Wang Yibo Attacks Organizer Over Xiao Zhan | Wang Yibo's anger on Weibo Night 2024!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 164

  • @g2bk
    @g2bk 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +85

    Wang Yibo is not only multi talented, but also highly intelligent. His EQ is very high. He also displays little patience for this type of "unintentional" action. His action of refusing to play the game, even one seat over, shows both his respect for Xiao Zhan and himself and utter disdain for corporate entities attempting to use him and them for public gains. Good for him. And let go of the pronoun thing. It happens a lot in translation issues.

    • @MehdijaBihorac
      @MehdijaBihorac 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      ICH ..Stime inen Ales Zu ..SI..HABEN ..ales So Genau .. Gesagt. .. Wie ist Genauso.. Gewezen.. Fül.. Danke .. und.. Majne ..Grose ..Respekt.. Got Danke.. Das . HABEN .. Etliche..und Gute .. Menschen ..Das ..Haben mich.. Glick jez Gemact ..Wirklich.. WangYibo.. ER .soo wuder Schene und Talentierte und Edelste Mensch Fom Alem ..IDOLE..De Herzens Mensch ER Hate Soofile Star..understict und Geholfen und ALES MACHT .. DAS. Wider Normal ☀ Am unsere. Himel und Gettlihe Wermi und Libe .. Di Stern ⭐ Wo unsere Dunkelheit Elojhtet..und Erist ..Soo Erliche Mensch..und .. Ersucht Gerechtigkeit..und Respekt ..Das Was ER Ales Geben WangYibo erwarte nur .. Ehrlich zuruk ..un Respekt .. Dasist ..WangYibo.. aber Ale.. Menschen.. Sind.. nicht . Wie.. WangYibo Si Fergesen Das Schen .. Sajne .. Güte..und .. Schenes.. Was .. ER .. Ales .. macht .. dasi im ni Fergesen und .. im .. Auch.. Ajmal zuruk Geben Gutes. Und .. WANGYIBO... Bite Gut Schauen Für Dich...majne.. Agel ..majn Herz ♥ ist .Kaput..Wen ich... Dich ..Traurig ..Sehen ..Gott ist Groß Di Gerehtikajt muß Komen ..Tu ..Hast.. Geholfen..und File Gute und Erliche Menschen und Di Große Mehtige und.. XIAOZHAN ..Hat Sajne Erliche und Korekte ERFOGRAJSTE und.. Schenste .. Sajne ..Zile Erajt .. ich.. bin Soo Glück.. Sajne Song Ist in Großen Respekt Auch Gekron.. Ejen Filme Sin Da Dajne und Sajne und Dajne Wunder Schene Song und Sofüles Schenste.. esist Soo Wunder Schen .. und. Undesticung ..Si Haben Baydi Bekomen Eskomt Ales Gut .. Bite WangYibo .. nictme Schauen.. Di Menschen .. Wotich ergeht Lassen Si.. genau.. bald ..Wiert Ales Gerht Analizijat und.. Das .. Werden Gerektikajt ..imer ..Herrchen..und.. Falsche .. Werden .. Felswänden..Bite ..WangYibo..und 🔮 Glauben mier Danke Got Segne Ale Gute Menschen unde Böse. . BESTRAFE ..Dajne Film .. Gestern ICH .kurz .Gesen ..ICH ..bin .Soo Glück Und..Wunder.. Schen ..Majn Große Respekt .. an WangYibo ..Di .. Film ..Ist ..Film.. Landes ..CHAYNA.. und..majnGrose Respekt an GANZE Land KiNA ..Film.. Fom..🤴WANGYIBO ist Film 🌏♥️LANDES Und Fom XIAOZhan Auch Serh Großen.. majne.. Respekt..Auch.. FILM...oder ..DRAMA ...LANDES ..DINASTI .. 💁WUNDER...SCHEN ..ICH.. Wünsche .. Eich ..Soo Fül .. Glück und .. Und .. ErfolgRajchste.. Und .. Ale Glück Der Welt .. Und.. Fül..🤴 Erfolg.. Danke An Alne Gute Menshen .. und Majne Herz IDOLE..❤❤..........🌏....CHAYNA..🤴.♥️.WANGYIBO und ..♥️XIAOZHAN....und,. Ale ..Andre .❤. I🤴DOLE.🤴. Azije ☀️🔮Ganze ..und ..Love .🤴💕.🤴.majn Grose .Respekt Love .Soo .Fül 🌏KINA❤

    • @noeligle
      @noeligle 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Nadie de los organizadores está a su altura.

    • @alejandradelpilar9260
      @alejandradelpilar9260 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Los organizadores de un evento deberían respetar a los artistas y deberían dar una explicación y disculpas por el incidente. Aplaudo de pie la actitud que tomo Wang Yibo para defender su postura y marcar límites a los organizadores. Todo mi apoyo a mis dos actores favoritos 👏👏🤩❤️🥰

    • @gabrieleheid8983
      @gabrieleheid8983 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Das war ABSICHT von den Veranstalter um Profit zu machen ...PFUI.....die WEIBO Veranstalter haben SICH UND DAS EVENT selbst BESCHMUTZT ....!!!! Diese Veranstaltung sollte künftig von ALLEN total gemieden werden das haben DIE verdient 😮😮

  • @nildeaguiar8854
    @nildeaguiar8854 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +45

    No meu ponto de vista, esse evento é uma fralde, uma maneira de ataque a dois jovens super talentosos, como Yibo e Zhan...! Gostei da atitude do Yibo, ele agiu certo... vamos acabar com a hipocrisia desses organizadores.!

  • @safaribydesign
    @safaribydesign 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +47

    There should have been a very public apology by now from the Weibo event organizers ~ or don't they do that in China?

    • @PhDDik2021-nk4xc
      @PhDDik2021-nk4xc 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      В номере 27 нет ничего плохого.🤷‍♂️ Кто-то создал шум для привлечения внимания к шоу😒

    • @elbapintoalves5196
      @elbapintoalves5196 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@PhDDik2021-nk4xcdeixe de ser mentiroso , todos sabem o que se trata.
      Deixe show você,

    • @kimsimmons4516
      @kimsimmons4516 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      It's terrible to treat people like meat ,make lots of money and hurt their feelings,like we won't care ...sorry but we do care when it's our Yibo and Zhan...they have made us happy for over 6 years and can't see them made sad like forever my babies ❤❤❤

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@PhDDik2021-nk4xc Just allocate that seat to Xz and see what happens!

  • @valhoundmom
    @valhoundmom 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +47

    Totally agree with his anger. This was totally insensitive. I'm a fan of both and not living in Asia. This is definitely something fans would notice. It is sad this took something away from Xiao Zhan's great night but it was caused by the organizers

  • @SunBrown-e8z
    @SunBrown-e8z 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +55

    I agree with Wang Yibo. ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @dilsagonzalez5368
    @dilsagonzalez5368 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

    Y yo lo aplaudo por lo que hizo es un caballero unico y defesor de lo gusto🥳💪👍🙏

  • @su1817
    @su1817 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +35

    Credo che in questa serata sia mancato il rispetto per Wang Yibo!! Doveva essere una serata felice per i suoi premi. Dopotutto è un grande attore, un ragazzo rispettoso e sensibile, che mette tutto se stesso in quello che fa! Questa storia vecchia con xiao zhan deve essere messa in dimenticatoio! Basta queste sciocchezze su di loro, hanno scelto la loro strada, stanno seguendo un loro sentiero ...lasciateli in pace. Wang Yibo è Wang Yibo....valutate il suo lavoro, non aggiungete il suo nome ad altri. Lui è unico e lo sta dimostrando, non è il classico attore statico, lui sa evolversi e trasformarsi e si vede in tutti i suoi ultimi lavori.
    Yibo si è dimostrato superiore a chi ha organizzato la serata, non si deve abbassare a chiedere spiegazioni, per una cattiveria inutile nei suoi confronti.
    Spero che chi ha fatto una cosa del genere si penta per il lui che si è dimostrato un signore merita più rispetto.
    Auguro a yibo un futuro splendente, senza queste bassezze verso la sua persona.

    • @PhDDik2021-nk4xc
      @PhDDik2021-nk4xc 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      Да. Согласна. Уже утомили эти старые скандалы. Пусть живут своей жизнью. У актеров много работы и много достижений. Лучше радоваться их новым успехам

    • @lilianaguanqui2002
      @lilianaguanqui2002 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      Perdón, La Falta De Respeto Fue Hacia XiaoZhan, Que No Deja De Recordarle , A Ntro Rey El Número 227 , Acá El Que Sufre y Sigue Es XiaoZhan, Ya Le Hicieron Mucho Daño Y Siguen, A XiaoZhan Siempre Le Dicen Ella O La Mujer De YIBO, Yo Deseo De Corazón, Que Seas Feliz XiaoZhan 🙏 Tratemos De No Poner Más Leña Al Fuego.A XiaoZhan Nunca Lo Tratan Como La Super Estrella ⭐ Que Se Lo Ganó Solo , Ya Sea Como Actor, Cantante, Bailarín, Modelo Y Mucho Más. Felicitaciones XiaoZhan Por Tu Album WE " Te Deseo Mucho Éxito Con La Película La Leyenda De Los Héroes Del Cóndor, Gracias Y Traten A Las Estrellas ⭐Como Se Lo Merecen , Con Mucho Respeto ❤❤

    • @su1817
      @su1817 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      @@lilianaguanqui2002quello che non si è potuto sedere al suo posto e godersi i suoi premi è stato yibo! Io non ho niente contro xiao zhan, ma mi dà fastidio che dopo 4 anni ci siano ancora queste voci in giro.
      Ognuno di loro ha la sua vita e Yibo non deve sopportare questa mancanza di rispetto, visto che è una persona sempre educata verso le altre persone.
      I fan dovrebbero smettere di associare i loro nomi e lasciarli vivere in serenità le loro vite e le loro carriere, come 2 entità separate.

    • @dinistiecher2288
      @dinistiecher2288 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Concordo com você. Não moro na Ásia e sou fã de WiboXhan!
      Parabéns, Wibo: você demonstrou seu excelente caráter e personalidade! Vocês têm meu respeito e admiração! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️Infelizmente, muitas pessoas têm inveja de suas capacidades artísticas e os agridem.

    • @tharabies
      @tharabies 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @su1817 concordo con lei .

  • @nicolatunley1351
    @nicolatunley1351 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +31

    It is 'He. His. Him'.
    When speaking about a male! 😅

    • @debraburke7240
      @debraburke7240 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      I so agree with you. I could never understand why they use the word she for a male you are the first person to point this out. I can’t stand when they use the word she for male.

    • @MehdijaBihorac
      @MehdijaBihorac 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      In Majne Sprache..isdas Wort Si .. in Grosem .. Respekta
      1 Wen mier Sagen .. Wort.. Si ..Das Ist Persiren ..und Am Hohen Rang Persone ..das ist Imen 1.. ❤
      ❤..2...Alteri ..Menschen ... wotu .. persenlich.. nicht Kenen .. darftu Si .. nur mit Familije Namen Rufen oder Hern Man .. oder Si Hern .. son Die ..Menschen Werden Belajdigt .. das Get genau au Für Frauen .. Familije Name oder Dame. MADAM ODER .SI ..Ganze .Persiren. biz Si Seleb nicht Sagen ok Kejne ..Nicht er Perdiren .. ....​@@debraburke7240

    • @MehdijaBihorac
      @MehdijaBihorac 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Das Wort ... Si ❤.. ist 🎉 Wort.. nicht nur Bedojtug Frauen .. oder in Jedm Land ist Anders .. in CH das Wort .. Si .... 🎉ist Grose ..Respekt .und . Nur... Für ..Hoooh .. Rang ..Persone ..zum ..Persiren .. oder...Alte .. Senioren Persiren . mier ...Hern.Man .. Dame.. Frau👩 ich bin. Iberacht.. was ist Falsch adem Wort .. und Jede Darf sajne Privat Lebe Leben Wie. .. ER.. Selber .. Wil ..okey und Danke ❤🎉❤

    • @nildeaguiar8854
      @nildeaguiar8854 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      Não é a primeira pessoa a apontar este erro, em outros canais eu escrevi um comentário sobre isso, e falei sobre a falta de respeito com que eles tratam, tanto o Yibo quanto o Zhan, porque eles são homens e não mulheres, ex... quando chamam o Xiao Zhan de esposa, ou de namorada, fico muito irritada com isso, porque eles são homens independente da suas opções sexuais, então é marido e marido, namorado e namorado... não concordo com algumas pessoas que tem a cara de pau de dizer que são fãs fossem fãs de verdades não tratariam eles dessa maneira...e gostei da atitude do Yibo, tudo o que os organizadores fizeram na noite do weibo, foi intencional, eles queriam atacar o Xiao Zhan, através do Yibo, ele agiu certo em não se sentar no assento... está de parabéns...deixo o meu respeito a eles, direto do Brasil 💚❤️🇧🇷

    • @teresapearson4149
      @teresapearson4149 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      In Mandarin Chinese, the sound of he and she is the same-only the spelling is different. AI and speech to text interpretation software cannot tell the difference.

  • @ВитаБойко-ю4р
    @ВитаБойко-ю4р 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    Ну почему, если хорошие люди, почему их всегда трогают? Найдутся такие, всё равно полезут, куда их не просят.

  • @DeniseCampbell-g7l
    @DeniseCampbell-g7l 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +31

    An online pornographic writer destroyed the friendship of two young men, who became friends while filming a drama. Social media has kept this criminal attack against the young men alive, by constantly bringing the event up and linking the two romantically. Calling Yibo she and her on this video, is inappropriate. Yibo is fed up with the drama and fed up with social media. Both Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are extremely talented young men. They deserve respect and true reporting.

    • @AnabelValleboada
      @AnabelValleboada 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Estoy de acuerdo ellos merecen respecto

    • @АиБ-в8м
      @АиБ-в8м 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Виноват не автор фанфика, а безумные фанаты, раздувшие скандал.

    • @DeniseCampbell-g7l
      @DeniseCampbell-g7l 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@АиБ-в8м Using anyone’s real name in fan fiction is wrong. It is defamation of character to use a real person’s name when the character is committing crimes or participating in immoral conduct. The immorality of the characters, as written by the author, is what motivated fans to react. The author is 100% responsible for the entire incident. It is simple cause and effect. The author caused fans to become angry which caused some to report the fanfiction, which caused the government to investigate, which caused the banning of the websites, which caused those who wanted the websites open to retaliate against Xiao Zhan. Their retaliation caused companies to pull endorsements, fellow actors to distance themselves out of fear they would be retaliated against, mental stress and the endangerment of Xiao Zhan’s career. Yes, the author set the entire fiasco into motion; easily avoided by not using real names for his characters.

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@АиБ-в8м Yes 227 was caused by XZs crazy obsessive fans, who consequently wanted to also burn Yb down. Guilt-trip.

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@DeniseCampbell-g7l Using names is a common fanfic feature in China. In this case Xz fans caused the huge LGBT/ alternative groups to lose their voice, causing major backlash against Xz.

  • @mbaliBrownsugar
    @mbaliBrownsugar 10 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    I have a huge Respect for Wang Yibo.They can never make me hate him❤

  • @LeticiaGarcia-ni2su
    @LeticiaGarcia-ni2su 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +22

    Wang yibo is a faithful friend to xiao zhan he defend xiao that organizer is make a mess not only for yibo and xiao also some of the actor and actress they dont want to make a cimplain because they are afraid not like yibo he always telling the truth he dont want to make lies even he us cool person and soft hearted men he always protect what is right im very proud of you wang yibo ❤❤❤

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Although this cross-reference is insensitive to the both of them, ONLY Yb will have the raw guts to display defiance.

  • @yinchan4366
    @yinchan4366 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +38

    Why use the English pronoun "SHE" to call Wang Yibo? Something is wrong with this video.

    • @debraburke7240
      @debraburke7240 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +16

      Agree, they need to stop that.

    • @noeligle
      @noeligle 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Their brain😕 Is wrong😒

    • @petronellakools1962
      @petronellakools1962 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      They do that in a lot of videos not only about wang yibo or zhan shaun

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      China Chinese people don't translate gender properly.

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 10 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      China English. No malice intended.

  • @Eranaaa0821
    @Eranaaa0821 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +27

    Why HER??? He is a male.😳😵😵‍💫

    • @Pebbles53-t7s
      @Pebbles53-t7s 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +3


    • @kimsimmons4516
      @kimsimmons4516 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Yes ❤

    • @Bellsofi
      @Bellsofi 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      If the text is translated from Chinese, then this is possible - a translation error. There are no genders and cases in Chinese.

    • @user52821
      @user52821 7 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @rosacaucoto5267
      @rosacaucoto5267 6 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @Isabell-Y11
    @Isabell-Y11 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    He should seat and ignore that fuvck number but there is a controversy. I hope the toxic fans leave alone Xiao Zhan because he was the only one was damaged by 227 incident. I hope everyone stop and leave alone him because while Yibo was doing good all these years Xiao Zhan was having hard time.

  • @НадеждаКарпова-о4я
    @НадеждаКарпова-о4я 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    Пора прекращать муссировать эту тему, а то опять " нечаянно" навредите парням, вот это " гнев Ван Ибо..." - перебор, даже без преувеличения ситуация нелёгкая.....🤔🤔

  • @annarellanosayson8514
    @annarellanosayson8514 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +31

    Why address him as a "she or her" when he is clearly a he.
    He is clearly a guy since it was already clarified.
    Both of them are just great friends.
    They need to be respected and be left alone.
    They're celebrities yes, but are human beings just like anyone else.
    They' get hurt...
    Respect to the amazing actors and cast of The Untamed. Thank you for an amazing movie.👏👏👏

    • @AnabelValleboada
      @AnabelValleboada 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Donde declararon que son solo amigos quisiera ver esa entrevista o esa declaración me gustaría verla nunca la he visto estoy muy interesada en verla subtitulada en español ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @anamartins7664
      @anamartins7664 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


    • @anamartins7664
      @anamartins7664 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      I'm the fairy Godmother 😅

    • @anamartins7664
      @anamartins7664 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Still think that after 5 years, ohhhhh

    • @ВероникаТ-щ1э
      @ВероникаТ-щ1э 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      ​@@AnabelValleboadaпоследний раз они публично общались в 2019. Это все. В октябре 2019 студия Жана выпустила заявление о том, что фантазии фанатов не должны распространяться на актеров. Возможно это нарушило чьи то планы и случился сначала публичный фанфик , а потом 227. Кому то дали понять., что может быть. И кто после такого захочет что то говорить?

  • @НинаОстапенко-ь9щ
    @НинаОстапенко-ь9щ 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +21

    Поддерживаю Ван Ибо

  • @Olga-rus31
    @Olga-rus31 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +25

    Ну и что? Никто не обратил бы внимания на место 27 у Ван Ибо, если бы он сам не обратил на это такое бурное внимание. Сразу снова сюда приплели инцидент 5-летней давности. Очередная провокация? Или новый PR-ход ...? Так cui prodest? Явно это выгодно не самим актёрам, скорее бизнес-магнатам из сферы развлечений. И здесь много подозреваемых: во-первых, те, кто продвигает своих фаворитов в звёзды (огромная популярность Сяо Чжана и Ван Ибо мешает этим слабым конкурентам), во-вторых, тем, кто завидует повышенному интересу к "Легенде о Кондоре" (от его трафика будут зависеть деньги финансистов других фильмов), а в-третьих, это мог быть просто сталкер одного из двух знаменитостей, ненавидящий другого... Могут быть и другие варианты...

    • @huaweit3409
      @huaweit3409 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Не забывай - восток дело тонкое

    • @Olga-rus31
      @Olga-rus31 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      @huaweit3409 А шоу-бизнес полон интриг...

    • @АиБ-в8м
      @АиБ-в8м 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Зная интерес и внимание Ибо к нумерологии, нетрудно было предугадать его реакцию.

    • @Bellsofi
      @Bellsofi 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Его реакция говорит о том, что ему это небезразлично и крайне неприятно. Его и так обвиняют в том, что он причастен к неприятностям Сяо Чжаня, поэтому у него такая резкая реакция. Он не так равнодушен ко всему этому скандалу, как ему положено казаться. Могло ли это быть совпадением? Наверное. Но это надо вообще не интересоваться актерами, и быть далеким от киноиндустрии, чтобы так опростоволоситься. Короче, мне ребят жалко . Обоих. И обоими восхищаюсь - прекрасные актеры! И не только актеры!

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      This is very insulting to XZ, and very insensitive to the both of them.

  • @НинаЗинчинко
    @НинаЗинчинко 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Творческих людей понять непросто... Считаю ни чего страшного не случилось. Игнор страшная штука и всё же он не всегда работает. Иногда некоторых"хороших" людей надо ставить на место. Для всех удобным быть невозможно. 💖

  • @janemauricio7418
    @janemauricio7418 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    YIBO , está totalmente correto em sua atitude. Nada o intimida!
    Por tudo isso e muito mais acho sua atitude assertiva.

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 10 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Only Yb has the raw guts to show his defiance while his partner, though hurt, will try to smile through it all.

  • @adalynespia5279
    @adalynespia5279 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +29

    I agree with wang yibo💯💚💚💚

  • @ГалинаИвановна-ь4ю
    @ГалинаИвановна-ь4ю 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Когда же вы отстаните от красивых, талантливых актеров, и дадите им жить, любить и работать.

  • @stellamarismendez
    @stellamarismendez 2 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @НатальяШамина-ш3г
    @НатальяШамина-ш3г 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Я не понимаю этих китайских фанатов. Эти актеры талантливые, самобытные, харизматичные, каждый занимает свою нишу в творческой жизни. Их любят не только в Китае, много почитателей их таланта и в России. Хватит мотать нервы ребятам, дайте им спокойно работать на радость зрителям. Считаю Сяо Чжана выдающимся из молодых актеров! Ван Ибо кому-то нравится больше. В китайском кино вообще огромное количество талантливых и красивых актеров, просто поражает, и все находят своих поклонников. Поздравляю всех китайских артистов с Новым 2025 Годом мудрой Змеи!!! Всем здоровья, удачи, новых ролей и много любви зрителей по всему миру!!!❤🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

  • @nicolatunley1351
    @nicolatunley1351 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    ..... he was placed!

  • @nicolatunley1351
    @nicolatunley1351 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    ..... his !

  • @evatoledodecremoux3250
    @evatoledodecremoux3250 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Yibo is adorable . He doesn’t need that. What a lie . Leave the boys alone. Yibo talented, the bes actor, singer,dancer. Big star ⭐️ ridiculous yours comments 😮

  • @АлевтинаКанищева
    @АлевтинаКанищева 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Поздравляю всех жителей Китая,мира,процветания и с Новым годом!!! Обожаю Талантливых,трудуголиков и весь народ Китая и хочу их поздравить с Новым Годом!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊

  • @huaweit3409
    @huaweit3409 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    Щось, останнім часом з Ібо трапляються дивні речі. То, під час виступу, небезпечного, до речі, страхівка не була належним чином забезпечена, тепер, з "халатности" , не взяті до уваги ці недоречні 227 при розподілі місць. Нікому не здається, що на артиста почалось полювання? Бо він чесний, прямолінійний, порядний, що, мабуть індустрії не дуже підходить... Але як то кажуть - "курка приносить гроши", та й ще великі. Вбити не можна, але затравити - "будь ласка".

    • @GuliGuli-g6b
      @GuliGuli-g6b 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Я тоже думаю началась охота, кому-то выгодно затравливать талант,наблюдать и дергать за ниточки

  • @auroradelaparra6917
    @auroradelaparra6917 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Nuestro apoyo y comprensión para con los chicos, hubieron varios momentos en que se les ofendió claramente, pero la sensibilidad de ellos no permitió que se quedarán, aaah y gracias por los reconocimientos

  • @MehdijaBihorac
    @MehdijaBihorac 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    IcH.. Auch ..Milion %.....❤.. imer ..WANGYIBO. und LOVEI majne Herz ♥ WXYZ.. .😊🎉🎉🎉🎉Für. Imer

  • @888priyanka
    @888priyanka 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Long time see your live so cute 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😅

  • @teresapearson4149
    @teresapearson4149 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Hi all, just for clarification: In Mandarin Chinese the sound of he and she is the same, only the spelling is different. These AI and speech translation programs can't understand the context so randomly interpret the words. Please understand this is not a reflection on the persons being discussed-just that a questionable (if any) review of the material was done prior to publishing by an English speaker. Hope that helps.

  • @traleegirl
    @traleegirl 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Whoever is voicing this video does he know that yibo and Zhan are male actors and should be addressed as such he's not shes. Total disrespect for both actors. Get your wording right. There has been enough controversy around these two actors
    without adding more. THEY ARE MALES.. 😡

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      No offence intended. China English.

  • @สรรินทร์เขียวคราม
    @สรรินทร์เขียวคราม 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    เราขอสนับสนุน เซียวจ้าน หวังอี๋ป้อ
    อยากให้ความรักของคุณทั้ง2 คน
    ประเทศไทย ยินดีต้อนรับคุณทั้ง2คนนะค่ะ ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @user52821
    @user52821 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Asi je to AI preklad z čínštiny. Proto she. Klid!🫶

  • @tmacd42
    @tmacd42 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    The Xiao Zhan incident, also known as the 227 incident, is a 2020 online controversy that originated between the fans of Chinese actor Xiao Zhan and Archive of Our Own users in mainland China.
    The incident started when the internet censorship system known as the Great Firewall of China blocked the fan fiction publishing platform Archive of Our Own in the country, due to concerns about the actor's fanbase regarding vulgar and explicit content on the website
    The story if i am remembering correctly made Xiao zhan's character and Wang Yibo's character in love with each other and in a gay relationship
    For this Xiao Zhan was blamed and people were trying to cancel him from the industry
    If u have noticed Yibo and Xioa Zhan always protect each other and show respect to their friendship
    And as a fan of both i do not care if they are in a relationship or not, i just wish them both health, happiness, wealth and respect

  • @ТатьянаБубенцова-и4ю
    @ТатьянаБубенцова-и4ю 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    У организаторов ничего личного, только бизнес. Плевали они на все чувства😔

  • @OnodEbrahim
    @OnodEbrahim 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    What happened

  • @TY-xy3hh
    @TY-xy3hh 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    I read on a Chinese website the Yibo's solo fans attacking and insulting Xiao Zhan in an absurd way! That Yibo was an actor who was financially and "aesthetically" successful and that Zhan Zhan was nothing more than a worthless person! That he was nothing! So Yibo shouldn't have given any value to this "person" with whom he has had no relationship for many years. So I also think that this was a boycott of Zhan's film! In addition to subjecting him to this torture again! Xiao Zhan doesn't owe anything to anyone, besides being wonderful in everything he does! If Yibo had just sat in the damn chair and didn't care about the number, none of this would have happened. Yibo's solo fans didn't unite!!! I know because I read it. I go on Weibo and I know how many times they attack Xiao, since his travels, his album and since forever! I like Yibo, but I don't support what he did! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @elbapintoalves5196
      @elbapintoalves5196 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      Você está errada, Yibo é uma pessoa decente e fez o certo, na época ele também sofreu.
      Engano seu , eles nunca deixaram de ser amigos.

    • @WHAT-d7s
      @WHAT-d7s 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      Please try to not get manipulated. I also read very ugly and insulting comments about Yibo after that night.
      The actors are not responsible for the rudeness of these TOXIC people. Who would call them fans? 😢

    • @mariaszamora7205
      @mariaszamora7205 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      We should try not to over do it, both Yibo and XZ are caught in the middle. Their innocent people trying to be excellent 👍 actors.. Yes, let's move on, leave all the madness behind. Let's not speak ill towards them.They are both victims of the Chinese Entertainment BS. ❤ you both. TX, USA

    • @huaweit3409
      @huaweit3409 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      А я вважаю дію Ібо підтримкою Сяо. Я так бачу сітуацію.

    • @amparorocha6233
      @amparorocha6233 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      O yibo agiu certo eles queriam atacar o Xiao Zhan através do yibo,se o yibo estivesse sentado na maldita cadeira, isso tava uma loucura de fofoca e DD é inteligente e percebeu a armadilha,eu admiro o yibo por defender o seu GG o amor da sua vida por que eles se amam isso não é imaginário é real 👍💚❤️

  • @sandrineeudine2263
    @sandrineeudine2263 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    C'est bien qu'il ne se laisse pas faire , qu'il défende son ami ,la célébrité c'est bien mais a quel prix ,faire des coups bat comme ça ,c'est ignoble

  • @noeligle
    @noeligle 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Cuando se carece de talento nada mejor que atacar a dos super talentos como Gibo and Zhan, es el problema que parece invadir China organizando eventos para conseguir rating. Lo mejor que hicieron los chicos es recibir sus premios y retirarse. Simple.

  • @emilymc57
    @emilymc57 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    They have such a Bond beautiful.. .. Wang and Xiao with amazing personality their dedication speaks for it self along with our boyz mannerism . We are very proud and always their to support giving them the upmost respect.

  • @sgray6206
    @sgray6206 2 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @GraceSon-HweiLin
    @GraceSon-HweiLin 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I've Always Wondered About People That Want To Make Videos About People That They Can't Even Pronounce There Names... 🤣😂🤣 AND BY THE WAY WANG YIBO IS A HE, NOT A SHE!!! 😡😡😡 Are You Just Now Like Jumping On The Band Wagon Of His, And Xiao Zhan's Fandom, That's Why You Don't Know He's A He, And How To Say His Or Xiao Zhan's Name. Really Sad, And Pathetic If You Ask Me, How People Want To Make Video's Or Famous People, But Don't Even Bother To Learn How To Pronounce There Names Correctly, And To Learn If They Are Male Or Female!!! Smdh!!!When I Heard Wang YiBo Name Being Pronounced Wrong, And Him Being Called A She... That Was The End Of This Video For Me!!! 😡😡😡

  • @СветланаВатолина-ь8з
    @СветланаВатолина-ь8з 18 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @Mary-qr9wj
    @Mary-qr9wj 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Isso foi pura falta de respeito ao Wang Yibo e a Zhan as duas maiores estrêlas da China lamentável vir a tona assuntos que nenhum dos fãs dos dois lados gostariam de lembrar os organizadores com certeza são foram mandados

  • @theresabrandt131
    @theresabrandt131 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    In china a male is a her so I see the confusion here for some.

    • @nildeaguiar8854
      @nildeaguiar8854 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Desculpa, mas eu não concordo com isso, homem é homem e não mulher...!

    • @Howelune
      @Howelune 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Sorry, but a male is not a 'her' in Mandarin, there's still female and male appropriate characters.
      'Her' and 'Him' have the same sound, only difference is a slight alteration of character: 他/她
      The one used for male could sometimes be gender neutral.
      Unless I remembered wrong of course.

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Howelune It's just that they can't do English properly.

    • @customisably
      @customisably 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Male is not her in Chinese, it's just that the character for him/her/it have the same pronunciation (ta), but represented by a different Chinese character (他,她,它) and as such is easily mixed-up.

  • @bunny465
    @bunny465 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    1st of all, just about everyone knows that Wang Yibo is male & both Wang & Xiao Zhan have had way 2 many issues, so if you're going 2, criticize either 1 unless you truly have the correct facts

  • @musicallife777
    @musicallife777 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Also, this is dated incorrectly. It's 2025

  • @marciapalmer8110
    @marciapalmer8110 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    We need to join together to protect our two babies from this unfair system and jealousy this was a strategically designed plan ❤💚

  • @janemauricio7418
    @janemauricio7418 12 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @GiovaneMachado-k5q
    @GiovaneMachado-k5q 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Yizhan eles são os melhores por que eu ate agora não vi ninguém pago pra eles além de lindo eles são bons entudo que eles vazem eu adoro os dois juntos que Deus conserva esta lindeza ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @standoctor
    @standoctor 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Its not SHE or HER. Get educated on your English grammar if you want to publish in English

  • @emilymc57
    @emilymc57 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Please correct when referring in mentioning Wang Yibo or Xiao Zhan is not (She ) it's HE!!!

  • @土小園みっちゃん
    @土小園みっちゃん 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


  • @valhoundmom
    @valhoundmom 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Work on those pronouns translaator1😂

  • @anamartins7664
    @anamartins7664 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    What a petty a socialist government wants to rule everyone's life, and than the organizers are the puppets. Wibo keep be independent with your lovely wife, Zhan . Love you two, Yizhan.

    • @ВероникаТ-щ1э
      @ВероникаТ-щ1э 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Ты на свадьбе была? И знаешь кого любит Ибо. Тогда скажи почему он
      так любит парики, шляпы с цветами и бусами, атласные блузочки и ожерелья? Женскую одежду?
      Судя по всему кумиры ненавидят друг друга. Только один умеет держать удар и улыбаться. А другой нет.

  • @gloriasarmiento3093
    @gloriasarmiento3093 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Wow.congrats.mga idol.very nice.talended...god BLSS you.,.❤🙏🙏🇵🇭💚❤️

  • @subhasreesarkar9618
    @subhasreesarkar9618 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    27! Yibo himself is now 27... Is Yibo this much immatured to think about seat number and ruin his demeanour... He is the most resilient and matured celebrity... Number 27 or 227 can come in any shape... Dates, money amount etc etc... It is the fans, fanclubs who create unnecessary fuss... However this also helps artists to remain in headlines... Most news are a part of publicity... However that is also an entertainment for us...

  • @standoctor
    @standoctor 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This is deliberate on the part of the organiser. I am glad Yibo just did his 10second speech and stayed in the backstage throughout. It's Weibo's LOSS from the loss of photo opportunity.its pure stupidity

    • @lammooikee5882
      @lammooikee5882 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Only Yb will have the raw guts to display this defiance.

  • @rosewhanga1817
    @rosewhanga1817 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    In Maaori terms that would not be good either... way to do it Wang Yibo, a lesson learnt to the entertainment industry... and a reminder, remove the seat and replace with an empty gap, also chair 28 and chair 26... done

  • @katskillis911
    @katskillis911 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    I am Sooo proud of DD it was a sad date and I'm happy that he stood up for someone. My deepest respect to you. It's not easy standing alone. 🙏🙏🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶

    • @ВероникаТ-щ1э
      @ВероникаТ-щ1э 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Будет лучше, если он посоветует своим фанатам перестать ежегодно праздновать годовщину 227 Да и подготовку против фильма Жана они ведут серьезную. В сеть выложены рекомендации и тарифы за негатив. Три тарифа. Фанаты черепахи тоже готовятся играть против фильма. Оба фандома принадлежат Ибо.

    • @WHAT-d7s
      @WHAT-d7s 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@ВероникаТ-щ1э These are not fans, these are toxic people. You cannot control them, they are like a cancer, destroying both of them. 😢 And the toxic people on the other hand are the same. It is the best to ignore them.

    • @МатвееваНаталья-в1о
      @МатвееваНаталья-в1о 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Сомневаюсь, что ВИ кого-то защищал. Инцидент с рассадкой и поведение ВИ скорее было похоже на спланированную кем-то акцию по привлечению внимания к ВИ. У них это получилось, как и в 2020 году в ситуации с СЧ. Кому-то очень выгодно периодически использовать и манипулировать этим числом в своих корыстных целях.

    • @МатвееваНаталья-в1о
      @МатвееваНаталья-в1о 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      ​@@ВероникаТ-щ1эЭти фандом не имеют ни души, ни сердца, ни элементарной порядочности в своих поступках и словах.

    • @ВероникаТ-щ1э
      @ВероникаТ-щ1э 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@МатвееваНаталья-в1о ВИ не субъект права. Все решает компания . И у них мощная пиар команда. Очень успешная. Пиар делается на всем. Молодцы, ничего не скажешь. В данном случае прекрасный, бесплатный пиар на номере кресла. И ВИ герой. Героические подвиги поставлены на поток.