Hi, I'm thinking about buying the 1.3 tce 4x4 for summer adventure camping... I'll gonna put lift kit under it (h&r/bilstein). I'm not looking for adventurous 4x4 trouble (getting stuck in deep mud)... just driving over medium tractor trails looking for a nice spot to camp. Are there any parts under the car of the 1.3 that need special attention to protect against the high midsection of tractor trails?
@@DaciaDusterTrails we have the Duster tce150 4x4 now for 1yr 3mnts... I love it! It never failed on us, power is very easy to control which is great to pull out of a troubled situation in a controlled manner. Bought 4 extra original steel 16" rims for 215/70 AT tyres
I bought the 150hp 4WD and a Pedalbox which makes it nearly unstoppable in Offroad, cause the Power ist there by the Point. So by this small Investment I got a much better performing Car in Highway and on Offroad than the Diesel. Two Friends of Mine compared their Diesel with Mine and they were both impressed. But: the Stock 150 HP for Sure is a little less worse than the Diesel. But since a Lot depdends on getting used to Things, I would Not Take the conclusion as absolute truth.
I'm thinking about getting a 1.3 Turbo, I would like to be a bit of a chav & mod it up a bit. Is there much out there for this 1.3 Petrol turbo model? I'd just like to pop a sports exhaust & dump vale. Proper boy racer style 😱
So a diesel duster has a slower first gear so its more towards driving offroad? I could NOT find any information about differences between petrol and diesel variants besides the fact that they have different engines.
RO - Chiar daca nu se gaseste usor el exista pe stoc (etc), daca totusi nu il gasiti la vanzare, avem noi o solutie, pentru comenzi si best deal, sunati din partea Trails - si aveti contact pe - Alexandru - 0747286143 Explicatii mai clare pe offroad: 1. Are rapoartele mai lungi decat la diesel, inclusiv prima treapta. Asta inseamna ca trebuie sa invarti de roata mai mult ca sa iti gasesti cuplul dorit. In anumite scenarii sensibile pt Duster asta e un lucru rau pentru ca pierzi controlul masinii si cazi in selau. Dusterul in zone mai grele face echilibristica intre sleauri si e destul de neplacut sa cazi in selau de tractor sau camion cu lemne pt ca iti complica mult viata sa iesi din el sau risti sa ramai suspendat. Deci, o invartire mai mare a rotii la viteze mici duce si la o pierdere mai rapida a sigurantei laterale, adica aluneci mai usor pe lateral iar daca combini asta cu volanul excesiv de usor, practic la niste manevre cu mai multi pasi pe teren alunecos, doar ghicesti ce ai de facut cu puntea fata si pe unde iti sunt rotile. Ca sa nu mai zic de puntea fata mai usoara. Offroadul nu inseamna doar mres inainte... 2. Cuplu ala maxim pe hartie nu il gasesti unde ai nevoie de el din cauza cutiei si in urcari risti sa "ineci" motorul. Mai ales pe zone cu pierte ascutite fixe, care nu te lasa sa dai span usor la roata si sa iti gasesti cuplul mai sus in rotatii roata. Adica masina e mai greu de gestionat in situatii grele, nu ma refer la promenade pe forestiere ci uracrai abrupte si jonglari intre ravene. Si nu am intrat in alte probleme ale lui mentionate pe grup, benzina in ulei, pete de ulei pe motor, loterie la sirenaj, consum cam cu 2 litrii mai mare decat la diesel, putin prea usor pe puntea fata.
sincer, e O.K. ce spui, dar o zici d.p.d.v. al unui utilizator versat de diesel, se vede asta de la o posta. Ma indoiesc sincer ca alte motoare benzinare gen downsizing echivalent cu cel 1.3 al aliantei Renault sunt mai bune sau fara probleme.
i would love to see comparsion between 1.3 Tce and 1.5Dci. You say Dci is better, but it is also heavier. In two test I already saw on YT 1.3 TCe ended up better. ;o Cheers
Will do later, even though we did it as we know how dci behaves on our test track, not to mention that we had them both side by side in expeditions since last year.
Very nice video, thank you guys! I was expecting a much better performance from this engine - both in terms of fuel economy and offroad capabilities. Seems that I will stick to the ol' trusty dci, which I absolutely love.
Tsanko Tsankov the engine with filtre particles if is 130 Hp or 150 Hp are very good, Buț those guys only use in Every day off-road diesel, trust me when I say this. The prove is very long list until the client wait to receive ITS own car with the Both types of 1.3 engine 130 Hp and 150 hp
Hello I have a Duster with the 2.0 gasoline engine and 6 speed. I need a new Duster is the 1.3 turbo reliable? Is it better than the 2.0 gasoline engine? Thank you
@@DaciaDusterTrails that's is saying a lot here the duster with the 2.0 engine is used in the coal mines and last about 400-700 thousand kilometers on regular bases. The 2.0 engine is very reliable but no longer available. Thank you
Am cautat intens info despre diferente intre 1.5 DCI si 1.3 TCE 150 in legatura cu treapta 1. Detin 1.5 ul, nu am condus pana acum 1.3 ul. Este primul canal unde vad mentionat ca exista diferenta sesizabila de cuplu la treapta 1. Am gasit si forumuri in care conducatorii au spus ca de fapt 1.3 se simte chiar mai bine in treapta 1. CosminMCS intr-un clip al sau spune ca 1.3ul de 150 trage in treapta 1 precum 1.5ul sau cu soft. Sunt foarte surprins de ce spuneti voi... In viata reala la offroad chiar se simte un minus pentru 1.3?
Sorin, noi nu suntem infuleceri parteneri cu dealeshipuri Dacia, noi vedem astfel anumite scenarii prin lentile mai putin roz. Nu ne obliga sa ne criticam prietenii. Iti recomandam sa pui intrebarile pe grupul nostru de FB, pt ca nu prea stam pe YT. 1.3ul are cuplul respectiv mai sus in turatii reale si astfel in teren ai nevoie de viteza mai mare, iar o viteza mare in teren inseamna mai multe sanse la erori/ alunecari si greseli costisitoare. Offroadul nu inseamna doar urcat pe drept inainte la o cabana. 1.3ul este optimizat pt asfalt.
@@DaciaDusterTrails salutare Stiu f bine ce insemna sa fii nevoit sa turezi pentru ca nu ai suficienta putere si exact asta vreau sa evit. Daca 1.3ul intr-adevar are nevoie sa fie mai turat, atunci 1.5ul ramane in continuare optiunea mai buna la offroad. Spuneam doar ca aici este singurul loc unde am gasit ca ar exista aceasta diferenta intre cele doua motorizari.
Very interesting, I almost went for the 150 but went for the diesel instead. I have a small caravan and I think the diesels power delivery will be better for towing. It would be great to see a 150hp petrol v dci test..😊
Bun, sa inteleg ca setarile cutiei sunt diferite fata de 1.5 dci? Ca si cuplu nu este diferenta notabila, la ce rotatii incepe cuplul comparativ cu cel de la 1.5 dci?
@@DaciaDusterTrails EU CO2 limits are the problem. I have ordered one of the last 1.3 in my country. Even 1.3 is going out from market in EU. In RU, you can buy 2.0 petrol and maybe there can be even an automatic gearbox with 4×4. I prefer manual in central Europe. It is much more simple and traffic in here is based on it. People with automatic gearbox might overheat them, have ware on clutch or might not be able to park in line (depends on the gear box). It is changing, but manual is still preferred option. Maybe I would like to ask what are the main technical issues with 1.3 engine? Addition: Because 90% on road (mostly highways in CZ/AT/PL/DE) this engine is OK enough. If I get some terrain during my vacation (for example Autumn in LV/LT), I should be OK in places I have to think twice with my current VW Passat. Use of 4×4 is only in winter, when there is so much ice and snow road service gets to the main roads in the late afternoon and local roads might be ignored completely (or in case of local floods moving around different way). Soft suspension is great for our roads. I'm still in E Europe and Passat jumps like a crazy goat. Even roads in PL are much better and we had a lot of fun of them 10 years ago. Roads might be even worse than in here Lithuania, but paved.
Foarte frumoasă zonă, traseu frumos, cu pasaje bune în care se poate face școală/ antrenament îmbinate cu plăcerea de a scoate Dusterul pe teren. În ce zonă este? Pe valea Argeșului, spre Calugareni cumva? Eu ies destul de des pe vadul Argeșului către Oltenița, pe un teren oarecum asemănător. Anul acesta investim în scuturi și o să îndrăznim mai mult, în teren mai greu.
Nordul capitalei, te asteptam la iesiri. La scuturi ai nevoie doar de cel fata, restul sunt inutile. Nu si-a spart nimeni pe glob differential sau rezervor.
Ok, cu mare plăcere! Pe lîngă scutul de față, cred că e necesar și cel ptr egr/start stop, pe care o să-l montez săptămîna aceasta, sper(depinde de timp).
Ce versiuni de echipare sunt ?? Parca arata mai bine Dusterul cu jantele de tabla, avand plasticurile alea pe laterale !! Daca avea si jantele de aliaj ca si celalalt, arata mai ok...😋😉👍
Arata mai ok cea cu plasticuri, dar la configurator parca n am vz sa poti configura asa...!!! Sau e ceva accesoriu ce poti lua in plus pe langa configurare !!!!
@@DaciaDusterTrails deci plasticurile alea de protectie... sunt accesorii !!! Nu in functie de dotare..!!! Parerea mea e ca mai bine le bagau la configurator, la veraiunile mai de top sa zic asa...!
Nu, asta e generatia veche, unde soferii erau mai putin pretentiosi la ciupituri chedere, stiau cum sa isi fixeze scaunele sau cum sa rezolve problema apei.
Dacia Duster Trails , ok.Nu e hate, am vazut la Atelierul de detailing un baiat care lucra la Ferrari si isi cumparase o Dacie de-asta de care era foarte nemultumit.Nu eram sigur daca asta e modelul sau e prefacelift.Multumesc!
Far better to hear the cars and engines working than the silly bloody supposed to be music racket.
true, music was old and got relaced over time due to fake music rights claims, also drones do not record sound
Hi, I'm thinking about buying the 1.3 tce 4x4 for summer adventure camping... I'll gonna put lift kit under it (h&r/bilstein). I'm not looking for adventurous 4x4 trouble (getting stuck in deep mud)... just driving over medium tractor trails looking for a nice spot to camp. Are there any parts under the car of the 1.3 that need special attention to protect against the high midsection of tractor trails?
No need, just replace the front shield with the alluminium full OEM one - front
@@DaciaDusterTrails we have the Duster tce150 4x4 now for 1yr 3mnts... I love it! It never failed on us, power is very easy to control which is great to pull out of a troubled situation in a controlled manner.
Bought 4 extra original steel 16" rims for 215/70 AT tyres
6:56 use hill start assist (just hard press break, release and you're good to go).
This is about forcing the engine to see how it puts the traction to the ground.
@@DaciaDusterTrails yeah - IF the driver is capable to control break and clutch 😞
I bought the 150hp 4WD and a Pedalbox which makes it nearly unstoppable in Offroad, cause the Power ist there by the Point.
So by this small Investment I got a much better performing Car in Highway and on Offroad than the Diesel. Two Friends of Mine compared their Diesel with Mine and they were both impressed.
But: the Stock 150 HP for Sure is a little less worse than the Diesel. But since a Lot depdends on getting used to Things, I would Not Take the conclusion as absolute truth.
Duster TCE 150 between Eisenach and Fulda early sunday morning 228kmh on the speedo👀 its a great car💯
I'm thinking about getting a 1.3 Turbo, I would like to be a bit of a chav & mod it up a bit. Is there much out there for this 1.3 Petrol turbo model? I'd just like to pop a sports exhaust & dump vale. Proper boy racer style 😱
The power level will not match the looks ;)
@@DaciaDusterTrails Would be different though.
So a diesel duster has a slower first gear so its more towards driving offroad? I could NOT find any information about differences between petrol and diesel variants besides the fact that they have different engines.
Yes smaller
Gearing is same but 1.33 tce idles at higher RPM and ECU will raise RPM little bit to prevent engine from stalling when trying to drive off throttle.
RO - Chiar daca nu se gaseste usor el exista pe stoc (etc), daca totusi nu il gasiti la vanzare, avem noi o solutie, pentru comenzi si best deal, sunati din partea Trails - si aveti contact pe - Alexandru - 0747286143
Explicatii mai clare pe offroad:
1. Are rapoartele mai lungi decat la diesel, inclusiv prima treapta. Asta inseamna ca trebuie sa invarti de roata mai mult ca sa iti gasesti cuplul dorit. In anumite scenarii sensibile pt Duster asta e un lucru rau pentru ca pierzi controlul masinii si cazi in selau. Dusterul in zone mai grele face echilibristica intre sleauri si e destul de neplacut sa cazi in selau de tractor sau camion cu lemne pt ca iti complica mult viata sa iesi din el sau risti sa ramai suspendat. Deci, o invartire mai mare a rotii la viteze mici duce si la o pierdere mai rapida a sigurantei laterale, adica aluneci mai usor pe lateral iar daca combini asta cu volanul excesiv de usor, practic la niste manevre cu mai multi pasi pe teren alunecos, doar ghicesti ce ai de facut cu puntea fata si pe unde iti sunt rotile. Ca sa nu mai zic de puntea fata mai usoara. Offroadul nu inseamna doar mres inainte...
2. Cuplu ala maxim pe hartie nu il gasesti unde ai nevoie de el din cauza cutiei si in urcari risti sa "ineci" motorul. Mai ales pe zone cu pierte ascutite fixe, care nu te lasa sa dai span usor la roata si sa iti gasesti cuplul mai sus in rotatii roata. Adica masina e mai greu de gestionat in situatii grele, nu ma refer la promenade pe forestiere ci uracrai abrupte si jonglari intre ravene.
Si nu am intrat in alte probleme ale lui mentionate pe grup, benzina in ulei, pete de ulei pe motor, loterie la sirenaj, consum cam cu 2 litrii mai mare decat la diesel, putin prea usor pe puntea fata.
sincer, e O.K. ce spui, dar o zici d.p.d.v. al unui utilizator versat de diesel, se vede asta de la o posta.
Ma indoiesc sincer ca alte motoare benzinare gen downsizing echivalent cu cel 1.3 al aliantei Renault sunt mai bune sau fara probleme.
Din ce se vede in filmare, piesa dintre volan si scaun e cea mai mare problema la "gasirea cuplului optim".
Does the 1.3 150 hp has the same 1st low gear like the diesel?
Yes, it works like/as a reduction gear.
NO - 1st gear is longer than on 1.5dci. Its a small one but you can quite feel the difference between the two.
@@DaciaDusterTrails gearing is same but 1.33 tce idles a little higher than 1.5dCi and ECU likes to raise RPMs to prevent engine from stalling.
i would love to see comparsion between 1.3 Tce and 1.5Dci. You say Dci is better, but it is also heavier. In two test I already saw on YT 1.3 TCe ended up better. ;o Cheers
Will do later, even though we did it as we know how dci behaves on our test track, not to mention that we had them both side by side in expeditions since last year.
@@DaciaDusterTrails this film is backing up my opinion.
Seems strange to put a diesel particulate filter on a gasoline fired system.
In Colombia south America we have the 2.0 liter gasoline good power at low RPM
Bro this is the 2020 1.3 Turbo-Petrol
152hp, 254nm. The 2.0 has less power
Very nice video, thank you guys! I was expecting a much better performance from this engine - both in terms of fuel economy and offroad capabilities. Seems that I will stick to the ol' trusty dci, which I absolutely love.
Thank you
Tsanko Tsankov the engine with filtre particles if is 130 Hp or 150 Hp are very good, Buț those guys only use in Every day off-road diesel, trust me when I say this. The prove is very long list until the client wait to receive ITS own car with the Both types of 1.3 engine 130 Hp and 150 hp
Hello I have a Duster with the 2.0 gasoline engine and 6 speed. I need a new Duster is the 1.3 turbo reliable? Is it better than the 2.0 gasoline engine?
Thank you
Yes it is, twice as reliable.
@@DaciaDusterTrails that's is saying a lot here the duster with the 2.0 engine is used in the coal mines and last about 400-700 thousand kilometers on regular bases. The 2.0 engine is very reliable but no longer available.
Thank you
please do you have a deep water nigh and shoot a video 1.3 tce
deep water what? - it has the same air intake like the diesel or older Duster, you have plenty of such videos.
@@DaciaDusterTrails There is no video for the engine of 1.3 tce, because they ara gasoline they call it waterless
Will the 1.5 dci be cancelled do you think in the next 2-3 years?
No, it already has EURO 7 variants in the factory shops and they are working on future variants too.
Am cautat intens info despre diferente intre 1.5 DCI si 1.3 TCE 150 in legatura cu treapta 1. Detin 1.5 ul, nu am condus pana acum 1.3 ul. Este primul canal unde vad mentionat ca exista diferenta sesizabila de cuplu la treapta 1. Am gasit si forumuri in care conducatorii au spus ca de fapt 1.3 se simte chiar mai bine in treapta 1. CosminMCS intr-un clip al sau spune ca 1.3ul de 150 trage in treapta 1 precum 1.5ul sau cu soft. Sunt foarte surprins de ce spuneti voi... In viata reala la offroad chiar se simte un minus pentru 1.3?
Sorin, noi nu suntem infuleceri parteneri cu dealeshipuri Dacia, noi vedem astfel anumite scenarii prin lentile mai putin roz. Nu ne obliga sa ne criticam prietenii. Iti recomandam sa pui intrebarile pe grupul nostru de FB, pt ca nu prea stam pe YT. 1.3ul are cuplul respectiv mai sus in turatii reale si astfel in teren ai nevoie de viteza mai mare, iar o viteza mare in teren inseamna mai multe sanse la erori/ alunecari si greseli costisitoare. Offroadul nu inseamna doar urcat pe drept inainte la o cabana. 1.3ul este optimizat pt asfalt.
@@DaciaDusterTrails salutare
Stiu f bine ce insemna sa fii nevoit sa turezi pentru ca nu ai suficienta putere si exact asta vreau sa evit. Daca 1.3ul intr-adevar are nevoie sa fie mai turat, atunci 1.5ul ramane in continuare optiunea mai buna la offroad. Spuneam doar ca aici este singurul loc unde am gasit ca ar exista aceasta diferenta intre cele doua motorizari.
7:30 разве у неё нет функции удержания на подъёме?
Very interesting, I almost went for the 150 but went for the diesel instead. I have a small caravan and I think the diesels power delivery will be better for towing.
It would be great to see a 150hp petrol v dci test..😊
I can tell you the difference without a video (different gearbox and real torque)
@@DaciaDusterTrails Thanks!
Salut, daca vreau un 1.3 150hp doar 4x2 sosea se merita ? Poti preciza ?
Da merita
Any idea what the engine can be remapped to? 175 hp? I'm getting 130 hp and 302 Nm on my remapped 1.5 dci.
Probably - Keep yours, this new gearbox is too long and you need to spin to get the torque, so bye bye refined slow maneuvers in offroad.
Superb clipul, bravo! 👍
O rugăminte: scrieți în descriere sub clip și coloana sonoră!
Toate cele bune! 🚙
DPF (diesel particule filter)? Nu ar trebui sa fie GPF (gasoline filter particle) din moment ce e motor pe benzina?
Semantic vorbind da, insa conceptual lumea stie de DPF mai usor.
Which wheels (16 or 17 inches) are better for off-road use?
Bun, sa inteleg ca setarile cutiei sunt diferite fata de 1.5 dci? Ca si cuplu nu este diferenta notabila, la ce rotatii incepe cuplul comparativ cu cel de la 1.5 dci?
Da, si da este notabila.
Any chance of future Dacia 4x4 with automatic transmission
not in europe
@@DaciaDusterTrails EU CO2 limits are the problem. I have ordered one of the last 1.3 in my country.
Even 1.3 is going out from market in EU.
In RU, you can buy 2.0 petrol and maybe there can be even an automatic gearbox with 4×4.
I prefer manual in central Europe. It is much more simple and traffic in here is based on it. People with automatic gearbox might overheat them, have ware on clutch or might not be able to park in line (depends on the gear box). It is changing, but manual is still preferred option.
Maybe I would like to ask what are the main technical issues with 1.3 engine?
Because 90% on road (mostly highways in CZ/AT/PL/DE) this engine is OK enough. If I get some terrain during my vacation (for example Autumn in LV/LT), I should be OK in places I have to think twice with my current VW Passat.
Use of 4×4 is only in winter, when there is so much ice and snow road service gets to the main roads in the late afternoon and local roads might be ignored completely (or in case of local floods moving around different way).
Soft suspension is great for our roads. I'm still in E Europe and Passat jumps like a crazy goat. Even roads in PL are much better and we had a lot of fun of them 10 years ago. Roads might be even worse than in here Lithuania, but paved.
Foarte frumoasă zonă, traseu frumos, cu pasaje bune în care se poate face școală/ antrenament îmbinate cu plăcerea de a scoate Dusterul pe teren. În ce zonă este? Pe valea Argeșului, spre Calugareni cumva? Eu ies destul de des pe vadul Argeșului către Oltenița, pe un teren oarecum asemănător. Anul acesta investim în scuturi și o să îndrăznim mai mult, în teren mai greu.
Nordul capitalei, te asteptam la iesiri. La scuturi ai nevoie doar de cel fata, restul sunt inutile. Nu si-a spart nimeni pe glob differential sau rezervor.
Ok, cu mare plăcere! Pe lîngă scutul de față, cred că e necesar și cel ptr egr/start stop, pe care o să-l montez săptămîna aceasta, sper(depinde de timp).
@@danionita6334 Nu iti recomand, noi lucram la scutul EGR ajutand un fabricant mare sa il faca si evident mai ieftin, e mult mai avansat si optimizat.
salut consum instant la 130-140 pe autostrada cu cruise control? mersi
intreaba pe grup pe cineva care are, nu a fost notata info (pentru ca depinde de autostrada, inclinatie si vant)
Ce versiuni de echipare sunt ?? Parca arata mai bine Dusterul cu jantele de tabla, avand plasticurile alea pe laterale !! Daca avea si jantele de aliaj ca si celalalt, arata mai ok...😋😉👍
Ambele modele par a fi versiunea Prestige sau Orange (cele mai scumpe), cea cu jante de tabla si ornamente, probabil are cauciucuri de iarna/off road.
Arata mai ok cea cu plasticuri, dar la configurator parca n am vz sa poti configura asa...!!! Sau e ceva accesoriu ce poti lua in plus pe langa configurare !!!!
@@danielocsko gasesti la accesorii - nu recomandam jantele de alea pe R17 pentru offroad.
@@DaciaDusterTrails deci plasticurile alea de protectie... sunt accesorii !!! Nu in functie de dotare..!!! Parerea mea e ca mai bine le bagau la configurator, la veraiunile mai de top sa zic asa...!
Salut ! Sunt proaspătul posesor al duster 1.3 tce 150 cp B 104 BWO 😁
Felictari, sa il stapanesti sanatos.
9:44 fantastic
Asta-i dusterul ala la care i se rup chederele, i se misca scaunele si intra apa in el?
Nu, asta e generatia veche, unde soferii erau mai putin pretentiosi la ciupituri chedere, stiau cum sa isi fixeze scaunele sau cum sa rezolve problema apei.
Dacia Duster Trails , ok.Nu e hate, am vazut la Atelierul de detailing un baiat care lucra la Ferrari si isi cumparase o Dacie de-asta de care era foarte nemultumit.Nu eram sigur daca asta e modelul sau e prefacelift.Multumesc!
scoate si tu bubuitul acela enervant de la inceputul videoclipurilor. ms
O sa il dam mai incet
Mașinile merg ,șoferii cam amatori😪😅
Ai citit ca am folosit soferi noobi dar si experimentati?... tocmai pentru a avea o testare cat mai completa.