According to CRA, property held in a trust is deemed to be sold every 21 years, unless it is actually sold or rolled out to beneficiaries before the 21-year deadline. For tax purposes, if your clients miss the 21-year deadline, it's as if they sold the cottage. That means capital gains tax.
According to CRA, property held in a trust is deemed to be sold every 21 years, unless it is actually sold or rolled out to beneficiaries before the 21-year deadline. For tax purposes, if your clients miss the 21-year deadline, it's as if they sold the cottage. That means capital gains tax.
Hi Zoe, 想問下 如果買segregated fund,揀錯fund,好似例如幾年前如果買咗大中華嘅segregated fund ,回報好差,回報又冇guarantee,當 return 少過withdrawal,個本金就越來越少,咁點算?
首先我什少單買一個市場的基金,响加拿大買基金,是可以買投資全球不同市場的基金,而且我會定時同客人做Review,適當的時候會幫客人重新調配基金組合,避免本金完全被蠶食的情況,即使遇到市場回報不佳的日子,以我的經驗,優質的基金及基金組合是會在市場好的時候pick up返損失的。
@@zoeasyzoelee83我知冇 free lunch, 咁 Segregated funds 75 同 100 點俾個 difference? Reflect 係回報率度定係買時要加錢?😮
@@SmallPotato-sp3ln 100% 保障的,每有額外的收費,每間公司收費及收費間表不一樣
@@zoeasyzoelee83 其實我唔係需要 100%攞番保本的保障,唔通放落去 20年只得零回報咩?咁點解我唔去買 VOO ?
父母是香港人沒有加拿大身份, 子女有加拿大護照, 如父母過身, 子女需否交加拿大稅?
@@philipchan1835 你嘅意思係父母過身,子女接收遺產,是否需要教加拿大說?