ever created
Remember the TIMES you used to wave at us? :/
Inspector Spacetime!
Geesh, why does everyone assume that just because someone's future is known that they have no free will?
If the future is known it means you cannot take other decision during your life. Your decisions are already set. So ... no free will. Not possible to change your mind about anything ...
"Like Santa Claus"
Determinism has nothing to do with free will. Read Daniel Dennett.
am i the only one that js can’t for the life of me understand and put together what time actually is even after this video?
8 years after i still use the mario representation to explain time to my friends =)
Spacetime isn't a block. It's a 3.5D hypercube.
.5 past
"Time fluctuates - sounds like flux as in flux-capacitor.
Two hundred thousand years in the future, he's dying, and there's nothing I can do.
Space-time worm of Mario!
There's no way of proving that Anything exists.
after 5 minutes shit gets real..
Multiplying universe doesn't give you free will, it will make you do all the choices, all the time, sorry! Determinism makes more sense to me. But even though free will doesn't exist really, it exists to our perception, since we can't know the outcomes.
This is long and tempting to immediately refute as 'pseudoscience' but hear me out. If block time and the eternalist philosophy is true it seems to infer we-relive life in an never-ending cycle. Sounds crazy? But here's my reasoning;
1) Time exists in some form or as something which we label as time according to relativity but it need not flow of course or be what we often presume it to be.
2) If all moments exist in equal measure and time does not flow yet exists in some form, then objectively 2017 is not any more real than 10 billion B.C. or 10 billion A.D.
3) We know that we experience the flow of time subjectively, that much is true but there is no evidence that consciousness nor the flow of time is real.
4) The moment we die, we can no longer experience the world and for us the flow of time ends but it makes no sense to suggest the world 'goes on without us' because this only makes sense within the illusion of the flow of time (you really need to break free of basic yet likely false assumptions we have about reality). So therefore when we die, if all moments exist in equal measure then we are also alive...
5) So that means under a block time universe perspective, when we 'die', we are alive and dead at the same time and not only that, we are actually alive and dead right now (although right now is misleading although relevant within the subjective illusion we have that time flows).
6) So if we are dead and alive simultaneously, yet obviously it is impossible to experience anything while being dead and we know we experience time as a flow (even if there is no objective flow of time), then when we 'die' in our illusory timeline, we cannot experience being dead and since just as 'now' (the quotation marks inferring now and then and die are within this illusory experience of reality and not objectively meaningful) we are dead and not experiencing it, it follows that when we reach this point and surpass it, we would still be alive and therefore the precedent of us experiencing life from the beginning to end would continue and the most logical point to go after we die in this illusory timeline is back to the beginning (since that's the direction the illusory flow of time goes in our subjective experience that we're having).
If you think this is non-sense, read it a couple of times and make sure you see how the logic goes in this direction and separate the illusory flow of time from the objective reality of all moments existing simultaneously. Again, this depends on whether a block time universe with time being real but not one which flows being the truth. This we don't know for sure but my point is IF this is true, that's where the logic leads. Any arguments that 'there's no evidence we go back in time after we die' exist purely within the illusory flow of time we have and makes fundamental misconceptions about reality IF block time is correct.
It's like pushing an elephant up the stairs.
wibbly wobbly timey wimey
wow, I am barely catching up... most importantly, my mistakes don't count?
There is no such thing as free will. As grim as it seems block time view also rules out the notion of true free will, which is something more nonsensical than the usual understanding of free will.
See Sam Harris' work on this subject for further info.
No our destiny is the outcome of our free world.
Time is money
I have no trouble imagining 3 dimensions..
do you want five dollars?
Baby don't hurt me?