tony ann is most charismatic piano player who opens the door to the world of magic and human emotions which brings healing to humanity like the graceful oceans tides....... been following him for 2 years now poem for Tony Ann .......Tony Ann the Charismatic With fingers that dance on keys so bright, Tony Ann conjures magic in the night. A doorway opens, emotions flow, Healing hearts with every note. Like ocean tides, so graceful and grand, His music touches every land. In waves of sound, humanity finds, A balm for souls, a peace of mind. in melodies that soar and glide, Tony’s touch, a gentle guide. Through crescendos and soft refrains, He weaves a spell that soothes our pains much love beautiful soul
Petit loupé sur l'appellation des notes effectivement, Babeth. Elle avait la moitié de l'info, en fait. ^^ Pas grave, on l'aime quand même ! :) (Mais visiblement aucun mélomane ou connaisseur de musique et encore moins musicien sur le plateau ... Ben alors, Lio !!... Là, ça me surprend pas mal en revanche ... Donc récap pour ceux qui ne savent pas, c'est cadeau ! A = La B = Si C = Do D= Ré E = Mi F = Fa G = Sol
tony ann is most charismatic piano player who opens the door to the world of magic and human emotions which brings healing to humanity like the graceful oceans tides....... been following him for 2 years now poem for Tony Ann .......Tony Ann the Charismatic
With fingers that dance on keys so bright,
Tony Ann conjures magic in the night.
A doorway opens, emotions flow,
Healing hearts with every note.
Like ocean tides, so graceful and grand,
His music touches every land.
In waves of sound, humanity finds,
A balm for souls, a peace of mind.
in melodies that soar and glide,
Tony’s touch, a gentle guide.
Through crescendos and soft refrains,
He weaves a spell that soothes our pains
much love beautiful soul
A = La !
Oui je me suis dis même Lio elle réagit pas ohlala 🤣
Petit loupé sur l'appellation des notes effectivement, Babeth. Elle avait la moitié de l'info, en fait. ^^
Pas grave, on l'aime quand même ! :) (Mais visiblement aucun mélomane ou connaisseur de musique et encore moins musicien sur le plateau ... Ben alors, Lio !!... Là, ça me surprend pas mal en revanche ...
Donc récap pour ceux qui ne savent pas, c'est cadeau !
A = La
B = Si
C = Do
D= Ré
E = Mi
F = Fa
G = Sol
TV francesa evidências positivas God bless you 🩵🙌✨️
A B C D E F G = la si do re mi fa sol
Il faut démarrer à partir du la