More important than _which_ brand is _why_ ?? Since its inception, Harley Davidson has marketed an image that targets the insecurities and vulnerabilities of some men by presenting a product that gives those men the illusion of personal power, ruggedness, strength, toughness, coolness, masculinity, virility, rebellion, and "freedom." These are primal traits that some men want more of and will overpay for, and Harley Davidson knows how to provide illusions that convince those men to buy Harley Davidson products. Loud pipes, black leather, chains, "interesting" costumes and accessories, tattoos, boots, beards, and beer don't embody greater power, but they give some men the hallucination of it. The more insecure and needy the man, the more attracted he will be to the image. You will read what real power is later in this post. Harley riders are rolling advertisements to the men whom Harley Davidson marketers want to target, and those marketers have engineered this brilliantly, as explained below. Some Harley riders might believe that the riders, themselves, created the lifestyle, the attitude, and the identity that make up the image, but the image was actually engineered by Harley Davidson, the company that sells the products and that engineered the seed for all of the aftermarket ideas and mods. Want someone to fall for an idea? Then make them think they came up with the idea themselves. Any sense of individuality or rebellion that Harley riders have is actually conformance to Harley Davidson's long-term marketing plan. Harley Davidson has put its customers exactly where they want them. What about men who use products that are not sold by Harley Davidson, like Indian or aftermarket suppliers? Sorry. The image, identity, and lifestyle were still engineered by Harley Davidson's marketers. A man who is represented by who he truly is rather than by an illusion or image of himself is a powerful man, because an illusion or image is not only artificial, it's weak. A powerful man is independent of props, façades, and groups. Some men are attracted to an image to the level that the image becomes a significant part of his identity, and some men lose the ability to clearly distinguish between the image and himself. This is what Harley Davidson counts on. And because the image has become his identity, abandoning the image becomes a kind of death for him, and there's no better way to control a man than by fear of death (and by not letting him realize that you're controlling him). How hooked are some men on Harley Davidson? The degree to which some men have reacted to Harley Davidson's recent proposed actions and decisions about DEI reveals the degree to which these men have felt threatened, yet these men don't realize the real reason why they feel threatened. Riders' reactions to Harley products and the engineered image are what Harley Davidson wants to know, because the marketing team plays off of those reactions to adapt their marketing strategy. "Go Woke, Go Broke?" Remember, Harley Davidson isn't a person, even though the business might have been named after real people. It's a company, and executives at Harley won't be harmed if they are fired or resign or if Harley goes broke. Not only have they already banked their salaries and bonuses, they'll just move to another company. Their success (yes, success) with Harley will still stand in their favor. When a company goes broke or executives leave, it doesn't mean the executives lose their shirts. When a single person, a board of directors, or other C-suite executives at a company can elicit such a dramatic response from thousands of customers via a decision, action, or other flick of a pen, that's not only success, that's power. When they can cause an uproar without breaking a sweat, that's power. Whom do they have power over? The followers. Genuine strength, power, and identity aren't traits of followers. Genuine strength, power, and identity stand independently on their own and don't need to be displayed for validation. As for freedom, followers aren't free, they're bound. Harley Davidson not only loves its devotees, it engineered them. So, have you figured out yet who is really being played here, guys? Don't think you're being played? You're not Harley Davidson's "base," Harley Davidson is yours. I tell ya, Harley Davidson's marketing tactics are absolutely brilliant.
What is your favorite motorcycle brand?👇
More important than _which_ brand is _why_ ?? Since its inception, Harley Davidson has marketed an image that targets the insecurities and vulnerabilities of some men by presenting a product that gives those men the illusion of personal power, ruggedness, strength, toughness, coolness, masculinity, virility, rebellion, and "freedom." These are primal traits that some men want more of and will overpay for, and Harley Davidson knows how to provide illusions that convince those men to buy Harley Davidson products. Loud pipes, black leather, chains, "interesting" costumes and accessories, tattoos, boots, beards, and beer don't embody greater power, but they give some men the hallucination of it. The more insecure and needy the man, the more attracted he will be to the image. You will read what real power is later in this post.
Harley riders are rolling advertisements to the men whom Harley Davidson marketers want to target, and those marketers have engineered this brilliantly, as explained below.
Some Harley riders might believe that the riders, themselves, created the lifestyle, the attitude, and the identity that make up the image, but the image was actually engineered by Harley Davidson, the company that sells the products and that engineered the seed for all of the aftermarket ideas and mods. Want someone to fall for an idea? Then make them think they came up with the idea themselves. Any sense of individuality or rebellion that Harley riders have is actually conformance to Harley Davidson's long-term marketing plan. Harley Davidson has put its customers exactly where they want them.
What about men who use products that are not sold by Harley Davidson, like Indian or aftermarket suppliers? Sorry. The image, identity, and lifestyle were still engineered by Harley Davidson's marketers.
A man who is represented by who he truly is rather than by an illusion or image of himself is a powerful man, because an illusion or image is not only artificial, it's weak. A powerful man is independent of props, façades, and groups. Some men are attracted to an image to the level that the image becomes a significant part of his identity, and some men lose the ability to clearly distinguish between the image and himself. This is what Harley Davidson counts on. And because the image has become his identity, abandoning the image becomes a kind of death for him, and there's no better way to control a man than by fear of death (and by not letting him realize that you're controlling him).
How hooked are some men on Harley Davidson? The degree to which some men have reacted to Harley Davidson's recent proposed actions and decisions about DEI reveals the degree to which these men have felt threatened, yet these men don't realize the real reason why they feel threatened.
Riders' reactions to Harley products and the engineered image are what Harley Davidson wants to know, because the marketing team plays off of those reactions to adapt their marketing strategy. "Go Woke, Go Broke?" Remember, Harley Davidson isn't a person, even though the business might have been named after real people. It's a company, and executives at Harley won't be harmed if they are fired or resign or if Harley goes broke. Not only have they already banked their salaries and bonuses, they'll just move to another company. Their success (yes, success) with Harley will still stand in their favor. When a company goes broke or executives leave, it doesn't mean the executives lose their shirts.
When a single person, a board of directors, or other C-suite executives at a company can elicit such a dramatic response from thousands of customers via a decision, action, or other flick of a pen, that's not only success, that's power. When they can cause an uproar without breaking a sweat, that's power. Whom do they have power over? The followers.
Genuine strength, power, and identity aren't traits of followers. Genuine strength, power, and identity stand independently on their own and don't need to be displayed for validation. As for freedom, followers aren't free, they're bound.
Harley Davidson not only loves its devotees, it engineered them. So, have you figured out yet who is really being played here, guys? Don't think you're being played? You're not Harley Davidson's "base," Harley Davidson is yours. I tell ya, Harley Davidson's marketing tactics are absolutely brilliant.
I'd like the honda fury
The vulcan looks like a V-Rod.
If I want an American made bike alternative I choose Indian.
There are absolutely no American Made Motorcycles anymore.All bikes are just assembled in America from parts sourced from around the world.
The rebel 500 is too slow to be an alternative to Harley.