As someone who is Still learning how to use a router, I am appreciative. I've mainly routed out similar shapes with my Dremel. The only thing that I would recommend is to use a flap sanding disc on your angle grinder rather than what you used.
Arbor turbo grinder and duplicarver hasnt arrive there yet since 20 yrs or more fascinating howaesthetivd of cultures signifies their mathematicsl logic
Would have liked to see the particular router bits that you used. Nice piece of power carving.
Amazing skill with a router!
Don't you hate it when someone makes something so difficult look that easy.
No, it makes me try harder until it gets easy😊
That’s lack of experience. I try everything in regards to tools, woodworking, and metalworking whatever I try everything.
There has to be something that you do that you make it look easy because you have the experience with it
In spades!
Tell me, how do you manage to drive the milling machine so easily???
Estupendo trabajo 🎉
Hours of practice and dedication looks great ❤❤
As someone who is Still learning how to use a router, I am appreciative. I've mainly routed out similar shapes with my Dremel. The only thing that I would recommend is to use a flap sanding disc on your angle grinder rather than what you used.
that's simular to celtic designs and the welsh love spoons which were done by hand, great skill with the router
Well done! 👍👍👍
When is the amazing wood carving skills going to start
Nice idea,....done all
Are those CNC bits in a router?
Aprovechando la habilidad del artista, esa pieza, convertida el duplicadora...
Hasil yang memuaskan👍👍
Я дую на телефон, чтобы сдуть опилки 😳
I remember doing this in shop class
What tool is attached to the end of the drill
Very clever and skilled
Amazing wood carving router machine
А зачем, в конце, всё испортил болгаркой? 😳
Tem habilidade e sabe improvisar as ferramentas
beautiful, but I would have used something other than nails to hold it in place.
Nice Job !
Beautiful job
Good stuff!
Hola, cómo se llaman las fresas que ocupo para este trabajo.
Son de la marca diablo están en home depot Broo venden un kit completo saludos desde Tapachula Chiapas
¿Que herramienta es?
Mata bor nya pakai apa bos .suwun
Дай руки поносить! 🤗
Very nicely done. How can use see what you are carving when holding the router. Thanks.
His router base. It blows out the waste as he goes so he can see what he's doing
The key is the open base
Sar yah bite hamen bhi lekar dena
I think he has done it for a few more times before
Oh this is called hand carving…
Arbor turbo grinder and duplicarver hasnt arrive there yet since 20 yrs or more fascinating howaesthetivd of cultures signifies their mathematicsl logic
Bit ka nambar batao
265 number
Мне кажется зря болгаркой размазал.
Plane wood is better
Yes, the fibres and knots makes it bumpy