Thank you for the comparisions. FF seems to dominate all the RWD. I think FF is superior because in RC cars, you only have 'engine' brakes. In FF, you only have front brake and in RWD, only rear brake. Front brake is superior to rear brake at a ration of 70:30. Think of only front braking on a bicylce vs only rear braking. You can only go as fast as you can stop. I wait for the day where you can have 4WD braking on a FF and RWD. Then I think RWD will shine. Maybe this is already doable in theory. On a 4WD, but one way diff backwards on the front. Then you have RWD and 4WD brake. The problem is the weight distribution would be poor.
Thank you for the comparisions. FF seems to dominate all the RWD. I think FF is superior because in RC cars, you only have 'engine' brakes. In FF, you only have front brake and in RWD, only rear brake. Front brake is superior to rear brake at a ration of 70:30. Think of only front braking on a bicylce vs only rear braking. You can only go as fast as you can stop. I wait for the day where you can have 4WD braking on a FF and RWD. Then I think RWD will shine. Maybe this is already doable in theory. On a 4WD, but one way diff backwards on the front. Then you have RWD and 4WD brake. The problem is the weight distribution would be poor.
貴重な動画ありがとうございます。MRはアンダー、FR はまだ曲がるも遅い(トラクションがかかっていない?)FFがいちばん走りそうですね。
does civic have 21.5t motor?
This machine uses 17.5T and Tamiya's Refe.