This is to Chris Berglund => *_* Who is your highest authority? Is it the Allmighty God ... or one who testifies of Him? *_* In whom do you fully put your trust to lead you and guide you? Is it the Spirit of God ... or a written word that needs to be brought to life by Him? *_* Who is your Lord? Christ Jesus ... or Paul of Tarsus? Paul interpreted scripture according to his own understanding, his upbringing, and his own desire when he taught about the bride of Christ. You follow his example on this subject, teaching out of your own heart and mind. In short, the church is _not_ the bride of Christ. Nowhere in Rev. does it say so (not even in 19:7); she is called Jerusalem. Neither do you come into union with the Lord Jesus by imagining you are His bride/wife. Will you go to the Lord Himself to lead you into all truth?
This is to Chris Berglund =>
*_* Who is your highest authority?
Is it the Allmighty God ... or one who testifies of Him?
*_* In whom do you fully put your trust to lead you and guide you?
Is it the Spirit of God ... or a written word that needs to be brought to life by Him?
*_* Who is your Lord?
Christ Jesus ... or Paul of Tarsus?
Paul interpreted scripture according to his own understanding, his upbringing, and his own desire when he taught about the bride of Christ.
You follow his example on this subject, teaching out of your own heart and mind.
In short, the church is _not_ the bride of Christ.
Nowhere in Rev. does it say so (not even in 19:7); she is called Jerusalem.
Neither do you come into union with the Lord Jesus by imagining you are His bride/wife.
Will you go to the Lord Himself to lead you into all truth?