The massage of the letter is sinking. It takes a big man to refuse to admit that he is wrong however it takes a big man to solve the problem. For instance the letter was not an open letter to the public. It was not for public consumption,instead of rigorously replying to the article to the author,he acted so unprofessional and read it to public. I'm completely astounded if not flappagasted.
I love camera man already he knows lindi mnisi is very special in this court so he went straight to him to show us smile thank you camera man.
The massage of the letter is sinking. It takes a big man to refuse to admit that he is wrong however it takes a big man to solve the problem. For instance the letter was not an open letter to the public. It was not for public consumption,instead of rigorously replying to the article to the author,he acted so unprofessional and read it to public. I'm completely astounded if not flappagasted.
Ginindah is EVASIVE in his answers.He is avoiding yes or no questions.
What is happening in the court?